Is it okay to make someone redundant at work and then when they're depressed and vulnerable, give them your phone number in an attempt to fuck them?
New Game
Only if you're a cute 2D lesbian.
I thought she was going to give her a recommendation and tell her to apply at that company.
Who would want to give Nene away to somebody else?
I want Aoba to teach me how to use Maya.
to help her :(
Will there be season 2?
There's a BD exclusive episode at least.
Which pantsu smell the lewdest?
You can't hide from me, faggot.
Everyone forgot about this already.
>Nene gets taken advantage of when she's feeling lonely and vulnerable
>Aoba takes advantage of people when they're alone and vulnerable
Do you think Nenecchi got shot?
Only in 2D realm
Nene is not black.
Everyone will forget about this entire show before the year is over, how does this make you feel
In before that photoshop of brown Nene
Yes, hello.
does that mean Ahogan is white now?
I will never forget.
It wouldn't be
>forgetting when you have aoba zoing at you everyday
How the fuck did Hajime not get sacked or at least penalised for spoling the story to a wide audience?
Rin should have given her a penalty.
Even Nene should have been told off, since even if she's no longer working for EJ, she still cannot reveal these things.
>big fan of moon ranger
>still pirates the movie
Hifumi is what's killing the industry
They made a visual novel OP for New Game!
No bully rule
Everyone forgot about this baka nurse/photographer/cop already.
Is she Kou's stalked or something?
Who even made this? It's clearly too white without any hint of pinkish skin. She's exactly like an albino. Or a corpse.
>Or a corpse.
She's a pale autistic programmer.
I wonder if there will be any of the spin-off content in it.
If there is anyone here who doesn't wish to crawl in there and snuggle with her, stand and be counted.
Aobalegs are delicious.
>Could have got a Hifumi backstory episode.
>Nah just give us Nenecchi.
you're right, if there was one thing they neglected to bring from the manga, it was definitely the Hifumi lore
Yeah, but who won the PS4s, though???
I'd much rather snuggle into Hajime
>no more nenecchi next week
Wake up, see this.
>they see your dick
I wish they had adapted Hotaru.
What are the cute SoLs for next season? Stella no Mahou and Raising Project?
She doesn't seem like the type desu.
Was there any Hifumi lore besides the Soujirou thing? I genuinely don't remember (partially because of the mind-numbingly boring flashback chapters.
No, I don't remember anything beyond that
that was the joke
Hajime legs are too lewd to be posted uncensored.
Hajime is probably the type who kicks off all the blankets while asleep and spreads her arms and legs out across the bed as much as possible, which makes Yun very angry.
I would like a nice flashback chapter that deals with Rin first meeting Kou and ultimately deciding that she wants to spend her first pay check on her.
Nene is utter shit and this episode sealed the deal.
Spoiled games on release day. Openingly ungrateful for a free gift.
At least she self aware of her shitty incompetence.
Probably Aoba, kids don't pay too much attention to their own private hygiene. They just start noticing it when they start fucking.
>anti-Nene shitposters gloss over Hajime's role in the spoiling of the ending, putting it all on Nene's shoulders
>even though it only held credibility because Hajime revealed she was on the staff (and said it as well)
Why am I not surprised.
I don't like Nenecchi but this part hit a bit close to home. To all you Nenecchis out there, make sure to ganbaruzoi!
I want to go to Red Lobster, order Aobalegs, and get a weird look from the waitress.
So what do they smell like?
The same people blame Nene for eating the pudding when Shizuku said there's treats for everyone and Hajime said she put them in the fridge.
This guy gets it.
Everybody makes mistakes. Nene just gets shit for it because of her voice.
Nene is "that guy" you want to avoid.
when did this become so lewd?
i want the aobutt
>you will never get aohugs
Why do I have to suffer?
>can't draw
>not smart
>not creative
>not cute 2d girl
Somebody hold me
You always have shit posting.
They're just jealous because they want to be a cute blue eyed blonde girl with nice boobs too.
