>In response to all of this, Anno said, "As for me, I'm good." He added, "It'd be more interesting if they changed directors. TOHO won't let me do it. There'd be a lot of difficulties."
>Anno also responded to a remark from an audience member saying that he/she would wait as long as it took for the fourth Rebuild of Evangelion film. He first thanked the audience, and then said, "I'll work hard on it. As a matter of fact, I'm already working hard on it."
How's that news? Work is in progress? That doesn't meant shit.
David Jones
its better than what he said a few years ago. Which went along the lines of > Im tired gona work on something new see you in 4 to 6 years
Samuel Bell
After 3:0 you can tell eva is just a cash grab that focus on the crappy convoluted nonsensical lore of the series.
Three movies and they still did nothing with Mari should tell you something about their approach to this shit show
Isaac Barnes
It could be three hours of asuka waiting for a bus and I would watch it.
Nolan Hernandez
this clearly shows that youve either watched the series a long time ago or didnt really pay attention to it when you watched it. 3.0 was hated as it moved away from the fan pandering which was 2.0 but it brought back the feel of evangelion, the uncomfortable feel that EoE brought
Kayden Hughes
>Evangelion Shin Gekijōban :||, or Evangelion: 3.0+1.0. The ":||" at the end of the Japanese title is meant to be the symbol used in music to denote repetition after reaching the end of a measure. >3.0+1.0 is literally 3.0 with half and hour of new footage >Anno shenanigans again.
Austin Adams
I'm amazed. It's taken 4 years for people to finally begin to see this.
Connor Thomas
The same poster yet again. GTFO if you dont actually
The ":||" is evidence that anno is going to return to what is familiar with evangelion. Instead of the avant garde shit that was 3.0
Jack Collins
yea but it doesnt mean that people prefer feeling uncomfortable. I just want my dinner party with rei
Aaron Flores
>Evangelion not avant garde Get out
Jaxon Jones
the lack of brains in this individual is astounding. What i meant was the move away from the the chartered territory of the original series settings and into NEW avant garde shit with 3.0. Not saying that the originals or the first 2 movies were not avant garde, you fuckwit
Juan Hughes
When Godzilla premiered he already apologised for doing other shit and making eva take a backseat but that he'd be working on it going forward.
Robert Rogers
Well, comfort was never the point of evangelion, you have tons of slice of life shows for your healing.
Cameron Hall
>New is bad >Make it what I want it to be
Luis Thomas
exactly thats what makes the cliche moments even more exciting and enjoyable. Its like finding a bottle of water in the middle of a desert compared to a bottle of water in a water park
Jose Young
Shinji Asuka sexual encounter when
Tyler Robinson
the clear lack of understanding and cognitive processing skills is seeping through you little fuckwit. No body said that they wanted Evangelion to be what they want instead the poster just gave his interpretation of the The ":||" in the title you fucking idiot
Chase Butler
>Pretentious writing. >Get called out on being a faggot. Leave user, make a garden, post results next year.
Joseph Adams
literally no reply of any substance. Better luck next time and brush up on yr english
Carson Stewart
Eli Hill
>Shinji snaps during sex >Breeding like bunnies
Lincoln Bennett
>every thrust brings a new Impact
Alexander Bennett
Not even same user but get off your phone Nokia-san. You're typing like a retard.
Josiah Sanchez
>the uncomfortable feel that EoE brought
Is this what you tell yourself to justify the shitty writing 3? How delusional can you be to think it was a good film or that it got any closer to the essence of EoE?
James Jenkins
Ha ha! This time Asuka masturbates over a comatose Shinji!
Jacob Robinson
>Evangelion >relevant in 2016
Pick one.
Colton Gray
Haha molestation
Luis Martinez
evajellyon was great because of the characters, EoE has the entire TV series leading up to it and the weird shit are just a bonus.
3.0 is just style over substance dogshit.
Adrian Jenkins
Haha maybe asuka could pounce on shinji and restrain his arms with the help of rei so they can hold him down for a gangbang where Misato teaches them how to please a man haha
Ryder Diaz
I feel nothing but pity for the ones who are actually waiting for this future turd.
Ian Hughes
P'shaw. You clearly also feel contempt for them. You don't have to lie to make friends.
Josiah Collins
How is that alternative universe going on, user?
Jaxson Howard
Eva peaked with EoE. Rebuild series has always been a waste because Anno either doesn't care or lost his ability.
David James
I hope we get sequel to that new godzilla movie.
Evan Collins
Eva peaked with dance like you want to win
Dylan Wilson
>You clearly also feel contempt for them Nah, they don't make enough noise for that.
Christopher Peterson
Make it stop, when will Eva die?!
Grayson Torres
William Wright
Reminder EVA is garbage and Anno is an obnoxious hack.
Tyler Brooks
One does have to wonder about the intelligence of those who hate a certain thing, yet repeatedly expose themselves to it. You don't see superman eating kryptonite and bitching.
Camden King
All you little children evangelion peaked with 2.22
Robert Gomez
That literally doesn't make sense because it's not the same thing I think.
Ryder Long
Actually it peaked with the TV ending. EoE is already shit.
Jack Cooper
Not entirely, but half of it is just spoonfeedery to people who can't figure something out unless other people tell them.
Everything you needed was in the show from the get go.
James Brooks
i personally liked 2.22 mainly due to shinji saving rei and rei having development.
Gavin Young
>people actually defend 3.33 now
Alexander Harris
>Watched 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 a few months ago for the first time >Only have vague memories of it wew
Kevin Martinez
I've always defended it. You faggots just wanted more action and hot-blooded Shinji doing something like 2.22. Just go watch Gundam or some shit.
Nolan Jones
but hot blooded shinji is the shit yo
Mason Roberts
No, we wanted characterizations that weren't one-dimensional in order to appeal to moefags. I fucking hate Asuka but I at least acknowledged that, in the series, she was a really well written character with compelling motivations. In 3.33 she's all cunt, no substance. The same goes for Rei in the opposite direction. At least in EoE her burgeoning autonomy wound up being Gendo's ultimate downfall. In 3.33, even when compared to her soulless clone version in the series, she has absolutely no use to the plot outside of her interactions with Shinji and Gendo. Plus, Misato and Ritsuko are absolutely nothing, save for heaping on more unreasonable hatred on Shinji. The fact that they handwaved the Children to be stuck physically at 14 year olds is a clear indicator of who the movie was meant to appeal to and it suffers because of it.
Nathan Adams
Well, Shinji didn't age because he was in a moon coma, Rei is a clone so naturally she doesn't age, and Asuka is cursed. What doesn't make sense about that?
Bentley Reed
you know for all the shit that eva 3.33 and the rest of the rebuilds are is i really cant hate the entire rebuilds solely on the fact that rei has abundant character development and actually becomes an interest in the continuity
Bentley Ortiz
The series is a metaphore for Otaku stagnation. I hope Anno calls them out for being the degenerates they are.
Michael Ross
Asuka was always a cunt despite my love for her.
Christopher Gutierrez
3.0 wouldn't be so bad if they didn't waste so much time on Shinji and Kaworu.
Nathan Campbell
Asuka was a glorious wild mustang. To tell the truth though, Asuka and Rei had the same problems, but were just the inverse of each other. Where Asuka keeps people from getting close to her by lashing out with her claws and teeth like a wild kitty, Rei is more like the timid stray kitty that you slowly have to coax towards you with time.
Both are the inverse obviously, even down to their colour schemes.
Luke Bailey
this desu
Jackson Perry
no. EoE never really got bogged down in the retarded lore shite. really you could ignore it. it just used it as a platform for lunatic visual fuckery.
Joshua Reed
Shinji ikari raising project anime adaptation when
Joseph Lopez
Asuka was a cunt of the highest caliber and I will always consider the worst girl in anything but at least her bitchiness made sense in the series. What's her motivation in Rebuild outside of a superficial desire to be the best? We don't know because it was never fucking expanded. They chose to spend more time featuring her in action scenes and giving her a new outfit.
