Reposting this for those who wanted
Thank you, user.
I sure hope no one has drawn this yet
The studio clearly wants them rating for season 2. Man, I wish I could.
reigen is love
reigen is life
redrawreigen is literally the worst thing that ever could have happened to this fandom
frick you
because it is just a shitty meme that fills all internet boards with shitty low quality images of something that will be forgotten in a month
You realize we could've gotten so much more gay shit with the tumblr fandoms like with One Punch Man, but we have a meme that actually relates to Reigen being a lovable smug asshole. So is it really the worst thing that could have happened to this fandom?
i don't think you quite understand how much gay shit of mob psycho100 there is
so now we have this shitty meme AND gay shit
good call
No reason in particular: he's just found something new to shitpost about.
Alright. Since you guys liked it, I can do one more if you want.
please this
i need it
It doesn't come from Cred Forums so we don't like it.
We had a meme here before
here you go
fuck this is brilliant, thank you
Mob Psycho is tumblr's favorite?
Not gonna watch it then.
i'm not really feeling like using twitter right now so but i still wanted to draw the shitty meme so i'll dump my shit here
>mfw no exploding knees edit
is that guy japanese
or one of those weeb faggots that tries to emulate manga
Apparently her real name is Priscilla Hamby, so I'm gonna guess no.
But apparently weeb enough to get published in Shounen Jump, apparently. Pic related.
>clearly says twitter
someone decided to draw reigen versions of some well known stock images, turned out hilarious, internet picked it up and ran with it.
its great. dont be a faggot.
is there one of this?
so are we just posting memes and stock images so that they can get mobbed?
If we post them too quickly, this thread could get deleted because it wouldn't be anime related.
So let's start a conversation
Why isn't there more of her
How do you think this will go? Since Dimple has basically made way for Mob to reach him, will Mob finally be at the top?
But why are her eyes upside down?
>you will never combine your psychic power with her's
Because she isn't important and has no name. and you only care about her because she's a cute girl
Tumblr artists normally draw this kind of art. I also checked the artist's twitter. Full of fujo art of Mob Psycho and Pokemon Go.
There's one for this.
>cute girl
it is the lack of cute girls why Mob threads are always knee deep in faggotry
I don't even mind all the gayness if it was Reigen gayness, but we al need to admit that he is a fucking sex god
but there really isn't enough attention to the series girls.
>tumblr posting
>3dpd gifs
>imgur filenames
I can't wait until you fucking idiots are purged.
>You will never save the Telepathy Club from being disbanded
bad feel
be the change you want to be in the world.
in fact, we could probably slide her into future reigen pics if it would make sense.
>caring this much about where an image comes from
this could make a pretty good one.
Also; why is Reigen so sexy, anyway? It's almost ungodly how many pants this man has tented or otherwise made dipping wet.
because anime original
This is spectacular.
I'm working on the Fear and Loathing re-draw.
I'll do this one as well.
do reigendraws need to be "high quality" or can I make like ONE and draw shit anyway
>crossboarder memeshit
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
hey there was this picture of this kid in a chair that people were adding all over to pictures of some show, i don't remember what the show was but maybe someone can draw reigen like that?
No. It's fine on its own
Have we reach peak meme? Even ONE thinks it's funny.
No idea why this hashtag is a thing, but I sure don't mind the content.
Not yet but soon.
>hey there was this picture of this kid in a chair that people were adding all over to pictures of some Shou, i don't remember what the Shou was but maybe someone can draw reigen like that?
>Mob will confront him and try to fight him
>Broccoli will absorb mobs power forcing him to go all out
>Dimple will fight mob
>Mob will realize at some point he took dimple for granted and apologize.
>Dimple will realize mind control is the wrong way to become god
screen cap this
Did he mention it?
If we get an /ag/ board, could we discuss Mob even after the anime ends?
no please dad don't kick me out not again i promise i'll be good please
i just want to get accepted by you "LURK MORE READ THE RULES !PLS/GOv3qU" senpai please let me be your friend
it makes him happy ;_;
He tweeted an article compiling some of them.
That one's really good, who drew it?
also, if it's not too much trouble drawfriend, or you're still around
>People told this man he would never amount to anything with his shit drawings
He proved them all wrong. And now his art is even kind of decent.
Eagerly waiting for what's coming after Mob ends.
One person randomly redrew a stock photo with reigen, posted it, and it took the fuck off because no matter what image anyone used reigen was completely in character
It's glorious
this seems to be the original picture.
We need a Reigen 4 Koma Gaijin 4 Koma
I've done two today I'll do more but I'm real fuckin slow if you don't mind waiting like an hour
Same here. He spawned a great many memes too. I dream of being as great as him.
>and it took the fuck off because no matter what image anyone used reigen was completely in character
Do it.
Doing God's work, son.
And I might add, to get the best mileage out of your drawings, use well known exploitables as templates. They'll stick around on Cred Forums for years if you do
ah, yeah I was just taking things out of old folders. I think I'll do this next though
if Tome became an esper, what would her power be?
She gets telepathy but she can only telepathically communicate with ants.
I knew that seemed familar but I wouldn't have placed it
or super strong telepathy that only works at short ranges
>mob psycho threads a day ago
>full of homo
>mob psycho threads now
>full of reigen memes
this is ok? this is ok
Reigen memes > gayposting > shitposting
Reigen memes = Reigen gay > waifuposting > all other gaypostig > shitposting
reigen memes >shou posting> gayposting > shitposting
Reigen > actual discussion > memes > fujoshit = waifushit > shitposting
found a couple good pixivs
I love Mobu's delivery service.
This hashtag is a gift from God.
That's something I never thought I would say.
What colour should his shirt be?
the same color his tie is
somebody redraw this
draw your heart out user
The fact that dimple is constantly his prop makes it even funnier.
>tfw you will never be a drawfag
The person who requested this here... fucking amazing.
As for his shirt, up to you, but I like the idea has to make it the same color as his tie, or leave it white.
Is there anything more pure than brotherly love?
I swear to god if you guys make this look gay I'll kill you and then myself.
time to an hero.
Post it on twitter in the tag, someone will draw it
Not that other user who was doing requests but wanted to draw this one anyway. This is my first mp100 fanart.
i've been loving the Reigen overload today. My only gripe is not having the time to contribute earlier.
Wow you're really good.
Amazing user.
Ritsu is perfect.
and one more bc i had to.
What would Saiki's reaction to meeting Mob be? And vice versa?
This is my favorite picture so far.
Here's mine
If you'd be so kind/inclined, drawfriend.
What a bad time to drink water. Damn near sent myself to an early grave.
haha shit that was my other one I'm so glad
just finished this
I don't know. Now that Japan's in on it too, there's some stiff competition.
This thread just keeps getting better and better.
Upsetting, but nicely done. I like your style user.
I'm the one who requested it. Thank you very much. I love it. It'll be my go-to reaction pic if we don't get season two.
Reigen's butt blast.
This is an expensive move where Reigen puts a lit match in his pants and flatulates as hard as he can.
It's expensive because he needs to buy new pants afterwards.
she was so damn distracting
HOLY SHIT I'm on it
>Tfw Reigen completely took over the episode
Why is he so perfect?
I heard it in the announcer's voice, you madman.
just to confirm this whole #redrawreigen thing was because of ep 11
oh and also bit of draw fag but cant draw at the moment cus studying
someone please do this
People are already selling their tickets to the event on Y!J.
All I want is a mob pillow to hug and cry into for the finale.
Why do they call him mob though?
MobDonalds is the name of a McDonalds-like fast food joint in MP100, and Mob has a blank face similar to that of the mascot(who is actually Saitama). It'd be like if a kid looked like a clown so all of his friends called him Ronald.
Are these generals just meme spam?
Based God Saiki would delete that faggot's existence
>Re:Zero was a huge fucking disappointment after an awesome start
>Mob literally delivering the goods every fucking episode
I don't know how Bones did it, this is literally anime of the decade.
So this is what happens when meme magic reaches its ultimate form. I never thought I would be able to experience it first hand
Saiki would be happy to have a friend who isn't Kaido or Nendou.
Hello, Juzo. The retard jannies deleting your threads?
Explain how DR3's lord and savior somehow got involved with Mob and Re:Zero
Is this your first time in these threads?
It means he has no presence like a throw away side character, it's also an alternative reading of his name in japanese.
Some user was claiming that Reigen gave him that nickname; I've read the manga twice and flipped through it multiple times to fact check things and I've never come across that, can anyone confirm or debunk this?
The kids from Mob's flashback in episode 3 call him Mob, so it's safe to assume Reigen did not come up with it.
Btw, the kanji for "Shigeo" can be read as "Mobu" in Chinese.
lmao I'm sorry this is so dumb I'm high and I couldn't stop laughing at Reigen's stupid face
I thought so.
