Precure thread

Precure thread

Other urls found in this thread:

stop remeakung your fucking general you fucking faggot

your show is fucking DEAD

deal with it or kill yourself, but stop fucking up the board for the rest of it

awwww, come on now Mr. Grumps. Lighten up and have fun ~ desuuu

ぜったい あきらめない にげ わ しない
きみ が よんでる
へいわ の ため





Pretty sure guro is against the rules

ワクワクもんの宝島 (ワンダーランド)
いれば昨日の 限界越えるよ

甘え上手 時々ヤンチャ


What a strange accusation.

Is it strange? Who else would get off to cute Mahos being mutilated if not a deranged Goprick?

I posted Peace though, so I'm a Slime I thought?


Fuck off. Someone make a not shit op.


That's actually pretty good.

Why don't you?

There's no point in making a thread right now, it's dead as fuck. Some autist won't let it stay off the board though so the least he can do is not making a terrible OP but he can't even do that.

I didn't even realize it was a fart picture until you complained. It looks pretty cute.

You're just a retard then. It's /d/ shit and against the rules.


no bully pls

Mirai is the cutest girl in the whole world!

Quality thread. Guess I'll just wait for the next one.

But now you're in this one.

Do people really care what the OP is?

I know we always joke about the dead of /pc/ but now with all the memes and literal shit OPs I think it's for the best, just make new threads when a new episode airs or leaks are out, and that's it

Fuck off newfag.

there are a few autistic people in here


Is that your response to everything?




Not him, but I just wanted to say that someday I hope that my response to everything can be a subtitled shoujo anime screenshot.

Do the All Star movies have any form of continuity?

Not really

They're getting continuously worse, does that count?

And not really, no. Once a new season's cures are introduced in their year's movie, they're assumed to know one another within the films but nothing happens in the series themselves. There are also recurring characters within the all-star movies that don't appear in the series at all.

>precures in space

ara ara

MiraRiko is a miracle of the Precureverse

How many cures have gone to space?


Possibly Maho since the bad guy lives in the sun.

Kirara is for...




I want krr to direct her anger at my dick.


Are there any Cures that people don't want to fuck? Maybe like head patting or hugs only?

>Maybe like head patting or hugs only?

I wanna do that too, why does it have to be one or the other.

My bad. Then both. Both is good.

I wanna headpat all the cures except rin, yuri and nagisa and then fuck them.


headpat thread


As long as they get the job done, user.

Am I doing right senpai?


I think you meant to quote me? Those are a few of my self-inflicted (yous). Notice someone's already mentioned autism in a reply to me. The user you called autistic was clearly just being an "internet troll"

Nothing you say ever makes sense.

Thank you

>Inferior formats in 2016

It's not autism, webms are objectively better.

No they're shit. webms don't leave proper thumbnails and I like to see what I'm posting without opening every file.

>webms don't leave proper thumbnails

Fuck you're retarded. Use a shell extension. No wonder you still save gifs.


Were HibiKana ever surpassed as the gayest couple in Precure?

You still shouldn't have to go out of your way to do that.

>Only two mentions of Maho
>webMeme posting
>x Maho(s) is cute/a miracle of the universe
All we need now is for the typical Mahotard defend his shit show by sayiny it's "comfy" and/or "charming". Precure is dead. How many days until Maho ends?

It takes two seconds and it looks way better than still saving tumblr gifs.


130 days left



No tits. So no. Just friends.

Fuck off.

Not all gifs are tumbler gifs. That site uses a lower file size limitation or at least used to and most of that stuff just still exists from then. They'd use various quick and easy strategies to kower the filesize so they could post their ebin animes. But that does't mean you can't actually make a good gif. I remember we had threads here for a little while before webm was implemented where people were teaching anons their better more time consuming methods for making gifs that didn't look like shit. You're right though that it takes two seconds. It's easy. That' why people prefer them now. You do't really see people make gifs as much as they used to because it's more time consuming. Remember how people made gifs specific sizes, just because. They cropped them to focus on things. They edited them in funny ways. This almot never happens with webm. Because it's not easy.

Tl;dr: Stop being so easy you slut.

Fuck you're stupid. Go away.

As states, this is a Precure thread, not an exclusive Mahou thread. People are free to post about whichever series they like.
Posts like this serve only to show how idiotic you haters are. Keep up with the good work.
Also feel free to fuck off at all times.

