That's it boys, this is the last stop on the Trump train. Time to pack up your nazi Pepe's and get the fuck outta here

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw Cred Forums is your best friend
>tfw you imagine three different people post as various "types" of anons you see when you browse
>tfw you daydream about having conversations with them, wearing Doc Martens, and being bold about supporting Trump in public
>tfw you literally had a daydream about having a birthday party where Cred Forums invited Trump as a surpise guest, and the liberal girl in your general requirement course decided to come and became conservative
>tfw you both posted on Cred Forums together and memed each other in real life as part of a long courtship before getting married
>tfw you woke up and realize what your life has become

th-thanks t-trump gen....

He's clearly trying to stop the media from covering his tax evasion.
Making fun of vets is the most retarded distraction

>Five deferments fatboy says stupid shit

how's his rape case coming?

sage and report repeat spam/slide threads

He clearly doesn't want to win and probably was in cahoots with Clinton all this time. Don't even thank him.

I'm sorry, but did Donald Trump already lose? Oh, that's right. The debates aren't even over yet. In fact, only a number of Clinton lock states have reported. Does not having the lead at this point count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the debates are still on? Donald Trump is still winning states right now and has lead in the national polls for how many weeks now? He's up against the worst first female President in the history of America, who just happens to have a lead because she's feeding off the momentum of winning the first debate to start off. But you know what? She still fucking sucks. Donald Trump is one of the best fucking politicians in the US, he tells the truth. and crushed Cruz because of his popular support. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Donald Trump wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Hillary just lost a future debate to Trump. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You all are a fucking idiots and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Trump topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like Trump because he's successful. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll this candidate on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

Shit, get some sunlight mate


>People commit suicide because they can't handle it
Is this statement magically wrong somehow?

>"When you talk about the mental health problems, when people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe a lot of folks in this room have seen many times over and you're strong and you can handle it but a lot of people can't handle it. They see horror stories, they see events you couldn't see in a movie, nobody would believe it..."

How is this inflammatory?


>people commit suicide because they can't handle it

CNN just nit picking.

>See inflammatory sensational headline
>Read what he actually said
>It's nothing
Business as usual I guess.

shillary alert


Jesus why? Why the fuck would he say that? He's done. Completely fucking done.

“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as
God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in,
to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the
battle and for his widow, and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and
cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

Trump's campaign has reached its end, says increasingly nervous man.

>When you talk about the mental health problems, when people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe a lot of folks in this room have seen many times over and you're strong and you can handle it but a lot of people can't handle it.

Are you fucking kidding me? How is this guy the Republican nominee? Seriously fuck him for destroying conservatism.


The people in Trump's base are in it for the white supremacy. No one believes Trump is a good person or mentally stable, anymore.

Military vet here. Not that I agree with whatever political tactic he's trying, but I do agree with him. Military suicides happen because pussies and fuckups join and can't hack it. We're forced to take mandatory suicide prevention briefings like 8 times a year because of these faggots.

What the hell does that even mean?

What's wrong about what he said? Killing yourself is the epitome of not being able to handle it.

>>When you talk about the mental health problems, when people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe a lot of folks in this room have seen many times over and you're strong and you can handle it but a lot of people can't handle it.
>Are you fucking kidding me? How is this guy the Republican nominee? Seriously fuck him for destroying conservatism.

Not only is he a total douchebag, but this is a guy who himself flips out and stays up all night furiously tweeting if a beauty queen embarrasses him publicly.


not reading tabloids sorry lad

>a lot of people can't handle it

Why is this a controversy? It's completely true. Let's just pretend to forget that 22 vets a day commit suicide

Vet here, there's nothing wrong with what he said

>implying I would ever follow that link
archive or kys

Damn it, he's going to blow our cover

Thanks for Correcting the Record!

Your payment of $0.25 will arrive in the mail shortly in the form of food stamps!

Good luck on your next posts!

It's taken completely out of context. They cut off the quote right before he starts talking about improving mental healthcare.

It's literally fucking nothing.

Doesn't pay taxes, stealing money from our troops. Now he makes fun of a very real problem.

