
Thoughts on George Carlin?

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Redpilled and occasionally insightful, but not funny at all though.

Who's funnier?

Pretty good. Got really preachy his last few specials, to the point it was just political commentary with zero jokes.

*raises paw* i liked him

>le nihilistic hippy man

He was kinda funny though because he hated everyone.

Pretty damn smart. He would have definitely been a ron paul supporter in his old age, then converted to trump after obongo being prez for 8 grueling years

"He passed away"

He was an old hippie shit sack that thought he was fucking brilliant. I never understood why he was popular. I couldn't stand him.

The fact he could do this in a single take in front of a live audience is pretty nuts.

>look at me I'm edgy

Fucking stop

Old Carlin was way better than young Carlin.

a performance he didn't do for more than a few shows, due to 9/11 happening, has recently been released. It was BY FAR his best performance.

Louie CK.

What are you doing out of your cuck shed Bjorn?

Doug Stanhope is the spiritual successor to both Bill Hicks and (Late) George Carlin.

This desu. His delivery's GOAt and his subject matter besides the cuck shit is pretty fucking funny. He's not even an overt cuck like Cred Forums makes him out to be, he's more of a flippantly nihilistic cuck.

You're not real bright, are you, boy?

hippie liberal faggot


*puts tail between legs*


> besides the cuck shit
> not overt cuck

you have to go back.

>besides the cuck shit
That's all there is anymore

You contesting this, cuck?

he's no longer an athiest, thats for sure

I wonder what his opinions would be like in today's political climate.

Cred Forums embodified

Dead, buried and irrelevant

Just another anti-christian comedian that atheists consider an "intellectual"

You can also play better than Jimi Hendrix, for the exact same reason

> because they're dead.

I have tickets for his next stand up that my dad and I were on our way to see, until we found out he died. I still have those tickets.

He was more anti-ignorance, but if the shoe fits

This, OP. You're being shilled by people wanting you to stay asleep.

he is the epitome of liberal cunt.
>be liberal
>be smarter than everyone else
>make sure to make jokes about how dumb everyone is
>be a cunt to everyone
>think I am smart as fuck and let everyone know it
>be liberal
>think I am a genius

Carlin was Louie's biggest inspirations.

OD'd on a handful of mixed red and blue pills, useless opinions, not that funny.

Bill Burr

I like him. I'm glad he's not still around to see how shit things have become. Pretty sure his daughter is an sjw now too.

Bill Burr is trash, and he's an idiot.

are furries still a thing? Like did that pretty much die out, or have we just become immune to it since it's become increasingly mild compared to other degeneracy we've had pushed on us?

He'd come around if he lived long enough

ITT: Whole lotta bluepills trying to keep people from learning truth.

I love his dark and sneering humor. And yes, his memory was stunning.

He really really really really liked cocaine.

Lenny Bruce

A prophet

You can watch him if you want, don't say I didn't tell you he's got some bluepills.


Edgy as fuck, fedoras love him

Mitch Hedberg

you have to remember he came from the time before SJWism and Obongo, and also the modern evolution of comedy. A bit preachy and tryhard, definitely overrated


Patrice O'Neal, Mitch Hedberg, Jeb Bush

Pretty much dead-on.

Well, thank you for your permission, faggot.

I used to be into him a lot.

But the more I have heard him talk in interviews and stuff it seemed more like he was basically just an anarchist.

which makes him liberal on some things and conservative on some things.

seems to me he wasn't very intellectual. he just appeared that way because he made fun of everybody is a witty way. but he offered no alternatives.

He just wanted to watch the world burn.

> Gross

for you, user.

He was liberal but redpill nonetheless, lolbertarian of i had to take a wild guess

his act was that the world is fucked, so instead of taking initiative, he was going to enjoy watching it burn to the ground.

You know, like us getting Trump elected.

Loser who didn't understand human rights and helped popularise cuck culture. 0/10, was never funny. Never even chuckled once. I have never met a person who liked Carlin who wasn't a bluepilled liberal cumdrinker.

will you be my ai gf?

What about this man bill hicks


Bill Hicks

Most informed post ITT


I top. you'll have to bottom this time, twink.

Alex Jones is definitely a funny guy.

He was pretty good in that Bill and Ted flick, my mom's husband made me watch it

You mean Alex Jones right?

Patrice O'Neal
Also the most Red Pilled comedian on women

Bill Hicks is funnier than Andy Kauffman:

Seriously, user. Long-term, once the Alex Jones thing is considered something "everyone knew anyway, so it's not important", you'll appreciate his sense of humor.

Until that time, nobody beats Carlin.

Those trips

Same Hyde

What is that from?

he has a based quote i like to post from time to time, so he is cool in my book

Pic related is some basic knowledge everyone should have about the Centralbanking system. I made it in MS Paint some time ago when I was still a 9fagger to redpill some guys there, and whats written should all be correct

however here is another thing to think about. in the picture you see how banks make money, 1 thousand dollars they can create 10000 pretty quick by giving debt to someone. that guy also has to pay interests. now there are 1000 dollars in the save, 10000 as debt, plus lets say 10% interests (just to make the calculation easier) now even the first thousand were created through debt by the government and also has to pay interest. so ALL the money in circulation is just debt by someone to someone else. if everyone would try to pay back their debt at once, not only all the money will be out of circulation, but the 10% interest (or however much you have) would be still there as debt even though all the money is gone. now how to pay that 10% off? you work. who are you indebted to? the banks. so who do you work for? the banks. did they ever asked you to work for them? did they ever gave you any choice? that is basically slavery without people realizing it

people have to realize that major banks always fund both sides of a war, often creating the conflict to begin with. they get the money with interests back, or if not they demand reperations, bring the IMF under the disguise of rebuilding the country, but essentially just results in privatizations of infrastructure, economybranshes the country lieves on or even the humanitarian stuff like hospitals and so on overtaking the whole country. when the government complains they just say "but muh interests" and they basically have to do what they say.

why do you think they give loans to countries too poor to pay it backĀ“, or even too poor to even pay the interest? so they can loan them even more to pay for the interests, which creates bigger interest they will eventually have to take a loan again for. if they then dont do like they said they just stop giving money, the rating drops, no other bank will give them any more and their whole economy comes to a fall, and then they are also free to take what they want.

