Mods please help
Mods please help
Other urls found in this thread:
Mods don't care. The only thing people can agree on in those threads, before they went full Cred Forums, was that the current moderation team needs to be replaced. They're not going to stop the spam from drowning that out.
post this on /qa/ and maybe someone will see it
We have mods?
Someones been banning me for posting loli threads
Thread count is up to 12 now.
What makes you think mods are gonna give a shit? I have been seeing this Muh Official Rules shit the whole fucking week, and not one , NOT ONE. of those fucking threads have been deleted..
Well, at least my slow ass thread archived. I got bored of it anyway.
someone bans me for report generals
Too much RUUURUS.
I think those threads are a pretty good example showing that generals are evil and deteriorate in quality faster than anyone could measure.
Why though? Discussing rules isnt against the rules
Don't forget the e-celeb threads. Self-moderation only goes so far. I can report threads and garbage posts but it only matters if the mods and jannies actually take action.
Is Little Witch Academia going to air in Japan or must we suffer from Netflix?
Global rule 8
What are they supposed to do?
This is why nothing gets done. Because everything is always 50/50 split. No matter what you do there is always some articulate and autistic guy on the opposing side willing to shit up threads and Cred Forums in general with his bitching.
I guarantee you somebody is telling mods to let the threads be because Hiro "sanctioned" their discussion. That's why we've had these generals for a week now on multiple boards. They will eventually fizzle out, but letting the people out of those currently contained threads is not going to be fun for anyone at this point. Wait until it dies down, the circlejerk begins, and you can easily cull anyone still trying to force the threads.
I think this shit is stupid and shouldn't be allowed in the first place but that aside there certainly doesn't need to be a dozen fucking threads it's just become shit spamming at this point.
mods are intentionally letting those threads run wild so they can have an excuse to ban meta threads forever
When will reddit leave.
Cred Forums is fine as it, the ONLY thing that should be changed is banning general type threads
It shouldn't have to take a fucking week.
>This is why nothing gets done. Because everything is always 50/50 split.
Nothing gets done because every time we try to fix Cred Forums the shitters disrupt the threads so their precious funposting doesn't get dealt with.
Mods? No. We got our brilliant admin to give thanks for starting all this shit. HIRO TO THE RESCUE
>doing something
Hiro is too lazy to browse the board and see what people seem to want, so he just said that everybody needs to come to an agreement or nothing happens
Doesn't help that people can barely communicate with him, so it takes him two days to understand what someone said, to then just leave the thread and forget about it.
In terms of Cred Forums there's very little that needs to be done.
Someday people will look back on this period of Cred Forums history and say it was great.
We really need someone who speaks fucking English to admin this site. Hiro was a mistake.
That's the whole point. It's been one whole week and that faggot is still making metathreads every day as soon as the last one died. If we don't spam this shit to death, he will keep making more metathreads for the foreseeable future.
Anyone who does is a complete fucking retard.
This may very well be the worst period in Cred Forums's history. Even spam was more creative than this.
That's sort of what I was trying to imply. For things that aren't legitimately black and white, extremely clear cut, Cred Forums and Cred Forums as a whole is just too big and there are too many people who will either disagree or just intentionally shitpost to stop anything from changing.
Things like manhwa, I see as clear cut. It's really not "anime or manga", and I don't think Cred Forums would be hard pressed to at least form a majority opinion on it. Other things are much less clear. Like "quality of posts", people deem different things as shitty or 'quality' in their threads, certain images or content or what have you. We'll never get a consensus on things like that, and we already have dedicated shitposters who take up arms over images of certain characters or artists being posted. (Not talking people posting samples or actual bad image quality).
moot would've never allowed this to happen.
I would've say 'who' but we really needed him here.
Hiro is too busy posting Cred Forums shit on the Cred Forums twitter.
Are you trying to justify what's in that link?
N O T G O N N A L E T Y O U D R U G M E U P F U C K F A C E ┐( °ー ° )┌
No, it's just a little disheartening to see that the admin is floating around the site, clearly, but isn't doing anything with the rule shitstorm he created.
mods please please can you do your job
He probably would have. Just it wouldn't be half measured. He would change the board title to Cred Forums - meta and have some silly video play. Then the whole board would be shitposting for a day and then go back to normal again once it is over.
