Let's all wub Wooby!
Love Live! Sunshine!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Do mods love Mari?
I'd love Ruby non-consensually.
I'm wubbing with all my might.
>Another Ruby thread
Damn i love the 21st of september
Has Ganbaruby been dubbed yet?
Friendly reminder to DON'T bully other anons for liking a different girl from you!
All raibu are precious and deserve to protect them.
Chika a shit
Happy birthday Woobs
Is Ruby Loli-bait?
How much wub is too much?
Not all idols were created equally.
>RubyMaru is dead
Why Sunrise? Why?
Celebrate Ruby's birthday, or else.
To make way for the future. Ganbarubyousoro!
It's perfectly normal to swap body fluids with your siblings.
Okay but some deserve more praise than others
That's what Mari says
What are they doing under the sheets?
Wooby is least gifted, I guess.
Wait for them to have the gayest episode in s2.
Lets rub Ruby!
Ruby/Dia is better
They're playing with eachothers SHIRA KANSU
>mola mola
Is this the cutest scene in LLS?
Without a doubt.
>yfw bear paw is actually a food that chinks eat
RubyChika Lollipop was cuter
I wonder what it tastes like
Shit taste.
>Chinese gourmet Xi Feng says, “When people ask what is the flavor of bear’s paw? I can reply that its taste is sweet and far, even better than shark’s fin.
>It is like pork cooked at the right time and temperature, but smooth and soft, but not as greasy as fat pork.
Happy Birthday, Ruby.
You were too good for the show to give fanservice of you, and the fans forgot about you and prefer your sister instead, who got plenty.
But at least you can stay away from the spotlight.
Make sure to give it your Rubesty today!
Ruby is the least memeish first year. She continues to show a variety of different behaviors even after her intro episode. Scaredycat, idolfag, Dia's baby sister, seriousness, exposition tool for Jukki Hanada. And she still has time to do the PIGI! and ganbaruby memes.
Don't start a fight over which scene was the cutest
All Ruby scenes are the cutest.
>Sunfish are not considered edible as they consist mainly of cartilage and gristle and their flesh is soft and insipid. Also, the skin is extremely rough and similar in texture to sandpaper.
Mari pls
>tfw you've lost control of your life and the only thing that keeps you going is knowing that Ruby is doing her rubesty every day so you should too
Cred Forums be like
Ruby is the youngest of the first years and still the most sane. if you haven't yet listen to their AQUARIUM drama.
also this.
We can all agree that Ruby is the anal idol of Aqours, right?
delet yours self
Altho i do admit she has a nice butt
RubyMaru is not dead and never will be dead
Maru is a Ruby orbiter and probably pities Yohane
I don't like it either but that's how life is
Shes also the rape idol of Aqours. I bet Dia molests her.
She is too pure for that.
You need to show some kind of ass service in order to be anal idol.
A wild Umi appeared!
No, she molests Dia
Ruby is the most bullyable idol.
Why not? Is there a more satisfying noise than her pained "BIGII" as you enter it?
Could Yohane be seductive even if she wanted to?
I think Dia is a little more fun
Is that Umi lewd?
What is she doing to Dia?
I realize it's pointless to bring rationality into this but the anime retconned Catholicism and Maru's choir participation so I don't see how the angel/devil thing has any relation to YoshiMaru anime banter.
>fucking a pokemon
Dia seems too stronk & scary to bully.
No idea but i can't wait to find out when that doujin is uploaded
Ruby is the "literally who" of Aqours.
Sad, but true.
She is a pushover
It isn't a retcon if they just haven't mentioned it. Retcon would be if they said she was a Jew or something.
Sorry but that title still belongs to Kanan
A big toddler
But Maru is cute like an angel
Um, no. Kanan had a lot of fanservice, making her the sex goddess of the group.
Ruby had nothing at all and her popularity plummeted like nobody else's.
Let's post lewd Umi
Well she's Buddhist in the first place, she lives in a temple. But there's not really any way to shoehorn in the choir after it being completely unaddressed for an entire season.
Don't bully the wooby
I like her, but she has no presence, and she deserved more than what she got by far.
