Oh no! Humanity has been pushed to the brink of extinction by unspeakable monsters!

>oh no! Humanity has been pushed to the brink of extinction by unspeakable monsters!
>their only hope of survival is this extremely angry teenager who is actually half-monster!
Why does Japan like this kind of plot so much?
And why do these protagonists like the color green so much?

Those shows are marketed towards angry teenagers. That's why the angry teenagers of Japan buy them. They like it.

You for whatever reason just happen to also watch anime shows meant for angry Japanese teenagers.

>oh no! Humanity has been pushed to the brink of extinction by unspeakable monsters!
>their only hope are a bunch of autistic teenagers!

Why do people like it so much?

>their only hope are a bunch of autistic teenagers!
>piloting half-monsters!
It's all the same shit.

Teenagers want to feel like they're important. Anime characters that are teenagers fighting monsters to save humanity does make those teenagers important. This pleases the real-world teenagers who watch these shows.

Well, to be honest, Eren is actually the one who humanity has to protect.

>Teenagers want to feel like they're important.
This doesn't limit to teenagers

>humanity isn't actually extinct
>they're all just labrats in a sectioned off area/island
>humanity is actually just fine

Why did you put Lenka in that picture? Is it because you are retarded?

>oh no! Humanity has been pushed to the brink of male extinction by unspeakable lack of males!
>their only hope of survival is this extremely big harem for every protagonist teenager who is actually a half-god!

Why does Japan like this kind of plot so much?
And why do these protagonists do their role so flawlessly?

Oh wait most of them dont.

Why doesn't Lenka belong there?
God Eater is pretty much AoT in the future.

Lenka is not the only hope for survival and he is barely special in any way. Soma is way more special than him and is actually half-monster. Then again all the hunters have been fused to monsters so that is sort of normal.
Also Lenka is more about despair and finding hope afterwards, not being angry.

At least Eren has a taste for proper women.

Ikoma is a lolicon who's trying way too hard to fuck a 12 year old.

>At least Eren has a taste for proper women.
He hasn't even decided which girl he wants his dick into yet.

If anything, they should make more stuff like that and less "cute girls doing cute things".

>Lenka is not the only hope for survival and he is barely special in any way
Dyaus Pita would've wrecked Fenrir's shit if Lenka didn't wreck its shit.

He's the only one who has super special Oracle AIDS that someone turns him into a Super Saiyan.

>He's the only one who has super special Oracle AIDS that someone turns him into a Super Saiyan.
Now it is just too obvious that you are shitposting.
Nice try though.

another thing is that protagonists in anime are identified with the color red vs the antagonist blue

Everyone else's Oracle AIDS just turns them into an Aragami.

He gets cool golden hair and power boosts that apparently don't have any negative long-term effects.

You can't be a great protagonist without breaking in a few lolis

Well i like that Eren grew out of being some Angry Piece of shit and became depressed because he is not the chosen Hero he thought he is. Interesting since Shadis' Story in SNK is exactly the same.
guess both got tricked by Grisha

>He gets cool golden hair and power boosts that apparently don't have any negative long-term effects.
He is dying you dumbass. He was going to die in 3 months if he never fought again and since he fought Dyaus Pita he will have a lot less time left to live.

It had spread pretty much through his entire body by the time the battle ended. By all means he should've been dead.

Flash forward to the epilogue it's retreated back below his neck.

Obviously it's a lot more survivable than they originally thought it'd be.

Requesting THAT image. You know which one.

In the theoretical second season that is never happening Lenka would've obviously been cured by either Shio or his God Arc manifestation.

You know, like what happens to Lindow in GEB.

Even if you were right (and you're not) it still would not matter because Lenka is not angry and he not the only hope for survival.

>why do people like power fantasy?
Because it's fun.

>Lenka is not angry

>Getting angry in a fight means he is angry all the time.
Try harder.

In coming of age stories in general they always have to put in a 'realization of new responsibility' part in to make it exciting for the kids. These stories aren't bad, their just made for the same audience year after year while you get older and older and expect new conventions from the same old story that they are required to tell the same exact way.

Green simbolism hope

>dead mom
>dead mother/sister/lover
>dead sister

I would hate to be the female family member of a protagonist in a post-apocalyptic anime.