Camden Hernandez
Instead of pointing to the flaws of the show how about its strong points? REI
Bentley Smith
love this meme. you actually prefer milquetoast, poorly written "existential" dialogue with re-used no-budget visuals to something with crazy ambition like EoE
Parker Reed
Rebuild had good fight scenes and that was about it. What's one strong point weighed against a dozen weak ones?
Carson Parker
I can't wait. I hate Mari, I hate a lot of the decisions, I think the Rebuilds are clearly inferior, but I have not been bored while watching and have rewatched them multiple times. As long as 3+1 is high quality fucking with us I'll be glad.
Connor Young
asuka replacing toji in the possession scene was good piano stuff in 3.33 was really good and you can tell that's the stuff anno was really passionate about 2.22 in general is a really good dumb action movie desu
Austin Scott
I was pointing out the strong points. Asuka is a glorious mustang. That's a good thing.
Aiden Wilson
It was able to use the budget limitations to make it better. It was actually pretty amazing to see.
I'm sorry you can only obtain amusement from shiny robot battles, but as long as you are content.
Easton Lee
3.0 was just pandering trash, you doorknob.
Why do you need to invent some sort of fake narrative to excuse how shit it was?
"oh boo hoo it was hated because it wasn't pandering"
You fucking retard. Mainstream critics and non-otaku trashed the movie for being unintelligble gibberish, and we both know why: It relied entirely on making references, obscure and unobscure to otaku works and sensibilities.
Get fucking real:
You can't put kaworuxshinji on the cover, drop all character development and give us half a movie or more embedding kawoshin elements into the story and then claim "this is not pandering".
Lucas Rivera
I liked that too because no one really gave a damn about toji.
Jaxson Lopez
>shiny robot battles >EoE
there was one at the beginning and that was it. that wasn't even the best part and its still way better than anything in the cheesy feelgood TV ending
Isaiah Morales
>What's her motivation in Rebuild outside of a superficial desire to be the best? We don't know because it was never fucking expanded. They chose to spend more time featuring her in action scenes and giving her a new outfit.
That's because Rebuild from 3.0 forward went full steam into being an Asuka-pandering otaku work. Being an Asuka fan really is a lot about that superficial desire to be the best.
That is what 3.0 delivers to them.
Before any Asuka fan flares up in defense mode: It's fucking true and you know it. It's about time we started being clear. You're not alone, a lot of other fandoms are this, they only want their "fave" to "win".
Reifags are like this, Misatofags are like this, and Kaworufags are like this. It's one of the most normal things I've observed over 20 years.
Jaxson Jones
Lmao. One robot fight. It's like you never even watched the movie that you claim to love so much.
Ayden Sanchez
there's asuka v the mass produced evas
what else?
Jaxson Ortiz
asuka was barely in it m8
Parker Lewis
And because it makes more sense than that angel taking out both Asuka and Rei so easily.
Luke Baker
The one where you shut the fuck up and leave me alone.
Carson Reed
best scene in the tv show was the bit with asuka playing sega silently and her mate looking on worriedly. sums up nerd life really. bravo anno
Jayden Watson
you could have at least said Asuka vs military, it'd be reaching real hard, but you could keep the appearance of not being completely wrong.
Aiden Harris
Doesn't need to be there for long to pander.
Gabriel Clark
All the best scenes involve asuka. Rei's only scene that comes close is old hag.
>Asuka yelling at shinji in the kitchen >bathtub >various strangles >her whole childhood >look at me kaji
She just steals the show.
Isaac Perry
Objectively? No, Rei stole the show by being 10x as popular.
Carter Gomez
>not shinji encountering rei naked in her apartment >not rei sacrificing herself to defeat armisael
Gavin Phillips
Uh, those are rei moments and thusly not the best, even if they are decent. Asuka's sacrifices are even better.
Eli Hill
Anime fans are immensely fucking stupid compared to what they were even a few years ago. Crunchyroll and a bunch of shitty hype trainwreck shows brought in a terrible generation of fans that don't give a shit about anything other than their hype and cute girls. It's like every terrible stereotype that has ever been attributed to anime fans and otaku is what the current fanbase desperately seeks to embody for real now.
Dylan Lee
My favorite scene is Asuka rambling like crazy about Shinji and Rei just leaving the room. It makes me laugh every time
Kevin Thompson
That whole episode where she breaks down is my second favourite.
Samuel Mitchell
Funny how in the end all Asuka wanted was never to be saved by Shinji or get help from anyone. Well, she got her wish in the end.
Charles Jenkins
Isn't that what all the characters wanted? Even his own fucking dad
Joshua Jones
It's just really good at showing how fucked up the situation is
Ayden Martin
Kaworu begged to be saved by Shinji
Nathaniel Gutierrez
Oh misread it, overlooked the "never". To me it looked like everyone put everything on Shinji, everyone used Shinji as an outlet for their own problems, let alone forcing a mentally stunted kid to pilot a biological godlike entity.
Asher Rodriguez
Remember when this was supposed to end in 2012?
Aaron Morris
>he thinks the kaworu show was anything comparable to EoE
John Stewart
Quite frankly this
Thomas Williams
It should have
Zachary Allen
It should have ended before 2015 at least
Joshua Gomez
>1300 asuka doujins >900 rei doujins sure
Evan Martinez
no srsly rei is the most popular character in NGE
Daniel Morris
I'm planning on watching 1.11 2.22 and 3.33 over the next 2 weeks. I've been laying off them because I haven't really found the time and I heard although the visuals are nice the movies don't live up to the original in terms of characters and overall writing. Is my evangelion experience going to get defiled if I watch these movies? Or should I just go ahead and watch them? What should I expect? I dunno if I'm going to find anything that tops EoE though.
Adam Perry
Should have ended in 2010.
Kayden Miller
Just how weak is your brain? Go watch them you faggot, decide for yourself if you want to ignore them.
Luis Flores
Asuka or rei? If your favourite character is rei then the rebuilds until 3.0 would be a fantastic treat.
Henry Cooper
Unless your one of these "RUINED MUH CHILDHOOD" people who for some reason can't watch new media without relating it to old media, you'll be fine.
But set your expectations wayyyyy lower
I can't believe you've done this
Colton King
rebuilds have the best song at the end
Carson Stewart
can't believe i did what. Its true, the originals were asuka centric and the rebuilds are rei centric
Brody Martinez
I still don't understand what happened in 3.33
Tyler Jones
>rebuilds >good for Rei Up to 2, they were okay.
3 fucked the character so hard I don't see it ever coming back
Lucas Wood
>Whether you're sleeping or awake, >You just dream of shounen manga. Don't you like yourself? Real subtle there Anno
Jonathan Ramirez
She doesn't even appear in 3. And I'm intrigued by the apparent telepathy black rei has
Joshua Hill
why was misato such a bitch in 3.33? She was part of the one cheering him during 2.22
Bentley Stewart
the visors are because he keeps getting blood on his megane. those visors see through blood
Isaac Phillips
Because she apparently doesn't have the introspection capabilities she had in the original series.
Isaac Powell
I like to just take those two characters for what they are. I haven't really grown overly attached to them, although I did feel empathy for Asuka when she got pierced by the lance of longinus, where ever the fuck that came from, after the credits it's back on the moon. I only just watched the series for the first time earlier this year, after watching EoE I can't look at NGE without feeling slightly unsettled because of the terrible fate that awaits all the characters.
Kevin Powell
You missed how unsettling it is the other way round >why is everything going so wrong? it was so lighthearted
Connor Harris
It's been 4 years already? What the fuck?
Adrian Scott
The key is understanding the symbolism in the cassette player. it represents Hope
Noah Scott
no this is the key
Two iterations of Rei in the originals means we are due one more in the rebuilds yet.
Levi Campbell
I mean, you know what I mean. Three in the original.
Ayden Morris
this analysis is flawed.
Chase Jones
I don't expect less from 4. Of course we are getting more Reis, and a real messed up impact too.
Andrew Murphy
No it's perfect you are wrong.
Camden Baker
explain it then. And i will in turn go into exposition about the cassette tape
Jonathan Evans
Didn't you see the picture? Do you not know the answer to the riddle?