2 (yous)

ILU2 user

You can crop webms and it's still faster.

>Muh haters

Holy fuck mahoposters are insane.

all we are missing is that faggot

What's wrong mahotards? Why aren't you have your great positive discussions right now, I don't see any haters stopping you. Oh wait, the culmination of maho posting is a couple of shitty reposts and one faggot who waifu'd Mirai before the show was even out. Nobody respects you.


She really doesn't wear any panties, does she?

As the actual Precure eproctophiliac here, I don't appreciate you using this for spamming purposes. I should have bumped the old thread before going to sleep. Lost my long GoPri post I wrote too...

>want to watch all star
>missing splash star

Peace be with you

OP is a true faggot autist.


Splash Star is super comfy. Not much else I can say about it, but hope that helps. It's absolutely imperative that you see Splash Star though or you're not going to get what they;re doing in the movies. Also, if you didn't JUST watch FW, the fact that they're kind of similar to Nagisa and Honoka could be a bonus. It's got a great OP and I personally loved Ganbalance all 3 times.

yayoi. had a hard life

So it's okay as long as you spam it alongside those other fart images like yesterday?

>what is reading comprehension

Christ, can you fuck off back to Cred Forums.



finally, a good episode

Hibiki is my wife.


The thread was already at its bump limit so I didn't see a problem with it drawing attention, but I guess some people still didn't like it, probably because they assumed it was you. But I was able to post Miyuki after it anyway.

no sluts allowed in here

I almost feel bad for him.

Mirai's dream is to be left alone by the mean old villains.

I want to die.


I really wish I was Hibiki, having a tsundere relationship with Kanade is my dream

I really wish I was Kanade, having a relationship with Hibiki is my dream.

We should hook up in the afterlife user


And is it just me or does Ouji just look like a genderswap of Seika?

When I should watch MH movies?

You should watch movies of every season right after they stop appearing in the OP, when you see they stop showing pause that shit and watch the movie, then resume

I personally save the movies for later when I feel like revisiting the cast.

Man, I miss HaruHaru.

I'm sure that user is pretty happy with her.




Me too

Any part rockers in the house tonight?!

will she go away soon?

I see you've discovered the best part of MH.
And no, she doesn't. Nothing takes away the pain.

There are good episodes here and there. You just have to be patient.

Yuri is beautiful.




Yes. When you finish Max Heart.




Fuck off

Do you think Saban actually will do more Precure? Was GF S2 relieved well?

Ladies and gentlemen, Max Heart's awesome fight scenes.


Don't post that. It's creepy. The whole point of kigs are not thinking about the person inside, but the character they are playing.


Mana looks like she has pretty fat legs.

gimme that cure stank


Sometimes, this lovely cat releases items in her line of Hummy-looking things that just don't seem right. Like this scratch post. Or at least, I hope that's a scratch post.

Also, I'm sad that my thread died. But it's what I get for being greedy.


The world just wasn't ready for two lovely cat threads in one week.

I wonder how many kigs have farted during their performances. Probably happens pretty often.








Fuck off.



>you will never be sent to the graveyard to give Mana 300 attack points


Wow, what a terrific image.

Just fell in love with Mana again.

Not even sure how you fell out of love with Mana, but welcome back

I'd gladly pay tributes to summon that Datk Magician Mana.

I want Mana to replenish my mana.

death to oppai

beary nice movie


Describe this picture in 3 words or less.

Mana cosplaying YuGiOh.

The kigs are guys right?

Nope. Professional kigs are almost always women



Mana da bes

Wow, that's sexy.




almost finished doki, happiness charge next - is this the NTR one?

It's the Hime/I-hate-Blue one.


Pancakes and frying pan noises

Get that meme shit out of here.

I want to fuck Riko

righty ho

I'll take a break and gird my loins before starting it methinks


Did you just watch all of doki in like a couple days or are there multiple people doing that right now? Mana must really be da bes. HaCha is really cute especially in the beginning, enjoy it.

I've not really kept track, but i've watched it over the past week certainly

oh yeah, mana is fun - i've a soft spot for aguri tho


That's hilarious.


What do you think about FW's English dub?

Still better than Glitter Force. And holy shit, Mepple is fucking awful.

Didn't like Mipple and Mepple. Nagisa and Honoka were alright. The adaptive script writing was a little odd/unnatural times. Overall it's kind of funny to me, but I prefer the Japanese dub.

