When will we see some animated lizards action?
Do we have to wait until manga sales start to drop?
Overlord thread
agreed. i just rewatched S1 this week (4th or 5th rewatch already). i want more now
Entoma lewd fanfic when
Bugs are not for sharing?
also did last threadfall like a puppet with its strings cut?
Nipples thinks LNs belong to /jp/
Probably putting 3D cosplay pic was not the smartest move by the OP.
most important, when is chp 19 going to be released?
that guy just makes the threads to bait the mods into deleting them.
>the first post of the drawfag thread
n-1 thread was fine.
It didn't even devolved completely into powerlevel\meidowars bullshit.
It was mine
Well, all the headcannonballs flying around, can't really fully blame it on 3dpd.
2 weeks till New book and PPP, fampais
So, when PPP releases will mods finally take a break and leave us alone?
Mod the fag will never give up. He hates Overlord.
Even if the pic is violating Cred Forums rules, only the pic should be deleted.
That same ideology started the sadpanda pruned, and now we have to settle for 2D panda.
He's a moral humiefag. He hates seeing Nazarick dominate, so he deletes our sasuga threads.
I feel sorry for hat-chan. She was just following orders while monitoring the war. And now she's scarred for life. Is there absolutely no chance that Ainz would forgive her for being affiliated with the ones who MCed chair?;_;
For all I know Ainz might REEE for a bit and then calm down: BS ran into Chair by accident and was only fielded cuz Ainz wiped out Sunlit Scripture.
WCI user is also dead.
He'll probably demand WCI as compensation though.
Which is adequate in my book.
That is if he learns all intel beforehand, not just peek a bit then rage[GATE] and murderfuck everyone.
I've yet to understand this.
You didn't read the LN have you?
I though It was because he works for Jew Press
He's after now you anons.
>fuck my ESL life
He's after you now anons
There is.
They made him kill his best friend daughter.
Expend a number of p2w items too.
Will you post that bnw gif every thread?
I mean he's undead elder lich.
He shouldn't take things personally.
hat girl's getting a one way trip to one of the 5 worst, tentacle ero.
do you like it teehee
I'm seriously starting to think those threads are in 90% just 2 guys posting reaction faces and trolling each other (one is humiefag, both are headcanonfags).
Every parent loses their shit when their children are involved. It has nothing to do with him being an elder lich. Plus, it showed that his internal human is still there and he is selfish as well.
You overestimate me.
I'm ESL, it's easy to distinguish my posts if they have more than two simple sentences.
I also slav so when posting is at it's peak - I'm asleep.
He took everything related to Nazarick and his friend very closely.
He's worried about Guardians and NPC since his friends created them.
>I also slav
so close
shalltear a cute
Proves the point
Some user liked this pic in n-2 thread
Hint: Your filenames.
Hint what?
I'm not exactly hiding.
Using different reaction pics or scrambling filenames won't help much with that since I'm here every thread and several anons stalk recognize me anyway.
>Ainz is a terrible father who rejected his own son
There's more than one ESL and you're not incredibly bad most of the time, so using normal filenames hides you pretty well unless you massively fuck up
A weeboo son?
No ones want a fate like that...
Imagine your 15 y\o cringelord clone who mentally frozen forever at this age.
This is what Ainz feels when he sees PA.
He even told him to grow up as a person, hoping that would change his personality.
Its still Ainz' responsibility. He created PA, he should be the one to deal with the consequences, rather than just abandoning PA.
I'm lazy.
Is there a script or something for that?
My meme folder is not that big shame, so even with scrambled filenames user will probably recognize me.
I honestly don't see this as something bad: GN-kun will troll me anyway, others don't give a shit.
Cred Forums x have an option for it.
>I'm lazy.
I like how Clementine is called Clem because klem means hug in Norwegian
Wow really? I thought it was just because no one could be fucked to type out Clementine all the damn time.
Who'd of thunk it.
When did Ainz abandon him? In latest fanfic he even accepted him as his son after Albedo mentioned it and tried to advice PA to grow up only to be overwhelmed by his overflowing chunni.
Well, I don't think that is the reason. It's just a hillarious coincidence
...I-I'm an ESL myself so...I-I'll ignore it.
Yeah sorry. That was harsher that I meant it to be.
Thunk's deliberate. brit slang
There's a theme for naming the characters.
Even the OP
>Clat (n.)
>a woman who failed to achieve an orgasm
I really feel sorry for albedo
Cred Forums X fork for firefox seems to be discontinued and any scripts I was able to find for Firefox Greasemonkey do not have filename scramble option.
If it takes more than 10 minutes to figure it out - I give up.
Pretty sure she spends a lot of time digging her ditch. Whenever we have a POV with her she's always telling herself now is not the time to masturbate.
Well different ppl post differently user. We all make spelling errors.
Polish Overlord translations will be released in 2 weeks time. I am so tempted to preorder 4 volumes... but I'm kind of scared. The publishing house released 10 vols of SAO and Durarara already, so the quality should be fine, but I'm not sure how I'd feel about reading my mango/animu/LN's in Polish. I literally read it exclusively in English.
But I want to read about my shounen lizardmen again!
It doesn't help that I wanted to publish them on my own and I actually planned how the text should read in Polish. Eh.
I think one of the other boards (Cred Forums? can't remember) has a sticky explaining a bunch.
If your local publisher is good - support it and read your lizards wherever you like it more.
It's that simple.
I don't think he even looked.
>4chanx for firefox is discontinued
>last commit: 4 days ago
>slang triggers the language newfags
It's ok. I don't have a problem actually. And as said, this seems to be a slang I didn't know of. So...meh! If its readable than its fine. I usually never complain about this stuff. This time I just wanted to join the fun.
They're baiting you. I think.
>Overlord thread about ESL
Does Nazerick only have one pair of reading glasses?
Can they get/make more? I assume Albedo, Demi and PA have learnt the local language, but what about Ainz?
Probably the best way to do it is to do buy the preorder. This way I'll have supported the publishing house to buy more licences, and support the original artist, even if I end up not liking the outcome.
The question is, will inadequate translation insult Ainz Ooal Gown?
Don't worry, I got triggered ten months ago.
>mfw outlived the
>paranoid faggot
>aussie blaming fag
>white knight retard
Fuck me that's a lot of options
Thanks for pointing that out user.
I found it after taking a second look at github page.
If it's inadequate - you burn it like haram and post the video here.
thunk is not just brit slang.
It's also very, VERY prominent in Texas.
Cred Forums-X ccd0 + oneechan
>Randomize Filename: Set the filename to a random timestamp within the past year. Disabled on /f/.
Very well.
Climax =/= orgasm
Thanks user, I already have it now.
Good job.
Where do you find these?
You would imagine from Cred Forums.
I saved it from Overlord threads user.
I see, it's superb.
Very helpful when creating things though it lacks the horns.
>wasted trips
>it lacks the horns
Fuck off.
They'll never leave. We're doomed to suffer aeternally
Does Nazerick have any Long Range specialists? In the vein of Peronchino?
I assume they might have some POPs and obviously there is CZ, but thats it I think?
They have a lot of brawn and a fair bit of Magical firepower, but I can't think of many archers.
Demi and CZ going full CIA in the Holy kingdom and engineering a war
Shhh, Entoma is sleeping
And so should you oldfag GrammarNazi-kun.
This is now a comfy newfag ESL thread.
He's not the only one imbecile.
Is Chair x Mare a Peroronchino mastrubation?
Am I missing something?
Also if you're talking about physical nukers, Aura probably can make it work as a ranger / beast tamer, both of which are usually prestige's of some sort of archer class. I can't think of any specialized physical nukers besides CZ though.
Depending on how Cocytus works he might be a good archer, since Samurai were expected to be extremely good with archery and archery in general was considered an extremely manly sport in the east as opposed to the west where it was 'peasant' stuff.
Lies and slander
My mother had me tested
>he had to be tested to know whether or not his IQ was between 26 and 50 inclusive
Fucking lmao
Aura had a bow in WN.
Maybe she can use one with proficiency but whip gives her group control bonuses or something.
To be honest if Aura needs to actually fight personally the fight is probably already lost, she's basically a General class for animals after all
I meant regarding albedo.
But wasted trips indeed.
No one stops her from spamming arrows from the rear though.
It would make as much sense as a whip.
I'm going to venture a guess that while the guardians are somewhat optimized only Shalltear was autistically minmaxed and that everyone else might've just been kind of optimized and kind of flavor'd
Aura I think.
She's a beast tamer which require an archer class.
Whips sounds like something that could give debuffs to enemy(specifically crowd control) or buff her animals.
I think they all have some range, to deal with someone trying to kite them or something, but like you, other than CZ I can't think of anyone specifically designed to do focused DPS at range that isn't a mage. Even then I can't think of may pure mages other than Ainz himself.
Also by nuke do you mean AOE? or just long range huge damage?
When working with Mare they shredded that Primordial fire demon, which was level 80. I imagine against someone level 95+ with a good 1v1 build she would lose, but she's pretty formidable I think. Weaker than the other guardians sure, but not against most other foes.
But Aura is also said to be a master of guerilla warfare.
When thinking "Jungle" and "Guerilla" I'll think bow first, not whip.
>Also by nuke do you mean AOE? or just long range huge damage?
Nuking means long range and massive damage within short periods of time, whether or not it's good DPS (it often is anyway).
>Even then I can't think of may pure mages other than Ainz himself.
Pure mage builds are pretty bad for soloing and floor guardians are basically bosses so they have to be somewhat good at fighting solo even if functionally you'll never do so because of floor adds and shit.
I know why there are so few mages/pure rangers.
The reason CZ and Narb exist is because they exist as part of a group boss fight.
But I was going over Nazericks strength in my head and while they have a shit ton of front liners, they have very little in the way of support or ranged.
Not that it really matters, given that most of those front liners can use magic greater than NW pure mages, but still.
Well, she theorically fights in arena too. Maybe while fighting/ambushing in jungle she uses bow and when in arena (protected by hundreds of beasts) she uses whip?
>pure mages bad soloing
In traditional mmo, yes, but nowadays ARPG with MMO elements seem to bypass that. ( Tree of Savior, Lost Ark
>I meant regarding albedo.
No shit, Sherlock.
Actually since the supreme beings fight with the guardians, they use them as tanks/shields ?
Are there certain buffs for ainz wardrobe?
His usual Divine gear closes fire weakness completely and probably holy damage too.
The robe he changed into to fight Chair only had maxed holy resistance.
Was it 100% resist? or just close to that?
Demiurge has demon armies with him.
Victim is supposed to be kill.
Mare has really high phys stats .
Does not change what i said, that they are meat shields for the SBs.
aura has 5 points in "shooter" and 5 in "sniper"
>fire weakness
I need to learn about D&D then re-watch it.
Lich venerable to holy attacks are understandable, but fire?
You can 100% close 1 resistance with gear.
The robe looks humble, probably named after some christian martyr or a monk.
Assuming Ainz left fire resistance at 0 counting that his bluff would work - I'd say yes, he gambled to gear up against Holy damage.
It did look like Chair favors Holy damage spells anyway.
Liches are dry bones in tattered robes duh.
They're torches waiting to be lit.
