A very happy birthday to an incredible mahou shoujo.
Sayaka Miki's Birthday
Other urls found in this thread:
bakas don't have birthdays
Literally true in this case since no one but Madoka has an official birthday. OP probably fell for one of the ones people have made up.
>literally home plates
Wide is love, wide is life.
She doesn't have a canon birthday OP.
justice muhfugga
I know, but I don't care. I just want to take today to appreciate her a bit because she's my favourite character in fiction.
Happy Birthday to best meguca!
Or whatever.
why today?
how about, tomorrow?
how about, 29th February?
SOL when
Never. Only suffering.
Happy Birthday Best Girl.
Drama cd 2 and 4. 2 Is mostly them hanging together at Mami's place and 4 is a beach special.
Also, happy false birthday, Sayaka-chan.
Just celebrate it on August 16, her VA's birthday.
Why does she get all the best fanart? Is it just a natural side effect of being best girl?
Well, I did not know it was her birthday but happy birthday anyway, Sayaka-chan!
What kind of monster would do this? Don't you hurt her, user, or you will have to face me.
I was sure her (unofficial) birthday was on March 9th though.
Sayaka has the lewdest costume and it is objectively true
Thought so.
Nah user it's 8th March if you think about Sayaka's day in japan
She has themes of water and music. There is a lot artists can do to make her art beautiful. Meanwhile the other characters do not have themes which translate so well into beautiful concepts.
Oh, I was very worried. I heard that all of the drinking water in Florida is radioactive now. Make sure you do not become a mutant, okay? Make sure to protect your little sister, too.
Any unofficial birthday is equally made-up and therefore equally valid
Really I don't see any reason not to celebrate her birthday every day
This is true.
That isn't her official costume though. She is not lewd in reality.
Take away that cape and she's just wearing a tube-top and mini-skirt. So yeah, pretty lews.
Fuck, I just remarked that her hair pin change for musical notes in her costume. How did I never see that?
It's really just a small detail.
They only added that for the recap movie and Rebellion, she had no hairclip when transformed in the series.
I want to lick her navel
Dayum son
I remember she showed a little bit of her asscheek in rebellion
I thought it was a double integral.
I was away from Cred Forums for so long, it feels refreshing to see a Sayaka thread up the moment I decide to browse Cred Forums again.
It's fortissimo you philistine
Calm down Buzzclaw.
I'm not Buzzclaw, you're Buzzclaw
I want to bully and hurt Sayaka
Stop talking about off-topic things.
Die slowly.
I want to protect her from bullies.
I stole the filename because it's funny
Me too lad.
I want Sayaka to protect me from bullies.
And she would.
The handsomest.
The cutest
It's been a long time since I've been on Cred Forums too user, but it feels great to be part of a Madoka thread again. Thanks for all the replies guys.
Sayaka is a very special character to me, for many reasons. A lot of those thoughts and words are lost now to the internet, but Sayaka is in many ways a snapshot of the person that I was 4 years ago. I shared her idealized vision of the world, of what it means to contribute to the common good of society, of the purity of selfless giving, of what it means to really love someone. And we shared each other's weaknesses and failings. We both shared that righteous, passionate anger, and the self-doubt that lays your intentions bare and threatens to break you at any moment. But Sayaka is also my inspiration, the kind of person I admire and wish I could be.
My favourite part the show is a quiet little scene in episode 2. It occurs before the show switches to high gear in episode 3 so it's an understated moment. I'm struck now by the irony and tragedy of it in the context of the rest of the show, but also in awe of Sayaka's gratefulness and humility. It's a feeling that I hope I'll never forget, and there are so many more reasons that I idolize her, but I only have space to choose one thing, so I want this to be it.
I feel that time has changed me in some ways since then. I have a job now, and have experienced the quiet dignity and self-confidence that comes with contributing to society. I've lost a lot of my passion in the last few years, both that anger but also that drive for what is right and just, as well as a good bit of my empathy. I remember when ISIS rolled into Iraq a couple years ago and beheaded James Foley, and I started to lose my faith in the good of humanity again. And I started hanging out with friends and family more and being more thankful for the wonderful life I have. No matter what happens, I never want to forget what she means to me.
Cheers, Sayaka. Happy Birthday.
> Madoka came out 4 fucking years ago
I have no idea why I always forget that fact. For some reason it still feels somewhat new to me even though I was just a senior in high school at the time.
Five and a half, actually.
Happy Birthday. Want your present?
It's not Kyouske's dick which is what we all know you really want.
More on topic, speaking of how I was in high school, I remember ordering the figmas as they came out and I got Sayaka the same day as prom. I made a joke about skipping to sit at home and play with toys to my mom and she started crying because she thought I was serious.
