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I can get behind this meme.
Here's a bump.

gonna be kind of hard to condition millions of people to start calling mexicans mestizos, but i'm down for the cause.

you're all wetbacks and spics to me

Whats the thing on the left....oh ya..the dishwasher...

Such a great group of people too.....how could anyone not want these people illegally migrating to Germany.

Isn't shitting on Spanish people anti white if you're talking about the non mestizos?

Exactly i never got this.
Italians are counted as white but spaniards are counted as hispanic.

mestizos in both sides of the pic, sorry man.

Spaniards are "White Hispanic"

Meaning that their race is white but their ethnicity is Hispanic cause they have heritage from a Spanish speaking country

This is what you get for inseminating the natives Pablo.

i dun noe i tink blak pepls want beaners to be labeled wite so they dont get counted for afirmative action

an i tink white pepls dianetically opposed to losing more digits to minorities so they want them counted as wite

Isn't Andy Garcia cuban??

Hispanic comes from the Latin name for Iberia, Hispania (Spain)
If anything Mexicans need to not be classified as Hispanic

Spanish people are European and are referred to as Spaniards.

Their mongrel rape babies are not Spanish.

I have been to Spain and nobody there refers to any aspect of the Spanish culture as anything other than Spanish, or Catalonian, or Baque, but never any of the words you hear rape babies in America using.

In short, if your ancestors came from spain and married only white people exclusively, you're spanish. If not, you can pick any of those other words you like, they all mean rape baby.


You realize I'm defending spanish people and NOT the rape baby mestizos.

I know the difference between a spanish person and a mestizo rape baby.

Learn to read motherfucker.

Trust me motherfucker, I've studied the Spanish caste system

>All this shitposting

How fucking insecure are you betas? The fact that another person exists makes you THIS upset?

99% of mexicans look like the bottom. only 1% look like the top.

can someone post a picture of average hispanic? i have never seen one in real life so i don't know

The bottom family

There is a huge difference between Spaniards and Spanish culture and Hispanics and Hispanic culture. Hispanic is a word that underwent a modern revival as part of the Chicano movement, it's not meant now in the same way it was when Latin was a scholarly language.

So Hispanic has precisely nothing to do with Spain.

This is a real city in America. Try not to vomit.



Mestizos are mostly Hispanic just like Hispanics in many cases are American.

The divide and conquer mechanism of old ways of thinking will be imploded.

This is pretty accurate.



I can't tell the difference between those two.

they look a bit like filipinos

What about North American Hispanics?


T. Cuban

Why lie even when you don't have to? The vast mayority of mexicans are mestizos in truth so why say bullshit like it's 99% when it's 91%. lmaoin @ Cred Forums

Hispanic isn't a race in America

Hispanic is not an official race in any way

The word hispanic existed before the Chincano movement

It was created in the 60s to lump in anybody with lingage from any spanish country regardless of race

You still have white people who are "Hispanic" in america

There are even blacks and asians who are "Hispanic"

The reason why memers think all hispanics are brown is because the brown ones are loud and too stupid to put mixed (They are mixed) and they breed faster.

All of them are mestizos. Calling them hispanics is like calling the Italian crime "White crime"

Harsh but true
Smelly dumb beaner scum

It's really silly that "hispanic" is considered a race in USA

it's like having an "anglo" race where negro jamaicans and germanic anglos are considered the same race

Nowhere in my post did I mention a percentage.


The issue is, if a Mexican isn't black, they're listed as white. They're more asian/native american than anything.

Hispanics are responsible for the creation of Mestizos.

Pay the price for your hubris and plundering, Spanish fucking shits.

Lmao, that's fucking hilarious. I can see where the pictures like the "smelly dumb beaner scum" come from now, but you guys are pussies if you can't fight those people back.

i think somebody dont know others ppl lenguages pretty well.

dud you traslate everything to spanish by law. how fucking retarted is that? "Hispanic" means hispano parlate pedazo de animal etimologicamente hablando. pero claro un animal españolete cagado no puede saber esto porque nisiquiera has salido de la universidad y ya andas de niño cagon.

no pasa nada tu vives en hispañistan. Felicidadewz

Kek I call Hispanics rape babies too
They think they're a race when they're just a result of rape

Do you guys realize Hispanic is a ethnicity and not a race right?


