What was her fucking problem?

What was her fucking problem?

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Being best girl.


She was annoying, but her voice is sex

There had to be some flaw

It's actually one of the better depictions of autism i have seen.

Real talk Cred Forums. Would you have picked the autismo over delicious nanamin? Consider the fact that autismos innocent shtick will grow old real quick and you'll end up with a literal plant of a waifu.

Obvious answer

It's tough when everyone around you is a failure

I want to ntr glassesfag.

Living in England broke her mind - kinda like Paris syndrome.


In anime, England seems to be particularly dangerous for the minds of Japanese girls (pic related).

the problem of being fucking Perfect!

High-functioning savant/autism


High functioning autism is one hell of a drug, especially if it isn't identified early on.

Autism-chan is perfect

She is a high-functioning autist. Probably had something like Asperger's syndrome.

I have a brother with Asperger's, and I think she was portrayed rather nicely. Though I'm really certain MC never would've gotten romantically interested in her if she really have aspergers.

Why is that?

you know, irl i would have taken nanami. but i have a folder full of mashiros, so you can take a guess who i rooted for.

>especially if it isn't identified early on.

Tell me about it.

came here to post this

fuck you


Really makes you think, the past isn't as far away as it feels sometimes.

And she's a bad case of high functioning autism at that.

Most autistic teens manage to at least dress themselves properly and shower - although some need to be reminded to do it in the first place.

Because they really are a handful. My brother has been followed up by psychiatrists his whole live, and gotten help learning how to live in society, but he's still a handful. I'm probably the one who needs to take care of him when my parents die.

Yeah, it is bordering on not being so "high functioning" at all.

ADHD much better than autism

Who is this boner condoner?

She's high functioning because she draws and paints.
It's actually pretty typical for high functioning autism cases.

They're the lucky ones.

me on the left

Yeah, i'm lucky since my parents very quickly went "something here is wrong, he's 3 years old and doesn't talk" and yada yada i'm not a functioning member of society.

So what type if Autistmo you got? i've got Assburgers.

Trust me, Low functioning autism is basically being literally retarded. maybe a bit better. I've seen 18 year olds who act like 6 Year old kids.

W-wait isn't normal that a 3-year old doesn't talk? I didn't talk until I was at least 5.
I could speak 4 languages at 7 though

Same. I can't really blame my parents for it, they've always been kind of naive.

S-she's not wearing any panties is she.

Sleeping with her is like sleeping with a child. Would you sleep with a little child?

Yeah i know, true autism is scary as hell.
One of my neighbours growing up had a kid that was fully autistic and he was about as smart as a 1yo and with all the carious symptoms autism can cause.
He was basically a mental vegetable but could still walk around and scream in his high pitched tardscreech.

I am sure his parents wished sometimes that he had just been stillborn.

I think most kids start speaking around 1-2, need i add i'm talking about just saying things like "mama" shit, i was literally silent outside of crying til i was 3. I'm jealous as shit, i can only speak 2 and struggle to learn a 3rd

Well luckily there's alot of research and psychology around Autism so you might be able to find alot of self-help stuff and books you can read to help ya out.

In what world does it seem like a good idea to hand someone that "Likes knives so much they have trouble sleeping at night" a knife?


why would she? i am not wearing any either.
>implying you wouldnt
>pic related

as someone with high-functioning autism that's been declared by the government too inept to function properly in society, sure
i have no chance with a girl so i'll take what i can get, and a similarly broken girl is probably my best bet
i'm not in a position to be picky


>declared by the government too inept to function properly in society
I'm not sure if i should feel pity or jealousy.

if the government gives him money to survive, then you should probably be envious

not jealous, that's used for other things ESL-kun

Ah yes you're right, envious would be a better word?

I suppose i should rather be envious, but i'd rather be able to do things on "My" way, work hard be rewarded, do badly get punished. It might just because of all the Gilt issues i have.

>Be me
>Have assburgers
>Have most of the social retardation, none of the autismo superpowers
Feels bad man.jpg

You wouldn't mind if he was a cute little girl

Bless your parents. I was fluent at 1 and a half yet they never thought they should teach me more.

I guess you'll need to grow up with it to understand it. It'd probably be the same with a little sister imho.

I really hope it's not genetic. I'm kind of afraid to get kids with aspergers. My mom is kind of weird too, but not as much as my brother.

Depends what country you work in. Autism bux are pretty good here in Canada but I don't know about the States.

The depressing thing is the feeling that the whole world has given up on you and that there's no real prospect of ever rising above your station.

I don't know user but Mashiro's absolutely adorable.

Guy she likes is an idiot.

Beat me to it

Literally autism


Severe case of autism that rendered her unable to survive without support from another one.

She's got a hardcore case of high-functioning autism. I have a friend who's almost identical, actually. I myself have relatively well-controlled Asperger's (along with a whole bunch of other bullshit like ADHD, anxiety/depression disorders - I am basically the actual fucktard that a good chunk of Tumblr self-diagnoses as).

