Imagine voting for a businessman who has never ran a successful business in his life

>imagine voting for a businessman who has never ran a successful business in his life

if trump had just put his money in the stock market he'd be worth $20 billion (he'd actually be a billionaire) instead of making only $3.4 million a year....

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Do you even know what a stock market is to make that claim?

Cool, can u show me how to be millionaire too then? Your such an economic genius after all, you can replicate the results on a smaller scale, yes?

wow how did he not know how to just put his money in the stock market?

the only thing I can think of is he couldn't find the stock market store lol dumbass

Why do people pretend that this election is somehow about who the president of the US is supposed to be?

It isn't, and hasn't been since Donald Trump announced that he was running. Ever since, it's been about globalism vs. nationalism. Who the candidates actually are is only relevant insofar as it affects the choice the ignorant masses makes.

typical deplorable loser.

trump started off with $500 million. if you invested $5 as the same time as trump you would've made the same returns but you wouldn't be a fucking billionaire.

god no wonder you're voting for trump.

This fucking cuckolded faggot stock market argument again.

That's easy to say decades after the fact when you have all the data and when you get to choose an ideal entry point.

Even if Trump was worth $20B because of STAWKS you'd still hate him, you would just say he's a greedy Wall street billionaire instead.

Are you putting every penny of savings into index funds?

You are counting what his father had as his 'starting' cash.

It wasnt.

Fred Trump died when Trump was 53.

Trump was already a billionaire with the loan his father had given him when he started getting into real estate.

His father's net worth was a single bleep in the radar by that point.

ok but if trump was "smart" why would he waste nearly 30 years building shitty businesses that fail instead of putting his money into the stock market and doing nothing while living the good life?

he's lived his life on credit because he's a loser.

Not even close to correct

The logical comparison is other casino resorts and hotels, not the fucking rest of the economy.

You are retarded.

>never ran a successful business in his life
Nevermind, you are CTR

>why didn't trump just gamble with millions???

Remember those news stories a few years back of bankers jumping off fucking buildings? that's why.

How many people work for Trump and how much USD is being paid to them per year?
How many people work in field directly and indirectly supplying Trumps businesses?

Because, you know, if there were no Trump, these people would be homeless, pennyless, worthless leechs of society such as many Bernie fans...

the comparison would make him look and casinos are like the easiest industries to make money in if you have the money to get in (trump did)

>implying trump's business have been more successful than banking

The 1 time you can personally invest your money in Trump's business acumen.

This happens.

Trump doesn't pay people so your argument is false.

Yah, THAT argument is false, not every other retarded thing you said this entire thread. Get out of here moron.

0.5 shekels have been successfully deposited into your account.

Trump always said that he enjoys doing stuff with his money and "playing the game", the money is just for "keeping score". Too lazy to find source for your shill-ass.

the swede is right for once

>Who the candidates actually are is only relevant insofar as it affects the choice the ignorant masses makes.
Welcome to democracy

you do realize that he does not own that company anymore right?

Wrong, Trump started off with a small loan of $1 million dollars.

And how many Americans would he employ had he invested?

Yeah, shouldn't create jobs

better to just stockpile money

>Sweden not making a faggot post

ya cause it went bankrupt

yeah we all respect stock market shitters who make money by doing nothing

>I got an A- on my first college into to economics class so now I know more about business than Trump thread

How many people would be able to employ if he didn't build his businesses?
How many big ass sky scrapers and how much infrastructure would he have been able to build, or have built?

>Trump doesn't pay people so your argument is false.
Okay correction, you're in high school.

His businesses employ and pay them. Businesses that wouldn't exist if he had "listened to your smart advice" and just dumped it in the stock market.

You deserve a life of poverty for being this stupid, honestly.

Trump casinos and resorts is owned by carl icahn

Trump organization is owned by Donald Trump

they are two separate companies, the first is not even owned by trump

>small loan
>of $1 million dollars
>$1 million dollars
>"""""""""""""""""""""""""""small""""""""""""""""""""""""""" amount of money

fuck off ameridiot. keep licking that corporate boot

Imagine voting for a career politician who lost $6 BILLION of *OUR* money in just a few years.

that makes no sense. are you saying he should've bought the NASDAQ index ticker or something? I've never seen anyone do something like that. as far as I know, there is no strategy to predict where the entire market is heading. you can predict individual stocks however. most hedge fund managers will buy or short sell individual stocks. that has little to nothing to do with the profit you would get investing in the entire index. stocks are a difficult and completely different game than real estate. not saying real estate is not difficult either.

>haha small loan of 1 million dollars haha if i had a small loan i would be rich like drumpf haha
>turns student loan into crippling debt

honestly id rather have an idiot in charge that a competent politician who will deftly screw me

i miss bush so much

0.01$ added to your account. Thank you for your service at Correct The Record™.

>1 million
>comparably smaller than $500 million
>Canadians in charge of language

Keep licking that corporate boot you think is your friend because Trudeau's face is on the sole.

I got an A. Stop projecting cuck.

Leaf, US law defines a small business loan as less than 5 million dollars.

Anyone with decent credit and a business plan can go into a loan office and get a 5 million USD loan.

Most people don't. Why? They know deep down inside they couldn't do shit even if they had 5 million to work with.

Trump is an amazing success story. Which is why he will Make America Great Again.

Fuck in Canada you can mortgage your house and get close to that amount if you live in Toronto or the GTA.

>you can replicate the results on a smaller scale
Have you ever heard the term "the first million is the hardest"?

