Comic edits thread

Comic edits thread.

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Someone post the Daredevil "I'M SORRY!" page.









Gay Jean grey was the best thing to happen in x-men comics.

always makes me chuckle



... This seems better than all of Marvel and DCs output in the last twenty years.

id read this

it's definitely better than what actually happened in Secret Wars

Illuminated Wars was a ride.


That's the same reasoning behind Squadron Supreme though, and it's not bad reasoning either.


>Starring Ben "bring Mughals back, the Hindu boys don't know how to act" Affleck as Batman

Illuminated wars was the best comic of 2016


Anyone know any comic parodies like Muh Phoenix?

I'll post one that isnt altered! nobody will ever know!!




Where's the edit?


Wait. Thats an edit?


bless you, Cap.


Can she be stopped?

It took me notice they all had frank faces. I'm not proud of myself for that.

the fire on the gun should have been frank

15 weeks in the cubes for disrespecting a judge.

The gun should have been a frank. Frank said it was a "frank that shoots franks"


I remember this edit. Man, comics were always fucking retarded. It's like these carnie writers should stick to carnie writing.

This is Action Comics 457 in its pure unaltered form.

And this is my extremely uncreative edit to make Superman look like a pedo-dork!


The gif that keeps on giving



>the jiff that keeps on jiffing

fuck off, Steve Wilhite

Fuck no. this is a very serious issue. GIF is pronounced "jiff"



>Graphics Interchange Format

just like "gift" is pronounced "jifft"

The continuity is the best part of Muh Phoenix.

just like jpeg is pronounced "jfeg"
idiot, the creator of the gif said it was pronounced "jif"
It's an acronym, it's pronunciation is determined by the creator

An acronym that starts with GRAPHICS


>It's an acronym, it's pronunciation is determined by the creator
that isn't at all how it works

I promise to start saying hard g if and only if you didn't read "jpg" as Jay-Peg, but as Jay-Feg

The way the first word of an acronym is pronounced has nothing to do with the acronym itself.

I made a few a while back.

That's the only way it works

The most classic.

Don't you mean Jay-peeg?


As a someone who says jiff, I know my pronunciation is being overtaken in the common language by plebs and will probably die out. But I still won't go down without a fight.

No, Jay-Feeg, according to


The only argument to call it hard G is fueled by a rising need to not feel like an idiot
All you have to do is correct people and they go nuts
Eventually, more people will correct others because it's hilarious to see people freak out, don't worry


>, I know my pronunciation is being overtaken in the common language by plebs and will probably die out
Isn't jiff the most common way people say it? I mean it's taught in schools that 'gi' makes a J sound like in Giant or Ginger.


the only argument to call it hard G is every linguistic rule in the English language

No it's sadly not
I don't really understand what the problem is
The guy who created it said "this pronunciation is right" and everyone said LALALA not listening


so did some guy lay down a rule about Ay-Sap or Ay-Ess-Ay-Pee?

What's the linguistic rule that denotes the way acronyms are pronounced


yeah, just like gift, gibbon, give,

Every rule says its a soft G user.

No, sometime a number of years back I started hearing everyone start saying GIF. It was weird.




People said A-S-A-P before the word was taken over by the mainstream
You can say "ASAP" and mean As Soon As Possible because it's commonly known to mean that
You can only pronounce acronyms that people know about
It's like an eggcorn, people pronounce something differently but the meaning is retained

hard g gif is an eggcorn of sorts, though I think it has a different name


You realise that there are far more soft G words than hard G when it comes to gi words right right? The exception is not the rule.

People like you are why people think they have to pronounce it with a hard G, because it's what they're most familiar with, hence why the common pronunciation is changing (for the worse). The letter G can be soft or hard. In this case it's a soft G. Aside from it being right, a soft G in GIF just sounds better.

I think I lost brain cells listening to beast.

Jiff sounds like a peanut butter, gif sounds like a computer thing

You can't really apply english language rules to acronyms
NASA is pronounced NAHSUH instead of NAYSUH or NEHSUH, even though Aeronautics doesn't sounds like AHronautics it's AEHronautics


this user is correct

And flash player sounds like a guy during mardi gras.

yeah, to be honest, that's a likely reason why people might avoid the soft G GIF.

