User remember if you dont vote for Hillary no more sex! xD

>user remember if you dont vote for Hillary no more sex! xD

So my life stays the same?

>said no hand ever

Lol it's called lying.

all right honey, but remember if you dont Vote Trump no more money!

Is she dressed as a grandma for halloween?

ok. no more sex. but if i find out you cheated on me ill beat you do death with a claw hammer ;^)


No sex literally drives women insane long before men.

Fucking kek

No attention breaks them sooner

Sho skaird...

>implying you have a choice

>but of course I voted hillary, trust me ;)

>of course honey
>vote for Trump
>"Well, did you vote for Hillary?"
>Of course :)

>you better vote for Hillary DUDE

>dating liberals
Just no

Dump her and find a Redpilled gf


user sorry you're just too racist I am leaving

>Ugly women won't have sex with us if we don't submit to their progressive politics

Laughed my ass into an epileptic fit 2bh.

>no more chin

fucking kek holy shit