Alexander Hughes
one entity would give rise to another just like the juxtaposition of rei and asuka. what else
Josiah Carter
I think that's the whole thing, you just said it in a really complicated manner.
John James
he probably just drew a nose and came crawling back to his wife complaining about how hard life is
Bentley Nelson
>She doesn't even appear in 3.
Yeah she does, in the form of such great moments as
"Where the fuck is Rei? She was set up for develoment for christ sake she's a major character" "Hi, we're WILLE and fuck you for caring about Rei, we won't even say she's dead, only that she doesn't exist." "No seriously, where the actual fuck is Rei" "Hi, I'm Rei "Every Rei-haters dream" Q, now watch me act like a complete fucking retard and an actual fuckpuppet. Subtle travesty? What is subtle?" "Hey man, I'm your bro Fuyutsuki here just lettin' ya know Rei is a clone of your MOM LOL, also she's not special in any way just a regular ol' clone, yep. We make them by the dozens, and by the way your mom's maiden name is Ayanami, we want to make sure nothing about Rei is original after all." "Forgot to tell ya she's stuck in the eva like you mom, hint hint nudge nudge." "Ya hay, my name is Kaworu and I endorse this message by also adding that she literally has no soul."
Rebuild was written by someone who hates Rei deeply and irrationally.
Ryan Gutierrez
That's genius. As expected from the master.
Jaxon Cooper
Otaku buy/create doujins.
Otaku aren't 100% of the NGE/Eva audience population. Anno is mad at not just otaku but JAPAN for choosing Rei over his oh-so-precious waifu Asuka.
William King
Honestly aside from the Ayanami thing(which is fucking nonsense) I think most of that was made to fuck with Shinji and destroy the last thing that he cared about and was known to him.
Christian Collins
I think you're full of fucking shit and you went in defensive mode, you fucking lard.
Fuck you and your rei-hating ass.
Nicholas Ward
Jesus christ, someone's paranoid. > you went in defensive mode and projecting
Thomas Reyes
rei-hating faggot confirmed. Fuck off.
Adam Allen
It's made to ruin Rei's character, and Shinji's disappointment with it and reactions are also supposed to affect the audience by associating Rei with disappointment.
It's Anno on a power-trip, and get this: It is the only thing that makes sense.
You can't simply reduce simple, consistent actions into something like "hur, he just fukn with Shinji". It's like saying the nazis were attacking poland and france because " they wanted to fuck with people who liked poland and france. Nuh uh, not that simple.
Henry Lopez
Cooper Clark
Comparing EoE to 3.0 is somewhat of an insult, and I don't even consider myself a fan.
Still hoping for 3.0+1.0 to fuck everything up and top it (at least visually), but I highly doubt that'll happen.
Adrian Morgan
The lore is great, i hope they focus more on that in the next film.
Jayden Diaz
It's not implausible that he might be more interested in the emotional journey of his protagonist than a hate boner for a side character
Ryder Lewis
So still fucking with Shinji but with Shinji representing a reifag?
Nathan Moore
Eva peaked with Rei's smile. Everything after that is completely unnecessary desu.
Mason Rodriguez
Elijah Davis
What, Godzilla will be playing piano for 2 hours?
Connor Hill
It's not plausible since an emotional journey needs to be well-represented and believable - the only emotional journey represented by rebuilds is the disappointment of a poor story.
Stop saying it's implausible and grow up. It's been 20 years and Anno has consistently been mad at Rei's popularity, and this is his doing something about it.
Partly, yes. The goal not being fucking with Shinji, but with Reifags. The consequence being ruining every other character, subplot and development simply just to do that.
Hunter Stewart
This is it. The hateboner for rei theory doesn't even make sense, it only seems to have pissed off one very persistent autist on Cred Forums and that's about it.
Parker Taylor
>it doesn't make sense t. damage-controlling asukafag
Jackson Nguyen
It's interesting to see how much the base character design have changed over the years. Personally I think 1.0 Rei is her best design, but the one you posted is 2cute.
Nicholas Turner
And you guys doubt annos pottery
Adam Parker
Holy shit. sasuga the master
Nathan Phillips
Pure fucking conspiracy theory. Anno might have a bias but I'll wait for the last movie to make my judgement on whether he has fallen so low as to make waifufaggotry the main point of the rebuilds.
Bentley Jones
Except it makes all the sense in the world, and the only ones who claim otherwise are eva-fans who dislike Rei for some arbitrary reason.
You included.
Anno's hateboner for Rei is well documented since the 90's, and has been a persistent subject and topic among fans everywhere since then. There's a handful of "does anno really hate Rei" or "why does anno hate Rei" topics on virtually every eva forum.
Watching NGE doesn't give you that impresssion, but picking up post-NGE stuff does, not to mention interviews Anno has made.
Denying at this point, when it was ten years ago a prime argument from Asuka fans against Rei, is simply them/you waking up and realizing what implications your statements have made. I've seen far too many "Anno wants you to like Asuka, not Rei, therefore you did not get NGE" comments.
Nicholas Phillips
Jaxon Rodriguez
Touji was literally my favorite NGE character. Fight me faggot.
Gabriel Parker
shinji still had the player during 3.0.
truely a work of art
Nathaniel Williams
Pure fucking damage control.
We've been at this for 20 years. You are not allowed to run away by saying you'll wait.
So can you stop being such an asshole? What you're doing by going full denial on something PATENTLY OBVIOUS
You're like the people who deny that Hillary has a health problem, even when she fucking collapses on the way to her van.
You're saying the equivalent of "I'll wait for Hillary to die before I acknowledge the facts before me."
Nicholas Carter
Chase Jackson
Rei Q is no soul because her soul is in Rei from 2.0
Aaron Powell
that really is interesting. i never knew
Chase Diaz
There's nothing that the last rebuild could do that would convince you that they are fucking up the story for a different reason? Or even that are right, but hating rei is not the main and only reason?
David Peterson
now i see
Daniel Robinson
>that are right *you are right
Jack Ross
So why is it the cassette player?
Ryan Reyes
i have never seen someone so retarded before.
Nolan Lee
The only conspiracy theory is thinking that Anno isn't a full waifufag. Basically Asukafags/Kaworufags will attack the idea full on because it implies that their fandom is shallow. They are currently enjoying a period of time where Asuka and Kaworu are objectively better treated than Rei by a large margin, something the fandom has wanted ever since it manifested itself proper after NGE.
"Grr, Japan likes Rie therefore Japan sucks", or "I don't care about Rei at all" when asked about something else, and also when he's asked his favorite, he answers that everyone in Japan likes Rei because they can't handle strong women.
His ONLY comment about the reaction to current EVA? That the relation of popularity between Asuka and Rei changed.
So fucking deal with it already. Anno is a huge otaku and I mean it, HUGE. He's got waifushit like pantsu strikers or whatever on his desk.
>As well as: The truth is, I have no emotional attachment to Rei at all.
In the midst of making Eva, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten her. Her very existence. For example, in episode seven, I remembered and added one shot with Rei. I had no attachment to her at all. I think that was okay, because in episode eight, she didn't appear. Not even in a single shot.
Episode 6 was too early.
>At the end Rei says "I don't know what to do," and Shinji says, "I think you should smile," and Rei smiles. ... Afterwards, when I thought about it, I cursed. In short, if she and Shinji completely "communicated" there, then isn't she over with? At that moment, Rei, for me, was finished.
>When she smiled, she was already finished, this character.
Because its an artifact left by his father, a last vestige of the hope that shinji has left for the world and his father
Josiah Hall
>There's nothing that the last rebuild could do that would convince you that they are fucking up the story for a different reason? Or even that are right, but hating rei is not the main and only reason?
The last Rebuild? Absolutely nothing of course! Even if it took a full 180 turn, it wouldn't change the past. This is a place where Q's title's fits: YOU CAN (NOT) REDO. If we accept the not. Anno can have some change of heart, but what is done is done. If Hitler opened a holocaust survivor center, it wouldn't change the fact that he started the damned thing.
Nathan Hernandez
>As well as: >The truth is, I have no emotional attachment to Rei at all.