They don't use the word "Hispanic" in mexico as a racial group.

The people on the top are more hispanic than the people on the bottom. The people on the bottom are indio

Latin American countries use the Spanish caste system whereas we just lump any spanish ancestry under "Hispanic" regardless if it's european filled genes or indio genes.

no wonder why aregentina thinks it's white. They count their spaniards are white there cause hispanic isn't a fucking word down there

A todo gas 6

>Kek I call Hispanics rape babies too
>>only online
What's the point?

Mestizos are the rape babies. Not hispanics. Not every hispanic is brown user

Hispanic=Spanish speaking country

Spaniards aren't fat disgusting brown manlets like your people but they are hispanic

How do you even have internet lmao

I refer to myself as a Mestizo all the time since my fathers Spanish dominant blood was cancelled out by my mothers native blood. My fathers family orginated in Galicia Spain and my mothers side was in Guerreros Mexico whom my grandpa has super dominant native blood that's passed down to me such as thick hair and brown skin, although only thick hair really affected me and I'm as brown as the shade of this board. Here in Chicago where I cannot escape the SJWs that dwell around here so I have fun. So since the start of summer I've been referring to myself as Mestizo and everyone is eating it up because in their minds Mestizo-Native-Brown = Good and Hispanic-Spain-White= Bad. It's hilarious how the white people here use the term on us because they believe it's politically correct and how "it connects us to our roots" and how white Mexicans are claiming to be Mestizo now. In other terms it's as if we had a black Cred Forums user convince the black community that "Nigger" that derived from the Ethiopian word " Negus"or King that "Nigger" meant something like "American King" and would lead to everyone nonchalantly calling them niggers again

Encima de hablar mal español, no sabes ni escribirlo.

Hispanic literally means anyone who is descended from spainish speakers. This only includes mexican & other latin american groups because of how successful spain was at imparting its culture and language in this area. If anything, the use of the word hispanic is something hispanic whites should be proud of.

Wow you must be a genius or something.

Personally I met a lot of South Americans of pure Spanish descent and consider them completely white.
I don't consider white mestizos tho, those are just nigs...

Also there is a huge difference between northern Spaniards, with higher celtic/visigothic/greco-roman genetics and southern Spaniards with a lot of influence from eastern cultures like Byzantine roman and Arabic cultures...

>muh hispanic term
>same fagget bitching about it over and over again
for the last time, just get over it, if you want to blame somebody, blame americans because they were the ones who came up with it...

>tfw I'm part of the 1%

>Mestizo afraid of the truth

Spaniards aren't hispanic retard

hispanic means people who aren't spaniard but have spanish ancestors
aka mestizos and islanders that Magellan found
even the US census recognizes this as does the rest of Europe
only people that make this mistake is uneducated Americans

Spanish people are not descended from Spaniards they ARE Spaniards and except the ones with Moorish descent are Caucasian Europeans

The guy on the right is half-Italian half-English......he's not even fucking hispanic.

Ustedes son los que hablan como si tuviesen un bicho constantemente en la boca, maricones.

Cubans are either white or black, there's not much in between

Spaniards are considered Caucasian, not Hispanic.

see my other post

Ok Mulatto

Hispanic is not a race in America retard

Hispanic meaning only brown people is just slang, not official in terms of labeling people

A spaniard born in American lands is hispanic in terms of ethnicity according to the gov

Stupid anzu poster.

Most of the people from Mexico are rape babies and Latin America Spain is white.

you're the only ones bitching about it (hell, some don't even care about that at all, there are far more important things like getting a job over there than a term).

In public, yes

According to the government, no

Hispanic is not a race and any race could be hispanic, including white spanish people

Tan acostumbrados a servirnos que ya no podéis hablar sin tratar a los demás de Usted.

eye color = shit brown either way

Título Original:The Pacifier
En Latinoamérica:Niñera a Prueba de Balas
En España:Un Canguro Superduro

Imagine being a white guy with the last name Rodriguez


Imagine what your mexican mestizo people have done that ruined the once proud spanish culture's names.

Spanish names used to be proud European names until you fucks turned it into memes

>un canguro superduro
i thought i had seen everything...

Post a picture of yourself already

Cry me a river only Americans give so many fucks about that. You guys are obsessed.