When Aoba decided to just grab it without even asking. Just snatched it up like nobody's business.
Seriously, though... how does one so small get so... stacked? They never show it off or bring it up, but for being smaller than Aoba, she's certainly more "adult" in the chest area...
Hifumi is so fashionable in the end.
I hope she gets brain cancer and dies a slow painful death. She gets paid to play a game and she still manage to ruin everything, little shit
I want to sniff the aobutt.
Hygiene deficiencies (would there be any)? Bullying. No questions asked.
>he thinks QA is fun
Try doing it for a living and then try to come back and talk shit.
Won't lie, I kinda felt sympathetic to Nene at that moment. But at the end she got best girl's number so everything is fine.
It smells weird, like a strong accid smell.
It isn't good at all. I'm sure you would put it away very fast.
What on earth did I do wrong?!
Nothing I accidentally replied you. Sorry for the scare user.
I'm genuinely curious, how is it?
Who is the cutie at the reception desk?
Oh dear... look what you and the gentle version of the truth have done.
Unless you're autistic, redoing the same things over and over again is extremely tedious.
Christina the Producer.
When you QA a game, you have to replay the same sections over and over again, trying all sorts of different things. The game's often buggy so you'll often run into trouble while playing and you have to see if you can figure out what causes the bug and then write a report on it.
So it's like playing No Man's Sky
Someone post the webm with Rin telling Aoba and Hifumin about how cool Kou is but everything is replaced with mom and dad pls.
Oh her. Well I am glad the manga is being translated.
I'm a developer and each dev team has one QA. We all test our stuff as we develop, by creating automated tests and stuff.
Our QA's job is to run our tests to make sure every feature is workign as expected every now and then, create new test cases by exploring all possible scenarios.
It's the most boring job on Earth. If only he knew how to code, he could help us create some automated testing tools, which is also a very boring thing to do, but at least a little bit better in terms of challenge and reward.
Poor Aoba. I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to comment on your discharges.
ssshhh... don't tell anyone. Also I got rid of some typos, but I still left one there.
It can't be helped.
That is adorable.
Anyone got a shot of the eye catch in the last episode? Hifumi was well dressed in it.
Aoba being Rin's light purple haired "daughter" is really cute. I wish they get some more moments together like in the train where she acts motherly.
>tfw the author is making Rin crazier each volume instead of motherly
Damn it.
>the author is making Rin crazier each volume instead of motherly
Why does Aoba have a pet porcupine statue in her room?
Hifumi is slowly taking over her mind.
>volume 3 had that NTRish ski trip
>volume 4 was Rin acting threatening because Kou was too friendly with Hifumi
Maybe it'll change in volume 6 though together with the introduction of the new character. Everyone else got nice development in volume 4 so it should be her turn next.
Author's avatar is a hedgehog/porcupine thing.
Dammit Hifumi, why are you making your pet write manga about your fantasy?
I just watched it
Are you also a cute girl? Are all your colleagues cute girls?
Hifumi in a pony tail? I will take one.
It's a plush, not a statue.
It is Ok, she is not black. Hands up don't shoot.
Threadly reminder that Nenechii acts the same way as Hajime, and yet only one of them gets called out for her bullshit.
Ok real fucking talk now, how the fuck can you nenefags stand thar ridiculously annoying voice of hers? I do can't comprehend what's so appealing about it, the design is decent enough to appeal to some pedos which i understand but what about the fucking voice, jesus fucking christ apply yourself.
typo -do not*
Well, the environment is pretty much the same. We talk a lot about our hobbies, like anime, games,random hackings, etc. We also have to spend the night at the office once every 2 months for scheduled maintenances and it can be fun if everything is going smoothly. But we are all fat beardy men. There are no women in IT. Sorry.
Imagine you're playing a game, and you get a little tired of it, so you get up to turn it off.
Somebody walks in to the room, grabs you, sits you back down and forces you to keep playing.
