How come Chicanos hated this movie?

How come Chicanos hated this movie?

Because they saw themselves in the movie, and there is nothing Chicanos hate more than other Chicanos.

Because they wanted to see a bunch of degenerate beaners leeching off of welfare and stabbing each other in the back and not Mexicans in Mexico running a successful business and respecting their family.

t. Mexican that hates immigrants

By immigrants do you mean immigrants to your country or emigrants from your country who are immigrants to burgerland?

Wait, Mexican audiences hated this movie? Why? I thought everybody liked t when their culture was in the spotlight?

Chicanos aren't mexicanos.

Because Chicanos are degenerate gangbangers
t. American of Mexican descent

Actually, maybe it's the fact that Disney made a legitimate attempt at trying to buy/copyright the name "Dia De Los Muertos" for their film. In complete typical "conquest" fashion, treating Latino Culture as yet another asset they can exploit for profit.

Seriously, don't think Disney is a fucking angel and did a service making this film, even if it finally gives a Minority group some recognition.

People loved this film, desu

Latinos don't give a shit about that

>A group of people don't care about a Corporation trying to claim the name of one of their holidays for the sake of a film.

Are...are you serious? You do realize there was protest from such groups when news was released of when Disney was trying to do this, right?

If they had not, then Disney would've owned the name of "Dia De Los Muertos".

As mexican I can testify, no one gives a damn. Shit, I remember some recent James Bond movie tried to do something similar with Dia de los muertos parades I people rolled with that.
desu this guy sounds like the same kind of fags that thought Mexicans where offended by speedy gonzales.

>needlessly self-loathing ethnic

why do people do this

because they try to gain attention by being the "exception", or the "different" one.

In this day and age it's trendy to be edgy

It's because the movie was originally gonna be called Day of the Dead or something like that. Still a stupid move by Disney but not as malevolent as people thought.

there should be an equivalent to "Uncle Tom" for latinos, I suggest "Tio Tito"

Yes. US Chicanos whined. They are not real Latinos.

Na, I just don't appreciate my ethnic group being exploited for profit.

Disney is a business trying to make a profit, not art.
Stop being so gullible.

We did?

Tio Ted is better.

>Not despising the bottom feeders of society that just make everything worse

Do you think white people like the fact that chavs exist? Or Black people and niggers? How about Indians and street shitters?

It makes chicanos realize they aren't actually mexican and will never be mexican. Just look like sick white people

I bet you don't even speak spanish

>You do realize there was protest from such groups
Those weren't latinos.

Matate maldito chicano.

Ah, the "I'm not like those other girls" of coloured people

Tio Tomás.

>Yes, US Chicanos whined

Wanna know why? Because US citizens know the implications of such measures taken by a company. You do not, as a non-American. And usually what America does, sets precedence for the rest of the world, and this is just fact.

t. Chicanos
Tell me about how you wuz aztekz n shiet ese and wypipo ruined the Americas

>w-w-we're doing this do protect you
Nah, fuck off gringo. We don't give a fuck if your great-great-great-great-grandmother was born in Mexico.


So what your saying is you actually want white people to be those sjws who make a point of hating themselves to try and impress other races? Fuck that noise


>he thinks pretending to be white is better

No one respects a race traitor and no matter how many hoedowns you get into; whites will always treat you like a drug dealer

>Disney is a business trying to make a profit, not art.
No shit, Sherlock. How the fuck can you call anybody gullible with a straight face after typing that.

Representación cultural no siempre significa apropiación cultural, chicano.

>tfw i thought i had gone full chicano but just the other day my native mexican neighbor apologized for hosting a loud party and handed me a piece of leftover cake over my backyard fence
doesn't get any beanier than that

More like, gringo am I right ese'?

Did people really hate this movie? Every mexican I know loved it, including my own mexican family.

ITT: Tio Tomas via Disney™

Why do Chicanos get so butthurt when being told that they do not speak for the entirety of Latin America?

>Cred Forumsmblr

don't you have another bbq to fuck up?


I literally don't know how you can NOT see what the problem was.

Read my post again, son. You've got it backwards.

