>you have the chance to create a shonen power
>an original new name for ki/chakra/haki/etc
>explain how it works
what do you have Cred Forums?
>you have the chance to create a shonen power
>an original new name for ki/chakra/haki/etc
>explain how it works
what do you have Cred Forums?
There is none. Keep it clear and simple like Quirks/Stands/Devil Fruits
I will call it spunk.
It works by flowing through people, and when another person's spunk 'flows' into someone it causes involuntary spasms. However one day a man discovers his spunk has stopped flowing as it should and sets out on a rampage forcefully having others' spunk be 'consumed' by himself.
>and that man was OP
Fairy tale. You can summon various archtype characters from classic storybooks, but you need to fufill certain criteria first. (To summon knight you need to be protecting someone, wizard can only be summoned in pursuit of knowledge etc)
It will be called The Spunk Monk.
>No text in image
It's called Sei. Each person generates it naturally, but most of it is generated by Geysers. The more there is in a given area, the more powerful certain attacks will be. There are certain types of Sei that work better with a specific kind of technique. Geysers are seen as valuable war assets and the world's strategists usually take them into account when forming their plans.
>>you have the chance to create a shonen power
I call it Mojo
>explain how it works
It makes me horny and fuels my sexual desires
This could work for something funny, like Bobobo.
The Eh
Natural Sap made by humans, almost like a trees but far thicker. A natural adhesive that can vary in special ability from person to person, and those with richer Eh have stronger abilities. Mostly powered by consuming leaves and pancakes, Playing Eh-ockei. and cutting down trees, The Eh has infinite potential.
Eh-Ockei is a way to perfect One's special type of Eh, and is practiced on top of a table made of pure amber. But Eh-Ockei isn't the only way to make one's ability stronger, all you have to do is sip another's Eh which can be found in their blood.
I would completely rip off Glen Cook's Black Company to the maximum extent possible.
> sorcery is basically unlimited in principle
> innate talent level, inventiveness, and preparation time are all viable and interchangeable means
> even wizards with mediocre natural affinity can do insane shit by dedicating years of effort on one thing
> most wizards tend to stick to one "style" of magic reflective of their personal background and how they think about problems
> don't let anyone who knows your True Name live
I've always had a lot of ideas for Medieval suits of armor being the focus of a shonen series I have in my head, too bad I suck at drawing.
It's basically like every character has their own berserker armor from berserk, except they're all different.
Like for example, one guy's is a slim black suit of armor that's impervious to heat. He also has a lance that can be used for attacking, but can also unfold to act as a shield.
I also wanted to include more fantasy elements so for example I have one guy who doesn't wear any armor, but he has a white cape always over his back that acts as his armor instead. It can block attacks buy hardening and can be taken off, where it twirls itself into a fine Rapier type sword, like the ones used in fencing. However, he obviously can't have both forms active at once so it leaves him open to attacks.
I've thought about this a lot
Melt man, with the power to melt.
the power of Heart
Burning Inner Strength.
I'd simply have it be adrenaline. Humans have learned how to control it and how to fuel it, but giving in to adrenaline too much naturally causes you to ignore pain and junk which means you can potentially kill yourself in your rage without your instincts stopping you
It takes years of training to be able to control adrenaline in a way that it enhances your muscle power and speed yet still keeps your nervous system aware of pain and your bodys limits
nice, man. Actually pretty well thought out, and could totally work for a anime.
Dare-D. A force that occurs in visible bursts of light, but tangible. In order to harness Dare-D, you must tame it my wrestling it into submission. The bursts of light can be as large as horses & people can struggle for hours trying to wrangle them. Those who succeed are granted abnormal abilities. Some believe they are fallen angels composed of pure light.
Enter average MC, obscure and alone among his school peers. Happens upon a Dare-D in an alley leaving school. Wrestles it for 45 minutes, slamming it around into trash & getting slammed himself. Tussles & almost straddles it as bullies round the corner. They see him rolling, they hating, patrolling, trying to catch him riding Dare-D.
Nothing. As it turns out, people can get powers when they're born, or even in the middle of their life with no rhyme or reason.
Fuck explanations. You're going to have to deal with a continuity snarl eventually if you do so.
power to attract tsunderes
The power of myth. The stronger the mystery the more it resonates with mana a substance that comes from a different plane. This takes place in a different world and when a human crosses to it he becomes the strongest mystery in a world full of Elves warring with ancient mythic artifacts.
Hypno lust.
My dick quadruples in size thanks to my masculinity and everyone around gets intimidated based on the size of my dick compared to theirs. Women can either grow their own dicks or enlarge one of their other body parts. When our body parts get to maximum volume....wait this isn't /d
>clear and simple
Best this far. I love shit that could "potentially" happen in a real life
This is now going to be animated instead of the next season of S&W good job annon
You left out the side effects as well. Most notably shakiness.
How is the CONCEPT of stands not simple?
Stand users are just people who can summon a ghost, each having it's own unique ability.
I've had a concept in my head these past months about a setting in which creating magic spells works like coding in which you have to give magic instructions but instead of coding with computers its by writing on spell books. the wizards in this world can attain celebrity status by either creating an impressive library of spellbooks or having the credit of creating one really impressive spell that is so sophisticated other wizards have tried to replicated but can't. a wizards skill is not only based on his magic level but also on how well they can write and read magic spellsbooks.
So a lot of these powerlevel systems are based on ancient Asian philosophies right?
Imagine a powerlevel system based on 'murrican New Age beliefs instead. I don't know how it'd work but it'd probably involve a lot of weed, alternative medicine, and "oneness with the greater beyond".
It's a shame that so many of you (and myself) have all these ideas, stories, and worlds built up in our heads but are too lazy, antisocial, or just not in the right place in our lives to actually create any of these things.
Instead of living in the fantasy world in my head, or making it so other people could experience it, I'm stuck in a minimum wage and browsing Cred Forums in my free time.
I never asked for this
That sounds fucking retarded
The Will and the Word.
Magic is limited to those that naturally possess it, whether they themselves know it or not. It simply is, and its strength is constant. There is no source, there is no training it. The taxation is simply how used your body is to being a conduit. You simply have to have the Will to call it forth.