Now imagine this for 8+ hours daily without any freedom(in the sense of, here is your checklist, check these things X times each and tick them off)
Shit gets old and depressing REAL fast
You give up the right to be called human.
Hajime's armpits are my wife!
>But we are all fat beardy men. There are no women in IT. Sorry.
New Game+ when?
It's called New Game & Knuckles, and it'll be out never.
Can I combine it into the original to add Hotaru?
Speaking of the manga, do they have any intention of putting Rin on the volume cover? She really is long due.
Does it include Dante from the Devil May Cry series?
I will never forget about perfection.
What is with this mangaka and his fetish for murdering bears?
A bear shot his dog.
Bears are evil.
I'm used to it.
> Watched one of her previous shows
Actually I think the author gender-slipped the cast. The cast feels like neckbeards than cute girls to me, maybe except Yun.
Yun and Rin.
Although I'm not sure about Yun, she got even less screentime than the hedgehogfucker, so I can't know how much of a closet neckbeard she is.
> the cast
I mean, his ex-coworkers. sorry
I think that's true. No one would watch a show about... actually I would, it would be like nichibros at the office.
> Nichibros X SXS/NG
Fund it!
That's season 3
Is Doki just going to translate the entirety of volume 4 in one go? I'm fucking dying here!
so this.. is.. the power of PZ4
>I'm fucking dying here!
Where are you user? I'll send help right away.
It is running on a PZ3.
Also, Alt + I, you scrub.
I will only watch it with full necbeard cast.
Oh god, everything on this screenshot is so wrong.
By the way, when you compare to something equivalent like Hyper Dimension Neptune 1 doesn't look so bad.
just because of the windows media player? fuck off
Lots of high-tier smugs.
No, it's for google chrome.
my brother uses the botnet not me
Where are the Nene noises?
Gone forever until season 2.
I can't remember the last time an Anime scene actually made me laugh out loud.
hey girls don't mind me, I will just be off taking my gf home!
But Kou is my girlfriend.
My husband Kou is so handsome.
Nenecchi is still way more popular though.
>you'll never play fairies story 3 on PC with silky smooth 60 fps
>you'll never fuck hifumi in the ass while pulling her ponytail
Because Hajime has delicious armpits, legs and booty.
Its still a connection in the industry. If college goes well Nene could have a bright future making more money than Aoba!
You again? If you keep harassing Hifumin I'm going to have to call the cops on you.
But she already has a bright future as Umiko's sex toy.
Don't forget
do people always lecture each other in japan? or memecchi is just too retarded?
This was forshadowed in the manga. Nene is finding her career by accident just like Chinatsu did.
NEET detected
Can we stop this retarded meme already?
Oh look, Madoka and Homura have escaped and made it back to our reality.
I want to molest that goddess
I want to molest the lady at the desk instead.
A quarter of those aren't faces conveying smugness, retard.
You now realize that Hotaru, Kou, and Christine are the same design with three different hair styles to make them appear to be a jr high student, a college age woman and a Christmas cake.
The artist really loves that design. Also used it with different eye color for Moon Ranger.
I wanna have kids with this tomboyish goddess.
Why is she crying?
All her prospective husbands were taken by that slut Nenecchi.
I can feel the azeite dripping out of your computer
Is there a possibility Kou is secretly gloating and enjoying Aoba' s delicious tears?
The odds of being a brazilian is higher.
Nothing to zoi about
This is NOT ok.
I want to rub my penis against her armpits.
>she makes her own game in the future
>this means she learns to code
>learned to code a little, but forgot it all
>dumber than Nenecchi
There is no point.
No sad Aobas please. Only smiles.
Huh, so the final chapter of the prequel manga has a male character... He seems pretty gay though so I'm not sure that counts.
There is a guy in the manga though, and he IS gay.
His name is Hana-chan, and is the reason why there are hardly any males in Eagle Jump.
Think of him as a male Shizuku, but men were far less keen to put up with his antics.
