Kim Kardashian target of terror attack in Paris

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was she raped?

$100000 says it was a Turkroach

he would have genocided her if it was a roach


Most likely an Algerian or a nigger since it's Paris


>Held at gunpoint and robbed
How is that a terrorist attack? She would be dead if it was one. This sounds like a standard robbery.

Thats the 10 million dollar question.

It's impossible to rape a whore.

>tfw she comes home and votes trump

It's gonna happen lads. Even Hollywood is going to vote trump

>inb4 another Lochte situation


Gonna guess Albanians here.

>TFW France has lowly degraded to somali level
They just need to import more nogs, that would surely help

publicity stunt

Between getting mugged by niggers and her tranny dad supporting Trump, she might just openly support Trump.


It would be hilarious if they both turn into anti-Muslim trump supporters because of this.

Probably an inside job to pay off some of Kanye's debts.

>implying real criminals wouldn't rape kim cardassian

If you had her at gunpoint what would you do?

Fake as fuck. Guns are paris. Must of been some toy gun

Shoot her b/c I'm not a nigger attracted to fat gross slags.

Lower the gun and turn myself in.

Anyone got a good webm for a sympathy wank?

Shoot her

is she diedead?

>Guns are illegal in paris.

Give her some clothes to cover up that fitna

Who cares nothing about her is relevant at all she made a shitty sex tape and got famous for it she's a sub human slut.

Why would anyone in France do anything wrong? Sorry dudes, I just don't see it.
Get Alex Jones on this shit.

>If you had her at gunpoint what would you do?

"I'll let you go if you can tell me which came first: ranch, or cool ranch."

Uh, ranch?

>going to Paris

wew lad someone was asking for enrichment.

how rare is Cyprus?

they didnt even rape her. fucking amateurs

Guess she ran into some Niggas in Paris.

You stupid bitch. You stupid, FUCKING bitch. I can't believe how dumb you are. Jesus CHRIIST, I can't believe how fucking dumb you are. You're the dumbest, mother fuck-

Barely even uncommon

Only crime here is he left kim Kardashian alive, he could have taken one for the world...

To be fair, there was a macaroon shop next door.

news at eleven Carlos you piece of shit.

Can you imagine the look on Kanye's face when they told him she was gang raped?
I can.

it was probably in a video game




Can someone explain to me why she is famous?

Dat shit cray, dat shit cray.

Why the fuck is this even news?

Logging out of my e-mail it popped up and said she lost millions.

She doesn't have bodyguards? I know Paris used to be quite safe, even still?

Also, as these situations become more common and we see even the elite be effected by multiculturalism, will anything chance?

Second times I saw this. What does it mean, coming from someone who doesn't listen to degenerate music.

Shoot myself in the head twice

criminally underrated

She's very competent at fucking.

Is her oversized arse ok? I heard that's where she keeps all her belongings; like a mouse stuffing its cheeks with cheese.

let me guess you came here because of the US election? pls lurk more

> tfw you are Armenian and see this on pol

If only they would have killed off this useless attention whore,


What do you mean by this?

I wonder if she saw this area of Paris.

Would be laugh if it was a Muslim nigger, and Kim becomes the next Tila Tequilla as she descendes into 1488 madness and kills her own nigger spawn, and maybe Bruce if he's around.

Shnorhakalut'yun ynker Pepe

I require your blessing

I mean Niggas in Paris

stick the muzzle up her butt and blast off!

I would put down the gun, then throw acid at her face, lets see what this cunt does without her looks, and if a big ass really is all a nigger needs in a woman, it would be an interesting social experiment...

>"I'll give you whatever you want. Please don't hurt me"


Shnorhakalut'yun ynker Pepe

her father was oj's lawyer and through the power of nepotism she and the rest of her sisters were given a tv show. eventually there was a sex tape that made her famous

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahhahahhahaahhahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahaahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahhahahahahahahahaahhaahhahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahhahahahhaahhahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahhahaahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahaahahha So this stupid poo with the nigger husband finally got a taste of niggers of the sand kind too. This is what comes for these people, after there will be no whiteys to protect their worthless ass, and this is karma for dissing TayTay. Indians and niggers need to die.

imagine if they had beheaded her

shave your back

>Kim Kardashian about to be shot in the face by another nigger
I know Cred Forums isn't /news/ or some shit but this is like posting the sky is blue

>niggger and mudshit are attacked in Paris
Nobody gives a shit when a white person is. Fuck these shitskins, whoever the fuck they are.

shoot her dead, i don't want herpes or possibly AIDS


So they left her alive?