I was voting Trump until the debate. Now? He can go fuck himself

Except he did the exact opposite, he said some people can't handle the horror of war and need extra medical care.

I'm a vet.

Vets make fun of suicidal vets too.

>le CTR meme

So he's an asshole for saying some have a harz time coping with what theyve seen in combat?
Is the left trying to say war is fine? Allmywut


Move on these guys are faggots


make fun of soldiers, when you're a draft dodger=genius

have your ex wife give the NYT your tax returns and show how fucking terrible you are at business and how you exploit tax loopholes to not pay taxes for 20 years=5D chess

truly the genius we need

Thing is thats not everything he said. Nice try kiddo.

Holy fuck @ how hard CNN is trying. Read the entire quote, it's true

He wasnt making fun of anyone tho, he was drawing attention to the difficulties vets face.

CTR. I just wanted to make sure some one acknowledged you efforts.

Wow cnn is just blatantly lying. He didn't say this shit, they are twisting his words.

vets are nothing more than cannon fodder for the DHS. The fact that Trump can't even into lip service is evidence enough this board is slipping into madness.

Thank you, they must be paying you all to go all out this month.

>le CTR meme

>The reason for suicide is because people can't handle their emotions and mind
>Therefore, they need assistance in mental health and I pledge to lead this effort if made president of the United States

Where is the bad? You shills are the worst.

We have the power meme we can still get elected Jill stein, lets get her the white house

just watch the video, he wasn't insulting anyone.

>Therefore, they need assistance in mental health and I pledge to lead this effort if made president of the United States

When did he say this!?

>no pussy in sight, maga hat getting tight

Wounded vet PTSD here. Fuck off CTR™. Go serve a term then you can open your piehole.

after bullshit like this, it's clear that only cucks and idiots are trump supporters

>Cred Forums supporting welfare queens
Why don't you join them?

No he an asshole for implying that people with PTSD are weak. There is already a huge stigma associated with PTSD and mental health issues in general. This leads many people with mental health issues to avoid getting help for fear of being further ostracized.

Trump's description reinforces this stigma, and reveals what he really thinks about veterans who have trouble coming back into civil life. It's fucking offensive because he has never served in uniform, and actually dodged the Vietnam draft.

You may as well link Salon or Huffington Post while you're at it.

He literally said nothing wrong.

Bump and respond when you know those were exactly Trump's words.

Fuck off you loon.

He didn't make fun of suicidal vets; he said that vets are experiencing problems because they experience the horrors of combat, and he wants to help them by bolstering the VA.

You CTR shills are disgusting in the way that you twist everything that Trump says while omitting key details of every story you post on this board.

I'm a veteran myself, and I know for a fact that Trump has way more compassion and support for veterans than that trick-ass email-deleting bitch who let men die in Benghazi.

ty for correcting the record, your 6 shekels will be mailed to you in the form of 10 inch dildos


>people join up because in the words of Bo Berghdal, the army is like the peace corps with guns
>surprised when you have to hold some guys intestines in at some FOB under mortar and heavy mg fire
>literally become the "I didn't sign up for this shit" movie character trope

"They see events you couldn't see in a movie. We need mental health help and medical and it's one of the things that is least addressed and it's one of the things that I hear the most about when I talk to the veterans. ... WE ARE LOSING SO MANY GREAT PEOPLE THAT COULD BE TAKEN CARE OF IF WE HAD PROPER CARE."

So he "makes fun" of veterans by saying to other veterans that some people can't handle it, and he later calls these same people that commit suicide "great people" and says they could have been saved if we just had proper care for them.

People like OP just lie. Or maybe they are really that stupid.

How is it "making fun" to say that people have seen horrible shit in such quantity and variety they can't bear living?

Sounds like a pretty accurate summary of why "sandbox" vets kill themselves.

Trump: some people get PTSD in combat
CNN: Trump says veterans are weak


Because Bill has a black son and assange

>vets are committing suicide because they can't handle the post-traumatic stress

I-isn't that exactly the problem? He's literally stating the problem. Liberal media grasping at straws now.


You're right, veterans with PTSD should get no help, since it's obviously not a problem.
PTSD is made up and people """suffering""" from it can function completely normal


Come back to reality. Hang up the far right pantshitter talk and come home.

