I'm so fucking hype for best moms.
I'm so fucking hype for best moms
Other urls found in this thread:
Why the fuck is everyone so excited for this adaption? The manga had such a terrible ending that is not even funny
>realistic proportions
>best mom
I always imagined Shouko's mother as a blonde.
the fappening commence
shut the fuck up kiss fag
go watch your pandering crap
you dont even know
>mom cuts hair for a living
>son never gets a haircut
Coalburner and the Pillpopper - a modern family drama
U E N O a cute
literally way too cute to be Ueno
(I'll post more of these later, dont know if they're already floating around or something)
I hope they keep the scene where Nishimom slaps her shit in
gotta go to work, but will post more later
Ueno is cute in the manga too.
since when do 10 year old girls have breasts?
Only a small minority of KyoAnus lickers is exited. Everyone else either doesn't care or realizes the movie will be average at best.
You'd be surprised.
it's common now a days
Same here, but I don't remember if she was shown once in the manga as a blonde or if that was only in the MTSP doujin
Since puberty hits? I started developing in the 5th grade.
she already has an MSTP doujin
daily reminder that this exists
he made her a titty monster tho. a shit
I was ready to pardon Hitler when I saw that slap.
literally what
it's the replacement for tits or gtfo
>it's the replacement for tits or gtfo
no thanks
It's actually scary how in-character she is in this doujin. All that worrying about Shouko and needing her to be strong
I already know what I'm fapping to tonight.
hmanga when
shitty proportions tho
>not knowing your /fit/ memes
I actually used to browse that board when tinytrip was still around.
That hair is aesthetic
>Kimi no na Wa trended on twitter when it premiered but Koe no Katachi isn't.
Flop confirmed?
>that one mom doujin
/ss/ when
This is trending over Koe no Katachi
Her hair color makes more sense with shouko, but I will admit I always thought the same
Even Tamako Love Story is more popular.
How does trends even work? Been checking out live tweets for 聲の形 and there's at least 20 every 30 seconds. My rough calculations are counting at least around 9k since 4 hours ago.
What does this book contain?
>mfw that MTSP doujin somehow kickstarted the possibility/idea of making an animation for this.
>I always imagined Shouko's mother as a blonde
Why? It's not like blond hair is natural asian trait.
Unless she's a halfbreed.
It's the GMO food, water contamination or the nuke murricans dropped on them.
>he made her a titty monster
You call that a titty monster? Boy, that's standard size compared to his main milk cow
best seller.
What did he mean by this?
I'm back. First, Shouko and Ishida
I love big personality changes.
Can't disagree there. I loved seeing him change to be more considerate and thoughtful. He matured in a lot of ways.
I hope they kept the part where he stabbed his old self
Here's the enhanced version.
Fuken kyoani afraid of drawing BREASTS on grown women.
Why is this fat turd so close to Yuzu? Why did Yuzu exchange numbers with him before even Ishida?
Broccoli has a very manly voice.
Why would they change their designs?
There's barely any fucking sign language. I feel cheated.
Sahara is love.
I noticed that too! I was taken aback. He made me blush a little.
Right? Always imagined it higher and more whiny
His current voice just makes me want to suck his dick.
And how do you know there's hardly any?
She's literally 195cm/6'5" tall with those high heels.
Will she still be delusional?
Would hug
Is that his "throw water at sensei" pose?
Last one
So tell us, what did you think of the movie itself?
Am I the only one that felt the chemistry between them?
Because he is Kensho
I haven't seen it. I wish I could. These pics are all from the recent Newtype.
If anyone wants to translate, I can get pictures of the articles.
my mistake, thought you were taking pictures from the special book sold at theaters
>don't give her hair screentone on the manga
>anime announced; character sheets released
>it's not fucking BLONDE.
Shit taste faggot.
Yamada is honestly cute
The OST is perfect
It's pretty mediocre to be honest. Definitely a downgrade from Ping Pong.
Ueno is the worst girl
>are you awake?
>let me get you a bowl of eggs
Why didn't you protect her smile?
>Ueno and Kawai are now kyoani girls
what a time to be alive.