Fucking normies I swear

oh really

pretty sure there's a checkbox on every government paper that says
>check this box if you are Hispanic
so they can check if they're an illegal and give them affirmative action

So Hispanic is neither an ethnicity nor a race, it's just a category of country?

Buen argumento tio, sacando un meme que no tiene absolutamente nada que ver.

>Imagine being a white guy with the last name Rodriguez
tough luck, if you don't like it, then unearth the bones of the ones that came over almost half a milennia ago and complain to them, they were the ones who were ""managing"" things back then and screwed things up. again, tough luck

again, spaniards in their homeland are far more concerned about getting a job than how some people (murricans) use a term.

>Spanish names used to be proud European names
you said it, IN THE PAST, get over it. Instead of being worried about something like that, think of how your homeland Spain will end up if the krauts and their greedy overlords keep promoting more shitty things. their greed will be the undoing of those people.

Título Original: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
En Latinoamérica: Eterno resplandor de una mente sin recuerdos.
En España: ¡Olvídate de mi!


Spanish people are "celtic"

Servir a quien? A unos incompetentes que no lograron nada con todos los territorios y colonias que tenian? A unos imbeciles que se apuntaron para la estupidez del EU y ahora se quejan de que su economia esta en las ruinas y los musulmanes les van a comer el culo? Ha, que lindo.

Tbqh, most of those guys came from the south of Mexico.

wow...are they all really that fucking short?

No veas que troll eres loco, a ver cuantos más me sacas.

implying that they wouldn't exist or would be better off if they didn't have spanish blood in them

I guess the Conquistadores could have just killed them all off, but there's a lot of countries that made that mistake if that's how you look at it


you can smell the chicano-ess in this post

God dam I'm glad I live in the Midwest of the United there isn't many Hispanic misfiits here still white in most areas.


You bitch ass crackers arent any better than a Mexican. Most of you crackers have parents, grandparents or great grandparents that spoke/speak a different language than English as their mother tongue. Arrogant pieces of shit. Alot of you pink bastards are from shitty ass European countries and are getting by on your whiteness. Alot of you are Asian rape babies! hahaha!. Black people have been here longer than you peckerwoods! If anyone is a real american its us!

Puede que tengas razón, supongo que el tema de las colonias puede ser en parte por la gente que las habitaba, ya sabes, llena de panchitos y eso, que si no recuerdo mal, tampoco han llegado demasiado lejos. Bueno si, en avión si.

>All of them are mestizos. Calling them hispanics is like calling the Italian crime "White crime"
>The issue is, if a Mexican isn't black, they're listed as white. They're more asian/native american than anything.
Yep, this.

To me you're as white as the most indio mother fucker the federal government puts in your category.

Black people weren't here originally at all Dumbass they were brought as slaves, and that was a huge mistake because now look at the culture they've created.

Nah. Tejano actually.

It was Spain's plan all along to take over America anyway.

Let's see you pass this up


Sure dad.

Título Original: Die Hard.
En Latinoamérica: Duro de Matar.
En España: Jungla de Cristal.

No, no hemos llegado lejos. En eso tienes razon.

Pero con todo y los panchitos estamos mejor que ustedes ahora mismo. Piensa en eso por un momento.

you all werent here originally either! Mexicans were! take your cracker asses back to your cold ass , natural energy deficient, continent and go rape little boys like you all have been doing throughout history. I truly hate u fucking mutant race pale skin freckle face mother fuckers!

wtf half arab rape babies are people now?

funny u taking sides with your rapist Jorge! thats why you all keep getting shitted on. Worshiping the white man...

>huurrr durrr they use the word: hispanic
no, people here use the demonym: mexican, like any other person would do when talking about where they come from. we may be a diverse group, but nobody would say: i'm hispanic n shiiiieet, but rather i'm mexican. If it is any consolation, we're most likely to say: "...nosotros somos hispanohablantes..." and that's it.

>Latin American countries use the Spanish caste system
FUCKING KEK, Venancio hahahaha, nobody has used that system for a very long time.

A ver que lo digo para picaros, no lo digo enserio. España es un cáncer, todos estaríamos mucho mejor sin "ella".

>Andrés Arturo García Menéndez
Clearly no Spanish ancestry here

>haven't used that system
Because its just easier to assume all mexicans are indio until proven otherwise.

exactly... they dont want u to know about them getting raped. check this out!