The Word is what every user can actually train. Magic brought forth needs direction, and is bound by laws. You cannot create life, nor can you unmake anything. Transforming, killing, healing, fire-throwing, and all that is all within the grasp of the user, they simply need to know what they wish to happen.
What gets complicated is when two users face off. There is no exhausting their supply of power, but, you cannot just blindly burn someone alive. Matching Word against Word to gain upperhands and advantages are a game that the loser pays for, heavily. Creating a shield against flames would have no effect against a mental attack. Using the air to cut a throat against someone that has warded can cause the magic to rebound and kill you.
Less active fighting, more methodical planning.
I will call it chain. And Is power is to "chain" your body in a way that it works as a single entity. For example when a baseball pitcher throws a ball, his entire movement is done So eficiently that the power of his pitch is too strong. Or a punch of a. Boxer. The difference is that The masters can make all of his cell react in a way of their movement. Not only his muscles. And there is a leyend, that one guy even got every single atom to follow what he wanted to do.
Well, at least you live under a roof, and dont have to use a public library to brows The net.
This was some (stupid as fuck) shit I wrote on /d/ a while ago
Welcome to my magical realm
No bully ;_;
Sounds like Shaman King
The world would be religious based around the idea of an all powerful god. This is backed up by its priests and acolytes being able to perform "miracles" on command .
However, it is not god that grants these powers, but rather the mind's ability to convince itself of the ability. The faithful can perform these miracles because they believe without a shred of doubt that their god grants them power.
I would image the MC being a complete narcissist who believes himself to be a god. Because he has utter and complete faith in himself, he would be able to perform miracles as well.
Or centered around a little girl who has powers because she hasn't developed the mental capabilities to doubt her own abilities.
That's actually a pretty cool idea. Pretty much has endless possiblilities. So nothing is ever really an ass pull move.
They don't summon a ghost. Their stand is a manifestation of their own psychic abilities.
I fucking dig this one. I like the idea that it is grounded in reality with the adrenalin but obviously fiction when it comes to the crazy shit.
That's sounds very interesting and disturbing. Reminds me of Law of Ueki with the fetish object/power association and (to a lesser extent) not All you need is kill
I call it, the gun! It comes in all different shapes and sizes.
If that's not acceptable then puppies.
Basically holy magic that has to be channeled through a medium.
The more you believe or have spiritual belief in it the more powerful the item in question becomes.
The medium in question can be literally a sword, a car, anything even an imaginary friend.
Make it come from the skin rather than internally.
What if each armor had a hologram power!
>Western Samurai Troopers / Ronin Warriors
Make it based of mesoamerican beliefs and have MC literally powered by blood.
What happens if your mc starts to doubt if god even exists though, is there any coming back from that?
Love the idea though.
Through intently cultivated focus and willpower, one can flex their muscles in a way that lets them turn their body inside out. Using the marvel of medical science known as the "Tesla Gear", this motion warps the fabric of spacetime as we know it, allowing the user's exterior to gain an entirely new form. The most gifted and skilled Tessera practitioners gain up to 8 unique forms, including their original human form, while lesser users are limited to 2 or 4.
>s-sorry senpai.
Straight up crib mesoamerican mythology. All the character's powers are a result of Tonalpohualli and Nagualism. Spirit animals and shapeshifting magicians. Throw in some hyper-stylized Aztec shit and a bunch of kemonomimi girls and you're golden.
No really nigga, what?
How does becoming inside-out boy turn into spacetime warping? What does this have to do with tesla? Why 8 forms tops?
So the world I've though up has a small group of people who all get super powers from emotions, like anger or fear
And basically the more emotional they feel the stronger they are
A pretty basic idea, but then you have the main character, a supreme beta who gets pushed around all the time and bullied at school, this leaves him mean and jaded
And it turns out he is one of the people with the power, but his power comes from respect
And he understands everything he could do with his power, but as he is, he has no respect for anyone
So basically the story would turn out to be something about a elitist shut in hikki, trying to learn to understand, love and respect all of humanity again and becoming a super powered God amoung men
It would be sort of a like a coming of age story
I can dig it
Something like KO Century Beasts is a little too furry but if it never goes that far it'd be good stuff.
there are four kinds of magic.
>spacetime magic: what it sounds like, though usually very weak. can also allow a user to see the future or past.
>electromagentic magic: what it sounds like. pretty damn powerful
>color magic: allows the user to manipulate and extract colors but the color of the universe must add up to shades of grey. can duplicate anything (including living creatures) by splitting them up into constituent colors, but this requires a fuckton of magic, luckily, users with this magic have a fuckton of power
>flavor magic: similar to the above but a lot less useful since most objects aren't intended for eating. luckily it requires very little magic. Oddly enough, if the user is sufficiently powerful however, this becomes OP, allowing the user to control mass
access to these magics can be gained after any living thing (or image of a living thing) passes their first century of life, but which they gain access to varies depending from creature to creature.
Could be cool actually
How about the opposite, powered by anxiety.
It can be a play on the god-like MC held back only by his anxiety. In this series, the more anxiety you feel the more powerful you are. Everyone reaches an equilibrium with completely even fights because the moment a very anxious character begins to reach their potential and ignore their reservations, they instantly power down. This way the mildly confident characters who are weak cannot really damage the autistis who are basically invulnerable but the autists cannot really fight back either.
The MC is a shut-in who is berated daily by government workers to keep him in a state of god-like power output as he supplies electricity and energy to his entire town.
A big part of the series is an underlying culture where everyone is trying to make themselves slightly more anxious and less sociable in order to power up but most people get caught in a paradoxical cycle of getting more confident as soon as they powerup and losing their gains.
No, turning yourself inside out kills you unless you use the Tesla gear to warp the spacetime. You get 2^x forms because tesseracts.
Do you even fucking shonen.
KO Beast was great and I'm really depressed that the guys who subbed it are kill because I deleted it from my hard drive years ago and now I can't download it again.
>and now I can't download it again.
Nigga what? There's a torrent on bakabt
>Fairy tale.
I thought it was going to be nakama BS powers desu.
as a universal power system, maybe. but as a nen ability from hxh, it's actually pretty neat.
Esoteric as fuck
From my book
>playing with quantum entanglement here, if you dont know what it is google it.
