Now that it's official that Martin Shkrelli is buying Cred Forums...

Now that it's official that Martin Shkrelli is buying Cred Forums, are you excited about his business plan to increase the "edge" of this site? Is this what we need to drive away Reddit and CTR?

absolutely, goy.

when has an executive trying to make any good thing 'more edgy' ever gone wrong for the people who like it? I'm sure martin understands the subtle nuance of Cred Forums and the cultures that balance inside of it despite not knowing how to post a thread.

The only thing that needs to be driven away is BLTT

I'm hoping he just means uncuck the mods and maybe more stuff like when moot would break the site on purpose for the lulz.


uh huh

Get rid of all the cuck SJW mods, replace them with redpilled ones and leave us the fuck alone to do our thing otherwise. Also, wtf is up with the clover by your name? Been seeing that recently.


That slide makes me think he's just having a laugh


>stuff like moot would do

That's the problem. You're heralding martin as some savior akin to moot when he's got none of the experience. He's a businessman who likes memes, but 'liking memes' is not comparable to 'knowing Cred Forums'. We can joke about how shit this site is and how the old days were better for thread upon thread, but none of us can deny that the culture on this place is layered.

We've been a pretty isolated and self-feeding site for 13 years. The people who 'visit' here either stay for years and post every day or don't come back after the first visit. It's rooted enough that you can tell who's new and who isn't.

Having some dude come in here and 'make it edgy Cred Forums memes xD' is going to fucking drown this place. Cred Forums isn't JUST those things. Trying to tip this shit one way or another will just result in another shitstorm. Do you remember 2011? We don't want another 2011.

>league open
>actually saying "(not SWAT)"

how would he run Cred Forums from jail?

I'll take shit that'll never happen for 200

2011 was the best era of Cred Forums and you know it

You know that little moment of weightlessness before the roller coaster plunges down? That's what 2011 was. If you browse anywhere other than your tripfag stomping grounds you'd see how bad it is.

'05-'06 was the best, before Cred Forums was flooded with faggots and bronies.

This, to be honest. Cred Forums is defined by its lack of guidance - that its users decide the direction it takes, and it's spontaneous. You can't manufactured and monetize Cred Forums culture because Cred Forums culture is literally whatever stupid shit stupid shits find funny at that particular moment.

If he increases the edge it will drive normies, SJWs and reddit cocksuckers away so it might not all be bad. I'm just afraid he's going to monetize the fuck out of it, charge for posting, put ads up everywhere, etc.

He's a screwball though so who knows. Hard to figure out what he really wants.

How is this man rich? How does that happen?

The sheer magnitude of his memeing exerts a physical force that causes money to self replicate in his presence.

Yeah sorry but no, there's no way he'd be able to make this site profitable, due to its toxicity. moot made this glaringly clear with what this site is associated with and what's posted here.

Shrelli is not our ideal leader.