Bone burns user. ISIS staked a guy to a cross with his brothers bones and set them on fire recently
If they weren't muslim and a menace to cheap Red Sea resorts - I'd say they have a good taste.
t. Demiurge
Bones are surprisingly flammable. Liches are dry bones and tattered skin.
So the full plate armor just allows him to use weapons?
In the LN it was said that Shalltear wasn't minmaxed, she was flavoured as a magic vampire knight or similar.
She's the strongest because she has high levels in a (Ainz considers) borderline broken class of cursed knight plus her divine weapon that heals her for a percentage of damage dealt.
The full plate makes him look like a warrior instead of a fucking massive skeleton mage. Why did they make him the size of an African mud hut in the anime?
And why were Skeletal Dragons the size of a small office building? They're supposed to be 3 meters tall, around ogre tier.
She's flavored as a magic vampire knight but she's also minmaxed. Peroroncino put in a lot of effort into making her broken as possible.
>apart from bones
>Caire was the only one suitable to use WCI MC dress
>Was old as fuck
>Fluder said to be among 6 humans who reached 6th tier of magic on the continent
>Is old as fuck
>Prolonged his life through magic means
>Rigrit said to rival Fluder (at least at some point in the past)
>Also beat Evil Eye
>Is old as fuck
>Probably prolonged her life through magic too since Necromancer
>Evil Eye is a vampire
>Unlimited lifespan
>Roughly 250 y\o
>5th tier confirmed
>Lived probably for more than a few thousand years
>Headcanon >=80lvl
Can we all agree that at least some NWers gain considerable power (at least Ygg mid tier) when they live long?
Could it have something to do with accumulating experience?
It's conjured armor and conjured weapons.
He didn't use Perfect Warrior in fight against Clem.
He still can't use other weapons while in conjured armor without PW.
Do you mean when he was fighting Shalltear? Because that was Perfect Warrior.
Or do you mean when he's adventuring as Momon? Because that's just him trying to hide the fact that he's a godlike magic caster and he still can't use weapons that aren't magic.
maybe magic requirements are like job class requirements in the new world and not directly related to levels.
>can we agree
It's never been debated, they're still not Nazarick tier.
No, the reason for non-dragons at least is because
- casting magic, period, needs a certain aptitude
- magic is slow to learn
- they have to literally develop the spells they're trying to cast while groping in the dark unless someone already developed them AND was willing to share
- warriors don't know magic so they never live for longer than normal
- casters >>> warriors in DnD 3.5e at higher levels.
Well the earlier volumes said that he looked small, but in the later volumes especially EE and the workers, it was said that he was "larger than life." So maybe that meant he was on the big side after all?
I mean I get the gripe about Ainz being a Giant, but I do prefer the larger Skelleton Dragons. They look pretty cool. 3 meters is a bit underwhelming for a Dragon In my opinion
I don't think many people dispute that some - literally a handful at most - NWers are just getting into mid ygg tier.
But some people confuse being mid tier Ygg as being able to come close to Nazerick, which has a host of tippy toppy tier fighters.
But Flurder only managed to beat a Death Knight by a war of attrition, and Ainz considers them to be basically trash mobs. The gulf between the most powerful NWers, which are just touching mid tier, and top tier Ygg is vast.
Well, what about vampire warriors or werewolves?
Should some inhabit NW for centuries - they should be able to develop some high tier original martial arts.
That Dupont (French guy who taught Gazef) developed some OP MA at the end of his life, but was too old to use it himself.
It's said that martial arts are NW only, does that mean that pure warriors in Yggdrasil had no abilities?
I'm not starting NW vs Nazarick.
More interested how humans in NW can possibly turn the tables on more powerful races (without Papa Bones)
In right social and economic conditions, with careful screening for talented individuals, proper educatuin&training - they can match up to dragon lords in numbers if not in quality.
I bet 3 Fluders can kick PDL ass.
They had either skills with simple CD\limited daily use or expended same mana (stamina).
In prologue it looked more like a former.
Hello ESL.
"Larger than Life" refers to their power and their prestige, not their physical size. In real life it refers to people like Napoleon, Charlemagne, Augustus Caesar, and Qin Shi Huang, whose influence, prestige, and fame approaches divinity. It's shorthand for the feeling of feeling insignificant and dwarfed compared to living legends and the titans of history, people so influential and whose prestige was so high that the words King and Czar derive from their names.
I highly doubt they'll be able to come close to Nazarick tier. Sure they'll be mid-ygg tier, but not Nazarick tier.
Also, seeing how magic in this world can be independently developed like Fluder does, it's likely there's very little limit on what magic can do given enough dedication to researching it.
>3 Fluders can kick PDL's ass
Three Fluders struggle to kill a Death Knight in a timely manner.
No they probably had cooldown abilities or warrior skills. The difference between Martial Arts and Magic is that Magic eats mana points (which warriors probably had), but Martial arts eat stamina, which doesn't exist as a resource in Ygg.
>I bet 3 Fluders can kick PDL ass.
Nah, PDL probably has some sort of natural magic resistance based on the difference between levels. I would say that it would laugh off any of Fluders spells.
>Three Fluders struggle to kill a Death Knight
What gave you that impression?
They would finish him off 3 times as fast.
PDL doesn't have airborne advantage against experienced magicians, EE proved that it's possible to fight back with spells while using [Flight].
But with education and talents screening that I mentioned - those "3 Fluders" would have more optimized builds without needless classes and spells.
>Not starting with the powerlevel
1x80lvl is not >>> 3x60lvl
They should be able to fuck him up with proper builds.
I doubt PDL have resistance to 6th tier offensive magic, you can probably minmax to 7th tier like Narbetard.
That being said to be fair from what we've seen Death Knights are incredibly broken summons against anything that doesn't significantly outlevel them, against anything with a horde of trash mobs, and even against strong enemies they're very good utility for having a taunt skill that works on raid bosses and being able to eat at least two hits, guaranteed.
>They would finish him off 3 times as fast.
Fluder literally had to carpet bomb the Death Knight with his disciples over the course of days.
>1x80lvl is not >>> 3x60lvl
No, it can easily be the case that 1 level 80 >>> 3 level 60s and Fluder's build is just utter garbage. In most RPGs, being more than 4 or 5 levels below the level of some boss means you're royally fucked even with a full party and being twenty levels below another character means you could have a hundred of yourself and do fucking scratch damage.
>I doubt PDL have resistance to 6th tier offensive magic, you can probably minmax to 7th tier like Narbetard.
Skeletal Dragons are guessed around level 20-30. Fluder cannot cast 7th tier spells and PDL can ALSO fly, meaning Fluder can't just continuously carpetbomb him.
I thought the whole reason of the full plate armor was being a strong warrior > strong mage.
And to use swords/weapons that's why he took nabe with him.
>I thought the whole reason of the full plate armor was being a strong warrior > strong mage.
Where the FUCK did you see this?
Momon is a warrior because, as Ainz said, he always wanted to play a dark warrior alt character but Ygg has no such thing as alts.
>NW werewolves
>NW vampires
>Close to Nazarick
I wasn't talking about Nazarick at all.
Just that provided with longer lifespans NW warriors might be able to learn proportionally more powerful Martial Arts.
>Proportional to ~200y\o casters like Fluder, EE and Rigrit
It seems that magic can prolong life in NW so casters can dedicate centuries to learn spells and develop their abilities while someone like Go-Gin will probably live 80 years max and die at [Divine] tier of martial arts.
>I bet 3 Fluders can kick PDL ass
Wasn't death knight tier dependent on the corpse?
What font is used in this picture? I'd redo it updated but it looks like ass if I have a different font
>1x80lvl is not >>> 3x60lvl
What I meant was PDL probably has something like Shalltear's resistance. Shalltear is completely immune to scrolls because they are all tier 1 and the resistance decreases as the level difference decreases.
PDL would probably laugh off anything not tier 6 and 3 Fluders would probably run out of mana before killing PDL if they could only cast tier 6.
Redo it with any suitable font.
user cares little for such puny details.
But prepare to be anathematized anyway
Ainz can't use swords and weapons.
That's part of his class restriction.
The full plate armor allows him to use swords but can't use magic and his level as warrior is capped at lv90.
Okay, say 3 NW human casters with min-maxed builds who lived for 300 years, capable of 7th tier and have ample mana pool from centuries of training.
That sounds more plausible?
It is dependent.
Wild DK are also weaker than those Ainz created.
Nah, he wanted a disguise and a full plate armored warrior was the most appealing option to him. Also he can't wield any weapons that haven't been magically created unless he uses Perfect Warrior.
And what the fuck does that have to do with strong warrior > strong mage?
>full plate armor allows him to use swords
Conjured swords user.
Any conjured weapons really.
But he can't take NW sword or Ygg sword and wield it without Perfect Warrior.
>The full plate armor allows him to use swords but can't use magic
Wrong, the full plate armor does nothing but make him look cool. If he wants to use swords he has to conjure it anyway. The anime fucked up with this, stop using the anime as a source.
Is there a joke I'm missing?
I meant that whichever font you use - your powerchart is guaranteed to be a target of some troll anyway.
So just do it.
Warrior bring death > mage bring death > mage bring life
Wearing armor DOES NOT allow him to wield weapons. All it does is seal off his magic and (potentially) give him better protection.
Perfect Warrior is the spell that allows him to wield non magical weapons, basically it turns his class into a lower level warrior, it has nothing to do with wearing armor or not.
Not the font user, I meant chair sitting in front of the fan.
Well magic casters especially humans would be physically weak, without a front line the PDL would probably fly into them and gut them with claws, etc.
...what the fuck? The second half is the him saying that being the latter would cause more trouble, not that they're more powerful.
It was supposed to illustrate my indifference towards your internal struggles user
Fine then, update the chart yourself.
You would regret that if I ever did.
Magic caster with time to prepare > warrior
Why ainz picked nabe?
Because she's the highest level between the maids?
Why would I regret that? I can simply not save it. The only thing I regret is that you're still around and incredibly obnoxious.
Read the LN yes?
>Polish Overlord translations will be released in 2 weeks time
Wait, what?
Its because she looks the most human.
Does anyone have the blitzkrieg into Nabe's dopplewomb screencap
>He wanted to scratch his chuuni
>be Dark Warrior
>Need priest or mage as support for party to look normal
>Need to look human
>Possible choices are Lupu or Nabe
>Nabe is calm and collected
>Lupu fuck around and joke like middle aged pervert
>Digging the joke
Who's obnoxious?
>Who's obnoxious?
(you), since you can't figure out who I am until I start shitting on you and even then there's at least one other.
What does albedo smell like?
Perfume and demonic estrogen.
Like 11/10 slut
Death Knights are so powerful in the NW because no one has the attack power to overcome its huge defence, at least in any meaningful time. Its attack isn't that good, but its more than enough to kill a humie in one hit.
The plate armour is like actually pretty fucking good, > at least addy. So it does a lot more than make him look cool. It is "create Greater Item" after all.
What it doesn't do is allow him to use weapons - those are either conjured or he's using PW.
I think Ainz actually has a set of real armour and swords that looks near identical to the conjured set, which he uses when he's under PW - like during the Jalbadoth fight.
What updates were you thinking of doing?because it does need updating if you're willing
I sure ain't willing anymore. The ones it needs added are
>Goblin Redcaps
>DK-side story monsters
>Volume 8 (?) Floor 6 monsters
>'normal soldiers', mentioned in Volume 9 barbro battle
>Martial King
Among others that I'm forgetting.
