G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #248 was released this week

G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #248 was released this week.

And it looks like no one has storytimed it yet.

Since we obviously can't let the best current ongoing in comics go un-storytimed, we're gonna storytime it right now.


When the fuck did Snake Eyes get tits?





















And the issue ends with this letters page.

If you want to download it there are links right now in the Win-O' Thread.

>they're doing a "countdown" to issue #250

lol wat.

Thanks for the storytime, OP!
>dat Silent Issue
And thank you Based Hama. Also, Netho Diaz is really rising to the occasion.

Nice enough cover I guess.

aside from GI joe and non-human centric comics (i recall a dinosaur comic that had no dialogue or text boxes), can anyone else actually pull of silent issues?

This seems like it would have made a better cover than the actual cover.

Geoff Darrow is stupid good at it. I don't even want to imagine how a Joe Silent Issue by him would look.

Is this a flashback or is this Sean?

Flashback to the OG Silent Issue. Snakes' memories continue to fuck around Dawn's head.


>human shields


OW that is painful looking

>Hama is really pushing Dawn, for what feels like a year now
>A 'major' Cobra character is going to be killed off soon

I'm scared for Firefly.


That has to be the best and most tense ending to a G.I. Joe issue in YEARS. I genuinely am hyped for the next issue.

Mind upload/download shenanigans.

>New gijoe comics

stopped giving shit about this sjw turd

>the paramenters of PG-13 films stretch further than they used to

That's objectively false. You used to be able to have nudity in PG-13. "PG-13" originally basically meant "soft R". It was essentially for films that had all of the same content as R films, but much less of it.

ARAH is free of that crap.

Dude, this isn't even the same continuity as that. Totally unrelated.

No problem.

I don't know what the story behind FemEyes is but I'm hating her. Give me the real one.

I think Larry missed a beat not calling this bloodbath "Violent Interlude."

extreme newfag detected

Goddammit, sai are not DAGGERS!! They're pronged BATONS!!!

Is this one that continued from Marvel continuity?


all written by the same writer, Larry Hama.

>IDW ARAH>>>>>>>>IDW ReGeneration 1
How does Larry Hama still maintain a knack for writing "his" franchise entry while Simon Furman shit the bricks with his continuation book from IDW?

Wrong comic outragrfag, now fuck off



i wished that Dawn had her own version of the og Snake-eyes' getup