>spend 500 years shitting on indígenas
>complain about race traitors

Because as a first-world country, we know how second and third world countries are being exploited by companies and corporations in our country.

>Because US citizens know the implications of such measures taken by a company
Hahaha, you SJW waaay too up your own asses.

Si quieres hacer algo respecto a la influencia de USA en LATAM empieza a donar $, no te ponga a hacer protestas insignificantes en tu pais primer mundista.

Shit Venezuela could really use some USA influence right now.

Latino isn't a race you stupid gringos

>we know what's happening in your country better than you
Go be a white savior somewhere else, user.

Ya, chicanos are real mexicans.
Those shitbreed people wouldnt know what the Mexican motherland liked or didnt like even if they sent the message in spanglish.

>this triggers the Chicano

You're using a buzzword without fully knowing the meaning.

>Si quieres hacer algo respecto a la influencia de USA en LATAM empieza a donar $, no te ponga a hacer protestas insignificantes en tu pais primer mundista.

Oh, so you are literally saying "don't stand up for our countries but give us money"

Na seriously fuck off. No wonder you are exploited as all fuck. Fucking menso

Race technically isn't a real thing and is considered just a strange step in the genetic hierarchy that isn't really understood.

we COULD have some solidarity among all central americans, but no. We got shit-kicking self-hating Texans who line up to get in border patrol.

Corporations are being evils? This is not some sort of completely new behaviour, and it is not even the first time something like this was tried.

Guess what? This shit never flies, that's why no one thinks too much about it. Hell you're really god damn retarded if you think you had any participation in it.

my bad,
I meant they aren't mexicans.

How does it feel to embarrass yourself in the pooblic space you eediot?

>This shit never flies, that's why no one thinks too much about it.

Do you want to know WHY it does not fly? Because DEMOCRACY. People actually giving a damn to protest against it.

What you're saying is "if no one cares then it will be taken care of itself".

And you're calling us the stupid ones. Fuck outta here.

As a white person of superior heritage, it is my duty to be offended on behalf of all the nonwhites who don't know that we whites are exploiting them.
I will fight for them.
No need to thank me, my dear fellow nonwhite people of culturally challenged heritage.

translation: praise me and adore me.

>reddit spacing
As expected of a Chicano!

Oh look he's reaching

do i get to anally rape you and your nonexistent wife?

>chicano primer mundista pretende saber mierda de mexico.

You accomplished nothing for that so called "standing up for mexico", and disregarded the real problems mexico and latam are presenting in favor of your silly crusades.

LATAM necesita inversión externa, y eres demasiado U&B si piensas de otra forma.

This. Mestizos spent centuries stealing indigenous culture and saying "we wuz incas and azteks" white getting offended if you called them indios.
They are the last race in Earth that gets to complain about race traitors.

Thank you gringo. Now let's tell these misguided brownies what's good for them, because clearly they cannot tell by themselves.

t. chicano

na, actually, we did.

Disney did not end up owning the sole rights to the name of the holiday, and instead called the film "Coco". I say it was a victory.

Also, don't try now to cry about how we must fix all your damn problems you guys got yourself into if we "truly cared". That's just nigger-thinking.

>w-we need external intervention!! but let's allow ourselves to continue being exploited because we don't know how first world countries work

sigh I'm starting to see why your place is a shithole

LATAM necesita un muro en Guatemala para separarse de Mexico

>people in Northern Mexico are still getting decapitated and melted in acid
>people in Venezuela are still eating tree bark
>"y-yeah but at least Diseny doesn't the trademark to dia de los muertos!"

Priorities, man.
What potential profit the Disney megacorporation gets is more important than people's life.

>we did
>that reddit spacing
Good job at proving yourself U&B.

>>w-we need external intervention!! but let's allow ourselves to continue being exploited because we don't know how first world countries work
Read a newspaper kid. In Venzuela for example are in dire need of internal intervention, both for political and economic reasons, of course you're too god damn young to see how this would help them get a foldhold on their dying industries.

is there anyone here that actually likes all races???

Didn't Mexicans once complain that they never actually celebrated such a holiday and that it was all just an American invention based on cultural misassumptions?