>Show is almost over
>No figmas or nendoroids of Aquors
Maybe she was in a choir in middle school or something? Still not retcon. I'll give you the Catholic thing but that's fine since Catholicism is shit-tier religion.
Aren't they getting 7-11 figmas and those busts?
No it isn't
>shit tier religion
What's a non shit-tier religion then?
>plastic model
No thanks
The one that will completely cover up raibus and keep them pure.
None of them
The one that'd treat them as sub-human?
What are the Shinto views on being gay?
Whoa, which one are you talking about? No one bullies raibus in 2Dism.
What is Shintoism's stance on kabedon? Asking for a friend.
Fuck it?
No she is pure
Completely forbidden
happy birthday wooby!
Maid set best set
>PVC shit
What is Maru thinking at that last panel?
Beats me, she's just smiled all of a sudden.
Shinto don't really give a fuck about morality in general as long as you're not hurting nature or each other.
Maybe Yoshiko's mere presence is enough to make her smile
How did they receive zero votes for this song yet qualified with the song during the You episode? I just recently got to listen the full version of this cuz I only kept on replaying Mijuku Dreamer and it was fantastic. The other song, I can't even get to remember even after listening lots of time. I hope its full version would justify it.
Because Riko wasn't there
Because bullshit plot, either that or the results are rigged and somebody is playing naughty
I want to fuck all the raibus in their Mogyutto outfit.
I would have smiled too just to see Yoshiko like that, she's cutie.
>stay away, you bitch.
>Yoshiko and Maru in partner look
ruby is a huge dork
>that dripping cum
Nasty slut.
official aquors ships
or else what?
happy birthday ruby-chan
Yoshiko can't focus because of Maru's tits.
happy birthday btw Ruby
I'm doing my Rubesty today
Soft pits
Happy Birthday Ganbaruby!
Ganbaruby? More like Gangbang Ruby.
Maru's chubby arms!
She's the leader for a reason.
Don't worry I think you're still cute Zura.
accept Zuramaru's loveletter or not?
An Aiai interview got translated.
Chika shouldn't worry, she has the best butt in Aqours.
Depends, If it's not for me why should I even bother?
But what about Yoshiko?
>Loveletter more likely it's bills from the food she devoured
Ah yeah I will give it to Yoshiko. Don't worry.
how rude.
You should take responsibility for your fat girlfriend
I wanted to say that Ruby should be the one who takes that responsibility, but today is her birthday so nevermind.
When you see it
>Regional, not competing with the best of the best
>Have three new members
>New PV
>Overall more practiced and determined
Gee I wonder.
My heart
Happy birthday Ruby!!!
Don't leave out the part where the worst member of the group was absent.
I like Riko. Not as much as some of the other girls, but I definitely don't dislike her or any of the Aqours for that matter.
Besides she was with them in spirit.
The Kurosawas are the yin and yang. Each has a drop of the other. In order to fully love one you must love both.
>diaruby has more fanarts than rubymaru
what just happened?
Time to kidnap a Ruby
Im going to impregnate ruby!!
I want to break her bones.
RubyMaru is kinda boring, I bet RinPana was only popular because they didn't click with anyone else, unlike here
>her birthday
She's trashed by Sunrise anyways, so don't think she can be happy.
>worst member
good one Youfag
Agreed, brother. Riko, as well as all idols, should be appreciated.
Riko has been good since around episode 7. It just took me a long time to realize that. The stupid dog joke was replaced with a sillier, actually fun joke and her piano issues finally started to become coherent with no eccentric diving-into-the-sea nonsense.
Who is going to win the Chika bowl 2017?
Chika actually looks cute for once
Riko won in episode 1, You is just a pathetic orbiter. There is no competition.
How will S1 end?
Like all the other seasons, with a insert song.
Fucking this
Twerking school idol group when?
The next Love Live group will make it happen with a black weeaboo girl transfer student from America
Thanks for the beautiful Riko.
I'd kill myself
I wouldn't mind it in principle but it does seem strange. It's kind of weird how much more plausible it becomes if she's white
Right back at you. All Rikos are appreciated.
Have a Dia too!
Damn. Can't believe I missed that. That's a really neat detail.
