They're not even trying to hide it anymore

Google's "featured snippet" when you search "is it possible to be racist to a white person".

Other urls found in this thread:

>So their is a difference

This shit is pathetic

People will say that it's "just based on an algorithm" and Google didn't decide to do this... but that's arguably much worse than if someone at Google just wanted to push an opinion.

Google's algorithms serve the information that is popular and considered reliable. That means the idea that "white people can't be racist" has, to some degree, permeated the cultural mainstream and become legitimate.

According to the leftist definition of "racism", it's a unique moral sin that only white people are capable of; any acts committed by blacks will always have the fact that they're "not racist" in their favor. Given the horrific connotations of the word "racism" in the minds of many, that's an important advantage.

So why would any white person willingly cede this intellectual weapon to people who are becoming increasingly hostile to them? Once you realize what's going on, shouldn't you try to resist it?

Apparently south africa or zimbabwe doesn't count, or anywhere else whites live as a minority.

every time someone starts talking semantics I want to rip their tongue out of their mouth

>Racism is a system that acts against the minorities

Oh okay.

Then only blacks in Africa can be racist.
Then only asians in china can be racist.
Then only Jews in Israel can be racist.


>their is a difference
Absolutely disgusting

Google is owned by fucking Jews, what else is new? Literally my entire family knows this. My dad and I talked about what cucks CNN are and laughed about that black faggot that kept whining about racism after the trump-clinton debate. Also the "women should be paid for equal work is a problem, they should be paid equal anyway" bitch made us laugh.

It was written by a nigger what do you expect?

Exactly. Every time I see some liberal say this stuff seriously I'll point out South Africa. It usually shuts them up. Media does an annoying job of keeping South African decline fairly quiet though.

It's taught as truth in college classes. You cannot argue against it or you will be given low grades in the course. They will then email other professors to affect your other courses.

>It's taught as truth in college classes. You cannot argue against it or you will be given low grades in the course. They will then email other professors to affect your other courses.
From what I've heard, this is correct. But it also means that to anyone with half a brain, your college degrees are now entirely worthless. (Which you can see reflected in the current job market)

Honestly, at this point in time, I'd probably prefer to hire people WITHOUT a degree than anyone WITH a degree since 2010.

Yes, because racial oppression is imaginary while racial prejudice is real.

White people are just that good at distinguishing the real from the imaginary, and only use the latter for entertainment purposes, while refusing to base real laws with real consequences on it.

Oh, you're just changing the definition of racism?
Well I'm changing it back. There, it just means 'treating people differently based on race' again

This is factually correct in WHITE MAJORITY COUNTRIES.

There absolutely will be racism, if you got to Angola or Congo.

In the USA you cannot be racist against whites.

what did they mean by this?

So if i say "Fuck niggers, race war now" in the US, then im racist but if i take a trip to the Dominican Republic and say the same thing than its perfectly okay?

No, fuck that.

If we admit that you can't be racist to white people, then we've created a moral transgression that whites can commit but minorities can't. It's a liability. It's something they can use against you but you can't use against them.

There's no "truth" here, there's just a fight and the ideas and social norms that are used to help win that fight.

No because you are white and blacks actually have problems caused by racists unlike your stupid white ass.

>then im racist but if i take a trip to the Dominican Republic and say the same thing than its perfectly okay?

Reductio ad absurdum.


Learn the difference.

I get discriminated alot here, when I apply for internships and jobs, when they prefer women (tech). Thats DISCRIMINATION.

Racism is when a 18 year old blacky gets 5 years for possesion of 5g of cannabis, when 18 year old whitey gets a slap on the wrist.

This is fact.

And we're very sorry for those problems! We would like to offer blacks a handsome relocation package, so they don't have to live under our oppressive rule anymore.

Google is most offensive modern racist word ever stop triggering me asshole

deese racisss algorizmz

>(white people) cannot ever truly know about how racism operates in our society

Then how do they expect white people to end racism if they cant know it ?

nom 8 the dictionary definition does not allow fro those distinctions

Sorry your brainwashed.

