Lolis are the finest animu creatures,Right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Was it not preached among us by Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad, peace be upon him, that the depiction of loli through imagery is idolatry, and an abomination before the eyes of Allahu? Did Allahu not reveal it to Moses, and that we must practice that as it was revealed to him? Do not turn your attention to false idols, you must give your life to the teachings of Islam, and submit to the will of Allahu.
Fuck off Nigel/Hans/Sven.
Embrace the light.
Embrace the Loli Butt.
Islam is founded on the basis of tapping dat loli butt
The basis of our world.
What about legal lolis?
All kinds of lolis are cute.
>not embracing the light and the loli butt
It's like you faggots want to burn in hell.
Loli butt is best butt.
Other than Prisma Illya, when was the last time we had a decent loli focused show?
It's a crappy world,I know.
Why is she eating that sausage in such a strange manner? Why is she tearing up?
Because she's a dirty slut.
That's a weird place for a bandage.
Maybe her vagina hurts.
I-is that a heart shaped mongolian spot?
I never knew how much I needed this until now
How could I have had a mongolian spot fetish for this long and never thought about heart shapes?
Yep,isn't she cute?
Picked the fuck up
Get out bitch!
Yes, praise animated little girls.
That's the attitude!!
ah yes cold corpses, my favorite
Is illya the ultimate loli?
>shit tier old looking edge loli
No, fuck off Fate kids.
>chibiusa being ponyfag
Just kidding, top tier loli with nice taste.
>loli thread
We're not in the 00's, delete this.
Shut up!
>mfw even Strike Witches' "continuation" doesn't have loli in the cast
Thanks for proving my point.
It have one,JUST ONE but it does.
Not really, no.
Not even Naoe is a loli, she's just a bit underheight and is 15.
Is that the so-called "full frontal" ecchi I've seen mentioned? Because that's not full frontal.
>mongolian spot
What is she doing?
Of course you can google, and I suggest you do, it's very interesting and sexy
Too predictable.
Holy fucking shit I have been missin' out lads.
How long ago was it that these threads were called Creature Threads?
illya is great
i want to inhale her musk
Literally the only detailed loli fanservice in that whole switch and bait shit.
old school slut is nice
>attempt to find that one greentext cap with the lolis luring the guy into a van with classic rock and beer
>university wifi stops working on my phone
>wifi also not working on my laptop
>realize the many google searches with "loli" might have something to do with it
Thankfully the wired connection for the laptop and phone data still work.
>not just searching key terms on the archive
It was years ago, I was just walking along, minding my business while on my way home from work. Suddenly, a dark, nondescript van with "free beer" scrawled on the side slowly creeps up from behind me. The window rolls down and staring at me is a young blue-haired girl with pigtails, maybe about 9 years old, eyeing me up suspiciously. She calls out in a slightly hushed voice:
-"Hey... Hey buddy. You want some classic rock cd's? I've got a ton in the back."
I was told never to speak to little girls I didn't know, but the offer was so enticing I foolishly replied
"R-really? D-do you have The Beatles? O-or maybe Bob Seger?"
She chuckled darkly, "Oh yeah, I've got everything. The Who, Floyd, Tom Petty, you name it. But you'll have to hop in the back here if you want me to give them to you."
I knew I should have ran, but part of me was too scared of what she might do if I said no, as I walked to the back I could swear I saw her licking her lips out of the corner of my eye.
As I reached for the handle the doors suddenly flung open and about five lolis reached out and grabbed me.
I screamed as loud as I could, but one of them gagged me with her panties and they pulled me in with their mighty loli strength.
They pinned me down, as I struggled I heard one of them say "Sit on the bitch's face, Sanae. Shut him the fuck up".
Suddenly my vision was then completely obscured and my screams muffled by pink softness, with what looked like a cartoon bear's face on the back.
As tears rolled down my cheeks they laughed at my pointless struggle. It was at that point I realized there really was no rock.
The beautifulest.
I can think of a few
improved version
Are any of you guys teachers or work near children? how is it going?
So how long until Japan develops a good loli AI personal assistant. I can do without muh robot daughteru for a bit longer, but there's no reason we can't have AI daughterus.
>loli is not allowed in Islam because Islam hates drawings
>fucking 3DPD kids is allowed in Islam because of Aisha
Literally normalfags.
>the only fanservice, and it was in episode 1
I'm still mad.
Oppai loli is life
Shizuka is always great.
Being Lewd and cute at the same time..
>Official Olympic ambassador .
this is the true Japan.
>Japan will get occupied by US forces again when the truth comes out in the middle of the Olympics
Lolis are sooooo 2009. Lolis nowadays are just token characters or fake lolis/lolikkos like Megumin.
