I just finished re-watching this and now I don't really understand why so much hate about it? It's pretty decent anime. Drama is working, comic relieves are working, MC is old-school OP and enthusiastic. Graphic is good, music is OK, so why so much hate, Cred Forums ?
Other urls found in this thread:
I didn't care about any of the drama, the show wasn't funny and didn't have any creative jokes, Kirito is just boring, animation is good for some fights but drops down a lot other times, and music is standard Yuki Kajirua.
It's boring, characters were dull, and story wasn't written good.
I do agree that it gets more shit then it deserves, but it still deserves shit.
>this thread again
When will you kill yourself?
>Drama is working, comic relieves are working
It's average at best, but Cred Forums shits on it because a) it's popular with normalfags, b) shitting on it is/was a surefire way of fitting in, and c) shitposting
Now kill yourself
>MC is a literal hack and a cheater, destroying any and all narrative stakes
>90% of the cast is forgettable
>premise is distorted and broken due to lack of common sense and narrative stakes
>that fucking Fairy Dance arc
>everything during that moment when Yui died
>fucking final boss heathcliff forgot his entire reason for the biggest kidnapping in history
>the fact that VR doesn't work that way at all, especially when it was just the visors
And most importantly
>the very fact that literally everybody was a fucking retard who didn't know how to video game except of Kirito
Fuck off
>MC is a literal hack and a cheater, destroying any and all narrative stakes
I think that became the whole point later on.
you first
I dropped it episode seven or so. There wasn't any reason for me to be invested in it, every fight ended with "sugoi MC-sama you hit for a million damage, no one can touch you, you're a genius, good looking and have a big dick. I just love how you can spend a month under a tree sleeping and still be the highest ranked player of all time". I think the main turning point where I dropped the show was when he get ganked by a gang or something and only took one damage from everyone, the last part I remember is him making a sword out of dragon poop while the smith girl masturbated furiously to the thought of the MC killing everything in one hit.
Cred Forums hates it because it's the cool thing to hate. I don't particularly despites SAO, I just think it's incredibly mediocre and on the worse side of average. Let me explain why.
My main problem with this whole deal is that the first five or so episodes have an awesome set-up, but there's no pay-off. Klein looks like a totally bro-tier deuteragonist, but pretty much disappears after episode 2 and only occasionally pops up. Plot hooks are introduced and then dropped (the Christmas item that can supposedly revive people, the whole Laughing Coffin subplot, everyone hating Kirito for being a "beater" etc.), Kirito is collecting a harem despite having an established girlfriend whose pussy he filled with two years worth of semen as it made a glopping sound, Yui is just some creepy plot device to make Kiroto and Asuna parents without actually making them parents and worst of all the Aincrad arc has the worst pay-off ever. We have this cool and downright evil digital game of death, and what was the antagonists reason for doing so? "Lol iunno".
And then there's the second season, which is entirely shit. Most of all it's shit because it tries to depict the villain whose most evil deed was literally jacking off in the same room as an unconcious girl as somehow being more vile and more evil than the guy who killed literally thousands for reasons even he has forgotten about. Probably because, while objectively killing thousands, the only one who died and was important to Kirito is Sachi (yet another person who is never mentioned again until Accel World at least), but Asuna was personal for Kirito.
In other words, what offends me the most is not what Sword Art has become per se, but instead what it could have been. What promise it had in the first few episodes, despite its flaws. Had the anime ended with the Aincrad arc, my overall impression would be "meh, that was actually pretty good".
You first, shitlord
That doesn't make it any better. I actually liked Sao until he started prattling on about how much better than everyone he was
>writing all of this out
You know this is a bait thread right?
>second season
>tries to depict the villain whose most evil deed was literally jacking off in the same room as an unconcious girl as somehow being more vile and more evil
I think you meant second cour of S1
>I think the main turning point where I dropped the show was when he get ganked by a gang or something and only took one damage from everyone
SAO has many flaws, but this is just you being a retard. It was established that Kirito was many levels higher than those chumps and was only after them because they're Laughing Coffin and in the way of him helping his haremette du jour. Have you ever played a single MMORPG in your entire life? Do you know how overwhelming 20 levels or even 10 levels of difference can be? Given how MMORPGs work, it makes perfect sense for Kirito to recover more damage than those chumps could inflict. It'd be the same if Asuna or even Klein were in that situation, purely because of the raw difference in strength.
If you want to whine about bullshit, talk about how Kirito literally becomes Jesus at the end of Aincrad. Not about something that makes perfect sense in the established setting.
>until he started prattling on about how much better than everyone he was
When did this happen?
Go watch "mother's basement" videos on the matter. It explain it pretty well.
It's easily one of the most boring anime I've ever watched.