Sounds normal as far as dubs go. You can show it to a child or a very surface level person to get them into this kind of thing. I would prefer Sakura or Sailor Moon but it seems an okay introduction.

I didn't find anything wrong with him or Mipple, but Porun's VA is fucking awful. I'll get a clip and upload it later on so you can get what I mean.

Notice how they made Nagisa say that she wants to be the smart one once in a while than being popular with boys because reasons.

You mean the butchered English dub where they tried to make the boy in the group the main character? Haven't saw it myself, but I hear it's pretty bad.

wow an actual shill in a pc thread? I'm impressed

>butchered English dub
Didn't know it was that bad.
Maybe Doremi or Heartcatch then if they have a dub.

I just finished MH. I feel like being mentally violated but finally I can be welcomed by /pc/ as one of those smug oldfags who knows everything.

It's kind of unfair that we don't know what happened to those two little zakenas. They spend so much time with that kid and then got tossed away like some piece of trash.

I just figured they got absorbed by dark king or something.

They deserved better.

I can violate you another way if you'd like, user-kun.

why did dub zakenna tho?

I'm sure they run a successful daycare service now.

>tfw these few seconds of old mansion were the most fun part of the episode

Please, my ass is ready.

You gotta know all the seasons nor just a couple of the oldest ones. What did you think of the finale though. When Hikari showed up were you all like YEAH!!! and then crying. I totally wasn't doing that. Favorite fight against the Dark King himself? Favorite group of bad guys? Futari Wa charges my happiness to the max.

These are some of my favorite bad guys. The butler ones too. And the way our hero bring trapped let us see into their daily lives. It was cool. FW/MH is seriously so cool.

The part where they argue over eating cake was funny, too.

Ending was too complex for me. I kind of lost trace of who was Dark King. They kept transfering powers from one to another. Or it wasn't power but life, or just power without life? I don't even know what happened to him. They were talking about how noone can really die because balance and without balance there is chaos, which is apparently worse than darkness. Then creation powers blew up and suddenly everything was daijobu.

I hate those emotional rollercoasters with going away forever. Why is Toei doing that? That's why I like Doki, where they joined worlds and thus skipped the whole drama.

Any fight against Dark King sucked. Generals were more fun and Viblis, Circulus and Uraganos were the best ones. I think they were improving as team during time, that was nice.

>hey were talking about how noone can really die because balance and without balance there is chaos

I liked this a lot. I think there were three separate dark kings that died three times, but since they were nessesary parts of the universe they got to be reborn. They refined this a bit more with hikari and hikaru I thought, better than the seed thing. Good intros for those seed generals though, and they got in on the fisticuffs a lot. Cool stuff.

I mostly like the dark king for being a giant intimidating figure that actually smashed city blocks and they had to run up his arm to punch him in the face. His smaller forms are much less cool. The chains are a nice touch too.

Well that webm wasn't actually related to what I was saying. Don't have any of the cool looking form.








>close is legitimately best villain
>kills him early

I love Maa-chan.

Keep watching, faggot.


But it was glorious, wasn't it.


I want Haa

>Posting your blog before finishing

isnt it how it always is with blogs?

There is literally nothing wrong with posting your impressions halfway through a series, or even an episode, much less if it's short and not full of overly critical bullshit.

Did Haa-chan save Maho fanart?

I wanted to do episode blog during MH but making screens from streams is quite difficult.

fuck of fatty

Well maybe try not streaming you fucking retard.

I'd love to do this, but desu I thought /pc/ would find it boring and spamming

It depends on how you do it. If you actually try taking about something and not just spamming some green text with a screen every post it'll work out.

Just die instead

What is wrong with streams in these days? It is much easier than searching torrent of 10 years old show and then downloading it for couple days. Instead I can watch it instantly in the same quality. It's 2016 already.

I personally think that's fine, it's fun to hear people's impressions of things, especially the big turning points in seasons. I just don't want to hear someone go on for pages about how clever they think they are, or whining incessantly.

Also, streaming will earn you massive derision, and justifiably so. Just torrent them in batches if you know you're going to watch the whole season anyhow. It makes captures and rewinding way easier, and when things get really pretty you'll actually get to appreciate it.

>in the same quality
Streams sources are generally a compressed version of the original video and then you've got stream quality issues on top of that.

Remember when you could get banned for being this stupid.