Literally Mirai. SamefaceAni does it again.
Who is the Shinka archetype character in this movie?
These are nice.
Why does she look like David Bowie?
I fapped to that mom
Because Ishida's mom is a hairdresser.
Hairdressers have cool hairdos.
Makes SO much sense
Weekend boxoffice prediction: 100 million yen
Kimi no Na wa is still going strong in the 4th week!
It will flop harder than Flopgatari part 2 and Free Flop Days?
>hot as fuck
>everyone hates her
>doesnt get to fuck MC
Shinkai blew KyoAni.
If we're talking about fellatio, sure
It literally sold 2 times more tickets than Koe no Katachi today.
[順位] [販売数] [映画作品タイトル名]
*1 *15914 君の名は。
*2 **8457 映画 聲の形
*3 **4519 怒り
*4 **2459 超高速!参勤交代 リターンズ
*5 **2375 スーサイド・スクワッド
*6 **2291 四月は君の嘘
*7 **1779 BFG ビッグ・フレンドリー…
*8 **1262 シン・ゴジラ
*9 ***896 ペット
10 ***783 キング・オブ・エジプト
[2016/09/17 10:07 更新]
It's all over for KyoAni. They won't be contracted again to adapt popular material. They'll have to stick to their shitty source material from now on.
>They won't be contracted again to adapt popular material.
They made that decision in 2012, pal.
Newer update
[順位] [販売数] [映画作品タイトル名]
*1 *37680 君の名は。
*2 *17150 映画 聲の形
*3 **6562 怒り
*4 **5991 超高速!参勤交代 リターンズ
*5 **5771 四月は君の嘘
*6 **4513 スーサイド・スクワッド
*7 **3820 シン・ゴジラ
*8 **3764 BFG ビッグ・フレンドリー…
*9 **2882 ペット
10 **1458 後妻業の女
[2016/09/17 11:30 更新]
Yet they still adapted AmaBuri and now this, "pal".
>4 week old movie selling twice as many tickets as a premiere Koe no Katachi
>Shitty KanColle with swords anime trending on Japanese twitter instead of Koe no katachi premiere
This is embarrassing holy shit.
Yes, pal, because they literally seeked those IPs out. Takemoto wanted to to Amaburi so a KyoAni producer did the negotiation with Kadokawa, and KyoAni being at the top of the committee for Koe no Katachi tells us that they were the ones who asked Kodansha for it, as well. They also bought the rights to Hibike. They don't need to be contracted for shit, they can seek titles out by themselves.
>Seeking outside IPs because KyoAni own IPs are fucking trash and they've already adapted most of them
>KyoAni LN label hasn't gotten a new series in a while, their garbage contest barely gets any entires
Shameful display from KyoAni. I wouldn't be surprised if their label got closed down.
>Why is this fat turd so close to Yuzu? Why did Yuzu exchange numbers with him before even Ishida?
Buy the manga, read it, learn.
The one on the left is clearly a tomato pretending to be a human.
[順位] [販売数] [映画作品タイトル名]
*1 *62592 君の名は。
*2 *19553 映画 聲の形
*3 *13436 怒り
*4 *11303 四月は君の嘘
*5 *10845 超高速!参勤交代 リターンズ
*6 **9950 スーサイド・スクワッド
*7 **8197 シン・ゴジラ
*8 **6724 BFG ビッグ・フレンドリー…
*9 **5056 ペット
10 **3693 後妻業の女
[2016/09/17 13:55 更新]
Damn Kimi no na Wa not only blowing Koe no Katachi, it's literally becoming a cultural phenomenon as we speak.
>Seeking outside IPs because KyoAni own IPs are fucking trash and they've already adapted most of them
Literally the last anime they made is from their label, as is their anime that's coming after Hibike. Being content acquirers isn't a step back from being content creators. They can do both at the same time just fine.
>KyoAni LN label hasn't gotten a new series in a while
VEG and RHU. Why would it close down if it's profitable?
Movie was awesome.
KyoAni really found a way.
>Literally the last anime they made is from their label
And it flopped spectacularly
>VEG and RHU. Why would it close down if it's profitable?