Is it really any worse then snk generals? I mean clearly people like posting them. So I think they should be allowed if other generals are allowed.
I mean if you don't like them ignore them? That is what all the general lovers parrot right?
You're right.
Just like n/a/ruto amirite?
Shit, does this count as a meta thread. My bad guys
>he doesn't know that Cred Forums moderation is trash and they only act when they get triggered by something they dislike
Welcome, user.
>go back to normal again once it is over.
That's what I'm fucking pointing out.
It didn't. Shounentards are stronger than ever.
Nothing changed. The threads were there before and the threads were there after. Stop trying to revise history.
Remember when you used to get banned for naruto threads and bleach threads got shitposted to death? Good times.
In 2008-9 maybe. Cred Forums hasn't changed since 2010-11 (with the exception of the time mods banned generals for over a year).
Shut the fuck up mate, naruto wasn't allowed to be posted here before moot betrayed us. Big three threads used to be a rare event, but then they began appearing weekly, then daily.
The ocassional threads were there before. In case of Naruto, they were spammed.
After, off-topic posts no longer ruled naruto threads.
Ocassional threads became 24/7 threads with
>spoilers soon
>discuss spoilers
>chapter soon
>chapter released in gook scan
>chapter released raw
>chapter released eng
>spoilers soon
Fucking cancer. There's one One piss, DBZ, Shokugeki, Hero Academia, SnK - All that stupdi shounenshit.
There's a narutard thread up right now. Looking at it makes me want to puke.
Mon-musu, its-time, ai-activites, untz-time, jojo shit generals are 10x worse than those threads. At least currently
Yes. They delete all instances of Keit-ai.
>thinly veiled meta thread
You did it OP, nice idea.
Only if you buy a Cred Forums pass.
Don't forget the cancer of monster girls. I think a thread used to pop up once a month, then the manga came out, and became bi monthly, then weekly then daily. I used to really like it, now its all cancer.
Also, why do people post about DBZ? That shit is more than a decade old and they just say the same shit.
The main problem we have now is generals. That shit needs to get banned.
You don't get to bring mods
Just the generals I don't like though.
The main problem we have now is all these fucking metathreads shitting up the board.
This shit needs to get banned.
A general is only malignant when it develops a circlejerk. Generals with no circlejerk are fine, but it's debatable whether they're possible.
The DJT has so many people coming and going due to the nature of its subject matter that it's pretty hard for it to turn into a circlejerk in the same way that SnK and Jojo threads do. It doesn't even have any tripfags.
Generals are a lot like muslims, at first when they come into your country they seem okay, tolerable at best.
Then out of nowhere all these bombings (circlejerks) start happening, what do you know its the muslims (general threads) that are the root of the cancer.
add another to the list OP
I'm starting to consider taking a break from Cred Forums for a month to let things cool down
Forced user, poster IDs, the Robot, add Discord links to spam filter. Would cause a shitstorm
>Generals with no circlejerk are fine, but it's debatable whether they're possible
Is better to say constant 24/7 threads are the problem as that is what causes that. If there was a way to curb people from keeping a thread alive though low quality shit like image dumps, daily doses/memes, tripfag circlejerking, offtopic shit, etc then there would be far less a problem as they would die naturally.
The Kawakami general was cool and useful, but it ended up being the only one to leave Cred Forums.
>If there was a way
Can you come up with anything to that effect?
Actually don't bother, it's not like Hiroshima is gonna implement anything, however ingenious.
>If there was a way to curb people from keeping a thread alive though low quality shit like image dumps
Fuck m8 that's a terrible idea. Any scanlation thread would never survive.
>the Robot
If it only worked in the generals then this could possibly work, but it would basically be impossible to implement and have it be that selective. Having it board wide has too many downsides compared to the positives.
Not without dedicated mod intervention. Would need some kind of mod that just overlooks generals and removes a thread once its quality is below a certain level or is only getting by though people bumping with images/off topic shit.
Closest we got was when mods removed them from the board around mid 2011 until around 2013.
Probably won't happen again though since they are really lacking in recent years even though I am sure there are plenty of anons who would be willing to do it all for free.
Hiro is a fraud and a kike. Reminder that he is the retard that actually had his site stolen from him.
If it is actually on topic then it is fine. I was more talking about people dumping stuff like fanart.
Someone needs to steal Cred Forums
Hopefully once moot become the top boss at google, he burns it all down and comes back to where he belongs.