>but men were far less keen to put up with his antics
There is no evidence to support this claim.
wouldn't it indicate if it was brazilian portuguese though
There's a page in which he's speaking with Shizuku, and complains about the lack of men in the company, to which Shizuku says it's his fault for getting too close to them.
It's been posted here like 3 times.
My wife Aoba is so cute.
No she is actually trying to hide the gun, not targeting armed people with it. That's usually the mistake idiots make.
You seem to be mistaken. Aoba is my wife. Your wife must be someone else.
Both of you are wrong. Aoba is my wife after all.
Unless you fags have a vagina, Aoba won't be your wife.
But we are all cute girls here.
>video game company made up of a majority of women
Keep hope!
Then I correct myself;
I can feel the scent of unwashed flip-flops worn for a week straight
>can't draw
>draws winning numbers
Is she retarded?
She wanted a PZ4
do you often browse the shithole that Cred Forums is?
imagine Cred Forums with flags
Keep your 3DPD to yourself, idiot.
Seek help.
Please translate.
No chance after volume 3. After volumes 2 to 4, I wouldn't be surprised if Kou already has adoption papers prepared with Aoba's name in it just in case.
>Kou is cute!
>Kou is cute!
>Cute cute cute!
>So cute!
>Consider the following
part 1
>samia dostia ari aditida tori adito madora
estia morita nari amitia sori arito asora semari aisi isola matola
>soribia doche irora amita samaria dose ifia mio lora fia sia adora samia dostia ari aditida tori adito madora
estia morita nari amitia sori arito asora semari aisi isola matola soribia doche irora amita
>samaria dose ifia mio lora fia sia adora
semari aisi isola matola soribia doche irora amita samaria dose ifia mio lora fia sia adora
Company decisions regarding money issues and advertisement screwed her over.
Behold, the face of evil. Just kidding, Christina a good girl.
Christina is cute and I want to kiss her on the cheek.
Rin please
Is that from Vol. 4?
Realistically, how good is Aoba as an artist now? Can she beat Kishida Mel or Redjuice?
She had a grasp of what human anatomy looks like in high school, unlike Kishida.
>Kishida "I can only draw 1 face" Mel
Oh I'm laughing.
she can grasp my human anatomy any time iykwim familia
This is what her most recent drawing was like. She's working hard but still feels pretty flat. The placement of the characters are just boring. Her choice of the theme hid the main selling point of the game which is "cute girl kills bear with scissors and wears their skin" by hiding the cuteness of the girl.
>create literal perfection
>not allowed to use it every time
What is this.
>cute girl kills bear with scissors and wears their skin
Only a mind as twisted as Aoba's could come up with such a horrifying and deceptively cute premise.
Kou may have had a hand on the "cute girl wielding scissors" part. She always uses a blonde character in every game and Aoba's line of thinking was headed somewhere else before they worked together. Wearing the skin of your defeated enemies was definitely Aoba's idea though.
Will you let Aoba skin and wear you?
I will if she pisses herself while wearing me.
Why is everyone here into bodily fluids?
>Peco spawns a shitton of furry fetish art on the web
>Aoba is permanently scarred
Cute girls have cute body excretions.
I wonder of the neckbeards of the New Game universe will call her an "Yagami Kou clone" and hate on her for her unoriginal, uninspired artstyle.
What would happen to Aoba in 10 years?
>that time when they worked together and Hazuki couldn't even tell if Yagami or Aoba did the drawing
And she's been using Yagami's art for 7 years.
She munches carpet to the top.
Married to Hifumi with 3 daughters.
>watch Re Zero for 2 seasons
> don't give a shit when it ends
>watch New Game and Sweetness and Lightning for a single season
>get depressed when they both end on the same day
Must be getting old.
Sometimes, the sweetness is all you need.
Shizuku obviously doesn't have the eye of an artist then, because in the latest chapter Momo the new graphic intern was able to see a difference in PECO's art compared to Fairies Story, while the programmer intern couldn't tell at all.
did anyone else think this show was going to be about aoba and hifumi only to have this whiny 6 six year old crybaby steal the show?