None of KyoAni LNs have ever charted on Oricon, not even High Speed. Violet and Robot Heart are not the exception. They only have 9 fucking series in their label for fucks sake, and most of them are already over. The future doesn't look bright.
Buy the pamphlet and scan it.
How heavy was it?
Was "Shouya vs Nishimiya" and "Nishimom VS Ueno" in it?
So what? It's profitable.
>None of KyoAni LNs have ever charted on Oricon, not even High Speed. Violet and Robot Heart are not the exception
Meanwhile, Kimi no Na wa LN already sold more than half a million copies.
Shinkai is making it look so easy.
For now, and barely.
Must be working if they keep doing it
is one movie going to cover it all or are they going to pull a persona/eva
Are you saying you know more about KyoAni's business model than they do?
Of course user, he is their hired accountant after all
Kimi no Na Wa has like, what, twice more than Koe no Katachi's theatres, of course it's going to sold twice the tickets. We already know this from months ago.
There's no point trying to reason with them, you know they're not here for reason. Just ignore them.
>100 million predicted weekend gross
Dead on arrival. I was expecting it to do badly but not this badly.
I don't have a scanner. I could give you some shitty phone pictures.
Not very much. Small sized popcorn and middle size drink.
Kimi no na Wa has also been out for 4 weeks now.
>Not very much. Small sized popcorn and middle size drink.
Oh, user. I meant the movie. How heavy was the movie?
Those number are the tickets sold TODAY alone.
Kimi no Na wa came out 4 weeks ago.
Koe no Katachi premiered nationwide today.
Think about it.
It's pretty much immune to financial loss after the sponsorship from MEXT
What did they cut? Any original scenes?
Be honest, did it feel rushed?
How well was the OST used?
How satisfied did everyone look when it ended?
Did a lot of people cry?
Perhaps, but it's not immune to the KyoAni name being tarnished even more than it is already.
Was this you (and the audience) at the end of the film?
Why does KyoAnus make Ueno this pretty?
I know she's supposed to look good but this Ueno is literally the prettiest KyoAnus girl since forever.
KyoAni's name isn't tarnished to anyone that doesn't have the agenda of wanting it to be tarnished.
SamefaceAni can't draw more than a handful of faces.
2ch is currently mocking KyoAni
Are we calling them SamefaceAni because their characters have the Sameface that they have in the manga?
Of course they do, Kyoani had dedicated antithreads there.
We should emulate our kindred's good practice too.
A textboard talking shit??
Now I've seen it all, kyoani truly is in ruins
The movie is so bad, people would rather read the manga. KyoAni is finished.
Lurk for 2 years before posting
It's uncanny how accurate the KnK designs are
Does anyone know who voices these beautiful moms
-Empty theaters
-Merely 100m predicted weekend gross
-Your Name's 4th week selling x3 times more
-Subpar animation for a movie
-Not even trending on Twitter Japan
-2ch laughing at KyoAni
Japs hate handicapped people anyways. I mean this manga almost didn't get published to begin with because they were trying to block it.
This. Kyoani should've known to stay away from tackling Japanese RL issues. It's like making a movie about Nanking rape/Unit 751, nobody's going to touch that with a ten-feet-pole.
see Sometimes it's not about the money.
its almost as if you thought kyoani would make handicapped people popular in japan.
You do know in Japan it's considered "shameful" for a girl to have permanent scars/tattoos on her skin right? It's disgusting. They treat people with actual handicaps even worse.
I always thought kyoani would make Shoko not deaf in their adaptation, because there is nothing moe about a disability in japan (except for autism apparently)
I always believe in you, KyoAni.
None, eat a dick.
The only decent troll post in this thread.
>Merely 100m predicted weekend gross
Already halfway there and Saturday isn't even over yet, looking better than expected.
>Already halfway there and Saturday isn't even over yet, looking better than expected.
Do we have any data on how Your Name did half a day through its premiere? Now that would be a more fair comparison.
Back home again.
The whole bullying during grade school made some shed tears (myself included). KyaAni cut some things from the manga, that's why it could have been more heavy IMHO. See below.