Alright guys I finished Love Live + movie and this is my special snowflake ranking
>music goddess tier
>kotori, nozomi
Kotori is super cute and has this girl-next-door attitude. gf-to-wife material.
Nozomi is THICC, voice of reason, sexy and she knows it. Also THICC. Trophy gf/wife right here.
>great tier
>hanayo, rin
Hanayo looks like my mom and has child-bearing hips.
I like genki tomboys and that's why Rin's here. Her cat trope is annoying at first but then you get used to it.
>have flaws tier
I like genki girls in general but I dislike MCs that follow this trope, and that's why Honoka is here. If she was a secondary/side character she would rank better.
>irrelevant tier
>nico, eli, maki, umi
Girls that I didn't like her trope/traits. To me they're boring.
Watcha think? pls rpsnd
It makes me happy to see someone appreciate Hanayo's charm, but uh, do you want to have sex with your mom or something
kotori, nozomi and hanayo are great
rin is absolute garbage can tier
What power does Chika's ahoge hold?
>Girls that I didn't like her trope/traits.
Does that makes Dia irrelevant then?
>tfw hate dia bullshit more than eri bullshit because eli looks better but they were both extremely pointless in the end
does anyone have the gif of kanan opening up her wetsuit?
Either you're samefagging or you guys are retarded for taking that bait
I think you would enjoy Maki and Nico more if you followed more of the side-content but whatever.
Kotori and Nozo being high tier is 10/10 and so is having Eli and bottom tier.
I like you, user unless you start shitting up my threads with Kotori sexualization. If you do I will find and kill you. Nozo is fair game though.
What episode is this from? I can't find it or a gif of it anywhere
Here ya go, buddy. Someone probably has a better one though.
ruby is a beeeg baby
min 14.59.13
>Hello, I am new to the idorus.
>Can anons give me a one-sentence explanations as to what this is about?
Shit taste. Flip the list to make it passable.
So adorable. Thanks for posting this user.
What cute and comfy things did Ruby do with Maru today?
Upcoming gangbang episode
I still don't see it. What is it?
Ruby watched Maru have fun with Yoshiko who both forgot her birthday.
>last episode of S1 this weekend
>Ruby birthday episode
How pissed would you be, Rikofags?
Look into her eyes user. Look into her eyes and you will see the truth.
I love Ruby so much I'd like to drink her orgasm mixed with her virginal blood and scat.
You can't drink shit. Or shouldn't at the very least.
T-take it easy, bud.
just spent like 20 minutes getting the episode and making this now
>Yohane has a crush on her senpai that she likes
>tfw Yoshiko is an easy-to-get girl
Your hard work is appreciated, user. You did a great job, thank you.
Why didn't Yoshiko protect her senpai's smile?
I have top tier medical care available right away, so I would do that to show her my love and then check whether everything's good.
She has a crush on who?
Umi-chan best aidoru
Umi-chan best pony
In the game she seems to have a crush on Riko-san
Umi is so handsome
Won't you fuck off with your crackshit already?
T-thank you.
I-i'll be back in 15 minutes.
Umi-chan best Yume no Tobira.
It can't be helped that they're pandering rikoyoshi
What do you guys think of the animation so far? I have only seen a little bit of quality here and there but for the most part the anime has been decent
Damm you Dia. It's pleasurable enough to my eyes, that's enough.
Dia is the perfect japanese girl
Pretty amazing how much more love she got from the staff than her sister, despite what I originally though is gonna happen.
Any more images of hair-down ruby? That looks pretty nice.
it doesn't torture you with creepy CGI like original series did at the very least
I loved her screaming
X's Ruby
She can "BU BUU BUU" me anytime she wants to.
user beat me to it.
Too bad she's not popular with JPs though. Or even the majority of the english community.
>Don't like foreigners
>Don't like traditional Japanese girls
A lot of the idols aren't popular with 11's, its a shame really. Something is strange in Japan these days
Japs have shit taste if they dislike Dia.
Pretty sure Dia is a lot more popular than Ruby now.
They are much more fickle with their tastes than we are.
>dislike third years
>like first years and You
The shittiest of taste.
The only good third year is Mari, and even if Hanamaru is atrocious Yoshiko/Ruby are still good.