Which is stupid though, since Jif is shit peanut butter.

and do you really want your acronym associated with a shit peanut butter?

Anyone got the one where a girl beings her past self to the present because if her boyfriend fucks her it won't count as cheating or pedophilia


With Hal this is barely an edit

I like jif
honestly, I've tried other peanut butters, but at the end of the day I just want jif
Natural peanut butters are better for you, and can taste way less sweet, but you can't get the same consistency

Does it really matter?

Squadron Supreme made a god damn brainwashing machine and only one member saw how fucking evil it was.

We do not use Squadron Supreme as a positive example of anything.

The G in gif stands for graphics, which you say with a hard G.

the creator of the gif said it was pronounced "jif"

the creator of the gif is a computer geek, not a linguist, so he doesn't really get to decide

I know, and he's wrong. Creators do not have control over their works, and software engineers don't control English.

So show me where linguists have devised a rule for pronouncing acronyms

if you're going for name-brand peanut butter with shitloads of added sugar, Skippy>Jif

They are indistinguishable to me
I just buy whatever's cheaper
Usually the store brand stuff, but sometimes they only have jif

there isn't any rule, so it's basically "whatever becomes most popular with the public."

which is clearly gif or the guy wouldn't have tried to correct people

Regardless, what sounds better to you, both to your ear and in your mouth (tongue movement, etc.) when you pronounce it: GIF with a hard G or GIF with a soft G (jiff)?

hard G since it sounds like an existing word with a letter knocked off instead of a brand of peanut butter

>Creators do not have control over their works, and software engineers don't control English.
Creators have naming rights over their creation user. It's not about controlling English as a whole.
They found have called it crankshaft mcdick cheese and no one could argue because they made it.

Hard G.

Bullshit. People don't know what actual peanut butter is supposed to taste like anymore. I didn't taste brands like JIF until I was over 16, and it just tastes like candy.

>They found have called it crankshaft mcdick cheese and no one could argue because they made it.
It's for this exact reason that that isn't true. Also, language is always defined by the populace speaking it, in every field.

>there isn't any rule
>the creator said one thing but I like the other better so let's just go with whatever people want
That's not a good argument

>getting pretentious about nut paste
dude, whatever
I like peanut butter more for consistency than taste

Honestly, both of them seem okay. It might be because I never say "gif" out loud so I don't care.

It's both, the creator has original sway, obvious;y because they're the person generating the pronunciation, but society does have the final say. Soft G GIF will likely fade for this reason.

>It's for this exact reason that that isn't true.
Are you an idiot?
You just said the reason it's false is the reason it's true.
>Also, language is always defined by the populace

>who the hell's bruce wayne?
always my sides.

No, it's really not
Just because people call all tissues kleenex and all cotton swabs q-tips doesn't mean that some off brand producer can start selling kleenex and q-tips
People knowing what something means and referring to it by a specific way doesn't mean the thing has changed names, it just means that a specific way of speaking has dominated
McDonald's doesn't own the name "Mickey Ds" because people started calling it that, if it does own it, it's because they had it registered

That's why it's seemingly changing from JIF to GIF, originally the people who used GIF frequently communicated about GIFs mostly online. It's only when normal people start talking about it in the real world that the term started taking on a hard G sound.

>That's not a good argument
it's the only argument. I'm very willing to bet he didn't write down "it's pronounced 'jiff'" when he developed it, and only started getting snippy about it when he heard people saying gif

also the mere fact that you have to spell it differently to denote the correct pronunciation means you were doomed from the start.


>That's not a good argument
You say that but it's the case. It's just how language works, accept it.

It's not both, and the creator has no sway. That's just how language works. Let it go.

Yes. See: Literally definition meaning being changed.

>>Also, language is always defined by the populace
linguistics are descriptive, not prescriptive

You can say it's not true but it is. There's no argument to be had here, this is a "the sky is blue" moment, this is just the way it is. Native speakers define the language.

>the creator has no sway.
Are you serious?

how do you think language is created? People just say shit. They don't come up with a written word and submit it to everyone in a big survey to decide how it's pronounced.

