If the kid could see dead people how come he couldn't see Civil War era ghosts or WWII era ghosts?

If the kid could see dead people how come he couldn't see Civil War era ghosts or WWII era ghosts?

Probably too long ago and had passed on to something else or dissipated.

He did, dumbass. Remember the people hanging in the old school building?

their ectoplasm all dried up

It's amazing that OP pulls this ancient movie out of the cultural sub basement for the sole purpose of asking this question and then manages to fuck his own ear doing so.

How embarrassing

you act like that doesn't happen all the time on this board

>mfw fucking my own ear

>Civil War era ghosts

Does anyone else remember this game?

It was my favorite

Because they crossed over already. There.

.. he did. the people hanging, the slave..

jesus dude.

OP here, those were all real people you retards


Oh, I see. You're an idiot. Got it.

he never saw any animal ghosts did he? only humans?
say he went to africa. what would be the earliest ape/human ancestor whose ghost he could see?

Animals can't be ghosts because animals don't have souls.

i get that. but what's the first ape-human that did have a soul?

>ywn see the ghost of a nine month pregnant Anne Frank making out with the ghost of a Confederate soldier


i bet you're the same stupid faggot that thought that drake post was real.

>animals don't have souls

So humans don't have souls?


We're special :^)

How many WW2 or Civil War battles do you think took place in the city limits of Philly, you fucking moron? Even during the Revolutionary war, most battles were miles away, with the city itself ceded to the British because the Americans didn't have the capacity to defend it at the time.