I promise your tiny dicks won't completely disappear if you vote for her. Hell, a woman might even touch some of you for the first time if you stop supporting a candidate who literally wants to put them in chains.

Bonus: you won't have to cower and ball your tiny fists the next time a black kid in a hoodie walks by you on the sidewalk. You will have a government that is actually GOOD and trying to move this country forward. You will no longer be lumped in with the redneck, regressive, beast-like right.

Reply to this post with "DONE."

That's all it takes. Walk away. Come back in a few days to join in our patriotic beatdown of King Babydick. The election isn't over until Drumpf is getting slammed by his own former pantshitters, and he goes down in a landslide so horrific it will look like John McCain ran a strongly competitive race.


Sage and report spam threads

why is that a bad thing to say? How is that making fun of PTSD victims? Some people can handle it, some people cant, am I wrong? This is on the front page of reddit right now too. Fucking leftists get triggered every time 100 percent of language they hear isnt fluffy and sugar coated.

Literally took THREE WORDS and spun a whole entirely different context out of it. Shills are in dire straits.

>it's another CTR chops up a quote to make a story episode
Veterans know you're full of shit, and nobody on the left cares about veterans anyways.



>Actually its 22

didnt they try this shit before?

This. Leftists almost despise veterans.

Seriosly CNN needs their press credentials revoked from Trump rallies

enough is enough

>Donald Trump suggested Monday that American soldiers and veterans who commit suicide do so because they can't handle the post-traumatic stress of war.

>"When you talk about the mental health problems, when people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe a lot of folks in this room have seen many times over and you're strong and you can handle it but a lot of people can't handle it. They see horror stories, they see events you couldn't see in a movie, nobody would believe it," Trump said Monday, during a panel interview at the Retired American Warriors PAC, in Herndon, Virginia.

That's literally the reason though. OP trying to incite bullshit again.

Did you know that Hillary Clinton kissed a leader of the KKK while she was married to Bill?
Did you know that Bill has an illegitimate son from a black prostitute?
How will family values ever recover under a Hillary Presidency?

This is the type of thing that makes me despite the latte-drinking hipster faggots who post pro-Hillary threads on this board for pennies.

It doesn't matter who these twinks use -- veterans, blacks, disabled people -- to preserve their narrative as long as they can do so.

To these disaffected children, any course of action is fair game as long as it gets votes for Grandma Hillary and her Islamic assistant.

These are people who would lie to veterans, treat blacks like pets, and exploit a mentally handicapped woman for political gains.

They claim to be paragons of virtue and justice while acting as hypocritically as possible behind closed doors.

I will never trust a so-called liberal for the rest of my life because they are incapable of accepting the truth when it conflicts with their idealism.

Shame on every one of you for using veterans like me as a linchpin for your anti-Trump narrative bait threads.

This is so fucking disgusting by CNN.
It's impossible to misinterpret what he said if you just watch the video. They know most people only read headlines though. Sad.

Ayo see this below

seriously. lmao, they are on total damage control because the shit is about to hit the fan

>CNN takes Trump's statements out of context and attempts to smear him!

Color me surprised!
OP you're a faggot.

>"When you talk about the mental health problems, when people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe a lot of folks in this room have seen many times over and you're strong and you can handle it but a lot of people can't handle it. They see horror stories, they see events you couldn't see in a movie, nobody would believe it,"

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this statement.
t. Veteran with professionally diagnosed PTSD

>How will family values ever recover under a Hillary Presidency?
How will they recover under a Trump one? He's had two divorces and cheated on his wives multiple times.

Interesting, I watched that live on TV and didn't see anything wrong when he said that about PTSD. If I recall, when Trump was talking the vets didn't react in a bad way either. Looks like CNN is creating an artificial drama again.

I love how the article starts with "the quote in our headline is taken out of context!" then ends with taking the quote out of context again and spinning it against Trump.

This was clearly taken out of context if you listen just 20 seconds of what he was saying. Pathetic CNN.

So we call this one a draw and focus on Hillarys cover up of "Bill the bimbo dicker" rape of multiple womens.
What now you SJW,CTR?