>Momo's an autistic Yagami-fangirl that can rival even Aoba's autism
>the sudden sad realization we didn't see that cute goddamn hedgehog in the final episode
i bet nenecchi is behind this!
Aoba must have the soft dexterous hands of an artist. Made for holding and kissing and taking on dates and buying sandwiches with.
Aoba's the straight man of the series compared to everyone else. Contrary to what all the zoi memes would have you believe, she is one of the least autistic character in the series.
>hifumi comes home to a dismembered soujirou
>she kills herself
>nenecchi now has both aoba and umiko to herself
BK confirmed better by Ahagon. BRfags BTFO
>Aoba's the straight man of the series compared to everyone else. Contrary to what all the zoi memes would have you believe, she is one of the least autistic character in the series.
That's not Yun.
I'd give Aoba a Dickium enema, if you guys catch my drift.
I meant her Yagami-autism but yeah, Aoba's not that autistic in every other aspect.
I want to _____ nenecchi!
Please elaborate
I don't understand.
Don't suppose anyone can point me to the chapter raws after vol 5?
My usual haunts don't have manga time stuff.
drink the pee of
steal Aoba from
Anything that gets you into Nene's pants is fine.
keep Ahagon as a sex doll together with my wife
Japanese police can't do shit.
What's wrong with this girl?
Send to Ubisoft
She's pure evil.
Outsource the job of
I'd sure be inconvenience if she peed into a bottle for me.
I'm evil?
I'd be inconvenienced if she sat on my face.
Get married to!
And then enjoy threesomes with Ahagon
bully the fans of
Where are all the male employees?
I work under their desks so they don't have to leave to pee.
Nonexistent. All the uploaders are in jail/hiding. No joke.
>wears the same goth attire in a professional work environment all year round
>anal about weight loss. Seriously believes just sitting in the heat can help promote weight loss.
>Not autistic
Taken care of. We can't have Kou falling in love with any of them now can we?
How come Aoba is still alive then?
Working under a literal faggot.
No seriously.
But Kou is my girlfriend.
We know, Rin.
She's daughter-zoned.
Not anymore
Haduki-san has an agreement with a gay coworker that he gets the men and she gets the girls.
whoa just noticed the air is flowing in both directions
But I'm Kou's boyfriend and I'm going to make her my wife.
People even joke about it.
what did they say? Im not a NEW GAME! topic regular.
user that's easy mode moonspeak.
Some guy joked about it here too but the japs also reacted the same. The gayness of the scene caused the wind to blow that way, even defying physics.
Lez no kaze
Lesbian wind
ahh I see, so it wasnt joked about in the anime itself, but rather on forums then.
The more I watch and read this the more depressed I get. What do I do?
This is why you chose Ange Vierge as AOTS. It still has an episode left.
I hope it ends with the meatbags dying.
When will the mangaka stop teasing us with pinups and start shipping Hifuba for real?
>pick up the manga before the anime airs
>think it's a Yagami and Aoba deal
>Yagami starts lezzing it with co-worker behind Aoba's back
>throws a jealous bitchfit because Aoba did better at her job
>still can't stop angsting about it chapters later
>the co-worker throws a bitchfit because Yagami is getting too close to Aoba
>everyone acts like a bitch
This is too 3DPD for me
You missed the part where the girls grew as characters, learn from their mistakes, made up and misunderstandings got resolved. It's what makes this fictional and 2D.
You're just supposed to think about sniffing their butts or drinking their pee.
I'm familiar with every chapter you're talking about, and have decided to confiscate the soap opera-colored glasses you read them through.
Do you guys really want to see that much Aoba walking over everyone's feelings to raise in rank in EJ, cucking Rin to make her quit, using Kou as a workslave and steal her ideas until she's useful then throw her away like a tissue, knocking Hazuki down the stairs to make her retire and take her position, then turn Fairies Stories 5 into a shitty phone game with microtransactions and Facebook integration, then finally hiring male workers?