Didn't remember the Chinese part, I confused it as Japanese, I was worried that I had some pages missing even though I got them from nerieru-scans; thanks for giving me some peace of mind man.
Thank you! Here's an alternate version with teru's eyes closed.
now do this with whoever you want
Well, it's midnight but I'll be back tomorrow if anyone has more requests. I'm on twitter too at /westonleila you can just send dm me pics or whatever. it's good practice, i'm having fun
I just realised that the prescreening will spoil whether we will get a 2nd season or not.
I'm not ready fuck.
So I just got done catching up to the show and damn
I literally got chills on pic related and then suddenly [100%]
You haven't seen anything yet.
>Reigen calming down Mob from a 100%
Fucking cool, I wasn't expecting that.
I am very excited.
I'm about to read the manga from chapter one.
Pic related also gave me goosebumps, THATS how you introduce a fucking ASSHOLE
>tfw you'll never physically assault a hostile super psychic with Reigen-sama
Life is tough.
any drawfag ? requesting this for redrawreigen
S2 confirmed yet?
You're a blessing
No, not yet.
Still, MP100 has been doing pretty well sales-wise (second best selling show of the season behind Re:Zero, which was best seller for both last season and this season). So it's not outside the realm of possibility.
Keep dreaming. It's not even on sale yet and the sales prediction says it will flop.
>Not on sales yet
>Can tell it'll flop
Literally wut
Ever heard of Stalker threads. They can predict if a show will flop and it's accurate.
This show is not really getting viewers from Japan. It's only popular in the west.
>Ever heard of Stalker threads
too bad i'm on mobile and don't have any reaction pics
>This show is not really getting viewers from Japan. It's only popular in the west.
Was opm the same way?
Does japan hate everything that isn't waifus?
why not just git gud?
>One man game maker who apparently become big due to his talents in world building, character design and soundtrack
>Hates putting males in his work
>One man web comic artist who become big due to his talents in paneling, story telling and composition
>Hates putting females in his work
Someone tell these two to go on meeting so they would eventually come up with a new franchise that will make tons of money.
This one?
>Ever heard of Stalker threads. They can predict if a show will flop and it's accurate.
What's happening here?
It's too bad that Teru and Shou aren't able to appreciate pure brotherly love.
this one was already redrawn with more salt pouring
yeah mob seems like the kind of friend saiki would actually appreciate (and not just because he's a psychic too). he hates everyone in his own series
>he doesn't know
You don't know shit about stalker
I imagine that they'd get along well. They could bond over their love of certain foods/drinks
Yeah, I was actually moved. Mob is a great brother.
I've noticed MP100 is getting pretty popular this week. It's probably a mix of the hype that was Ep11 and the Reigen meme. It's a shame that next week is over, it could have gotten even more popular if it were two cours. I remember Re:Zero also started getting insanely popular from episodes 10-13.
Tender brotherly love.
he's actually perfect
>They can predict if a show will flop and it's accurate.
>the mob flopped
Requesting a "special feeling" edit. Posting with my phone, cant provide source sadly.
The source.
>Ritsu: Why... didn't you offer me any chocolate for Valentine's Day... !
>Mob: I can't give you something like that, Ritsu
>Ritsu: But why... !
>Mob: Because my heart...
>Is already yours, isn't it, Ritsu?
>Ritsu: Niisan!
>Mob: Ritsu!
>Fall in love
I already went to sleep when it was posted, but I'll try and do the long RitsuxShou one from last thread since I'm free today (handwritten stuff is always a bit more difficult to handle).
Keep posting!
Based, thank you
Dimple has been taken over by the broccoli.
Mob is going to try and return the favor of Dimple saving his mind twice (when he was in the illusion being bullied, when his family was "killed")
Dimple isn't evil. He's being corrupted.
Have we stopped caring about spoilers altogether? There are animeonlies in this thread, user.
>not wanting to have a foursome with the Kageyama bros
Wow, Shou and Terier really are faggots.
Musashi is cute. CUTE.
Mukai is cuter. CUTER.
Thanks user, you're translating faster than I can typeset lol but I'll get to it! Sleeping now but I'll check back a couple of hours hopefully.
i sure hope someone is hoarding these.
do share a link to download them all when you do put them online user..
Why is Ritsu so dramatic?
>anime only
sounds like their problem.
broccoli is so far off nobody will remember if they're only at the anime
Not only that, but I'm sure they'd be pretty confused about it. No one would read the word "broccoli" and guess what it really is. Pretty sure they think it's some kind of inner joke, a meme or an omake.
The post also spoiled stuff from Claw Boss and Mogami
I dont know man, this seems like something that could have very well happened in Mob Psycho as some kind of Omake or Gag. Oh godamn what if ONEs next Omake is about #RedrawReigen.
"I will confiscate that". He's literally dealing with children, holy shit.
And then he got carried away
>Looks like Ritsu got a birthday present from Shigeo...
>Aaaaah !!! Aaah !!! This is no good !!! I'm so happy !! (Colombia!) -what the actual fuck, Ritsu.-
>Aaaaah !! I'm dying !! Wait no !! I'm living !!!
>I'm alive!!! That's right! Breathing !!!
>Steadily !! I am !!
>Is it really okay to just leave it alone...?
these are all gold
praise be to reigen, may his holy righteousness wash over us like a wave
I was waiting for that one. Saved.
>Notices he's being followed by a reporter who wants to ruin him even more
>Instead of avoiding him he confronts him and calls him out on his shit
How can Reigen be so based?
i have so many good ones already, reigen is the gift that keeps giving
While most of the people i saw understood why Reigen told Mob to just get away, some still didnt get it. I think they just need some simple analogy. Just imagine a bunch of sick grown ups trying to kill your kid and the friends he was with. Luckily your kid has a fucking strong machine gun and the grown ups only hand guns or even knifes. Would you tell the kid to take it up on himself and badly hurt or even kill everyone on the scene?
I think the logical reaction from any sane adult person would be to calm those kids down and fucking bail out of there asap, while firing some supressing shots. Either way, fighting in such a confrontation would fuck up a kid for good, especially a kid as emotionally frail as Mob. That just shows how level headed reigen is and how well he understands Mops feelings. That in such a situation the most important thing to him is Mobs well being in the aftermath. Wew that was lot of talk, I guess some shonenfags just wanted to see some good ol' blood and action.
BONES made Shou so cute, wtf
This is the problem, really. I agree with everything you said, and I'm sure the majority would understand the analogy as well. It's just that they think it's all about Mob going berserk (it's even funnier when they want him to go ???%, as if he could control that), and they saw Reigen's words like a cockblock for their hype. I wonder how they'll react to next episode.
Have you not seen what happened to the Osomatsu-san threads?
A bunch of Reigen-adapted reaction images is fine.
>I wonder how they'll react to next episode.
They would go 100% rejection themselves and shit on the show obviously.
I was baffled when I saw people complaining about Reigen for that. They all were also hyped to see Mob with 100% killing intent.
It's like they completely forgot how he started to ry like a baby after using his powers on Teru, and nobody even got hurt there.
Ye, i saw cockblock a lot fucking hilarious. One reaction to the analogy from them could be:
>but muh fight, why does Reigen not just take the machine gun and handle it himself like a damn grown up
Well uhm, just wait and see i guess.
People are gonna be disappointed of this anime next episode and everyone is going to react the same way I do and call this a normalfag anime.
Shitting your viewerbase, not even once.
Nah, they will be too blinded by the amazing Sakuga, that they forget what they were even upset about.
What Sakuga? The "fight" is lame as fuck in the manga.
>doubting reigens unbridled glory next episode
it's like you're an animeonly
Well, we'll see. We all thought they'd be disappointed by the fake Reigen-boss bait cliffhanger, but I don't remember anyone complaining after the episode. BONES did Reigen and his humor justice, and the added fight scenes were the cherry on top.
If they explain 1000% Gratitude properly while keeping the comedy, add some sakuga fest, and make Shou and his dad seem like a real future threat, I don't see why they should be disappointed.
Bones fucking loves shotas.
The "fight" between Teru and Sakurai was barely a couple panels in the manga and look what they did. Kameda is working on the finale and I'm sure they'll go all out.
Maybe the will really hate Reigen next episode?
As far as i know, Tachikawa will direct and do storyboard and Kameda is animation director or maybe does some scenes himself. So in some shape or form it will look amazing. Did you see the Teru vs Sakurai, or the Teru vs fire guy fight in the manga? That was nothing compared to what they did in the Anime. There is a lot of room to make it look at as spectacular as possible. Its Bones for gods sake why would the final not be the as amazing as the rest of the episodes.
No one actually likes Reigen, right? That kind of blind idealism is one of the most childish, stupidest ways of thinking a person can have.
