What the revelation Cred Forums?

I-is she going to finally go down?

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No whistleblowers for Bill?


Praise kek

It won't make a difference.

Hillary could be on video calling Obama a nigger, and the news and her other supporters would just focus on how unethical it was to leak it and violate her privacy, or that "she meant nigga, she's hip!"

>implying anyone takes prisonplanet seriously


Dozens of women blew his whistle. Saging slide thread.

Just blowers, the madman.

No. It will be a vague puff piece like everything else where someone only very loosely related to Clinton will make all sorts of grand claims that will be ignored.

It's clickbait, retard.

Its been 2h, whats the excuse now....

Its a tweet
Only ~5min passed

He fathered a son and then he and hillary shitcanned the lad



He said new

>Its a tweet

Right, it's an Alex Jones Prison Planet promotional story where Alex "HAS THE DOCUMENTS"! He makes thousands of them. He has fucking nothing. Any actually notable Hillary Clinton related bomb is not going to come from him. It will come from someone like Assange...you know, people that actually dig up dirt. Not Alex "Snake Oil" Jones.

Major medias and Hillary's supporters will do as usual, ignore everything.

Put it this way, if PJW says it I'm inclined to believe it. Infowars or not, he may be the best journalist alive right now.

Paul Joseph Watson has some degree of separation from infowars

It's a bit suspicious that all these "leaks" are coming out right before the real wikileaks.

clinton refusing peace deal in libya because greed

This will actually get them sympathy...just focus on the corruption. Literally just need to drive the fact that Saudi Arabia donates to her foundation

>attack the source
>attack the source
>attack the source
remember when this used to work for your side? You do realize that more people get their news from Infowars than from MSM?

>omg Bill Clinton has a black son, he's so diverse and non-racist. I'm voting for hillary

Subversion technique. To try and discredit the real one

>Hillary refers to Senator Bernie Sanders as a "Cuckold kike" in recorded prep room footage prior to one of the DNC debates.

I hate to say it Cred Forums but is she our gal?

Hillary caused the Germanwings plane crash.

Source reliability matters. Seeing as they haven't actually released any news and just promised that something will "come soon", attacking the source is a perfectly valid thing to do.

If you had any skepticism or objectivity, you would realize that infowars/PP is not a valid source of information. They distort and lie even MORE frequently than mainstream news sources. Alex Jones is the king of hyperbole and misrepresentation. He intentionally misquotes and misunderstands government documents to spin them into scare stories.

So yes, I am absolutely going to criticize him as a source because he is a shit-tier source. Compare him to someone like Wikileaks that actually has an extremely clean record of releasing reliable information. Infowars is tabloid garbage comparatively.

>omg Bill Clinton has a black son, he's so diverse and non-racist.

Which would work if, you know, Clinton didn't reject him to leave him in squalor. But whatever, the story isn't one that will impact Clinton's support. It needs to be something actually incredibly damning and not just some social faux pas if you want it to swing the election.

The problem is if this only gets reported on a tin foil site people will automatically dismiss it.

Needs bigger news sources to pick it up if we want it to gain traction. Unless it's really big and 100% undeniable they will just think "crazy old Alex Jones site" and skip it over

Wrong, it is a broadcast technique for amplifying the resonance of Tuesday/Wednesday.

Wiki leaks gave that batch of docs to infowars for dissemination in order for Tuesday's dump to reach a wider audience.

That would be hilarious
If she starts shitting on jews and suddenly the media backs her up

ITS HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck no. Nothing will happen.

>the source is shit-tier
>have literally been ahead of the MSM and have been a driving-force the news cycle for the past year at least
not an argument

>Which would work if, you know, Clinton didn't reject him to leave him in squalor.
You're giving the average/independent voter too much cognitive credit. Imagine being so retarded that you haven't even picked a side 5 weeks out from election. That's how retarded the average person is.

>not an argument

Nice meme, but I did present an argument. Maybe you should pay attention to what does and does not constitute an argument instead of just saying this and hoping you're correct.

Your "argument" was that infowars is popular, and thus it's a valid source. It's an argument, but it's an incredibly fucking stupid one.

Do you really want me to go on infowars right now and point out every single sensationalist misrepresented story that they host? Or do you genuinely believe their reporting is an accurate depiction of current events? That every story that Alex Jones has released on his website about government brain altering technologies and satanic pedophile rings is accurate?

Yep. They are expediting all of this, because Hll Shills keep releasing "documents" that show quit literally nothing, and implying Trump did something wrong, which he didn't.

I'd say you could turn it around as Clinton being mistreated, but women are stupid and see it the opposite way

>She stands by her man

not an argument

>implying information technology isn't a mind-altering weapons system

>I did present an argument
>source is shit = not an argument

>Source is shit and here is why

Is literally an argument you fucking retard. Stick to using memes instead of debating. Pretty ironic that you're posting Molyneux "not an argument" memes while being the exact type of retard he complains about.