If you didn't want to be grouped with them you shouldn't have started fucking them.

>los panchitos estamos mejor que ustedes ahora mismo
ya te gustaría


Breh your names prolly Pajeet Smith, get outta here.

we are the same than black irish, visit Ireland and then visit north Spain, Basque country, Asturias etc

Fuck you! Spaniards are rape babies... check out the bottom right pic. LOL!

Ya te gustaria que el euro no estuviera a punto de colapsar.
Ya te gustaria que no estuvieses siendo invadido por musulmanes.
Ya te gustaria tener una taza de desempleo de menos de 20%.

Te das cuenta de que eso solo es puro marketing no?

>All hispanics are illegal mestizos


kek, jesus christ, how many times do we have to tell you? we are all mexicans, it's a demonym to say where are from, that's all. We are also aware that we're a diverse group, and when asked we only answer with: uuuhhhh i'm mexican. and that's it, and it can come from the dark-skinned ones to the light-skinned ones. Not all people here are so obsessed witht that.
What people here is more wary of or interested in is: your ways (generous/greed etc.).

>that name
jesus christ...FUCKING KEK

Why are Americans so obsessed with race? It's their lack of culture? At least Spain left us a rich autochthonous culture and we all did our own spin on it, Mexicans have more culture than America for example : ))

>Why are Americans so obsessed with race?
Jews and political correctness.

Separate Spanish from White people now.

Check your privilege, white male!
>inb4 tht's nt ecuatorian u fgt
You all look alike

pretty hilarious when people actually get so triggered they make fun of black people this way

go back to your containment board stormnigger

Hello Cuban bro :^)


both look like your regular tacomexican

>taking in refugees and people crossing their border illegally
they have always been like that desu; however, from a bit more objective perspective, it is natural that they complain more about this because the birthrates of the caucasians, the true ones, are decreasing 2.0. Also, when you take into account that muslims hate their guts it is natural to think of a far more chaotic Brazil 2.0. Everyone is to blame, ones because they are reluctant to see the harm that having kids without planing can do to yourself and the society as a whole (in this regard, my fellow mexs are stubborn, although it seems the young ones are starting to realize it; niggers seem to be the only ones that can not be reason with and their birthrates are crazy, we're talking about up to 7.5 in places like Niger, an african country). Whites' leaders and their greed is what is causing a lot of troubles too. They have turned their backs on their own people (some loyal fellow whites they turned out to be) because of money money money money and given how things have been undolding so far, they will keep doing the same: exploit whoever they have to and enrich whatever country they must to make more money and to hell with the rest.

Also, despite what some of you cunts claim, Portuguese people are not Hispanic, even if the Spaniards were.

I'll stop calling beaners spics when the Spaniards from Latin America stop coming here and claiming minority status via "I'm not White. I'm hispanic." horse shit.

Until then, all Latin Americans are shit tier and the only good spics are from Spain.

you know that isn't an insult right?

and I'm not black so you're barking up the wrong tree, there fuckboy

its just pretty embarassing that I share this board with people that think that
is legitimate bantz

castrate yourself fampai

we know that m8

Separate mestizos from zambos, mulatos and criollos


there are a few white looking Rodriguez and I'm pretty sure they don't care if some indio has their same last name
seems like you only care negrito

I hate Latino/a as well

Interestingly enough, this is going to be what saves "white America".

2nd and 3rd generation white hispanics are going to see how much better they have it in the US and do their best to assimilate and become strongly nationalistic once they see their "brothers" coming in from the south are actually the squat guatemalan indios they wanted to escape from.

I guarantee in the next 20 years we'll see America become 90% "white" again with white hispanics mixing with whites and becoming indistinguishable from southern european groups in the US.

Go look on any TRS related facebook page and you'll see how many light skinned hispanic shitlords there are in the US already.

ITs stupid to be so concerned about what the Burguers think of you, Hispanic or Latino refer to language its not a race or an ethnicity, not even in Mexico you will find someone saying they are hispanic like its their identity.

Pic related is where you should find your "race"

>Portuguese people are not Hispanic
and austrians are not german

>Burger pretending he knows history

Hola komander, cuando vas a trabajar cortando grama en California?