Honestly I worry that Hiro will get sick of not making any money off of Cred Forums and sell it off to some random company
Don't think anyone would want to steal a site like Cred Forums. Be one giant legal liability with the shit that gets posted all the time even if it was just Cred Forums alone. And any changes to reduce it would just turn the userbase away/on the owner.
lets secede and form our own site
Cred Forums is fine and doesn't meddling, we don't need those threads.
fuk u
Fucking moderators. They actually do it for free.
Mods are only concerned about deleting Keit-ai, and they're not good at that either.
you mean, no monetary compensation?
Shokugeki has a cour airing. It gets 300-400 posts for the whole week for a chapter in total. The ep threads aren't large in total either.
He did fucking allow it to happen. It all started about him bitching about us derailing narutard threads.
Fuck off cancer
you first
>not no u
Fucking newfag
Kim-tan kawaii!
>wah a series i don't like is cancer!
>weekly thread ends at like 200 posts having 100 anons without necrobumps
oh noes?
>oh noes?
Can we make this a loli thread now?
It's always time for loli
I think he's enjoying himself more that we do
You walked into the wrong thread mother fucker.
>10. Loli worship is encouraged
Don't think you need to worry about those loli bans any more.
Yeah, I can make up rules any day of the week as well.
Why do you guys think anything even needs to change in Cred Forums? What is wrong with it now? This is freedom. Why do you hate freedom?
The only thing that needs changing is generals
You for /ag/?
No I'm for banning anyone who makes a general.
Why not just kick them to /ag/ so you don't have to look at them?
Because it creates a haven for Cred Forums related garbage.
Useless. There's no point in making a board with 10 pages for a dozen of generals to begin with. Just stop being cancerous and go circlejerk elsewhere, you can discuss anything in Cred Forums, no problems.
/vg/ started out with 5 pages
>general boards can't exist
Dude what?
>post clearly about /ag/
>huur any general board can't exist?
I wish I was this dumb too.
Your argument can be applied to any general board that could potentially exist, doofus. "We only have a few generals, so that board would be slow and small!" Need I remind you that we have things like /his/ and /po/? /his/ used to only be the dream of a few dozen people occasionally meeting in the odd history thread.
Also: Respond to people properly.
Whoever makes these threads are the biggest kiss asses
/his/ is just liberal Cred Forums
/his/ is garbage, but that's beside the point.
No nothing gets done because my guess is that most people come into these threads for the same reason I do:
To watch 4-5 autists verbally flail at each other with text and image macros while another 2-3 autists sperg out about the first 4-5. Meanwhile 99% of the board is either reading for fun or trying to fan the fires of the first 2 groups.
>implying anything has changed greatly on this site outside of massive influx of newfags in 07, katawa shojo and then gg last year or so.
Hold me Cred Forumsnons, the dark age is coming.
One change that I'd like to see is for the mods to focus on whether or not posts disrupt discussions before they decide to remove them or ban the users responsible. I've noticed that people tend to get banned really easily even for things that aren't bothering anyone or against the rules, just because some autistic faggot complains about them really loudly while everybody else is content with the posts. This usually happens in conjunction with the autistic faggot accusing the mods of being incompetent for not removing the post or posts in question. All the mod sees is the singular complaint against the post and, in the absence of nay-say, he concludes that the consensus must be that the post needs to be removed.
This is an established psychological phenomenon: When people are unsure of what to do, they tend to look to the group to decide. If only one person is speaking up, his statement will seem to go for the group. This phenomenon has even caused groups to stand by and watch murder without doing anything, solely because every member of the group looks to the others and sees that they aren't doing anything. They get scared of being wrong and looking foolish to everybody, so they keep trying to gather more visual information instead of helping. Returning to the subject matter: This means that mods can be inclined to remove innocuous posts at the behest of obnoxious faggots who are being more disruptive than the posts they want removed.
Worked great for Cred Forums.
>5 pages
And they filled all of them to the point of needing to make more.
delete thread please
t. concerned citizen
They can't, they're too busy banning people for no reason. The last one especially.
Oh yeah. There's the fact that mods constantly hand out 3 day bans because they know they can't be appealed. Pretty annoying.
Aside from the first and last, you deserved it.
Then they will make more
Most of those are deserved.
this. moot would just meme a certain board and call it a day.