If she hires me as her toilet, then yes.
You fags are going to change your waives again, since October is coming.
My waifu never changed. We're in an open fictional relationship.
Is Hifumi any less boring in the manga?
Starts getting better in volume 3 due to some Hazuki encouragement. Becomes a fun character in volume 4 when she interacts with the other characters like Yun, Kou and Rin.
I wish Hazuki would give me some encouragement.
>having seasonal waifus
So Hifumi stole all of Rin's goodness?
>not giving Nenecchi away to a rival company
No, Rin is still best dyke.
Kinda. Rin didn't get much development in volume 4 while everyone else did. Author went too hard on "crazy lesbian" for Rin while properly using Hifumi's awkwardness in her interactions with Yun and Kou. Hifumi's problem was that she didn't feel like a friend to the others until she opened up. Since Volume 3 fixed her confidence issues a bit, she actually feels like a friend to the cast. All she needs now is a chapter with Hajime and Ahagon.
Is there anything she didn't ruin? Fucking Memecchi.
>Dropping a show in the last episode
I really hope Rin gets the V.
Tomboy did just as much and earlier mentioned that she was staff thus cementing her credibility. The blame alone doesn't stay with Nene. Besides the game was spoiled because someone who got an early copy spoiled it on twitter. Don't try to pin everything on Nenecchi.
My opinion of game developers dropped even further after watching this.
To boot, the trailer was telling as fuck and likely had cemented that as speculation before release.
I want to pin my everything on Nenecchi.
Because most of them aren't cute girls.
>2 weeks away from Stella
I'm ready
>not dropping a show every week
No bullying allowed
How should we punish her?
I want to see Nenecchi in a wedding dress.
Reduce her sitting capabilities tremendously.
I want to hug Nene!
Not in this year atleast
Hifumi x Aoba is endgame.
It's just that the manga is going to go on for another 8 years, so you have to be patient.
You mean the PZ4s?
>fags blame Nenecchi for spoiling the game on launch
>when irl games get spoiled during the paid beta months before the release
Why is Nenecchi so naughty, and how can she be stopped?
Mating press.
Call Ahagon
You saw the parrty. They invited everybody involved in the game, even Nene. And there was not a single male on the place. Truly an inclusive work enviroment and I'm glad dogakobo is thinking this way.
This show has so much doujin potential.
>Aoba dominating Hifumin
>Embarassed Kou-chan
Can't wait.
Please hold your breath until you get at least three of those translated.
>And there was not a single male on the place
There were several males, actually. You can go be a dumb tripfag somewhere else now.
Umiko raping Nene or vice versa?
Why not both?
Umiko seems way more dominant to me tho.
As if that's a problem.
The real hurdle is getting them scanned at all.
There were. Are you blind?
That's exactly where the rapee appeal lies.
>And there was not a single male on the place
what the hell
When's the wedding?
daughters can't marry their pseudo-fathers (female).
It's just a regular senpai/kohai relationship nothing more.
Why would Yagami marry an old hag like Rin when she can marry a middle schooler instead?
Flat-chested girls can't love flat-chested girls it's forbidden.
I'm sure Aoba's chest will fill our once she gets into high school.
VA-san is the cutest.
Never under Rin's watch
She's not Christina
I want to keep her company at the desk.
Japs are so fucking racist.
At the bare minimum they probably needed male voice actors to do the older male character's voice work. But if you read the manga, you'll see that they do have males working for Eagle Jump, just in different divisions.
>implying she needs you when she has Mozuku
>you'll see that they do have males working for Eagle Jump, just in different divisions.
You will never see them talking though
But I need her.
Who was she anyway?
Certainly not anyone important.
>manlet at the far right
The producer.
I have a feeling that cat is really old and is nearing death.
That's me
Oh come on, she's not THAT old.
