>her face when you confess
Her face when you confess
I won't confess even if you threaten me with a comfy chair!
s3 never
>"We're finally getting married! I'm so happy! This is the best day of my life! I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together!"
>tfw it's too late
>her face when she thinks you're joking
gif version
Damn, every time.
Life as a poorfag while loving a rich girl is suffering
Wait, it got an anime now? How is it compared to the manga?
It's not terrible, the art style and facial expressions don't carry over much but Kyoani did a decent job of aiming for the same tone with the facial expressions it did use, and they moved some events around to involve plots from later on in the manga earlier, swapping in characters from the part the anime does cover in place of later characters like Rin.
It's worth a watch, but not the best adaption ever. It's how I found out about it at all, and I enjoyed it a shit ton without knowing about the manga on my first viewing
Silly user. She confessed to me first.
but what if you said no?
She would have made me her bitch anyway because I'm a giant pussy and she's an insane psychic that keeps deadly magic rats inside balls.
I have a feeling that most waifus are closet sociopaths anyways
And then you snapped out of your delusional state and apologized and declared that you loved some pompous slut who will never love you
In case you couldn't tell from my post, yes I still mad and a bit jelly
>Re:Zero ep 25 spoiler
I'll fucking slice you open and feed your intestines to you, that's who
>beta cuck male falling for the beta cuck female
makes sense
The plot moves really well and all of their interactions are believable of their character. Rem even knows Subaru is in love with Emilia and not her long before that talk. That's why she hasn't bothered to confess to him sooner and she refuses to run away with him. She knows where his heart lies. The whole "that's cruel to ask of someone you just rejected" was a joke, because she knew she'd be rejected once she woke him up from his delusional state.
lrn 2 pick gud waifus next time, remfag