What prevent hentai manga to sell well and become popular as mainstream anime/manga.
Many manga snd anime are already basically censored hentai (see love-ru darkness).
Why not making this kind of series with explicit sex?
What prevent hentai manga to sell well and become popular as mainstream anime/manga
Other urls found in this thread:
Not to mention that lots of anime/manga come from hentai VN to begin with.
Isn't annoying when all the sex is cut out to make it mainstream?
>Mainstream audience: Kids + Teens + Adults
>Hentai audience: Teens + Adults
OP is a faggot.
>adaptation confirmed
I really hope they can do it justice
Because it's porn? There's a lot of seinen with lots of sex out there.
>I really hope they can do it justice
You're too optimistic. Loli ecchi alone is a big nono for television and that's like 30% of the first half.
>Loli ecchi alone is a big nono for television
What about Prisma Illya? I haven't seen it, but isn't most of that show considered loli ecchi?
>Hentai audience: Adults
>teens don't wank
No, teens wank, but teens don't buy 18+ magazines legally.
You know is like the "click enter only if you're 18 or older" button on porn sites, right?
Tsugumomo designs are very similar to Watanabe's. Monogatari specially.
I don't see what you're seeing.
I do.
If you buy digitally, sure, but then that requires either parental consent or a method of payment and receipt that escapes the parents' notice. If you buy physically then I have to assume that the storekeeper is legally required to check.
This mangaka have a thing for bathroom fanservice.
I really have no idea
>Mainstream audience: Kids + Teens
>Hentai audience: Teens
Many kids have prepaid credit cards for steam shopping or things like that. And i wonder if japanese vendors are so strict.
They won't buy the manga so they're irrelevant
>82 chapters ago
Fucked up a quote.
Delete this picture
>Many kids have prepaid credit cards for steam shopping or things like that
Do they really? Maybe I'm just out of touch. I'm not even a wizard yet, fuck.
Is something wrong?
First day?
Because it's uncouth and japanese teens have significantly less testosterone compared to other nations.
I think is common enough nowaday.
For a reason or another everyone have their online expenses. So having a rechargeable credit card is handy.
This mangaka is great at drawing fit women, shame the manga is lacking in them. Glad mom is back to fill the quota though.
The relationship Araragi has with Shinobu is already very similar to Kiriha and Kazuya, except Araragi is more alpha.
TMS is going to adapt it for sure but it would've worked perfectly with SHAFT and Kizu-tier quality.
There isn't really any loli nudity in Prisma, just in like two or three episodes. And it isn't full frontal like Tsugumomo is.
Can't they just censor it in the TV release and have it uncensored in the BD?
Another reason why SHAFT would've been perfect.
They could, but that sort of shit is a huge factor in why most Tsugumomo fans DON'T want to see it animated.
I didn't really watch Monogatari past Nise, but like I said about Prisma it really only had one episode with a nude loli. Meanwhile bathroom scenes are a fucking staple of Tsugumomo and happen very often.
And one of the defining moments of Tsugumomo for me was one of the early bathroom scenes where Kiriha have Kazuya a handjob JUST OFFPANEL as a reward for actually learning something from one of her lectures. That is significantly raunchier than the bathroom scenes in Monogatari.
>Kiriha have Kazuya a handjob JUST OFFPANEL as a reward for actually learning something
One very small panel and it's done very comedic, there are worse things in Tsugumomo. This is very tame and I don't think it would get censored.
>what prevents porn to sell well
Gee sherlock I don't know
The size of the panel might matter in manga form but it's irrelevant when animated.
Because buying hentai makes you feel and look like a degenerate
As long as the adaptation itself is good I personally don't see the problem in paying for an uncensored BD release
No it's not you dumb shit. Smaller panels correlate to less time on screen. That shot could easily be 2 seconds long.
I mean there is lots of near to porn anyway.
I don't think buying a volume of tsugumomo is much more embarassing than one of any other hentai manga.
There is tons of ecchi that are not considered full porn exclusively cause you cannot see the explicit sexual act. Putting the dick inside the vagina and show it make really so much difference.
To me look like many mainstream manga/anime are already porn from every way you look at them. Is just that the sex happen by "accident".
What godly thing is this?
A manga that demonstrates that you don't have to sacrifice a compelling story and characters to wallow in gloriously-drawn fanservice.
>that obaasan
My Google-fu is failing me senpai
>sacrifice a compelling story and characters
>sacrifice characters
So you're also confused as to why Western 3D porn isn't as big as Game of Thrones, or what?
How new are you?
Not what I meant. I meant that the characters were interesting, not just bland personalities with tits like some other ecchi manga do.
I know I was just shitposting
holy crap so is this kind of stuff a usual thing in this manga or is it one of the more rare pages?
Rare. Not worth it for the lewd.