>an alternate dimension where emotions, life, death and existence itself are tangible as air and earth
>of course nobody can contact with it since it is a parallel dimension that is entangled with our dimension but both never touch. (parallel dimensions real stuff here)
>"Growing matter" is a certain type of matter that has a part of its quark mass unstable jumping between dimensions giving the mass the property of taking energy from the other dimension, condense it and make new real matter out of fucking nowhere. The process is called "existential exchange".
>As life is the richest objects in the earth with existence/emotion/life/death energy, lets call all this helentic energy. Growing matter is constantly growing within living organisms in a symbiotic relationship that took many millennia of forced magical evolution.
>Humanity in its long history of isolation between races and wars between them, was a factor for the growing matter to be different in each one of them. They are basically divided in Four Races.
>Andor: men who developed growing carbon crystal within their bodies, they developed a thin layer of crystal over the cornea of the eye to get different abilities, they are 3 races. Silmasil, Celents and Dalins
>Easden: men who developed growing metal within their anatomies, they were driven into the wilds and near extinction because of wars and years of isolation in the northern and southern woods made them tribal, feral and closer to animals. They can change their bodies in a painful process called, flesh for metal, where they become animals. There are two surviving races, the Wolf tribes of the Sanderissin and the Stag Tribes of the Kelmarenn.
>Daloreans: The closest to the old original human race, they possess some growing matter in their anatomies but lack the concentration and the optimization of the other races so they only have long lives
meant to reply to not
Everyone can synthesize things out of materials in their body. Different people synthesize different things based on their affinity, and get weaker the more they use it (if they don't replenish by eating)
Some people can use their nervous system to feel out others presence and zap them from close by. Others drill holes in their arms and form bone bracers from their forearm bone. Others train muscle and swing hard and fast.
Interesting possibilities like synthesizing iron marbles and training muscles to flick them at fast speeds can occur.
The last great race of the new humanity evolved is the Hardumai: like easden they developed metal in their bodies but is different from the silver and gold of the tribe men. It is iron, black iron called Necril that conforms a great part of their bodies, it runs through their veins. and strengthen the muscles and bones.
Saecril is one of the most dangerous growing materials since it grows too quick when it is outside the body of a Hardumai. Necril feeds from helentic energy too fast, so certain doses of it in most of the other races bodies make the metal grow wild and grow like cancer, swallowing any other growing material on its reach.
>Basically Hardumai's blood is toxic for everyone else. though Necril needs time and great exposure for the metal to grow. Necril is a unique element because it is linked with each other in the other realm. A Hardumai is linked to another in emotions, thought and ideals. So Hardumai are peaceful people who can understand each other really easy, united and capable of maintaining republics that the other races cant even think of.
>Necril is linked with each other, and when a lot of it infects a body of the other races, it controls the body entirely. This is difficult for living people but for dead bodies it reanimates them and makes of it zombies that are chained towards the will of the Hardumai
>As the Hardumai are connected with each other, they all make up a collective biological database that is usually called the great Will of Iron.
Oh, more than one group subbed it? I used subs from this group called Nyoron who were also doing NG Knight Lamune & 40, which will definitely never get subbed now.
>explaining magic
I SERIOUSLY hope you guys don't do this.
Worst thing to ever happen to high fantasy.
>Necril came from one single person, a man that legends call "The First Immortal" he tried to imitate the angels bodies in his own flesh and made all of his body living black metal. >Long story short the man got tired of his immortality and threw his body into a mass of hungry metallic zombies that conformed his army of death.
>His body through the multiplication of necril black iron atoms made it through the bodies of millions making all the Hardumai a part of the great immortal of old.
>6 parts of his body were impossible to rip and swallow. His Lower Jaw, his Horns, the bones of his black angel wings, three spine bones, his hands, his heart and his eyes. After the army of the death ate him they left this parts cause they were difficult to chew. But some took on some vague intelligence and swallowed them whole. The 6 lucky zombies became the firs 6 immortals, the Devosarai, the flesh of the first immortal.
>True Name
I wish this concept was used more. Sort of interesting of the varied takes on it right now, but I want to see how more creators interpret and execute it.
So basically
>the first immortal's will and hunger for life and death is deep within the collective mind of the Hardumai race. The Will of the Hardumai is divided in many layers of collective sub-conscience where each one of them is held and protected by the people consciousness.
>Deep in the last layer, the 6 immortals, the Devosarai guard the sleeping conscience of the first immortal. A being so filled with helentic energy from the millions of souls he swallowed that if awake, could wreck everyone else with a single atom of black iron Necril.
>Highly concentrated Necril makes Saecril, the metal that the Devosarai have. It grows at high speeds giving the 6 idiots ridiculous power and perfect immortality. They can regenerate their bodies, some faster than others, they are ridiculously strong and each has a way to fuck up entire armies. They are not evil though, they just want to protect their people, they are guardians of the will of the first immortal, as long as there are 6 of them the almost godly being is sealed and kept in an eternal slumber
Is spirit animal already used?
By Tokyo Mew Mew
Magic isn't something controlled by people but given to them by gods and spirits. The stronger someone's devotion, the greater their power. There is a hierarchy of gods with some more powerful than others and they all basically hate each other. Think Greek mythology. Characters make contracts with gods and try to carry out their agendas.
But war is war and people are stupid and fucking racist, the other races hate the Hardumai race because their blood is poisonous for them. So after so much politics that I wont explain cause is fucking loooong, each race kills each other for domain and power. Most of the times their efforts are directed towards the hate they have for the Hardumai, calling them with the racist name of Irerkier (demon spawns) they think of Irerkier nothing more than mindless zombies and beasts that just want everyone else dead.
The Daloreans are the most numerous of them all and hold many city states in the center of the continent full of rivers. Daloreans were the first humans to make a powerful empire and also the first humans to evolve, all the other races evolved from them. The Dalorean empire was divided due to the differences of the new growing populations and the gaps that created their evolution. The other races went on their own ways to create their own kingdoms (the Hardumai created 3 republics) and the true Daloreans stayed in their old city states waiting for the return of their legendary phoenix emperor.
>Silmasil, Dalins and Celents are the wealthiest fuckers in the world due to military supremacy. Their bodies evolved so well for combat and warfare that quickly won wars throughout their neighboring realms.