>it's the only argument
>I'm very willing to bet he didn't write down "it's pronounced 'jiff'" when he developed it
I'm very willing to bet that when he first created it he told people how he pronounced it
The reason other people who weren't directly told by him pronounced it a different way is because they weren't told directly by him
Here's another argument: respect the creators wishes because "gif" doesn't make more sense than "jif" by any means

Yes I'm serious. That is just how it works. You can't argue your way out of it.

Can you explain:
>how it works.

I'm curious how you understand linguistics

>People just say shit
and people just say gif, not jif


>here's no argument to be had here
I made an argument user, you just ignored it
Calling an off brand cotton swab a qtip doesn't make it a qtip. Just because you can convey meaning through words doesn't mean you've redefined those words for those specific meanings. Nor can you extend that to say you've renamed something because everyone prefers calling it that

If everyone called the Eiffel tower "that stupid fucking french tower", that's not the new name of the tower
If everyone calls New York City, "the big apple", that's not the new name of the city

Nor can you say "I'm right because everyone likes it that way" if you know that's not how it works for literally every single iteration of that argument

>Literally definition meaning being changed
This isn't a case of people changing the definition of words to different meanings
This is people changing the name of words to different names

If there was a cartoon on air that was absolute fucking garbage, and everyone called it "that one cartoon that's absolute fucking garbage", you can't get mad at the creator for saying "that's not the name of the cartoon" and argue that he's wrong because everyone calls it that

Lost it at Black Bolt and Apollo

this isn't a name change, it's a pronunciation change, i.e. shit that happens literally all the time

Like I said this is a "the sky is blue" moment. It just is this way. Native speakers as a whole have control over their language and single individuals do not. And again, as an example, the word "literally" was changed in the dictionary recently because of native use.

Ahh, good ol' Flyclops!

I know you tried to argue and I'm telling you to stop, this is not a moment where you can convince your way or logic a solution. This is simply how it is. Let it go.

The kissy face makes the entire thing.

right except that you also couldn't argue that "that one cartoon that's absolute fucking garbage" is the name of the cartoon

You wouldn't because in that situation the words that made up the title would all need to change, but people continue to use those words for their intended meaning outside of describing the show. Native speakers still maintain control. Stop trying to argue, it's just the way it is.

I don't think we actually disagree. That's exactly what I said here The creator originates the pronunciation (has the original "sway")
Culture takes it from there. Maybe it changes, maybe it doesn't.

It's effectively the same thing if it's being spoken and not written

If I said, "please buy me some macarons" but pronounced it macaroon, I'm now technically referring to a different cookie

And just because something happens often, doesn't make it right, especially when you know the source and origin of the name of the word and it's pronunciation is confirmed to be one thing

I think I see what you're trying to say here, that somebody has to be the first person to say a word, and by nature of hearing someone say it the way the listener heard it influences how they pronounce it. But still, the creators sway is no greater than anyone elses.

This. I've gotten burned on macaroon/macarons before. Pronunciation as it relates to meaning is important.

right, and if you say jif instead of gif, you are now referring to peanut butter

They have different languages of origin and are borrows words.

literally classically always meant figuratively
the very earliest uses of the word literally meant figuratively
look it up

It IS a "the sky is blue" moment, because there's a right answer and there's a lazy answer
Everyone knows that the sky isn't actually blue, it just looks blue
Nobody says "no, the sky is definitely the color blue, it's not a refraction of light through specific elements in the atmosphere, it's blue and literally everyone sees the color blue, which means the sky ISN'T CLEAR"

Exactly. But my point, importantly, is that the term does't emerge fully formed the collective zeitgeist or whatever. It originates with a person.

It's not how it is because that's not how it is
refusing to listen to my argument just means that you don't have a reason as to why I'm incorrect other than "I'm incorrect"
You can't actually prove your point

>you also couldn't argue that "that one cartoon that's absolute fucking garbage" is the name of the cartoon
That's my point
You can't argue that the name of the cartoon is "that one cartoon that's absolute fucking garbage
maybe you made a typo

>but people continue to use those words for their intended meaning outside of describing the show
You realized that the situation you're describing is inherently wrong, but then ignored it because you don't have an argument

I don't need to because I will still be right whether you realize it or not, and you saying a word wrong won't make you right.