Good times.
>Sayaka's height range, according to the Production Note, is 158-160cm. Her birthday, blood type and other biographical information is unknown at this time.
Homura and Kyouko are kind of like that for me. They both lost important people to them and tried to cope with it in different ways. Homura never gave up on trying to turn back time and Kyouko just got angry at the world. They both had to deal with loneliness in their own ways. I have a lot of sympathy for them both.
Mami too a little bit but she never got much development within the series. I am really starting to appreciate her now though, especially reading The Different Story.
Happy birthday Sayaka-chan!
I just hope this glutinous pig doesn't ruin the party by eating all the cake or something like that. I don't know why anyone would even invite her in the first place.
what is this from?
Ume's dreams
Is ... this thread all copypasta? Is it the same poster? Why is this so civil on Cred Forums? Is this a mindfuck thread? It's definitely bait.
But here, have some Sayaka.
Interest in Madoka threads has diminished, so some of the common shitposters are elsewhere.
Don't tell anyone.
Yeah, I hate this redheaded girl but I'll put it on hold so this can be a nice thread.
We should be celebrating Sayaka's apparently unofficial birthday! What would you user's get her for a present?
In terms of lewdness,
She already has someone to protect her.
That's not her Apple.
Pumpkins are far more delicious
Says you.
I do say. Beauty is, after all, in the eye of the beholder.
Kyouko is the apple of Sayaka's eye.
Kyouko is the apple.
Don't worry, her gf would protect the cake for her at any cost
Homura's far too busy worrying over Madoka. Kyouko has all the time for Sayaka. She'd help her diet by eating the cake.
But how can you say that with such certainty? Which of us can claim to know true the workings of Sayaka's mind?
I will grant her a child as a birthday present.
HomuHomu's already got that covered.
HomuHomu is my daughter, I'll take care of Sayaka
Where have you been all this time? Looks like you've abandoned her to me, seeing you're never around.
You have no right calling her your daughter.
>Where have you been all this time?
Considering suicide
Well, it's no doubt that Kyouko means a lot more to Sayaka. She & Sayaka share a strong bond.
Sayaka is hostile towards Homura & does not trust her because she knows that she's a devil.
Indeed, but only within the timeframe we've been allowed to see. Who's to say the timeline presented to us is the "true" timeline? Who's to say that there is a "true" timeline? Only by realizing that in every moment, history may be divided into a plethora of different paths, any of which may be labelled "truth", may we come to any conclusion. Only when we realize the infinite mechanization of existence, realize that all is true, can we be at peace.
Tea, especially raspberry tea, is delicious.
It's a great flavor.
That's actually Kyouko in that image.
Her hair's black and the top of the shirt's purple. Or is there something I'm not seeing.
The artist drew scenarios where Sayaka was with an older Kyouko & the opossite.
Kyouko wore a sweater with purple on it.
Ah. Saw it on pixiv and went on looks. Thanks for telling me.
Now you won't look like a dense fuck using a KyouSaya image as HomuSaya bait.
Who said I'm baiting?
Sayaka is the ultimate power bottom.
She really is.
Colossal girls need colossal birthday parties.
Fuck yeah Happy Birthday Justice-chan.
Who decided to make it the 20th though?
If I pull that belly plug off, will she die?
I self-insert as Kyosuke and fap to her everyday
It's not official.
I know that feel, user. Sayaka is a perfect storm of relateability for me. Unrequited love (even if I did actually get with her in the end), crushed idealism, unrealistic personal standards. The disillusionment with how shitty the world is and how it works is real, as well as the disillusionment with your own imperfections and even bad sides. Dealing with those issues has been real tough for me. Grown out of it mostly, but not completely.
She deffo has a special place among my favorite characters.
Reminds me of that one doujin where they become size of the sun
I self-insert as Kyouko and get to have sex with her everyday.
Happy Birthday.
This is depressing.
>Thank you figure sculptor-san... This one in real is way more beautiful than in my unskilled photography so how about you (buying this figure)!!
>A : What about some low angle shots?!
>Ume : Of course I took I just didn't upload!!! (laugh)
Remember to bust a nut for Sayaka!
Almonds? Cashews?
Literally all the exact same person. It's !Akemi. And he is replying to himself to make it look like he an "excuse" to be spamming crack. Never in the history of forever has there been a person who's more pathetic than you, !Akemi. Never. You post canon pairs to try and false flag and make it look like no one has an issue with you shitting up this fandom constantly with crack cancer. But everyone can see through you because you're just so stupid and you do the same things over and over.