We don't talk about that, user.
Reminder that hedgehogs live for roughly only 5 years.
>she acts awkward and wants you to leave
>you actually leave her
>look back at her table to see if she's okay
>that other girl is crawling out from under the table with a huge smile
only if nenechi
My nuts are hairy enough to be a hedgehog if Hifumi wants new ones.
When he dies, I'll be there to snatch up Hifumi in her emotionally vulnerable state.
How would Hifumi cope with this?
i am posting in this thread!!!
I could go for some chicken joy.
Only the most powerful race can understand.
Excessive amounts of alcohol.
Most likely Jack Daniels.
>Johnny dies
>then Sojiro dies in the manga
She gets drunk and rapes Aoba.
>She gets drunk and rapes Aoba.
In a hedgehog costume.
Locking Aoba in a small cage and feeding her cat food.
Why is Umiko so shit? She ruined the whole episode.
Kill yourself.
How do I get my own Aoba? Can I grow one?
First you must become 2D. You could try a steamroller. It worked on Judge Doom in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
Yeah she needs to respect Nene
You can get a girl, give her videogames and an art-school. She will grow to be an Aoba.
Gettin a girl is the hard part, though. Adoption is not an option.
Smug Ahagon.
Rapes Aoba
What the shit. You can't just change a character's hair color like that. How else am I supposed to know?
Why couldn't Hotarun been that one friend of Aocchi's to join Eagle Jump instead of Memecchi?
Who's the fat chick sitting across from Hajime?
Is she an extra or something?
Become a 2D lesbian
Are you thinking about someone else?
I thought it was a big balloon.
She's too busy kissing every girl in France.
Imagine if New Game was actually somewhat realistic and Aoba joined a game company full of dudes.
Why couldn't the entire show have been about Hotarun's cute adventures in a French art school?
Will she be culturally enriched?
Reverse harem nobody would watch
Who is Hotarun?
Aoba's boyfriend.
I assume that would be like this but in reverse
>culturally enriched
No one likes sluts. Except French people.
Lesbo sluts are cute and cool.
>change a character's hair color like that
Why is this lady always fondling Shizuku's pussy?
Fat pussy is irresistible.
Be honest, you would too if you could.
She likes fat wagamama body
That's Hifumi
Silly user,Hifumi is her girlfriend
Is this a new girl?
I think the cast is perfect already.
I don't know. Christina's design meets my taste in cute girls almost completely.
When will Haduki-san be slapped with a big fat sekuhara lawsuit?
I want her to sexually harass me, but I'm not a cute girl. Life sucks sometimes.
>implying the girls aren't all vetted so that she knows they'll like it and like working there too much
You can get sekuhara'd by Hana-chan.
But I'm not a cute guy either.
Why are you even alive then?
>You know all that overtime you filed, user-chan?
>I might've forgotten to file it...
>But the paperwork's in my office...
To drink and watch anime about cute girls that will never sekuhara me.
Gee, what a coincidence.
That's exactly what I'm doing right now.
>Hu hu hu
this looks really lewd.
I want to take Umiko on a night out drinking and invite her to spend the night at my place afterwards.
>Christina will never hold you like this and give you a reach-around.
>Christina will never give you a rimjob while jerking you off
She's Okinawan.
She'd drink you under the table, cracka.
You underestimate my skills gained as heavy British drinker. Plus if she does out drink me, I'm fine with her taking me back to her place instead to take care of me.
can britbongs even hold their liqour?
Think you can handle this, Nigel?
Can we all agree that Hajime is the best girl?
How to get my cat this fat?
She's the one I wanted to bone the most.
I think we're somewhat decent at it. The people I drink with are at least. Although I usually drink until I'm shit faced anyway.
There's no drink I won't try at least once.
eat out
under her desk, while she is debugging
It's the mandatory 2hu cameo in every vaguely vidya-related anime.
>I'm a blind and delusional /u/ namefag
>Soujiro and Mozuku will die in out lifetime
>Nenechi will live until 120
Nenecchi is eternal.
