Everyone give it up for Taboo Tattoo's writing staff.
Everyone give it up for Taboo Tattoo's writing staff
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So stop watching you don't like it.
Fuck off. Taboo Tattoo is AOTS.
Give them a break, they write so much shows every years.
What an utterly pointless reply,even if you like something there's always the possibility of getting entertaining value out of it. Taboo Tattoo for example, should be an obligatory watch on how not to make an anime. It gets absolutely nothing right, and it's not even unintentionally funny, so therein lies it's value as a cautionary tale of incompetence.
Sorry, meant to say even if you don't like something.
It's okay.
What happened that people are criticising it so badly? I wasn't impressed by the first episode so I dropped it but today I've seen more than a few people calling it absolute tripe after weeks of barely a murmur.
It was fine. The comfy moments carried it enough for me to watch until the end.
There are much better examples of what you're describing than TT. You've watched 30 shows total haven't you
>The comfy
Opinion discarded
Want to explain why?
>there are more shit anime than this!!!
Kek stop damage controlling over how awful this shounen tier anime is
>shounen tier
you're so transparently new.
Pointless buzzword that means nothing these days whenever Cred Forums uses it.
And even then, how the fuck is show even "comfy" there's a fucking fight every episode especially the last ones. Sure there were those 10 second joke scenes that are completely misplaced but the majority was some dramatic crap.
>muhh newfag
Bitch all you want, the show sucks regardless of how much you want to defend it
>Pointless buzzword that means nothing
Are you retarded? There's literally no disparity of the meaning of comfy on this board. Lowkey moments with relaxed character interactions, of which there were enough for me to get through an otherwise shitty show.
>10 second joke scenes
Comfy =/= jokes fagboy.
I agree the show is bad, but that doesn't change the fact that you're quite clearly new to the medium and the board. Trying lurking for literally a week or something.
>The Digibro mentality is spreading
Being an autist about a 5/10 is the pinnacle of human failure
>What happened that people are criticising it so badly?
It kept bouncing between serious edgy drama and slapstick like a fucking rubber ball, tattoo bullshit was convoluted and uninteresting to follow, the pacing was fucked on a scene-level and so on.
>I think I'm intelligent for pointing out the flaws in an easy target show that no one ever thought was that good
Why are you so desperate
Desperate? I was answering a question. If anyone here is desperate, I'd say it was you.
>Ripping on a show no one liked or watched because you've only seen 40 anime
Make a complaint thread about Sky Wizards Academy or Endride and you'll get the same ridicule
Yeah that's cool man when is your asterisk war thread coming?
I make around 3 threads per year. So probably never.
Again, what the hell got in your butt that you are this upset about me replying to question in a Taboo Tattoo thread?
It wasn't the best thing I've seen, but it wasn't the blurst thing I've seen
Name five examples that combined:
>Horrible choppy animation.
>Awful direction in general.
>Heaps of QUALITY.
>Bizarre camera angles.
>Cacophonic and uncomprehensible sound effects.
>Shit MC.
>An even worse villian.
>Shit writing in general (this is not entirely the anime's fault as the source material is pretty weak in this regard too).
>Boring OST.
>Trying to compress to much of the source material in 12 episodes, ultimately feeling rushed and incomplete even by anime 1 cour animation standards.
All of the above finely packaged in an way that is not even memorably so bad-it's-funny kind of show.
Master of Martial Hearts
Gundam Seed Destiny
Gundam IBO
Sacred Seven
Big order
Mahou sensou
mekakucity actors
Need more?
So how's your third season of anime treating you?
Should have been wizards barrister.
Not the same user, but not even literal shitshows like endride were so inanely directed as TT, sure that anime is boring as all hell, but at least you can more or less tell what the fuck is happening in action scenes.
atleast the lolis were good
mekakucity actors was good
big order had nice incest scenes, the other cute girls and a brown girl
mahou sensou needs an s2
>Bad art
>Boring as all fuck story
>1 cute girl total
>Characters designs are complete ass
>Main 2 characters are homo bait
Are you actually going to tell me that you think this is better then TT?
>Gundam Seed Destiny.
>Gundam IBO.
These two had better directing, slightly better writing, sounded better etc. Overall the only one in that list that's as remotely as bad as TT is Master of Martial Arts and maybe Sacred seven.
