Re zero
Why don't you go to one of the existing threads instead of being an attention whore, faggot?
Why so mad, aniki?!
only one
>Where was Rem
there will be a second season though
Digibro @Digibrah 10m10 minutes ago
Finished Re:Zero. It was really boring and lame. I'd give it a 4.
haha no
Nope, official statemant was "Read the LN" so no S2
Can't wait for the contrarian nonsense video that'll show up in my "recommended 4U" queue on youtube for months.
>not clicking on 'not interested' first time around hearing his verbal diarrhea
white fox did ad this point literally show disinterest in making another season for this serie, they didn't want to put their face in it by giving us the "who's rem" ending ,then there is the title of ep 25 , the lack of a "probable continuation" , finally the "Read the Ln" statement was a certain way to say , "thank you but white fox and Re:zero friendship ends now"
not actually
keep in believing your shit then
here they literally say
"hey fucker! you liked that trash from whitefox?! well fuck we got something better after you buy all their shitty BD! The Re:life in another world from scratch LIGHT NOVEL! what are you waiting for!? if we don't make enought money in these 3 years with these 5 volumes we aren't going to to make up for the great loss that this shitty suggestion of Ikemoto ! hel... i mean Read the sequel of the anime! Please..."
I think each person should have their own Rem.
You are a good user
But they've made plenty of money. Even the anime made more than enough on its own to turn a profit.
fucking hated that ending. I get WHY they had to do that but its like they destroyed the whole mood of the show to give us a fucking generic "s2 unconfirmed" ending.
People can say whatever they want about the anime but it was one of the most "successful" this whole year with the JoJos and maybe some other crap I can't remember.
The LN sold a bunch, the author is going to hurry it since the story is years ahead as w web novel, and we get S2 in maybe a couple years.
This. I just wanted the MC to get shitted on one last time.
sufferingfags are the worst
He already has been, he just doesn't know it yet. He was giving Betelgeuse shit about how he fucked his waifu, but at the same time one of the other Archbishops fucked Subaru's #2 waifu.
What did you think you were watching? This shit is only as popular as it is because of the MC constantly getting fucked over by the use of shocking deaths that don't matter in the end.
Yes, but the anime only watchers won't know that which makes it disappointing as fuck.
It's nothing more than a flash in the pan. RE:Zero is proof that people are easily distracted by shiny things, but it has no staying power like other, better shows. It had a ton of hype while it was airing, but now that it's over most people will forget about it just as quickly.
kunka kunka
that's not my point
I just found this funny
I'm not opening this
lurk for 2 years before posting
>am I fitting in
who is this ?
Was awesome and peaked so hard around 15 then the quality of what was going on and animation fell so fucking hard I almost couldn't make it near the end. I was actually laughing out loud so hard at the end of 24 when they were flying through the air with the green background talking to eachother.
Also Betelguese was basically the most lazy ripoff of Gilles de Rais from Fate/Zero I've ever seen. More annoying and more useless though. And took over like 50% of the plot, amazing.
Fuck this show
as much as i think re zero only deserver score of 7 or 7.5 /10, digibro is trying too hard on this one, and just wait till his sperging fans spreading it as if its a gospel, fuck you
What do you expect them to say? "Nah it's cool don't bother with the LNs S2 is coming anyway"?
It's shit but digibro's opinion is worthless on anything that isn't SAO