I'll be honest I haven't actually watched the latest episode I'm just waiting for GRATITUDE to come out so I'll get them both at the same time.
I don't think animeonlies are any different than most of the manga readers were the first time they actually read the manga. There were and will always be some folks who're more preoccupied with Mob going "badass" mode and fucking shit up than his emotional growth, but these people were always (and from the looks of it, still are) by large a minority. If it weren't the case, the reactions to Reigen's actions and philosophy this episode wouldn't have been so overwhelmingly positive.
>he hasn't seen the light yet
It's OK, user. You will one day.
Gotta love how they keep close to the anime's artstyle.
Soon enough I'll have a Reigen reaction pic for absolutely everything, and I love it.
Again someone who needs a bit of help. I got you.
This. Not to mention that Reigen will get his ass handed to him in on of the later arcs.
I really can't wait for him to shou up again next episode.
Then Reigen will be the next Pepe and will be instant delete on all boards.
Thats a good one the colour palette looks like the damn anime. Wish most either look like this or the manga Reigen.
I remember someone once said that this story is all about Mob realizing that people CAN change, but that not all of them are willing to.
Just because Reigen's philosphy doesn't work in all situations (it certainly doesn't in Boss arc), that doesn't mean he's not right or that we shouldn't be rooting for him.
>rooting for a fraudster
Nice try, Ruppel's Fox.
Remember, we don't like OC anymore, any OC that comes is from reddit in the minds of people.
Why is Reigen the greatest spiritualist since the fall of the USSR?
Most Manga readers had the pleasure to read Mob in bulk releases till chapter 50. I think some people kind of disliked or were indifferent to Reigen at that point in time but after last episodes material and "that" scene they were all on board. No one really had anything negative to say apart from "Reigen the fucking GOAT, need moa Reigen!".
Yes I read your "brilliant" analogy. The logic behind Reigen's words is clear as day, and I didn't have trouble understanding him at all. I know that you think that anyone who disagrees simply doesn't understand what he was trying to say, but your desire to sit atop a high horse isn't reflective of reality.
"Being the better person through pacifism" isn't a magic mantra that applies to every situation. There are times in life when you literally can't run away, and any real man will tell you that if your family is in danger and you put childish idealism ahead of pragmatism that you're a manchild that hasn't grown up. Now I know you haven't reproduced and never will, and that you probably sit in your room for most of the day so your parents and siblings don't mean all that much to you, but what Reigen was telling him in that situation is 100% wrong. The fact that he has the gall to pretend he has some moral highground and some people actually agree with that blows my mind.
literal child detected
one day you too will learn
until then lament your shit taste, idiot
>literal child detected
You're funny.
Go find any adult with children, literally any one, and ask them if they'd put their family at risk because they want to feel "mature" and turn the other cheek in the face of salient danger.
I hate Reigen because he punch best boy aka Shimizaki.
>People are cowards
More news at 11.
>It takes bravery to let your family die for your childish ideals
Holy shit, how many mental disabilities do you have to grow up with to think this way?
You're interpreting his actions wrong, friend. He intends to take responsibility for mob and co, and be the one to confront the other adults. Reigen is hardly a pacifist, and has been the one to step in to control a situation multiple times, though using wit instead of force. You're implying he's an idealist, where instead he's a con man who doesn't want to watch a kid, who is almost a walking gun, pull the trigger, because he's so good at lies and bluffs he's started deceiving himself.
We're so used to seeing shonen protagonists in their teens having these brutal fights against their enemies, we've become numb to it. Preteens should not be put under these tense situations and it's actually unreal how many of them don't even seem to be mentally scarred after the things they've done/seen (Luffy, Naruto...). That's probably why authors/editors never dare to make the MCs kill anyone, cause having kids in a shonen actually murder someone would be inmoral. Of course they're not fooling anyone cause we know any human would end up dead after 90% of the shonen battles we see.
That's why Reigen's message seems so radical. In our minds, the obvious solution in this scenario is have this awkward, sensitive 14 year old muder three people, and we're OK with it. We don't even stop to think how much that could traumatize a person for the rest of their lives.
>Reigen proves that he is the best in episode 11
>#redrawreigen gives us comedy gold for the week leading up to the final episode
Reigen is so awesome that he made the fans awesome in preparation for what's probably going to be one of the most awesome episodes of anime this year. How can one man be so amazing?
>You're interpreting his actions wrong, friend.
No, "friend". You're incorrectly assuming that intentions and ideals take precedence over pragmatism and reality, and you're a childish idiot for it. It doesn't matter what you want to do or think you're doing when reality doesn't line up with the pretty picture you painted in your head. Time to grow up.
Uses "every man" to make a point. Show how fragile you are. I dont give a flying fuck what every man does or thinks. I am a man myself, so i will do as i please and see fit. There was of course the possibilty to just run away. Sadly Reigen was surrounded by kids and manchildren like you, who didnt even think of running away. Their first thought was using their powers and fight an enemy whose real powers they might not even be aware of. You sound like some insecure 'murrican who has guns everywhere in his crib. Your train of thought is exactly what leads so many of your police to kill unarmed citizens. Could be wrong though.
I am not Reigen, so i dont share his ideology or mantra to that extent, but i would have acted in a similar fashion in this situation. I wouldnt let my kid, that hasnt matured yet, handle that and then scar him for all of eternity. Also pls share your repsonse to the analogy, i would like to hear your thoughts on that, oh very masculine man of all men.
Where is this from? It's making my brain tingle trying to remember.
Sailor moon.
Running away from a fight is not letting your family die though. It's the opposite actually.
>actually taking life advice from a fraudster
If you people believe all that crap he's spouting then I have a bridge to sell you.
Are you implying Reigen isn't pragmatic? Or are you now turning the spotlight of your own self-defined maturity onto strangers posting in an image board on the internet? You're jumping to many, many conclusions here friend. Most of which could be seen as ad-hominem attacks made towards multiple total strangers.
>I am a man myself,
You're really not though.
> Also pls share your response to the analogy
Do you think I give a shit what contrived analogy you use to pretend you have a point Seriously, you're so fucking stupid that I'm actually having a hard time accepting that you might be serious. How does your analogy account for the fact that warning shots mean nothing to the people that they're fighting, and that it would take more than a few bullets (or in this case, psychic attacks) to kill them?
>B-But America!
This has to be a parody post at this point. No amount of wanting to feel smart by quoting your own inane analogy could account for this level of stupidity.
>Running away from a fight is not letting your family die though.
If someone has a gun pointed at your family and says they're going to shoot, then running away is absolutely letting them die. The universe doesn't see that you tried to not fight and then magically resolve the situation non-lethally to reward you. You understand that the universe isn't governed by a magical manchild who bestows good karma upon whom he sees fit, right?
>implying he's not the real deal
you'll believe it when you see it, kid
This show makes me really tear up.
>Are you implying Reigen isn't pragmatic?
I'm explicitly stating that he's not in this situation. Feel free to refute that point directly instead of trying to move off topic or cry about logical fallacies that don't apply at all here.
>Philosophy Majors, in MY Reigen thread?
>It's more likely than you think!
So, is there anyone who thinks Reigen should have told Mob "Go on, murder them all! That's your responsibility!"
What are you talking about, no one here disagress with acting and being proactive. We just wouldnt task a lil kid to handle that situation. I would throw my self in line of sight of the sickos and let the kids escape. Letting my, not yet matured, kid take the responsiblity and handle it would have the risk of my kid getting killed too during that fight. How retarded are you? Best course of action is to just bail out, de-escalate it not escalate a confrontation further, when you are dealing with sick manchildren like you that in reality need to grow up.
And it's not even Mogami arc yet. Bones better announce season 2 next episode.
Best one so far.
Lucky for them they were not in an immediate death situation. Distracting them and running away was of course possible.
>We just wouldnt task a lil kid to handle that situation
The kid is literally the only one who can stop you from being killed.
>I would throw my self in line of sight of the sickos and let the kids escape
All you would succeed in is getting yourself and the kid killed in the name of fulfilling your selfish ideals.
>Letting my, not yet matured, kid take the responsiblity and handle it would have the risk of my kid getting killed too during that fight.
A risk of dying is better than a guarantee of dying, and if you tell the kid to do it, you can take responsibility for it and ease the burden on it.
>How retarded are you? Best course of action is to just bail out
How retarded are you? I'm 100% serious. How fucking stupid do you have to be to think that trying to run away will make the superpowered monsters give up on slaughtering you all? Please answer the question.
>Lucky for them they were not in an immediate death situation
>Enemies who can easily kill them are trying to kill them
>But it's not a life or death situation because I just know my childish ideals will prevail!