Mestizos? Andy Garcia is a Mestizo, White the vato you see on the left is a fucking cholo.


Man, Iberians really got fucked over. Mexico and Brazil are nigger tier.

Spanish are moors. Not white. End of story


"American Education"

yo vendo Mota en califas ese ya tu sabe cuando quiera me avisa y VAMO ALA DISCOTECA PAPI CON EL NICKY JAM YOOO PURO VIP


both look like muds to me

It actually comes from the island of Hispaniola, which may or may not have come from Latin. Hispanic is a new world term.

spaniards are white

mestizos are aztec rape babies.

Care to explain why so many Portuguese make bread in this country. To the point "panadero" (padeiro) is equivalent to Portuguese.

>It actually comes from the island of Hispaniola

I refuse to believe someone actually thinks this is real.

Americans wanted to remove evolution from schools, it's possible.

>Brits go the new world
>make the greatest country on earth
>Spaniards go to the new world
>make the second worst race on earth
well, spaniards?

argentina is too white to be latin

>links psuedoscience
I just hope you know that all the Black people who actually try to be educated are far far more intelligent than you can ever hope to be

Not that I care about whether Black people are smart or not but I'm guessing this will trigger you into sperging out sumore

ya si naces blanco o negro ese es otro problema

I have no clue. That is also a stereotype in Brazil.
There are actually a lot of "padarias" and restaurants in Portugal, so it is likely some cultural quirk. But we do like eating out a lot, both dinners and lunches (in restaurants), and breakfasts and snacks (in "padarias", or "pastelarias") :)

Inventaron el idiota y nadie les entiende. Ningun latino tiene problema comunicandose entre paises latinos. En cambio a ustedes no les entiende nadie y su Ingles es terrible tambien.

so finally, here it is

Shitty meme.

que pasa mohammed?

>black people who try to be educated


me on the right

We're past that.

We're now using unifying grouping words.

No longer are hispanic, spaniard, and mestizo different. You are all POCs, People of Color, Pocos (pronounced pah cos).

Enjoy your diversity.

t. gringo

Holy shit that's an endless sea of Mexicrement. Although I live in a shitty sanctuary city up in the North West, the mexicans that we get around here are mostly White like that ex-president Fox guy, or castizo. A lot of the women are castizas and pretty much look like a a tall white/gook hybrid like Melania Trump.

The Mexicans where I live look as White as Eastern Europeans. I hardly ever see these ugly streets of brown like in that vid.

It's not that we can't fight these tiny burittos off. It's a problem with Bleeding Heart shitlibs who would take their side and make it complicated to fight off the enemy..

Especially when you're in California where nearly everyone is a shitlib. Even the Dilbert guy has mentioned how dangerous it is to not be a liberal while living in commiefornia.

Give choripanes please.

t. Starving Venezuelan

Asi es..."vosotros". Nadie usa es palabra mas que ustedes. Reafirmastes mi punto.

Any of you wondered why airports are so full of shitskins?

you're just too dumb if you actually think you're smarter than every member of an entire demographic

it's best you don't reproduce

vengan a Argentina. Acá nos libramos del socialismo del siglo XXI

en el sur utilizan el Vos IIRC

¡Por fin, alguien lo dijo!
Mestizos have appropriated the true Hispanics culture!

Da que pensar.

Bien hecho.

Me on the right Dad on the left

Build wall

when was i talking about intellect?
projecting much

The British actually wanted to build stable and economic hubs, the Spanish didn't. Plus the Spanish lost some costly wars against the Brits, Dutch and other nations, making resources that could have gone into the developtment of the colonies, instead they went back to the war effort. The most important piece however is that even in the 1900's, Spain was one of the big agricultural powers, not industrial, unlike the British who for lack of land and climate to cultivate resorted to industrialization, taking to the colonies who where turned into capitalist gold mines of wealth and commerce.

Filipinos are closely related to Asians. Native Americans are closely related to Asians. Those "hispanics" are part native.

This taco is correct
Unless you're as white as in skin as Mel Gibson, you aren't white.

That being said. As a pasty white Latino (Hispanics are ricans and dominimonkeys), i also have to add that both panel in OPs pic aren't white

Hay una region en Venezuela donde se utilization voseo. Son la peor clase de Venezolanos sin embargo... gordos, gritones, chovinistas y huelen mal.

i didn't read this. No one read this. you. dumb. spic.

