Guys I need facts about why white privilege isnt real/is dumb ?

Guys I need facts about why white privilege isnt real/is dumb ?

Pls help me Cred Forums

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Work hard save money obey laws become moderately successful, somehow that gets misconstrued as priveledge because you have no criminal record, and a functioning member of society.

just think about it

The argument that I am hearing is that police/banks have a thing againts blacks.

Because the president is black.

Black people can be successful, the reason there aren't as many successful black people as successful white people in America is because there are way more white people.

Black people are generally born into poorer families and get worse schools, but that doesn't excuse them not giving it their all.

White privilege doesn't exist, class privilege does. And it just so happens that there are more black people in the lower classes per capita.

What about in Canada ? I have a canadian friend who actually believes about white privilege and is a Trudeau supporter.

The only reason blacks are over represented in police shootings and arrests is because they commit so much crime. Not because some magical white privelige.

>Real life Leaf

There's no hope for your friend, they actually have to live around blacks to understand

Well she is in Colombia right now.

There's White privileged genetics.

Maybe some do, but looking at the crime rates and the race of the perps, something is wrong with the black community, I am inclined to believe its largely genetic but sadly to study it scientificly is labeled as racism or other nonsense, I am of the firm belief that truth doesn't fear investigation. As for banks most of those are Jewish owned and that is whole other can of worms.

its real because when white people make up a majority the automatically discrimate against people based on sterotypes. for example: a study has shown that sending IDENTICAL resumes to companies but with "white" and "mexican/black/arabic" names resulted in the white ones being twice as much accepted and invited to a job interview.

I don't think people do it because they are racists, its just some tribial / stereotypes that are unconscious to most of us.

sign this petition to fuck up david brock and his correct the record goons. you can use a fake name and it only takes 2 minutes..


Because they're more likely to be discriminated against. That's it, really.

Anecdotal evidence incoming.

I remember I was riding my expensive speed bike with my expensive gear on and I decided to stop on the sidewalk of a wealthy neighborhood because I was tired and the scenery looked nice. I happened to glance at one of the nice houses and saw an old white lady staring at me through her blinds and it appeared she was on her phone. I paid no mind and looked elsewhere. The police showed up 3 minutes later and asked me what I was doing there. I can only assume that lady called the cops on me.

That probably wouldn't have happened if I were white.

Yeah but some companies sometimes ask you to no put your race or name on the resume so they cant discriminate.

By they I meant people of color.

and why do you think she did that ? would you call her a racist ?

i know thats a good start, wouldn't be possible if we didn't aknowledged white privilege.

Most Canadians have been brainwashed dont bother talking to us.

Tell them that banks are owned by Jews and that they're being antisemitic

She did it because she made a conscious or unconscious decision that I was a suspicious person because of the color of my skin.

I don't know if I'd call her racist. I don't know what was in her mind other than fear of her own safety.

No, I want to get inside the left mind, I want to know why they believe that crap.

The old lady was obviously stupid because some dude regardless of race wearing faggy bicycle clothes isn't going to do anything wrong. That however, doesn't excuse the entire african race because they still commit the majority of robberies which is what she was scared of.

arabs did the same things whites have done and yet they arent paying reparations. pillaging, raping, stealing from africa, enslaving niggers, etc etc.
>muh minority
arab population is way bigger than white population. they wont allow foreigners to have equal rights, where as white people give them free stuff. and yet only whites are being hated
tl dr there is only such a thing as arab privelege

>African race


I agree on the faggy clothes bit. I don't think I could have looked any less intimidating unless in didn't have the built/athletic body type that I have.

I've since returned my gear/bike because I decided speed biking isn't for me. Didn't want to risk getting ran over and such

Basically it's minorities complaining that there are more successful white people, than they're of them. Which is dumb because these minority groups, in particular Blacks, have repeatedly put themselves into their less than ideal situation . Which tends them to starting off lower on the financial ladder. However the point is that they put themselves into that situation, and instead of blaming themselves and improving their situation. They do what nigs do and blame others for their problems. Hence the "concept" of "white privilege" is born. Even though it today's world, blacks have so many more opportunities to get themselves out of that situation through education, hand-outs, etc.... But they can't fucking do any amount of hard work and blame others.

White privilege is real, OP. Every Sunday evening, we all meet at the whites only country club. The men smoke cigars and strategize on how to keep the colored races in submission, exchange golf tips and hunt homeless black men for sport.

The women play tennis and boss around the help, while Mexican slave labor mix them martinis.

We round out the night by burning a cross and engaging in a satanic orgy. This is a pretty typical evening.

Some times we mix it up. We have quarterly penis inspection day for the boys, for example.


He has no context. I grew up in a poor white neighborhood.

The 'privilege' is basically to be treated like you are part of your own community. It doesn't exist when you go to other countries - then you are an outsider. Try complaining about yellow privilege in Japan, whitey!

Samefag here.

For the record. I believe any black person can succeed in the same ways that whites do if they work as hard.

I'm talking about the discrimination that you can't do anything about. The assumptions that blacks receive because of the color of their skin. That's what white people don't have to deal with, and that is what white privilege is.