>imagine voting for an old psycho woman who wants nuclear war with all enemy nations for no reason and is scared of a fucking internet meme

>if trump had just put his money in the stock market he'd be worth $20 billion (he'd actually be a billionaire) instead of making only $3.4 million a year....

But he wouldn't have created thousands of jobs and thousands of units of housing(both good for America)

I like how the cut the graph off right before '08 because the "rest of the US stock market" fucking tanked into hell while Trump's businesses remained relatively stable.

>comparing a section of the market to the economy as a whole

wew lad, this is intellectually dishonest

Wasn't that when Katrina came?

please, stop cuntfusing economy with ass licking.

thank you.

>I got an A. Stop projecting cuck.
Oh, what a good boy!

Maybe you can teach Bernie Sanders how equity works!

This, the leftist cognitive dissonance is astounding.


>rich is poor
>smart is dumb
>wrong is right
>bad experience is good experience

t. a liberal

>never ran (sic) a successful business in his life
>still a billionaire
>the rate at which stock market "value" accumulated over Trump's life means that floating a basket of stocks is a sure thing
>what are economic crises

If liberals understood economics they wouldn't be liberals — Le Lolbertarian Yid

those two thoughts aren't mutually exclusive...what a retard

No one can reliably predict individual stocks. Furthermore, you can invest in literally any S&P 500 index fund to track the US stock market as a whole which averages like 6 or 7 percent annually

the trumpfaggots in here are so stupid considering warren buffet has literally been investing in stocks since he was a child and he's now like 80 and he's like 100x richer than trump.

buffet makes more money in a hour than trump does in a year

Long after the stock market crashes for the final time... people will still need land and housing in Manhattan.


>if trump had just put his money in the stock market he'd be worth $20 billion (he'd actually be a billionaire) instead of making only $3.4 million a year....

CTR says a lot of retarded shit, but this takes the cake.


Actually Trump inherited the business in the early 70s. His father gave him complete control of his company.

He actually would have made a lot more money if he had invested in blue chip stocks like Berkshire Hathaway. The IPO for Berkshire Hathaway Holdings was worth ~$7000 per share in the early 90s. Now it's worth over $200,000 per share.

If he had invested $100 million in it in the early 90s, he would have made nearly $3 billion from then until now. If he had invested in the early 70s into it, he could have made three times as much.

>Trump took a small loan of $1 million and turned it into billions
>leaf took a small college loan of 60,000 canabucks and turned it into -80,000 canabucks

He has a 98% success rating

>what a retard
Says the high school baby who's abandoned all of his original arguments and stopped responding to replies.

>muh warren buffet
>muh establishment 1%
>muh Hillary donors

>picking one specific stock with hindsight and the ideal point at which to invest in it

He should have bought Microsoft stock in the 70s amirite

Only if you're counting his failures as successes.

>He actually would have made a lot more money if he had invested in blue chip stocks like Berkshire Hathaway.
Only if he magically knew when to invest said money. If he dumped those funds in prior to 1986 he would have lost every penny.
>The IPO for Berkshire Hathaway Holdings was worth ~$7000 per share in the early 90s.
yeah great. So your argument still boils down to "If Trump could predict the future, HE'D BE RICH NOW!".

Thanks for the insight.

why didn't he just buy stock market stocks baka, what an imbecile

I went to the casino yesterday. The ball stopped at black number 16. If I had invested 100m dollars on this I would have made more than 3 billion dollars... damn!

>warren buffet has literally been investing in stocks since he was a child
That's not his only financial gain. He also did Business Acquisition and Restructuring. He takes an inefficient company, buys it low, refurbishes it into a more effective entity, then sells it off once those changes take effect.

Index portfolios are a real thing and do out preform all other funds and methods of investing over the long run. Get /biz/ed

cant hear you over this pic

god. no wonder you people are poor whites supporting trump.

stocks aren't hard at all.

didn't they change the laws about casinos and all casinos collapsed?

This is absurd, why not compare it to the rest of the casino and resort industry? all of which is in a massive downturn due to internet gambling and internet price searching on hotels. I stayed in a spa resort on the weekend for $40 ffs.

>if trump was smarter hed be worth more

t. poor people

>and do out preform all other funds and methods of investing over the long run

but no 35,000 jobs

Most people nowadays get a small loan of 6 figures and manage to turn it only into negative money and a useless degree, I'd say Trump did just fine

in the entire world, there are three investment companies that would match or do better than trump has done, 3 out of thousands.

How many jobs would that generate?

Fyck you.

If you're so smart... then why aren't you rich?

1.) Does he own this building?
2.) We have some of the most oppressive taxes in Canada.
3.) 98% success rating

>No one can reliably predict individual stocks.
there are a few sophisticated techniques to predict how stocks move over several days or intraday with 60 to 80% accuracy and a reward:risk ratio of atleast 2:1 as proven by statistics with large sample sizes. I guess to average investors that might still be "unreliable" but if you're trading with those techniques on a daily basis risking a consistent amount of money, those techniques will guarantee net profit in the long term. they're difficult to scale for hedge fund managers but completely fine for average people.

Please regale me with stories of your 12 digit bank account

Yes, because a $40M inheritance in 1999 would be worth $20B now.

Nice meme, shill.



Wow, so its almost like hindsight is 20-20?


>3.) 98% success rating

is something you just made up

Why didn't he put all his money on Apple stocks? Who wouldn't have thunk it? Such a loser amirite?