>In the midst of making Eva, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten her. Her very existence. For example, in episode seven, I remembered and added one shot with Rei. I had no attachment to her at all. I think that was okay, because in episode eight, she didn't appear. Not even in a single shot.
Mason Kelly
So you've deduced what his main driving force for these movies is based on a couple of offhand comments. You are a retard user.
Christopher Jenkins
nope i just discerned that he has no hate boner for rei. From an interview he had
Nathaniel Wright
It should also be noted that Shinji usually listens to the same tracks on loop, apparently track 25 and 26. When Mari crashes into Shinji she "breaks" the player, it now goes to track 27 which surprises Shinji.
The original Eva had 25 episodes, EoE being a different view on episodes 25 and 26.
Anthony Butler
It's symbolic of Anno moving on from Eva
3+1:|| never
Juan Brown
>only one movie left and he still has to fix the mess that was 3.0 It's over, Evangelion is finished.
Which translates to a nicer way of saying you hate the character.
Because how out of place is it to say that "i heff no emotional attachment beep boop" to a character?
Jackson Peterson
You new or something?
Off-hand comments my ass. Try every comment - it's simply not normal for any director to say they "don't care" about a character. Nor is it normal to demonize the audience who likes said character.
We have, over the years deduced that Anno doesn't like the character OR it's fans based on these comments AND the works that came afterwards, and that includes Rebuild.
So you are either new or playing stupid. You can't watch Q and NOT think "wow, whoever wrote this hates Rei".
When someone doesn't like a character, they try to misrepresent it or represent it as worse than how it is. When they like it, the opposite happens.
So let's review Q:
>Rei is written out of the story, is presented as a dumb mom clone >Asuka is presented as a stronk woman who kicks ass and takes names, is some sort of angel hybrid
Considering this conforms directly to Anno's own tastes, as his co-writer Tsurumaki's, we've figured this one out. You can't seriously think Anno isn't driven by bias in 2016.
Levi Gray
Angel Howard
what happened here guys?
Mason Stewart
3.0 was the highest quality fucking with us, and it's almost universally hated.
Nathaniel Cooper
>His ONLY comment about the reaction to current EVA? That the relation of popularity between Asuka and Rei changed.
ahahahaha what did he say?
Benjamin Kelly
She's pregnant.
I'd love to see a series about them making their way in the world today, all alone in a totally fucked up world that somehow grew statues in the ocean.
Hunter Watson
Basically just that. He said that Asuka indeed is more popular now, and that they've "worked more with Asuka".
So many red flags here. Have they worked more with Asuka? Not in a visible way, her screentime is abysmal.
The only thing they could have worked on was by making her more popular.
Since it's been all the rage to hire "stemmer" expertise (hired shills to advertise/shitpost about anime), they could even have done that.
Adrian Richardson
Anno explicitly asked her VA to say the same thing she would to a guy who jerked it off to her
Aaron Reed
Logan Green
I dunno the end of 2.22 seemed like a big love letter to Rei imo ahahahaha Anno is a madman
Noah Martin
Because Shinji fucked up and literally destroyed almost the entire world; forcing Misato and her pirate crew to live in a fucked up post-apocalyptic wasteland for years upon years, while everyone they knew and cared for had died.
She doesn't hate Shinji, she's just incredibly pissed at him, and his spineless presence riles her up, because he refuses to admit any fault whatsoever. She also doesn't want him to get in the fucking robot again and finish annihilating the entire planet.
Isaac Morales
>I dunno the end of 2.22 seemed like a big love letter to Rei imo The thing is, this is the one part that wasn't Anno's idea.
Here's literally what happened: they invited some other guy (enokido), asked him what he wanted to do - and he spoke about saving Rei.
Anno's and the teams response was to look at him coldly for suggesting that.
Then they implemented it despite protests from Tsurumaki, an Asuka fan.
2.22 is nicer to Asuka than Rei all things considered.
Ryan Gray
>Because Shinji fucked up and literally destroyed almost the entire world
This is bullshit. Misato (and the viewer) knows for a fact that the end of the world was brought on by NERV and Misato moreso than anyone else.
For fucks sake man, watch the fucking show. NERV has literally obliterated half the globe before the show starts, and then planned doing it AGAIN. Shinji is at best the fall guy for something Gendo LITERALLY claims responsibility for.
She has no reason to be pissed at Shinji whatsoever, but from a narrative anti-rei perspective it makes sense, because then it'd mean than saving rei = everything is ruined.
Alexander Mitchell
lel any sources?
Kevin Hill
It's interesting how fan appeal shapes the creator's idea of a character. Rebuild has a lot of responses to how people have grown to like/dislike Asuka and Rei. I don't think it means either are objectively more beloved by Anno just because it appears that one is favored. Like he clearly took influence from how others feel.
Christian Gutierrez
she has one of the best lines in anything ever in EoE: "It's just two depressed grown-ups licking each others wounds!"
Isaac Thomas
> I don't think it means either are objectively more beloved by Anno just because it appears that one is favored.
Are you crazy? That's objectively what it means.
If Anno openly says his favorite is Asuka, and he openly criticizes people who doesn't like Asuka but likes Rei, then that is a huge fucking deal.
2.0 CRC
There is no such thing for 3.0. Because 3.0 was made to shit on Rei and pander Asuka/Kaworu, there is nothing to be said about it that wouldn't be a complete lie.
Hence the silence.
Christian Cox
reading it right now
tsurumaki actually says they had to make an effort to make asuka more involved in the story "she didn't decisively impact Shinji, Rei, or the others. To say it plainly, we had the feeling that she was becoming something like a character who only "made noise" at the side." so it seems to me that rei and shinji were more the priority from the get go rather than something tacked on later
Wyatt Hughes
3.0 is the best rebuild
Oliver Gonzalez
Rei got a lot of screentime in 2.0 though, the scene in the bath, her dinner attempts, her talk with Gendo... Meanwhile, Asuka gets a bland introduction and gets fucked up by Shinji after 50 minutes. Literally what gives you the idea that they cared for her?
Luke Young
Didn't you forget that Misato egged on Shinji to save Rei in the climax of 2.0?
More than anything else, she should be shamefully hiding inside a box in the middle of nowhere as Samuel L. Jackson looks after her from the outside, cooking meals and whatnot.
Anyhow, here's how I look at 3.0.
I tried to recapture the feel of the latter section of both NGE and EOE, but didn't really work as well as what came before.
Everyone's hatred of Shinji was so absurdly overwrought, it was borderline cartoonish, the garbage bin treatment of Rei was super disappointing after all of her development in 2.0, there was too many piano interludes and the entire "Curse of Evangelion" was shoehorned in so they wouldn't be assed to create designs for the pilots as adults, despite what their official explanation really was.
Still looking forward to the last film, but with caution.
Christopher Cook
No, that's not how it should be read. It should be read that yes, they are actually trying to involve Auska more.
Read some more, and you'll find that they specifically wrote Asuka to be portrayed as a "good person", this being a change.
The hard, cheap and uncomfortable truth is that IF, and I say IF, we are to cut something out of Evangelion, the fanservice-parts go first.
Now who is present in the fanservice parts the most? Asuka.
I'm sorry, but that's how it is.
The latter sections of NGE and more importantly, the last part of the story, has TONS of expositon, characterization and development. 3.33 doesn't.
It only went for pandering and shock value. Why is the hatred for Shinji so overwrought? Because he allegedly destroyed the world. Why did he do that? Because he wanted to save Rei.
So basically, this "anger" is directed squarely at the popularity of Rei and the Rei character.
Nolan Rivera
Josiah Jackson
How about the fact that from the get-go, Asuka is presented as a much milder, nicer person than the original?
In NGE she was someone who fucks up and couldn't take responsibility for it. In Rebuild? The complete opposite.
Asuka has gotten a strong, positive representation, and everything that went wrong was something she couldnt' be blamed for.
Not only has Asuka been made purely innocent, blameless, but they also surgically cut out her romantic affections for Kaji. Because we can't have the favorite doing something that's creepy or fucked up, or makes her look weird.
Asuka has as much screentime as Rei in 2.22, if not more.