The full situation hasn't even played out yet. Did you read the manga? If you didn't, then you're building your entire argument on an unstable base. If you did, then I'm sorry to see that you missed what our imaginary, made up friend Reigen's actions were, or that you missed his general philosophy throughout the entire series. Please re-read.
He's telling kids to get out of the situation instead of letting these literal children murder people dressed in supervillain outfits.
>The full situation hasn't even played out yet
>Hindsight means what he said and did was ok
Please, I'm begging you, tell me that you're not so fucking stupid that you actually believe this for even a second.
You sound like such a hyper masculine gun nut, its crazy. Probably voting Trump too. I just cant shake this feeling off, when i see your arguments and reasoning.
And you sound like a 19 year old Sweedish twink who thinks they're blind idealism works outside of their mother's basement or one of their 7 Undertale save files.
Thanks for showing me that you'd rather cry about big scary masculine men than address the point. It's ok though, if you turn the other cheek the universe will definitely reward you.
>Now I know you haven't reproduced and never will, and that you probably sit in your room for most of the day so your parents and siblings don't mean all that much to you
Wew lad, who's sitting on a high horse now
>Probably voting Trump too. I just cant shake this feeling off, when i see your arguments and reasoning.
People who actually look at the reality of things instead of the fairy tale version in their heads vote for Trump, and people that don't like Trump are faggots that cry about him while discussing chinese cartoons that have nothing to do with politics?
>so fucking stupid
There you go, resorting to swearing and insults again.
Reigen becomes aware, right in the middle of the fight, that he has made a mistake and accepts that he's doomed them. Since he is unaware of the full extent of any esper's powers, let alone Mobs, he deems the best course of action is to tell the kids to run. He has no idea that Mob might win, or if he even can, and just grasps for the most realistic, short-term solution he can think of.
>I am right and you are wrong: the post
>The kid is literally the only one who can stop you from being killed.
No its not. Running away, de-escalating the situation is the best course of action here.
>A risk of dying is better than a guarantee of dying, and if you tell the kid to do it, you can take responsibility for it and ease the burden on it.
And who told you its a sure death sentence if you try to escape? Thats just what you have been fed by your fear mongering authorities. Stop tryharding, fighting back is is not always the most optimal thing you can do when both of the parties have equal amount of killing potential.
Guys, please chill, don't resort to insults.
We all have our opinions. Reigen a shit, reigen a best. I doubt arguing now would change anything.
I appreciate the person who's explaining why Reigen's actions were not suited in that situation, it invokes a lot of discussion, lets just not stoop to insulting and ad hominem attacks, ok?
Who cares, post more Reigen
>faggots that cry
Please stop undermining your arguments by tossing petty insults, friend. It actually bothers me that you're doing this.
>There you go, resorting to swearing and insults again.
I know this is your first week on Cred Forums, but when someone says something stupid, they should expect to get called stupid.
>Reigen admits he made a mistake by shoving his ideals on them by making a judgement through pure ignorance despite literally having no idea what he was talking about
>But his general idea wasn't wrong.
>No its not
Yes it is.
>Running away, de-escalating
user, you fucking idiot. Running away doesn't stop the fight or the murderers behind you. What part of this do you not understand? This isn't an rpg where running from battle gets you away with no consequences. How can you possibly be so stupid that you don't understand this?
>Thats just what you have been fed by your fear mongering authorities. Stop tryharding, fighting back is is not always the most optimal thing you can do when both of the parties have equal amount of killing potential.
You actually think you can outrun bullets, don't you?
sure friend
Literally "cheer on the fragile kid and let him take an action that would ruin him forever"
Reigen wants any other alternative to Mob fighting to the death. This is a fairly rational action, all things considered.
I cant take you serious, thats all. You try to insult people and your arguments are way too aggressive for no reason, while being comically wrong too. I mean we are talking about a cartoon here after all. For me and my well being the best course of action is to just ridicule the mad, gun nut, trump supporter.
>Running away doesn't stop the fight or the murderers behind you.
that's what teru said
Stop it, Ritsu.
The running party has a bulletproof shield, though.
>A point isn't valid because someone hurt my feelings
Please never post on Cred Forums again. It actually bothers me that you think you belong here.
both of these arguments make sense
>Haha this guy probably likes Trump
>That means I'm right!
You must be from tumblr
No, one of them has a bulletproof vest and the guys shooting at them have high powered rifles.
>one of them has a bulletproof vest
two actually, counting teru. ritsu is weak tho
Dude we arent talking face to face. Stop trying to insult me as if it has any meaning. You the one who is sitting behind his screen tries to insult a random person on an image board. Just look at you and how stupid that is. Why cant you let your arguments speak for yourself and cut out those petty and childish insults. Next thing you will say is "fuck off cuck". Its hilarious how much you fit in this alt right stereotype.
Mob can definitely put up a barrier too powerful for them to penetrate around the entire party. He was caught working though his fight or flight response.
Jesus this thread went to shit quickly. That's why we need the gayposting dammit where did the fujos go?
i'm waiting for a chance to use this
You're still making assumptions. You have no information about me, a stranger on an anonymous board, and so you form your own idea of me via an argument we're having, which you seem to feel very passionately about. Stop throwing away your own credibility by being petty. Be better than that. For Reigen.
>Haha, look at these silly alt right guys
>Let me just go to Cred Forums and tell them how they should do things my way because they're silly and stupid and I'm right
You're either still in college or a full blown NEET.
>Mob can definitely put up a barrier too powerful for them to penetrate
Oh, and he'll follow everyone home and keep the barrier up 24/7?
it's ok, post more Reigen memes
>no Dimple as the basketball
I still love it but it can be so much better.
I seriously love how dimple is used as a prop
>If someone insults me then I can ignore their point
>I win because my feelings matter
I didn't realize how bad the offsite posting had gotten.
>the claw guys are this murderous
They don't even care for people finding out about them, Teru knew about them for years and they never sent a proper "Hitsquad". What, are they going to tear the city up early and get the boss mad at them?
Get in hide, the enemy should know you have some kind of killing potential, so moving forward for them is risky. Fire some stray shots and bail the fuck out. Quite simple actions, wont always save you but its not as risky as letting a 13 year old kid try to save your ass, thats what i know for sure.
well, no matter the outcome of Reigen's actions, it's clear that he's been thinking of protecting Mob.
>They'll just give up and go home after he broke into their base and thrashed half of them
Why didn't I think of that!
This literally reads like something out of a garbage LN where the MC uses internal monologue to explain to super awesome plan that didn't only work through the plot armor of suddenly making every other character retarded.
Yeah, they probably will. Because he fucking wrecked them. At the very least they will have to regroup.
the 13 year old kid has been saving his ass for a bit now.
>zozzle ur a newfag normie reeeee
I didn't once ignore your point, nor did I imply you lost because you "hurt my feelings :(". I, and some others, were trying to have a proper conversation with you about the ethics of Reigen's decision-making, and you were resorting to namecalling and personal attacks to "reaffirm" your points. I was merely making you aware of the fact you were doing it, in case you weren't lucid.
>At the very least they will have to regroup.
And what happens after a regroup?
I'll give you a hint: It's not "drop pursuit because they picked the peaceful option"
>Haha this guy probably doesn't like Trump
>That means he's from tumblr
>That means I'm right!
You must be from Cred Forums
would you?
There was the one with Dimple on twitter
Well i should take it you are a 25ish dude in the workforce trying to shit on younger kids then? Doesnt seem to likely. You strike me as a uneducated nerd and altright supporter. Who also lacks /fitness. I would bet good money that i am totally right on this one.
What happens is them not being able to do shit because Claw isn't willing to reveal itself on a wide scale yet. Do you think some massive esper battle would just go unnoticed? It's okay to run away, and you don't need a thirteen year old kid to fight to the death.
guys if you're going to argue, at least post some reigen
You did ignore my point. Only commenting on the fact that you called you a fucking idiot instead of refuting my point is doing just that. This is Cred Forums, I know you're new here but no amount of pretending to be "above" the board culture will change how things work here. This is not whatever site you came from, learn that.
>Haha, this guy pointed out that I was the only one who brought up political preference out of nowhere
>I'll still pretend I have a point
Actually I'm an advanced degree holder with a job and I lift regularly.
I know you want to think you're smart and accomplished, but you're not.
>o you think some massive esper battle would just go unnoticed?
Just like how the first fight in the alleyway was a big deal, right?
And let's not forget that it's definitely impossible for them to snag one of the weaker ones while Mob isn't looking.
even if you have a degree and all those things,
you'll never be as good as suave as reigen
I think thats what you should do in any combat scenario involving some type firing gun. We arent in the 18th centruy you know. Both parties take hide and try to kill the each other or escape, its only one of those two. Fight or flight. I will take flight when i cant take full responsibility for everything that happens.