I love how in the LN people think that Ainz has some unfathomable, genius level intellect and it looks like he's enacting grand schemes, when actually he's just a bumbling every-man and it's because of extraordinary luck that things are going so well for him.
He's slowly becoming the overlord everyone thinks he is. If you've realized, while he's stumbling about in his own mind, he's actually becoming more and more proactive in his work.
Awww, look, he was offended and now he's sulking!
A cute!
>The plate armour is like actually pretty fucking good, > at least addy. So it does a lot more than make him look cool. It is "create Greater Item" after all.
Meanwhile Greater Physical Negation literally turns off damage below level 60 or so.
2/10, too obvious.
>I sure ain't willing anymore
ah well.
What are the levels? Or are they all stated in the LN? I'll get around it it at some point.
>more proactive in his work
Explain further
Redcaps: 43
Frost Virgins: 82
Guren: 90
Spear Needle: 67
Levy Soldiers: Level 1-3
Professional Troops: Level 8
Martial King: ~30, guessed
White Palter of False Wealth: 30
Eclair: Level 1
Other Maids: Level 1
Lastborn: 100 (?)
War Bicorn-Lord: 100
The Martial King battle and his recruitment of adventurers. Compare to his earlier shit which was all undercover, or his volume 9 negotiations with Jircniv which was entirely forced onto him and that he didn't do more than the bare minimum with.
He's also laid out a real plan for the future of his nation and a crude road to achieve it.
Martial King is slightly higher than Gazef. Maybe around Clem level.
Gazef is below level 30.
>slightly higher than Gazef
He's supposed to be weaker as a fighter but his racial stats/abilities put him above every human fighter.
>Professional Troops: Level 8
Should've said "level 8+", whoops.
Racial levels are still levels mate.
Got it.
And as far as I know, we have only have art for The Martial King?
I won't bother with Enri's Gobs because They have such a wide range of possible level.
Gazef is supposed to have one foot in the domain of heroes, which starts at level 30 according to the power chart.
Level 5 war troll is obviously much stronger than level 5 human fighter.
No, that's Clementine. Gazef is skirting the line.
For example, a level 30 war troll might be only level 15in terms of warrior compared to Gazef's 15 Warrior / 15 Champion or whatever, but he has level 15 War Troll. He's still level 30.
>skirting the line.
Yeah so he's level 30. Clem is in the domain so she's ~35.
I'm just saying that him being stronger doesn't mean he's higher level.
I just want to prevent the next Succulent debate.
>Yeah so he's level 30. Clem is in the domain so she's ~35
He needs the ring to become level 30.
And to rise from the dead too
Gazef is the worst meme.
I don't see it like that. I reckon that he's level 30 and with the ring he goes to ~32 or something.
With Succulent it was because he had wasted levels. With the Martial King it's warrior v warrior so the Martial King should be higher level because he can beat him.
Not him but that's completely invalid because of their races.
A level 10 dread wraith just bodies Gazef, because Gazef can't fucking hurt it.
>With Succulent it was because he had wasted levels
But his levels are stll there. It was just the chart creator that went "Fuck you, I'm going to completely ignore LN stating he's weaker because he's been dualclassing" even though his chart says it's based on levels not power.
I don't think it works like that. I don't think you can have strong races with low level overall level.
For example, wraiths might only start at level 40. For the Martial King it would be something like minimum 10 levels in troll, then 5 levels in war troll and you can't have less than 10 levels in troll for any monster, so trolls start at level 10 or something.
>For example, wraiths might only start at level 40
And what the fuck were you before then?
maybe your father abandoned you so you're spouting shit like that
>you can't have less than 10 levels in troll for any monster, so trolls start at level 10 or something
What? You can have a troll with only 1 level in troll.
We haven't seen if it worked yet, but I imagine PA will actually try his best.
I don't know what you are referring to, the power chart has him above Climb and below Brain and the other 6.
>another user
But Ainz actually treat PA like shit exactly for the traits he imbued into him.
No that his creation is sentient - he should at least try to accept it, not run away screaming "act normally you cringelord".
What will happen with the Kingdom? Will they kill king, crown Renner and seize nobility? Or how can they subjugate the Kingdom in a few days?
>Shalltear left in charge of the 41 maids
What would happen
Some keikaku of Noble faction offing the king and second prince while Renner plays the hero and assumes the same position Momom have in E-Rantel.
Nothing, most likely. The 41 Maids rank just as high as she does because they're personal creations.
>below the other 6
He's supposed to be on the same level as other 6 Arms (with exception of Zero). But he was placed below because he's weaker.
Even though LN literally says he's weaker not because he's lower level but because he's screwed up his build.
>I don't think it works like that. I don't think you can have strong races with low level overall level.
Being a wraith is fucking horrible except for physical damage immunity and the bunch of auras you get. You can literally take damage from sunlight.
>And what the fuck were you before then?
Not a wraith but a lower tier monster, like a specter or something?
>You can have a troll with only 1 level in troll.
Where did you get that from? Maybe level 1 troll would be really weak, like no regeneration or maybe physique equal to a 2.5 meter tall human. Maybe you have to have 10 levels in troll to have the standard troll characteristics.
> Noble faction
No way. That would be a civil war. And that would take months at least. Demiurge and Albedo have only a few days.
>Not a wraith but a lower tier monster, like a specter or something?
So? You're still completely immune to physical damage.
>Where did you get that from? Maybe level 1 troll would be really weak, like no regeneration or maybe physique equal to a 2.5 meter tall human. Maybe you have to have 10 levels in troll to have the standard troll characteristics.
>if you're not a fucking ubermensch then you're not human
>if you're not a very experienced troll you're not a troll
>level 1 rabbits are actually just small fuzzy humans, you have to be level 10 in rabbit to actually be a rabbit
SKAOG swoops in under pretense of protecting peace.
What's the big deal?
See this is why I think that chart is fundementally flawed.
It shows estimations of the base level of the character, but with the NW level means jack shit. What we actually want is something akin to the Adventure's danger ranking, that take into account the actual combat power of the individual.
The current chart ignores the build quality, and the build aim. Nigredo is probably pretty powerful, but given that she has a focus on intelligence gathering, she's not going to be as powerful as someone with the same level, but a pure combat focused, min maxed build.
Shalltear could decimate Aura, but both are level 100.
>Where did you get that from?
Common sense.
Level 1 troll has standard level 1 troll characteristic.
You're confusing 2 things here.
Troll players/NW trolls who have all kind of builds/levels and Troll monsters which have set levels. For example if you summon Troll warrior it will have X levels in troll and maybe Y levels in other classes.
The chart is explicitly NOT a powerlevel chart.
maybe i can agree to your point that he's kinda embarrassed to his own creation/son
but he really didn't abandon PA, Ainz kinda goes "God to Jesus' Crucifixion", prioritizing the floor guardians over an area guardian like PA
Look user in my youthful days, i'm a cringey bitch so i kinda understand ainz. My friends and family are so done at me at that time.
>Where did you get that from?
A level 1 troll is still a fucking troll, he's not suddenly just a big human. Level 1 humans don't suddenly have three dicks or only one functioning eye because they're too low level to be fully human or something.
Zaryusu is a level 1 lizard man if that helps user.
I know, but its used as one and I want to make a power level chart to fill the next 15 or so days while we wait for the new LN.
Still this is level chart so everyone who's level 30 will be on the same level in this chart.
And the problem with powerlevel chart is when you have shit like
Sebas > Cocytus > Albedo > Sebas
But user think of all the threads we could go through figuring it out together.
Nah, I'm proposing that racial levels might be more or less equivalent. So if something is stronger when not counting job levels, then it has to be the case that it has more racial levels.
Using your example, the bunny wouldn't have levels because it's not a playable race. However a level 1 troll would be the same as a level 1 human that is as tall.
Therefore any race that is naturally better than a human has to have some minimum race levels.
That is a very dirty option. I doubt they will dare to handle such job to Ainz after his great keikaku.
>What is the first gulf war
You're trying to balance the game that was unbalanced as shit. It literally says that Demi-humans and Heteromorphs were stronger.
>Zaryusu is a level 1 lizard man if that helps user.
Right and he's no less of a lizardman for it. At level 10 he doesn't suddenly become a full lizard, it's a lizardman.
>I want to make a powerlevel chart
That's not possible because of the way RPG mechanics work. Ainz beats Fluder, sure. Shalltear probably beats Guren too if Guren is in the graveyard, but can Shalltear beat Guren when he's in his lava pit? Is Nigredo's powerlevel lower than a Frost Virgin because she's not geared for combat, despite powerlevels not necessarily being pure combat? What about Beholders or support-types or command-types?
>However a level 1 troll would be the same as a level 1 human that is as tall.
>Therefore any race that is naturally better than a human has to have some minimum race levels.
That's not true, because races have their own inherent bonuses and flaws.
Example -
A level 1 Skeleton Warrior will have high resistance against slashing and piercing damage and likely Ice damage as well and is completely immune to Fear spells. He, however, is weak to blunt damage and holy spells and likely has below-average strength compared to a level 1 Golem.
A level 1 Wraith is likely to not be able to use physical weapons at all and is locked into magic classes but is completely immune to mundane swords in exchange.
We'll never figure it out.
Zenburu is level 5.
And I wasn't suggesting that, I'm actually kinda curious about it myself. Is lvl 1 standard, and lvl 5 buff? or are the focusing on specific attributes?
They nutrure veggie faction for a reason.
This dipshits are effectively heads of their houses.
SKAOG will establish trade relationship with them then instigate some shit that will antagonize the Royal faction or Noble faction against Veggie faction.
Then they'll invade the Kingdom justifying it by protection of their trade interest and allies.
Yeah I guess that's right, but then how will we determine where to place the Martial King on the level chart?
The usual
They'd just be stronger and stronger. It boosts ability scores instead of boosting skills and giving abilities, although it could well increase resistances and stuff and add active / toggle skills.
We're not actually sure. In case of general race classes like Lizardman it could be everything.
On the other hand with race classes like Goblin Mage they're probably focusing on specific attributes.
So, I'm not used to buying anime box sets, and I plan on buying the Overlord box set, but I really don't see any real differences between the standard box and the limited edition.
Is there any difference besides the art cards? Or are they really charging an extra $15 for just some art cards and a box with Albedo on the cover?
Can someone translate?NOt the names but what the top 10 say.
Limited edition has a 200 page artbook no?
>The usual
Which is?
The whole reason this came up was because someone said that the Martial King might have less levels than Gazef, which was the standard being used to place him on the chart.
>Art cards
>Albedo cover
>Not worth $15
Wouldn't it boost traits unique to that race?
e.g. for a lizardman, they get stronger scales, better underwater vision, etc. but at the cost of needing more warmth (lizards being cold blooded)
The racial trait is unique to every race, offered pros and cons. Makes more sense to increase the specific racial traits then just a generally stronger and boosted stats.
>Ainz is 2, 3, 4, and 5 combined
>Albedo is #2
From up our ass user.
It's powerlevel chart, not level chart.
Obviously War Troll with Divine MA would wreck Gazef shit, he even said so himself: if individual from powerful demi-human race would learn some skills - Gazef would have a hard time dealing with him.