>It's 2016 already.
>Still streaming

Stop posting.

Your friend told you? I have settings on 720p which is same as in mp4 or mkv so it is the same.
I have right to be stupid.

Yeah you have the right to be stupid but do it somewhere else.

>I have right to be stupid.
Ah, America.

Streamshaming needs to stop.

what would be the right approach - once per episode or less often?

I'm just finishing up doki having started at FW, so wit would be Happiness Charge next

>720p settings on a 480p source
I'm in over my head starts playing

If you want to talk about something then do it. Just don't be that guy who posts screencaps with one or two words of greentext and a stupid reaction.

>Streaming mexican has the right to be stupid

Fuck off

righty ho

>fbech chachfi

It's not reactions I'm against, it's trying to impress people. As a rule, post because you're hoping it'll be interesting, not for (you)'s.

Be hontoni with your kimochis user. We post because we want (you)'s

That episode was good and a bit suprising.

Most importantly, it means he'll be watching the donut episode next.

im already after donut, last ep i watched was direct fight with black princess

>reason i watch GoPri: the image

Your lack of reaction to donut is disappointing.

this was a really funny moment but overall episode wasnt that much better than others

Ep 44 - definitly the beginning of the end.

The whole speech contest thing seemed a bit forced (even if it was a cunning ruse), Mana has never seemed that competitive, but it was nice to see how much she means to Rikka - the notes and bento were a lovely touch.

Blushing tsundre Regina was adorable - nice to see her blue eyes back even it was just for a little bit. Still haven't figured out who she actually is - I'm guessing she is related to the princess in some was given the whole spear thing. The stuff about her father being alone was a nice touch, very precure evil-bad-guy-isnt-quite-so-evil-from-his-point-of-view thing, a bit like suite.

and Jonathan with a just as silly hat as usual for a cliffhanger.


something like that?

>make a dank meme image for /pc/
>some fag posts it on their blog site

You can talk about Pretty Cute however you want, user. If user doesn't like it, fuck 'em. Somone else migh tread your comments and chuckle quietly to themselves without (you) even realizing it. I chuckle at a lot of the posts in here. Lot of witty perverts.

Miracle is beautiful
Possibly the most beautiful pink in the franchise

>make Erika image
>its dank

The rec chart?

Must protect this precious flower child.

How would you even know. Faggot.

I reverse searched it.

Please do talk abou DokiDoki.

I remember that I didn't see through the ruse in this episode and felt like idiot after.

I feel you, happened to me too
Cred Forums is the source of half of the Internet's OC, just get used to it

You reverse search your own pics?

OBEY something-something

To see if some fag posted them elsewhere.


i do that sometimes, or google my tripfag name

turns up in some weird places

Actually doesn't it mean that the blogger is amongst us or even! replied to you already preteding to be one of us?

The twist is that he was the blogger all along.


hello hello my little niwaka come over and say hi to oneechan hehehe

Does anyone have any pictures of Flora in Elegant Mode seen from the the side?

Ep 45 - Revaals and plot curdlings

I was a bit "wut?" when Jonathan pulled the crown out of his ass metaphorically, but everything else made up for it. The scene with aguri and her grandmother was beautifully done and all the dark overtones and death flags were delivered perfectly.

The whole duel thing was a bit meh mind you, I kind of hoped for more epic-ness - they could have made mroe of the city being destroyed - but still 4 eps to go for that - and manas' entrance, wowser, thats how you do it girls!

by the time I got to the reveal at the end I'd figured out at least a bit of the aguri/regina things - and beginning to have serious doubts as to the whole king selfishness thing at all.

Plus Bel is looking kinda fishy in a plot important way.

Which dress is this supposed to be?


you make haa-chan cry

It's a little hard to tell, since the first Mode Elegant is only different from those skirt tails downwards, but that flower under her hand seems to say that that's what it is.

And it's the first because of the flower on her chest.

What else should I use? MPC does not support OSX.


I thougt so but I wasn't so sure at first. I am planning to redraw this picture myself for practice.





How many ribbons does this dress have?

Really makes you think, huh?


Fuck off autist.

Porun's English VA is insufferable.

Man, Porun is supposed to be annoying and that's not even half as bad as I was expecting. Needs more whine.

And you clearly need more 2-year olds in your life. This is nothing.

Porun is insufferable.

I don't care.

Insufferable Porun it's very faithful to the original.