I find it weird that Cred Forums's standards against QUALITY are so high yet it standards for 3D CG garbage are so low. Why don't you ban shows for using 3D CG? Oh because then you'd have 3 anime to watch each year
>Lowkey moments with relaxed character interactions,
There were barely any of this you lying fuck. The show was 90% dumb shounen drama .
>being mad for a shit show getting shitted on
Not only are all these shows better than TT, but many are actually in the so-bad -it's funny category, particularly big order.In the end TT simply lacks any redeeming quality whatsoever, unless you can actually point one that isn't some meme tier shit like:
>There was a cute loli.
Well, to be fair they DO have to deal with the occasional monster formed from their typewriters and their own flesh so give them SOMETHING of a break.
was still better than berserk
Unironacally yes, because at least I didn't have to cringe every single time princess Mcwhoreface dropped some retarded vidya reference in her dialogue in that show, not to mention BB aka the awful chunni marty-stu.
No, because even though the animation is shit you can tell somebody with actual skill is writing the story.
>so-bad -it's funny
Literally "meme tier shit" as to why what I pointed out doesn't count.
TT can easily fall into that category. Literally has neo the edge lord, BLUEEECY FLUEEECY, Otaku abuse, Loli abuse, over dramatic US military getting BTFO constantly, Princess I'm going to take over the world but ill let the mc live over and over again and purposefully give him reason to hate her. Literal cocksucking fag in flash back for no reason at all. Literal memory transfer.
Video game references and a over the top chunni are worse then absolutly horrible art, design, fujobaiting and slow as shit pacing.
>absolutly horrible art, design
Which is present in TT, so your point is moot. Also TT had the opposite problem in which they tried to compress too much ''plot'' in one single cour, which ultimately made the pacing unbearably fast, in fact the whole thing seems disjointed to the point that I wonder if even the director wasn't exactly sure about the exact point in which the adaptation had to wrap-up. Finally humor is subjective, but when you have characters so awful that they're actual voids of charisma (like MC-kun or the princess) I can't help but be bored.
but it's a manga
Do you guys hate most things that air now or is TT special?
Most things every season are shit, but TT is like a particular blend of shittyness. You'd have to watch it all (which isn't worth anyone's time) to appreciate its incompetence as an anime.
The design is way worse in end ride. The MC's defining trait is a fucking red jacket, his rivals is a fucking blue jacket. The girl is pretty much Tae from yu-gi-oh with tribal style clothing.
The side characters are poorly drawn animal men that look so out of place it's ludicrous. The weapons used are giant plastic swords that don't fit in at all.
The environments are generic wooded fantasy world and generic town/village, nothing unique to them at all.
Fast vs slow pacing is a personal thing. Fast pacing is more interesting but makes things disjointed where as a slow show will leave you going to bed before the episode is over.
Even if some characters rubbed you the wrong way, TT has enough personality in its characters that could at least describe them and have someone know who you are talking about. After 6 episodes all the characters in endride had close to 0 personality traits and acted like cardboard cut-outs trying to progress the plot.
So in that how does it compare to Mayoiga or whatever that Lost Village anime was? Was that even worse or is this setting a new pace for that style of awful?
>The design is way worse in end ride
This is subjective, personally I didn't find anything in endride as cringe-worthy as someone like BB, who wears sunglasses at night 'cause he's 2cool4school,MC is the definition of bland in terms of design motivations and even voice-acting.
>The environments are generic wooded fantasy world and generic town/village, nothing unique to them at all.
And TT is any better?, it literally takes place in three locations: generic city, vaguely southeast asian kingdom and a literal deserted wasteland.
>Fast vs slow pacing is a personal thing. Fast pacing is more interesting but makes things disjointed where as a slow show will leave you going to bed before the episode is over.
Agreed, but TT is such a mess that even though
it's a very straightforward story, there's so much crammed into the screen that is almost incoherent at times.
>Even if some characters rubbed you the wrong way, TT has enough personality in its characters that could at least describe them and have someone know who you are talking about. After 6 episodes all the characters in endride had close to 0 personality traits and acted like cardboard cut-outs trying to progress the plot.
Look user, I dropped Endride about four episodes in, and I will certainly never finish it but what you're describing is a boring and cliched show, whereas TT is a boring and cliched show that happened to be directed by an epileptic monkey, in which the main motivation for the mc in the final battle is rendered completely pointless. In fact the series lacks a proper conclusion even by shonen adaptation standards.