Because Chicanos are the worst thing that has ever happened either to Americans or Mexicans

but they were aztecs
at least southern mexicans

>Dia De Los Muertos
Let them. That's not how real Latinos call the holiday.

They weren't

>Spain gief back our goooold
>what I'm not an Indian don't ever fucking call me that I'll break your face

Aztecs were one group of the Mexica people and were surrounded by other ethnicities (Tlaxcalans, etc.). Add to this the fact that Aztecwank was propaganda pushed by White revolutionaries to justify independence (and abuse of Indians and Blacks) and the Chicano's mindset becomes borderline satire.

Because Chicanos have been always known as the scum of all latinoamerican people.

And yes, Chicanos are any latinoamerican who is completely ashamed of their roots and decided to go full ameritard.

You never go full retard.

That isn't what chicano means

I know

Chicanos aren't people
t. Beaner

>Chicanos are any latinoamerican who is completely ashamed of their roots and decided to go full ameritard.
You've got that backwards.

>any latinoamerican who is completely ashamed of their roots and decided to go full ameritard
Chicanos are the opposite. They're burgerfags who go around saying "muh taco heritage!!"
What you're describing is self-hating mexicans who just wanna suck gringo dick, and will jump at the first chance to abandon Mexico. They're scum too, they wanna leech off American success and live the American Dream, instead of putting effort into fixing this shithole of a country


Being able to say "puto" and "vato" don't make you bilingual ese

No one in Germany bitched when they co-opted German culture for the fairy tales, no one in England bitched when they made Robin Hood into a talking animal and King Arthur into a bumbling child. No one bitched when they made a Swedish story about a mermaid into a film. No one bitched when they took one of Victor Hugo's most famous works of French gothic literature, etc, etc.

Why is your culture sacrosanct and theirs aren't?

You don't even speak Spanish.



Completely the opposite of what he actually said.

as a mexican i can attest that it was the talk of the nation and you're dumb as shit, but also as a mexican i can tell shit died down pretty quick and everyone saw the movie, and if you didn't they called you unmexican.

>Trying to use the name of a holiday as a trademark of their film.

Literally happened before; you don't complain about it then, because you know what?


Out of curiosity, what's the general perception Mexicans have of Spaniards?

As a Mexican I can confirm that I know where this user lives and have told a cartel he is working for a rival.

They can't speak proper Spanish.

jokes on you, i do work for a rival.

Oh, that's a pity. I've always tried to be very careful on my use of the language.
May I know in which ways we fuck up when we speak our own language? I'm curious.

Nice knowing you then. Looking forward for your Liveleak video

Not the user you replied to, but I'll answer anyway. It's like comparing Burger English to Britbong English: we both understand each other, but the way of speaking/the use of certain words give away immediately which of the two variations you speak.

*forgets how to speak Spanish*
*shoots up the barrio*
*turns California into a shithole*
*drops out of gradeschool*
*collects welfare*

Well, yeah, I understand that; I've lived that situation many times.
So I take that user was just being kind of an ass regarding the correction of the language, right? Well, Spain is so far away from its variants out there that it was to be expected. Same applies to Portugal and Brazil, I imagine.

Anyway, thanks for answering, user; I appreciate it.

>muh fact.

love how the gringos overuse that word, is quite funny.

>Na, I just don't appreciate my ethnic group being exploited for profit.
Nah, you're full of shit, Mexicans have never cared for this politically correct bullshit about depictions.
>MY ethnic group
Once again go fuck yourself, speak for yourself faggot, as do other Mexicans and the majority couldn't give two shits.
That's the real issue, you'd have to ignore almost all Mexicans in order to make this into an issue.
Let me guess I have a few assumptions about you, one you are not Mexican, you are born and raised in the States, you might not even be Mexican at all and given your level of offense you are female.

I hate Chicanos so fucking much

My pet peeve? The extensive use of anglicisms. When the standard bearer of the language speaks in English more than in Spanish, it's irking.
That, and how most people in Spain use America to refer to the US. I mean, seriously, you were the ones that named our continent.

haha, yall beaners are fucking VERDE with envy for your american counterparts


Yeah, the use of Anglicisms pisses me off to no end. I'll use them from time to time when faced with a situation in which an English word is more appropriate because of the lack of a Spanish equivalent that is just as clear, but most of them are very easy to avoid.
Hell, I find it even more surprising because of how far from the US we are; I'd expect Spanish speakers in American to use them more, but nope.