>It's powerlevel chart, not level chart.
It explicitly is not.
Not the Funi release at least.
NWers don't have levels.
We have Ygg levels on the left and NW approximate powerlevel on the right.
PDL does not have fucking 80 levels, no NWers follow Ygg level rules strictly.
That was already discussed 100 times.
>Tina ~20lvl having Ninja class with 60lvl prerequisites
All according to Ainz's keikaku.
Are you talking about jap or the eng's ?
Do not really know what they include since my country did not license overlord .
>NWers dont have levels
Narbetard, go fucking away.
Not sure if these will even be viewable outside of the US.
>Already assesed by Ainz
Go fucking read about "organic" thingy few threads back.
The only NWers we have levels in character sheets are those who was appraised by Ygg entity (affiliated with Nazarick somehow).
NW "levels" != Ygg levels
Tina\Tia have Ninja, no fucking way they are 60 lvl Ygg.
Meaning classes work different for NWers.
If you want to put Martial Lord on this chart - put him 10 Ygg levels above Gazef.
why do other women compete?
Fuck, i want that limited edition!
They don't user.
NW do have levels, but they function differently from Ygg levels.
Forgot to add NWers don't level up, they don't choose classes, they grow "naturally".
As opposed to Ygg alien constructs that follow strict set of rules.
You can approximate their powerlevel to Ygg equivalent, but they don't have levels.
They can be appraised by a Player or NPC from Yggdrasil and he will be presented with closest equivalent.
Levels are not natural internal property of NW inhabitants like it is for Ygg entities.
>NW do have levels, but they function differently from Ygg levels.
>muh headcanon strikes again
>only NWers we have levels in character sheets are those who was appraised by Ygg entity (affiliated with Nazarick somehow)
Then why doesn't Fluder's chart have any stats if he's joined Ainz in volume 7 and the chart is from volume 9?
Checkmate nolevelfag.
>Then why doesn't Fluder's chart have any stats if he's joined Ainz in volume 7 and the chart is from volume 9?
Doesn't that hurt your own argument?
Why did So-bin fucked up Aura and Mare eyes so many times?
Explain how Tina gained Ninja class if their levels are the same as in Yggdrasil.
Aura is confirmed for a ranged attacker, she was using ranged debuff skills on the demon tree during Drama CD 1.
No, it only hurts your "NWers we have levels in character sheets are those who was appraised by Ygg entity" argument.
Our argument is that NWers charts have no levels specified because Maruyama decide to leave it that way. They still have levels.
>Still have levels
>Tina ~20lvl have Ninja class
>Leinas ~20lvl have Cursed Knight class
>Brain ~20lvl have Sword Saint class
Martial Arts > Yggdrasil Skills
Wild Magic > Normal Magic
A lvl 100 with a good Talent will destroy its Yggdrasil counterpart.
That doesn't make any sense, because in the NW people don't gain skills or whatever magically, they have to actually practice that specific skill.
>Martial Arts > Yggdrasil Skills
>Wild Magic > Normal Magic
Martial Arts > Yggdrasil Skills
You'll have to live for a thousands of years to match 100lvl Ygg skills and you'll probably still be 20% weaker.
Wild Magic > Normal Magic
Not after Tiered Magic corruption
>A lvl 100 with a good Talent
We did not see anyone above level 80 yet.
> Wild Magic
Is that magic which requires millions of souls to pwn mere beatsmen?
>Why did So-bin fucked up Aura and Mare eyes so many times?
What does this have to do with anything?
>Tina ~20lvl have Ninja class
>Leinas ~20lvl have Cursed Knight class
>Brain ~20lvl have Sword Saint class
Is there any info about level requirement for Cursed Knight or Sword Saint class?
Tina has Ninja class because there's no level requirement in NW. She still has levels in Ninja, Assassin and other classes.
For a puny half-bread human Dragon descendant with weak blood.
Dragon Lords can probably spew death beams of wild magic on their own.
>no level requirement
And why is that user if they have Ygg levels byt not Ygg class requirements?
Why don't their warriors have Ygg skills instead of Martial Arts?
Why talentless human can't get past ~15lvl "Wall" without a talent?
NW mechanic is fucking so different from Yggdrasil, that calling it "levels" is utter nonsense.
You can use Ygg levels as a scale but that's it.
You just measure NWers with it like with ruler.
You don't put feets and inches on them just cuz you can measure them with ruler just fine, it's not their property.
It was said that Yggdrasil dragons had a level of 80~90.
>Tina ~20lvl having Ninja class with 60lvl prerequisites
That might just mean that there are no level restrictions for class learning as long as they learn it "naturally."
Your bullshit doesn't make sense. If there were no levels then their charts wouldn't list specific classes with level (sometimes unknown). Maruyama would just write that Gazef was a fighter, who's been mercenary before becoming King's champion.
But no, he has "Figher" class, "Mercenary" class and "Champion" class.
>Why talentless human can't get past ~15lvl "Wall" without a talent?
Where does it say they can't?
Any idea where the LN going with the plot?
Then the mechanic is to far off from Yggdrasil to call it "levels".
What's the fucking point if there is no clear level up or skill points and classes don't have level requirements?
It's not levels then, it's some other local bullshittery.
>Is there any info about level requirement for Cursed Knight or Sword Saint class?
Ainz talked about the cursed knight class requirements when the SOD we're talking about the 13 Heroes and he thought one of them might've been one, he said they would have to be atleast lvl.60 to have it.
I didn't say they don't have levels though, I'm saying their levels aren't analogous to Ygg levels.
But you can break the NWers down into Yggdrasil levels as shown in the earlier character sheets.
>Enri has 2 levels at the start
>she has 6 levels at the end of volume 8
>there are no levels in NW
Did you miss?
Due to Yggdrasil infusion NWers are able to gain classes, but they don't follow Ygg level requirements which mean they don't have levels in the same way Ygg NPC or Players do.
It's fucking confusing to call them levels, when they don't follow Yggdrasil rules.
>can't get past ~15lvl "Wall" without a talent?
Cuz Maruyama twitter says so.
Also Climb.
Also Gazef and EE words.
Limit Breaker does not count, that'ss a MA with temporary effect and there is a limit to how much Climb can improve it even with several more training sessions with Sebas.
At the what start?
At the start when Ainz come to their fucking village looking for intel and experiments?
He fucking casted memory wipe magic on then, you bet he checked their status.
Yes, you can use Ygg levels as a scale.
But they are not internal properties of NWers.
At least they work very very differently.
>check someone's status
>it says he has 1 level in Farmer and 1 level in Sergeant
>there are no levels
I imagine that levels as far as NW is concerned may or may not exist but they certainly work differently and it's displayed this way because it's the easiest way for the readers, and for Ainz, to actually understand it.
Hamsuke for example doesn't actually fucking speak like a Samurai, it's just the closest equivalent to what Satoru understands.
But they have levels and so they can be placed on the level chart. This is what the conversation started with.
Did anyone ask the ultimate question of
>volume 11 when
Every fucking thread.
And the answer is still the same.
No because we know the answer you imbecile.
How long will it take to get volume 11 translated?
Of course the console will say this.
To you.
You take a ruler and place it on your dick.
Do you see inches appearing on your dick?
Is 2" is now internal property of your dick?
Without a ruler with these 2 inches you would never knew about that.
And same goes for NWers.
They don't have levels until Ygg entity appraise them, them said entity is presented by closest Ygg equivalent.
Yes, and my initial argument was that Martial Lord should be placed higher than Gazef on the chart cuz levels on the left (Nazarick) and powerlevel on the right (NW).
You'll have Ygg entity of 30lvl on the left and their equivalent in NW powerlevel on the right.
If Ainz sneak a peak at Martial Lord level - I bet he would see higher stats than that of Gazef.
I also bet Ygg 100lvl Human warrior and Ygg 100lvl Orc warrior would be somewhat the same in powerlevel should you try and place them on the right part of the chart.
>Is 2" is now internal property of your dick?
Very poor example, because length is actually an inherent property of solid objects.
You will still need some system to measure it.
Sticks, stones, fingers, centimeters - all this are external to the dick.
NWers have length too, their powerlevel.
You can measure it in Ygg scale, but they don't have it explicitly.
Ygg entities do.
>I also bet Ygg 100lvl Human warrior and Ygg 100lvl Orc warrior would be somewhat the same in powerlevel should you try and place them on the right part of the chart.
So not only are you spouting sheer bullshit you literally didn't read the LN where it's explicitly stated that heteromorphs and demihumans have superior stats to humans or else broken mechanics like 0% physical damage in exchange for their own weaknesses and fewer class levels.
>Demihumans & heteromorphs
>Superior stats
>Fewer class levels
>Somehow >>> humans
I can say it the other way around.
Humans have more class levels in exchange for lower stats.
How do we now know who would prevail in the fight?
I know Martial Lord would win against Gazef with similar quality equipment.
Not because he has "more levels" than Gazef, cuz he's naturally stronger as a War Troll.
Now if Gazef would rise into the Realm of Heroes by learning higher tier Martial Arts than ML is capable off - this could be an equal fight.
You don't count the levels in NWers sheets to compare then, it's just a numbers console give to Ainz when he appraises someone.
>higher stats than that of Gazef
Poor choice of words or flat out wrong, stats =/= levels.
>equivalent in NW powerlevel on the right.
It's not meant to be a powerlevel chart but a Yggdrasil level chart.
>I know Martial Lord would win against Gazef with similar quality equipment.
Gazef is said to be more skilled as a warrior than the Martial Lord.
Does he know Divine Martial Arts?
I was under impression he does not.
My argument is based on:
Martial Lord = War Troll Superior Physique + Higher Tier Martial Arts than Gazef know
So Martial Lord >> Gazef
Correct me if I'm wrong and Gazef know same tier or higher tier MA than Go-Gin.
>This fucking debate again
In Ygg, you raise your levels to raise your stats and gain new skills.
In the NW, you raise you gain new skills and raise your stats to raise your level.
A level is basically a unit of measurement. Think how the lore of Ygg works. The gaining of xp by farming monsters and shit represents the practice put in to gain the new skills. In the new world, where things are more literal, you actually put in the practice to gain those new skills.
DemiHuman and Hetromorphic races have advantages and disadvantages, e.g. Weakness to holy and fire for Undead, but in return immunity to mental effects and biological effects, and heal by neg energy. Choosing a Hetromorphic race restricts you, allowing for less freedom, but if you know what you want to be from the very start then it allows you to build a very focused character. If Ainz min-maxed his character to be a necromancer, then it would be a greater necromancer than a human character who then specialised into Necromancy.
You will still have to approximate if you want to put NWers on this chart.
They don't have explicit levels as Ygg entities do.
>You will still need some system to measure it.
If I have a system that can tell me whether the guy is
>lvl 2 fighter
>lvl 1 fighter, lvl 1 guardian
>lvl 1 fighter, lvl 1 ranger
>lvl 2 guardian
>lvl 1 fighter, lvl 1 knight
>lvl 2 knight
>lvl 1 knight, lvl 1 guardian
>lvl 1 warrior, lvl 1 fighter
>lvl 1 warrior, lvl 1 guardian
>lvl 1 knight, lvl 1 warrior
>lvl 1 lizard, lvl 1 fighter
That means there are levels. And it doesn't matter if NWers can't measure themselves.