But most of all, they literally said so. They outright said that they didn't want to hurt Asuka fans, on changing her surname.
Josiah Adams
If you ask me, 3.0 would've been far better if half of the crew on the Wunder treated Shinji as the second coming from Christ and the other half remained as they did in the actual film.
Could've created some great conflict, but nope. Gotta made things so caustic, b&w and goofy for the lulz.
Charles Price
If they had done that, then they couldn't put him together with Kaworu. Because why the fuck would Shinji care about Kaworu outside desperation?
They actually do have to "ruin" Rei and make the other characters antagonize (but not fully of course) so that Kaworu can enter the stage.
So yeah, Q actually killed the Rebuilds.
Alexander Sullivan
Honestly, I didn't even care for Kaworu in the original series all that much either.
Always felt like a shoehorned one episode character like Jet Alone to me.
Leo Sanchez
In EoE shinji reseted the world to primordial soup and appears with Asuka.
This time the world truly ends?
Ian Young
Because that is literally what he is. He serves his role, just like Jet Alone. He's not a bad addition, in fact he's good. Like Jet Alone.
In NGE he was a one-episode thing, not the monster he's become in the new canon.
Evan Jones
We were saying this since release dude. It's just there are butthurt 2.0 fags shouting over it in every single thread too.
Luis Thomas
Nope, still the same sad 3.33fags that keep saying it.
Like Reminder that you are always blown the fuck out, always and all you can cry about is "boo hoo 2.0fags".
Because it's not about shouting, it's about debating. All you can do is parrot your ideal conclusion, but you can't ever debate it to a point where it's believable. If you had any actual sense and self-respect, you'd accept 3.33 for what it was, rather than some idealized bullshit.
Jack King
This. I hope they really flex their visual muscles for Fourth Impact
Lucas Cox
If you dislike 2.22 you're probably gay.
Robert Baker
Gay and/or butthurt Asukafag.
Xavier Lopez
just release it already so my suffering can end
Adam Bennett
so ebin
Daniel Thomas
Get the fuck out.
Joshua Taylor
I know, it's great.
Adam Wood
I thought Anno had dropped his high-budget fanfic
Ayden White
fuck yeah. This scene really made me happy after growing up with cowardly shinji
John Reyes
Well he wasn't wrong. November 17 is Q's 4 year anniversary
Xavier Ramirez
>Because Shinji fucked up and literally destroyed almost the entire world
Shinji did Tokyo 3. The 12th Angel did the rest.
Noah Smith
Eva peaked with rain, after the escape
Brody Gomez
Call back to this scene; directors cut (first seen in death and rebirth) came before EOE.
Brandon Jackson
I don't know if this was the same time but wasn't she on her period when she was having trouble synching with eva 02
Leo Rodriguez
>Matt Memefield's fanwank Getting real tired of this shit
Ayden White
Alternatively, you don't make the film with a giant timeskip the shortest one in your tetralogy.
Michael Rodriguez
episode 21; the mind rape episode.
Ryder Young
Austin Diaz
What did he mean by this?
Brandon Bailey
the :|| will symbolize the end of the series, as well as the end of the new universe shinji created with the third impact. you know 1.0 picks up exactly where end of eva left off, right?
Kayden Torres
C'mere a second so I can lick that good taste.
Camden Walker
shes just pissed that he reduced everyone to LCL except for her. she wanted to die.
Ryder Wright
No idea
Gabriel Bennett
She's the one who chose to come back
Connor Flores
>Mmmm. I had to see it. kek
Adrian Long
>Reifags are going to get BTFO yet again What a feeling.
Matthew Ward
Are they really? Because by now, everyone knows these movies are basically damage control from a disgruntled Asukafag. If Asukafags need to change the entire setting into something absurd that doesn't even remotely match the original characters to get ahead, then their loss is all the more obvious.
Parker Rivera
Sample A.
Camden Peterson
Sample A of butthurt Asukafag, yes.
Zachary Torres
I think being an Evafag means being inherently butthurt
Robert Perez
The third movie was utter, and complete garbage. I'm not exactly hype for the sequel.
Stories and movies are only interesting if there's the sense that it's being taken seriously, but Anno is obviously just taking a piss with Rebuild after 3.33. It's basically an asukafag fic or somesuch put to film.
John Watson
Why are all the Reifags but me so retarded?
Aiden Brown
The awful infinite jest of Cred Forums
Robert Price
>Why are all the Reifags but me so retarded?
Samuel Foster
Samuel Butler
Don't be a baka, they are impossible to comprehend.
Jason Ramirez
>oh yeh im totes a Reifag You're retarded, Reifag or not.
EoE is shit only weebs and casuals like, real fans like NGE.
Bentley Sanchez
Brayden White
No one's asking the real question:
Is Shin Gojira already available subbed?
Jeremiah Miller
Why don't you do a bit of research and answer your own question?
Joseph Evans
>youtube Why though. Literally why did you post that?
Owen Fisher
>implying you're Reifag
Ryder Gonzalez
>3 people >2 sets of footprints
What did they mean by this?
Cameron Jones
Because the originals' quality was already pretty bad so suggesting watching youtube's bitraped version is retarded.
>streaming Lurk the fuck more.
John Robinson
Nice elitist autism. Got a newsletter?
Parker Price
>posting the same picture twice Wow user you sure showed him :^)
Joshua Reyes
The top and bottom are different. But that doesn't excuse his fucking gaping autism
Evan Nguyen
user please, that bait was for him not you
Oliver Reyes
Some people just can't tell the difference in the pictures. I thought you were one of them. I offer my ass to you for a kicking.
Bentley Davis
Adam Sanders
It's been ready.
Asher Green
That's just part of 2.0 that was scrapped
Sebastian Nguyen
Trust me, they'll use it in 3+1, just like how eva Unit-1 escaped from leliel. instead of leliel its the wunder.
Brody Kelly
This. But I've had this discussion with autist-kun before, he can't fathom that scrapped means shelved.
Ryder Jackson
explain please
Bentley Baker
We're missing 14 years and a lot of minor character interactions. There's literally nothing stopping them saying, "Lets use that scene there that we scrapped." or "We need to explain Asuka's eye and shit, lets use that scene were her face came of and started talking to her and shit." Scrapped =/= Gone forever. Scrapped = Excluded from current [at the time of] production.
Carter Peterson
Liam Reed
Owen Campbell
well not entirelt true.
In 2.0 Mari was involved more in the plot. Asuka was the main pilot for unit 2 with Mari as a secondary pilot. Asuka referred her as her support fire. A phrase ater used in 3.0
>Scrapped =/= Gone forever. Who knows; its not set in stone.
Tyler Hughes
3.0 is the only good Rebuild movie anyway, at least it was something different that I hadn't already seen a dozen times before.
There's no way this movie is coming out before 2018 so he might as well just take his time with it.
Nolan Wright
That was in the original conceptual stages, not final production. I wouldn't be surprised at anything Master Anno pulls out of the bin of scrapped ideas now.
William Ross
>take his time with it. I'm ok with that.
Mason Russell
>copies the plot of NGE but shits all over it >hur dur i hadn't seen that before!11
Jesus christ just how braindead are you? Are you literally just making up shit opinions in hopes no one will call you out for it? Get lost.
Adam Lewis
Don't make me Re-take.
Jack Martinez
Franchise is dead, just let it sink.
3.0 already killed majority of the fanbase.
Bentley Gutierrez
>3.0 already killed majority of the fanbase. Only elitist spuds.
Mason Foster
Thank you for Correcting The Record
Ian Richardson
> I wouldn't be surprised at anything Master Anno pulls out of the bin of scrapped ideas now. like from NGE... (leliel)
>"We need to explain Asuka's eye and shit, lets use that scene were her face came of and started talking to her and shit." I'm convinced that they are going to have Asuka's eye revealed like how Unit-1's reveal in NGE. (With Shinji screaming in terror)
It will be the rebuilds version of Shinji jacking off. >"I've done something terrible to Asuka" -EOE (Shinji to Misato)
Mark my Words.