Don't worry we got the power of lolis on our side.
I really love thin loli legs.
Lolis are life,user.
Lolis are actual fucking trash. You guys only care about their looks but they're not even good for that. The only value they have is the minuscule value their bodies have when they act like sluts. FAggots.
Bad taste.
Fuck lolies
Fuck you
This is an ideal body.
Lolis need shota dick
Am I right?
Oh the good times i had with those specials. Why did nobody do specials in that way ever since? They are plot related or slightly ecchi but never going full force like the ones from ladies vs butlers. And god bless them for the two chocolate girls
The worst.
A great body,indeed.
They need a big one.
That shota dick fits perfectly
Nope, ruined it. A lolis butt should be small and perfect like the loli herself.
>Why did nobody do specials in that way ever since?
Because thanks to cancerous western faggots fanservice died in anime. Cant wait for imminent ban of anime in the west.
Good filename.
Where are the rock CD's?
Why does posting lolis make me feel so warm inside?
Lolis are cute,that's why.
Budding loli best loli.
Cripple loli are the best.
I never new how much i wanted lolis in full body pantihose.
I miss JHGS scans, why did translation have to stop as soon as it went legit?
Damn I sadly don't have any more like that.
But I like how despite wearing those skin tight clothes, her cute lolibreasts are only covered by that loose fabric hanging from her collar.
>perfect character
>in a show full of big titties
>the loli only gets one episode to bait lolicons while the fat sluts get to win the MC or whatever
It's not fair.
Where's the brown?
Illya is definitely great.
Also know of any good shiro doujins?
They are the cutest!
Yandere lolis are better.
Right here
Everything you like is bad.
What can brown do for you?
>If you were a logical person with refinement then it's obvious to prefer matureness over immatureness, abundance over lacking.
>Lolita complex is a mental illness, everyone.
> I hope you are able to go to your nearest mental hospital and get a suicide check-up
The loli fanservice here was SO fucking cringeworthy. It just shows when a staff is into animating fanservice and when they aren't, and Shomin's loli scenes had "just get over this nasty shit quickly" written all over its choppy tries at loli
Why was Chinatsu such a gay slut?
>this is what "LIFE STARTZ AT 40" burnt out murrican women want you to believe
What the hell are you implying? That I want to fuck lolis; to violently take their virginity and to sexually disgrace them?
I don't. I want to raise a fine, young loli up, to give her memories that will last a lifetime, to keep her away from boys I don't approve of; to go hiking with her; to go to the beach..
Preparing her for the first day of school together with her mum, picking a wee-bit of some lewd clothes, so boys will look at her interestingly.
>If you were a logical person with refinement then it's obvious to prefer freshness over withering rot, new product over used goods.
>Mother complex is a mental illness, everyone.
>I hope you are able to go to your nearest mental hospital and get a homosexuality and cuckoldry check-up because of your love of used goods.
You forgot the "bringing her up to watch only yuri anime" bit.
Fuck off, I want you to die you little piece of shit.
As expected of a Phantom Color poster fuck.
It's enough just to look at it, really.
I'll never tire of her. Keep going if you can. I'd love to see her in even less.
>forgetting bottomless Shiro
>forgetting incestuous hot kiss
There really was nothing else to mention, just awkward angles of basically nothing shown, and the kiss wasn't hot by any means.
incoming blogpost Cred Forums
>be me
>fap to lolis with my boyfriend one night
>it is our first time mutually masturbating to lolis
>he brought it up first
>i secretly think lolis are cute and lewd, so i went along with it
>i think lolidom is super cute
>most of the lolis i look at aren't childish at all (for example, i like karen and alice!)
>i was excited that my bf and me found more sexual things to bond over
>except now he thinks im a lolicon pervert
>he posted about me on another board saying that it was all ME and that i tempted him into masturbating to lolis and that he finds them gross and that i corrupted him
I feel like he bait-and-switched me. I went along with it because he seemed tolerant of it...
I feel so betrayed... Cred Forums made me like this. I want a refund.
>having friends that browse Cred Forums
How did that happen? Did you show it to them, or did you tell them about it one day, and it turned out that they browsed it as well? Did you meet up through Cred Forums?
Cred Forums also told you that 3D is PD but you decided to cherry pick.
I admit it
I love loli sluts!
Don't we all?
>he posted about me on another board
kek I read that
he says you're a pedophile and he isn't into that shit
That's what you get for being into 3DPD and for probably being a homo too!
give me them loli prostitutes
Literally sub-Ghibli level of fanservice, further ruined by eye cancer.
