Oh boy, yet another fantasy cooking manga. Who started this trend exactly?
Oh boy, yet another fantasy cooking manga. Who started this trend exactly?
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The art looks nice, keep on dumping op. If its got nice somewhat realistic hunting of ingredients and lore I wont mind.
I get japanese runes when google and title seems to be shit long like those LN title, source?
Kuutei Dragons
Thanks nigga and the dragon hunted seems docile as fuck.
Sorry, gotta go to work.
As someone who is actually PRO-whaling, I can tell at a glance that this entire chapter is just whaling disguised as dragon hunting. The talk about oil used for oil lamps gave it away. The butchering process too.
But obviously, had the author actually done a manga on actual whaling, he would get attacked. Him making it about dragons is a nice way around that.
Never get the idea of why sustainable whaling is bad. They are just big animals, I don't see why they should get special treatment for being pretty.
Don't get too over yourself, Meshifag. Including this, i can't even remember any other fantasy cooking manga.
The concept looks fresh and interesting and can actually work if the author limits the story worldbuilding.
Blame Tosh and his buttbuddy for making Souma.
Yakitate Japan did it way earlier.
At least it can't possibly be shittier than Toriko
They even put the ingredients lmao
Isn't whaling objected by various parties due to whales being endangered?
Yeah, about half of the great whales are endangered so that's what the biggest objection is.
Yes, which is why that guy mentioned "sustainable whaling".
I was under the impression japanese fishing companies just ignored treaties on sustainable whaling anyhow.
Just like how the Chinese genocide species in order to grind them into powder to rub on their micro-dicks.
RIP pangolins
Good character interactions so far and I digging how some of the dragons look like this Thanks for sharing, OP.
The art is really nice at least, thank you OP
I enjoyed, art is pretty nice, is more of not-whaling manga that a cooking one though.
Can someone translate the actual title? I'd like to keep an eye on this one
Comfy dragon cooking?
Sign me the fuck up
Read the thread.
kuutei dragons
Thank you.
I can't think of another fantasy cooking manga aside from Dungeon Meshi. What am I missing?
This is what happens when all your monsters are below appropriate CR.
Never got into it, but I thought Toriko was something like that. Not western fantasy like Meshi, but fantasy.
>complain about isekai
>complain when they trying rare new genre
you lucky no one think about isekai where a boy cooking earth food on MMO land
There's virtually none. OP is full of shit.
Dungeon meshi?
ok read the full chapter, not the halfassed garbage posted here, gotta say its not bad at all.
More historical fiction than fantasy, but Golden Kamui does it too. Though its more survivalist than just cooking
link to it please?
>finger in the trigger
Japan at least do your research before throwing out shit because its cool looking
Toriko started it, it seems to me. Shokugeki gives me random Toriko vibes here and there, and if this is any similar to those, then I'd say Toriko was the one to set off this "trend"
It's not fantasy and the cooking is a small part of the series. It's not really comparable to the likes of Dungeon Meshi.
nah easy money man, like I give a shit about your feeling.
so whos gonna get kill in the next chapters?
Could be interesting if the Sea Shepherd becomes a recurring villain
>you lucky no one think about isekai where a boy cooking earth food on MMO land
It's called Log Horizon.
>But obviously, had the author actually done a manga on actual whaling, he would get attacked. Him making it about dragons is a nice way around that.
I'm pretty sure he made it about dragons because dragons are way cooler and more popular than whales, not because of any political shit.
this is gonna be some obvious as fuck metaphor defending the whaling industry isn't it
It was but it's a shonen manga so it was bound to be based around powerlevel fighting more than cooking.
Isekai Shokudou's an LN originally, but it's got a manga and anime adaptation coming.
what is maka father doing here?
ty user!
I'll pick up where op left off
There's like 60 pages jfc
thanks dude
I keep trying to come up with a way to make an RPG about fantasy monster food work, but I just can't
It's sad, because I really love Dungeon Meshi and this looks somewhat interesting as well
Really harkens back to Nausica and other Miyazaki work.
that's what i am liking about it, definitely has those vibes as well as the simple design of their uniforms -- very miyazaki-esque.
I actually like that, like in monster hunter you have wyvern type for everything
Brute Wyverns a cute
The patrician appears
>It's not fantasy and the cooking is a small part of the series
Nigger they cook literally every chapter, they were surrounded by murderous bears and killed one
They cooked it.
Varney a cute, A CUTE.
Would marry and hunt dragons with
Huh. Fantasy airship whalers. Well, that's a thing.
Seriously, this thing is a defense of whaling the same way the original Battleship Yamato was a defense of Imperial Japan's WWII actions. It's pretty grotesque.
That's surely just to show the other bears whose boss, and make them stay away. You wouldn't attack a gang that killed, cooked and at your bro would you?
So this is what, Zeppelin Meshi?
>he missed the announcement of an anime for that isekai bar
>call it a bomb lance
>it's actually a harpoon
I was confused at first, but IIRC that's actually one of the harpoons used to finish off a wounded whale. It's been a while since I read anything on that industry but it looks like there's a good attention to detail here.