How unfortunate.

always nice to see a limosine liberal get a dose of the real world

they all fuck niggers but one fucked half the NFL and one fucked half the NBA, i forget which is which

The 'robbery' was a ploy. They were ISIS and they installed a remote controlled bomb in her ass cheeks. When Kim meets the next US President, they will set it off remotely and start WW3.

only black men of colour in the southern states of america are able to shoot themselves twice in the head

>Can you imagine the look on Kanye's face when they told him she was gang raped?

probably not as hilarious as the look on his face when he found out they didn't rape her

Do you think Kanye beats off to this?

>How is that a terrorist attack?
It's not. Sure robbing a high profile person like her is unusual compared to mugging a random guy on the street, but it's still just a robbery.


Fucking sage

my guess is that he faps to pictures of himself

What a shit get, kek is disappointed, kill yourself.

Probably. She is such a lousy lay i imagine jerking off is probably a lot more fun.

I hit it first

I am sorry, but that abomination is not attractive in the least. What a sick society the USA is.

Probably not the first time she dealt with multiple guns in a hotel room.

Who the fuck eats colored hamburgers

that's kinda surprising, i expected a roast beef sandwich or least a dark, niggerish vag. still wouldn't fuck her though

I want a pepto burger so I don't shart in mart

Post some bulgarian hoes then


You're all thinking sand niggers or plain niggers did this, but you're wrong.

Only white people can pull of heists like this. It wasn't a simple street robbery.

most of those fraudulent cunts were gonna vote trump anyway in private. they know the shitskin hordes can't afford to see their shitty kike movies

>keeping 10 million dollars in jewellery on your person

Why don't more people rob these idiots? It seems way easier than a bank heist.

i saw an interview with a rapper where the other rapper said they were making jokes about kim k and the sex tape and kanye got all upset about it, said how he never watched it and just imagined that it wasn't real. he wanted to imagine her as pure or whatever.

Shnorhakalut'yun ynker Pepe

hahaha seriously? i've woundered if somewere inside if a nigger HAS to know that his white g/f or wife has to be a damaged slut for fucking him....

Don't they usually have a couple of 500lb gorillas with them?

I agree i'm sure it's a shot of the gypsies
Nigger usually don't rob in France

>16 million jewelry

I don't understand this world, what people see in a fucking rock without a purpose to value it so highly?

>her kids' classmates will have a field day with this in high school

Someone has to make sure to back up the footage and repost it on their inevitable twitter feed from time to time.

rape her into a million peaces

>black men of colour

That's nothing to 5 armed men. I rather take a chance of a shoot out with Tyroné the bodyguard getting 20 bucks an hour over a bank with a vault, alarms, and police on their way as soon as I walk in the door.


That's hot

Unlike BBC/BLACKED porn where it's just senseless fucking this is actually passionate sex

It's a publicity stunt just like anything else to do with this "family".


Security guards are actually shit if they're not armed, also overwhelmed.

You see celebs walking along with like one bodyguard all the time, and that would be nothing to a few well armed gangsters in LA who had the brains to do it.

They'd also need to know when and where this celeb was ofc.

This robbery sounds too well planned and coordinated to be shitskins.

Might be Eastern European or balkans.

i don't wish strangers any bad, but i don't have any compassion in relation to the money lost.


>i dont get it myself but that is their justification.

It's a shame they didn't strip her naked and rape her too.

she's armenian you amerifat

Irishmen really are the niggers of the white race.

Take the purse, smash the cellphone, burn the plastic once in a safe location.

maybe it's the same guys who robbed that arab?

only half and she clearly leans towards her mother

What about some Niggas in Paris?

> Irish
> White

Shoot my self in the head, then her.

It would have been the best for Yeezy

>cum in bum
while strangling her ofc

>implying it wasn't an insurance scam

>60% calling out anyone.

Go back to the stupid corner.

>not rape
>don't touche boobs or ass

Wow guys NOT GOOD

Exactly. How can you spoil a womans dignity, if there was none in the first place.

The Copts will return to power soon brother.

She fucked kanyes head proper

Wtf is this beastiality pedo ending in his latest music video?

take the money and run.

>opining about anything ever

If ISIS killed her they would win over the hearts and minds of millions of Americans.

Make her Strip to Bra Panti established drive her in my white van to Jungle Calais.

Drop her in middle.

Call for the googles .

spit on her

she fucking stole them, they were all rented and she organised a bunch of her Armenian friends to "rob" her


New sextape hype?
New sextape hype.