White Hispanic reporting in

que pasa mohammed?

tfw im hispanic and wish i were white

you still aren't white ;)


You can already see why in this thread. We are all shitposting.

Usamos el ''usted'' para respeto, si quieres para referirnos a "ustedes" de ahora en adelante usaremos la palabra "tú".

i said there are Black people out there who are educated and smarter than you are

you deflected this by questioning the legitimacy of the claim that educated black people exist

so yeah, you were talking about intellect
I'm sorry if you don't have the attention span to follow an argument that spans 3 small comments

but triggering stormkykes is something I enjoy
so keep it coming familia

Argentina and Uruguay are pretty nice

Cuba was nice before Fidel took over

really made me think

Look up Spanish Caste System. Then realize that you're retarded.

Spanish people are considered caucasian by everyone who knows what that word means

so if OP was Spanish (as in born and bred in Spain, which I believe is what you were implying) than he would in fact, be considered a caucasian/white European

There are a few cases where it's hard not to, Nigel


/ \

he really dindu nuffin

yeah... that wasn't what I said at all
but if you don't have the critical thought capacity to ascertain something so simple...

than making fun of you just got a lot more boring

I'm down with Spanish bros, fuck dirty low IQ mestizos

at least my mayor is not muslim

>Imagine being a white guy with the last name Rodriguez

I'm living it and it sucks. 20 percent Indian but blue eyes and a light completion.

by questioning black education i was talking about intellect, but now they're not related?

>my mayor
>implying i live in London
Try harder muh malvinas

Serious question bro, how white is Argentina today, are you guys really 97% white or are the stats wrong

still mayor of your capital mohammed. Dont be angry

>Race: White
>Ethnicity: Hispanic

This is how Spanish people have it



not that much regrettably


We have enough food so that we don't starve so that we can care about stuff like that.


you're too stupid

let me explain it as simply as possible so that even you can understand it

I said that EDUCATED black people are out there that are more intelligent people
If they're not smart they wouldn't try to get an education and would just sell drugs or write rap music

nowhere did i infer that education = intelligence

everyone here understands the difference you mongoloid

Imagine being alone for months in the sea, with only men. And to top it, the woman you find aren't that clothed.

For what I know, there are plenty of northern Italians who emigrated there between the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century, some places even conserve some kind of N Italian dialect

except hispanic means people who are descended from Spaniards but aren't Spanish themselves

Spaniards are not hispanic

This is all you can come up with? Please try harder.

why do you keep referencing education to intellect if they really aren't related

Should focus on obesity instead desu.

No it doesn't retard

Hispanic is not a race to the government

Hispanic is not a race

It's a geographic term

No matter how many times you denied this you are wrong

Are you even spanish m8

I was joking, because the media kept calling him a white Hispanic

Were there temple-dedicated virgins to abuse when they arrived?



>What is Hispanic culture

It's to reference culture.

They should have brought women with them, like British did.

Putting dick before civilization is why Latin America is such a shithole (except the Southern Cone, they are pretty nice but they got a lot of white immigrants).

Plus, bringing in all the nigger slaves didn't help.

>Implying a single one of them looked like that
Dude, Mestizos are ugly as fuck. I can only imagine what their original Aztec ancestors looked like.

Of course, in Puerto Rico the Tainos though they where gods, so they offered them virgins as a gift, along with gold of course.

yeah, in fact greatly i respect your country


>Can't make an argument


Shitposting aside. Most of you are alright.


except they ARE related, my autistic friend

generally intelligent people want to have education, correct?
so it's really not that hard of a correlation to understand

in fact I'm starting to think that even uneducated Black people, you know.. the really stupid ones who will never amount to anything, are smarter than you

considering even a 6th grader in special education would have understood the point I was trying to make by now

why do you stormcucks even come to Cred Forums?
no one wants you here or cares about
>muh racial purity
>muh white nation

>be Hispanic
>White are disappearing from the world
>Almost no one cares


I'm only 90% white, but fuck these mongs

I do wonder what South America would be like if it was majority white.

