I'm 23 yet my friends (guys and girls) are all 17/18

I'm 23 yet my friends (guys and girls) are all 17/18.

This isn't degenerate is it?

We gym, hang out, drink, go clubbing together and sometimes hook up with one another.

You should try tasting nigger penis. Specifically the foreskin for it is truly a delicacy of unparalleled satisfaction. Might I recommend sampling it like a fine wine as your tongue separates the skin from the shaft

I want to say yes, but I am also 23, just the difference is I don't have any friends.

I forgot to say my girlfriend is also 17

Having different friendship circles is normal. It's also normal for them to be different ages. I'm 28 and still have my best friends from secondary school, I've got friends from McDonalds that I made while studying, so I've also got university friends. Now i'm in my main job, I've got friends from there too.

My youngest friend is 19, and I banged her 22 year old sister, and then later her 25 year old sister several times. Then I became fuck buddies with a 37 year old at work. She's impotent so I get to go raw, looks similar to my age, and is pretty well off, likes to spoil me.

Pic related


>37 year old at work. She's impotent so I get to go raw
> 37 year old
>She's impotent so I get to go raw

m8 that's some risky shit

Sound like a creepy weirdo tbqh

You should get therapy if you cant get friends your own age you cuck.

Wasn't, until you started listing what you do for fun

Its normal, you are the creepy autistic old guy of the gang, embrace the role

you're trying to stay in your high school days

let it go faggot

It's that time of year Canadians move south for the winter huh?

>drink, clubbing, "hook up"
sounds like jersey shore pastanigger shit

I mean, I don't have any friends in general which is probably more degenerate.

You should party with and fuck people your own age

Look for a wife around 18 though

Are you developmentally delayed?

>using gym as verb


That is the cringiest thing I have ever seen.

I would say it is, others say no. Who do you want to listen to? And why not your own judgement?

>Hehheheheee, user i can't have kids, don't worry, trust me

You sound like fun.

>We gym, hang out, drink, go clubbing together and sometimes hook up with one another.
It's sad isn't it? These are the only cultural activities we have in the West

This is our entire identity

I know, but I've seen the medical records. Monash Health in Melbourne, some auto immune problem. She's tried IVF a few times too to no avail.

Hmm you're right though, it screams the stereotype.

>We gym, hang out, drink, go clubbing together and sometimes hook up with one another.
Yep it's degenerate.

What the fuck is it with millennials? Do they really use sex as a greeting like apes?

Also no one gives a shit about age gaps. My mother (44) has a lot of work friends half her age and below, and spends time with them outside of work.

No one cares.

It's like you're welcoming being honey-trapped. Wrap that shit up user.


There is a huge gap between naive 17yo high school fags and people who actually work.

I am not able to be friends with people

give it a couple of years and the thought of interacting with drunken teens will bore you to death and trigger tinnitus from thier shreiking

How did you become friends with 17/18 year olds?

It's best to have circle of young friends, then circle of older friends, and finaly circle of friends same age so you can get nostalgic over same shit. But I am social buterffly with intense FOMA so I try to hoard relationships



I wish sex was that easy for me

If you are 45 and your friends are 15 years younger, nobody cares.
If you are 25yo and your friends are 15 years younger, you have a problem.

At least you have friends ;_;

That's because they're ten-year-olds, adolf.

Are you a nog? Extremely generalising statement. There's far more culture to the west than the culture of the stock standard urban American young adult.

I wouldnt mind having something more serious, but I want more money first. The average 3 bedroom home in Melbourne is more than $600,000 (Thankyou chinks and greedy AF boomers)
Until I have at least a house deposit, I'm going to play around and not worry too much about romance. If I want something serious, I need to online date and I cbf at this point.

Nothing "wrong" with it, just means that you're behind developmentally.

Didn't realize that McKayla Maroney looks do much like a tranny, now.

> 10 yo
> 17 yo

Wheres the difference today?

Then you should by all means shoot yourself to save someone else the ammo

Well presumably the 10yo isn't having casual sex, so there's one difference.

It means your mental age is around 17ish, probably lower if your friends mental age is lower than their actual age.

I'd say you have the mental maturity of a 14 year old.

The fact you want to sleep with someone like that speaks wonders about who you are deep down.

Dann geh raus du Lauch! Such Leute mit gemeinsamen Interessen. So schwer ist das nicht.

>tfw u introduce two friends from different friendship circles together and they become besties cutting you out of the equation

Worst feeling in the world.

I have bin schüchtern ; _ ;
aber ich arbeite dran, das Internet ist einfach eine bequeme Ausflucht. Hier kann man immer mit jemandem sprechen

Don't we all though? I work in some shitty business job, sometimes its just nice to kick back with some younger guys who aren't as jaded.





My girlfriend is 17, I ended up hanging with her friends more and more and before I knew it I was spending more time with them than my old buddies who were now working like me.

Nah, I'm 23 and my GF is 16, sometimes it's hard because the childishness comes out but otherwise it's fine.