>hasn't heard niggas in Paris

Have you guys ever been out to a club or anything fuck

Probably reload at least once...

Shnorhakalut'yun ynker Pepe

How could she be held at gunpoint when France has such strict gun laws? Why weren't these criminals following the law?

>Kim gets back from France
>Starts an anti-gun campaign

This is their master plan, isn't it?

fake as fuck.
2 men dressed as police with masked faces,they just walked straight past hotel security.
Meanwhile the whole of France is on high alert for terrorist attacks.

I prefer the term Neo-Marxism to Cultural Marxism. I heard Ben Carson call it that.

Liberals roll their eyes at 'cultural Marxism' and tune out when they hear it. Neo-Marxism is a better term.

Seems like a really dumb plan since the place with gun laws is where she got held a gunpoint. It only proves the point that gun laws does not help prevent criminals getting their hands on guns.

shoot her, drag her down an alley behind a dumpster and fuck her corpse til it leaks.

fucking faggots.

Yeah, this. It's clearly a staged plan for attention. Like how she released her porn tape.

Guess its what they meant by robbed

Just because France is on high alert, it doesn't mean our government is efficient at it, or at anything else really...

Don't they already support Trump though? Bruce/Caitlin is very open about it, and they're family.

force her to give me a blowjob. not everyone can say kim Kardashian gave them a blowjob for free.

Isn't Bruce/Caitlin pretty much disowned by them?

I don't exactly watch "keeping up with the kardassians" or w/e that show is called.

benis in anus

Tell her about the Jews

all your women look like boys or men.


Boyz II Men?

like manly men or cute feminine men?

she of all people should have known, there's niggas in paris.

>implying logic is involved in anti gun legislation

Ball so hard muhfuckas wanna fine me

>dressed as policeman

my goodness this is the shit you see in movies, this was a heist considering the value of the goods stolen. that level of sophistication, sorry but they were likely white

either attention or insurance money.. take your pick

no one is pure in Hollywood. no one.

Kanye is in debt

16 million isn't a lot of money. We are just that poor.

*mud hutters


>rob Kim Kardashian
>dont strip her naked and tie her up take pics and sell it to TMZ

Stupid faggot missed the opportunity of a lifetime

Nina Dobrev (Nikolina Dobreva) doesn't look like a dude to me.

>Irrelevant whore robbed
>hurr-durr it was terror attack

There's plenty of nude pictures of her out there though

Wow I am really worried about that fat whore's life
Just gut all Kardashians live on TV

bastard got lucky. if he would only find the right buyer. bet he will be a dumbass and sell it for a few hundred bucks.

TMZ is buddies with her mom. they kneepads for all those whores in that family.

> Reports that she would come out for Trump
> Gets assaulted in (((Paris)))

Coincidence, goyim.

They're pretty pattys squidward

man, fuck
they couldnt shoot her?

Shoot her. She's a washed up whore past her expiration date

make TV great again

Shnorhakalut'yun ynker Pepe

It is Paris, so most likely a Nigger. God damn it I thought I was in Africa last time I went there.

It'd be priceless if the robbers were nignogs.

>rich people held at gunpoint inside a 5 star hotel in the """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""first world""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

wew, i guess we're not that bad after all

>Bitch got robbed

>Terrorist attack

Fucking asian mexico.



It's most likely an insurance fraud. She already left the country because nobody believes her bullshit.

HOW YOU DARE INSULT THE """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""FIRST WORLD"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Also, Paris isn't Europe. It's full of niggers and mudshits.

> Implying they weren't armed by (((someone))) because she thought about endorsing Trump

Why would they bother with their cell-phones? These guys were clearly pros and went after the jewels,so a cellphone is worth pennies by comparison and it's trackable. Blackmail perhaps?


Kim Kardashian paid some Euro-nigger to pretend to rob her for publicity since putting her cunt out there didn't work. Real nigger would have killed that oxygen thief.
>what constitutes as "news" these days.

Tell her that she has to eat all the eggs

This should've been the obvious first post...I'm let down by the bantz of my fellow countrymen once again.

>t. typical HUEHUE fart fetishist

Shnorhakalut´yun ynker Pepe



>4 million dollar worth ring
What's wrong with humanity?

Haha nice
Fuck off.

y se rieron meses y meses del motochorro aquel de ustedes
así están de delirantes estos """""""""primermundistas""""""""" hoy en día

French Police release photo of alleged robbers.