I will pretend you wrote Dia instead of Mari and approve of your opinion.
But nips don't like Ruby.
She literally has no attention among them ever since her sister appeared. Well, aside from her little birthday rush.
Go get me the latest polls, take with you.
>liking Dia over Mari
It's joke, right?
I'll sue both of you if you don't change it to Kanan
You mean Kanan
Here girl! I got a Kanan its over in /x/! Go get the Kanan!
Mari > Kanan > Dia
My top 3 Sunshines
She's a boring meme
Only good for her body like Nozomi
Gentlemen like myself pick Dia.
Mari is Queen of Love Live
Kurosawa Ruby is a giant Baby!
Liar, I checked and there was only Nozomi.
I'm okay with that
5 reasons why Idolmaster is better than Love Live.
So where did the "all raibus are gay" meme originate from?
All the girls are skeletons.
I don't know, with the way iM@S has been going recently that might change. ML better come out soon and it better be fun or else it might have to yield over.
I just want you all to know that unless your favorite idol is Hanamaru you have wonderful taste and I hope you live a great life.
from watching the show
No, its morning of the 21st where I live
This is perfect.
Fedora fag detected.
And a weeb fag at that, too.
What? Weeb isn't a religion, unless you are trying to "You are a weeb fag at that, too"
You don't make any sense
That sounds like my kind of religion.
Shinto Buddhism? Or is that the same religion?
Only weebs admire shinto.
Because it doesn't challenge you to be a better person so you can go on being a worthless fuck.
Mari is queen of my heart.
Yeah, I like MLP now.
Exactly, glad you understand. All the cool-sounding gods don't hurt either.
Why is she so perfect?
Go home Catholic, we tried your shit and don't care for it. Even the Japanese have a corrupted version of it that has nothing to do with Rome.
She can do this and get away with it
>we tried your shit and don't care for it.
And that's why the West is dying.
The West has been around longer than Catholicism. Besides I don't care for your multicultural pope who is encouraging mass immigration into Europe. I commend you for attempting CTR but it is too little too late. I wish you peace.
Did anyone else feel like Hanamaru changed a lot?
Small girls have it tough in this series.
She just hadn't had time to do much since everyone else hogged screentime with their dramu.
I barely paid attention to her before the anime but what was her characterization at the beginning? All I remember was book character and Catholic, and they kind of went for one of those before reducing her to meme first year #2.
She went from quite and polite with a hint of over protection to tech illiterate and a snack munching dork
Love Live is Pokemon. An international phenomenon and the gift that just keeps giving with every new generation.
Idolmaster is Digimon. Supposedly it has a better anime but nobody cares.
She was a fucking loser, then Ruby got her off her ass and then she became a meme.
She got sue'd though.
She was the quite bookworm character, soft spoken.
What went so horribly wrong?
>Love Live as Pokemon
So it gets worst over time? Aquors is already shit.
She was Ruby's best friend instead of NTRing her for Yoshiko.
But she was pretty outgoing and steadfast in her early appearances, which made it seem like a refreshing twist on the archetype. I can't accept Hanamura as either a reclusive bookworm or the meme infested character that has appeared in the anime. There must be something more here that the early episodes showed.
If she was just quiet and polite without any funny quirks with the same amount of screentime she's had then she'd be a literally who by this point.
Come to think of it.I haven't heard about Ai and King shipping their raibus since sunrise started the anime.
Post Chika!
Making her too quite would make people lose interest in her and allow the VA to make money without doing anything. Remember Love Live is a fast paced, visually/vocally pleasing, comedy (emphasis on comedy). They have to make Hanamaru standout and compete for attention
I want to date Yoshiko chan.
I bet she'd be kinky as fuck with a keen libido.
They should have come up with something better than being a caveman coupled with rehashing Hanayo/Honk's eating habits.
She would be fun, I bet you can get into a lot of trouble being around her
She got her focus in two episodes and those were well received. If anything you could say her moments came too early, anything more than that people will call her an attention whore. There are 9 members to develop in only 13 episodes.
But the main characters actually won Love Live.
>music goddess tier
>kotori, nozomi
user, I love kotori & Nozomi too. They're pretty/10.