I don't think you're saying what you think you are. The fact that literally has changed twice is my entire point, that language is fluid and it belongs to its speakers.

I misread the post, I thought you meant THE CREATOR can't get mad and say that's not the name

No, I realized that you presented a false equivalence and I tried to explain it to you. The words that make up the title of a show have meaning outside of that shows title, which makes it resistant to change. Gif has no meaning aside from Gif, it changes as speakers demand it. Let. It. Go.

and the origin of "gif" is well known because it was documented very recently

If I say "please define the word 'sea'" and I speak it instead of writing it I'm not suddenly talking about the word "see" and I'm not suddenly talking about the letter "C" and I'm not suddenly talking about Cee which is a random municipality in spain that I googled while searching for alternate homophones for see just so I could have a third thing

It's called a homophone

You didn't need the edit to make it look pedo.

Fight the good fight user

My point was unrelated to the argument and only meant to explain why the macaron issue happened.

Also simply because homophomes can exist does not mean that this situation must be a homophone. Stop trying to reason it, it won't work, you're still hair wrong.

>I will still be right
No, because the sky isn't actually colored blue

> The fact that literally has changed twice is my entire point, that language is fluid and it belongs to its speakers.
But that's an example of a word's definition changing to mean something different
not the pronunciation or effectively the word itself changing

I gave the example of qtips and cotton swabs because it more accurately relates to what you're talking about
It's generalization, but for pronunciation
Language is fluid, but that doesn't necessarily mean that that it's speakers are the only source of definition
Just because you use a word wrong doesn't mean that if enough people start using it that way you're using it right
Just because you don't know how and when to use the word irony, everything you describe becomes ironic if enough people don't know what irony is

You don't know how language works

>Well I think it's 6!
>It's not.
>prove it!
>It just isn't.
>Well my professor says algebra has variables
>yes but it's unrelated, it's still 4
>Well 3+3=6!
>yes and again it's unrelated.
>look two of the same number made 6 I googled it
>Just let it go, you're just wrong, there's nothing else to it.

Pronunciations changing is literally how languages are developed. Regional accents go on for long enough that they are incomprehensible to outsiders and that is it's own language. We even have poetry from a few centuries ago that shows formal pronunciations have changed within our own language, these changes are accepted because that's just how it works. Words change, it just is this way, you're embarrassing yourself.

>Cee which is a random municipality in spain that I googled
well of course not, that's pronounced Thay

>false equivalence
It's not a false equivalence, I'm guessing you don't know what that means either
and you did a really shitty job of explaining why, which was also wrong

The meaning of the word "G"if is that it's a way that people incorrectly pronounce gif
Just because you can recognize what someone is talking about doesn't make the way they are saying it the correct way to say it
instead of "the words that make up the title of a show" you could insert any random made up word and my argument hasn't changed, look I'll do it for you

If a cartoon was really bad and they started calling it "SHmoopy fricken" for literally no reason, even though any number of people could call it shmoopy fricken (made up words) that doesn't mean that the name of the show has changed
If people started calling Rick and Morty "WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB" or "SHUM SHUM SHLIPPITY DUP" it doesn't mean that the name of the show has changed

I'm not breaking it down for you again, it's literally a false equivalence, and at this point I'm starting to think that you just have your own world you live in and you pretend to not understand when you're proven wrong.

the point I was making in response to your post was just that even if you assume there's a way to pronounce something based on how english works, we still know that the person who created the word pronounces it a certain way

Sure. And he's still one person. A person can be wrong. Language belongs to it's speakers, not to the individual.

I never did understand why they had Bruce go around the Watchtower dressed as Hal Jordan.

I'm really glad I posted that "gif that keeps on giving" joke. This is a way better thread than it had any right to be.

>If a cartoon was really bad and they started calling it "SHmoopy fricken" for literally no reason
The thing you're saying wouldn't happen literally happens and has happened and continues to happen. You're just wrong. You're wrong. This topic is a binary state, it is not very and you cannot argue a 0 is a 1. You are wrong. Let it go.