Shnorhakalut'yun ynker Pepe

Insurance job, this is the narrative that should be put out there.

True, both of them owe their success to OJ.

>Didn't shoot her
Honestly now I would be laughing my ass off if Kim Kardashian was murdered.

>physically unharmed
I'm disappointed. I'd rather they raped the bitch and hanged the intestines on chandeliers. I hope France turns into South Africa soon: it's gonna be fun, HAPPENINGS every day!

Either a publicity stunt or the perpetrators have someone on the inside. Random robbers are not going to even know where Kim Kardashian is, never mind get into her private apartment to rob her. I'm guessing one of the robbers is either a brother or friends with some security guy or former security himself. Should be easy to figure out who they were and catch them tbqh.

Impossible that she was robbed on gunpoint, guns are illegal in Paris

>implying Nice didn't show that high alert changes nothing at all

Anyway I think it is a heist made by actual professional and not some random nigger/mud.
The good point is that it is bad for Paris and so for their leftist mayors who ruined this city.
I look forward for riots in bobos districts too, we need more gutted pro-multikulti parisians to finally wake them up.

Seems like they were going after the diplomatic pouch and the money was just a distraction. The whole lie that "saudis travel in convoy" is also suspicious
I smell Mossad

Some people are so not in touch with reality that they honestly think Paris is city of love. Paris was city of prostitution 40 years ago, now it's city of prostitution and foreigners.

That's what professional robbers do: they find out where people live, they trace their victims, find out their timetables, when they are home, find ways to get in, etc. That's what they do for a living.

Is this what made her famous?

thta, and being drug buddies with paris hilton.

France is drug smuggler and they sell guns outside of country, like USA, but fail to check for guns at borders.

>tfw she wans't beheaded in the name of Allah

Imagine the impact on the normies, rejecting islam and shit.

Why no bodyguards? She should have learned:

She's not dead? :(

i am 75% sure that the robbers were georgians and albanians have other 25%

fucking this

you fucker, I was literally about to post this, before I checked to see if someone else beat me to it.

well played m8
you just don't get the reference

She white, she's just like 1/8 Armenian and claims it hard and fake tans

Then what separates her from the rest of druggy attention whores that get robbed in Paris? A sextape?

10x for the kek




That seems pretty cheap for a shirt made of gold.

Kim Kardashian was culturally enriched.

she's filthy rich. it was probably some rich arab sending a rob squad to get their shit back from her.

look up yacht whoring, its what her and her sisters do. no one goes to dubai 5 times a month for makeup conventions.

Obviously. But they almost certainly knew the whole set-up of the building and her security in a way only someone with inside information could. All it takes is one security guard to blast them into maggot food. They knew too much, i.e. had someone on the inside, a worker with regular access to the building, someone in security, or someone similar. Maybe even the concierge mentioned in the article. Whoever it is, it will be the connection that gets them caught. It's one thing to rob a rich person who's a permanent resident somewhere and a whole another to go rob one of the most famous people on the planet during her stay in Paris.

OK, hear me out...


Earlier, I read that they were robbed by "2" people.

And now outlets are saying FIVE people.

They're doing insurance fraud for cash.

Kardashian probably feels like she can't find a better man after being with this other retard for so long.

Rest In Poo

Niggers are not that well organized.
Most likely Balkan (they are well known for very well organized robbery with firearms in Paris), or Arabs.

Americans are way over their heads.
France doesn't import much of American's culture, chances are, they had no clue who she is.
The reason why they did it is probably because she dresses up all fancy and looks like a high class whore.

Actually this Parisian website managed to obtain a photo of one of the suspects

Thanks, it all makes sense know. I was wondering how someone can be so famous just for being famous.

It's not the first time she been to Paris and it's not the first time she was attacked in Paris.

Jesus I didn't realize how truly ugly her face was.

>Kim Kardashian
>not famous in France

Dude, I know France is always a little more reticent about Murrica but come on. Her fucking show is available on TV.

Shnorhakalut'yun ynker Pepe

>filling her with DNA evidence
Step your game up Jönsson.

My point stands still. If you go to a place full of nigs and show off your wealth like she did: you're going to get robbed

She's a coal burning whore. If I was going to act like a Google I would Rob her for her thousands of dollars in fashion and accessories and sell her phone on the deep web to the tabloids.


Looks like bestiality. Not even joking.

Pic real ated.

Pretty sure she is a roach also was she raped?