>this thing is a defense of whaling the same way the original Battleship Yamato was a defense of Imperial Japan's WWII actions
Fucking Japs, two nukes weren't enough.
was doing something. Almost done posting
I want to like this based on the art alone but thus far, even with the odd setting, it seems a bit generic. And the whole romanticizing the whaling industry gives a bit of a sour taste.
>whale apologist
Yeah, go and defense pigs and chickens and anything else moving that you have eaten please.
Cooking is a recurring thing, sure, but it's not like Dungeon Meshi where it's part and parcel. It took five chapters before we saw them cook anything in Golden Kamuy and even after that, it only happens every few chapters at most.
>And the whole romanticizing the whaling industry gives a bit of a sour taste.
Why does that matter?
>And the whole romanticizing the whaling industry gives a bit of a sour taste.
Whaling isn't really an easy job. And it isn't that profitable either. It is no different to romanticising catching lobsters or king crabs.
I just don't get why it is an issue. Just make sure you don't catch endangered species and that those you do catch are caught sustainably. Whales are animals, we eat animals. The fact that they are majestic is no reason to treat them any differently to cattle, who are majestic in their own way.
and done
I can probably dig up like 3 isekai cooking things if I try, mostly because I know they exist but can't be assed to remember their names.
still, out of all the over-saturated, overplayed genres, you pick this one to scowl at?
>Who started this trend exactly?
fucking bitch, you'd probably complain about moby dick too
eh, people being too hard on you. I get what you mean but so far I'm not sure if the author intends to do that. Perhaps as the story goes on we'll see both sides of the issue.
You know I said Zeppelin Meshi as a joke but it really is very very similar.
>eh, people being too hard on you. I get what you mean but so far I'm not sure if the author intends to do that. Perhaps as the story goes on we'll see both sides of the issue.
What do you mean by "both sides"?
What is the "other side"? That "whales are pretty so we are not allowed to treat it like it is an animal"?
Anti-whaling doesn't make sense. I understand if you want to protect endangered species, but not all whales are endangered.
I'm not going to get into it with you, obviously you don't think whaling is an issue and that's fine. I was replying to them saying that perhaps the series will explore a downside to their hunting. Maybe, maybe not. Nothing more than that.
>I was replying to them saying that perhaps the series will explore a downside to their hunting.
And what do you have in mind? If anything the story is artificially justifying it because dragons are a threat to human lives unlike whales. Whaty exactly do you have in mind that would somehow pain them as villains, when they are helping people? What kind of fake story element do you want them to add?
You are reading way too much into my comment. Again, was just telling the original commenter that perhaps it won't be what he thought it was (as in romanticizing whaling).
I was put off by some of the more abrasive replies he got regarding it, if yours was one of those, then sorry you had to be defensive? If not, then what's the issue?
You sound like you're looking for an argument/fight when there is none to be had. Read my comment again and try to understand what the intention was.
>I was put off by some of the more abrasive replies he got regarding it, if yours was one of those, then sorry you had to be defensive? If not, then what's the issue?
My issue is that you are assuming there is a need to paint dragon hunting as a negative to society, when it is clear that the author is showing that it is just a tough and dangerous job that someone had to do.
And that anti-whaling poster never did elaborate on why he thinking whaling is bad. Almost like he thinks there doesn't need to be any explanations. When the fact is all existing anti-whaling arguments are emotional and not logical.
that was cool
my only critic is that mika may be way too gary stu but dunno
Maybe. He's got nothing on Laius (as a central character) that's for sure.
You really need to learn to read, I even said I didn't think the author was romanticizing the whaling industry like the OC did.
I was telling them to perhaps give the series a chance and MAYBE they'll offer a different side on the issue, especially if that's something that is worrying that user.
I was trying to give them a reason to perhaps continue reading the series.
>When the fact is all existing anti-whaling arguments
Overwhaling is a pretty solid fucking argument against it.
Yeah that part kinda made me chuckle, like what else would it be?
I was kinda expecting a twist of him dying since he seemed ripe for "MC" status. I think I would have been impressed with it a bit more if that happened.
That said, I enjoyed it and will keep reading
I just want to say how much I appreciate the amount of facial hair in this manga.
Take some components from monster hunter and Toriko in terms of combat and damage locations. Make carving it's own minigame instead of random drops so you can control what parts you take. Emphasize the method of capture and how it affects flavor.
Lastly make cooking a very deep mini-game. Preparation will require knowing what ingredients to use, the quality of said ingredients, the quality of the equipment for preparation and timing.
>Overwhaling is a pretty solid fucking argument against it.
No it isn't. If that was the case then the argument would be controlling of whaling, not banning it.
All arguments are about banning whaling. And the only justification for bans relate to people treating whales like they are special creatures.
People want it banned because overwhaling has led a lot of species to the brink of extinction. You don't "control" hunting of say, Siberian tigers. You fucking ban it, at least until the population has bounced back.
It's almost as if you HAVE to feel offended.
Not that user and no expert, but there are some species of whales that are no where near on the brink of extinction. Yet all I ever hear is getting japan to C&D all whaling activities
Because Japan and a few other countries ignored the ban in the first place.
>Usually drunk
this looks legit