And about using America to refer to the US, I don't know where that comes from either. I guess saying Estados Unidos is more of a mouthful than saying America.
Also, since we are in Europe it's far less irking for us than it would be for Latinos; that's my theory.
I do have met plenty of people who hate how we use America to talk just about USA. Ironically enough they blame Americans for this, thinking it's because of their ego rather than out own fault.

Exist. Is called "malinchismo"

>Maya slave girl who toppled the Triple Alliance that everyone hated
Malintzin did nothing wrong.

Damn, this thread makes me feel bad for forgetting spanish.

You can always try to relearn it. I believe it's the second most spoken language in the world, second only to Chinese. Might come in handy in the future.

I want Cred Forums to leave

I think this is more of an Cred Forums thread than a Cred Forums one, user.

>did nothing wrong.
She gave birth to the first mestizo. She founded that perfidious race.

Mexican here

It's because Chicanos don't have any kind of identity, they are hated by people from their homecountry AND hated by the people in the united states

It's really easy and not surprising

Reminds me of the ones who complained about Mexican mario

Eh, it's kind of hard. Spanish was my first language but my father died and he died when i was learning english. I didn't really have anyone to speak to for a while and forgot most of it.

Watch telenovelas and movies. Nothing like a trashy 80s/90s Mexican action flick to get that noggin joggin

If you start learning again try to expose yourself to both European Spanish as well as American so you won't turn into those shit for brains who keeps arguing which dub is best.

>doesn't accept that LATAM dub is superior to the European dub

>muh taco heritage
>suck gringo dick
>you can't celebrate your heritage
>you can't deny it

Pideselo al Trump, que esta de generoso con la albañileria.

That is your opinion. I prefer Castilian because it's the most familiar to me as well as the one I feel closest to.

No watch dubbed anime like Lost Universe and Saint Seiya.

My only problem with them is if they can't even speak spanish.

No creo que Trump sepa que Guatemala es un país

Chicano here. My entire family loved it. Don't really know anyone who hates it.

>they are hated by people from their homecountry AND hated by the people in the united states
I honestly wish this was less true. And let's not forget that if you try to not act like a piece of shit, other chicanos will assume you think you're better than them and they'll hate you too. Fun times. Really.

I thought Chicano was the same thing as a Mexican. What is the difference?

Google dictionary tells me they are one in the same.

Is this true, Mexico? Are Chicanos the real Mexicans?

I have the understanding that chicanos is a derogatory term for mexicans who live in the US (legally or illegally, though probably the former)

Would Hector be considered a Chicano?

All Chicanos are Mexicans but not all Mexicans are Chicanos

Essentially an Americanized Mexican. Mostly a derogatory term and based on most chicanos being "proud" of their Mexican heritage but many of them seemingly not even knowing how to speak Spanish, know little to nothing about Mexico or other Latin countries in general (think of that fact dyke who wrote America Chavez for an IRL example) and most of them would shit a fucking brick if they were put into a situation where they'd actually have to live in a Latin country.

If anyone has ever heard of the term "Hotep Nigga" it's basically the same thing, but for black people. People who pretend to be all about what they perceive as African culture but knowing next to nothing about it

American born mexican here, personally I find foreign born mexicans and mexican culture in general to be lame and boring which is why I didn't give a single shit about this movie

It's a funny word for Mexican-American.

Disney didn´t try to copyright bastille day whey they made Beauty and the beast.

Now that we are talking about Conquistadors. Can somebody explain to me why Americans confuse Hernan Cortes with Columbus?

They recognized that it showed how much they have drifted from a respectable culture based around family & honor to one of corruption, greed, power, status, drugs, and guns. They kill each other of all ages wantonly on a mass scale without a 2nd thought nor balls to stand up and fight it.