You could, especially if you visit ghettos of gangs, but she was robbed where she thought she was safe. It was organized, they knew she was coming, since she tells you, media tells you.

her mom was a well known starfucker back in the 70's-90's and fucked everyone. she knows everyones sins, since she was married to kardashian. also she is buddies with seacrest part of the gay mafia.

Funny thing, he left her, not other way around. She must have been a lazy sloth at bed.

This will be the step towards Kanye convincing his wife to vote Trump.

Hopefully he will endorse Trump before Election Day. Laugh if you will, but Kanye is one of the most influential living black people in the world. His endorsement will invariably win Trump millions of black votes.

Earlier I read she was talking to Bruce who made her see the light on Trump. Maybe she will get redpilled after this to some degree. Kanye should rap about how its cool for a country to take care of its citizens and while it can't take care of everyone, it should orient the economy, policy wise, towards the welfare of the citizens in at least some small degree.

Japanese people actually go into shock when they travel to Paris because all they see is rubbish, pieces of human shit, niggers and its nothing like their post cards/images/videos they've seen. There is a legitimate documented syndrome they get.

First time i went to paris, i saw a female nigger take a shit on the street while the nigger pimp watched. Filthy animals.

oh but what a coincidence you directly asked about music why do you act as if you don't know what it means

It's all ISIS' strategy. Attacking such a high profile celebrity will be the final straw for the millions of young, susceptible teenagers across the West. Trump will win, Marie Le Pen will become more in charge and after Brexit next March the UK will be based too. Not too mention the several other European countries such as the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden who are growing more Euro-Sceptic by the day.
My fellow Cred Forumsacks, I can't fucking wait. Race war is becoming more imminent by the minute.

I hear he's a bitch to the devil... and you know; birds of a feather....
He'll never go for Trump.

>Shnorhakalut´yun ynker Pepe

Probably a tanned french.

This. What a massive faggot

Paris, London, Berlin are fighting for black race in the upcoming race war.

Oy vey! How progressive, turn Paris into a 3rd world city

90% of all crimes in France is committed by non-whites, but they won't tell you that, since they don't run official racial statistics.

Police just released a picture of the suspect.

Fuck, our capital is a dump!

their bum skills are NEXT LEVEL, everyone of them has new clean clothes, and sleeping on mattresses on the sidewalk.

what the fuck is wrong with france?

>t. /r9k/ omega

Impossible guns are banned in france

Niggas' in Paris

>Criminals abide by the law
Are you clinically retarded?

He can't keep getting away with it!

Samuel Caché, of course.
He can't keep getting away with it


>Samuel Caché

And all of your men look like girls or women. : /

>Samuel caché

But but but my leftist logic ! There can be no guns here !

I went to Paris last summer to fuck a cute girl I knew (who then became a turbo-slut but not a coalburner (((yet))) but I don't care since I was the first to cum in her cunt, kek)

Well on my trip from fucking Disney world to chatelet a sand nigger tried to "beg" me for money. The dude tried to be aggressive and intimidating, and I had to pull out a "I have no money" stunt out of my ass to not be assaulted. He was only repelled by the fact there were white cucks in suits around who were not looking in fear of being assaulted next.

For fuck sake I wish I could draw on these fuckers and put some lead down range...

So.. you surrendered?



That shit cray


the stole her phone, get ready for some leaked hobbit porn boys

Yeah, i also heard that migrant go in random offices to aggressively ask for jobs, and they fucking get them! how bullshit is that?

One robbery in France using a gun has made international headlines.

Meanwhile most of the shootings in Chicago this weekend didn't even get reported in the local papers.

Aww sheeit

Yeezy going full Trump when?

>robbing Frodo

The media don't give a shit about the little people(also its black violence so it doesn't fit the narrative)

Calm down Pajeet.

-Checked- XYZ4 -Greenland-

Shnorhakalut'yun ynker Pepe

Kim Kardashian is often in Paris, I think it's because she's a nigger-lover.

kanye's gay boyfriend lives there. and she fucks rich arabs for shitloads of money.


Not with DP from 2 refugees.

>didn't rape her

So it's an insurance scam, right?

BTW I'm glad this nigger-lover has been robbed by niggers.

Maybe she was caught and pulled the rape, ahem! Robbery card.

Not sure if self-irony or not.

i think she might have not scheduled one of those oil sheiks in and he wanted the pussy, or she started her monthly monster bleedin on him, and he took the gems in revenge.

Fake. She's still alive and she is unharmed. No way in hell.

They also didn't give a shit about the hundreds of asian tourists who are robbed/mugged each year in Paris. They just hope nothing spectacular happens.

>reading CNN