I wish I could edit. Obviously there may be some cases where a white person is discriminated against for bring white. Just not as much as blacks is all.

interesting, thanks man.

Simple as IQ differences.

Asians come to the west and amazingly do as well or bettre than natives due to a slightly higher IQ average. Groups that do worse have lower averages. It's 100% correlated to IQ instead of 'white' privilege which is a conspiracy theory canard.

Jew Theodore Allen invented the term 'white privilege'.

It's a term nobody but the left actually uses.
That being said, intelligence is heritable and different races have different averages, the differences which won't ever change.
Unless low intelligence people start an intense eugenics program for several centuries, they will not change their lower average intelligence.

They are confusing "white privilege" with "rich privilege". If you look at the people getting away with jail time and other crimes, well they're mostly millionaires or billionaires. There's propaganda being done to spin it and make it look like it's the whiteness that gets them less jail time (or no jail time), but in reality it's they're super rich and can buy their way out.

They continue to put up more and more inequalities in favor of minorities while telling white people, especially young white men, that they are guilty for crimes they never committed, but cannot take pride in their ancestors, or race, and that they have life on easy mode despite being passed over for colleges or jobs for less qualified brown people. Its insane, and if they don't cut this SJW shit out, they're going to get Nazi'd at some point.

> it's another Obama's daughters are oppressed by a Ukrainian war orphan episode

Identical resumes mean jack shit. Probabilistically you're better off betting on a white or Asian.

Canada is 74% white. Chinese is the second largest ethnic group followed by Indian. Those two tend towards having a good work ethic and get jobs, buy houses and generally do what white people do.

People like your friend has not witnessed poverty first hand. To them, it is a theoretical concept, not the visceral reality that many of us know it as.

To the leftists, poverty is a concept. For the cultural narcissists, nothing exists outside of white, Western, culture... Therefore, everything that goes wrong in the world is their fault, they must insert themselves into everything and everyone must celebrate their goodness, because they represent the great white hope in their own mind.

These people are sheltered, have no societal context and are educated to become narcissists. They don't understand and cannot accept that other civilizations and cultures exist outside of their influence and have their own motivations and aspirations.

The world revolves around the white race to them.

In modern days it isn't a thing.

In the past it absolutely was.

But logic and facts don't mean shit when you're having this conversation.

Eh I wouldn't put it entirely up to IQ. A good point a friend of mine raised. Was that usually ethnic groups tend to do well and prosper when they give money back to the group.

ie. In an Asian community an Asian man will buy from an Asian grocer, or get his car fixed by an Asian mechanic. etc...

However with blacks, in particular, they don't do this. They sell out any potential income out to other groups. Big one being their music, these communities could be much richer in general. But nope all the black rappers go to mr shekelsberg to record their stuff. Or otherwise.

How can white priviledge be real if race isn't real

It's not entirely IQ but IQ is easy to point to and it is the primary underlying condition for success. You need intelligence first to gather resources, because without that not even in-group preferences matter.

I have a record (targeted by my hometown police after one arrest, they weren't wrong, I was an asshole) and because I'm white I'm still privileged.

The whole BLM shit is a joke. White guilt is a product of kgb subversion. White privilege is a lie.

It is a redirection tool to escape the only real privilege: class/wealth.

White privilege insists that a homeless white man begging for change has some special rights and benefits beyond what someone like Oprah Winfrey with a massive billion dollar brand has.

You will notice the biggest pushers of the "white privilege" idea are the (((elites))) trying to deflect scrutiny from themselves to middle class white goyim.

Funny and true

I want to add that blacks have a dysgenic tendency to hold down their best and wisest and Democrats are more than happy to encourage them in this. For example, Larry Elder is easily one of the smartest black men on earth with concomitant wisdom and he is reviled by blacks and the left. As long as they keep ostracizing their best they will be damned to living in shit. I blame the left for this.

White privilege implies a society that favors white people in all aspects of life.

Despite this "white privilege", the average Indian American and East Asians make much more money than the average white person. Literal brown people make more bank. Now ask liberals how Indians do so well in this "white privilege" society?


>I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next hundred years

I agree that white guilt is one of the trashiest things that the far left have come up with. No one should feel guilty about what their ancestors did.

As for the white privilege being a lie. I guess it depends on which definition of it you're talking about.

100% agree. I've experienced this first-hand.

I work with a lot of Indians so I can kind of see where you're coming from. But can I get a source on your claim?

May I mention that my Canadian friend also support Trudeau "is 2016" comment and she think having people different than a white male is good because they can see different perspectives of the country a white man cant.

White privilege is part of the anti-white agenda.

The idiots who spout "white privilege" are the same who redefine "racism" so their racism against whites isn't really racism.
>"In America you can't even talk about whiteness," said Drew Domalick, who lives in Green Bay, Wisconsin. "If you try to embrace being white, you are portrayed as being a racist. If we had a White History Month, that would be viewed as a racist holiday."