>Silmasil are mainly blonde and with amber and some red eyes or in between. The red color is due to a thin layer of red crystal over their cornea in their eyes. With them, and some good training the thin layer of crystal projects images of possible futures on their eyes. These visions come directly from a part of their brain that has high crystal concentration, where information is processed at inhuman speeds and possible futures are predicted by maths and possibility. of course they dont know how to make the math, that part of the brain acts independant and the visions are almost a reflex. Like when you predict where an object shall land
user, this is the first time I've been rused in years. Thank you.
Eh practitioners can hone their Eh attunement by repeating the sounds "soh ree"
I always like "Magic", but I've never been a fan of when it can be so easily controlled and simply ends up being fireballs and lightning bolts. I like the mystery behind it.
Learning and use magic isn't something one is born with or learns from a book but gained from constant exposure to some sort of raw mineral or resource that develops throughout the world. In great enough quantities and its raw state it corrupts and changes the environment in spooky ways, like turning trees into crystals and tearing open rifts into other dimensions or space and making insects huge and animating discarded warmachines into sentient golems that wander the land razing unprotected villages.
Capital cities would be enshrouded in a magical barrier that keeps the normie citizens and land pure and untainted by the corruption and wards away the creatures of the world. Elsewhere there would be pockets of civilisation struggling to survive that are battered by lightning storms or fog that turns people to stone and shit.
I myself like the idea of leylines influencing these mineral deposits and being the focal points of where reality would be so utterly unstable the surrounding would shift constantly and just absolutely defy logic.
>enough training with the right ammount of crystal in the eyes and muscles. Make a Silmasil the deadliest warrior in the world, they are called seers, and since silmasil live in just one kingdom. It is law for a seer to be recruited in the Order of the Seer Knights (sounds better in spanish sigh... "Caballeros Videntes" everything sounds better in spanish really)
They can predict up to 10 seconds in battle, they can parry any attack you do, they know where your defense will be. Fuck they can even stop an arrow with their bare hands. They excel at reaction speeds that are superhuman, their strength in their crystal muscles and speed are terrifying. They dont need a shield to fight, they can kill most oponents in seconds, one seer knight is equivalent of 500 soldiers. A legion of seers can kill entire armies. Their culture is a fusion between middle ages Spain and Gondor from Lotr, though they are expansionists and only think of conquering, war and glory.
>Dalins are merry people who are almost exactly like Italians from the Venice republic era. Their crystal is green so they are green eyed, they are shorter than silmasil and like to drink and to navigate the sea. They are mostly merchants, religion is a very important part of their society. They live in an archipelago with 4 main islands and prefer their cities to be beautiful full of canals and art. After many defeats by their colonies they are now in an era of peace and the King is a relaxed man that just wants food and pleasure. Dalins like parties and good food, but in the name of faith they take arms and hell they can be deadly.
>Their green eyes have the same thin layer but it has a different function. It gives the holder the ability to see the helentic energy. yeah thats right they can see life energy, death, existence, love and hate. These people are often called illuminated ones, because they can see the "Light of God"
Fuck of nardo faggot
What about good power systems in existing anime/manga? And why they're good?
was really interesting because of the heavy necessity for study and background knowledge, combined with the fact that attempting alchemy without preparation led to abnormal effects.
Is cool because the characters personalities often affected the way their power developed, the 6 traits or whatever was well rounded/varied with room for interpretation. Also does good at internal consistency (mostly)
Cant really think of much else besides simple systems executed decently. If ever write a story with powers, they'll always be a tool and not a plot device
>it is law that all illuminated children get under the protection of the catholic church, so they can be trained and learn how to control their new vision. But after some 5 years of training they are free to do whatever they want, many though prefer to stay and live for the faith. And the ones that can fight become part of an armed order of the church (like the templars were, but less corrupt) These are the Heldian knights, and they are mostly peacekeepers and good guys, that go to the front lines as doctors and protectors of the innocent people
>The last race of the andor are the celents, blue eyed harsh people, that live far in the north and tame hippogryphs instead of horses. They wear fur, kinda like vikings, very rude and really strong since well... they fucking fly
Fairly generic sorcery, magic is genetic for the most part but everyone only gets one type. Elemental control is common, then stuff like power beams are less common and shit like teleporting is rare high tier. Powers can get pretty random, so you can get creative with it. Nice and easy
Anyways a war that has lasted one thousand years is destroying the known world. politics and economy involved. The MC is the very first human with absolutely no growing matter in his body. Fuck even plants have it, he is key to the existence of the first immortal and has silver eyes that are so fucking complicated and I too tired to get into it. Fuck I dont know why I got so complicated in this stupid world building.
Through the cycle of reincarnation, the talents and attributes you had during your past lives can be accessed and applied to you.
The strength to kick like a horse.
The insight and technique needed to scale a mountain
The answers to ancient riddles.
In the memories not housed in your mind, but your body they remain.
Learning to use these memories is one thing, but learning how to apply these memories to learn new skills is the better application, siphoning through the depths of your memories at the risk of losing your connection to reality and drowning in the past.
In the year 2122, humanity has entered a new age of peace.
National disputes of the old, once solved through violence, are now determined through battles between "SPers" (pronounced espers), utilizing full-dive virtual reality technology to enter the global network system known as the "Fourth Concept Hardware Actualized Network" to fight in virtual representative matches with weapons created from their words, "Materialized Electronic Message Entities".
MC, a student at the SPer Candidacy Academy, is known as "For Another Generation" due being unable to use anything but the most outdated Materialized Electronic Message Entities. However, his life is irrevocably changed one day when the heroine, one of the school's elite "Named Ones", challenges him to a match with her pride on the line.
Spped Force
It goes fast and just works
>They intentionally gave Heart to the person least likely to abuse it
It's honestly the strongest power there, despite everyone making fun of it. Being able to manipulate beings emotionally is hell of a lot more useful than just burning them.
A new retrovirus has started to infect people around the world. It uses the enzyme reverse transcriptase to insert its RNA into the host cell genome. It puts your cells into hyperdrive allowing you to quickly adapt to your surroundings. Where the retrovirus infects you dictates your superpowers. For example if it infects your brain it makes you smarter, your muscles stronger, your lungs more powerful, etc. Depending on your degree of infection and susceptibility dictates your overall abilities, but as it spreads through your different systems you becomes superhuman.
I'm shit at names so let's call it SHFV (superhumanformingvirus, following the naming theme of other retroviruses).