Jack Reed
Wyatt Morales
hell. its in the same place as Asuka's eyepatch. (yes I know its a mirrored image; doesn't matter, its relative to Shinji's perspective)
Daniel Bailey
Why are you so fucking butthurt? 1.0 and 2.0 were the same shit I had watched in the original series over and over, just with newer visuals and with each movie focusing on either Asuka or Rei. I didn't say 3.0 was a masterpiece, it isn't, but it was at least interesting to watch something that I hadn't literally seen before. The good part of Evangelion, ie the original series, DEATH & REBIRTH, and EoE, are all still there.
Liam Ross
3.33 is an objectively bad movie in almost every way, compared to 1.11 and 2.22 which were good movies on their own.
Charles Bailey
>Original >Therefore bad FOR FUCK SAKE. WHO RANG THE MONG GONG?
Brayden Bennett
3.33 is an awful movie user, and it's even worse as a sequel to 2.22.
Lucas Martinez
Tapped. Draw 2 / Discard 1 or deploy as 1/1 with Block.
Luis Gutierrez
Is there a Mega for NGE? I've never seen it
Thomas Howard
As a stand alone film 3.0 sucks
as a part of the story it is fine, 4.0 will expand on it
It's almost like the outrage at the TV ending, but then EoE came out and expanded on it and then the TV ending was fine.
Only difference is 3.0 isnt an ending, it sets up questions because the story isnt over yet. You have to view it as a whole, but the whole isnt complete. tldr People will probably change their opinion on 3.0 after 4.0 comes out.
Logan Hughes
Nice rebuttal shit eater. Just accept that 3.33 is bad like most everyone else has.
Noah Barnes
Wasnt the original plan for 3.0 and 4.0 to release at the same time, but the Earthquake fucked that up?
I wonder how far along it actually is, or if they just started over.
Dominic Taylor
TV ending was made with no intention of EoE being made after it, retard.
Also, defending a shitty movie by hoping its sequel would fix it is the type of delusion that only Evageeks like you could harbor.
Kevin Scott
Make me.
Christopher Flores
>Mega wat
Ryan Ward
>b-but the original is still there please let me enjoy 3.33
Like I said, get fucking lost you filthy retard. Q was the most boring movie Anno has ever produced, and how shit it is is the actual problem.
It sucks as either a stand alone or as part of a story.
Especially as part of a story because it literally just sunk any chance of a working story with working characters.
The movie is so bad that you're literally asking us to wait for another movie to judge it. What is your actual problem?
>b-but it's a BETA >b-but THEY'LL PATCH IT
Michael Lewis
No, that's not true. The 3.33-shiteaters, AKA Kaworufags and Asukafags spread numerous false rumours to do damage control for how shit 3.33 was.
By the original plan, these movies would be done in 2009.
2007, 2008 and 2009. That was the original plan.
Easton Peterson
Oh yeah, definitely going according to Anno's master plan. Not at all a clusterfuck of autism that picks up on irrelevant factors and will end up being totally wrong as usual.
Landon Stewart
If you could read I said 3.0 sucks you fucking idiots.
What I'm saying is people's opinions will probably change when 4.0 comes out.
I fucking hated the episode in NGE where they have fat asuka diving to kill the angel and I still think NGE is good all around even if it had weak episode.
Think of it as a 4 episode or in this case movie series.
I never once said 3.0 was good. At most I said it was fine in the grand scheme of things.
But obviously you guys have such a huge hateboner for the movie so what is this argument about? It's just you and people who like 3.0 yelling back and forth at each other with no hope of a compromise, I'd much rather someone dump pictures of their waifus than this dumb shit.
Jason Hill
user, I think 3.33 is hot garbage, but that theory checks out. I was arguing for that since long, long before 3.33 even came out, and 3.33 all but confirmed it's link to "hope".
It's classic Anno to put focus on a person or object as a reference is being made, and the SDAT has since 2.22 been paired with hope, both thematically and otherwise.
That said, it's not like it matters since Rebuild 3.33 turned out to be hot garbage anyway.
Aaron Garcia
>I never once said 3.0 was good. At most I said it was fine in the grand scheme of things. Which is what you're getting slammed for. Here is how it ACTUALLY looks in "the grand scheme of things":
>1.11 - Develops characters and moves the plot forward >2.22 - Further develops characters and moves the plot forward >3.33 - Drops all characterization and development, and actively sabotages characters like Rei because it's what Asuka fans want >4.44 - Crippled because of the previous movie, doomed to start with shit characters rather than great one
3.33 will forever be a stain on Rebuild and Evangelion as a whole. It will be known as the movie which made it impossible for Rebuild to have well-developed characters, NO MATTER HOW 4.44 TURNS OUT.
>waah waah yelling If you don't want to be yelled at, stop acting like a complete fucking retard.
Jackson Taylor
It's easy to see what you're saying, but there's just no way it could retroactively make 3.33 any more enjoyable, or change my view on it. I absolutely despise the direction Anno has taken the rebuilds in with 3.33.
Bentley Long
Wait, does Cred Forums really not do Mega links?
Xavier Ward
He got really angry about fish
Thomas Lopez
source of image please
Zachary Baker
Looks like Shinji Ikari Raising.
Lincoln Sullivan
I hope Asuka beats up Rei.
Xavier Scott
hey mate, are you ok?
See Think about it. Give us your thoughts. Reality starting to seep in yet?
Bentley Carter
Doesn't really look like it, SIRP has more square face characters than this. Also this image has more expression than anything from that manga.
If it is from raising, then where exactly?
Camden Lopez
Are you actually retarded? I know most of you EvaGeeks types are, but I don't like to assume.
I didn't say I enjoyed 3.0, I said compared to the other two (which are garbage) it was good because 1.0 and 2.0 are literal retellings. I think all the Rebuilds are shit, 3.0 was just the best of the bunch. They're so bad I wouldn't even watch them a second time.
Owen Bailey
Who /hype/ here for Nu-Rei?
Easton Hughes
>then where exactly FIND OUT YOURSELF, STUPID!
Luis Morgan
Why is toiletsexuality so rampant in this thread?
Isaiah Smith
>implying evageeks Evageek is a retarded place. Don't lump me in with that lot. Hell those people seem to dig 3.33 anyway.
So there's a reason why I call you retarded. 2.22 is a retelling? Really, didn't watch it to the end with the whole world ending and stuff going on? No? What about Asuka going in Toji's place, Mari popping in.
Not much of a retelling any more.
Even 1.11 pushed in Kaworu and Lilith right from the start.
Basically your "reason" for liking 3.33 is obviously fake, false bullshit. It's like saying you like the ocean because jumping in it is dry. You're literally lying to yourself, and that makes you retarded.
Wyatt Turner
Why don't you just try smiling?
Brayden Howard
>there are people who unironically believe this
Benjamin Howard
…this big.
Henry Russell
I'm smiling. At your shit taste, that is.
Austin Sullivan
Ethan Sanders
Please find a suitable Facebook group to discuss anime. Thank you.
Lucas Clark
I see, so you want more Rei
James Wood
Jesus Asukafag autist, did your parents let you out of your cage again?
Luke Gomez
Rei a shit
Jackson Russell
I dig 3.33...
it is better than 2.0's sloppy writing (not to mention marginalized for wide anime-audiences). and 1.0's carbon copy.
3.0 copies some beats from Nadia however. Still better than 2.0
Brody Davis
1.0 and 2.0's writing appears to be masterful work compares to 3.33's directly shit writing.
I mean just stop humiliating yourself. Holy fuck.
Nolan Baker
>hurdur it's nadia ref!!01 Nadia in itself is a SBY ref. Fuck off newfag. I hate people like you who make up shitty poser reasons because you're some sort of autist shipper or "moving color enthusiast".
Bentley Lee
t. butthurt reifag
Brayden Brooks
t.butthurt asukafag
Jace Flores
t. Anno
Chase Adams
Thousands of Eva shitposts abbreviated in two
Jason Rogers
I doubt you should make comparisons like those if you haven't really seen a lot of anime. Wait until you can name at least ten different shows that have frames like those.
Grayson Fisher
That's the same as
Blake Hill
Thomas Morgan
Juan Richardson
When will we see the return of genius Asuka?