How to butcher lolicon in modern anime 101
>>fap to lolis with my boyfriend one night
Your gay?
Link to the thread he posted in?
It's gone, I saw it last night.
>this thread
You're either a girl or a faggot. In either case get off this board.
There is nothing wrong with being 2 lolicons being in a relationship.
kill yourself
Fuck u say me u son of basterd bich?I fuc u mom up good tonight u shit faggot I bet u r Islam idiot barack obama cream puff lookin ass
And bring back some Cred Forums lolis while you're at it.
Shut up and post butt .
Post the rest of her and the brown loli, sir.
>"finest of"
Haha,that's a nice way to spell "most disgusting"
Shhhh, loli is bathing.
mina is really cute, sadly there's not enough good art of her
I want to fuck her guts out.
that picture has something that just burst my cock every single time
based wancho
her loli mom
maria is a succubus, she can do that
Usagi Drop was a pretty nice show and manga.
Ichigo Mashimaro made me hard a couple of times.
Kiniro Mosaic is pretty kawaii desu
Amaana made me want to fucking kill a loli, fucking crying piece of shit.
>I want to marry you, papa!
Fapped hard to this one.
>I'd love to see her in even less.
Arisa is so cute.
You're literally brainwashed murrifart if you don't want to fuck little girls.
There has to be more delicious screens of Maria's mom than this.
Just gave this a watch. I want to protect this smile. ;_;
>western violence porn posing as justice
Why is the west so fucked up?
You just don't get it, user.
What an ugly mug.
Loli swords are the best.
how old are 小学生 again?
Post more Loli Swords.
like 500+
Posting best Okusama loli.
s2 soon
I know.
Lapis and Est are the only anime loli swords I know, sadly.
Please stop with the retarded FUNi name. It's giving me cancer.
Calm down and take a loli.
This is just disgusting midget not a loli.
Every loli is called midget these days.
I want to fuck an old mom!
me fourth from the left with the cameltoe
I want her to wring my dick
Me with the Glasses.
me with the belly piercing
me under the bed
what? who?
Loli of the Year 2016 winner.
nice high quality
not a loli - she's a high school student
not lolis
Damn pedos. Little girls aren't for lewd. Adult women are for lewd.
Pic related, it's an adult woman.
I would do incredibly lewd things to those sisters.
More dammit! If we can see her naked, I'll die a happy man!
Need to webm these scenes sometime
Official Olympic ambassador,Indeed.
> mr bell
we're all in agreement the most important aspect of a loli is the belly right
I'm sure your pastors would be happy you disgusting creeps are participating in threads like this.
I concur.
Does any picture exist of this slut with bare legs?
The show makes such a big deal out of it that it makes me want to see it so bad.
>bare legs
that's too embarrassing for her, she said it herself
I-I'm starting to get aroused, Cred Forums!
fuck, you just made me remember that animated h-game with the lolis
one of the scenes has the MC rubbing between the swimsuit and her belly and creaming inside it
I love when girls say this. They wear kneesocks because they're shy but in reality it draws all the more attention to their legs and increases the sexy factor tenfold.
Hello Archbishop
No, it's definitely the butt.
I'd recognize that Maobutt anywhere.
how is my inner loli supposed to feel about threads like these?
I almost forgot the girl on the right existed.
>not posting the webm
I hate how Cred Forums is supposed to be the official board for these kind of threads but every time I want to take it there 60% of the posts are spiderman and the rest are super tasteless and even Western garbage.
Is this an edit?
And oh boy, did Cred Forums hate the series.
2016 Loli of the Year.
2014 Loli of the Year.
So who was the Loli of 2015?
>he goes to Cred Forums
you're stronger fellow than me
No,not an edit
it's the BD.
Cred Forums is the Cred Forums garbage dump. No way I'm going there.
Pizza sauce? Potato? Smugdere? Hackadoll no 3 (it's a boy but do you really care)?
Please respond.
Not familiar with any of those.
Not a loli, retard.
Potato loli sounds fine IMO.
Ah I see.
That's the stuff.
>Wake up every morning
>Still haven't magically transformed into a loli
Post your favourite lolis to make me less sad Please.
Semen demon.
clearly not a loli though but that's why she is so hot
I want to do sex with a loli.
How do you guys feel about lolimoutos?
would be nice if there were hmanga
She's 12 dude and Hot as fuck
Lurk more. But I'll spoonfeed you.
Pizza sauce is the little sister from Charlotte.
Potato is the main loli from Lolis'n'lolis.
Smugdere is the smugdere from that gay vampire show,
Hackadoll nr 3 is just the 3rd hackadoll.
Hope this helps.