The British came to settle, the Spanish didn't. The Spanish where totally unprepared, unlike the British who had the policies of bleaching like they in Australia and New Zealand. Can't blame, being alone for months to find half-naked virgins will drive any one to destroy their DNA. The Southern part of South America is actually pretty sweet, you should visit. The nigs could have been avoided by bringing extra man power like the British did, but it was more "cheap" to import nigs.

>pic related

The same.

Americans don't say "colours", why did you expect Latin America to say "vosotros"?

>greatly intelligent people want to have an education
please inform me what you are using to measure intellect
>why do stormcucks come to pol
why don't you ask one, i never questioned the intellect of all blacks. but just because i'm aware of how many blacks don't finish high school or go to college you thought i did. keep your katana in the sheathe anime man

>la verguenza de europa occidental merece que la mencionen aparte


Argentina is the closest example, to a degree Southern Brazil.

you don't even have the word "usted" in english, i really don't expect you to understand it

>that nipple
Also, she's not an Aztec.

Video related

>only 90%
Brother, consider yourself white. The one drop rule is retarded, no one actually believes it.

My great granparents were from Spain.

Hispanic is officially recognized by the US census as a race
hence why they have a checkbox for it on all their forms

and if it was a geographic term than please explain to me how both Spanish people and mexicans are considered hispanic when they live on opposite sides of the ocean

It was pretty common, except in the already established civilizations of the Aztecs and Incas. What some Spanish men did was marry their wives and have white babies, and while working or serving in the army, they would bleach to a degree the native women. This happened a lot.

Any idea how Cuba would compare? I know there's loads of blacks, but i want to go there some day.

i said generally

holy shit lad
i was just making fun of you
I didn't actually think you were THIS stupid

I can tell you're a dumb spic just by reading this post.

would colonize/10
I do suspect she's actually mayan tho

>le just pretending meme

I want to live in Mexico just so I can tower over them. Feels bad being average here.

The thing is with Cuba, is that under Batista and Castro (who where very pro-white), many black where killed and they instead of focusing on African culture, they focused more on Hispanic and White culture (why salsa was started by Puerto Ricans instead of Cubans). If you go to Cuba, depending on which areas, you will etheir see a lot of whites, or blacks. The poorer areas are main black. To add to this, since Cuba was the crown colony in the 1890's of Spain, it was hard to race mix. That's the likes of Bella Thorne, Cameron Diaz ect... exist for whites, and for it would Celia Cruz.

there are fats in mexico too you dumb

>folding fan
Isn't that an eastern Asian thig?


Oh, I see
I once read that in southern America, on their way to the Inca capital, they encounter a temple to the sun god full of hundreds of sacred virgins and raped all of them until they fainted for being too tired, but I am not sure how true that is

you failed reading comprehension didn't you?

nah, i'm not black :^)

this, hispanics / latinos / mestizo / chicanos are just an admixture race

also not bro tier

Same shit, stop acting like you're any different, moor rapebabies.

i wouldn't be surprised if you were

Greek and East Asian origin, adopted by Europeans in the 17th centur, it became common in the the Western world.

Most likely true, but with other natives. The other natives hated the empires of the Aztecs and Incas, so it could have happened.

you go to mexico city everyone looks like the top

That makes a lot of sense. As a teenager i used to wonder why there weren't many if not any black guerrillas in photos with Castro.


Hispanic's not a race

Mestizo means mixed

how hard is it for to realize this?

Why are you so stubborn against that idea?

Also Hispanic, Latino, Chicano are not the same thing

Why don't you go to school buddy

This I guarantee he's some mulatto Cuban/Puerto Rican. The mental illness/obsession gives it away. I've met lots of Caribbeans that have this complex

There weren't many because Che though black where inferior, so he killed a lot blacks in his time in Cuba, around an estimated 4,000.

America should only be for North-Western Europeans, families of the original black slaves, and natives to the US (this includes people living in land before the US acquired it) tbhfamalami
Find a flaw: Protip you can't

oh well
I still wonder if it's technically possible to actually faint for raping for too much time tho

>Hispanic is officially recognized by the US census as a race

Uh ahhahahahah no it's not

Also you have to think about the Criollos and Spanish people in the American lands

Hispanic is a geographic term you fucking retard.

It means any country that SPEAKS SPANISH

if Hispanic means race and is mutually exclusive to any other race then how come Martin Sheen is labeled hispanic, same with Ted Cruz and Cameron Diaz?