It is shit. If infowars was accurate you'd be in a fema camp right now like AJ has been saying will happen under Obama. But you're not. And his term is almost over.

It's sad but true that Infowars is now more credible than the mainstream media

That's just how far the mainstream media has fallen now

>Source reliability matters.
How is the Prison Planet Youtube guy any less reliable than CNN or the NYTs?

Seriously. Look at what we have to work with here.
Sad reality is that nowadays the bloke down the pub is every bit as reliable a source as the biggest media sources on just about any topic apart from the horoscopes.

Its because they know they have nothing that will stick.

Leaked Hillary and Huma fisting and scat sex tape.

A lot of people do

fuck, you guys are crazy. lol

Not like BBC amiright Nigel?

It's called avalanching. Generating another hell week by saturating the market with leaks and revelations.

Because there are degrees. MSM news sources are certainly biased, but they still report actual events. It's just that most of them are spun and tinged in a way that tries to make liberalism look good.

Alex Jones quite literally just pulls insane shit from his ass. My first exposure to his website like almost a decade ago was a story about how the police broke down the door, charged in, and murdered a grandmother in her home for no reason. My friend/roommate of the time was telling me how awesome AJ was on calling the government out on their shit so I was looking at Prison Planet. Then I cross referenced the story with other news outlets and other documentation on the incident, and it turns out this grandma was shooting at police from her front door with a fucking shotgun raving about insane shit before they eventually shot and killed her...something which AJ conveniently omitted in his sensationalist reporting.

Alex Jones is a master as spinning shit in exactly that regard. He can't fucking help himself. I do genuinely think he is a worse news source than even the MSM. He goes far beyond bias and trying to spin favor and just outright makes half the shit up on his website from vague information.

In what world are infowars credible?

People are not going to trust a conspiracy theorist who claims that 9/11 was a controlled demolition and that Sandy Hook never happened.

WikiLeaks stays away from the tinfoil conjecture and has a hard record of releasing actual verified information about actual corruption.

Ad hominem is not an argument.

Good thing my argument didn't hinge on ad hominem, isn't it? Fucking retard.

I would have no sides from laughing and no insides from vomiting.

Paul Joseph Watson isn't Alex Jones. He doesn't really do the conspiracy shit. He mainly panders to normies about feminism, identity politics, immigration and BLM.

Some guy once sent him a story saying he's in the army and they made him get a RFID chip. Jones ran with it and made huge deal on one of his show without fact checking.

Later in another show AJ was taking live calls and the guy who sent the story called in and told him he made the whole thing up and was just testing how reliable he is. AJ was fucking pissed it was hilarious.

Wish I could find the vid.

Even with the chem trails and y2k stuff I still respect him more than other annoncers for confronting Janet Reno on special forces in Waco.

Infowars is more reliable than the MSM.

>This will be Hillary's downfall, says increasingly nervous man for 20th time this year

sound familiar Cred Forums?

I really hope you don't believe that

Buy keep buying those water filters and those "super male vitality pills" user.


It's been 2h and all he has done is retweet stuff from wikileaks

>Buy keep buying
when you are so desperate to shill you can't form a coherent sentence

sign this petition to fuck up david brock and his correct the record goons. you can use a fake name and it only takes 2 minutes.,


2 hours has passed and just as expected, nothing came out. Paul and his gay jewish partner Alex are really pathetic
>muh vampires rule the world

>inb4 Hillary's favorite pony

>the goyim thinking they have a chance



>it's fucking nothing



Pic for lazy people.

This is it.

h-hillary b-btfo


this is really pathetic

That's...pretty fucking lackluster.

God damn, do people not know what the meaning of bombshell is? This ain't shit.

of COURSE it's fucking Infowars

If it's that alleged black son that's been floating around since the 90's, without DNA evidence it won't get anywhere.

>"she meant nigga, she's hip!"
That's how they are going to spin Wednesday's wikileak.

They are going to surround her with rappers and nigger actors, and she'll be all "Hey, what's cool, my fellow niggers?" and attempt a high five with Snoop Dog.

Email to Bill of Hillary bitching about how he "fucked that nigger" in regards to DNA test and problems it's caused.


it did though


Both campaigns and their supporters are making a huge error in trying to drive off the other side's voters with negative stuff. Both candidates are already widely acknowledged to be terrible. If somebody was going to abandon Hillary (or Trump) for the negative stuff about them, they'd have done so before now.


>an infowars link

are you kidding me? might as well have thrown this information right out the window considering NO ONE takes infowars seriously

>"Infowars.com exclusive"
>"claims whistleblower"

It was nothing. What a waste of time.

>are you kidding me?


