YRYL thread

Ya'll know the rules to this thread I'll explain mine.

I just found this woman and I am fucking disgusted. She is divorcing her husband and using the alimony to just play games for the rest of her life.
Link to the pic if you are angry enough:
in the post below


Ok? It's her life and her choice. Nothing wrong here.

Woah! calm down there Muhammad with those image titles!

>leeching off someone by taking advantage of a broken system
>hurr it's her lyfe

Reck yerself

Who cares? If you give her attention you will only make her popular

Isn't that what Trump did with his taxes?

lol u tk him 2da bar|?



>white knighting some dumb shit who married a gold digger
>telling other people to kill themselves

No one is defending the morality if that. All of the discussion I have seen is that he played a broken system and thus would be best suited to point out the flaws. It is the same thing as a tech company contracting a hacker to break their system so they can identify Weak spots.

I'm fuming everytime I see this.

How can a father do something this humiliating to his own son?

Its called being a Alpha male kraut.



Why doesn't he move on? At least he fucked her.

We should have never left the caves.

Stop fucking posting this, they're using an educational app that has information on the exhibits.


Maybe because that whole thing proves that the dad doesn't give a single fuck about his son? No consideration for his son's feelings, his mental health and absolutely zero respect.

If my father would've done something like this I would've broke his fucking jaw.

I would kill them both in an instant

why the fuck havent we put women into camps yet

>Maybe because that whole thing proves that the dad doesn't give a single fuck about his son? No consideration for his son's feelings, his mental health and absolutely zero respect.

So? He fucked her. He probably cum in her face and mouth. All he had to say was "you can have sloppy seconds ".

She looks like a barren wasteland anyway, anyone who would marry a girl looking like that deserves what they get.


How do you know she's using the alimony to play games?

if you don't want to be married, you can opt out. you can't opt out of taxes

no,i find this so hard to believe. You see humans are biologically hardwired to fuck and kill. How can the son not kill the dad? or at least beat him with a bat til he breaks both his legs. it makes no sense. Even the biggest faggot should snap and go on a killing spree.

god jesus let this never happen to me

So you wouldn't give a shit if your dad fucks your girlfriend or wife on a regular basis? Are you really that much of a cuck?

He got that Germanic ancestry.

Considering my dad is fucking ancient and all the girls I've been with have been really cute I'd probably be like "damn, good for you." I would never talk to the woman ever again, though. I wouldn't even give her the satisfaction of multiple messages on FB like that faggot did. I'd tell her she's a major piece of shit and never speak another word to her again. Much harder on women to cut them out of your life and not seem to care than to get noticeably upset over them.