Mob literally contained the alley battle, and furthermore there's nothing for them to gain by going after the weaker ones once they escape. Unless you think "It's a matter of pride" isn't also just more shounen tropes.
>hairy legs
>you'll never be as good as much of an idealistic idiot or a fraud as reigen
I know, and it feels great.
>I think thats what you should do in any combat scenario involving some type firing gun
Setting aside the fact that we were talking about an esper battle, the way you think gun fights work is scary.
but i'm doing both seperately because i forget
>lol ur not from around here XXXDDDD le sakura eats the fish right guys
See, you've got me doing the "i'm going to repeat what you said, but use a funny voice to make you sound dumber" thing now.
Literally nothing I can say will convince you that I've been here for years. That's confirmation bias, friend.
I dont have many support us with some.
He's a good person :(
>Unless you think "It's a matter of pride" isn't also just more shounen tropes.
Or they could use them as bait for Mob, but hey, that wouldn't jive with your "turning the other cheek means you get an autopass" idea.
>Literally nothing I can say will convince you that I've been here for years. That's confirmation bias, friend.
Nope, that's observation and pattern recognition. Remember, shitposting in one thread a week while you spend most of your time on reddit or tumblr doesn't mean you're "from Cred Forums."
Bait for what? Are they gonna still try to capture an esper that proved himself so far out of their league? Godzilla just showed up on your doorstep and you just killed it's baby so you could set up an ambush with a fucking fishing net.
what would this special move be called?
>that proved himself so far out of their league
They're going after him literally right now, and if he ran instead of fighting then they\d have no way of knowing how strong he was.
If you can't even follow your own internal logic, then there's no point in talking to you.
alright man, you do you
recognize the patterns and observe all the dudes, dude
Abduct the parents of Mob or non-esper friends he cares about. Force him to join their organization or those innocents will suffer.
Blackmail is like standard 101 in every evil organization bent on world domination.
Ever seen how a drive thru plays out? What are people doing there? Taking hide while firing shots no? Some will get hit, wounded and die and some manage to take hide. Thats the best course of action standing there and shooting at them too will just end in a bloodbath. I think you need to educate yourself on how gun fights really work, gun nut-chan.
back to posting reigen
Reigen will call the police and the government will solve the problem.
Do you even know the government have also secret agent espers that actually destroyed Claw main HQ because Reigen was too intelligent and called the police on them instead of fighting them with the kids.
Think of the scenario we formulated here. He ran and formed an impenetrable barrier, they couldn't scratch him. He proved his strength previously by decking the majority of their upper eschelon.
Ultimately Reigen is slightly too much of an idealist and a later arc even cements this, but you're an idiot if you think "Let mob murder these guys" was a good option.
>ritsu is weak tho
Did Ritsu put himself in a bubble or something?
Which fucking broke in like 2 seconds.
I guess they accepted their loss against the sheer amount of Reigen posts.
Why did the faggot stop after seeing Reigen's solution to everything?
Police > baby espers
>force them to join
>suddenly you have just given him a reason to come back and "Infiltrate" your shit all over again
Unless Claws actual boss was there, they wouldn't stand a chance.
i'd never assume that shit, just let sleeping dogs lie/shitpost
Don't bully Ritsu. He's still a psychic baby.
I wonder if he even had the time to put up a barrier against Shou.
>Haha, something something something something
>I win this argument
Why not Reigen just tell Mob to make a cave in on the patch to block the scar? Sure It wouldn't last long but an escape is possible with Mob using telekinesis to dash while carrying Reigen and making multiple cave ins to confuse the scars.
He was fighting a chuuni fuck with shadow clone Justus as his power and standard adult punching strength.
every night before i go to sleep i thank the ONE true god for Reigen-sama
I love this hashtag
He kind of got slashed as he was explaining that running was an option. He didn't exactly have time to formulate a solid plan.
I doubt it, which makes me wonder why exactly he feels like they connected (homo reasons aside).
>no Reigen Chaika yet
>Stronger older figure, whom you feel jealousy against.
Could be one reason
Inferiority complexes and pent up aggression.
man i hope one day reigen gets psychic powers _____________:^)___
Maybe Shou chatted him up a little while beating the living shit out of him. Wouldn't put it past him, desu.
Is the hashtag still going strong? The quality of the posts here also went up from yesterday. Reigen became a fucking meme. Is this real life?
>they actually think that letting a fragile, sensitive 14 year old boy murder 4 people is a good idea
You guys don't deserve Reigen, or Mob Psycho in general
>Exercising after your subordinate decides to leave you
Everyone is talking about Gratitude but I can't wait for THIS
>Killing hundred of spirits is okay
>Somehow it's wrong to kill 4 chunnis
whoops forgot to rename that one
Wtf I checked "spoiler" with that image
It's almost like this exact issue comes up in the manga.
Tumblr is catching on, I think
Meme magic is a dark power, friend
Gotta love the way Dimple, Ritsu Mob and co. are being utilized.
Spirits are already dead, you're basically just forcing them to move on. Not to mention if they resist you they can refuse to move on and exist in a less powerful state.
>Tumblr is catching on
Didn't it start on Tumblr? Or at least the person who started it has a Tumblr as well.
>what is urban legends arc
Stop posting my catchphrase. The dude who posts that guy with a cup will come.
Tell me this one has been done already.
Yes. I mean, the whole thing is about Reigen and it should stay ha way. But it's also cool to see that other characters are getting involved since it helps with making the series more popular in general.
Mob was a really impressionable child back then. Imagine if Reigen were an arrogant asshole and instilled the notion in Mob that he is superior to everyone cause of his powers. Shit would have gone south real fast for Mob. In that sense Reigen really changed his life to an enormous extent.
someone posted this yesterday and i'm too lazy to look for the source
could be fixed in 1 million years mspaint but i don't care enough
Well of course
Its started with this user DoonaDraws posting a salad on twitter
nice, deleting now
thanks user
Oh boi
Shouldn't kotaku be dead due to HULKAMANIA?
Seperate entities kinda, they just got bought by whoever took over. Only gawker are done for.
It was fun while it lasted.
Who's the guy at the back?
> kotaku
Uh oh, the tryhards enter the scene.
I was getting ready to contribute but now I don't want to anymore
Based Serizawa, user.
Aww. :(
Shut it down. Reigenposting was fun while it lasted.
that's Serizawa, he's third or fourth best boy
NEET-kun from the webcomic
he'll be in season 9, probably
That Kotaku article was posted yesterday
It started on twitter by a redditor/tumblrina, if kotaku is enough, then you shouldnt get started anyways.
>he doesn't read the manga
Best boy and Reigen's future husbando
And now its ruined. Thanks, Slowtaku.
Ohh umbrella man, he was an interesting character. Relatable to Cred Forums, I guess hahahahaha
>not "did i leave the ghost oven on.jpg"
Ah yes, that went well
user, most characters in this series are socially inept to varying degrees.
Something 4U
Aren't they bankrupt or something
not reigen though
L-like this?
Is there any masterpost/list of stock and reaction pics to redraw?
Also any redraw of this yet?
Teru, ritsu, tsubomi, dimple.
This should be perfect for Mob and Reigen.
That's 5 characters (counting Reigen) vs. Mob + the entirety of Claw.
Fair enough.
Hey, is there a link between liking this and Chuunibyou? Who here likes both?
>yo mob-kun check this out
So i noticed that no one did a roundabout Mob Psycho meme. Just putting it out there for those that know how to do shit like that.
Is there a Reigen edit of PROMOTIONS yet?
Has this one's been done?
I swear I've seen it. Can't find it right now.
yes Reigen
do you even have a single piece of evidence that supports your claim????
i was distracted by her because she looks like me ;_;
Art book WHEN, it's the only thing I reallt want, besides DVDs and manga volumes
reminder that 2 more seasons basically confirmed which means we're getting Mogami and NEET-kun aka cutest boy.
The number of funny stock images that can be redrawn are running out. Have we got enough images that will reach image limit here?
You know he is, it's not like it makes him less of a well made character
Source? That would be around 18 episodes, which is a strange episode count.
So, why was it bad for Mob to use his powers to help Teru/Ritsu during the kidnapping thing? Any of them could have been seriously injured or even killed by the claw guys, so why are we meant to take what Reigen says seriously? He says shit like "It's ok to run away", but, like Teru said, they really didn't have that option at the time because they were getting wailed on by strong opponents. What exactly did Reigen want them to do if they couldn't stop at least defending themselves?
I read the manga and know how it turns out, but overall, at least the way the fight went in the anime, Reigen's reasoning really fell flat in terms of like, actually getting them out of this situation without anyone dying, and if Mob hadn't transferred his powers to Reigen and they really did just try to run without hurting anyone, they probably would have failed.