Of course she's hot. All 12 yo girls are hot as fuck because they're not unsexy lolis but perfectly ready for breeding young girls.
of course
sorry I dont care for the trap
I-hi-hi love little girls they make me feel so GOOD.
Every single loli is a good loli,user.
I wonder what it'd be like to have a younger sister with that much of an age gap.
Old enough to bleed old enough to breed.
Is it bad if I can find nothing sexual about it? It's just cute.
Bad taste.
it's not a trap, the childhood friend is a girl
This thread is EROTIC
Good thing that lolis don't bleed.
It's OK, loli is still legal here in Scotland.
non-prisma Illya called, she'd like to speak with you.
im gonna drill her a hole so huge it can fit my dad's old tv.
i want to cuddle her
welp there goes my load
thanks again Cred Forums
From what? Fucking image limit.
Moeka is the cutest loli and you should all watch Art Club for her.
> not a single good porn of her
nevermind I thought she was the loli dwarf from outbreak company
I want to sexually penetrate her vagina with my penis, if you know what I mean.
This thread is a lot lewder than the usual loli thread.
Also image limit reached pretty early.
Post more
>you will never be an ex-air force ripped lesbian pedophile personal maid of a cute Russian loli
Why live?
>tfw never fap to children but this was the only time I ever did
feels guilty man
>Image cap already
That was pretty fast.
>other thread got delete
Kek, stay mad moralfaf mod.
onii-chan looks scary
What are lolis like when they grow into their highschool years?
You are actually repulsive
>loli threads going down
Is the autistic mod back?
Maybe they didn't like sexy middle schoolers?
But they are the best~
Stick with one thread and stop complaining like a faggot
>all of these old shows
LRD is not wrong.
So why did the retarded mod delete the New Game thread? Because it had loli in the OP? Fucking retard.
>blurred periphery
Why is this allowed?
Sweet Christ, source?
Christianity. Not even being a fedora-tipper.
That is literally the reason why, to this day, we're so puritanical and obsessed with guilt and punishment.
Dammit, try as I might I can't find the source for this picture even though it looks familiar.
What a great episode.
But that's a boy.
And since there are still about 100 posts left, let's do something productive like posting pandas.
New Yukino Minato book. No rape or suffering at all, just normal, cute loli sex.
okusama ga seitokaichou
>No rape or suffering at all, just normal, cute loli sex.
Good, he's a good artist but he draws too much fucked up stuff so this is welcome.
More like this?
tight loli cunny
The best~
Global rule number 3
>You will not post any of the following outside of Cred Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
>You will not post any of the following outside of Cred Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
>You will not post any of the following outside of Cred Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
>You will not post any of the following outside of Cred Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
>You will not post any of the following outside of Cred Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
>You will not post any of the following outside of Cred Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
Global rule number 10
>No spamming or flooding of any kind. No intentionally evading spam or post filters.
There isn't any loli/shota pornography image in here. All lewd images and scenes that were posted were part of anime, which means they're allowed on Cred Forums.
Also, please lurk for two years before posting.
At least half of those happen on Cred Forums on a regular basis and no one gets banned for them. Also, I don't see any loli pornography in this thread, newfag.
Shut the fuck up and report.
Global rule something
Don't tell the dumb faggot you're reporting them you stupid cunt.
>At least half of those happen on Cred Forums on a regular basis and no one gets banned for them.
But they should be. Mods are doing a lousy job.
I'm telling them to report it. I didn't didn't say anything that I'm reporting it. Learn to read.
I know /spg/ attracted even more retards than the usual in here but please at least try to contain your new.
Screenshots from the show itself should be banned?
I think you may be clinically retarded. Better go back to whatever safe space you came from, kid.
At least I don't have a psychiatric disease and are sexually attracted to kids.
Your loss, clinical retard.
Leave the thread, and hide it.
Or do you not know how?
It should be purged. Child molestors have no place on Cred Forums.
Then leave.
Child molesters have a place in your fucking mom nerd.
who's doing that? you should report them
The retard in this thread complaining about loli is the same cancerous retard from this thread. He post emoticon and admit browsing /r/anime.
Also the same retard that is submitting a feedback to the mods about how loli should be banned.
(just scroll down its at the end)
Strongly disagree, size difference (both body and genitalia) is relevant factor in both loli and shota ergo they're best kept separated.
1/10 for effort.
Adorable. Too bad she was literally the worst girl.
Can we just make a new thread already?
People have tried a few times but a mod who can't count kept deleting them, and even got a New Game thread caught in the crossfire. Just post some ASCII lolis or something until this thread gets bumped off.
there's already a new thread up
search 'loli' on the catalog