What are you a butt hurt manlet?
>make someone want to kill themselves and family
Heart too OP pls nerf
I call it Alcohol.
The more of it you drink prior to battle the more moves you're likely to make up on the spot leading to more "interesting" fight scenes. Consuming a lot of it can help inhibit pain, but consuming too much can lead to dizziness, loss of motor control, vomiting and blackouts. During dramatic fight scenes, characters often drink too much of it while their partners/love interest/fanclub characters shout things like "No! You wont be able to control yourself if you drink that much!". The morning after battles, love interest type characters are often seen nursing the fighter back to health and trying not to talk too loudly.
>the power of MANLINESS
What do you do when you're up against a light yagami, aizen, Itachi uchiha, post-"ayo my rubber nen" Hisoka et. al? Have fun with the small fries, we all know you're going to job to the emotionless heartless genius character and the guy whose literal heart was removed and changed with a machine fucking up your powers conditions even though he still has emotions
>...but user, whoever said I had a heart?
Battles are conducted by who can be the most progressive. Of course this is limited by most characters having a strong moral compass. Fortunately(?) there are very few white people, nor males, nor heterosexual people left because their SJW weakness.
However there is an underground movement conducted by the joos that is supporting the rise of the white cis male. Under the training of certain money grubbing merchants, white male children are trained to say/believe the "right" things, and take on the vast, terrifying world of SJW that surrounds the new minority.
The main thematic inspiration of the series is Marxist philosophy.
The new "force" thing is "species being" -- what is essentially Marx's concept of "human nature" or something like it, to simplify. For Marx, "species being" isn't really a fixed thing. The only sort of "universal" aspect of people is a tendency toward free, willful work and production. In this vein, "species being" is taken to a sort of metaphorical "end point" where "species being," harnessed as a fantastic power, manifests as a literal "free, willful production" (the "user" of "species being" can produce practically anything deemed useful -- it's the ultimate ass-pull power, and it allows the series' action to get bigger and more ridiculous). The power mainly manifests in "rule of cool" spectacle, and users of the power tend to produce a few specific, idiosyncratic items particular to themselves (e.g. a large, powerful hammer might be a characteristic manifestation of one character's "species being," whereas a sort of power suit might be another's).
There's a caveat to the power, however. For Marx, people are alienated from their species being by certain political-economic forces in a capitalist society -- certain things alientate people from other people, from the fruits of their labour, from control *over* their labour, from nature, etc. So the amount of "species being" power a user possess is inversely related to how entrenched they are in the capitalist political-economic mode of production; or maybe it scales up in some proportion to the users awareness of restrictive institutions, customs, etc. E.g. -- let's say, for a very simple example, the main character comes from a working class background but, at some point in the story, is seduced by the luxuries and freedoms of a higher class lifestyle -- in this instance, his "species being" wouldn't manifest in a very spectacular way.
This could actually make a very funny/stylish short (animation, comic, etc.).
Human limits to the extreme
Able to produce flames from body heat
Able to produce electricity from nerves
Able to produce large amounts of water through sweating
Able to control bones in their body
Able to control their regeneration of stuff like nails, hair and skin
This is the plot to Accel World in case you didn't already know that.
Knights and Magic.
The lazy king.
What about Jumper-style teleporting?
That would be a cool ability.
I don't know how it would work. By picturing a location in your head, you channel chakra to that spot which brings you there.
I can make people orgasm at will. Fight me, faggot
zatch bell has it you hack
How would this work with a leg and thigh fetish?
In the setting, anyone can use magic but it takes rigorous practice and training to develop, so not everyone does.
Rather than running off of mana/chi/chakra, magic is simply tied to a user's stamina. The more magic they use, the more tired and hungry they get; so if you cast a particularly powerful piece of magic, or you use to much magic in a short amount of time, it would be tantamount to running a long distance, and if you're winded from extreme physical exertion it would make it that much more difficult to use magic.
Pushing beyond your own exhaustion would eventually cause bodily harm, even to the point of death.
It is therefore a necessity for a mage to not only train their magical abilities, but also their own physical performance, as that would increase their stamina.
Sorry for this starting a bit cliche, but I'll let mine be 'leaked' like it was in Phantom, and spread to the the majority of humanity ala SSY.
So anyway, a 'song' (it's more of a noise, though), that can affect human moods (Normal songs do that too, but imagine this increased 500-fold) is leaked from an experimental audio facility.
In the first years, it spreads out through niche audio communities, IRC, the various imageboards in existence, and from then on, it becomes famous through the more mainstream websites, since some fucktard decided to leak it, and after that it gets widespread coverage from the mainstream media, becoming world-wide known.
The early users simply used the song as it is, which merely amplified whatever they were feeling. If one was angry, the song would make them fucking go berserk, if one was feeling truly happy..oh boy, this one was abused a lot.
But some day, somebody discovers that interweaving the tone with a normal song can have pretty interesting results. Mixing it with soul, jazz and instrumental hip-hop music turned you into the calmest motherfucker alive, ambient and field recordings made you less noticeable (picture Meleoron), rock made you feel more alive, DnB made you a bit stronger and filled you with so much energy, you could last days without sleeping. S
But. Some faggots decided to mix it with Noise music, aleatoric music and free improv, and what happened next..
Normally, those music genres are harmless, but thieves and the mafia abused these. They bestowed to their users interesting powers. They made them improvise more in the theft process, which sometimes fucked them up, but it also brought unexpected loot.
Mind you, these weren't used just for nefarious purposes - many artists, writers and composers used them to create "something new, which has been never heard before".
70 years timeskip happens, and the scene is a playground. Kids with headphones and earbuds are shown battling eachother with air distortions.
Just manipulate others into attacking the heartless guy for you.
I'd rip off Nier. I really like the idea of the main enemy being this weird scrawl stuff that when killed gives you words, which in turn power your source of magic which is a book.
Not that guy, but wait a minute. Couldn't the "Heart" user create a new heart for the Heartless, but at a heavy price?
After a long battle between Heart and the Heartless, the Heartless feels an very odd warmth, and palpations in his chest. His heart starts to glow red, his eyes change from one filled with rage, to ones with compassion, and he looks at the Heart user in confusion.
>What..is going on? What did you do?
Heart smiles, begins to say something and faints.
