Trump needs to be behind to win

Don't you get it?

Trump has to be behind in the polls if he wants to win this election.

If Hillary voters think it's in the bag (like Brexit) they won't go out and vote on the day, because they all think there's no chance of her losing.

> he needs to lose to win

that's some wizard shit right there

dubs is going to do a magic trick

He needs the perception that he's losing to win. The problem with this is if the polls show he is losing (whether he actually is or not) it will be much easier to rig the election against him.

5D chess my friend

Donald Jehova "I don't need no pay taxes" DRUMPF

He's learning from us

But how user? the man can literally not stop winning

>7d Vietnamese tic tac toe

The madman!

On the day of the EU referendum everyone thought remain would win so all the plebs stayed home. I can imagine Hillary voters doing this, since let's be honest how many of them are really """with her"""? The only thing she has got going is keeping Trump out of the white house, if her voter base thinks she's going to win then most won't turn out.

the hillary campaign won't let them think it's in the bag. Most voters don't look at the polls, so trump losing in the numbers doesn't help him in any way, stupid


if he loses polls, anyone who calls conspiracy will get called tinfoil.

Wow. This is some Trudeau-level tactics right there.

Problem solved?

If you kill your enemies they win.

Feels a bit 'grasping at straws'-ey

Technically, he DID win.

>if you lose the election you win

>the hillary campaign won't let them think it's in the bag

Yea those huge rallies she has will get the word out

>Most voters don't look at the polls

Stfu Swedecuck, you're being silly now.

>so trump losing in the numbers doesn't help him in any way

Polls in favor of Hillary only worsens her position. Do you know who gains from it? Guess.

It's Seabiscuit dude

he's right tho.

Also this^

Young (esp. millennial) voters disappoint on election day every time.

Hillary will lose due to low turnout. When your supporters are baristas living in their parents basement, they don't really care about the political process enough to get involved. They're lazy morons, who think if they shout loudest and take the moral high ground they'll win. They will lose because they will underestimate the importance of their individual vote.

Spot on.

The only reason I could see young/black/spic democrats getting out and voting is if Trump was ahead in the polls. If Hillary is ahead they won't bother since they think it's in the bag.


polls can change in a heartbeat, and considering this is the most polarizing presidential election in decades it is likely that this will occur perhaps many more times in the weeks to come