I'm kinda panicking right now becasue I don't want the pandering to influence the rest of the adaptation too much,but I guess it's one of the many risks that come with getting popular
Would anyone be able to reigen this?
first season was 2 boxes and 12 episodes, i'd assume the others would be the same = 24 more episodes? correct me if i'm wrong here.
hahaha yeah that reigen guy is just so great and perfect h-haha
Reigen was trying to convince Mob that he should stay back and leave things to him. He literally says "I'm the adult, I'll figure something out". His plan wasn't that everyone should literally run away, but that Mob would let him take care of the situation.
Yes, several times, too.
There hasn't been much pandering though, outside of a couple of Reigen scenes and some shots that are really easy to miss (like Teru's delicious abs).
More like this, perhaps.
I know, but I'm worried about the future..
He doesn't want any chance of Mob killing them, which would fuck him up further I guess. Reigen knows that Mob's power is a huge issue for Mob. And killing people using his powers, especially with his lack of control once he reaches 100 percent could be emotionally disastrous for him
Where the fuck are you getting these things, user? Hilarious.
You can tell people that he's not perfect but he's perfect for you
It's two episodes per volume, user.
As long as it's not in-your-face or doesn't damage the adaptation, who cares? More fujo sales!
thank you #redrawreigen
> 100%
> lack of control
Why do idiots still think it works like that?
100% = total control of his power.
Why would Reigen think that would be a good idea? He doesn't have any powers and he did understand just before that these people weren't going to back down to him because they're idiotic man-children.
Also again, Teru and Ritsu were both being attacked during this, even if Mob ran off or just didn't attack, what would Reigen have done? Without Mobs power in him he wouldn't have been able to 'defeat' the Claw guys and they wouldn't have listened to him, so his plea for mob not to use his powers seems like the wrong thing to do, given how serious the situation was
Twitter, user.
Just go visit the #RedrawReigen hashtag: it's a uninterrupted stream of redraws over there, and they're almost all laugh out loud funny.
Apologies user,I meant ??? %
I think that shou's voice is an in your face pandering and it's a wrong choice for him. He shouldn't sound like a girl in my opinion.
Sigh, I really don't know, man, maybe it could have been done better, how would you have written it?
He's trying to prevent the corruption of minors from exposure to extreme violence. You can notice that Reigen's way of thinking is sort of realistic. The scenario has come to the point where deluded adults are hellbent on killing a bunch of kids.
Let us take this hypothetically. Let's assume that you are an adult who is probably older than 21, and a kid kicks your knee. Would you beat up the kid or just yell at him for doing that? Reigen's reasoning is probably the mentality that usually people forget in shounen series especially when the protagonists are younger than their opponents. Why would you beat up or kill a kid? In a normal scenario, you'd just reprimand him. Adults fight adults, and kids fight kids. But as you can see, the Claw 7th Branch are not only beating up kids but are also trying to kill them. They are in Japan and in the modern era so why do adults like that exist.
So this whole entire scene is a clash between a shounen mentality and realistic mentality. Reigen could've done nothing to save their asses but at least he reminded Mob not to lose himself and just kill. Because Mob has the potential to kill them, but the guilt in taking a life would most likely ruin his mindset.
He sounds a bit like Killua, but more on the fuccboi-ish side. I think choosing a female seiyuu for him was a good call, as it really fits and emphasizes his immaturity.
That would mean user-chan is a qt too, be glad. You could have looked like a crossdressed reigen.
I'm not saying I could have done it better by any means, just that after seeing the scene again animated it just doesn't sit right with me, thought I could get someone else's opinion as to why it was considered an appropriate action.
Mob wouldn't be able to deal with being responsible for the death of four people. It doesn't matter if it was justified and the fastest/safest way to get out of that situation, he'd rather risk it and try to reason with the manchildren than see Mob get hurt.
It doesn't matter that it was a risky plan, it's better than the alternative (Mob being psychologically scarred for life). This is proven by the fact that Reigen didn't immediately realize that Mob had given him his powers, and he still chose to confront the remaining Scar members.
It was a touching scene, but Reigen has his flaws.
Yeah, if Mob hadn't given Reigen the powers, he would have died.
What are you using to see those statistics, user?
> You can notice that Reigen's way of thinking is sort of realistic.
Except he figures that, if Mob doesn't do anything in that situation, somehow he would have been able to convince these people to stop attacking children, even though he just had the realization that these guys just have an extremely childish mindset and he would not be able to verbally persuade them at that point. How is that kind of thinking realistic? How does Reigen think this situation will end.
> Mob is out of the fight, not doing anything
> Teru is fighting sword guy
> Ritsu is just barely holding his barrier up against the guy who can make duplicates
> Reigen has no psychic power and has realized that these people will not listen to his logical reasoning
> Reigen still thinks he'd be able to get them out of this very dangerous situation.
If it weren't for Gratitude, it seems clear, to me at least, that Reigen would have actually been seriously hurt or killed, so in what way what his reason for Mob not to fight a good one, or the "right choice"?
Absolutely. Jokes aside, Reigen is far from perfect, and he chose the option that would cause Mob the least pain, risking his life (and others) in the process. How can one boy be so best?
Not to harm/kill humans so he won't spend his days in jail unable to assist him with work
I think Reigen should have tell Mob to use his powers to defend people rather than just not fight and run away. Defending his friends and Reigen just long enough for them to find a way out does not equal fighting them because we all know that Mob is OP even against Ishiguro so Mob would be able to do that.
Well that makes no sense cause if it wasnt for Mob going 100% they would have died. Are you implying that Reigen is that stupid? That keeping up morality is better than getting killed?
He could have at least gotten mob to like, try to put his powers into full defensive mode with barriers and shit rather than straight up telling him to not do anything and leave it to him.
And in the end, in that what really matters?
So the anime boost popularity in nipland? Good.
So I actually got around to translating it!
Sorry in advance if it's a bit rough.
Panel 1
>Shou: Well, you know
Panel 2
>About this cyborg~
>He made that super interesting and very unusual speech that wouldn't expect from someone who's already a housewife
>So, what d'you think of that recent development
>Ritsu: Suzuki...
Panel 3
>This guy's facial expression really changes all the time
>I never get tired of watching
>Shou: ... so yeah! Really funny stuff, right!!
>Oooi Ritsu, are you listening? Ritsu~? mh?
Panel 4
>Ritsu: ... How...
Panel 5
>Shou: Ah?
>Oi, what's wrong... (too fast, too gast)
Panel 6
>Shou: Ri...
>Ritsu: Cute...
Panel 7
>Ritsu: Ha...
>Shou: Ritsu...?
Panel 8
>Ritsu: Uwaa...
>Shou: Eh
>It's nothing...
Panel 9
>Ritsu, you...
>Ritsu: W... W... What the hell
>I am even doing... !? (could it be that I prefer Suzuki's company over Niisan's?)
Panel 10
>No no no no no
>There's no way such a thing could ever happen!!
>Shou: You actually
>like me?
Panel 11-12
>Ritsu: Sorry... Suzuki. I don't think I'm feeling too well today, so I'll just go home.
>(I must be tired or something)
>So yeah again, sorry but I'll take my leave and go cool off a little...
>(!? I can't move...!!)
Panel 13
Panel 14
>Shou: Don't run away
Panel 15
>Ritsu: Oh? Suzuki's expression...
>Shou: From the beginning, I never really thought of you as something like a "friend"
>I just bid my time and patiently waited for you to make a move
>I like you, Ritsu
Panel 16
>Ritsu: You- ...
>You're getting completely carried away !
>Shou: I'm not gonna pull my punches with you anymore so get ready, ok?
(I can't for the life of me read the kanji in the little bubble on the left, sorry)
>Dimple: id hurdz shigeo id huuurdz
>Mob: Eh?
>Ritsu is being approached by that boy with spiky orange hair? More than friends, you say? Hmmmm~ This is serious... A punishment is necessary...
(Mob 98 %)
Well, he was slashed before that could have happened I guess
Well, was it better for him to tell Mob "Go on, kill them"?
That would make reigen quite stupid though. In a life or death situation clinging so much to keeping mob pure and risking to get killed is not that smart think about it. You sure that makes sense to you?
I think we're all forgetting that this was an extremely tense situation; everything was happening way too fast and Reigen barely had enough time to bring Mob back from 100% before getting slashed.
Up until Reigen arc? Probably so.
Dude if we take your logic, Reigen was fucking retarded in that moment. He risked all of them getting killed, why do you take that so lightly? And even say best boy.
>That would make reigen quite stupid though. In a life or death situation clinging so much to keeping mob pure and risking to get killed is not that smart think about it. You sure that makes sense to you?
He's a person with flaws, user, the only thing he was thinking of was Mob's protection. The anime even said that he had made a mistake.