The former Heartless hears a telepathical voice "I passed the power I had to you. Feels great, doesn't it?"
The former Heart wakes up, with an entirely different expression - one of a violent thug, ready to punch the New Heart, but he only laughs, without doing anything.
>"Don't abuse it, what-was-your-name-kun!", he says with a half-serious tone.
How about a setting where superpowers are called "Refusals".
Some dude might refuse getting hurt.
Some dude might refuse aging.
Some dude might even refuse not being able to fly.
Basically the more stubborn of a cunt you are the more powerful and varied your abilities.
So the tsundere would be the most powerful witch and would have to beat the cock to avoid losing her magic?
Fuck, I know what I'm downloading next.
what about if something happened in an instant in the world and a high number of randomly selected people ended up in a very big futuristic (or not, its the same) city with a weaponized version of the last thing they were holding in their hands the moment they were selected, and those weapons have abilities depending on what they were, like for example some sort of death note if a guy was holding a notebook, or a super powerful whip if someone was holding and elastic band, and things like that.
and make the MC the owner of a gun's shop where he sells guns and crossbows or knifes and shit like that but have the bad luck of been holding some shit like a fork or something useless when he was chosen for some comedy
I'd watch that.
After the bombing of Hiroshima, lots of people died, but not all of them. Some of the survivors even awoke their inner power which they secretly experiment with it. It is allow the user of cast psychic power like fire ball and ice spike, but most importantly, it gives the users heat visions and body Regen.
Using it too much will mutate your body and not using it will mutate your body as well. The power is passed on from generations to generations. You can try hold back the mutations with sheer will (aka manliness) but it will never go away. Either way, you are destined to be mutated in old age.
Side effect of mutation includes: power going wild, losing sanity, multiple limb spawn, hallucination and the sudden body, strength growth. Those who has mutated a long time are dangerous, like RUN THE FUCK AWAY dangerous. They will never die unless they are put down first.
Other cool shit you can do with Fusion is by fuse it with a metal blade with radiation and it will cuts metal like butter, or emitted ray of death from your eye.
High lever Fusion user will not felt pain when they are shot by pistol or slashed by swords, and they gain high awareness, but their power stays the same.
Something akin to humans gaining abilities for being hollow. Meaning the more empty you feel or the more you desire to fill some sort of an emptiness within you is filled with some ability instead.
Well, fuck me. I was picking out my moustache with a tweezer.
Sounds interesting. Pic related.
So basically depression gives you superpowers? Lame.
upgrades for combat androids?
Its 2100s and mankind rebounded from a close nuclear war. One country was running out of troops, and conscripts weren't enough.
Commercial bots were popular and cheap. For army use, they didn't cut it so they made them smarter. After the war some were decommissioned, a few were kept for security/law. They face human scrutiny/espionage terror/bots gone rouge etc.
For them the battleground and home were the same. adapt or die.
All of those powers were in two first parts in jojo
Maka, essentially normal magic but generated in the lungs, so every time you exhale, some of that magic is formed and could be stored in small tubes to use when you run out of breath.
The magic is used by spells and can take the form of the state of matter (so magic to make wires will be liquid, weapons solid, beams plasma etc)
You could kiss someone and steal their magic, too.
This is how magic already works in the majority of shonen fightan' manga.
It's essentially their spirits. See Atom Heart Father. Plus it's only as efficient or strong as their mental focus, prowess, sharpness or cunningness. Nothing really complex.
In the black company series it's just your birth name.
I dont have a name for it yet but its a force anyone can posess. The power comes straight from the earth itself and was left behind by ancient creator gods. In ancient times people could bring out these powers easily at will but as the ages passed people began to forget. Eventually it became a lost power that people could only use by coming into contact with artifacts of the past infused with this power. The artifacts could be anything; a weapon, a book, a toy, a doll, etc.
The powers itself manifest in 6 different categories: soul, mind, body, nature, kin, and faith.
Soul grants the individual with abilities having to do with death and the beyond. They can see spirits and communicate with them, sometimes command them. They can predict how long one will live for. The more powerful ones can freely manipulate the energy of their own soul and can weaponize it, or steal anothers soul,or maybe re-animate corpses. Basically like a necromancer.
Mind basically grants psychic abilities. Telepathy, mind reading, prediction, clairvoyance, mind control, that kind of stuff.
Body allows one to enhance their physical abilities. Super strength, super speed, super anything. Even more mundane stuff like super strong eyesight or hair.
Nature is the ability to manipulate the organic environment. Like freezing water, causing fire, making the wind blow, creating thunderbolts. Stronger people of this type can cause more extreme changesat will.
Kin is an ability that naturally brings you closer to people you love and animals. Kin types are emotional people who can easily sense the feelings of people and animals. They can also speak with animals and sometimes command them. The more powerful kin types are able to command powerful dragons. Kin types are naturally adept at making friends and are typically kind.
The faith category is the rarest and typically the most powerful. People with this are the ones who are closest to the ancient gods and beleive in them with all their heart. These powers tend to be what you call realiy warping
Which is why I'm monitoring this thread and noting down the good ideas to rename and rebrand later. Cred Forums and ERP sites are a bastion of unusual ideas.
Everyone is born with a well of supernatural energy, which will naturally evolve into an array (which is the structure if how thier power works, from wind manipulation to presence augmentation), training and also how thier life plays out will impact how thier array forms. This array becomes stronger through experience, meaning older or more practiced users are more proficient, although counters and cunning can allow an inexperienced user to prevail.
In the story, the two protagonists are brothers from the same village, one has tactile telekinesis and wants to become the greatest hero, but has a massive stick up his ass and cant think outside the box. The other wants to become the greatest villain, but is good-natured, so everyone thinks hes joking. His power is a bit difficult to explain, still working out the details and limitations
It is a power that develops based on their trauma , childhood memories , before puberty and pre-adulthood.
Example : A person who has always been focused since childhood , always good in studies and sports, Can possibly develop Ultra Focus, a power that gives the exact precision for any purpose, instant target ( one shot, avoiding a possible accident , etc.)
This above is currently a power that I came up with for one of the main characters.
The "Discharge" name thing is given because, due to a feeling of high voltage in the brain , when the power "wakes up".
And to finish , a nice possible thing to the MC
He had his memories erased , then their powers are to access and steal memories , discharges , until the time that he will find his true self.