Other examples are Nutella and La Croix
You can't get mad when the people who make La Croix or Nutella tell you how it's pronounced, even if everyone you know does it that way

Those changes often aren't accepted, user
An example:
Go to Louisiana and pronounce praline "Prayleen". They will correct you and say "it's pronounced "prahleen". You can argue that everyone else says "prayleen" so that's how it works, but that's a poor argument because obviously that's not how it works, obviously those people will still say prahleen and be correct and correct everyone that says prayleen in front of them
Just because you can say "I'd like to order a box of prayleens" and get a box of pralines doesn't mean that because you are understood, your pronunciation of that word is correct

This is an example of a false equivalency, this isn't a regional accent, nor is this an example of language evolving

>t's literally a false equivalence
It actually isn't
I proved that it wasn't

Just because a person can be wrong doesn't mean that he's wrong
Just because I am a man and Plato is a man does not mean I'm Plato

Not the user you're arguing with (I agree with everything you said). But nutella/ La croix aren't the best examples for this, because with the term GIF, people these days are using it colloquially to mean not necessarily the file format (because most don't know what a file format is) but instead to mean a short, shareable moving image. They're wrong, but it's a term that's moved beyond its original meaning.

>Other examples are Nutella and La Croix
If you mean examples of things I'm not arguing about, then yes.

>regional dialects pronounce things differently
... Yes, and you have no point here. If anything you're telling me I'm right, that they pronounce it the way their culture and dialect pronounces it and it isn't wrong in any way. Since, you know, language belongs to it's speakers and not to the individual.

And I explained it was. Just because you said some nonsense after that doesn't mean you made a compelling case, and I still think you're just shutting out reality.

Look at this point I'm done with you. After cited examples of creators losing control of their words, cited change in words over time, and cited examples of the masses controlling language, you're still just insisting on being a dumbass. Enjoy life being wrong.

you might say it's the jift that keeps on jiving

>If you mean examples of things I'm not arguing about, then yes.
If your argument doesn't extend to those things, then your argument is wrong
Plenty of people pronounce nutella "NUH-tella"
Plenty of people pronounce La Croix "LAH CROCKS"
Just because those people pronounce those things that way, even if a majority of those people pronounce it that way, it doesn't mean the pronunciation or the name has changed
But you can't see that because your argument is flawed

>If anything you're telling me I'm right
No, I'm saying you don't know what you're talking about
If there are only two people on earth and one of them is buying a soda from another, and one man says "blue can, multicolored label" and gets the Pepsi he was asking for, the name of that soda isn't now blue can, multicolored label nor is that how it should be pronounced
You can call Pepsi, blue can, multicolored label, but that doesn't mean that's what it's name now is
Again, just because you can be understood, doesn't mean you're correct
Especially if it's a mistake that people make often enough to recognize

>this isn't a regional accent
except it literally is, only the regional accent is everyone who isn't an autist

>And I explained it was
You really didn't
how is it a false equivalency if you can exchange the objects you're talking about and have the argument stand up

You're not actually explaining anything
Your entire argument is literally "that's just how it works"
You didn't explain how it works, you didn't give examples of how it works, you just said "it works this way"

pronouncing hard g gif isn't a result of a specific way of speaking due to regional differences

it's a result of a specific way of pronouncing "gift"

Here's the thing. I actually say "jif" if I ever have to say gif out loud. Only after I made the post did I realize the pun worked better(or worse) than I intended.

that doesn't contradict what I said
and while it makes sense to pronounce gif like gift given their similarity, it doesn't mean that it's proof of a rule nor is it the sole reason everyone who pronounces gif like gift gives

I mean, maybe it's not the reason people give, but it's pretty much the core reason. There's no real explanation for it otherwise.

Like I said, that reason makes sense
But that's not proof that it how it SHOULD be pronounced

linguistics are descriptive, not prescriptive

No, linguistics are definitely both descriptive and prescriptive

Like, are you absolutely sure you're using those words correctly?
There's a difference between the two, but they definitely both still exist

Also, if it's not prescriptive, saying that it's proof how something should be pronounced is contradictory

Is that a dolphin?
He's got a gun!

remember when this thread was about comic edits?

>dont they make soap here
you fucking killed me, man.

if you have to use a different word with a different starting letter than your point is fucking moot.
>say it like the peanut butter.

These are great

Also fuck you, I read the entire thing for the past 3 hours and now it’s 3am


I don't recall that at all

So much better than what we actually got.