Reigen would've probably died but that's assuming that Mob wasn't vigilant in making sure that he's safe. But he still has a purpose there and that was to remind Mob not to kill. There was no right choice in anything since when has Reigen been a genius at coming up with solutions? He talks his way out of things or let's Mob do his work when he can't do anything. The most fortunate thing is that Mob, being the oblivious kid that he is, took Reigen's words literally and let Reigen handle it. Otherwise, everything would've took a different turn.
>mfw Reigen will end up alone when the story ends
The other option would have been certain death, what are you talking about.
Like I said, I don't think I'd be able to choose what SHOULD have happened, all I was saying was that Reigen telling mob not to fight or use his powers at all, even for defensive purposes is treated like the 'right' decision in this scenario, even though if Mob had actually not done anything, Reigen probably would have died.
Just looking back on it now, makes it look like a weird reasoning on Reigens part, I know he didn't want Mob to hurt anyone, but this was an extraordinary situation, and I just can't understand how he thought they would get out of there without using psychic powers.
Best because he's not smart, but he's a caring, charismatic guardian
If the other option was getting killed by them, what else? Quite a lot of you guys arent thinking this sitaution through. If gratitude didnt happen all of them would have been killed.
You shut your fucking mouth. ;_;
>Reigen pulls a Mumen Rider against Claw
>survives because someone gave him powers
>obviously this makes him dumb and a faggot
You disappoint me sometimes, Cred Forums
Have you ever cared about someone more than anything else, been stuck in a situation where they're in danger, and thought you'd do anything to avoid any harm coming to them? You tend to not make the most rational decisions in those moments.
Hope he gets a qt3.14 from claw's underlings
as a subordinate
He didn't say don't use his psychic powers. He even said that it's ok to defend himself and make sure to keep himself alive. He stopped his murderous intent. Is that hard to understand?
I would have been way more acceptable of this situation if Reigen had actually realized what would have happened if Mob hadn't done anything and for the manga to convey that Reigens reasoning was cloudy or outright incorrect, and everything was only solved through a fortuitous coincidence.
But the manga and the lead up to Gratitude in the anime makes it seem like Reigens reasoning was the 'right choice' at this time, when it really wasn't.
but he already did
>If gratitude didnt happen all of them would have been killed.
Not really, the moment someone got hurt Mob would go crazy and murder all of the Scar members single handedly, which would make him completely traumatized for the rest of his life.
>>Reigen pulls a Mumen Rider against Claw
That would mean he wants to fight them, user. He also wants to run away.
Would you in such a situation put the innocence of your child over your child surviving and not getting killed? Then how can you even begin to think that what Reigen say and did was good or realisitc? All that would have happened is them dying and a news article in the local newspapers.
>needing a scrub esper when he has NEET kun
Then what Reigen said was total bullshit, something that a rational person would have never done? True or false?
>reigen made a mistake scene shown
I mean it's not as if it's outright saying it but he was out of his element,especially since he hadn't known of other espers. But yeah, I sort of agree with you
Except its not mob is more than capable keeping them saved without engaging in hostility it just mob is a weak minded boy he cant think straight and make fast decision that led to all this problem. Reigen was right in some way and teru is the same too it just an accident bound to happen caused by indecisiveness.
What would they have done then? Ritsu was being attacked by the diplicate guy and Teru was being attacked by the sword guy, why didn't Reigen tell Mob to make a shield or something? He seemed against Mob doing anything in that situation, and literally just leaving it him, even though he knew he wouldn't be able to persuade the Claw guys.
But then Reigen is still retarded and he would have died a quite pathetic death too. What if gratitude didnt happen and Ritsu got slayed down too, cause Reigen made Mob hesitate to act, who would have been at fault there? I dont get this praise from people here.
Run away with his powers. Mob was having murderous intent because of the 2 edgelord Teru and Ritsu who only know how to solve things via violence.
*leaving it to him
I can't quite put myself in that situation.
I think reigen didn't feel like mob would die, choosing to sacrifice himself instead. Hypothetically, he might have gotten away with it using his wits, or like you said, all of them could have died.
In that case, I agree with you, his actions were definitely a mistake, but in that moment, I can understand why he wouldn't want mob to use his powers to hurt someone. The reasons are all stated above.
He wants *Mob and Co.* to run and let him handle it himself, because that's an adults responsibility.
Same thing.
So Reigens plea that mob shouldnt have used his powers was wrong then. Cause stopping Mob led to Reigen getting killed. And then Mob would have went berserk anyways.
>Dies trying to protect his subordinate
>What if gratitude didnt happen and Ritsu got slayed down too
Gratitude not happening has nothing to do with that.
I just told you, if Reigen actually died, Mob would go crazy and murder scar members.
Why didn't he tell him to do that then? All Reigen was saying during the altercation was for Mob not to fight, not "Mob, just try and defend yourself and Teru/Ritsu" or "Try and use your powers to get Teru/Ritsu out of here"
He just wanted Mob to "leave it to him to think of something" and he likely would have died because of that if it wasn't for Gratitude.
You still assuming mob and co doesn't have capabilities to defend themselves without engaging back and reigen only want mob to not hit back not literally cease all power what's the fucking point of the flashback if you cant catch that?
Keep in mind too that to Mob, even using his powers just to defend himself against weaker people is traumatic; see his fight against Teru.
>why didn't Reigen tell Mob to make a shield or something?
Because he knows jack shit about psychic powers
Not fighting = Defending like he did in Teru fight
Mob is getting confused and can't think straight because of Teru and Ritsu shouting like retards. Reigen stopped his murderous intent.
Dude two people died, just cause Reigen thought it would have been better to keep Mob innocent. How do you rationalize that and come to the conclusion Reigen isnt Stupid and said the right thing? Pls enlighten me.
I doubt anyone was praising reigen for his intelligence or his battle knowledge, his actions would no doubt have doomed them all if Gratitude didn't occur.
But the praise for reigen is because of his caring attitude towards mob, especially when he sees that he's going to have an emotional breakdown, he supports mob at near 100%, which has never been done before by others, and thus its a touching scene, but I agree it's not a scene that shows Reigen's wit
>Keep in mind too that to Mob, even using his powers just to defend himself against weaker people is traumatic; see his fight against Teru.
Shou was right all along. He is a faggot.
Why do this dumbass think not fighting = let yourself die anyway?
Doesn't he know Mob can make a barrier?
Not fighting=/=not using power at all goddamnit.
This. Reigen doesn't actually see Mob fight another esper until the Boss arc.
All I'm saying is that, within the scenes in the manga/anime, Reigen is basically just telling Mob to stay out of it, not attack, and saying nothing about defending either, literally to just 'leave it to him'
>This thread
Literally autism
Then why didnt Reigen direct Mob and the other kids to do something. All he said was he will take this into his own hands cause he is an adult. Which ended up in him and ritsu getting killed and and then maybe Mob going absolut berserk and killing Claw.
I don't get why people are sitting on Reigen for being stupid. Everyone know that it's probably not the safest course of action. So why are we arguing for this?
Do you guys just want to shit on reigen? What is going on here? He's the type of guy who would be stupid enough to point a toy gun at an esper, he's protective, and charismatic, he's not powerful or that battle smart.
Just because he didn't say the defend word doesn't mean he doesn't want Mob to defend himself and the others. His words could be interpreted as run away while defending yourselves and I'll talk to these babies.
Sorry that reigen didn't infodump everything and say every exact shit like a manual for dummies order.
But what if to make people like them they make the characters act..well, out of character?
user, I...
The thing is we are only praising it cause we know what happened afterwards. What would have been the reaction if this happended in real life and Reigen and Ritsu had died. No one would think "oh my god, he cared so much for them staying innocent but died. So tragic". Most would rightfully say he was a total idiot.
Godammit people, just enjoy the memes, don't spill your Cred Forumsutism.
It's a pointless argument to have anyways
Serizawa is cute.
> I'll talk to these babies
Who he just said would not listen to logical reasoning?
Sorry that I'd like for what he says to children during an extremely dangerous incident to have some actual clarity rather than just be "but its IMPLIED he meant for them to defend themselves!"
Making them more attractive won't make them OOC. As per character actions, they haven't really changed much except for gaying up Teru (which actually fits with his /fa/ from the manga). I don't want them to change anything from the manga or add things that the characters wouldn't do, but it'd be stupid for them not to take advantage of what's already canon (eg: Ritsu and Shou's little moment next episode).
Well, what happened is Reigen getting killed. So what was he thinking of then? Without gratitude Reigen would have died and maybe ritsu even too. Its just weird that no one questions it just cause he thought of Mobs innocence.
You just don't understand that Run away = keep yourself alive. Reigen even said he knows the answer so he was thinking of talking to them again.
