Who's the hottest mom of anime/manga?
Who's the hottest mom of anime/manga?
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I think you misread OP
Moa Mama was moe.
I think you misread the manga
>went from being a cutie to a babe
>married someone close to her heart
>gave birth to a daughter
>plays pranks on her daughter like booby trapping the snacks to teach values
>lives a happy family life
Tough one so here's two.
loli moms are the best
was it NTR?
I vote fuyumin's okaasan
She agrees. Don't bother her about it.
Fuck off.
that's a spicy meatball
The things I would do to her.
>hello newfags
The sluttiest
mad little cuckboi?
Not him, but leave the faggotspeak on /soc/ please.
the only answer
>Not him, b-but
lol take a look at this little cuckboi
First post always best post
gets me rock hard
The best is yet to come.
Is that Sucys Mom?
Imagine the Frank meme but with that smile, it's all I see.
future Tomoko
hmanga when
babies actually don't mind being carried like this.
>inb4 ew naruto
forgot pic
naruto x hinata x daughter H-manga when
>the mother is an older, even hotter version of the daughter
I love this.
>season 2 never ever
>not even the hottest mom in the show
You're aware that's one of the animator dudes wearing a garterbelt right?
I am ok with this
Yes, and?
Implying bois not have the best legs.
mam cat, of course.
Why are bad mothers so hot?
Yuri-san isn't a mother
She's an adoptive mother.
Nio doesn't see her as a mother
best mom with best daughter
For a while, the hottest mom
Also a completely inaccurate scene.
someone post the flying witch moms
Yeah, the director had a thing about melting eyes. According to the Hiroshima museum, your skin would fall off but your eyes wouldn't "melt"
I wonder if Haga Yui has cheered up yet, her new manga isn't doing any good and was on hiatus for a while.
Her son helped her be the hottest mom in the city.
Yours lel
Good taste
Back seat>Front
Came here to post this
>Son and half-sister get mom all hot
She's hotter after she dies the first time.
Came to post her.
Good job.
Who wouldn't want to be inside her?
>but right one isn't a mom!
That can be solved.
Sorry she's so late.
Comin' through.
To bad she's in the dungeon for life now...
She's got it goin' on.
more of her please
She's not a mom though?
Do you think she understands the gravity of what Yugi has achieved or is she just "oh you kids and your card games"?
ill make her one
There's a manga about a son in law that moves into his wife's family's house and all the females have enormous tits.
Can anyone name manga for me? The mom is constantly trying to throw her tits on the guy.
you da man
no plz
>the hottest
You can't go wrong with either.
I wish she was more involved in the story.
K.K. is kute.
Every single fiber of my WANT!
Ha, it doesn't work anymore, I'm completely dead inside now.
I got you senpai.
Cute milfs doing cute things anime when?
He's got some lovely legs.
Can I try to WAKE YOU UP?
Lelouch having good taste in women and shows for once.
Is it really? That's hilarious.
That jealous son tho
Hot dayum.
>literally the embodyment of love and compassion
>no one has posted her yet
Shinji doesn't.
Pegasus and Chrysaor.
No one's posted her yet?
>you will never be a mom and have an uncoditional love for your child
>you'll never be the ultimate safe haven for your children
Dunno if the worst Cesarean in the world should count though.
Thread is pointless beyond this point.
not her mom
Can moms love other moms?
I once showed this to some classmates in college.
I fucked up so bad. I'll never show my powerlevel publicly again.
>Six kids
>over 50
>still hot
Literally hottest too, being the damiakaicho of Hell!
Reminder she wanted to /ss/ her son.
Very good choice.
Did it first, still good taste though.
Well that's indeed one ass kicking mom for sure.
Those lips always turn me off for some reason
Was gonna post Fluffymom from GuP, but you convinced me.
it upsets me that it took that long for someone to post this
>no Rinko
yup, Cred Forums is kill
>that cheerleading chapter
What was going through your head user?
>for some reason
>Reminder she wanted to /ss/ her son.
Better than him fucking his sister.
Look again
this manga would be so much more appealing if there wasn't any weird pervert shit.
why is that?
>lol didn't read
Mama Miia.
Ragyo burns in hell, I'm sure that she is pretty hot right now.
Oh yes.
I was about to say
Probably this if we're talking "hot" moms. I like cute moms.
Obama is probably a weeb. He knows Hiroshima and Nagasaki are pretty much the reason anime exists.
it sets a different tone entirely. A conflict between seriousness and horniness/disgust
How about best moms?
Does it get better than this?
who wins?
depens on whether if there's a flamethrower involved or not.
only half mom
This guy understands.
All mothers are WIN.
All mothers are LOVE.
All mothers are PERFECT.
>forgetting the ending of the show
single moms are disgusting. literally pump-n-dump tier.
Tippity top tier taste
I refer you to this
>transformations hinted at being life fiber powered.
>Mama badtouch can disable her coat with a snap of her fingers, mind slave her in seconds, then make her molest luluco while watching for her own enjoyment from the side.
Godspeed got no justice flame plot device to save her from the Discomilf.