>Are you fucking kidding me?

You really shoahed your hand there, Carl.



Holy fucking shit your media is almost as fucked as ours is

>read actual quote
>it's fucking nothing

He can't keep getting away with this!


>So we call this one a draw and focus on Hillarys cover up of "Bill the bimbo dicker" rape of multiple womens.
Why would I care if bill raped a bunch of women? He's not the one running for presidency.

this. I actually can't tell between the shitposts and the Hillary shill posts anymore - this doesn't convince anybody of anything. But, then I follow the links to Twitter and people unironically are acting "horrified" and "disgusted" - by a statement of fact, which he then immediately follows up acknowledging the problem that we need better solutions for. It's like he's admonished for just talking about it. What the fuck?


What's even worse is the fact that Hillary Clinton created those problems.

And she'll create even more PTSD with all the future wars she's itching to start.

>veterans who can't handle PTSD are weak

Holy crap how is Trump so dumb?

>In b4 CTR, the record has been corrected, shill or jew

Oh, so CNN is trying to construct a hit piece on trump on the backs of dead veterans.. onle one side is insulting to them there and it's not him. Can't say that I'm surprised

He didn't make fun of vets. He's saying they can't handle it and therefore need help.

Of course, Cred Forums proves yet again that at least 80% of the posters here are complete retards. Hiro should make it so that after you post on Cred Forums, you automatically get banned from posting on other boards. Let's keep the retardation in here.

#BREAKING NY AG sends Cease and Desist to Trump Foundation for operating without proper certification.


>People commit suicide because they can't handle the banter

Why does the liberal media constantly take his quotes out of context?

He's LITERALLY calling for more mental health services and support for people with PTSD and other mental illnesses from combat

How the fuck can the liberal media twist his fucking words so much? If a Democrat had said the exact same words, which is not unimaginable, they would be praised for calling for more to be done about veterans' mental health

This is absurd

Good old Hillary.

Caring for everybody.

K, you can stop now.

You are literally a piece of shit. Comparing legitimate humanitarian police actions with the real WARS Drumpf would start over a tweet.

Pathetic. But it's not like anyone expects anything else from the slug IQ far right.


Crying now

hes saying that some veterans cant deal with it and need help.

I'm not even a conservative.

I merely oppose the absolute vile cunt that Hillary Clinton is.

>baby's first time in a CTR thread
Maybe you should go back to trash faggot

He never once calls them weak, that's the liberal media calling them weak. He says they can't handle it, which they obviously fucking can't or they wouldn't kill themselves. He's pointing this out to get more VA funding and being called Hitler for it.

Talking about problems has become a hate crime.

Thanks for correcting the record, holy shit you people are desperate
He just said some of them see things they cant handle. A true, and obvious statement. I hope the media realizes they're locking in votes for Trump, by making people not trust any criticisms against him.

or you could watch and listen to his entire statement?
not one god damn sentence taken out of context.
jesus, people say leafs are bad

Hey Carl.

PTSD is literally "not being able to handle it"

not everyone who has an argument against trump is a shill retard

What the fuck is wrong with what he said?

Am I in bizarro world? Is it just shills in this thread trying to push specific perceptions?

This is 1984 shit if so. Media are out of control

Wake me up senpai

>clinton news network

Damn CTR is all animal mode and shit.
Go get your wife FWB to fuck you in the ass again and settle down.

I have a suicide attempt under my belt.

Trump is right.

Also Hillary covered for Bills rapes of many womens. She is just as guilty. How could you vote for someone like that? BTFO.

KYS fag


>Donald Trump suggested Monday that American soldiers and veterans who commit suicide do so because they can't handle the post-traumatic stress of war.

Isn't this what we've been hearing for years?

Why can't Trump just stop doing stupid shit?

Did you even fucking read the article? Fucking christ ctr this is such bad bait you may not even get shekles for this one

>That's it boys, this is the last stop on the Trump train.



Jeez dude

I like the guys who don't get PTSD.


#BasementDwellers :^)

>sign up to be a killer
>see death
>get sad
>demand special treatment and awareness of your suffering

>some veterans can't handle post-traumatic stress and they need a medical help
What did he say wrong?