>Racism is when a 18 year old blacky gets 5 years for possesion of 5g of cannabis, when 18 year old whitey gets a slap on the wrist.
But thats false you retard considering in most states you need at least an ounce which is 28g in order to be convicted of a crime. Nice try though.

poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race


: the belief that some races of people are better than others


>Racism is when a 18 year old blacky gets 5 years for possesion of 5g of cannabis, when 18 year old whitey gets a slap on the wrist.

That's not racism.

That's called having a criminal record.

>non-Americans think they know American law

Fucking kek

No, you're thinking like a blue pilled normie here. There is no grand metaphysical truth of the matter about what racism IS. "Racism" is just a word. Scribbles on a piece of paper, an arbitrary collection of sound waves. There's no ultimate truth of the matter about whether this word should be attached to the concept "system of racial oppression built by whites" or "any prejudice based on race" or any other concept for that matter. No objectively correct agreement can ever be reached because there is nothing to agree on.

Now, just because there's no objective truth about what "racism" should mean doesn't mean there isn't a compelling social interest for different groups to define racism in one way or another. The word carries powerful connotations in the public imagination, it's a powerful conceptual bucket to be filled the way we see fit and used in the struggle to defend our social and cultural interests. See my comments above. As a white person, it is against your interests to cede this powerful weapon to other groups.

If you are not white, then you will likely not be compelled to want to define "racism" the way whites want to, and there's little that can be done to change that. Certainly no rational argument could or should change that.

>nom 8 the dictionary definition does not allow fro those distinctions

Are you high?

>Sorry your brainwashed.

Just retarded I see.

>Nice try though.

Blacks get higher sentences for the EXACT same crimes than whites. Thats fact. Dont even try to

Just like women get lower sentences than men for the EXACT same crimes.

It would really help, if you actually understood statistics.



are you m8
seeThe definition of the word is clear as day and applies no racial disqualifier

your simply linguisticly wrong

it's funny how there is no detailed explanation to the said system.

1 min of google would expose your worldview as false, but whatever.

Keep living in denial.

>non-Americans think they know American law

Who says Im not American?

No study has ever been done that controls fro both criminal background and the fact blacks have less money and seek legal guidance less therefore use public defenders more.

You are simply wrong and there is no objective measure to suggest racism.

I just tried it, and got HuffPo results showing no problem. Perhaps they changed it? The snippet crap is usually wrong anyways.

seeNone of what you posted takes into account legal guidance and criminal background/

>Google for this
>taken down, removed with news article about it

lel such a horrible company with a transparent service.

>Using Jewgle

is it jnust me, or does all this shit, #BLM, making definitions for made up bullshit, just make black people as a whole look weak as fuck?

We never had any racial tension in my highschool growing up and we had people from all races and creeds there. what is with people today that makes if seem as if weakness is soaking through the seems of liberal millennial and black communities

You just have to pay attention to what the degere is in.

rac·ism (rā′sĭz′əm)
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

>here's a link to a random 15 page PDF to justify my positions
>I'm not going to post anything from it though

Complete cuck

Judges base jail sentences on criminal records - not isolated cases.

I mean, I can tell you want to be American in so many ways, but your perception of our laws and culture is hilarious.

Not even. By their retarded ass explanation, it is impossible for an individual to be racist. Only the collective can be racist, which in itself is a prejudicial statement.

>this country
>whites only exist in USA
The eternal Anglo truly deserves to be genocided

There's nothing inherently wrong with "prejudicial statements", you know. It's fine and expected for people to be prejudiced towards their own group/race. There's no reason why this has to lead to permanent animosity/fighting; it's the leftist notion of forced diversity and multiculturalism that leads to tension.

You'd think that'd be true, but in reality even people doing STEM have to take some of the indoctrination classes just to make up the total grades for their degree, so really, every degree issued after about 2010 is worthless.