Granny edits for Nene when?
Can someone shop a pepe on Ahagon and a wojak on You?
I would still fuck Nenecchi even after she becomes an old hag and her giant tits sag so much that they reach her knees.
anime girl pussy elasticity remain the same even if they reach elderly age.
Will Nenecchi still dress like a kid when she hits 80?
T-there'll be a S2 right guys?
Best girl's innocence YUINED.
Why are these memes here po ?
I want to give Aoba a baby!
>Kissing a boy
That's Hifumi's job.
If I make it to 80 I promise I will wear orange overalls and say "hu hu hu" a lot with my hands on my hips.
Then I'll get Hifumi an aobaby.
Boys don't have stonking big tits
Snape kills Dumbledore
Sephiroth kills Sophia
persecute for breach of Non-Disclosure Agreement
Could Aoba give birth naturally without dying?
She's pointing right at us...
I bet your favorite character doesn't even have a kyurururu
I want to sexually sexualize hifumi, Cred Forums!
"Pesquisar na web ou no Windows"
>not br
inb4 another brazilian here
Try doing that pose. It isn't easy.
I want to be her bike seat
How would Hifumi react if Aoba asked her to show her her breasts for a model reference?
>Rin giving Kou a blowjob from under the desk to keep her awake and work late at night. Her pussy throbs achingly as she gets a face full of cum afterwards.
>Rin leaning back on the desk with her clothes dishevelled and her stockings half-removed, offering herself to Kou as a stress relief.
>Kou fucking Rin against the work desk raw and hard, both of their clothes still on, relieving her frustrations on/in Rin's lewd body.
>Rin becomes a wet, cum-stained writhing mess on Kou's desk, being cream pie'd over and over again by Kou's roughness, her pussy leaking semen onto Kou's paperwork.
>Kou just says fuck it and proceed to pound Rin's pussy through the night until they both fainted from pleasure and exhausted, falling asleep on each other without cleaning their clothes nor the table.
>Aoba walks in the office next morning to the sight of her mom and dad (female) sleeping on top of one another, their dishevelled shirts still instact but their lower half buck naked and sticky with bodily fluids, their desk, monitors, and paperwork soiled with half-dried up cum/pussy juice.
She would do it for money.
>Kissing a fat girl
I want to be inside Nene so fucking much. I don't even like her, but the things she does to my dick are unreal.
Doujins fucking when?
What the hell is that thing on her forehead?
I actually feel sorry for straight not bi/gay people who joined this company if two faggots are sorting the new employees like they want.
A giant pheromone patch. It helps attract cute girls.
ecchi sketchy
Nenecchi is responsible for 9/11.
fucking ruined
when I saw her lightsaber and (not)sailormoon wand she cemented herself as my waifu
To be fair, you go to work to work, not to find a romantic partner. Also, all the girls that Shizuku teases show signs of swinging the other way, and it's not impossible that she would stop being such to someone that strongly showed signs of being otherwise.
i recall a image that aoba goes to hifumi's house and hif shows her cosplays and stuff., yet i saw chapter 12 today and that never happened.
What a im missing here?
>police fleeing from naked man
Promo art.
if the order is a rabbit can get a s2, then this can too
Fuck, so she actually never invited her over?
the difference is gochiusa was good
doesnt matter if anime is good or not, its about sales
Only if you guess what's in the box.
Aoba pls, finish your sketches first.
Me. Waiting to pop out and FUCK Hifumi.
She'll have to watch as I PUMP Hifumi's LEWD body full of CUM
cut his balls off
He had a long and dangerous weapon in his possession.
Did they go to a love hotel after?
I thought japs weren't afraid of super weapons.
Nene felt a lot of recoil that night, that's for sure.
What is it about these girls that makes me want to fuck them all?
Ahagon fucked her in an alley since Nene got demoted to a low-class whore after getting fired.
the flying witch girl?