I should have read the manga one more time before watching the movie, so I only noticed obvious stuff.
They cut Nishimoms background story, the whole movie making and therefore, they cut the meeting with scumbag grade school teacher. So there was less "tumbling down" moments.
The ending of the manga was cut. In the movie it ends with the whole group having fun at the school festival and how Shouya became able to look at everyone again. (Movie had the better ending).
As for original stuff, there was tons of KyoAni symbolism and I think there was an additional date scene before the firework festival.
Without the whole movie making it seemed rushed. But I think the movie still portrayed every important aspect of the story. We can argue if the whole movie making was actually really important to the story.
I think the OST was perfect.
Everyone around me shed some tears at one point in time (men and women). Japanese people don't clap everytime when they like a movie. But the talks I heard after the movie indicated that KyoAni found a way.
Meanwhile in Koe no Katachi premiere day
I wish America can hate more handicapped and cancer kids than Japan.
A man can fucking dream you know.
>tl;dr The movie is good but Kyoani/Shochiku can't into marketing
Goddamnit this is more frustating than it rightfully flopping.
It will actually do worse than Starting Flops.
KyoAni keeps tumbling down
The only people trying to make this into a sales competition are KyoAni haters. Kimi no na Wa was a massive success and nobody even expects Koe no Katachi to come close, but that doesn't make it a bad film nor does it mean KyoAni is doomed financially.
All in all I'm glad that two great films are out and that we'll all see them sometime soon.
Thanks, I'm really looking forward to it even more now.
>We can argue if the whole movie making was actually really important
I'd say it was important, but then again the way the manga conclude it was quite terrible.
>living next to Shinjuku which has a new TOHO Cinema with the latest tech
>had to go to Shibuya because KyoAni/Shochiko didn't invest in more screening theaters
Just curious, but didn't Ishida use the movie as an excuse to meet Shouko and gather friends for her in the manga? If so, what is his excuse to meet with her at the bridge in this film?
Yamada Unit 731 anime when?
I think Kyoani is after that MEXT partnership in the first place for all the sheer exposure being shown at schools will bring; whether the movie does well commercially is secondary.
Threadly reminder that Cred Forums only praises it only because Kyoani, no one here actually read the manga.
[順位] [販売数] [映画作品タイトル名]
*1 *88894 君の名は。
*2 *41418 映画 聲の形
*3 *17997 怒り
*4 *17278 四月は君の嘘
*5 *15220 超高速!参勤交代 リターンズ
*6 *13180 スーサイド・スクワッド
*7 *11447 シン・ゴジラ
*8 **9838 BFG ビッグ・フレンドリー…
*9 **7885 ペット
10 **4814 後妻業の女
[2016/09/17 14:17 更新]
They praise it because of KyoAni sure, but the manga was popular when it was being serialized, popular in the bad way though, there were a lot of complains.
>Mext sponsorship
That came fairly recently and no way it was the goal from the start. The thing is that the distributor didn't invest enough in screens and Kyoani didn't invest enough in advertisements. It would be only saved by word of mouth at this point.
>no international screenings except that one hipster movie festival in Georgia of all the fucking places.
It's not "Koe no Katachi anime adaptation". It's "that manga adaptation by Kyoani". Feel the difference?
The manga used to be the hottest shit here m8
Meanwhile Shinkai will be aired in 85 countries.
Yes retard, I agreed with you. Some people on Cred Forums were only interested in this because of KyoAni. But the manga was read by a lot of other people as well even before the adaptation announcement. We had frequent threads about it.
What are you talking about? It was Edinburgh, Scotland. Unless there is another screening.
Call me when KyoAni can make sakuga as impressive as this.
After watching the movie, I need to say, Madhouse or Shaft would be much better fit, at least they always have some respect for sourse materials.
Why are there so many women?
Hope it flops hard, time to break Kyoanuslickers delusions about oscars and worldwide impact.
Good times.
>After watching the movie
Except you haven't seen the movie.
Let me rephrase it. During the movie making we saw in the manga how everyone came together, how they became friends and their background story (I forgot to mention that the background story/personal thoughts of everyone except Shouko and Shouya did not make it in the movie)
What do you mean? Didn't they also meet a lot of times at the bridge in the manga?