Why don't they hear the voice from heaven when they level up then?
And why don't they learn Martial Arts from it?
You need a teacher to learn MA and a very specific circumstances (or\and a teacher) to gain a class.
This alone puts a gap between Ygg and NW systems.
Not arguing that the chart will need approximation.
But they do have explicit Yggdrasil equivalent levels, it says so in some of the character sheets.
That's two different things for me user.
I still think the levels are only in the sheets cuz some Nazarick entity assessed those NWers and saw an equivalent levels.
I agree
Anons... why all these powerlevel PvP again?
It gets us nowhere, since Overlord itself never gave us a solid ground for levels to stand on. The levels stuff are based on Ygg.
>Getting nowhere
As if that's not what Cred Forumsnons do most of the time.
It still gives you solid ground to differentiate between various warrior classes. You don't estimate Brain has X levels in fighter. It outright says he has levels in fighter, sword saint and others.
>ywn cuddle with yuri's head
>not juggle blowjob
>6 yr old user already did.
For you are Meido, user adventures
Lastborn x Nabe is OTP
Can we fucking not
At one point I believed she is canon from vol10 moonreaders.
You believed who is canon? Beholder Mage Girl?
Also translation ->
>Lastborn: If it were Lupus who were adventuring with Momonga, wouldn't it be better? *this way my Nabe won't be taken away from me...* Although, the ears...
>Nabe: Just say they're a magical item.
Nips! Hide them before mod comes!
If fucking Evileye taking insect penis a few threads back didn't get nuked and the spoiler of nude Albedo with nipples and barely-visible slit didn't get nuked I'll assume that won't either.
Imagine if Lastborn is a religious nutjob.
>Beholder girl
I never understood how the nips came up with that design for Lastborn. I mean, yeah we see her wearing a miko outfit, but why the bandages?
Someone in AOG was diamonds about bullied girls
Because bullied mikos are hot.
What was it?
Evileye getting raped by a bug.
Some retarded user me posted EE bug porn without a spoiler.
Then deleted it himself ASAP.
Other anons started to praise mods.
Move along, nothing to see here.
Some user must have reported it. Mods don't click pics for no reason.
It wasn't spoilered.
Do you have the fourth image from that series?
The one with the juice pack?
You've already asked: I don't have it.
>ainz vs shalltear explained
Ainz got rid of his fire weakness completely in exchange for another element weakness.
He was pretending to get hurt when shalltear hit him with holy attacks so she doesn't figure out he has a holy resistance robe.
Read the novels.
So the NW doesn't have limits? lv 100+ equivalent characters confirmed.
>fluder 268 years old = lv 70+ (3rd tier x2), 6th tier and more)
>pdl is around 600 years old = ?
sorry to ask again then lol. I tried doing some digging last night but no luck. Can't even find the artists name.
>So the NW doesn't have limits?
Ainz thought of that since volume 1.
>lv 100+ equivalent characters confirmed.
Being possible != They exist.
>Ainz got rid of his fire weakness completely
Read again yourself.
He bluffed not feeling pain of fire attacks.
His gamble was to pretend his fire resistance is absolute so that Chair would hit him with Holy instead.
Then he would pretend to be very hurt while he maxed Holy resistance.
I'd put him 60-70
I'd put him at 80-90
If 10 Dragon Lords required to take down single 8GK (probably 100lvl Player) - then they can't be lower than 80.
It was posted in one of last 5 threads.
Try looking for it.
It basically picrelated but with Ainz and a pack of juice.
But I maybe mistaking someone's doodle for actual art
How long does it usually take for the LNs to be translated into English after being released? I know the next one drops the 30th
>inb4 learn Japanese
I won't tell you to learn Japanese but I will tell you to lurk moar.
Some take years, some are never translated.
I'd expect a week for the first batch if Nigel will grace us with his godly efforts this time too.
Depend on how long the CN TL takes to come out. Nigel only does CN.
>lvl 100+ equivalent NW characters
Ainz ought to shove any wild undead he can find into a tomb and seal it.
Open up some years later and have a fellow Overlord to chat with.
>any wild undead
Overlord will only evolve from Skeletal Mages/Elder Liches.
Stronger undead spawn naturally from weaker.
But okay, let me adjust that: he should nab NW mages in bulk, kill them horribly in the tomb and seal it.
Liches and Skeletal Mages spawn from the corpses of killed casters.
It would still be pointless if they go full Fluder after meeting Ainz.
Isnt there already an undead city , the one of Zuranon?
Like one extra 70-80lvl naturally spawned Overlord can't be of any use to Ainz.
Yes, IDK what creatures spawn there though.
It's supposed to be where?
Near the Empire or to the south of Theocracy?
I was talking about the whole "master" thing.
Ainz doesn't need another worshipper, he needs a friend. Someone even less biased than Ainzach.
Is this from an official trailer or fanmade?
watch anime
Oh wait is that it?
I just assumed that was an edit, given that the added bits were different.
Only equals can be friends.
It's bullshit when CEO is friends with shitpoor $15/h wageslave, they'll drift apart.
It's also bullshit when parents are "friends" with children.
Whichever way it goes - it's wrong and harmful for the child personal growth.
And Ainz would be too paranoid about 100lvl player with equally powerful guild at his disposal.
Ten what fourth pic are you talking about?
Describe it to me.
Sill he could be friends with JUST for example.
But the emperor will probably think it's another scheme.
I've never seen it, anons were saying there were four pieces by the artist, but no one had it. fucks sake, I reckon it probably is the edit you spoke of.
Only equals can be friends, but a whore and an emperor can still be friends because they both love hamsters.
>whore and an emperor
That's a different kind of relationship.
Anything related to the pussy cannot be considered friendship as there is other powerful factor at play.
Just is not equal to Ainz.
Moreover Just see his cruel and calculating keikaku self in Ainz like in reflection.
His fears are projected on Ainz.
Or they're just shitting both of us.
>That's a different kind of relationship.
>Anything related to the pussy cannot be considered friendship as there is other powerful factor at play.
No, they can be pretty platonic. Look at Jircniv with his favorite political concubine, who he talks to solely because he thinks she's not a retard. People who share the same hobbies are to a certain extent 'equal'.
>Just is not equal to Ainz.
JUST is certainly equal to Ainz in that both struggle with ruling their nations. JUST is not EQUIVALENT to Ainz.
They still fuck
>Just is equal
>But not equivalent
Doesn't matter if Just will never really trust Ainz.
Ainz will have to go really close and personal to Jircniv but that' won't happen cuz paranoia will stop that.
>that' won't happen cuz paranoia will stop that
At least it will fun to read about.
>They still fuck
Not relevant. My sister is superior to me in just about every fucking way, academically or physically, but she's still friendly with me.
>but that' won't happen cuz paranoia will stop that.
I see Jircniv accepting Ainz in his adulthood. The guy is like, what, 20? Give him a few years.
why do people always think that martial arts didnt exsist in YGG? if they didnt, how the fuck els did non magicu-casteru classes do anything at all? It was probably just like any other MMO where warrior classes still clicked on icons of "spells" that swung their axe around for cleaves or activate a defensive boost.
just because ainz was suprised about martial arts exsisting in NW doesnt mean they are brand new to him, otherwise he woudnt use that term. He may have just figured it was just magic being superimposed over the NW and everything els was real lifes.
the spellcharged stilettos clem had were also new to him probably because he is used to making magic items with data crystals and these daggers were made with NW magic. im sure there were YGG data crystals that allowed wepons to have a spell stored in them, momonga just never seen them.
The reason is simple - Ygg doesn't have a stamina bar.
Considering the effort author put into JUST - we'll definitely read more of him.
I bet he'll gradually relax like Ainzach, but not completely.
That's a family for you.
Smart people usually don't hang around stupid ones unless they're kind and charismatic at the same time.
>In his adulthood
Well he'll see that Ainz is no monster in time (if you not aggro him at least).
>The guy is like, what, 20? Give him a few years.
>20 years later, they're both on the porch, sipping lemonade
>"Hey, did you really think up all those ridiculous plans"
>"What plans? I thought you did that?"
Cuz Ainz said so himself?
Martial arts require stamina.
Warriors in Yggdrasil get special attacks/abilities that have cooldown.
>why do people always think that martial arts didnt exsist in YGG?
Because Ainz said so?
>if they didnt, how the fuck els did non magicu-casteru classes do anything at all?
They used Skills, just look at Sebas.
>why do people always think that martial arts didnt exsist in YGG
Because it's explicitly stated that Martial Arts are skills that never existed in Ygg.
>Smart people usually don't hang around stupid ones unless they're kind and charismatic at the same time.
Pretty shallow way of looking at things. You might enjoy their company. You might have common hobbies. You might have common FETISHES. There's plenty of reasons people become friendly - this old maid's hearsay tier shit is not global.
He'd probably laugh his ass off.
yea we know the rules have changed, Im just saying that martial arts were most likely still a thing in YGG, just the NW is a bit different and allows you develop new shit like spells and martial arts techniques without submitting a ticket to a dev to change the gamecode.
Martial Arts did not exist in Yggdrasil period.
Warriors used skills that had cooldown.
No stamina bar either.
NW MA expend user stamina like literally make you tired.
>Im just saying that martial arts were most likely still a thing in YGG
They literally weren't, Ainz EXPLICITLY says they weren't and Stamina bars didn't exist.
Call me petty and shallow, but stupid people do stupid mistakes.
If you hang around - you're bound to be dragged into the mess.
It's that simple for me.
I am not talking about difference between 100QI calm and kind person and 140IQ MENSA genius.
Just world is full of stupid people which are usually surrounded by messy circumstances and they drag others around into them.
No one likes that.
>It's that simple for me.
>Just world is full of stupid people which are usually surrounded by messy circumstances and they drag others around into them.
Incredibly edgy. Just say you don't want friends then.
I have.
I had much more before, but I don't like being warm-times friend only to and I like even less when I have to help resolve stupid mistakes of others.
I did not just dropped things and took off, but those people not my friends anymore after I helped them several times.
The ones I have now are not likely to slip up over nothing, even if they do - I'd count it as bad luck since I know they're not that stupid.
I agree with this user. You're putting in a fairly edgy way, but some people get themselves into way to much trouble or fuck up due to being just shit at life. Its entertaining when you're younger but now its not worth it.
You're the definition of a poor friend then, or else you never managed to become friends with them at all nor did you manage to make them into assets for yourself. All I can find is that you're the stupid one here for getting jerked around by the whims of others.
you guys are still not picking up what im laying down
I already said the rules have changed. there are no levels, no stat bars, no data crystals, etc. in the game you would level up and choose a class like warrior and just pick a few new abilities and moves, then boom your guy can now "cast" [creater cleave]
in the NW you actually have to train and slowly unlock these same abilities. you have to repeat the same movements to learn them just like in real "martial arts" like karate, judo, mma, etc.
they are the same abilities, just under the NW rules they are called 'martial arts"
In YGG, fighter types had special attacks which seemed to work on the D&D 4e model of per encounter/dailies. I wonder why Ainz was so surprised by martial arts?