I like how you are so pathetically stupid belligerent and spiteful that you out right refuse to accept that you are wrong about anything ever. You have been told multiple times that image is Kyouko, not Homura. All you have to do is look at the artist's pixiv page. But you are literally so fucking insane that no amount of reasoning ever works on you.
As a birthday gift I shall masturbate to her at least 5 times today.
Happy birthday Sayaka!
Wow, you people must be like hundreds of years old despite only having existed for just a few years!
Happy birthday to the GROUND
But ok, new topic, can I have your autograph and also you tell me everything you all know about folk singing and I'll take your guitars too?
Concept movie BD soon
OK! Sounds lovely, just lovely. Planet Express Discount Prisoner Transfer, at your service!
For the record, I really just can't help but want to add that despite the fact that you obviously didn't take me seriously for a second, the mere fact that I even SAID things like "slightly cuckeder blue" about COMPLETELY unrelated subjects probably INEVITABLY caused you massive, massive problems that you actually had no choice but to attempt to actually solve.......
I would bake Sayaka a raspberry pie. It would be more fun if we spent the time making it together though.
Ume-sama is so adorable. I would like to give her a hug.
She is cute. I like the images like this where they are giant and are just doing cute things. I don't know why but that makes it cuter.
Reminder to ignore the mentally ill tripfagging pedo
user we are two of soul.
Two years ago I feel like I had that purity and innocence, but I ended up basing way too much of my sense of self on it. It'll never last, so when it finally did fade away I felt like I was missing a part of myself. Plugging the gap with jaded shitposting can only get you so far.
So, the point is, and SERIOUSLY shut up, the only people who ever really laugh at anyone are the ones who don't even know why they should just be crying instead
I think I understand. When you experience your first major hardship that makes the world seem like a worse place it can be tough. When things go from a happy, innocent place to something darker.
You do not have to be sad though. Just surround yourself with the people you love and care about. Even if the world can be cruel and careless you can always find support from the people who love you.
I will say that Madoka actually helped me with this a bit. I was used to watch the happy magical girl shows like Precure. Things never went wrong and everyone was fine at the end of the day. I wondered why my life had to be like this while they all got to be happy.
But then I saw Madoka and it acknowledged the darker parts of the world. I really needed that at the time. That is one reason that I care for these characters so much.
Why do you fill yourself with such hate, user? Is better to love, as Madoka intended.
Please don't harass the anti-crack-kun. Things are better for all of us then.
It's not so much realising the world is rough, I knew that well enough, but that I myself can be. I swear, I think about sex, I often think that unkind solutions are the best applicable. I just felt a lot kinder. I really try my best now, but the world likes to push back.
Oh. Yes, none of us are perfect. We will all make mistakes. That is why I think forgiveness and kindness are very good things to know.
You should try to practice mindfulness; try and be aware of all of your thoughts and actions. Each time you are about to do something, think something like "Is this something I should do? Would I want ____ to know I was doing this?" Insert whoever very important to you in that slot, like your sister, your mother, your father, maybe your future children or spouse. It may not do much a lot of the time but if you continue to be aware of yourself you can become a kinder person, if that is what you really want.
And in situations where you are unkind, always think of the stakes. Is whatever you are doing really worth it? What will you win by being unkind that you cannot win by being kind? I have found myself in so many silly situations where there is nothing to gain by continuing. Always try to keep that in mind.
I wouldn't give yourself such a hard time for thinking about sex or by swearing though. Those are hard for anyone to avoid except for asexual people who have taken a vow of silence.
happy birthday
Sayaka a qt
Sayaka day its on march 8, wait until next year
Every day is Sayaka day
SHSL good taste
pardon my fanboyism, Homura looked too similar to Sayaka in that moment
You are the one driven by irrational emotions, !Akemi. You are insane and think everyone is like you. You cause problems. You shit up the fandom. People do not want the fandom to be shit. It is only rational to want you to stop.
Relax, friend. There's no need for hostility here. Celebrate Sayaka day like the rest of us.
I didn't have th
Nah, there is need to tell you to kill yourself, because it's what would be best for everyone.
You don't even like Sayaka or any of the characters in Madoka. You are posting crack right now for the sole purpose of attacking people.
I accidentally post. Oh well.
Can Homufags fuck off, thank you.
>there is need to tell you to kill yourself, because it's what would be best for everyone.
That's a little drastic, don't you think?
>You don't even like Sayaka or any of the characters in Madoka. You are posting crack right now for the sole purpose of attacking people.
But I do like them. I'm posting crack because I like it, and this is a Sayaka thread.
Seriously, how did you grow up to be such a disgusting and bad person. It makes no sense why you act the way you do.
Homu is love, Homu is life.