Quads made a good point
It's flopping hard as we speak. I still remember a few months ago some KyoAnus lickers claiming it will get oscar nominations, I bet they're feeling pretty stupid now.
>tfw no deaf girl for bullying
Btw, who said that making BULLYING anime by K-Oni is a good idea?
>Kyoani: "Hey, let's have international screenings!"
>Shochiku: "Good idea, now let my overseas dept contact those theatre-"
>Jap Govt.: "We heard you're making a movie with sensitive topics"
>Kyoani: "Eh, yeah but it's good."
>Jap Govt: "No no, you see with Olympics at 2020 we can't afford to have our image damaged one bit with deep relevant ongoing shit like bullying and discrimination towards the disabled."
>Kyoani: "B-but-"
>Jap Govt: "Fine, fine, we'll have your movie shown at schools but keep it down, OK?"
Forgot to mention the important point: But in the movie, how they gathered and became friends was rushed since it was a 2h movie but it got the point across in my opinion.
>respect for source materials
oh boy
>KyoAnus lickers rationalizing Koe no Katachi's flop with delusional fantasies.
Are you dumb?
>implying I don't already know you are
That's a KyoAni hater you're replying to.
>implying sensitive topics like disability, racism, handicap, homosexuality and immigration aren't a huge oscar bait by default
This anime is just shit, nothing more.
Oh alright then, what I meant was that in the manga he used feeding the fish with bread and making the movie as excuses to meet with Shouko and include her in the circle of friends.
Yeah, seems like the whole deal would've gain more impact if KnK was adapted to a TV series instead.
But as long as the movie stands good enough on its own, I'm fine with it.
Wait... They changed my romantic manga plot to "Friendship is magic" nonsense?
Sausage Kyoani, truly saviors of anime industry.
>romantic manga
sasuga deluded idiot right here
>Not trending in Japan
>Weak opening
>Massive bomba
>KyoAnusfags on suicide watch
>Koe no Katachi
>romantic manga
Also ewmember how Kyoani relesaed five or six trailers last week trying to overshadow Shinkai
Full damage control
Yamada is probably getting her contract with KyoAni terminated right now.
Will she be good at AV? I doubt.
>released five or six trailers few days before the movie is released in theaters
But that's how it has always been user.
In the movie he also used feeding the fishes as a excuse for meeting. Regarding the others, Shouya safed Broccoli, Shouko asked to meet Sahara and thus Shouya needed to talk to Kawai and where Kawai is, there is also the psycho guy. Shouya met coincidentally Ueno while she was handing out flyers.Thus, everyone gathered for a small grade school reunion + 3 "outsiders".
>The thing is that the distributor didn't invest enough in screens and Kyoani didn't invest enough in advertisements.
Is there a measure to how different the marketing is compared to their past movies?
I think this is fairly strong considering they're the ones putting money for marketing.
liek this post if kawai disgust you to your very core
Why would it be fairly strong? They're not a company with the money for nationwide marketing strategies.
Somebody make a changed man edit with the kyoanus logo in the nintoddler hat.
That's the point. Think of it on the scale of KyoAni. Netting that MEXT partnership will help them.
I was under the impression that Quaras handled most of the advertising.
Well I need to go now.
I leave you user this picture of the good you can get at the cinema.
Top Left is a small folder , right is the pamphlet and bottom left is a special booklet with a small story about Nishimom and birthday cakes.
Who knows, but either way they didn't spend much on advertising the movie since KyoAni is the head of the production committee, and they're just in charge of animation production, which isn't that expensive. So Quaras probably spent even less advertising it.
Special gift: Loli Nishimom and Cake Grandma
This is not comparable to the Keion movie. Keion was everywhere. This is comparable to Haruhi.
Haruhi had even less screenings, like 30 or so, then they added more when word of mouth got around. Koe no Katachi has actually around the same amount of screenings to that of K-On during its premiere week.
>This is not comparable to the Keion movie. Keion was everywhere. This is comparable to Haruhi.
But it was Pony Canyon putting the biggest amount of cash. It's different when we're talking about their past contractual work compared to them at the helm of the committee.