Opening is good at least, but everything about it feels really underwhelming compared to the hype I remember. I didn't hate it, I just couldn't bring myself to care.
>We have this cool and downright evil digital game of death, and what was the antagonists reason for doing so? "Lol iunno".
Welp, since I had an extremely high level of empathy, this thing is believable to me.
>Christmas item that can supposedly revive people
I enjoyed this episode, really.
>Have you ever played a single MMORPG in your entire life?
Why on earth would you do that?
>Graphic is good
You got it right, it's unremarkable through and through. The only reason to 'hate on' SAO is the same reason teenagers hate on transformers or whatever popular mainstream stuff because they think it makes them look different/clever. Hipsters basically.
If SAO is the worst thing you've ever seen, that says more about how little you've seen as opposed to anything at all about SAO's quality.
Silica best girl.
The characters are real bad. The first half of the first season is bearable, due to action and shit, but the second half is just teen drama.
>I enjoyed this episode, really.
Yeah, me too. It's one of the few episodes where it actually feels something's at stake, it's just that Kirito never again references what happened then even though it appeared quite impactful.
Also, that item her gave to Klein never comes up again. Not even Klein offhandedly commenting "that item you gave me? Didn't work, was a myth". At least that'd give a resolution to an item so powerful that there'd be no reason not to use it. You could of course say that someone was revived (or not) off-screen, but not including this vital information on an item that could potentially change the otherwise set-in-stone rules is either lazy or forgetful.
But purely in isolation, that episode was probably one of the better ones. Which probably makes it even more painful that it appears to have zero impact on the rest of the arc or even overall story.
It's not that bad, there's worse shit airing every season, but the whole normalfag audience made it specially hate-able.
>If you want to whine about bullshit, talk about how Kirito literally becomes Jesus at the end of Aincrad. Not about something that makes perfect sense in the established setting.
Here's the thing though. I dropped it because from my point of view it was just going to be about how amazing a single character is, dropping a show because it clearly lacks tension in anything it does because "MC is so stongo" played completely straight doesn't interest me in the slightest. There was nothing else to keep me roped in, I didn't like the characters, I don't like harems, what reason would I care to watch it if the show can't even keep me entertained? It's a perfectly valid reason to drop a show and I've seen other people comment on the same thing, they dropped it because when every encounter is pointless and unmemorable it's just boring.
Literally episode 2
Alright, fair enough. You have a point there. It's not only that Kirito himself wasn't in danger, the little girl he was protecting was never in danger either. If she were actually at risk of befalling any harm, there could be tension while still keeping Kirito OP.
This is far more credit than I'd care to give the writer for actually intentionally doing this; but I that all is actually a pretty funny and interesting as well as accurate narrative describing game plots. The MC is overpowered, everyone will want to marry him, everyone will look to him for guidance etc... Just think for a moment if they ever made an Elder Scrolls anime; that MC would make kirito look like an underachiever easily.This is quite accurate of the type of importance placed on the MC in the narrative in actual games.
I mainly noticed this when I tried Hollow Fragment recently, and was expecting to cringe at the waifu dialogue parts where everyone is fawning over kirito but found myself chuckling instead saying hmmm... this is actually pretty familiar.
I'm pretty sure this isn't what they're actually going to do; but imagine if they ended SAO the franchise with it was ALL a game; sao, alo, ggo, the 'real world' and supporting cast as well, and kirito's some 30 year old fat dude playing the newest single player VRPG "Savior of the virtual world" and everyone else was NPCs.
Don't listen to these haters OP. I thought the show was decent, and the first half of season 1 was near perfect. After the first half of season 1, I mostly only watched it for the characters. Also Asuna is best girl.
Enjoy your zero development pedo bait/ backup waifu #231.
Difference in taste, there is only tension in the few scenes where Kirito actually fights equal opponents and then the opponents lose through pure bullshit.
[glops endlessly]
Watched for the characters?
That is rich, Asuna turns into helpless damsel in distress / tentacle fodder.
Agil and Klein the other male characters hardly get any screen time.
The rest of Kirito's harem don't go through much development in their also limited screen time.
If you have a main character you should make them change, especially if they are placed in a death game for two years.
And Kirito gets shit development, he is the same throughout the whole series and he just presses 'x' to save waifu and presses 'y' to charm waifu.
>pedo bait
it says 18 right there nigger
So you are offended at pedo bait but not at zero development backup waifu?
look brah, you've obviously put much more thought into this than I have. Which is exactly the point I'm trying to make.
You're overanalyzing the equivalent of a trendy blockbuster.