I don't think you should be saying things like that, considering you're the one telling people to kill themselves.
it's cool m8, yours and this threads Sayakas are awesome. So many Sayakas I haven't saved in this thread
Sayaka a goddess
No, you are posting crack because you know there are people who are against it. And you will do anything and everything you can to spite and attack people.
You saying you like the characters does not mean you actually do. Because you not only lie, your actions directly contradict your words. Because when you like something, you appreciate it. And your actions are the exact opposite of you appreciating the characters, you shit on them constantly.
And drastic? No, you deserve worse, actually. Like slowly being lowered into a vat of acid. You are that bad a of a person.
divine sayaka best sayaka
You're the only one making it such a big deal. Maybe you're just overreacting.
Wanting you dead is only logical. You do nothing but attack people, you are worthless to everything and everyone, you cause damage to everything you touch, you are so inhumanly stupid that you are nothing but a waste of oxygen. There is no point in you being alive. Thus the best option is for you to be dead. That's how you improve the human condition.
>tfw years ago you posted a thread for you waifu's birthday and it went to shit because of shitposters.
Whatever you say, user.
At least there's a lot of her in this thread.
Don't worry, senpai. There will be a lot of Sayakas.
Daily reminder that Sayaka is straight
Sayaka a lewd
Old Sayaka A QT!
These comics are always amusing.
I like this
Not my favorite, but I don't particularly hate this.
She is cute, but I think she is cuter as young girl, don't you think?
Underrated ship desu and the only one that's actually halfway canon
No, I think older Sayaka is cuter. I want to take older Sayaka on a date!
There's no such thing as "half-canon" it's either not or is. In this case, not.
It's fine though, Sayaka literally can't have a happy ending with him as a love interest.
Well, I guess it makes more sense to like older Sayaka if you are interested in her romantically. To me she is one of the childhood friend types, so I like her at her current age.
Although this is really cute. I like the image with the young Kyouko, too, but I don't have that one saved any more.
I say half canon because it's canon that she liked Kyosuke, but he didn't like her back.
Sad to say I don't have that. Will post one day if I come across it.
I'm sorry
a top qt
I found it by looking in the archives. No one interpret this image as crack, okay? I am posting it because it has a cute child Kyouko in it.
>detected a possible malicious code in image file
Link to part of comic I stopped on if anyone's interested. Before anyone says anything, the site has good non-lewd stuff too. Don't judge me.
kid kyouko best kyouko
This also isn't crack
Happy birthday Sayaka-chan!
You can take a screenshot of the image so you do not have to save it, right? That way you could continue.
She is adorable. There are a lot of images of young Sayaka and Madoka but not a whole lot with young Kyouko.
>/c/-tier Sayaka thread on Cred Forums
This thread is already infested by tripfags. Time to leave.
She's going to make Madoka her wife!
>no fun allowed
I hope you realize that changing your file names doesn't make it any less obvious who you are.
And you know you are a shithead scumbag, you just don't care.
>when you watch too many horror films
There's no need for this kind of anger, user.
Did she just save Cirno?
Also, she'd be able to recover from that as the ring wasn't damaged.
Is that a genderbent Sayaka I see?
I wish this cool Sayaka thread could go on forever.
And yes.
No, it's tomboy Sayaka.
It will. Forever and ever.
Sayaka deserved better than she got.
Happy sayaka day sayaka miki!
Do you like chocolate Sayaka?
Happy birthday Sayaka!
Okay. I will post white chocolate Sayakas then.
What about mini Sayaka? You like her? Sorry if I am asking a lot of questions.
She's alright. A qt!
Oh, I think so too. She is super cute.
See you later. Keep posting Sayakas while I am gone, okay?
>in japan
Okie dokie!
How can she have a birthday when she is dea... Oh never mind.
was great posting Sayakas with you guys
Good Enough.
So for the record, since NOBODY seems to be able to actually tell me off about all this, I'm just gonna assume it's a language / translation problem
a comfy pic to end this thread
its called obituary birthday
No one is mad, like you have already been told. And that changes nothing about you being the most cancer person to ever use this site.
Yes, I never saw a black person in Japan. Mostly just Japanese people.
Good end. Happy birthday, Sayaka-chan.
Oh, wait, never mind
.... BUENO :D
What are you talking about? I am confused.
This is not over yet.
No, it isn't.
>There are idiots who celebrate her false birthday.
They are even more stupid than Apple, who recognizes the fact. Good grief.
Fuck off.
You stole the right of the last pic from me. What a nice pic of Ka... KyoSaya!
I'm off to the Madogatari exhibition!
>no fun allowed
Hello ACK.
Sayaka's day is 8th March. Bye.