But seriously, they can't sing for shit.
Fuck off Youfag.
What about Suwawa and Ainya?
If only Nico looks gentle & modest like this all the time.
Quads of truth.
Then she'd be another shitty irrelevant character like Kotori.
say that to my face not online and see what happens
But she is shitty and irrelevant.
What about them? their characters are canon, though.
Do they ship KananMari?
I want to date You.
Cutest of muffins.
Probably a fucking beast in bed too.
Lurk more.
You is a child. You are a full grown adult.
I don't have the pic but yes they ship kananmari.
>Cutest of muffins
That's Zuramaru
You is under sexy category just like Kanan & Mari.
I would marry her in a heartbeat
What do people see in You?
Yazawa Nico is my wife.
I imagine Dia would have the best armpits in Aquors by a longshot
Dia's armpits are vulgar and obscene. Chika's are much more pure.
Funny, Cute, Cheerful, Best design.
Not hard to see why Japan and Cred Forums loves her.
Cosplay sex with Dia.
All those aspects can be associated with every single fucking idol in existence, her design isn't even that good.
>Best design.
Do you think Hanayo also has the best design because You is literally a recolor of her.
More like
Jealous, posessive, meme cancer, reskinned hanayo
I understand Maki and other long haired girls that have good design but I am not sure about You.
Didn't you get the memo? Cred Forums loves Mari now.
But do they ship them because they legitmatelly like the pairing or because the studio tells them to?
I assume that a lot of their responses/actions are purposely scripted to appeal to 3D idolfags and seiyuufags but would that extend to yurifags as well? It seems unlikely that there is a large overlap between the fandoms, so do idolfags just find seiyuu shipping the charactes (even if they're both girls) to be cute or is an actual fanbase/market for 3D idol yuri?
"元々のカップルは千歌と曜ちゃんなのに…… 花田十輝死ねぇぇぇぇぇ"
She looks so soft and inviting.
Poor Ranger fans. They're going to get out-bidded by loud and out Idol wotas.
Honk is pretty!!!!!!!!
Sweetest raibu.
That's ok atleast we can still gangbang ruby.
Fuck off, Kusaka! Ruby is not for fucking!
buu buu desu waa
Love live reaction images time?
Nice thumbnail nerd
wow, Ainya's serious narration voice is sexy.
You aren't my boss Woobs
I will
She is innocent.
Stop posting lewd!
>implying VA gives a shit about her shitty role
Bancho Wooby will beat'chu up!
Literal rat
it pays the billz
she has to give a shit at least on that level
I hate Chika's hair so much!
Is this the only cute Chika shot in the anime?
This one is cute lol
Chika is cute don't bully her!
>draw her naked
>color in a bikini
At least I dont look at her face which is nice
>a bikini
I want to bully Chika sexually
On the seiyuu talk the VA for Yoshiko ships YoshiRiko let's see how true she is to the ship after YoshiMaru popularity
FFF or HS for Sunshine?
Are you new? it's just pointless if you tried.
Riko is diet Umi.
What do you mean?
You have no fucking idea what literal means, punk.
I am sorry
HS, always.
This fucking chuuni
> fucking This chuuni
She's not even that cool she's just a goofy little girl
It will be very embarrassing.
Lies and slander, Yohane-sama is super cool.
She probably thinks about ruby so she don't want to ship yoshimaru
What is she doing there?
she's afraid of girls.
Having a rare moment of clarity just before the police arrived and took her to the loony bin.
It would be a neat twist if Yohane actually had real satanic powers.
I think shes very seductive even when she isn't trying to be. In fact she invades my thoughts daily!
Please help! I can't stop thinking about Yohane's legs and stomach!
Their success isn't a coincidence, user.
I thought she is homo
She's only homo for Maru and Riko senpai
Season 2 Yoshiko drama episode: the group finds out she has been sacrificing cats to bestow favor on Aqours. Everyone is disturbed at first and wonders what to do until Chika has an epiphany and realizes Yoshiko is a good girl for looking out for everyone.
>sacrificing cats
That would instantly make her shit
Riko insists she should have been sacrificing dogs instead
no fuck off
Your wife is basically a canon slut. I hope you're into that
She is not Honoka
Nico a trash.