She's a pretty decent portrayal of it, but the anime still romanticized the hell out of her autism.

First thing that comes to mind.

It doesn't necessarily have to be autism though. In the anime it was did that she was always secluded and everything she did was draw. Extreme solitude does that to you but it would be easily fixable. Later on in the LNs/anime she also gets more social and better life skills.

After all how would you do grocery shopping if you've never been taken to a grocery store?

She was a shit character in a shit teenage drama show

That's possibly even more horrible.
Some serious neglect from her parents.

get about $1200 a month in ny
works out roughly to working a fulltime minimum wage job
which is probably the best i'd manage to hold down anyway, so i guess it works out

the free money is nice, but your second point is true and kind of ruins it

It's not like HFA means you're literally retarded and can't learn to do anything. We can do fine learning basic social skills and even making friends so long as we have the right support around us. But that's just it, we need support and that's not always available. That's not even mentioning even WITH support the massive guilt you develop when you feel that you're a drain to the people around you because when left to your own devices the very carefully developed basic social and life skills you work so hard to maintain start to fall apart and you regress to being Mashiro-esque.

There's a reason HFA gets coupled with anxiety/depression so often. It's not a good feeling.


It isn't real.

Pretty much. If I really have to, I can barely handle the social aspects of grocery shopping, but it's really hard and like solving a puzzle where I hope it never goes beyond the very basic steps I've practiced and gone over in my head many times beforehand. It's just so draining and complicated I often just don't bother.

Yeah... I'll go with normal chick

I see you want someone to relate to as a fellow normie. Disgusting.

The only Waifus i'll ever have is Nigel Farage and Jeremy Clarkson

>post mashiro
>mashiro thread
>Anons pouring in to throw their real life autism/assburgers in your face

You know what would be better? You worthless lot dying off. There's a reason you were born with it. Fate knew you weren't going to be worth anything.


Fate was made to be defied.

I'd go with the normal girl and bully the autismo girl.


Not when you cannot even put your pants on.

If you go with Mashiro, you will need to care for her for the rest of your life. She won't get better. She might do better while you're around, but she will regress if left on her own. She will never amount to anything. You won't be getting a waifu, but a daughteru with benefits.

>She will never amount to anything.
World famous artist

The anxiety from being world famous would only make her worse.

I used to have the autismo superpowers but I traded them in at 16 for not being retarded.
Funnily enough I am far more stupid and slightly violent but thats a fair price to pay I think.
Now I just walk into things and mess everything up but its better than sitting there doing nothing thinking about every single thing that could happen if I did.

This is why I know Nanami is the best and Mashiro is shit who doesn't realize she's a drain and also lacks the willpower to change herself.

i'm 25 and have never held a job, live with my parents, don't bathe, wear the same clothes for months and don't interact with people

you don't grow out of autism
you never had autism
you just were and still are a loser
sorry to break it to you

I didn't grow out of it, I just learnt to ignore it after being sent to a place full of retards at 16, not sure what to call it. Not a nut house but close.
I saw what lay in store for me and it scared me knowing I was one of them so I found a way out and took it.
I'm also 35 and being diagnosed 30 years ago was a lot rarer back then unless you were a proper retard.

Mashiro is very unrealistic from the female retards i've known, they all been built like a brick shithouse or had giant chins both with hair everywhere as they don't shave. Mashiro has no giant chin but she definately doesn't shave herself at all.

Yeah, you didn't have high-functioning autism nor do you know what it is. But I do believe you're retarded.

literally autism
not that that ever stopped me

Being stuck on a japanese soap opera.

>soap opera
oniisama e is a soap opera
this doesn't even compare

Stop reading things that aren't there, I didn't mention what autistic traits I have other than a single generic one which is clearly not the only one if you have any reading comprehension.

Autism is just a nice new name for being retarded and thats exactly what you described yourself with your list as being. That makes us a couple of retards.

>Autism is just a nice new name for being retarded

I'd point out why you're wrong, but then I'd be arguing with a literal retard. I'll just say you'd probably be better off back in your asylum than out here with actual people.

>would you pick perfect childhood-friend over flawed main girl?
Yes, every fucking show.
Fuck you Japan.

How is it wrong, autistics are retards, aspergers are retards and downs are retards, retard covers a lot of things, too much to go into detail.

anyone who would pick autismo has clearly never dealt with someone who has autism on a daily basis. unless you have autism yourself i can't imagine what would be appealing about having someone like mashiro as a gf. you would get over the innocent/cutesy stuff pretty quickly and her behavior and helplessness would start to annoy you in no time.

As an autist I'd only ever want to be with one of my own kind. Normal people are too fickle.

I look at most normal couples and how their relationships break apart with time terrifies me. From my understanding I'd expect the relationship to strengthen with time, not weaken with it.

Never watched the anime though so I've no comment in relation to choosing between the two characters.

Nothing she's perfect