The movie is a Mexican meme on a grand scale, that Mexicans wish were true but irretrievably long gone. The real reason why they were brought to tears when they saw the movie. :-(

Watch Saint Seiya and then watch Betty la fea. the original not the horrible remakes

>tfw I will never recover the time wasted watching La Fea Mas Bella

At least is not Ugly Betty, that show sucks, Im honduran and everybody here knows the honduran actress that plays Betty is terrible.

A lot of this actually.
Chicanos are American born Mexicans, but don't really fit in in either place.

This will sound stupid (that's because it is stupid, I won't deny that) but bear with me. It's like being black.

Sure, they're called African Americans, but they're so far removed from Africa that the connection they may feel is tenuous at best. However, they'll always be identified by their heritage. Someone of Hispanic heritage, no matter how many generations ago, will still be considered Mexican in the u.s. Someone black will always be African American. So all they can do is take pride in a heritage that they don't fully understand and get stuck between two communities which will never fully accept them. Thus, they choose to be a community amongst themselves. Black culture, chicano culture, you find yourself with people you feel have had the same experiences you have. You take pride in what sets you apart (though this is often only halfway understood and never fully looked in to, which is where you get a lot of the we wuz kangz and Chicano Spanglish bullshit) because you will never be free of it, and end up isolating yourself even further from both groups.

Nobody likes "Americanized" ethnics
You will never be fully accepted in the US and you sure as hell won't be back in my country.

>>A group of people don't care about a Corporation trying to claim the name of one of their holidays for the sake of a film.
maybe SJW in burgerland, but the movie as a latino i love it, his grandma acts like any other latina grandma would act, they take care on the details.

Yeah because it's so easy to stand up to cartels when they have the entire fucking government in their pocket sending police out to disarm citizens who formed militia against them.

Let's just make broad strokes and just assume every citizen is involved in organized crime and not a powerful minority.

Dude they have been exploiting the shit out of white culture to make a profit in damn near every movie since forever. The Godfather, Rocky, It Happened One Night, Casa Blanca, Snow White, Cinderella, Pinnochio, Star wars, The Good the Bad and the Ugly... Christ you shitty, cock mongling faggot. Just enjoy something for once without having to have to have it pass your shitty attempt at virtue signaling.

It's kind of sad that nobody has asked where this info is coming from

Dahnald los delegados

Welcome to the last eighty years of Disney's business model dipshit. You ought to be honored your ethnic group is considered profitable enough to be worthy of exploitation rather than just outright mockery or hatred. That's a real sign of cultural progress.

Chicano is what Mexican American kids from commiefornia called themselves so they could feel speshul. It means something along the lines of home of the Aztecs or descendants or something I can't really remember. They called themselves that because it was believed Aztecs first migrated from Cali to Mexico City.

Gabby Rivera is worse. Rivera is a part of a distinct immigrant community, Nuyorican, she is simply compensating so hard about her middle-class American life that she's trying to co-opt being every single Latin/South American identity plus Chicano.

Both groups have tried to create their own unique subcultures over the years distinct from Africa or Mexico, it's just that it's largely easier to co-opt from other people or simply claim a link to give yourself some fake legitimacy/authenticity. You see it all the time in smaller ethnic communities too.

Probably because Beauty and the Beast is set in pre-revolutionary France you fucking imbecile. The fact the angry mob doesn't cut the Beast's head of with a guillotine AFTER he turns back into a human is kind of a dead giveaway.

Disney would have tried to trademark Bastille Day if they chose to adapt Les Miserables instead of The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Are you having a stroke? His argument isn't complex at all you're just yelling because you want to.

It is a mystery

Or it's because it's far easier and simpler.

Sure there is some whiney bitches who see Chicano as a cultural identity but bouncing between Mexican neighborhoods up and down Commiefornia people just call themselves Chicanos because either a Mexican from Mexico insists that the second generation isn't American but some dumbass also thinks they're not American.

Because people from Chicago are weird and it's way windy over there, blowing away their sense of humor!

>not a single MAGA hat
that's how I can tell this is not real, its the republican equivalent of wearing a shirt that says "I am an atheist debate me"

Yeah, but, what if it isn't?