>love-ru darkness
>basically censored hentai
you're retarded, huh
Even Tsugumomo isn't "basically censored hentai". The series that ARE basically censored hentai, such as Aki Sora, Itokoi Chidori, or Imouto Paradise 2 are in fact just censored pornography and they're usually total flops. It's rare that thinly veiled porn sells well, probably because it's porn
It's like one per 50 chapters thing, not worth it
Any one know the anime from this pic?
It use to be an occasional thing. It's a bit more common, and more explicit, in later chapters.
Nice facebook image buddy. I think it's form Boku no Pico.
Tomodachi wa Mahou
>My Google-fu is failing me senpai
Yosuga no sora, her character really cuts loose toward the second half
Used goods
Took you that long?
I already knew she was a slut, but the point is specifically states she fucked some dude in the past.
Mahou Sensou
thats the first and only fanservice scene, dont go to those threads
Dance in the vampire Bund has fully frontal loli ecchi. That shit exists, but it's pretty rare
when you're a teen you don't need hentai to wank
you can literally stare at a hole in a wall and let your imagination lead you
things get tougher when you get to 30 and nothing satisfies your kinks anymore
oh man, I just realized I haven't jerked off blind for maybe 15 years now.
What? Why? I jerk off blind every night, and have done so for the last 15 years at least.
You're missing out, man. Let your imagination run wild.
>80+ y.o.
And that's why we can't have nice things.
>not realizing google doesn't produce the same results for everyone
Apparently you're not very bright.
>blotting out any and all indicative text to deny user the source
Damn son, could you be any more anal-retentive?
>fully frontal
Yeah, not anatomically correct.
Use Yandex then, it doesn't shitting with "personal" results.
Please show me what you see when you google search it. You're probably googling the thumbnail like an idiot.
>>blotting out any and all indicative text to deny user the source
but manga name can clearly been seen on the screenshot
Not , but when I google the full-size picture the only result I get is a thread from February. However, even if it's moonrunes, the name of the manga is on the screenshot.
I'm not the one asking, you simple-minded lowlife.
Not everyone can into moonrunes.
AssClass Season 2. One of the assassins has a mindbreak power.
You really should learn kana at least. Here nice trainer
Set ON on one row an type it 100-200 times, then set another other, etc., then choose two rows, three rows, and until you can type everything without much errors both for hiragana and katakana.
Milk Money
>Not everyone can into moonrunes
>is a user in a gook painting forum
>cant even read kana
is not my fault people are this retarded user
>memorize hanakana
>memorize katakana
>dont know what they mean
>can read names
You sure about that?
hiragana, fuck me, whats the best way to learn kanji?? ive been using this practice app for the most part, but its just basic shit, and no grammer
>Set ON on one row an type it 100-200 times
Dangit Romper
>fully frontal loli ecchi
I don't know if it's the best way to learn kanji and grammar because I never really looked at it, but there might be something for you at the url in the OP of the DJT.
If you only want the meaning of a kanji, you can use google translate to write it, and go look it up on the Wiktionary.
I haven't seen Illya, but I've seen gifs of 2 girls (1 is illya) going full on sexual kissing scene. Like, fully intended to be sexual, which imo, is a lot worse than seeing 2 naked little girls which isn't sexual to me, because they're just little girls.
What are you talking about, when I was a teen, I couldn't masturbate without anything to work with a week after I discovered masturbation.
Danglin Ropeman 3: The return of ropeman
That's an OVA. It never aired on TV, and it wasn't based on anything in the manga. If we look at the naked loli scenes in the manga, we have:
>Ilya's bath scene in the first chapter of the manga
>Ilya's bath with Iri late in the first series, which was cut from the anime entirely
>The bath scene in the middle of 2wei where we finally learn what Kuro is
>Hot spring chapter fairly early in 3rei
>Brief bath scene with Ilya and Kuro right before Shirou's flashback that the anime hasn't gotten to yet
Of these, only the last one is particularly raunchy, and it's also the shortest one. Though I guess Ilya did kiss a naked Kuro in the 2wei one.
The user you quoted is probably over 18 years old, unlike you.
Can I get some source on that? Managed to find another work by the same artist, but not this specifically.
I'm 32 years old. I've been jerking off since most people were born. I happen to be an expert on this subject.
Imagination is superior to all other forms of jerk off material.
>Managed to find another work by the same artist, but not this specifically.
stop liying user
What a sad life you must have
The same thing that most of the manga pages in this thread are from.
>anyone who jerks off must have a sad life
Sure thing, kiddo.
>has jerked off EVERY NIGHT for the past >=15 years
Nice straw man though
Jerking off is the best sedative.
>32 and refers to people over the internet as kiddos
You can't fall asleep without jerking off?
>can read names
names are most often written in kanji
Aren't female first names usually written in hiragana though?
I mean, besides the odd -子 and full-kanji name.