Hispanic is not a race

My grandparents are from Spain and they are labeled hispanic

I would personally love that

Explain how?

Oh wait you can't because you have no argument


>Stormcucks are bad

Glad to know that you're a libshit who wants all hispanics to be brown for an agenda

Fuck off and nobody likes you

If i recall correctly didn't Che end up seeing how blacks were treat in Miami and renounced his previous views, then went to the Congo where the whole thing went to shit. Do you have any idea if he went back to thinking blacks were inferior after the failed revolution in the Congo?

I'm so happy that my "Hispanic" half of my family are actually all from Spain. Never made sense when I would fill out forms and I couldn't be both Hispanic and white.

Can confirm. Currently in Spain. True Spanish people are in no way the epic shits that we refer to as mestizos. Side note, Spanish women are beyond beautiful and I must mate

Nah he just hated blacks (and homosexuals), please remind this to every first world leftist. I love seeing their world shatter.

He did change, but no that much. He though black where useful in defeating the evil capitalists.

>hispanic is a geographic term
>it means anyone who speaks spanish
im guessing you don't know what geography means

and it looks like it's make up your own facts day


>everyone who doesn't like stormniggers are liberals meme
can't you guys come up with some new material once in a while

That's pretty dumb america.

>Spanish women are beyond beautiful and I must mate

They really are.

Any country that mainly speaks spanish

Fucking nerd

>which specify that race and Hispanic origin (also known as ethnicity) are two separate and distinct concepts.

The link you posted doesn't side with you fucking retard

Hispanic's not a race and you know

Why aren't you accepting it's not a race?




I generally do, i love to remind them that by using him as an icon on clothing they're supporting the evil capitalist system.

Oh right. Thank you for answering my question, it makes me realise how interesting the history of Latin American/Caribbean countries are.

and either way for data collection purposes, if your progenitors are from Spain
then you are not part of the group of people the US government wants checking the >Hispanic box

why do you care about about classifications only used in 1 anglo country that is about to become mestizo anyway?

>Persons who report themselves as Hispanic can be of any race and are identified as such in our data tables.

>of any race
>of any race
>of any race

I hope you learned hispanic's not a race you fucking faggot fuck you


whoa man
just take it easy

I'll admit I'm not 100% sure what the word "hispanic" is supposed to mean

But the simple truth is that Spanish people are white
That's the only part *I* care about

And not checking the hispanic box because I'm caucasian not from South America (which is what the box is for


Italian in Wallonia. The immigration was very strong, I still can find people speking perfect italian and being 4th generation.

They are native frenche and perfectly integrated Belgians since 3 generations, mind it.

I even laughed with a colleague, she is blonde blue eyes (enough typical of women here). But in her case, it turned out that the belgian mother is a brunette, her colours are from the sicilian father :)

>I'll admit I'm not 100% sure what the word "hispanic" is supposed to mean


Then you had no right to start acting like you know shit

Get the fuck off of Cred Forums. You proved to be the dumber man.

Imagine if a fat fuck got a skateboard and thought he was a skateboarder. That's you right now. You argued something you knew shit about. So GTFO

yeah spanish people are white. But Hispanic is not a race and any race could be hispanic. Some Hispanics are unironically white. Hispanics can be of any race. ANY RACE



Also most boxes have "Are you hispanic or latino" (Geographic and language terms) before talking about Race. Any thing that has hispanic as races is stupid and they fell for the George Lopez meme. Most of the dumb ones are created by corporations, not the government.

The government wouldn't have hispanic as a race.

But yeah spanish people are both white and hispanic

Why do you think the Communist ideology garnered so much support in South America? I've always thought it was the poverty and romanticism associated, but i'd like to hear your thoughts.

it's a made up word that was made up for the chicano movement

it's not as if in the latin language, they continued to use 'Hispania' to refer to Mexicans and Cuban rape babies and shit.

>i won this argument
your claims are debatable at best

the two simple facts I made still stand
>Spanish people are not Hispanic they're caucasian
>For US government purposes Spanish and Portuguese are not Hispanic

and yet you're the idiot who admits that you check the hispanic box
that means, officially, according to the information you provided, you are a mestizo

congratulations you made yourself a spic

Also by your definition I'm pretty sure that makes all Americans hispanic

this is not acceptable
kill yourself