The people who are "shit at life" shouldn't even come into contact with you for long enough for you to get involved with them assuming you're NOT shit at life. Just as CEOs literally don't meet the beggars because they have no common ground, imbeciles who manage to fuck up at every turn don't meet the successful, and even if they do fuck up, you can always tell them 'no I don't have time for this' when it comes. That's not being a fairweather friend, that's knowing when their shit has finally escalated beyond your closeness to them. You might bail out your blood related brother but will you bail out your middle school buddy? Will you bail out the guy who lives across from you? It's an issue of connection tier.
The original statement was that only 'equals' can be friends. Surely someone who fucks up at everything and someone who wins at everything can't be friends, but a normal person can still be friends with someone who is top of the line assuming they have some circumstances, memories, hobbies, or something else in common.
>they are the same abilities, just under the NW rules they are called 'martial arts"
No I've picked this up. They are literally not the same ability. In the original game, martial artists actually had the edge as warrior types because you could move your body however you wanted as a DMMO game. Martial Arts in NW are literally fucking magic. So you're saying they're skills? Then how is it possible than Ainz has never seen Invincible Fortress and was incredibly confused at how Flow Acceleration even worked?
Martial Arts aren't per encounter moves, they literally burn through a separate mana meter known as stamina.
>they are the same abilities, just under the NW rules they are called 'martial arts"
They're not you dumb fuck, the big lizard from vol.4 had the Steel Skin thing, which is a skill he got from being a monk so that proves martial arts are not the same abilities from Yggdrasil under a different name.
user there is a limit to everything.
I will give you few examples.
Do you know what stupid males do?
They pick fights over nothing and expect you to stand by them.
Do you know how alcohol (or god fucking forbid drugs) changes them?
They refuse to consume it like civilized people in the pub or at home, you can't hold them there, they go out, run around, get lost, hurt, pick more fights and you are by extension is responsible for it cuz cops don't fucking care.
And "Group fight" is a grave crime in my country that can land you in jail for more than 10 years.
Their thirst for adventures and lack of aptitude for adequate preparations is second reason for their constant fuck ups.
They go, get excited, do stuff without understanding what they are doing, don't listen to your advises and still expect you to help them to get out of the resulted mess after fuckknows how many times.
This shit can be funny up to 20 y\o but after that - you don't have enough energy and time for that shit.
That comes naturally for them so they do.
It becomes a big turn off when you realize that they start expecting your help, planning for your intervention or assistance even and get pissed when you refuse like you owe them that.
As for females user it's generally one thing: they stop drinking pills hoping that child would tie you down even when they heard and agreed with your position on marriage in early twenties.
You're an imbecile, as I said, to even become friends with them. How the fuck did this go from 'only equals can be friends' to you bitching about your shit choice of friends and women?
I want to sit on a chair.
As expected of an overlord thread, the cancer is high!
[imp. fortress]'s YGG equivilent ability probably just made your player model instantly take a defensive stance (clipping through everything around you) to block a physical attack. just like a defensive cooldown like shield wall in WoW.
in the NW it can magically work on any part of your body or in any posistion since youre not a digital model
whatever was equivilent to [flow acceleration] probably just made warriors in YGG have a temporary boost in speed and agility. but in the NW its as if you turn on fucking bullet time in a FPS.
>its litterally magic
exatcly, in the game YGG warrior abilities were equal to spells in the code. but now that its the NW with real life rules, its a "warriors magic"
I was going to reply but I'll keep it short fuck off
>Only equals can be friends
>Ainz will not have friends cuz there are no equals in NW
NW haters have hit a new low.
That's like one user.
MA did not exist in Ygg, that much is common knowledge.
>"warriors magic"
Just when you thought the series couldn't be more like DnD it surprises you again.
>Only equals can be friends
>Ainz will not have friends cuz there are no equals in NW
Define equal you blogging shithead, it doesn't mean literally equivalent at all points.
>[imp. fortress]'s YGG equivilent ability probably just made your player model instantly take a defensive stance (clipping through everything around you) to block a physical attack. just like a defensive cooldown like shield wall in WoW.
So it's not the same fucking ability then if you need an equivalent, doesn't use the same mana bar, and isn't cast the same fucking way.
By this retarded logic a flash step and dimension door are the same fucking thing because both of them move you somewhere else instantly.
>whatever was equivilent to [flow acceleration] probably just made warriors in YGG have a temporary boost in speed and agility. but in the NW its as if you turn on fucking bullet time in a FPS.
And can go clean through Ainz' temporal immunity.
>exatcly, in the game YGG warrior abilities were equal to spells in the code. but now that its the NW with real life rules, its a "warriors magic"
So it is not the same fucking thing.
Hell the NW actually HAS warrior abilities, monks have their abilities like monklizard with Steel SKin.
im not hating on NW. im saying that the non magic classes in ygg had to have used some sort of "click on icon to do a thing" abilities to be on par with magic casters.
in the new world, instead of leveling up and picking new skills and instantly being able to use them, one must learn the abilities like a martial art by repetition, repetition, repetition.
they werent called "martial arts" in YGG, but there were still abilities that were basically the same.
there are also brand new skills, spells, and "martial arts" and the rules of all of them have changed. natural talents are probably new because the NW actually produce babies instead of being copy pasta coded for new villagers.
>there were still abilities that were basically the same
It uses stamina instead of mana your equivalence is done there.
the stamina bar is just the warrior's mana bar.
checkmate athiest.
Except there's two of them because a Magiknight can now spam twice the amount of abilities he would've been able to in Ygg.
I hope you're still there, fellow Overlord fan
no one ever said YGG or especially the real world was fair and balanced.
An entity that will match him in military and economical might at the very least.
Someone Ainz will have troubles sending to Black Capsule if there is a sudden REEEEEEason.
I said that with exception of family smart people usually do not have stupid friends.
You disagreed.
I've made an examples from my early life (when I did not have fucking experience, I'm not Renner to know all shit out of the box)
To illustrate that having stupid people as friends is a disaster.
You call these arguments blogging.
Don't start the discussion on the topic you don't want to continue.
My example was originally depersonalized, you've make it personal.
Then I told you to fuck off
Now I tell you again.
>in the new world, instead of leveling up and picking new skills and instantly being able to use them, one must learn the abilities like a martial art by repetition, repetition, repetition.
The problem is that this also applies to magic in the NW. To get no spells you most likely have to research, experiment and learn. We also know for a fact that new spells are constantly being developed & created in the NW.
That being said I can also imagine Ygg warrior just having pure stats like their DnD counterparts. Fun fact is that in DnD warrior classes are actually stronger than spellcasters in combat. What mages have over warriors is massive utility and not being fully dependant on equipment.
The really broken thing was divine casters who were halfway between warrior and mage, but could buff themselves well over the strenght of a warrior while being able to have almost as good if not just as good equipment as warriors. Plus healing and other magical bullshit.
Yggrasil didn't have martial arts otherwise Shalltear, a magic/warrior hybrid would have used them against Ainz. Instead, Ygg skills had daily cooldowns.
What annoys me is that this makes Yggrasil the most unbalanced MMO I've ever seen, considering most warriors would have only had enough battle skills for one or two fights per day.
>Shit I used all my skills
>Might as well log back in tomorrow
No one would play as a warrior class in an MMO if you could only fight seriously one or two times a day before having to log out.
Stamina literally didn't exist in Ygg.
I did disagree. Anecdotal evidence is worth fuck-all, because I'm just calling you stupid instead. There, stupid people aren't friends with imbeciles.
>An entity that will match him in military and economical might at the very least.
What Ainz needs equivalence in is understanding the feeling of being lonely on top and the idea that people dare not oppose him, not money or secular power. He's plenty willing to share that with people if they'll help him overcome his crippling loneliness.
Stop projecting yourself onto Ainz, and stop blogging - you're all alone because you understand nothing of human interaction.
You realize that warriors could just kills most of their enemies with simple attacks right without special skills right? Those were most likely saved for boss monsters. Meanwhile casters had absolutely no way to recover mana other than resting since there were no mana potions in Ygg, but there were health potions.
>What annoys me is that this makes Yggrasil the most unbalanced MMO I've ever seen
Who gives a shit about balance? It's fun. This is an MMO that's basically EVE but even more batshit insane.
I'm gonna stop biting now
>he's shitting on me for blogging and projecting onto Ainz with stuff that is literally not relevant to the story's situation, let me call him an epin baiter
im pretty sure chair only has those skills because she was born as a lvl 100 "true" vamprie blood valkry. she may have some old low level cleric abilities she never needed and woudnt even effect ainz.
I wonder, could chair turn others into "true" vamps? or would they just be normal vampire ghouls/slaves?
Actually I think the opposite would be true. as long as warriors had stamina and could swing a sword, they could use abilities, but half-magic skills like [neg. impact shield] were limited for balance and only very rare classes could even use them. then there were probably all sorts of potions and equipment to boost stamina recovery like gazef had.
True Vampires / True Ancestors are exceptional for being 'original' vampires, aka those who weren't turned into vampires by either True Ancestors or by normal vampires
Anyone she converts should turn into a normal vampire, although knowing how race levels work it might be different or might not be in NW.
>He's arguing that bribing people with money, resources and security will not make them constantly think about how else can you make their life better instead of sincere friendship of the equals
>Then that resulting donor relationship somehow will help Ainz get over his loneliness
>Then tells me that I know nothing of human interaction
>While forgetting that Ainz can't really open up to anyone in fear of making Nazarick vulnerable
You'd have to use skills in PvP if you wanted to win. Even super tier magic was used in large scale PvP battles.
Where did those original vampires came from?
>He's arguing that bribing people with money
I didn't say that Ainz should do that now did I? I said he's perfectly willing, meaning that economic and military equality are not the problem here. That being said...
>donor relationship
To quote Auden, "Almost all of our relationships begin and most of them continue as forms of mutual exploitation, a mental or physical barter, to be terminated when one or both parties run out of goods." Goods here includes love, companionship, pussy, money, security, safety, consolation, confidence, knowledge, a new car, revenge, anything really. "Friendship" one of the interactions which does not necessarily need to involve physical goods and instead involves services, and at least one of the services offered by at least one party is companionship. The question is not what Jircniv has to offer Ainz, because Jircniv can offer companionship and ruling advice, it is what Ainz has to offer Jircniv. Can Ainz, for example, possibly offer 'security' for his peoples? Can Ainz offer 'advice' to Jircniv? Or maybe Ainz can offer 'wealth' or 'prosperity' for his nation? Or maybe Jircniv wants none of those, but is looking for 'stability' and 'assurance' in Ainz?
I see no reason they cannot be friends, given both sides have circumstances to open up. That brings us to your last point.
>Ainz can't open up
That was the case in the beginning and has steadily decreased as he grows confident in his own power and begins to see a far grander vision than simple survival. It seems like an obvious next step to me for Ainz to, essentially, let go of the old world and embrace the new one. He will never be able to talk about Japan with Jircniv except in vague terms, but perhaps he can talk about the new world and his ideals and his personal preferences in aesthetics just fine. Nazarick's vulnerability becomes less and less of an issue each volume, and I expect it to fade entirely soon.
Balance is more for the sake of the dev than the player, since there's little point in making assets which no one would use.
The gameworld was something like 30% explored by the time the game shut down, I don't think the devs cared.
Are there any other anime or LNs that are close to Overlord?