I like the sociopaths who don't suffer mental anguish when they blow the heads off of muslim children :D

Saying a guy can't handle some kind of trauma when he clearly cant (I.E., kills self), is NOT making "fun" of that person. Fuckin' dickless retard.

It's okay guys she didn't commit the crime. She just covered up for the crime, enabled the crime, supported the crime, denied the crime, attacked the victims of the crime, and ruined the life of anybody who acknowledged the crime.

Checkmate Drumpf supporters.

Don't do it man.

Is this some kind of new pasta?
Its been on a shit ton of threads today all usually being some (((news))) article about Trump.

I don't understand the problem. Its like people are not even watching the video and just trusting the headlines as fact.

Because OP is a faggot

Trump said that the soldiers who suffer from PTSD can't handle the same things normal people see on TV and movies all the time because normies are strong and people with PTSD aren't.

They literally are, though. CTR pays out the ass for people to sit on here all day. Keep the blinders, on, though.

Shut up, faggot.

>he thinks CTR actively posts on Cred Forums

Your fucking autism is off the charts. CTR is on real social media.

It's a sad, politically incorrect truth: the standard of our service members has gone down the tubes in the past couple decades. Half the guys we got in there now wouldn't have made it past step one back in the day.

Sure, CTR isn't on the site that literally gave Trump the primary nomination. Is it physically painful to be as dumb as you?

>addresses the issue that is suicide and depression
you can't win with libtards

Completely disingenuous headline. He's talking to a room of veterans, and making a point about the need for mental health care. Watch the video (on CNN, no less).

He was talking to a room full of vets.

If what he said was actually offensive, at least one of the many decorated Generals and Admirals in the crowd would have spoken up.

But they all were fine with it... maybe, just MAYBE, Trump is right?

I mean....they are weak though.....

>tax evasion

>Reading scripts that make you sound this retarded


Why are they so recklessly going all in? It's like they will be moving back to Canada after Trump wins.

Ever wonder why Candians in America get very triggered about "illegal" immigrant talks ?

Why are so many protesters, media personalities/celebrities, hate on America so much, not even full citizens of this Country?

Illegal Candians your hate speech and bigotry is not welcomed her any more.,

Yes they are

You have to go back

sage when a source is cnn it is obviously shill.

cnn is a hoax site
cnn is a hoax site
cnn is a hoax site
cnn is a hoax site
cnn is a hoax site
cnn is a hoax site

didn't read

I can't tell if the OP is retarded or if CNN's anti-trumpness has gotten to the point of being pathetic.


he's just desperately trying to lose the election, isn't he? he knows if he wins the crowds will go mad when he backs out on all the promses he made

>some people can handle war. some people can't


Its all explained/

Lol what a shit show

Even if it wasn't suicide is a problem that solves itself. It's also far cheaper than funding the VA

>ignoring the fact that he is actually right

>the site that literally gave Trump the primary nomination.

Holy fuck, you are autistic if you think Cred Forums gave Trump the nomination.

Why can't this retarded cunt keep his fucking mouth shut?

Oh yeah, he's trying to derail his own campaign so that he can completely destroy white identity permanently in this nation. He is just making us look like fucking clowns. What a fucking faggot. Seriously, what a worthless faggot.

I don't think he has a single intellectual thought in his head.

You have to go back to redit.

Seriously how is this shit not libel? This is a textbook example. I don't get it.

He's not making fun of them at all. He's pointing out that the people who can't handle the stress of military life end up killing themselves. These people need help.

Taken out of context you kikes.


People who actually WATCHED the video understand he's very respectful.

But people won't watch it, they only read the lying headlines.

He was talking to vets. He also said that normies wouldn't believe the shit some vets have experienced.

Media is throwing everything they can before next Wikileaks dump. He's the only candidate who has actually spoken about the VA and mental health among vets.

didnt even so much as click the link did you? go back to plebbit or lurk more.

Reedit; go away and learn to read beyond headlines.

