>background in alpha
bump for interest
Requesting 3d women are not important
I'm glad somebody made this.
I'm upset someone made this.
I don't really care someone made this.
I'm happy someone made this
I'm frustrated someone made this.
I'm terrified someone made this
I am aroused by the fact that someone made this.
I'm sad that someone made this
>stopped at 4 iterations
Wasted potential
it's already part of modern arts
But what does her cunny smell like?
smells like your dck
Most likely like piss
From my experience, kids don't care much about hygene
Thanks, I'll be using this later.
how do you guys make these things? photoshop?
I would never use proprietary software.
MS paint
so you're that guy who keeps spamming you knwo where
keep the good work
I like that.
I'm really not I swear
also I'm pretty sure it's more than one person
what am i supposed to do for this to make this picture look better
Use separate layers, resize tool and rotate tool.
And then learn to use Google.
You can't just slap everything onto that.
Finds a way
Are you actually retarded
Not that user, but I don't know either ;_;
use GIMP, its free
SICP Edit please.
Too lazy to make one.
basically, in a new layer, I made a box with lines for the frame, then used paint bucket to fill the outside of it with a color, then underneath those layers but above the original, I put the desired picture in the frame. From there I merged the filled color layer with the picture-in-the-frame layer, then selected the filled in color and deleted the color, so it was left with the picture in the frame.
Finally I copied the hands from the blank, original template, then pasted that at the top layer so the hands are over the frame. I don't have any paint skills so this was the only way I knew how to do it.
end result
Well, your image perfectly describes my feelings right now.
thats why i chose it. i didnt think id be able to explain it well with just a picture and text.
How would Yuuko react?
Do one with Sasahara please
[freedom intensifies]
Here's another.
i think i made it work
just came to make sure this was made
someone needs to merge all of these. i'd do it but im eating wings.
Requesting one for this.
Someone needs to insert the daily dose gif in one of these.
for instance you could think about not being some fucking pollock m8
That is acceptable.
>The whole fucking gif is there
I love you. So fucking much.
Just like old times
Hidamaris are not for sexualizing
Thanks doc
Expected to see the whole thing was there, and was not disappointed. 10/10
thanks doc
also >trips
>posting 3DPD
No matter how many times I've seen this, I still feel compelled to watch all the way through
This gets me every time.
sauce? for the love of your waifu
Good lord, that's disgusting. Do people really live there?
Another one to keep the thread alive