Give a man a gun and he may rob a bank. Give a man a bank, and he will rob all of humanity

Also pic related: CNBC brought article online about major banks laundrying 430 TRILLION dollars, shorty after the article dissappeared and there was a new one of the child of the CNBC executive being murdered.
but banks are your friends goyim

A lot of his stuff just before death was edgy as fuck. Even then some it was still pretty good.

I liked his older stuff more. It focuses more on language and daily life than politics or religion.

Andrew Dice Clay


Let's go one step higher.

what is the collateral on the debt the world owns the IMF/Bank of International Settlements?
Hint: it's the liened-up birth certificates of all the debtor countiries.

> you're a slave, neo
> Chains you can't feel
> Bars you can't see

There comes a point where comedians cannot make one laugh anymore. He was one of the last funny ones.

weird how i barely see this stuff in Cred Forums
the centralbanking system is basically the driving force behind the globalisation. they destroy small economies by altering the moneysuply. the spots left free from the destroyed small businesses is than replaced by some multibillion dollarcompany, and they can just blame "the bad economy" on it instead of admitting they are controlling it themselves.

its weird that Cred Forums always seems to be against globalization (rightfully the way its done now) but never tackles the main issues. they go against SJW, racewars etc. but those are only there to create globalization in the mind of the people. the real driving force ist the banking system.

If you want to know how important it is for them look at JFK. he attacked the fed, got executive order 11110 through congress and effectively abolished the FED and even a few billions of the new federal notes were brought into circulation. but then the "lone gunman" happened, the few billion were taken out of circulationm, the FED took on business as usual and noone ever spoke about it again, depsite the EO 11110 still being effective today.

Also the "Federal" ind "Federal Reserve System" is just a distraction. Its a private bank. and guess who it belongs to

George Carlin on Banking:

Fucking Leaf.

George Carlin on banking:

Amy Schumer, Amy Pohler, Sarah Silverman, etc

Disappointed idealist. Shat on everyone, especially when he was getting older and left in which he grown up turned out to be shit.

pretty accurate that guy

Women are funny, Wendy, get over it.

A great wordsmith that tried to redpill as many as he could towards the end.

Once Again, Every redpill should listen to Carlin's last release (I kinda like when a lotta people die).

Came out before September 11th, Was re-done and became Complaints & Grievances. Definitely his magnum opus.

Demetri Martin and mulany

ty for the pics and reminder. this is stuff we have all heard, but we often forget.

speaking of which, serious question: was Zeitgeist the movie a purposefully (mostly) incredulous POS, in order to discredit info like this?

pic unrelated

Learn to eat meat, and throw out the bones.
70% of Zeitgeist was great, but not connecting the dots well enough.

Norm MacDonald and Dave Chappel

Dumb cuck who used an innumerable amount of logical fallacies to appear smart to English teachers.

Faggots who listen to Tool will defend George Carlin.


this. it's just edgy and fun to call him a cuck. I agree he is a beta but I don't let comedians dictate how I think. If it's funny then I laugh.

Eddie Izzard


i like bill burr just for his "go fuck yourself" personality. if he goes on a good rant it can be long and tedious but the first bit of it is almost always gold.
easily one of my favorite comedians.

Hello Mr. Intelligence agency. They probably also enjoy Nestle's cookies and cream bars. I steal them from Dollarama, you know.

Oops! This is an anonymous message board run in the United States, and you'd have to break all sorts of federal laws to disclose what you just heard about me to a foreign nation, treaty status or not!

Have a good day, officer!

> edgy, fun

you have to go back. /r/Atheism misses you.

It's amazing how people will circle jerk around the truth, here on Cred Forums. They will get right up to the threshold of the truth, then they get distracted by Kek, trump, jews, traps, etc.

they're always happening, bro.

that last standup he did about people being boring and the ideal phone conversation is like "hey, what time is the circlejerk? 7? Ok" had me in stitches

fucking leaf, they're completely different types of comedians, hicks and stanhope would just piss each other off

Bill Hicks and Doug Stanhope on stage together. Here's where Bill Hicks "Passed the Torch" to Doug:

btw, if you need explanation (red pill incoming!),

King cuck? He's dead, let his garbage rot with him.

raised by a single mother

faggot trying to let important info slide off front page.


unironically really did me a ponder


>that bit about California being big on enemas
>"Someone's always shootin' something up someone's butt"

my sides

you're welcome, user.

Thanks. I wonder when this was?

September 10th, 2001. No joke.

He's really going off in this one so far.

Left leaning lolbertarian.

But their voices aren't even remotely the same.

Listen to the act I posted. That's _exactly_ a bill hicks routine. He's just modifying his voice to a gravely one. the post you replied to had evidence on that part as well.

Pol is a million uncle Daves.

Did anyone else notice that the end of this recording is a freemason who initiated George in 2001, er, I mean, arranged a few comedy dates at masonic temple? it's kind of a big deal.