Bentley Nguyen
Rei a shit
Jaxson Baker
Thomas Gonzalez
t. butthurt Asukafag
Blake Young
Grayson Murphy
No, Rei is beautiful. You too can learn to appreciate this fact. It's never too late.
Nathaniel Torres
Lucas Evans
Fuck off back to nipland Anno.
Thomas Peterson
>remake the same few episodes of something I've seen dozens of times but change a few things here and there >WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IT'S NOT THE SAME THING AT ALL THAT OTHER MOVIE THAT ISN'T A REHASH OF SOMETHING THAT WAS ALREADY SHOWN IN SOME WAY IN THE TV SERIES SUCKS YOU SUCK RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ryder Young
(rare asuka)
Jeremiah Long
Uh, in what world did that happen except in butthurt asukafag country, evageeks?
1.11 was liked, and 2.22 is the de facto most liked Evangelion movie - of ALL time. 2.22 changed a fuckton. Only butthurt asukafag shitstains claimed otherwise, and they NEVER had an argument against it that could stand scrutiny.
Nathan Nguyen
Only if you're a reicuck
Lucas Sanchez
Wow, seems like the vast, vast majority became reicucks then. Hell even Reicucks are in the right.
Jacob Bailey
trust me they use alot of nadia material in 3.0
a leader that made an order (that kill's an untold number of people) in an under surface half dome structure. has parental issues with the main Child-character. A leader that is captain of a a sea-air vessel, fighting against a superior force of (extremist religious) enemy... In a battle that can result in the end of Humanity.
2.0's writing feels like those horible Ginax-compilation movies. i.e "Nadia the motion picture" and "Gunbuster vs. Diebuster" Both of which have condensed storytelling-(skipping important plot details), no pacing to the story. It's as if the peoble behind "Gunbuster vs. Diebuster"(2006) jumped straight to Eva1.0 and tried to make something original in 2.0... O WAIT THEY DID... its the same team and everything.
Jackson Ross
>trust me they use alot of nadia material in 3.0 Fuck off, we know they did, but you posted a reference that didn't match up.
We KNOW 3.33 is otaku pandering self-referential schlock. No need to tell us, it's been five years, we know already.
Owen Green
>2.0's writing feels like those horible Ginax-compilation movies. i.e "Nadia the motion picture" and "Gunbuster vs. Diebuster" >Both of which have condensed storytelling-(skipping important plot details), no pacing to the story. >It's as if the peoble behind "Gunbuster vs. Diebuster"(2006) jumped straight to Eva1.0 and tried to make something original in 2.0... O WAIT THEY DID... its the same team and everything.
Great job, you wrote a lot of nonsense but made zero arguments. Do you seriously expect us or anyone else to consider your feelings as a serious argument? How about you fuck right off to tumblr before you get turbotriggered?
3.33 has unrealistic characters, self-contradicting premises and developments. None of 2.22 or 1.11 has that.
The pacing stuff you noted was pure fucking bullshit. The pacing in 1.11/2.22 is fine and normal, if you want fucking pacing problems then consult the movie with a literal 14 year long timeskip, extreme shifts in location and virtually zero sense of time.
Are you forgetting that 3.33 sports A FUCKING MONTAGE?!
Tell me, how about you take your shit opinion and shove it up your ass? This is 2016, you're not allowed to be this fucking uniformed and retarded. Fucking get real or get out.
Evan Allen
> it's been five years, we know already. your point?
pic related.
Carter Jackson
Hardly rare if you're actually a committed Asukafag such as myself. You want to know what's rare, faggot? Deleted pixiv works. Exploring long forgotten archived geocoites pages and angelfires for Asuka images. Leeching dead torrents multiple years old of Asuka image collections to see if ther're any you missed. That's rare you memeing fuckbag.
Not your scraped off gelbooru/sankaku lookin' ass.
Charles Jenkins
The whole planet saw Rei's tits.
Zachary Allen
>autistic retard freaking out about le waifu wairs 1.0 sucked. 2.0 sucked. 3.0 sucked. However, 3.0 was the most interesting to watch because it wasn't just a remake of certain episodes from the show with some shit changed around here and there.
I always forget why I stopped opening Eva threads on Cred Forums and then every time I open one I see some turbosperg like you chimping out on everyone.
James Thomas
oh ok
James Perry
Fuck off asukafag autist. You're an eyesore and everyone knows you have some literal brainproblem.
Charles Taylor
I think he said that half-jokingly y'know?
Owen Lewis
Holy fuck lmao I can smell your neckbeard from here
Nolan Richardson
Xavier Murphy
>s-samefag! You'd be surprised.
Austin Howard
It makes me sad to see how hard Asuka pushes herself.
Gavin Ortiz
>We KNOW 3.33 is otaku pandering self-referential schlock. pic related. >The pacing in 1.11/2.22 is fine and normal you go from scenes that are action oriented to mystery, slice of life, quiet, slapstick humor, introspection, highschool-setting, and back to action again in less than 5 minutes. >if you want fucking pacing problems then consult the movie with a literal 14 year long timeskip I honestly care less for what events transpired during the skip. I care for what delima the main character faces in a story. >Are you forgetting that 3.33 sports A FUCKING MONTAGE?! Like how 2.0 did... >Tell me, how about you take your shit opinion and shove it up your ass? This is 2016, you're not allowed to be this fucking uniformed and retarded. Fucking get real or get out. ... abide by your own words. >fuck right off to tumblr before you get turbotriggered?
Joshua Morales
>people still take that video of Anno answering questions to fucking elementary schoolers seriously
Charles Sullivan
>We KNOW 3.33 is otaku pandering self-referential schlock. No need to tell us, it's been five years, we know already. like 2.0 didn't.
Oliver Evans
Your the first person to point that out, and I've been on Cred Forums for 6 years now...
Andrew Stewart
Maximal Anal Devastation
Dylan Cruz
>you go from scenes that are action oriented to mystery, slice of life, quiet, slapstick humor, introspection, highschool-setting, and back to action again in less than 5 minutes.
Entirely uncontroversial and unproblematic in any similar show, not to mention Evangelion. Basically you're making up problems where there are none.
When you have gross mistakes like showing Mari's bouncing tits right after someone's head being blown off, still playing the sad violin music, then you have a problem. That happened in 3.33 by the way.
>I honestly care less for what events transpired during the skip. I care for what delima the main character faces in a story. >"Hurr I don't care" Solid argument champ, you can see yourself out now.
>Like how 2.0 did... Nope.
Back to tumblr with you.
Brody Russell
>Entirely uncontroversial and unproblematic in any similar show Except that this is NOT a show, it's a "Movie"; with you know pacing. NGE had great pacing for a show; rebuild in comparison... >you go from scenes that are action oriented to mystery, slice of life, quiet, slapstick humor, introspection, highschool-setting, and back to action again in less than 5 minutes. of witch is a legitimate problem.
>>Like how 2.0 did... >Nope. it did.
>Are you forgetting that 3.33 sports A FUCKING MONTAGE?! It's not like NGE didn't have montages... youtu.be/SJqwMu9kuRg
>When you have gross mistakes like showing Mari's bouncing tits right after someone's head being blown off, still playing the sad violin music, then you have a problem. That happened in 3.33 by the way. True...
Anthony Ramirez
>Is your body ready?
idk but I know that the shitposting is.
Benjamin Harris
>Except that this is NOT a show, it's a "Movie"; with you know pacing. NGE had great pacing for a show; rebuild in comparison... Show or movie, you understand what I meant. There's no need to be an asshat by picking on sentences.
Showing mystery etc... is perfectly fine, even in a movie. In Rebuild 1.11 and 2.22 there's natural transitions that make perfect sense, in 3.33? Not so much. I've given an example, you've given none.
>it did. Nope.
>It's not like NGE didn't have montages... During a happy, fanservicey moment, which would be the space 2.22 occupies. Not 3.33.
Not only that, but 3.33's montage is a fundamentally different montage from NGE's since in NGE, we actually see time pass. The calendar dates fly by.