>people on this board still think trump has or ever had any chance of winning

The democrats knew that Trump was a joke of a candidate so they did everything in their power to help him win the primary because they wanted the easiest possible opponent for the general election. Let's be honest how else could a lying criminal like Hillary actually win the election?

Here's Trump's full quote.

It's just liberal media spin trying to get Hillary elected.

You need to be gassed


Enjoy your lying rat mouth while you can


"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"

It seems to be true and it just proves that Americans really are fucking morons.

You never were voting for trump, CTR shills saying that they voted for him are massive lairs. People that lose support over a debate are massively retarded.

All these ctr fags need to fuck off. Anyone who is against trump is a good damn imposter they aren't one of us. I repeat we are being invaded by hill shills and their ctr ways are gaining traction. Please don't not believe anyone is pro Hillary . We need to deport these shills remember always vote trump and maga

holy fuck, this is nitpicking as fuck. he didn't make fun of suicidal vets, he said some people cant handle it. what a fucking joke, this isn't news.


They guy who asked the question liked Trump's response

>Cuckolds' News Network

Let's get this shit started

So why am I not surprised that the fucking article title is just literally clickbait and is not even a quote but some words reassembled into a fucking headline

This right here. More CTR lies. Nothing he said was inflammatory. Fuck you liberals get a real job!!!

Of course they can't fucking handle it. He doesn't make fun of them and seems legitimately sad, but do you think the people who can handle it end up killing themselves? This is possibly the most reasonable statement he could have made.

>Trump says soldiers who kill themselves do it because they can't deal with the post traumatic stress disorder's effects.
How is that "making fun"?
He'd be lying if he said they could handle it, i really don't understand your logic behind the "making fun of vets" statement, please explain.

It's CTR projecting

No one will believe the headline, not even leftists, and no one will watch the video either.

This is how trusted US media is. Less trust rating than CONGRESS for the first time in American history.

>Donald Trump suggested Monday that American soldiers and veterans who commit suicide do so because they can't handle the post-traumatic stress of war.

Is this supposed to be wrong?

Exactly/ What should he have said?

>I understand that there are a lot of veterans committing suicide, but that is a personal choice which is totally legitimate and I see nothing wrong with these strong people handling it in their own way.

They're really reaching to find things to criticize him about these days.

This is coming from the same people who would write off antisocial behavior in blacks to an inability to transcend slavery.

>wearing Doc Martens

Holy fuck, has CNN always been this shit? One less "news" outlet to follow I guess.


>That's it boys, this is the last stop on the Trump train. Time to pack up your nazi Pepe's and get the fuck outta here

Uh yeah... nah

American soldiers give their lives to serve their country; yet /pol sides with the man who says that being captured voids you from being a war hero.

That's when you know that this meme has gone too far; when Trump can openly shit on people who serve their country, and shit on the family of a dead soldier because of his faith.

Yes but it's never been this blatant. I don't even think they realize how desperate and out of touch they appear to regular working folks. They've been scrambling to stump Trump for so long that they've gone right over the cliffs of absurdity. If SNL wants to actually be original for the first time in 20 years, they should make fun of the glaring (and often ridiculous and thus humorous) media bias.

Being John McCain the globalist traitor voids you from being a war hero*

Also he really wasn't a hero. We don't call people who fail heroes. globalism aside. People who fail are forgotten.

>Vietnam War
The Vietnam War had no heroes. It was senseless slaughter of man by man.

>being this dumb
why do you even bother, you're not changing anyone's mind, CTR

>American soldiers give their lives to serve their country; yet /pol sides with the man who says that being captured voids you from being a war hero.
[Citation needed]

For those who want a quick rebuttal for kikebook libtards
It's literally just the extrapolated response imstead of the out of context line

Watch the video. Nowhere does he make fun of them, he just says a lot of vets can't handle the ptsd of war and need help.

Kill yourself.

There's no way anybody can support Trump now, no matter what your (racist) politics is. He has attacked vets for getting PTSD triggered from the violence and carnage that the POTUS sends soldiers to confront. He's been victim blaming throughout this charade of a campaign. Now, he's victim blaming our vets. When does this stop?


How much do they pay you at CTR? Im very curious

>How is this inflammatory?

Because (((CNN))).

he's right