Dark Riko and Mirai.

I didn't think any of the three were good at that point.











Da fuck are these?

From a porn game

>Today's theme: お月見 (Moon viewing)


Are you lost son?





Iona makes me very hard.

Why not?


>27 & 28

>brown liko






This lovely cat truly knows how to dress to make me happy. A comfy looking hoody and a sweater tied around the waist. What an amazing overkill combo. Though the lack of visible bottoms is a bit concerning.

>Dark Mirai

What's her endgame?

>Colored by Kloah
Japanese bigfriends love coloring books too huh

So do western hipsters, actually.






Fuck off.

Yuri a best

Would hot glue.

Yeah no thanks



>you like suite the most
>tfw everyone else thinks its mediocre at best


I like Suite too. Hummy best fairy.

I want like eight more episodes of Suite where we get to know Kanade better and see more of the relationships we didn't get to hear about (like Ako-Ellen). Then I'll be perfectly satisfied.

Hummy is the best fairy by far. How can one fairy be so good?

>Zutto zuuuuuutto tomodachi~nya

It's one of my favorite seasons too user

I want.


Not gonna lie, I cried at this scene. The OST helped a lot too.

Dude, I totally cried. I loved that whole episode, really, but that scene just killed me.

Ep 46 - The truth will out!

No mucking around when it comes to exposition, just 'here is what happened' - I prefer a more drib and drabs approach, but thats neither here nor there. Nothing really suprising in the first half that I hadn't figured out already.

It all makes sense after the second half, if a bit jarring.

What a fucking bitch of a princess - she creates two living thinking sentient beings then is 'you sort this shit out and kill each other, I'm off'. I think something is deeply wrong with the whole trump kingdom - did they cause all this themselves by splitting off there selfishness and sealing it to begin with?

'Fuck fate, fuck causality - the world shall not be this way within the reach of my arm!' - I love mana to bits.

Returning to the top of the clover tower at the end was a lovely touch, harking back to ep 1 - perfect!

Suite is one of the more liked and talked about seasons, though.

What's the least talked about?

splash star

Either SS or Maho.

talking about FW is like talking about SS



Is it actually or is that what people say when they haven't seen it?

Glitter Force

I don't think most people willingly decide to explode into several other beings.

>tfw we've had more GF discussion than Maho

What happened to the OP?

Somebody got triggered by farting and reported it.

well you could argue she had no choice, but she still did it deliberately

Deleted for being /trash/.

Hey, back off. My brother was killed by a fart. I have PTFD.

It's /d/ material and was deleted.

You could say every prescure season is the same thing if you boil it down enough. They're not really all that similar beyond the more superficial things though. Splash Star is super comfy, nothing like the SO COOL vibes I got from FW/MH. More of a comedy SoL by comparison.

Ep 47 - shit fucking blows up.

It was good to see a big fight taking place in an actual populated city. In many of the other series, the big climactic battles seem to take place in a void with no context, but here we get to see the people fleeing in terror along with flashes of folks we've met in other episodes, that was a lovely touch, although with some of those buildings going down there was bound to be some deaths (but hey,it's precure)

The didnt do much with the Ira/Rikka thing, I wonder if that's the end of it, and aguri gets sidelined again as soon as regina is back - doki really hasn't done a good job of balancing the two - especially thier relations with Mana.

I'm sure there is another layer behind the big-bad and that Mana will heal the whole sefishness/love being two sides of teh same coin. Onwards to more!

We should have precure season with permanent damage.


Mirai is my cummy mummy!

>implying /d/ material isn't posted here all the time and isn't deleted
We've had armpit crap as OP a bunch of times and they've been significantly lewder than this one and they're never deleted. Someone just triggered by farts for some reason.


Ep 48 - almost all done

Ahh that were good - Lots of fighting to the limits and beyond, heroic sacrifices and a last stands - precure faire at it's finest!

I pissed myself laughing at Lance tho, that was funny - they really didn't do much with the rosetta balloon, Rosetta as a whole they seemed to want to do things a bit like Peace but it never really panned out, even her own episodes seemed to be more about other people and we never really got to know her.

And Bel takes up the mantle of king selfishness at the end - I thought as much, but not in that way. One Ep to go - I really hope mana coems to some arrangment between love/selfishness rather than just blowing whatever the root is up, that just wouldn't be her style

One more to go.

Armpits are wholesome and Precure-related. Your /d/isgusting /d/egeneracy is not.