Everything is Illuminated is underappreciated

Here you go user.








I couldn't help but hear Carnage as Michael Keaton's Beetlejuice voice.

misspelled bulge.

Can somebody make an edit of this?
>I'm gay? Yup
>I fucked all those guys? Yeah

Sometimes when I'm lonely I wish Jean was real so she'd turn me gay. :/

Muh Phoenix is a work of art

And saved.

>Comic edits thread
>devolves into a blood feud about the "correct" (see: Who gives a flying fuck?) pronunciation of "GIF"

if they don't discuss their hate of niggers and focus their energies elsewhere bad things happen.


Still one of my favorites.

Does anybody have a link to the full Illuminated Wars? I'm curious now.

Ya know, I feel like the Cred Forums guys needs a little photoshopping on his skin color.

Makes the entire thing feel dated, maybe.

I think everything's here

I prefer the Oblivion edit

>caring about the future is insanity

Did a baby boomer write this edit? Bendis is a hack, but that doesn't make this any less retarded







You're wrong, and also the fucking creator is wrong.

future is static and unknowable. destroying the now for the sake of the future is nothing but being a slave to fear

What is this?

>it's time to shit

>future is static

Don't you mean "Cringe general"

So Bendis did a good thing?


Whatever happened to Illuminated user? Does he post here anymore or does he just live on tumblr now?

They're doing Secret Empire right now which doesn't involve the queen of Cred Forums that much.

They posted a bunch of their Secret Empire thing a few weeks ago

Shit really, I missed that. Loved the Illuminated Hickman/Wars threads. Dude could be an actual panel designer or something.


There's "I Don't Need Your Civil War"

Heh, sleepin with the beach crabs.

Why did you post the original?

I know right, this is an edit thread, not best original panel from a comic thread.

I disagree. Phaggot.

Who the hell is Hal Jordan?!



3 words deleted

>"Hmm, yes. I DO miss the rape."

I am looking for the "I NEED YOU, MAXINE" edit of this.

Remember that cute boy who you let get to second base under the bleachers back in high school?
Remember that lesbian applicant who you gave orientation to and then experimented with back in college?
Remember that dog that humped your leg that one time?
Remember that erotic "dream" where you dommed yourself while dressed like a high-ranking imperial officer from Star Wars?

I know.

Supes would btfo the whole Illuminati honestly

do your part and pronounce it with a hard g to trigger a sperg today





That's not an edit. Kitty actually went by the name Sprite. This is more of a no context image.

The only edit is the color of the drink. It was originally lemonade.

If it's pronounced like that, then why did you have to change the spelling?

>when I create a company called GEFAX
>when people tell me I pronounce my own creation wrong


>Magic is one of his biggest weaknesses
>Strongest magician in comics on Illuminati
alright user

Someone will open up JIFAX someday to spite you




>You used my dick in a midget
This line always gets me. Wish I could find that edit of Captain America's shield reflected in Iron Patriot's helmet edited to be Cyclops blasting himself around. I was sure I had it here somewhere.

wasn't that from Atomic Robo?

just remember to send Shia Lebeau consolation cards on his birthday.

>Somebody remembered Mr. X


This really shouldn't be this funny.



>I fucked all those men because of Jean Grey?
>Welcome to the club, bub.


Never fails to make me laugh. The entire dialogue from start to finish is gold. This edit has to be like five years old though, still the best.

I find this doubly funny because Cred Forums had enough of their shit and birthed the whole mutt/goblin meme to fuck with Cred Forums


Posting a classic.



Are you implying that the art isn't top notch? Preposterous.

More of this


Dr McNinja


You mean








Fun fact: this quote is actually from the UK's last prime minister.







This is more of a /tg/ related one, but it still counts.





>That means 'You're beautiful' in Xeno Body Language

>Shadbus has no brakes

She's cute. Wheres she from?

The 2099 comics

his pose in the last panel looks like pic related

I chuckled.

>I want to get off Mr.shad`s wild bone

Is she a main or tertiary focus in the comics. She's the most gorgeous character ive ever seen in marvel comics

I don't know, I haven't read them


Anyone got the Jubilee and Red Skull one? I thought I saved it but can't find it.