If you refer to my earlier post, you'll see the reference I made to criticizing transformers; which is basically exactly what you're doing. SAO does not deserve to be analyzed at anything beyond a surface level. This kind of flavor of the season/year happens all the time. When you go and overanalyze one of these, it just makes it painfully apparent that this is either the first cycle you have observed (making you new to the topic and discrediting anything you say immediately afterwards) or you're some kind of fuckin weirdo who gets off on critiquing these kinds of things.
Like when you hear someone talking about in great detail and providing arguments about why Honey boo boo or the jersey shore is a shitty television show; does that make them look clever? Or that that make it look like they're trying painfully hard to LOOK clever by beating a long dead horse and thinking that they are "bravely proclaiming" some unspoken truth (which was in reality widely acknowledged at deemed not worth discussing)
>I just finished re-watching this and now I don't really understand why so much hate about it? It's pretty decent anime. Drama is working, comic relieves are working, MC is old-school OP and enthusiastic. Graphic is good, music is OK, so why so much hate, Cred Forums ?
Stupid Idiot why you ´re shit
Are you posting that picture intentionally? Just asking, because it'd make your entire spiel extremely ironic. Not that I don't agree with it.
Oh, I know that's chiho, just they look similar enough and some people might not know they're not the same character. Also I made the mistake from thumbnails once before posting that picture so now I do it all the time partially to see if anyone notices.
Well, you got me. I couldn't resist finding out if you knew better.
>started prattling on about how much better than everyone he was
Did you even watch SAO properly? He did it on purpose so the other beta testers would be saved from discrimination and ridicule.
>One of the better threads on the board right now is an SAO thread.
What happened Cred Forums
I'm still bitter after all these years
And while that did happen, the main takeaway is that he's literally better than everybody else. He saved them from ridicule by exclaiming he was the best player in the world, and the series rolls with that, making him literally a cheater and a hacker. Him trying to hide it just got people killed, when we all know any gamer with a brain would want that kind of overpowered skill on their team, ostracized or not. Every other player was a dumbass for treating the beta testers the way they did, and there is no excuse for how kirito honestly thought people wouldn't want him around, when anyone with common sense, which is something the characters all lacked, would kill to have him on their side
SAO Abridged is pretty damn good, I'd watch a full two seasons of that
i don't know either . it has 10/10 girls even better than re;zero's girls
This was the strongest episode in this series.
Y u heff 2 post her? ;_;
>and the first half of season 1 was near perfect
>I mostly only watched it for the characters.
sao 2's ending was rushed and complete aids
I will post Sachi in every SAO thread until I die. To remind everyone of the only character who actually had the potential to grow throughout the series.
>Getting through the second half of the first season and not cringing the whole way through
Congrats, you are officially pathetic, otaku scum and are a representation of everything that's wrong with anime today!
Only likable characters were the headband guy and the black dude.
Everything else I couldn't give less of a shit about.
This. The first half was cool, then they went to that lakeside house and adopted that stupid girl. Everything went to shit after that including the 2nd season.
>implying Kirito and Asuna's romance wasn't the greatest part of the show
Klein looked like he was going to end up an absolute powerhouse in episode 1, and he should've. But no, he ended up existing just to make Kirito look better in contrast.
not enough Sinon
Can we all agree that the show was ok/inoffensive up to the point they "adopted" yui? That was the jumping the shark moment; either the adoption itself, or the part where they discovered she was an AI and haxed her into an item; or possibly that entire sequence was a slow-mo shark jump.Yeah it kind of went to total shit after that. I'll say there were a few cute bits with the incest cocktease in ALO, but S2 was more or less objectively bad across the board with it being restaurant conversations, shameless reskinned rehashes, and innane sub (and main) plots toward the second half.
I'm not saying the first half of the first season was great, but I think we can all agree that it was inoffensive and reasonably entertaining up until Yui and onwards where it got progressively worse. I mean not like absolutely terrible, lord knows I;ve seen and dropped worse. But it was OK; it was average to above average, it looked like it had potential to get better, or at least finish on a similar note. But then Yui came in, and then it just got for lack of a better word boring. Basically they used all of their interesting concepts and moment and materials up to that point, and then began poorly executed new forays as well as rehash attempts following that point.
Post Sinon ass and thighs
Guys. fuckin guys, listen to this.
WHat if like one day, since it's all relatively possibly that WE see this shit in our lifetimes, they actually make some kind of "full dive" neural interface or whatever recreational electronics that ARE mass proliferated, and they make an actual SAO game, based on the framchise etc... and the actual head of the project is some nutcase and/or fanboy and ACTUALLY traps people inside till the death or beating the game
I would legit laugh my dick off
Idk man I unironically love the first 3 episodes.
The rest is meh.
>But no, he ended up existing just to make Kirito look better in contrast.
You completely misunderstood that character.
Also, if SAO is mediocre, how ReZero got all this attention? SAO at least had ending and waifu which is not a fucking doll.