In 3.33? Montage, Shinji becomes piano master in what seems like twenty seconds. NGE, through lots of hard training and failures over time that is actually shown, they eventually get it right.
Huge difference, 3.33 is shit.
>True... You bet your damned ass it is.
There's no defending 3.33 at all.
Dylan Rivera
Bentley Scott
This is my new favourite thing.
Hunter Nguyen
Why are you glorifying someone with mental issues
Cameron Gomez
Why are you such a fucking faggot holy shit. He's not even glorifying him, he's lambasting him. But if he were glorifying him you'd still be a faggot.
Kayden Richardson
>glorifying I'm exposing the true face of Asukafags everywhere
Parker Parker
>Entirely uncontroversial and unproblematic in any similar show, not to mention Evangelion. >Basically you're making up problems where there are none. No, you are making half-baked rebuttals instead of providing examples. >Show or movie, you understand what I meant. all you said was... >if you want fucking pacing problems then consult the movie with a literal 14 year long timeskip, again I don't care, in-fact I say it help reinforces Shinji's anxieties. >extreme shifts in location and virtually zero sense of time. Can you tell me how many days StarWars episode 5 had in the story? No; you cant, it doesn't matter to the overall movie. How many days happened in 2.0/1.0 or 3.0 does not matter; what matters is what the characters go through. >There's no need to be an asshat by picking on sentences. I don't care... name-calling in-place of providing examples...great. >I've given an example, you've given none. When? you never did. >Except that this is NOT a show, it's a "Movie"; with you know pacing. NGE had great pacing for a show; rebuild in comparison... I stand by this statement. its a glaring issue. Could you imagine EOE having 2.0's pacing... >In 3.33? Montage, Shinji becomes piano master in what seems like twenty seconds. So they skipped the training with arty piano. a scene whose point was to show Shinji opening up/trusting a little bit to Kaowru.
>There's no defending 3.33 at all. There is defending 3.33 over 2.0. I gave my points, What are yours?
Good lord; I remember that thread.
Isaiah Wood
I bet this was the guy that busted a nut on his Asuka figure on /c/
Chase Anderson
The tulpafag and that faggot really should just be outcasted. They're unrepentant cancer and possibly Reifag double agents to act as controlled opposition since, you know, Grandpa Reiheart exists.
Lucas Perry
pretty shameful to be honest, it was a nice figure. now im just afraid he's going to sell it to someone that doesn't know. break out the blacklights boys
Andrew Richardson
This. It's probably a stealth smear campaign being led by a one user army.
Kevin Adams
>attack on titan Why am I not surprised he was a normie.
Kevin Cook
Not surprised, personally. Considering it's been attempted in the past as well.
>Because why the fuck would Shinji care about Kaworu outside desperation? Are you stupid? Kaworu was the only person he cared about in the original show. He couldn't give a shit about the rest until after he met him. That was the point. Shinji's first experience to truly open his heart and getting hurt.
Sebastian Martinez
>i-it's a smear campaign by Reifags I'm not that much of retard!
Asukafags on full damage control
John Johnson
>this defensive You're not adding anything to your case.
Jackson Gonzalez
This is now an Evangelion friendship thread. If you want to post, you have to be friendly to other people who like Evangelion.
Ayden Bailey
Hah that picture is hilarious, shame it doesn't have Touji, Kensuke and Hikari on it.
Carter Brooks
Ah, they are there on the tv, I think. I am pretty sure every character showed up to clap for Shinji, but they might have left one out. Like Kaworu, for some reason I don't think he was a clapper.
Robert Butler
Post more group pictures.
Henry Garcia
We are friends.
Sebastian Phillips
Samuel Anderson
So anyone planning to see Shin Godzilla stateside? Bought my tickets today
Boston reporting in.
Jason Perez
Evan Hill
Liam Hernandez
>tfw the cast will never know anything but suffering
Blake Bennett
Adrian Sanchez
John Morales
Joshua Cox
Henry Martinez
Lucas Martin
James Fisher
Yes. Ohio reporting in.
Tyler Nelson
Is that other guy Asuka's ginger boyfriend or something?
Lincoln Edwards
Blake Williams
William White
I probably will be, though I'm nowhere near Boston and I doubt any other anons are by me, thankfully.
One of them should have been a pilot in the rebuilds too. But a new girl sells a dozen times more so I guess I can't blame them.
Benjamin Ramirez
What did Shinji see?
Jason Allen
William Perez
Wyatt Carter
Justin Davis
Would you watch an Evangelion SoL anime like the dream in episode 26?
Xavier Jenkins
This tho actually
EoE was good, but felt like a completely different message, and didn't even connect with the Ideology/plot at some points. Shinji almost felt like a different character at some points, the entire movie felt like I was reading a picture book mixed with a Bible - or trying to fit as much crying screaming and strangling as possible because at this point they assumed muh suffering was the same as a deep emotional message. On top of that the ending was uninspiring. When NGE finished I was left feeling like I gained something, or rather, the characters, Shinji gained something, and while I won't get into interpretations of the show, with EoE it only really felt like something was lost. Still very good, awesome visuals, but really not the same Evangelion I had watched before.
Easton James
Jose Rogers
Carter Foster
Juan Edwards
I would, but it probably wouldn't go anywhere, like SIRP did. And it'd probably end up being a fanservice fest rather than develop interesting character dynamics.
John Cooper
Oh buds, you are in for a treat.
Bentley Lewis
Tyler Thompson
Jaxon Thomas
Gabriel Jones
> implying there are people here who *haven't seen Anno's movies*
Matthew Long
Leo James
Angel Bennett
No that's just Touji's hair color in the manga.
Nicholas Clark
Julian Perez
Anthony Anderson
Julian Gonzalez
Levi Hall
Michael Rivera
Thought the spoiler would hide a URL? Think again, because spoonfeedungbis bad. Lurk Moar and do your own research, faggot.
Dylan Lopez
Bentley Cooper
Brody James
> people still take polite ways to not answer the question, derides to more important topics, and that one thing Anno was heard saying while sitting on a public toilet in 1996 as The Canon Ideas That Are Carved In Stone
You people are the worst enemies of creativity. I don't really understand why you chose to discuss Evangelion instead of solving crosswords.
Nolan Sanchez
Blake Lewis
This has always been one of my favorite casual Eva pictures. Anyone got more with PenPen?
Parker Miller
Landon Ross
Lucas Rivera
Thanks nigga's.
Aiden Hall
Hunter Sullivan
lmao this is kind of mean but once I saw it I had to post it. It's getting deleted right away though, I don't want trash on my drive.
James Hughes
>i'll work hard on it
Dominic Bennett
Rebuild was a mistake.
Jackson Davis
More eva is never a mistake
Tyler Taylor
Oh, great, yet another shitty Eva movie, i guess I'll watch the anime, EoE and read the manga when 4.0 comes out just to remember how good they are and how much this movie is going to suck.
Cameron Turner
how can they even do this anyway, it already ended back on the island at 3.33 is it going to be a new season starter come on I rather have haruhi season 4.
Henry Evans
even that cg chibi one?
Cameron Kelly
Chase Roberts
which manga is this from?
Josiah Sanchez
Evangelion: Lurk More
Evan Rodriguez
eat shit you autistic wad
Carson Hughes
Isnt that the Shinji ikari raising project?
Jack Nelson
>spoonfeed my newfag ass >please diaper me too
Ryan Ortiz
Leo Barnes
Why don't you just try bring nice to him?
Jack Walker
after the shitshow that was Gay Piano Duets: The Movie, probably not
Luis Perez
>nobody ever held me as a child so now I'm an angry bitter autist that can recall the author and title of any manga from a single page: the post
Luke Kelly
this entire thread is a fucking shitpost you faggots should just accept that 3.0 was horrible and move on
also why the fuck are you even watching the movies? the series was much better you fucking casuals
Nicholas Hill
>watching more than one thing in your lifetime how does it work lmao
Hudson Ross
>watching the movies which just tell you what you already know and then still manage to fuck everything up along the way
Asher Wright
How could you know that without watching?
Mason Brooks
So, Rei did give birth to Asuka one time, but I don't think Asuka ever returned the favour.