Would Cred Forums watch a full George Liquor show?

Would Cred Forums watch a full George Liquor show?










Is it going to take 6 years between each episode?

It'd perfect for Adult Swim

lol, no

No. George Liquor isn't funny and John K needs to stop thinking that his abusive childhood is a fun and quirky thing to associate with himself.

I wouldn't even watch half of one

I've always been curious about George Liquor and the other cartoon characters associated with him. It's like they are a cartoon, but not really. It's like they serve more as mascots than anything.

No this looks like fucking dog shit.

now this image is some garbage pail kids type of bullshit.

Does John still think gross out humor is funny? Yeesh

What a ridiculously unappealing character

John has an autist's narrow concept of humor and a pedant's notion of what aesthetics are. Having been an industry slave doesn't qualify him to dictate how cartoons must be made or argue that small eyes literally mean a creator hates his audience.
I think if his (deceased) heroes were to look at his rants they'd be ashamed of him for taking their work and extracting dogma from it. John hasn't done much that wasn't embarrassing to look at in the last 10 years and if he can't get a job as an instructor at a place like Calarts he should retire instead of trying to be the internet's creepy mentor.
Idiot boy was stupid. Wally Man was intensely stupid. George is him trying to process a father who should have been locked up because John thinks that's what comedy is.
Ren and Stimpy were funny. He's tried to build an entire career off of it like the world owes him something for a few years' worth of work in the 1990s.

Please go away John. You aren't our uncle or something.

I remember I used to read his blog for a few years back in highschool and he really painted a picture of this abusive 'manly' father who he hated but also still weirdly respects at the same time. His creepy unconditional love for a man who seemingly hates everything about him really spills over into George Liquor and I don't think it makes any sense to anyone who isn't him.