Does this show get really fedora tippy with it's stance on religion? Thought the first season was pretty funny, but I've seen a lot of fags talking about how they love it for bashing the church.
Does this show get really fedora tippy with it's stance on religion? Thought the first season was pretty funny...
Not really, the christian faction is alright they just have some very extremist characters which are the first you run into.
>fedora tippy
Stop that.
>love it for bashing the church.
Obvious newfags, and you along with them.
Most anime that feature the church prominently depict it as evil and/or corrupt.
>Most anime that feature the church prominently depict it as evil and/or corrupt.
And it's usually cringey as fuck
Yes and no.
Keep in mind that Asia, Xenovia and Irina are still religious as fuck despite becoming total sluts.
Not that I can recall. You shouldn't be watching an anime titty show if you're a Christian though you hypocrite.
There's much more villains from the demon side than from the church/angel side. The church are kind of useless and irrelevant in the later novels.
I don't see why you Americans will be bothered by this, (or Krauts) when you are all fucking protestants.
>all protestants
Later on there happens conflict since some of Church warriors are salty that Angels are now cooperating with devils
also christian God was probably most benevolent and OP bastard before he got killed
The series barely takes itself seriously. I mean for fucks sake, one of the Satans is a magical girl, the leader of Heaven wants the MC to fuc- repopulate the angels and the Fallen Angels are bros.
Stop using words you don't even know the meaning of.
And most powerful male and female devils are both siscons
also blazer shining aura darkness blade governor Azazel
yeah this is not a very preachy series its too goofy for that and I love it.
The church forbid masturbation so...
>Akeno will never sit on my face and force me to indulge in the sweaty scent of her butthole
I literally want to die.
litteraly who cares, focus on the girls idiot
faggot fuck off.
This is also mostly in video games and western movies and films. Mostly everyone hates the chruch for some reason or is just the sake of trying to be edgy or cool. The pastor tends to even be a villian or enemy to mc of the show. Most of anti chruch shit started with vampire movies and shows like true blood.
>Mostly everyone hates the chruch for some reason
It has to do with the anti-catholic propaganda that was circulated as part of the protestant rebellion.
DxD is about the comedy though.
Well that's what I'd like to say but the anime just cuts everything and adds fanservice which gets really boring after a while.
It's got nothing to do with that.
>depiction of sadistic inquisition has nothing to do with the misrepresentation of the inquisition as sadistic torturers
>depiction of the church as anti-education and backwards has nothing to do with the misrepresentation of the church as anti-knowledge
its about mc wanting to suck the girls breasts, even thought best girl koneko barely has any
Issei was the mc that wasn't beta moral faggot. Is there other harems and ecchis out there were the mc isn't a total moral beta faggot or wuss. I couldn't stand watching bowa da tomodachi(haganai) because of the mc.
>says one thing
>gets called out
>says something completely different
>Acts like he won an argument
I'm not sure what you are trying to say, but it seems to be not a whole lot at all.
Feel the same way
Then you must be confused, because I made actual points. All you did was claim I didn't.
If you have something to say, do it.
Points unrelated to your original argument
So I'll take that as an admission that you are just shitposting.
I don't care how you feel. I asked you to make a point and not just negate everything. If you can't do that, then it doesn't matter what you think. There is no argument to be had with a mute person.
> I couldn't stand watching bowa da tomodachi(haganai) because of the mc.
Sena more than makes up for it.
>d-don't criticise my flawed arguments :(
>but I've seen a lot of fags talking about how they love it for bashing the church
You should stop hanging out with edgy teenager.
Based Odin
Even if it was, why is christfaggotry the only thing anime's not allowed to make fun of?
Calm your autism. Anime can do whatever it wants, I just find 9gag tier atheism that most animes with religion adopt cringeworthy and not worth watching.
So anime can bash anything else, but if it touches Christianity you get triggered? Fuck off to some safe-space tumblr blog if you can't handle that shit.
Seriously, every other religion in the world gets mocked and insulted by Christians even though Christianity is no better than the rest of them, yet Christians can't take the bants themselves?
In my serious opinion, Jesus himself was a really good guy, but Christianity is absolutely fucking nothing like what he intended. It's ironic that everything Jesus told his followers not to do was then done on a larger scale than ever before by the very religion that worshiped him.
But anyway, there's nothing wrong with a series poking fun at religion, you guys do it to other religions all the time so just deal with it.
Its the worst part of PS1 era JRPG writing
was it autism
You can fedora tip and not be painful.
Even the weaker veering into Persona SMTs like 4 and Apocalypse aren't as obnoxious.
No one said anything about Americans, you Cred Forums manchild