The only one getting triggered is you every time your dog rape and fart pictures get deleted. This is at least the fifh time you've started throwing temper tantrums because your (literal) shit fetishes don't belong here.

You should post twice next episode if you want.

I'm not him. I'm annoyed because I used to be able to post farts every once in a while alongside armpits or some other stuff and no one cared. But now everyone associates it with this fucker because he's adopted it into his spamming, so it gets deleted all the time, even if I'm posting it.

you should get banned too

Good. Stop posting that degenerate shit and post sexycute stuff instead.

Ep 49a

Ohh were actually getting a proper fight with the post-bigbad bigbud, nice! And he is chucking whole buildings around? I cant be the only one that saw Madoka influence here

The throw away comment about Cure Empress makes me think that trio from the past might make an appearence here too.

Mana lecturing him on the nature of proper selfishness, that is just her summed up in one go hehe.

Abounding symbolism with slow falling feathers and Tori gates standing among ruins.

And now we get to see the selfish side of Mana I hope - my money would be the fact that she assumes everything she does is right, she's already said she often helps people because it makes her feel good.

I liked Suite until cat ruined the tsundere romance and Batcure turned out to be surprise loli

Why? Just because I have a fetish you don't like? There are probably a bunch of people like that here. I never tried to spam it actually and only really mentioned it when other people posted it (as is here as well). I'll stop complaining now, but I just wanted to say it.

This. HibiKana forever and Ellen should've been raped by a thousand muslims. I love gays!

Ep 49b - and so it ends!

Oh well, so it wasn't as deep and meaningful as I hoped - mana just powered up and kicked sev shades of shit out him in a very satisfying manner, and the promise form both sides to return tied it up nicely.

I'm glad they killed off the princess to be honest, getting rid of regina and aguri would have been a depressing cop out but no, that was handled well enough.

No real loose ends left, It was refreshing to see two worlds merging together and the results with the breech being left open.

Next up is Happiness Charge along with it's promised NTR

Ignore him. Him and most of the others here think that anyone who posts a lewd image is the spammer because they overthink everything. Sad, really.

>Oh well, so it wasn't as deep and meaningful as I hoped
Nah, I suppose there was always the possibility up until the last moment, but in truth the whole selfishness thing was always kind of clumsily handled so it's not that surprising that they didn't put a pretty ribbon on it at the end.

yeah, that kind of sums up Doki for me - they had lots of good ideas that could have been made to work out wonderfully, but they just never capitalised on it in the slightest despite dropping plenty of hints/symbols along the way.

I don't know the nuts and bolts - was there soem discrepancy inthe writing team or something?

I'm probably just overanalysing it - taking it for what it was I thoroughly enjoyed it and that's what matters at the end of the day methinks.

Fresh kind of did that since the damaged buildings wouldn't magically repair themselves after the fights were over. I think their dance competition was postponed because the venue got fucked up.

I'm not aware of any particular weirdness in the writing team, I think they just got carried away with this originally-secondary idea of The Legend of Mana and her Elite Crew of Supercures, and the theming got left a little behind.

But I find that's a really common conclusion for people to come to about Doki, you'll hear it a lot if you stick around. I'm imagining most of the things you heard about it make a lot more sense now.


>I'm imagining most of the things you heard about it make a lot more sense now.

hehe yeah, I can definitely see where it comes from now.

> I think they just got carried away with this originally-secondary idea of The Legend of Mana and her Elite Crew of Supercures, and the theming got left a little behind.

yep, that pretty much the size of it I think. Looking back on it, I can see that everything after the episode where Regina leaves and she has a semi-breakdown was heading in that direction.

She's not a bad character, she reminds me of hunny in that she just has absolute conviction

She definitely carries the torch of pinkness that's for sure.


You mean disgusting? There's nothing lewd about fart gas.

Mana and Aguri seemed to be the only elite cures.

And ultimately it was just Heart.

Civ Mana was also something else.
Inhumanly athletic, great grades, competent at everything.

Though she's not the most positive character I've ever witnessed.

Was speaking generally, but I guess you could say it's a niche fetish. Some people are aroused by smell.

Rikka was supposed to be ungoldly smart, smarter than Mana, even, and top scorer in the prefecture, if I'm remembering right.

MakoPi is (for some strange reason) the top idol of the moment.

Alice is batman and omniscient as a result.