I've been hunting for something similar, but most fantasy Isekei stuff has a shitty teenage blank MC. At this point I just want a good anime with cute girls and no shitty romance
Dungeon Defense, kind of. It's more about politics than power though, although the MC is an actual psychopath this time.
This.Think of Demiurge as MC . Evil MC who plans everything while playing the clown.
Log Horizon
Farnese > Lapis
Kek no
Skythewood for TLs?
Yes, that. No, use novelupdates ffs how new
>I didn't say that Ainz should do that now did I?
But Ainz will still have to drastically increase those points for Empire if he wants to be friends with Jircniv.
It's shit friendship when JUST will constantly worry that his joke might put an end to the Empire or at the very least leave her without Nazarick protection and support.
>donor relationship
Again: Ainz'll have to pool a lot of shit into Empire before Jircniv paranoia calms down.
Then he'll have to convince him that they can have segregated business and personal relationship and that they will not interfere with each other to an extent.
>Can't open up
But the more confident he grows - the more out of reach he will appear to people like Jircniv.
It's almost out of the question that some dindu from the street can go all "Hello, I understand you, let's be friends" with literal God of Death.
At least someone in a position similar to Jircniv or Dragonmilf would be suitable after closing the trust and wellbeing gap a bit, perhaps PDL or ST cardinals most likely dead men though
While I said "it's almost out of the question" Jircniv enjoys the company of vulgar Baziwood without any issues, It's possible that Ainz will find some companion like this but he will be lynched by NPC within the hour.
>It's shit friendship when JUST will constantly worry that his joke might put an end to the Empire or at the very least leave her without Nazarick protection and support.
>But Ainz will still have to drastically increase those points for Empire if he wants to be friends with Jircniv.
>Again: Ainz'll have to pool a lot of shit into Empire before Jircniv paranoia calms down.
You're moving the goalposts, your original statement is that they can't be friends because they aren't equal. Now you're saying Jircniv is too paranoid which I'm not debating, but he'll calm down ON HIS OWN eventually. He may be overthinking things but given enough time and nothing shit happening, he should logically realize there's nothing to fear from Ainz for the moment. If he understands Project Utopia and if Ainz can say that, for example, 'I was once attacked by humans as a weakling but then a member of another species saved me', it's completely understandable if magnanimous that Ainz simply wants to create a world where people don't have to congregate in blocs for fear of getting murdered because they're of a different species (naive as that may be).
>that some dindu from the street
I never said 'some dindu from the street'. That being said wouldn't you think Ainzach is very nearly that compared to even Jircniv let alone Ainz?
>but he will be lynched by NPC within the hour.
>lynching someone God gets along with
How much would Ainz open up to Ainzack?
Ainz should unironically forget about Japan and the other SBs insofar as them being 'irreplaceable comrades'. I think he's already starting to - as soon as his primary thoughts don't always drift back to those, he'll be able to open up just fine.
They're not equals, that's right.
Ainz military and economical strength is unmatched.
This is why when Jircnif stop fearing them - he'll want the shit Ainz have.
It's shit friendship when one want shit from another, it's dependent.
At least one of the sides will be afraid to be sincere in fear to lose the material benefits.
So their friendship will have to wait until Jircniv will be satisfied with the ammount of shit he got from Ainz and Empire current state of affairs.
I think there's more respect between them than friendship.
That would be possible if Ainz uncovers his Momom persona to him.
This way Ainzack can fill same place Baziwood have near Jircniv.
Who is JUST you're speaking of? Not the dragon lady ruling the country, right? From a drama or something?
>From the drama
You're right on spot user
>that scene there Ainz deliberates about what his NPCs would think about Go Gin
I want someone to sincerely hug Ainz, someone who is not blindly loyal to him.
Would a female JUST try to use her charms to get an edge over Ainz?
Would a female Ainz try to go full yandere on JUST?
>This is why when Jircnif stop fearing them - he'll want the shit Ainz have.
So what?
>It's shit friendship when one want shit from another, it's dependent.
Did you read my original post? ALL friendships begin and continue because you want something from the other guy, whether it's material or emotional. There are NO friendships in the real world that are purely 'lets be friends', there are certain qualities you like about them, certain things you desire from them. Companionship is only one of many.
>At least one of the sides will be afraid to be sincere in fear to lose the material benefits.
>So their friendship will have to wait until Jircniv will be satisfied with the ammount of shit he got from Ainz and Empire current state of affairs
This is why I say you're an idiot. All of this is part of him being 'paranoid' and being unable to seperate 'Jircniv' from 'the Emperor'. As soon as he is familiar with Ainz, he should be able to, and rather easily. Wealth and benefits will flow as long as you give something in return, and what Ainz wants is companionship. It is a fair trade and a fair friendship.
>I think there's more respect between them than friendship.
Do you think your definition of friend can exist without respect?
No, she'd probably fall into despair after seeing Yuri and such.
Also she'd waterfall while being terrified and probably start having dreams (that she hates herself for having) about getting raped by the bony boner because women want strong men.
But he have no penis.
>Hug Ainz sincerely
That already happened though
That was just a koala .
I kinda get the feeling you're making fun of me. But to be precise, there are only 3 voice dramas, yes? One with the dryads, one with the basilisk, and now this one?
Did you uh
Actually READ the LNs? Like, including Volume 10, which that picture is lifted from?
I am, thx.
>So what?
So I still think it's shit when one want something tangible from the other.
Like money, resources or services.
Occasional favors don't count.
This is the only thing that puts me off, I'm okay with everything else you described.
>As soon as he is familiar with Ainz
I do not think Ainz will allow such a thing anytime soom.
He's still going on about preserving his face.
>Wealth and benefits will flow as long as you give something in return
That is a fair point, it's not like Empire have nothing to offer to Ainz in terms of goods and services
>Do you think your definition of friend can exist without respect?
Let me rephrase: Ainzack respects Ainz as a ruler, superior.
He could feel some camaraderie with Momom and eventually get closer to him, but you've probably been through dramas.
Ainzack have a lot of tangible interest in Momon too, that's not the right conditions for a friendship in my book.
>Female JUST starts flirting with Ainz
>"If it's the leader of another country it might be worth to use it"
>Wishes himself a BONER
>Ainz GATEs to Justnivs room
>JUST gets Boned physically and metaphorically
>FemJust has no other option than marry Ainz or give birth to a bastard and r called a whore by her subjects
>Sazuga Ainz sama annexing the Empire in a single night
But it was a hug for a Momon, Evileye is in love with a fake persona. The same case is with Albedo, if you think about it.
>Both Ainz and Dragon loli qeeen will see through each other and fall in love
For some sick reason want
>Grupa odbiorców: seinen
>So I still think it's shit when one want something tangible from the other.
>Like money, resources or services.
That's how ALL human interaction works. Companionship, aka 'giving your time to someone else', is also a service and an incredibly valuable one at that - ever heard of 'time is priceless' or the duller version, 'time is money'?
>He's still going on about preserving his face.
He'll need to get over it and soon if he feels like not fucking himself in the face. One does not govern a new world while clinging to the old.
>Let me rephrase: Ainzack respects Ainz as a ruler, superior.
Which is why I don't think they're friends. Jircniv has the right equation for being not Ainzack-type, because he doesn't respect Ainz in the leader sense and isn't on good terms with Ainz. He has the chance to grow to better terms without becoming subservient.
Lewd. Also hot
>fake persona
EE and CD would probably want his bone all the same.
Women are naturally attracted to strong males you see.
Seinen is about right. One of the distinguishing features of seinen that Overlord gets is that shouting your way through fights doesn't work and if the other guy is stronger he will fuck your face and power of friendship means shit-all unless your friend is actually important or can pull strings or something.
everything can be cancer if you have the courage to call it cancer
Technically not wrong, but still
But it is seinen, isn't it?
I did read the 10 vol. My epub had barely any formatting and no pictures at all, so I had trouble recognizing the person and the context of it. I still have no idea who JUST is. Is it Jirniciv?
perhaps I do have something in common with Nabe
>But it is seinen, isn't it?
That's a manga demographic, overlord is a novel.
>ever heard of 'time is priceless' or the duller version, 'time is money'
>Friday evening
>Posting on Cred Forums
>In Isekai thread
How much do you think I value my time?
I am willing to extend a helping hand to a friend, but I won't let someone ride my neck continuously for free.
Those who abuse my goodwill stop being my friends.
I honestly don't see how this line is hard to understand.
I won't consider a guy who only talks sweet to me cuz he constantly borrow money from me or asks for a ride every day to be my friend.
That would be off putting even if he honestly seem interested in me myself from time to time.
What you describe looks like some sort of labor community to me, the one they had in Carne where everyone share tools and services for the common survival.
Like a fucking communism or something, exchanging favors and goods, expecting it from others as a given.
Is it too naive to not call this friendship at all?
>One does not govern a new world while clinging to the old.
He'll need to git really gut then to meet his NPC expectations if he's to abandon his facade.
>He has the chance to grow to better terms without becoming subservient
Maybe, we'll see.
it's a buzzword that people affiliated with japanese texts of culture will recognize and categorize accordingly
Can Ainz become more intelligent or is WIS his only workable stat?
>How much do you think I value my time?
Not relevant, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about humans in general.
>Those who abuse my goodwill stop being my friends.
Asking for a service in exchange for other services is not 'abusing goodwill'.
>I won't consider a guy who only talks sweet to me cuz he constantly borrow money from me or asks for a ride every day to be my friend.
That's because he's talking sweet to you and because you can't accept that he only likes you for the money. To Ainz however, his ungodly power and wealth is part of his person to the point that taking it away would be like saying 'would your waifu still be (oh I don't know) Tokisaki Kurumi if I removed her insanity?' It's not the same person anymore.
>Like a fucking communism or something, exchanging favors and goods, expecting it from others as a given.
Welcome to society and enjoy your stay. Nothing is free, but payment varies greatly. A smile and a handshake is a form of payment to some people.
>He'll need to git really gut then to meet his NPC expectations if he's to abandon his facade.
He already is, and hell he could simply drop the act altogether at some point and become companions with his 'friend's children'.
LCK is retarded high too
Please user, he's in 50s, top 50s at best.
A joke explained becomes a bad joke
That emperor, what was his name again?
Jircniv "JUST fuck my empire up" Rune Farlord El Nix
Oohhhhhhhhhh. Thank you. I guess I wouldn't have this problem if I were more regular in these generals.
Now that you think about it - I'm hesitant to provide services to the money to the people who did the same in the past.
I am also less hesitant to ask the same of them.
Hard to pinpoint the exact criteria of ingenuity.
Perhaps it's the people who were still by your side when you had nothing to offer them?
Like with Ainz and Touch Me.
Maybe some people are just less subtle about this and it's off putting?
Like they look desperate to gain from you.
Like those who tried to infiltrate the ranks of AOG just to steal items or info.
*not hesitant
I'm not an arse
Then you would have other problems.
Not worth it, user.
Eh, some user calculated his build with DnD rules and multi-classing.
It was something around 66.
I'm not adamant about this.
The problem you're seeing is that they want nothing to do with you, specifically, and more importantly you're not getting anything BACK from them. Society is a [mutual] exchange, if they're just leeching you dump them pronto unless you think they'll be able to provide something in the future.
Jircniv can 'leech' all he wants but the companionship makes it a fair trade because of how valuable it is to Ainz.