I wish haters would fuck off
Sacrificing rat would be better. Instead of epiphany Chika would be terrorized for life.
Nico a best
Cowtits is love.
Nico a best
You're right, Nico is literally canonically sluttier and more openly sultry, sexy, and seductive than Honoka. Again I do hope this is your fetish
kyou mo ichinichi ganbarubyzoi!
It's her anime, it can't go any other way. May as well start fapping to her if you want to enjoy Sunshine.
Cowtits is life.
worst girl
Do you suppose she actually does still work at the shrine
oh she ""works"" there alright
No. She's famous aidoru, now.
I think the Kurosawa kids would know she wouldn't be there and not be so disappoint if that were the case
Well µ's pretty much disappeared after their breakup, no one knows what they're up to now
Which girl is most likely to give a blowjob in a bar's bathroom?
Nico still holding the grudge from getting bullied
Let's be honest it's always going to be the foreign one
Cowtits is for marriage.
Who is this semen demon?
Nico. It gives her a serious rush to do stuff like that, because it's so in contrast with the image she puts up as an idol and yet she still gets tons of attention in doing so. Gas stations, back alley blowjobs, moonlighting as a prostitute in the seedier parts of town. You could call it her hobby
Little sis
too honk
Nice blog faggot. Kill yourself.
Does being an exhibitionist whore run in the family you think?
I sure hope so
Why Honk's sister such a semen demon?
We know how Honoka will look when she older and how her kid will look.
There's never enough honk.
Blame Arise.
Honk will never marry
Surely she cant go without someone in her life for all those years?
>implying she wasn't a science baby
You're in the club and this girl fondles your girlfriend's breasts.
What do you do?
Honoka is a good girl who deserves a second chance.
Invite her over for dinner! She looks hungry
Ask her opinion about the breasts
Wait a second
My girlfriend doesnt have any breasts!
Sandwich her and fondle her back. and lots more
Zuramaru's "Yameru, zura" is very cute.
>and lots more
Ask her to fondle my breasts instead
I don't have a girlfriend.
with her
Wait a minute
Nozomi is my gf!!
well, Cred Forums?
We know, Yoshiko.
Grind her a bit from behind and reach around and hold the her right above her Cred Forums and she how she reacts. If, shes still grinding to my lead then maybe a few brushes on her panties between her legs and kiss her neck. I miss club days
Doing lewd things every night doesn't count at being romantic.
S-shut up!
I had a crush on my teacher once.
I-I've been on a date
Maybe you could show me?
I want to learn sex from them
>kiss her neck
You are good at this user. Would Nozomi ever go to a club?
I want a Honk. I'll feed it and pet it everyday
ask her to stop touching her chicken sandwich like that
I have had many romantics
Just the o ther day I romance with my fifth girlfriend
Christ, it all makes sense now
I had one. It barely lasted two months.
Not sure if cute or lewd.
>Riko will never escape from the crackshit zone
Poor girl.
It's You's fault for not interacting with Yoshiko, it'd solve all the crack problems
That user also forgot that Honoka know how to cook.
And how to cock
Honoka is very cute. Thanks
I love donut Umi
I think You did try her best but Yoshiko just didn't say anything.
Right now. Nozomi is out there being a 22 year old slut.
What a time to be alive.
What would each Muse be doing career/study wise?
I bet they had cute and pleasant conversations. The director/writers just don't feel the need to give everyone a pushed on-screen ship
That was a shit pun and attempt
You is a dork
>Live in Tokyo
>Troll Akiba on the weekends
>Still no ex-idol poontang
I don't think there's any indication of that
I'd cutie her panther if you know what I mean.
But would you love it, user?
imi wakannai
Chika, plz
I mean sure, the show doesn't straight-up tell us that they had cute and pleasant conversations, but all the girls are pretty friendly with each other and I think that's more likely than Yoshiko just withdrawing for some reason and staying quiet. She does look deflated in but isn't that just her response to the pun?
I saw you post this in the wrong thread. You didn't even delete it. Shameless
If they have pleasant conversations all the time they could at least hint it, but no it's as like Yoshiko and You are living in different planes of existence
I did, took me a while to notice though.