That was actually part of the writing, that they were all super exceptional at their own game. That's probably why Mana ended up being so completely over the top.

Mana was just mrs unbeatable.
mrs unstoppable, and still.

Big fat fat thighs.

Happiness Charge Ep 01 - Beginnings are a Delicate thing

Woah! A change of aesthetic - very reminiscent of Heartcatch, which I'm guessing was the point. Nothing wrong with that at all, but they do seem to have a thing about zooming into mouths.

After 11 series I know not to judge anything by the first ep, the whole precures, faeries, magical kingdoms being a normal everyday thing is a bit jarring, but we'll see where that goes.

Hime is a bit obnoxious, but I'm sure she'll mellow and I've seen way more annoying faeries.

>Hime is a bit obnoxious
Delete this

Yeah! It reminded me of heartcatch too, because of how it started with a failing pretty cure mid battle, though obviously very different in tone. I think HaCha is one of the cuter seasons, Oh and the magic item they need is created as a product of a fairy's bodily functions too, almost forgot that. They really do have "a thing" for these too.

Dollar store Erika.

Reminder that Hime is a bitch.

Hime is so much better than Erika. Erika is a bitch and sounds like a choking cat.

She is a little at first. I think most would agree her character development was pretty high tier for pretty cures. Most of them start out competant and become maybe slightly more so after getting some magical powerup and just get like one focus episodde about some minor issue.

Hime though, she's gotta work at it for a while. She's gotta work on her real life social skills too, which was my personal favorite thing about the season: all those cute SoL moments, Also,

>Hime Noises

>guy blogs and /pc/ loves it
>but I can't post a cute fart pic without everyone getting triggered

It didn't used to be like this. Sad.

When have people ever complained about someone posting their reactions to episodes of pretty cure they just watched?. The only thing that's changed is subs not benig reliable because Doremi died so there isn't nearly as much discussion about the current season (aka "Maho sucks"). I'll grant you that people get trigger more easily, but I bet that was just a lucky guess you shitty newfag.

Fuck off retard.

>Make shit op
>Surprised when it gets deleted

Just don't make threads anymore, you're too retarded.


fuck on

Ep 02 - Poor Mao-chan

Oh so they use the cards to make outfits that give them sepcial powers? that pretty nifty, tho I can hear the doujins writing themselves from here in scotland.

I know it was for plot reasons but leaving poor mao locked up in a mirror with wierd mold guy for the whole ep with only a breif 'oh yeah, we have to save mao-chan too' was kinda sad.

Ahhh so that's where Happiness Charge name comes from, I was wondering about that.

Hime was much more tolerable with abit of backstory, I can see where she is coming from now which is cool.

Jesus, you weren't kidding about blogging, were you. Just remember, we're not your audience, we're (mostly) actual people.

actual people here are disguised by your fart fetish so fuck off

I already said here I'm not complaining about it anymore. Any of the other posts here are probably just the faggot spammer or something.

no one cares, stop posting your shit in /pc/ and go fart somewhere else



How I'm I suppose to take this seriously?

What were they thinking

What's wrong? She's a big lady.

too big for my d

Even he heartiels are too big for your d.

What's the problem? There's been way worse cgi in anime and it's not like she was moving.

dont say it loud :(

That's one of the best episodes you fucking pleb.

I thought this was to show that she was a higher-dimensoinal being, like what we might call a god.

Maybe they should've just gave her a burning bush.

>burning bush.

Maybe the should've given her a pig nose.


no more?

>user watched 9 episodes of pretty cure today

That's a few hours already.

What's the point of being NEET if you can't watch Precure all day?

I know, I'm just jelly. I had to get a job years ago.

Shit, tell me about it.

I'm starting a new job on Monday. I've worked about five months in the past two years. Cleared my backlog, though.

I wish I could watch hundreds of episodes of Precure again with it all being new. I tried going through Aikatsu/Pretty Rhythm/Pripara but they're just not the same. I think I'm going to try watching every season again, it's been a few years now. Maybe I'll like HaCha more if I marathon it instead.

I liked aikatsu for a while but yeah idolshit.

Praise the great CGI queen.


I hate the buyfag threads, full of faggots who buy shit for shows they've never seen or care about.

no, keep that blog shit the fuck out of here

There's lots of great Precure stuff on Paheal that I've never seen before.

Fuck off.

Post cute kigs.


Post kig crowds.