Which I totally agree with. It's not as if Reigen could have played that shit out perfectly, like some sort of Mary Sue
>but its IMPLIED he meant for them to defend themselves!
Don't worry user, I'm sure those children aren't as stupid as you to not realize what Reigen is meaning.
Like seriously, are you even aware how stupid that sounds?
>He said that I should run
>He didn't tell me to defend myself against upcoming attacks so might as well drop my barrier and let myself get killed
He literally got slashed before he could say or do anything else.
Its the central plot point of the final, could make or break the anime if it doesnt make sense. Only conclusion would be, Reigen is a idealistic retard and just as childish as claw. Maybe even worse cause he got killed in the process.
this thread
Kinda disappointed no one really could make sense out of this situation and counter the points being made. This will lower the score of the writing by a bit.
I personally think what Reigen told Mob wasn't 100% perfect. What he did was rather clumsy and stupid. I imagine Mob also saw the flaw in Reigen's logic. But he felt greatful that Reigen tried to protect his soul. So he sought for a solution. And that lead to THAT 100%.
Reigen is ITT?
He did tell them to RUN THE FUCK AWAY you are literally implying reigen told them to just stay still and do nothing which is absolutely wrong.
ITT: ESL kun who don't understand that run away means run for your life. He thought it was die like a bitch.
Hey there are some good points above in the thread, which some people ignored.
> He said I should run and not attack
> Oh I guess I should take that to mean that I should put barriers around Teru and Ritsu and carry them along with me, yeah that sure it well conveyed through 'don't fight back'"
He had a reasonable amount of time when he was just saying "Dont attack, run away" over and over.
Why is ESL an insult anyway? Doesn't make sense.
Just because you're ESL and can't understand what Run away meant doesn't every other retards also can't.
i fucked up
You're really fishing for those (you) s
Let him keep going, he's probably smashing furiously on the keyboard right now.
It's like I'm seeing the Mona Lisa for the first time
This. If you can't fully comprehend English you shouldn't watch dialogue heavy anime with English subs.
Here's a motivational poster for you user s.
Well running away while getting fucked up by claw isnt option shouted by Teru. It just makes Reigen seem kinda stupid and its in conlifct the previous statement that he wins every argument he had, implying he has strong reasoning skills. Just bad, forced writing, if you cant make sense of his behaviour.
Because you don't understand context. The guy was saying "These guys are trying to kill us, don't fight and run away".
If someone is trying to kill you do you just stand there like a statue if someone tells you to run away?
>Expects proper English from a subgroup that literally calls themselves HorribleSubs
user, please.
Now do the full image
>this thread
Is this the new EVA?
HorribleSub doesn't sub. They are ripping it from the official source.
>if you can't make sense of it, it's bad writing
More like you're literally retarded.
So we are gonna believe Teru's analysis of the situation now? Let me remind you Teru is a fucking jobber who goes in without a plan.
Teru doesn't know Mob could defend them if he wanted to. He only knows of the ???% destruction Mob
Teru and Ritsu were being pelted by attacks, saying for Mob to fight back because they couldn't hold out, literally all Reigen says is for Mob not to fight back, and to run away, nothing about using his power to defend them, he says it several times, when all it would have taken for Mob to actually take action is Reigen saying "Mob, just focus on defending Ritsu/Teru" or anything of that nature, but nope, he just keeps saying "Don't fight' instead of anything actually useful.
there's a point where the implication that Reigen meant for Mob to use defence just doesn't work, the scene before Reigen gets slashed goes on for a fair bit, and Reigen does absolutely nothing to spurt Mob into action, if there was any implication for Mob to bring up a barrier, it failed because Mob didn't do anything.
Bringing up a barrier would have been the easiest option, assuming Mob could properly barrier three people against attacks from two other espers, but if you're right and Reigen is just implying that Mob should defend, it doesn't work, that's why, if defense was a better option, Reigen should have clearly said so.
I was one of the guys defending Reigens decision earlier in the thread, but wanted to see if other people could make sense out of it too. So i was playing devils advocate the entire time, and while i didnt get convinced fully by the arguments being made. Some were really good and made sense. Thanks not disppointed anymore. Just wanted everyone to be aware of future criticisms to this sitaution. Pre-bullying you could say.
>makes reigen seems kinda stupid
>Arguing that reigen fucked up, which the anime clearly states.
>just bad, forced writing.
>can't see how he tries to take responsibility so that Mob doesn't have to kill
Sigh user. Please don't focus on one such thing.
>Just bad, forced writing, if you cant make sense of his behaviour.
Are we talking about the writing or Reigen's decision? The writing in that scene is very relevant as it's a major theme in Mob Psycho 100, and Reigen's point of view gets somewhat proven wrong later on.
It's a delicate situation. Everyone's under pressure and no one knows what the outcome to each scenario might be. Running away while Mob creates a massive barrier for all of them might have worked, but we'll never know that. Reigen is fundamentally right, but it's true that his attitude could have cost them their lives. And I say this being a Reigen fan.
I already fucking answered this argument in the previous thread.
Reigen is not always right.
We even have an arc dedicated to show Reigen that he's fucking retarded.
The conflict between Reigen being so smart/self aware and then spouting that nonsense about not fighting back is what i am talking about. No one really could give a satisfying anwser till now.
Like I fucking said Reigen is not always right and even have a dedicated arc for him to realize that.
Reigen at this point of time in the anime is also a manchild himself.
What's so wrong with being dumb? I feel like I am the only one who likes him because I feel that even when he tries to act confident he menages to fuck up and ridicule himself, making it funny for me to watch, and at the same time he comes off as cool and kind hearted
Reigen as a character didnt act like he should have given the life and eath situation he knew he was in. Just seemed stupid to me if all he cared about in that moment was Mob keeping his innocence while Teru or Ritsu could have gotten kill at any moment. It goes against him being held up as a reasonable adult. Sadly till now no one addressed to my satisfaction.
The thing is, did Reigen know of such barriers? He didn't show any knowledge of psychic powers, and he's extremely bad at spirit exorcism. He's a fraud, a good one, but he's not an esper, he hasn't once told Mob to do anything except exorcising spirits.
And even if he did know, he's in an utterly new situation, show from his shock of the discovery of other espers, and his mistake in trying to Reigen-talk to them. I doubt he was able to grasp the situation completely.
Could he have done so? Yes, Hypothetically, but Id find it even stranger if he did it, as he's shown to be out of his element with esper fights.
Anyways, it's just your opinion and this post is mine. I'm glad you invoked such discussion in this thread actually, even though it's annoying.
You're retarded, Reigen on the other hand is canonically smart.
Well then that makes Reigen seem not that impressive and his reasoning ability highly plot dependant. I am okay with that just holds the series down as a whole.
There were several scenes before the fight that showed he wasn't so smart. Mainly the He made a mistake scene, and the one with the shock of discovering the espers
He can act smart when he is dealing with adults. Here, he is dealing with children who did not grow up.
> not having a perfect character who can do anything is bad writing.
Good shit lad.
He got fucking tricked on live telly by a fake psychic.
Yeah, that's your opinion, he's still a great character IMHO , agree to disagree?
A character who is canonically smart risks the life of a bunch of kids cause he wants to keep the kids innoncence. Sorry, i love Mob Psycho but that doesnt make any sense.
It's hard to say to what level Reigen knows about psychic powers, but I would assume he'd know by now that espers can make shields since he's seen Mob protect him with them before.
Hey, I actually liked the discussion in this thread, good arguments from both sides, a bit pedantic sometimes. But that's fine.
Also, be free to post this on twitter or somewhere.
I don't use those things.
He's flawed, as believable characters are
Reigen had never found himself in a life or death situation before, let alone one in which there's espers and children involved. His intentions were good and he did the best that he could do. That's all.
Some of you say that Teru and Ritsu were right and that Mob should have fought back. And I can also agree with that, BUT what would have happened after that? How would Teru and Ritsu live with a Mob that's been mentally broken (because of their commands)?
There's no "right choice" in all of this. Reigen already tried to protect the kids and talk with the adults. It did not work.
Canonically smart?
Where did you even get that? From what we've seen Reigen is a dumbass not even knowing what type of salt can purify ghosts.
He's just a good person that can give good life advice and that's it. He's not canonically smart or perfect like you claim.
>Innocence more important than surviving
How does this make sense to you, its not being flawed. Its just a weird action altogether. Oh well Mob Psycho is still dope, hyped for next week.
The thing is he's been shown that he's charismatic, not smart,he can be talk his way of certain situations, but not something completely unfamiliar to him as what. said.
I think the issue here with those arguing is that there is a bit of mischaracterisation with reigen and they believe its because of bad writing.
A bit unclear writing sure, but it's not bad. Imo
Being able to win every argument he was invloved with and having a wide array of talents except powers suggests that he is quite the smart dude.