Nah, if it's a video of her doing it then it will go viral. Fox News would be all over it like my dick jizzing.

Infowars has been banging on about pedo elites for ages. Jimmy Saville comes out.

Infowars been banging on about Soros for ages. People find out that Soros funds BLM.

It's not that he's never right. The problem is it's hard to take him seriously so when he's actually telling the truth it gets dismissed.

1 minute ago

>Exclusive: Hillary Killed Libya Peace Deal Over Personal Vendetta, Claims Whistleblower

>Gaddafi agreed to hold free elections, but Clinton's refusal led to ISIS takeover, thousands of deaths, international migrant crisis

pic unrelated

He was also big on redpilling people about the FDA.

Infowars talks about Hillary having bad health

Hillary collapses on 9/11

You can go on and on about this shit.

Unless this gets MSM coverage (hahahhahaha) then it's literally nothing.

Is this the new tanks in 30 minutes meme?


Umm. That's a pretty big deal tbhfam

I like him. He's cracked the code on how to dump hardcore red pills on normier without "scaring" them off

>Hillary Huma fisting
>Hillary Huma pooping on each other

Nobody who isn't already voting for Trump takes prison planet seriously.

Though i agree Alex has cried wolf a few times, he is great for normies taking their first red pills.

Poor kid.

I don't know what's worse: being raised by Hillary or growing up without a dad but either way he was fucked from the start.

Alex Jones get more concurrent views than CNN does these days, people actually have started taking Infowars seriously as of this election cycle.

So, it was fucking nothing.

>Infowars shotguns 10,000 predictions
>3 of them came true
>"Alex Jones just gets it every time!!11"

You guys are genuinely fucking stupid. Not only that but these can barely be called predictions. Yes, I'm sure there are pedophiles in government, just like there are pedophiles in every sector that don't go around announcing it. Same with Hillary's sickness where she's getting older and has some health issues, and yet the majority of the time he talked about it, he was 100% fucking wrong. He was wrong about the diazepam injectors, he was wrong about the phlegm, he was wrong about the SS agent, and he was wrong about the green screen shit..

How convenient that you guys forget his literal thousands of misses and remember the handful of hits he has. You niggas are being fooled by what amounts to journalistic cold reading. Maybe you should go see a psychic for answers to your life, you'd probably think they were really accurate.

I don't think people understand how far the US is willing to go to protect the petrodollar.


I'd pay a dollar to see that

And 99% of those viewers are already voting Trump. I'm all for new decentralized media but Alex Jones is and will always be damaged goods.


>Though i agree Alex has cried wolf a few times
>a few times

You're talking about a man that makes a living off of crying wolf and then peddling snake oil solutions to his scared sheep.

Yea and everybody watching the Clinton News Network is voting for Clinton

Your point?

I wouldn't pay a cent. It would be in the news for days.

I stopped watching Alex Jones because of the pro Trump train. His view has become too biased. I just wanted the world is ending, government is the enemy, we are all fucked viewpoint. Don't really care about looking for a supposed savior.

There's a lot of shilling going on itt. Makes me think they actually have something legit. When are they releasing it?

It's probably something mildly controversial, which will be completely overblown by the Trump camp and ignored by everybody else.

Only a major fucking scandal could make a difference at this point.

preaching to the choir

>Only a major fucking scandal could make a difference at this point.
You mean like starting wars in the middle east and lying to the FBI and the Congress?


He did get the issue of her health mainstream

Isn't Wikileaks supposed to happen tomorrow?

Clearly Hillary's strategy is to have so many controversies that everyone stops caring because it becomes the norm.

Naw they canceled because they don't have anything

He is literally Conspiracy, Inc. & Doomsday Affiliates, LLCâ„¢

Even so, I'd contend he's not as pro Trump as CNN/MSNBC is anti-Trump. Been staying at a liberal relative's lately, that's the only news they watch and it is quite literally TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP 24/7.

I always got the impression InfoWars is big on the tactic of "two truths and a lie" approach to prevent mainstream credibility. I take it with a shaker of salt if I ever watch/read any (pretty much never do).

Even with his paranoid sounding "mah n-dubya-o CIA psyop" rhetoric, he still manages to be more legitimate than what CNN has become (not that they were ever a shining beacon of quality journalism). It's kind of unbelievably insane.

>watch this space

K...keep me posted

Nope, just the speech from the balcony was canceled.

Of course it was going to be infowars considering he works there you flaming faggots

Why do you have a clover next to your name

i cant help but feel paul would repill more of his audience if all those girls and women would actually listen to him instead of mindlessly jacking off to his voice



sounds like something Trump would get lambasted for saying

Please this.

people are really brainwashed to not see controlled opposition even when it screams like a monkey in their face


oops, false alarm, whistleblower decided to kill himself by dismembering himself and then packing his body parts into 4 separate garbage bags