I was very disappointed when I opened the image and it wasn't a crowd of kigs.

Fine. Here.





Which kig costume is the ugliest and prettiest?

The prettiest is Saki.

The ugliest is Saki.


Be cool, stay in the pool.

>That fucking pool

Hibiki's top was so lewd.

Flora always has the best thighs.







>600 seconds

I want to die.

I want next season to be on par with Fresh or GoPri

I hope there is a next season.

I hope not. I want to leave from this place forever.

How bad does a season have to be to make you leave? It seems we already lost half the posters here due to Maho.

I always hope that the next episode will be good one. Thus there is no hope for me leaving /pc/ until Toei announces end of all precure.

Another day, more precure

Ep 03

Hime was much nicer this ep, she's really grown on me - Megumi's mother is a cutie, even if she always seems to be wearing pyjamas.

Speaking of pyjamas, Megumi turning up to fight the bad guys wearing hers made me giggle.

This Blue guy is very, very sketchy tho - the silhouette in the mirror was a bit of a give away...or was it?

Do they just make these attack names up as they go along? That seems a bit frivolous

"No boyfriends when you're a precure because it causes too much drama" - that's almost sensible.

Ep 04

That was a suprise - and pretty cool. I expected another cure to be introduced (I'm assuming Yuu is a yellow tho) but insead got a lovely bit of hime character preogression. Now Megumi is looking rather flat in comparisson.

The scene in the gym store room was very,very well done I thought, It really stood out and worked well.

>I'm assuming Yuu is a yellow tho
What? No way.

It could be shoji - he's in the op too, and even he has a cell-phone!

Ep 05

More costume changes than you can shake a stick it - and all nice and cute.

Ahh so thats why megumis mum wears pyjamas, shes ill - wonder if its fatal? they've never touched on that in precure before, probably not tho.

Are they trying to make Megumi a proto-mana?

Still no Yellow, but we've purple watching from the sidelines dun-dun-dun.

So, what else do you notice about Megumom? Anything kind of off about her?

Ep 06

Hime being a bitch about pancakes, but you could tell her heart wasn't in it - Ribbon is quite nice for a precure fairy, you don't often see them doing constuctive stuff like cooking.

Lots of yuu-yuu, she really likes her food that girl - and she really suits those dungarees.

nothing that really sticks out - I'll think about it.

The attacks were meant to be driven by creativity, that's why they have such an improvised feel at first.

Ep 07

Megumis turn to be a bitch this ep - she really didn't take the hint, oh well, she meant it for the best I guess and it all workd out.

Megumis tea dress was lovely and cute as well.

ahh I must missed that, that makes a lot mroe sense then.



this is just the beginning, you'll see how big of a dum-dum megubrains is

Ep 08

wew, lots of stuff happened this episode. They mentioned the international cures at the beginning, but didn't think we'd really see them. And wosshername from Precure5? I definitely didn't expect that - there has never been any real continuity before.

I really didn't like the girls yukatas at the festival, the patterns were too busy and the frills didn't help.

Finally, cure fortune turns up and goes all dark and foreboding dun-dun-DUN!

oh oh, that doesn't sound like it will end well.

not much continuity, the seasons are all kinda standalone like early heisei riders, the all star movies are all non-canon, stated by the creators themselves

Yes, it's just a reference.

>think this scene was super cool
>know that if I show it to anyone they'd think it was cringey baby shit

But that whole scene is gorgeous sakuga set to the OP music. I think even some normals would have to agree it's pretty cute at least, if not so cool.


It's more like a shout-out than continuity. They're not supposed to be the same person or even related, so it's more of a jokey reference/intentional expy.

Could be worse. Has Precure ever made you cry?

Y-Yeah, that Hummy/Seiren scene people were talking about last thread. Other scenes have made me a little teary-eyed but that one killed me.

goatcha - still it was nice to see her

Fresh Movie had me in tears

>thread is literally kept alive by blogposting

Just let it fucking die. This is shameful.

>last thread
It was this very thread, actually. We've been really dead these past few days.

It's not a blog.

Holy shit you're right.



no farts, no blogs, no maho

what are we allowed to post then?

Only things (I) like. I like everything.

cute girls

That's a cute shota.

Nobody cares about Rikka


Question: how do we feel about shoujos from other animes?

You have threads for your kyoanus shit.


nope, this is a /pc/ not a /k-on/