>Cocytus levels up the Lizardmen till they evolve to a different race.
>Ainz becomes the god worshipped by dragonkin.
Sebas is due for some genepool enrichment.
Does anyone have that pic with Pleiades silhouettes in their true forms with Sebas in the center?
Speaking of enriching Sebas, how is Tsuare doing? Do we have any news about her since she took up the maids work in Nazarick?
Sebas already has Tsuare, just let the Dragonkin on the sixth floor impregnate all the female Lizards.
Sebas is a virgin and not of a race that is intrinsically godly at sex, so I imagine Tsuare is milking him dry with one movement every time they do it.
That wasn't so bat for Cred Forums, dva-kun.
Those people are all long gone.
I was just arguing that basing off your friendship on something tangible is disgusting, but that's probably one of the layers of psychological defense.
It is mutual exchange in the end, how tangible - it depends.
Issues arise when one of the sides abuses the hospitality of the other, but that should be tolerated and written in the book of Grudges favors for the sake of past pleasant experiences.
Ainz probably won't one shot the Empire if Jircniv one day makes fun of his friends.
>1 movement x infinite times (the ring) = infinite movements
You are responsible for me imagining it
>magic cock rings that instantly restore male refractory periods for infinite nuts to be busted
Volume 12 shitty predictions time
>Dragonic Kingdom asks Sorcerer King for help.
>First time official meeting ball for a Giant Skeleton Man, Ainz meets with Draudillon.
>They strike a deal. Sorcerer King will wreck beastmen in exchange for vassalage and knowledge about wild magic.
>After some time they see through each over facades, they develop frienship, then start harboring forbidden love.
>Ainz don't know what to do, what will Albedo do?
>Teocracy contacts Dragon Queen, they try to tell her to not believe Skeleton lies, this is all a part of his keikaku.
>He destroyed Sunlight Scripture and planned this all from the beginning(ST believes that this is the case).
>Or they try to secretly assassinate her.
>Ainz needs to save Draudillon from both Albedo and ST.
>MEANWHILE Cocytus, Bloody Enri and co. Nazarect some beastmen and broing it up.
>Temples try to assassinate Jircniv
>Ainz takes him to Nazarick for protection
>Jircniv falls into despair and gets drunk at the bar
>Penguin walks in and starts talking to him
>After everything else that's happened, a penguin powerful enough to overthrow Ainz Ooal Gown isn't anything unusual, is it?
Here user.
>>After everything else that's happened, a penguin powerful enough to overthrow Ainz Ooal Gown isn't anything unusual, is it?
All part of the keikaku!
Thanks mate
>right when they think of a plan to overthrow Ainz Golem maid shows up and takes the penguin away
>"He knows, he fucking knows everything!"
>Ainz notices(while stalking him) that Jircniv is being bullied by temples
>Comes to Empire and defends the Emperor, shittalking those priest guys back
>thanks to Ainz bullshiting skills and high luck archipriest are being completely schooled.
>JUST confused
JUST has quite literally lost control of his life
If only he were a girl he could ask to suck Ainz' cock.
If JUST spent all his levels in Emperor could he use WISH to turn himself into a woman?
Wish Upon a Star is basically omnipotent so probably.
I don't think you know what that word means.
>dungeon defence
>lets own dungeon get destroyed
Excluding for WCI whis is even more strong it is.
It's basically Greater Wish and in NW it literally lets you make a wish and grants it excluding WCI.
Reminder that Tsuare is a pedophile who's into GILFs.
12 y\o in 16 y\o is fine is fine.
>going white at age 12
At least he's not bald.
You're assuming Sebas was created at the start of Yggdrasil, which he probably wasn't. Sebas is probably more like 8 years old or younger.
Eh, still fine
He's a GILF. The white hair is part of his charm.
How long does it take to learn jap?
2 years enough to read simple stuff?
Go away to DJT thread.
How will Tsuare react when Sebas tells her he's younger than her? And a dragon?
Do NPC even realize such concepts?
Yes, IIRC in Volume 5 Sebas thought about how he was far younger than Climb.
My prediction for the vol 12 climax
>3 million beastman army is marching towards the dragonic kingdom
>queen tries to contact everyone but they have all abandoned her then suddenly ainz is there to help
>he unleashess his DK and undead army
>suddenly in the distance there are dozens of strong godkin beastmen lead by an even stronger awakened beastman
>they easily beat the undead
>as ainz ponders what to do, pdl arrives to talk to ainz and form an alliance
>an aliiance with someone weaker makes no sense so pdl shows off his power and obliterates the bestmen army except for the godkin who have retreated
>also enri arriving at E rantel, maid hijinks and Philip
>His words were suited to be spoken by those who had lived a long time. Of course, Sebas was created as an old man so considering the time from when he was born to now, he would be younger than Climb.
It doesn't say that he knows this.
Yes, you're right. On second thought, the NPCs probably don't know how old they really are, since Aura thinks she's 76 years old.
>Golem maid
Come to think of it, automaton, golem and constructs are interchangable right?
It's probably that NPCs take the date of their creation as date of birth unless their fluff says otherwise, which according to what Sebas and Aura have shown is correct.
You need to post Yuri pics from now on!
No matter how crazy it sounds, I'd go through batism for Yuri.
No, automaton is an actual race i.e. CZ
Sadly I don't have much of those.
Why did Ainz allow a pedophile to join Nazarick and molest his nephew?
Like how are you gonna maintain sanity?
>As roaches ate through user, Roachbro can't help but notice user's erected penis
Ok, nvm I asked.
But techincally CZ is a golem or contruct too.
What wrong to be a pedophile?
Ainz actually wanted Sebas to fuck Tsuare.
So he could watch through the spy mirror
> In the past, he had designed a very powerful golem, but shortly after activation, a flaw in the combat AI made itself known and it had attacked everyone around it.
Tabula created Rubedo, not Ainz. So probably not referring to Rubedo-chan.
It's Lucifer so yes, probably not Rubedo
What WCI Ainz has on him?
What does it do?
Me be ESL, fuck off to sleep soon.
Patient be.
I have expected nothing else and was not disappointed.
Sounds quite menacing.
I read somewhere that it breaks weapons/items or something but i'm not sure
How is she very powerful?
In Vol 8, during the Nazarick bath time part, a statue/golem in the girl's bath attacks them. It was stated that Lucifer created that golem so I believe that's the one being referenced.
Gattai with Rubedo.
That lion thingy with bath etiquette?
Yes, that's Lucifer's golem.
If Tabula created Rubedo - what Gap Moe does it feature?
No distinction between allies and enemies.
Alfredo evil. Nigredo good. She is neutral and kills everyone without distiction.
It acts super lewd but is actually pure so she doesn't actually know what she's on about most of the time so she'll be surprised to learn Momonga doesn't actually have a dick.
How do you use it then?
Drop her in the middle of enemy party after activating?
>>As roaches ate through user, Roachbro can't help but notice user's erected penis
Oh fuck no, I'd probably go through the tarantula wasp treatment, every fucking part of me horrifyingly painfully eaten except nervous and heart/circulation systems in order to keep me alive as long as possible before popping healing spells out. I'd scream and trash and curse the fucking impulse to do it, but bro, it's Yuri, it's worth it.
Albedo described Rubedo as being cute, and Nigredo considers Rubedo to be a menace that will lead Nazarick to ruin. So cute on the outside, but is a world destroying monster in reality.
You send her off with Victim and run away.
>Drop her in the middle of enemy party after activating?
Literally yes. Victim explodes debuffing everyone in range, Rubedo then kills everything.
Phillip did nothing wrong
Why is this head cannon of Rubedo not being loyal to Nazarick accepted as fact?
Mindless beings do not have something like loyalty.
She could easily be loyal and just go berserker rage but far more devastating than Shalltear's
She could kill an SB under Albedo's orders, causing a schism.
If she's the maiden of the three sisters to Nigredo's mother and Albedo's crone, she could just be stupid and naive and idealistic and at out at just the wrong time.
Phillip thinks he did everything right.
But then again considering that Tabula was hardcore into Gap Moe her gap moe could be that there is no gap moe at all, and that she's just as loyal as any other non-super fluff NPC in Nazarick(With power to curbstomp gods).
Then how come Ainz handed her over to Albedo?
That's major death flag.
Ainz is naive. He believes Albedo would never betray him.
Maybe the gap moe is that she acts super timid and subservient and shy but can actually solo half the rest of the tomb combined if she felt like sticking up for herself.
Because she is unusually string for NPC and was most likely made through unconventional methods.
Ainz also refers to her "activation" and how she is "dangerous".
At that time (vol7?) Ainz was already certain in NPC loyalty, but still was wary about Rubedo.
It's likely that she have neutral AI to not aggro other mobs that may or may not occupy 8th floor.
Ainz referred to them briefly somewhere in LN.
I did not mean betrayal.
A slip up with such potent and dangerous entity can be fatal.
Also MC WCI.
Gargantua is also a golem and there doesn't seem to be any issues with it's "loyalty".
It came with guildbase so it probably will serve whoever controls it.
I just realized that the reason Albedo requested Rubedo for her PK squad might not be firepower alone.
It's just Albedo, bearing hate for other SB who betrayed her dear Momonga, probably could not attack one if chance ever presents itself.
No NPC in Nazarick be it merc or summon can do that, they're all loyal through Yggdrasil system.
That's where Rubedo comes in.
You don't kill the SB yourself.
You push the ON switch and GTFO.
Collect Rubedo and remains once it's done.
Aura "attacked" Ainz with one of her skills in Volume 1. Also, Jaldabaoth vs Momon fight. NPCs can attack SBs.
It was an order.
Aura did it without being ordered to the first time. There's no reason they're forced to be loyal, hell friendlyfire is now off.
They also was not going for the kill
Yet she did it by accident and apologized for that. It was not intentional harm.
No one in Nazarick is probably capable of this except for Rubedo.
>No one in Nazarick is probably capable of this
Literally how the fuck are you getting this? Orders from supreme beings aren't command spells, if the system makes it impossible it remains impossible. Most of the NPCs WON'T attack Ainz because they'd rather die a thousand times, but there's nothing indicating they CAN'T.
It is mentioned that unless special item is equipped - anyone in Nazarick can distinguish the master they serve by special radiance akin to what Ainz feels towards his summons, but the other way around.
It's not that they can't attack him: AOE and FF allow such accidents, just that they can't intentionally harm or kill him or other SBs.
Albedo is probably not capable of this too.
Source: my ass
Damn fucking straight.
This is lewd
This is new thread
>TFW when Overlord will end with the fall of the Kingdom
>One of the SB spawns in NW after logging on in Ygg in the last second
>Transferred centuries after Ainz
>Is greeted by Albedo kill squad
>Rubedo is activated and goes for a kill
>Ainz catches up for Mistake keikaku and [Gates] in force to the area
>Realizes SB going to die
>Equips Cuck Me armor, protects SB against rubedo
>Best boy Demi dies protecting his creator Bro-crush
>Ainz dies
>SB dies
>SKAOG in civil war
>Shalltear + supporters vs Albedo + Supporters
>The Kingdom falls
>Just like 8GK
>Death by infighting
>Some centuries later PDL sits in a cave with two guild weapons
>A sword and a staff
I will end this thread.