This is basically just OPM.
Protip: you are the villain
magic's all about doing clever things with verse and meter
so wizards would be homer, vyasa and the dude who composed beowulf on one hand and modern-day rappers on the other
main villain is an asshole Proto-Indo-European blind poet who got sent forward into time a-la Aku and takes advantage of his language's unique association with epic poetry
I sure do wonder how that turns out...
I'm writing my shit right now. Why aren't you?
I'm so glad I didn't write out mine.
It's called 'Macht'. Every sword in the story has a specific ability and only if your Macht level is high enough you can use specific Swords. That's it.
Sadly the concept I have always been thinking has already been done. And it's great.
Law of Ueki
No. Worst thing is if your magic has no concept of boundaries. If you can't keep it straight, your work is going to be shit at some point.
You don't have to explain shit, but it should make sense.
>stands are simple
In your own words thoroughly explain the simple abilities of King Crimson.
fund it
You lost track a long time ago. Your world building doesn't serve a purpose anymore. Forget "shonen", even for nerd readers, this is random complexity. It might be fine if it exists, but don't pester your readers with it. Don't mention anything that's not relevant at any point. Think up a prototype story. Write it as simplistic as you can. This could help you find out what you actually need. Keep your other stuff for later if you need to expand.
In my honest opinion, your paragraphs were horrible to read and I really like digging into complex stuff. Visible complexity always has to have a purpose behind it. If there's no purpose, then it's too complex.
Utilization/translation of neuron synaptic energy to generate and control immense electrical energy. Usage of your cells atp to create different types of physical energy I. e. cosmic, radioactive, shock waves (the most common being the latter). Eating would restore depleted atp/neurotic energy. Both methods are ingrained into human culture (martial arts, sports) and the people whole shown special aptitude for it are put into militant training corps or preserved for war purposes in some cases
I've been bamboozled
basically Bleach, with armors instead of swords
Everyone except the user totally spaces out for 10 seconds and forgets what they were doing.
Heart Furnace- A power source born from the pounding heart in your chest. It's fueled by fear, excitement, heroism, an energy that is limited only by it's user's will to throw themselves into the heat of danger to stoke the fires of their very soul.
Basically the more suicidal and crazy the person, the more power they gain from their heart pounding out of their chest.
claiming my armour
For a moment I misread this and thought you powered up by beating your chest with your hands.
Like a gorilla.
Meme magic - through the power of dubs, trips, quints, etc, you unleash the meme magic. As the digits go stronger so does the magic.
"Resonance", as in "morphic resonance". Lets you feel people's thought-waves.
You can read minds and exert limited mind control, but ONLY on the subconscious. So, you can read people's allegiances, beliefs, etc., but you can't tell what they're actively thinking about. You can shut down an opponent who fights based on instinct by reading their reflexes and deconstructing their fighting style, but you won't know if they've laid a trap for you or have some other sort of scheme.
People can 'protect' their thoughts by focusing on them (i.e. transferring them to the conscious mind). So, a high-level Resonance user can shut down an opponent's breathing, but if they notice in time it can be negated by breathing manually.
To make up for the limitations, Resonators tend to rely on trickery and the element of surprise. Or just stopping people's hearts while they're asleep.
Semen Power
Making power engines is tough, especially if you want them to be contained by the laws of physics.
Power of the brain
Inspired by my useless physics major.
Basically, if you know the how stuff works, you can alter it depending on your knowldedge.
For example a biologist will be alter DNA if they know how DNA is created and the chemistry behind it.
An (al)chemist can ionise anything by destroying the molecular bonds causing disintegration.
A physicist can destroy the world.
A mathematician is basically god (can alter vectors to only work in 2 dimensions and hence a 2D world).
Could work and become a popular series over time, I'm fucking copying it.
The main character has the power of death grips and the final villain listens to 4"33
Good writing. It allows a character to prevail in a situation without calling on some new bullshit super ability.
you just described saint seiya bro
Fetish fights.
People with fetishes can materialize power based on their fetish and fight other people. But these powers only affects people with fetishes, meaning they have to battle away from normalfag eyes. The more perverted you are about your fetish, the stronger it gets.
MC's fetish is tiles
Dream catcher- a person with the power to enter anyone's "Dream Dimension" , a different place for everyone, that you enter when you're asleep and dreaming. The dreamer there is a "God" of sorts and can manipulate anything in it (if he's mastered lucid dreaming), except the dream catcher, while the dream catcher can manipulate only his own body shape in any way as long as its volume stays the same- for example, if he makes his right arm into a giant club, then his left arm will shrink to compensate. Or he decides to make himself a gun- it will materialize but it will become a part of his forearm in place of his hand.
So, basically, it's kinda like anime Inception with the potential to create multiple different worlds and the many body forms one can take can make for interesting designs.
Basically people can materialize their heart as a weapon. That certain weapon is random and depends on your personality so you can't choose what weapon it will be. Also, you'll die when your weapon gets broken. If your weapon (your heart) gets broken, other people who have the ability to materialize their heart into a weapon can eat that weapon to make their weapon stronger.
Leg locking grapple holds and stuff?
Everyone has the ability to summon one specific item which can do one specific thing. Through training + adding restrictions/limitations the thing the item can do can become more powerful and abstract.
Item: Key
Power: Unlocks things
Starts off simple, only able to unlock a few doors, but becomes more powerful so the key can unlock any kind of security system or barrier. Eventually, you can unlock abstract things like latent potential, memories, and feelings, but with a big cost, like sealing away your own latent potential/memories/feelings, or even death.
That's basically how the powers in Guilty Crown work.
>a three way final battle between tile lover, the state of ohio fetishist and a handholding guy
The power will be called Edge of Death.
The closer someone is to dying, the mower powerful they become. This scales infinitely, meaning the greater the threat, the more powerful the person is.
As such the heroes must combat this edgy anti-hero by trying as hard as possible to ignore him and ensure he is completely healthy. Any attempts to fight him or put his life in danger will only cause him to become more powerful.
I wonder how the fuck that misspelling happened.
Is the main character the guy from Crank?
So basically Mine's power?
I've never understood this kind of power. If you're in more danger you're more powerful, meaning you're in less danger, meaning you're less powerful, meaning you're in more danger. Or is it just that the strength of the power/weapon ignored when determining danger?