Ultimate KyoAnus licker retard was wrong with every single claim he made.
Kyoani actually drew in those weird irises while Shafts just like, okay lets not bother with anything that looks like Zaregoto
It seems to have worked. Zaregoto is doing great in pre-orders while Koe is dead on arrival.
And Kyoani "adapted" designs are still looking [b]exactly[/b] like Amaburi, especially for that red-haired guy.
I wish KyoAni had more range. The stuff they make is always the same genres.
I don't even know where to begin with you
They also do chuunishit, but it's a shame because they deconstructed chuunishit in 2012.
At least Hibike disks are doing relatively well
>It's screening time
>No buzz
HA HA HA HA HA HA. Only Cred Forums and a handful of diehard nip KyoAnifags were stoked about this. Absolutely crushed by Shinkai.
Even I being a big kyoani fag myself knew it was going to flop.
What's the box office goes? is KnK crushed?
>all this kyoani hate
>Replies: 237
>Posters: 58
Even 2ch is having a field day with kyoani s failure
And honestly not enough shitposting. Cred Forums is truly dead.
Kyoani fans are hiding.
I dedicate this song to Kyoani, saviors of anime :^)
how long is the movie?
Kyoani went from being candidates for Ghibli replacements to hated by everyone in just a few years. They have no brand loyalty left.
2 hours. But it'll feel longer since it's so boring.
Samefag: the thread
Blame kyoani fans for not showing up to the official knk flop celebration thread.
I don't get all the hate. It's a good story. Is the hate towards KyoAni or KnK?
I'm upset they've barely showed anything of her. I need to see her in motion.
The only thing that pisses me off about her is that she's chasing after someone who bullied her and obviously doesn't want to be her friend nearly as much as she wants to be hers. How low is her self-esteem?
Why do they all look dead inside?
They knew they were working on a movie that will ruin them.
As user said before, this story should've been adapted by Madhouse / Shaft instead. Kyoani was a mistake.
Is Yuzuru's dead animal photography backstory still in the movie?
Given how there are photos everywhere in the Nishimiya household, probably. And I doubt has seen the film.
Poor kyoani
I'd definitely hope so, that has the biggest gut-punch in the entire manga
So now that kyoani is dead who will be a good fit for replacement? I vote for either studio feel or dogakobo
You would look no better if you had an assload of work you get paid crackers for and your boss made you do some retarded shit on camera instead to show the world how happy you are to work there.
Why do you fags always complain about the ending when the whole manga is terrible and the characters are one dimensional and bland? Like the first volumes were barely a 6/10 but the movie arc drags it to a 4/10. The oneshot was good, but the manga was pretty bad.
Damn Sahara got that fire body for real
Nishimom is best mom
My fucking god, this thread is more boring than Hyouka.
Better stop now. No one's taking your bait.
Just saw this.
Best thread. I love cake, but MILFs are better sometimes.
Is it David Bowie at the left?
He's an idiot.
Only plebs who don't know Japanese give a fuck about what he has to say.
>Pair of frumpy looking bitches
>Best anything.
>MSTP doujinshi with Shouko mom cost twice the price of all Koe no Katachi tankoubons on amazon.jp
Why is this a problem? I just want to see the movie. Like Sunao I'm just happy that it exists.
Because it's kyoani you newfag.
Coalburner Mom & I Don't Know How To Raise My Kids So I'll Blame Society Mom
A liberal success story.
>a family friendly movie is selling better than a movie that has bullying and suicide
Truly a big shock.
>Kyoani workers
>paid badly
Hello newfag.
Wonder what she sounded like
Ueno and the girl next to her have best reactions.
>Still not trending
Ayy. Dead movie.
My sister is also in 5th grade ans he just started developing, it feels kinda awkward preparing not to notice the kid bras and shit. Why couldn't she stay a cute little imouto forever :(
Cried too much I got a headache and a running nose? I know that's what I do when I cry like a little bitch.
Same, I don't know why. Her having the same hair color as Shouko makes much more sense.
ueno a cunt
That's really cute.
Sexy cunt.