Its real in the fact whites have superior genes and intellect on a average. Imagine what it must feel like to be 90 IQ ape person in this modern age. You don't understand anything going on around you. I'd probably chimp out too.

Niggers think everyone is as violent and stupid as they are, so they think white people are just getting let off the hook.

I just googled and holy shit, Asians are the superior race

White privilege means that you have 2 parents growing up and people expect you to act normal.

Niggers and shitskins should want to gain white privilege, not harm people who have it.

Privilege is a good thing

Here ya go senpai

Last I checked, these were still like this on kikepedia.

Ok. Redpill incoming..

White privilege doesn't exist. Trace the origins of your western world countries. They were generally founded by white people. As time went on, new peoples were assimilated. First world countries resulted from the most desired places to live, the people there gained the most benefits. The privilege is to be assimilated into such countries and it was gained from the original peoples. So in racial terms, there is "black privilege" that for example first world African-Americans have over native Africans. They got it in effect from Whites. So there is no white privilege over anyone else, whoever is most assimilated to the established culture gets the most benefits. If you want an example the most privileged in America is the White Anglo Saxon Protestant- what the original American settlers were. White privilege is a neosocialist myth to make the "underprivileged" feel better but it has nothing to do with being white. The country was established as white and they need to adapt as best as possible, same as many immigrant whites have to

It's actually real, but it's simply genetic and it's nothing to be ashamed or to correct. Minorities should strive to do well like whites on their own merit.

If you live in a diverse nation and truly care about equality then one ought to consider the hardships that a certain ethnic group may face.

The education in black communities is abysmal and I believe fixing that is the highest priority to putting an end to the stereotypes and assumptions we're given.

The lack of education in our communities is probably mostly our own fault. But you can't deny that the past (Jim crow, housing discrimination, allocation of government funds to help build communities) still has a part in it as well.

I refuse to feel bad about colonialism and slavery. I didn't do the shit. Why are whites in trouble when the Jews and kang niggers sold the slaves?

The merchant is scared that the truth will be revealed.

Here in Colombia the poorest region are the one with more black people, one of the reasons on why is because the region where they live is one of the most affected by the socialist guerrilla FARC, which has only promoted violence in the region.

Why are you posting help helpper?

It's not real. People keep saying Black vs white. Look at the average income per group in the US. Indian and Asian are above the white group. Black is at the bottom. Why Asian rarely get mentioned, b/c they have jobs and don't cry racist as much as blacks.

Well damn. Those Indians come here with a purpose, I guess. Either Petro or IT-related.

I'm a software programmer and it's just Indians and white people everywhere.

>as much as blacks

Noooooooo shit matlock. So why does not one mention it? It doesn't fit the narrative

>Please prove to me that something that has no evidence for existence doesn't exist.

But just to Reiterate, I believe actual race-specific privilege has nothing to do with income levels. It has more to do with this :

the burden of proof lies with the accuser

See the thing is if you go to Jamaica and watch in or their schools they are shitier than American black schools. Almost no school supplies, almost no books, no AC, etc. they are basically cinder block tin roofed bunkers with a chalk board.

Yet the children are well behaved and Jamaica turns out fairly competent doctors, engineers, etc.

If the will to learn exists all you need is someone with some knowledge, a roof, and you can get results.

Black schools in America are largely shit because the students act like savages up to and including beating teachers and shooting each other.

But that's the fault of the black community for disproportionately being criminals. It's self-inflicted.

Fuck off

Cont with example
Barack Obama was a mixed race semi-well to do person. He chose a WASP profession (doctor or lawyer, etc) and did well in school (WASP work ethic) graduated at the top, went into politics, wearing a suit (WASP uniform) spoke well and networked with accomplished people. He followed WASP standards- not white- until he was part of the establishment and eventually President. If he stayed in a ghetto, dealt drugs with his pants hanging down or became a liberal black power professor- he would have no "privledge" and it has nothing to do with color any way. And plenty of whites have far less people than the mixed race people at an Obama dinner party.

I dont know if this some shit homework assignment but anyone telling you theres white privledge is bluepilling you onto weakness, especially in America

Another good example would be the hypothetical question of what would have happened if that ex-stanford swimmer rapist had been black? Would he have received the same slap on the wrist?


I partially agree. But I blame our lack of education for this disproportionate percentage of crimes we commit. Which then goes back to this post:

>I blame our lack of education for this disproportionate percentage of crimes we commit
This no evidence for this conjecture. Poor white communities with no education do not commit even close to the same amount of crime.

Yes, but on average the white community is more educated.

That's an interesting example. I Google crime rates by country and it puts jaiamca at 13, u.s. at 46.

Got any sources on this?

>White people build Western Civilization
>somehow now it's racist that they also run it

>What is affirmative action

ask yourself how many times cops ha e pulled over someone you know and not shot them to death

>Feel bad for me

No, you see subhuman. Your problems are all in house. Keep my tax dollars out of it you cuck

I've seen so much civil conversation in this thread I almost forgot I was on Cred Forums.

Don't expect special treatment, nigger.

Anyway thanks for the info Cred Forums and as said there a lot more civil conversation than in other threads.