VA-chan best girl
>you'll never fuck your favorite raibu
Fair enough I guess, but a lot must happen with the girls off camera which of course we can only speculate about. I definitely do wish we got to see those two interact more
>not sexy
What the FUCK
She is sexy, but she's more cute. A different personality with the same body could be more sexy, but Hanamaru doesn't understand her assets and falls on the cute side. Just in my opinion.
I-it's okay, user... less competition for Hana's heart.
Why is she praying? isn't that against devil's law?
But user, that's actually way sexier than if she was some kind of minx.
She's praying for help to stop being such a slut
It doesn't work
Post Dia!
>doesn't wear slutty dresses
user, please.
She's a christianl
Cred Forums's favorite idol:
Episode 1-3:
Episode 4-5:
Episode 6-8:
Episode 9-10:
Eoisode 10-11:
Episode 12-13:
Cred Forums is fickle
Yoshiko has been my favorite since episode 1
>ever being the favorite
She got so much shit after episode 9 it's not even funny
I like how Yoshiko is never the top favorite but is generally well-liked and always in the top 3 of polls.
How do you figure?
I like Yohane because she's the most feminine.
On her normal side that is, she's actually funny and cool when she's in chuuni mode.
>the most feminine
That's Riko.
How can a single being contain this much perfection?
>the most feminine
That's me.
>Episode 9-10:
Have you been browsing an alternate universe Cred Forums?
That's Ruby, though. She only wears pink and collects teddy bears and does women's traditional arts stuff.
Dumb frogposter
I'm sure that they do speak to eachother but their relationship is probably nothing more than something like work colleague. If there were more, You'd have the same bantz factor with Yoshiko like Maru has, who also has indication of off-screen interaction.
To be fair, you could say she was popular in the sense that most threads were filled with shitflinging about her.
Thats when you join her.
Still the gayest couple with the gayest song.
Kanan and Mari gay levels might surpass them
I like it as long as I can be assured that Chika gets another girl to molest.
Giving Maru the playful banter might've been the worst decision since Yoshiko will never be more important than Ruby and both are stuck as third wheels
Nozomi never slept with her face buried in Eli's tits or even groped her once so I'd say they've been far surpassed outside of headcanon bullshit. No song yet on the other hand.
If you're gonna be a crackhead, might as well go all the way
I dunno, 3-way gay seems to be the way to go
Wasn't Yoshiko the favorite after episode 1?
This is exactly what I was thinking.
Am I a crackhead if I get excited over this pic and imagine how it could go down, but accept that it's pretty much 100% fantasy
Yes, but at least you're not a delusional crackhead.
>Sunshine S2
>Maru is the third wheel
But Kanan and Mari didn't eat ''Parfait'' yet
But DiaYoshi is the new NicoMaki
There's that one cute official art where Kanan is bandaging her foot or something. They're basically definitely in love
How nice and soft and smooth would Ruby's legs and feet feel. God damn this show
It was enough to start the yoshiriko madness.
Still more basis than Yoshiiko.
Kanan might have a foot fetish, you never know
They call each other Lily and Yocchan okay!
YouMaru is the future zura
>Mods & Janny didn't delete Nozomi & Mari lewd pics
My sides.
Yoshiko doesn't act like nico.She's actually girly.
But Dia is Nico
I love how even the magazine ignoring this.
Wish I had a foot fetish.
Oh boy, explain your reasoning those contrived pairings.
Yoshiko also not a tsundere
>It's new ship just because they have official spread
That doesn't mean shit, user-senpai. Pic related.
I think everyone knows that and we're all just shitposting about which random pairings we want to see lewd each other as the thread dies.
Those two characters really transformed
I just realized Dia befriended the 1st years
sasuga pedogirl
Where does poor Nozomi find the time to molest every Muse these days, in between the endless insane dickings she must be receiving every single day?
Yoshiko a cute!
She should beat them into shape before Ruby picks up their bad habits and turns into a chuuni glutton.
Good idea, let's torture the only two people who're willing to be her little sister's friend.
Whoa there motherfucker, calm down, it's just some light spanking.