Oh you cheeky wanker
It's powered by belief and random numbers. I call it mememagic.
Ok,s o my power will be called "God's Aspect".
Each being absorbs Aspect naturally, and most races have a preference to an aspect. God's aspect is energy that is constantly being released in the atmosphere like radiation and people's bodies absorb it and it causes them to have abilities. There are 5 aspect sources (generally in the shape of crystals), each representing the 5 elements. These aspects also hold the world together (Think final fantasy tactics). If one aspect is destroyed, the magic of that aspect would cease to exist (as it's left over power dries up). The aspects are parts of a God's soul, and they were created to hold the world together so they could rule over it. If one is close with their power, they would be able to communicate with that god. The god can also work through someone's power, influencing mortals.
A person can have one dominate element, but can train in the others by learning to absorb the other aspect energies. Though it is very difficult, because aspect energy forges pathways in your body. (Like a nerve system) and using multiple aspects will create interference. Getting stronger requires more forging, and can take years of practice. So it is better to only combine aspects that can work together. (like Fire and earth = lava). Usually to focus and control the aspect's power, one must draw a circle with their energy, and connect it with their "circuit" in their body. (think alchemy, but you can do it in the air etc). The circles control direction and shape and speed of the cast spell. Bigger spells = longer casting time. You get it.
Power stones, namesake by the game series
They're the small meteorites that burn up in the atmosphere but once they get small enough they seek out people will potential and hit them square in the face giving them powers
After the power is given the stones can be used as energy sources
lurking this thread to steal ideas for my novel
Just don't steal mine because I am writing a novel around it.
How are you that stupid, user?
Stands as a concept are simple.
An individual Stand being complex not really doesn't mean Stands aren't simple.
Already working on one too, good luck with sales
I like dreamland's concept of power with the phobias. The amount of fear you have towards a thing equates to the amount of power you have if you are able to conquer that fear. I also like the whole trial thing where when Fate feels like you are ready you are put under a test to see if you can conquer your fear. The fears aren't just limited to just conventional things like fire, heights, or the dark but it includes practically anything that a person would fear like being left alone or the concept of death. The fear has to be a genuine fear of the thing or else the test won't ever manifest itself.
The MC is a part of the Cred Forumsbu, the second largest gang in the city. They're a tiny gang, but the power they wield is nothing to scoff at.
The gentle giant (and leader) of the group, he loves to listen to Touhou songs. He does not actually do much in terms of leading; he was the who formed it. As long as people keep coming, and are satisfied, so is he.
Two siblings who keep arguing whether Merzbow or Masonna are better (hint, they're not that good)
>Band Camp
A promising newbie - he wields the power of the many new artists, which brings great fervor and freshness to him. He's one genki guy.
>Anni Meost
Hailing from an unknown eastern European country, this girl has thrown aside all other music subgenres (Even the M siblings listen to pop every now and then!) in favour of Anime OSTs. She acts a bit bipolar, though - she can be all fired-up, and get emotional in the next minute.
>Japa Contempo Compo
An old okinawan bookworm (!!!) who loves to listen to the newest artists from his country. He treats Anni a bit like a daughter in private.
>Da Drock
A 37 year old guy who joined the gang for reasons yet unknown. He's the interim leader.
>Ian D.
A mysterious australian lad. Moderate strength. He's a bit reclusive when talking with people outside of his "bubble", but he gets along with pretty much everyone in the gang. He's often teased by the older members.
>Am Bient
A blue-eyed and blonde-haired boy hailing from Finland. The music he listens to is lacking in energy, and so does he. He's also a bit reclusive just like Ian, but some alcohol makes him the most sociable person out of everybody.
>Ra Hup, and his sibling, Instrum
Twin brothers, of age 40. They're close with Drock, and are what keeps everybody together.
>F. Reimprov
A young russian guy who has a timely aura around him. He looks like he belongs a century in the past, and it's not the clothes he wears, mind you. It's the way he carries himself.
fuck original ideas, traditional magic systems like nasuverse are a lot better because you can just copy actual occult shit instead of coming up with everything yourself
They grant you psychic reality-warping powers that go from simple telekinesis to shit like pocket dimension creation or gravity manipulation
With more chromosomes you have stronger abilities but you become dumber and nobody at school wants to hang out with you
You gain more chromosomes either from intense chromosome training (acting like a massive retard) or by absorbing them from other people
The type of powers you have vary depending on which kind of chromosomes you possess
The existence of all things is comprised of matter and energy. Neither can be destroyed.If a body possess too much matter and not enough energy (spiritual) they become monstrous beasts. If they have too much energy and not enough matter (body), they will burn away their flesh and all those around them, like the Ark scene from Indiana Jones.
>you have the chance to create a shonen power
>an original new name for ki/chakra/haki/etc
>explain how it works
I will do sci-fi and claim every being with a soul can exert control over reality in some fashion. In the future, humanity manage to develop a device call it a Smart Psychokinetic & Mental Booster a.k.a. psi booster. It allow people wearing it to hone/boost their control over reality to a level that they can will fire into existence for a short period of time. With adequate knowledge and training, anyone wearing it can use it to cast 'magical' abilities like projecting a large stream of high pressure liquid. Or telepathy. With digital tech, most users don't even have to memorize all the necessary long ass methods and protocols for each ability, just the activation sequence.
Of course, using it drain the users out of stamina since the device only boost the original capability of the user, not replacing it. Fortunately or unfortunately, the world doesn't change much due to the tech despite it's incredible potential. Guns are still as good and so are other weapons. Grenades still don't need much effort to use either.
I am using this as the basic for my own srpg magic/sci fi system
I agree in most cases, but it depends on how you do it.
Eragon, for example, explained the mechanics and limitations of its magic system in a way that added to the mystery and drama of the series. The whole "lace" economic strategy wouldn't have been nearly as clever if the exact mechanics of magic weren't clear.
And this is coming from a rabid Tolkien fan. I loved how he did it the most. Like Galadriel's confusion when Sam starts asking about the enchantments on the rope.
Just saying it can be done well.
I forgot too mention, main character gets a special tool called a power stone and allows him to control Skeletons, spirits and the like. there are 20 stones.
These are the two that I thought of when contemplating anime systems done well. Good taste user.
It also works as an disinfectant and depressant.