Mayoiga is way worse, if only because I can imagine a certain group of people having fun at TT's awfulness, whereas nothing ever happens in mayoiga plot or character-wise.
That last fight scene between the two cgi abortions was painful to watch
I just couldn't believe it, I thought I was having a seizure for a second. That fight alone makes this anime a worst of the season contender.
Lets just say all the art/design is subjective. Lets just consider what the show was trying to do then. Endride seemed to be trying to be some kind of fantasy adventure story. Where as TT was clearly focused on over the top action + cute girls over story. TT succeeded in doing what it wanted to do far more then endride did.
TT was action from the first episode on, almost every episode spent half the time on the fights. The girls were varied and the ecchi was all over the place, from perverted dialog to clothing damage. It clearly knew what it wanted to focus on and at the very least did it ok.
Endride seemed to want to be a big epic fantasy story, from just the first episode it failed massively on this front. At episode 6 I was still unsure what the hell the characters were trying to accomplish. The fantasy part fell through when the mc was a goofball chosen one who literally falls from the sky. The main rival is an over the top edge lord who for some reason wants to help the chosen one. For a story supposedly focused on a more adventure style, the environment was boring and didn't lend itself well at all to exploring the fantasy world. Nothing about screamed wow this world is interesting.
Saying TT is worse is wrong simply because it was never focused on plot, it wanted to be about girls+action. It seems to me you just don't like girls+action anime so of course a show focused on it will appear worse then pretty much everything.
>Princess finally gets hit for her stupid actions
>Sets off her own mini nuke
>Seigi about to get some JUSTICE by punching her dumb face
>She conveniently teleports away
That "to be continued" segment reminded me of another thing, but I can't recall what it was.
I don't even know what the hell was going on. I thought it was just going to be a show about supernatural body art, not whatever the fuck this was about. I mean shit, what was up with those two fighting Digimon? What in the world brought that out?
At least Izzy and Tom were good characters, for the most part.
Taboo Tattoo was by far the worst anime this season which was a shame because the first few episodes were good, not groundbreaking or anything but suitable. But by god, the final battle was stupid as shit, I didn't know what the princess's main motivations were, what Seigi was trying to accomplish, and more importantly didn't care. I just knew the anime was going downhill and tried to enjoy every second of that clusterfuck.
Worst show of the season. I'm glad it's over.
>Saying TT is worse is wrong simply because it was never focused on plot, it wanted to be about girls+action. It seems to me you just don't like girls+action anime so of course a show focused on it will appear worse then pretty much everything.
Not him, but that's the dumbest shit I've ever read. This show was anything but focused. If anything they seemed intent on trying to cram in every possible genre into each and every episode.
They should have picked one genre (or two) and stayed the course instead of trying to make a action fantasy martial arts comedy horror ecchi sci-fi meta thriller show.
Can't you just appreciate it for the animation, or the craziness? I mean sure you can rate it a 3/10 and say it failed. But wasn't there something beautiful about it?
Too late, its already over and I watched it all.
The animation sucked and the craziness was just stupid and boring, as opposed to stupid and humorous.
>I mean sure you can rate it a 3/10
I rated it 1/10
Fuck you guys.
I had more fun watching Taboo Tatoo episode 1 than entire Re:zero episodes.
>All these fags who consider TT the worst show this season
Face it, all of you fucks got duped hard thinking this would be a serious show with serious subjects. Half you fags probably aren't even watching 10 shows this season.
What you don't like about this anime, user?
>i-i-it wasnt supposed to be serious!!
fuck off
but m-m-muh manimes
So stop typing English you don't know it.
You are essentially saying the show was bad on purpose. That is pretty bad.
How is compared to the manga?
Not at all, it just wasn't about having a serious story. It was smut. Not arguing it was good but it was not atrocious. Worst of the season is far to harsh given that there is worst things airing like ange verge if you base it off of story and orange.
I do have to agree Taboo Tattoo turned to shit near the end. At first it was one of those "it's so bad it's good" type of deals, because of all the wacky shenanigans at least made people chuckle, but then someone must've told the people who make it that it was an embarrassment to watch, so they tried to make it into something serious, they tried to scotch-tape the story back together into serious businesses, and that's when all went to shit. It went from "it's so bad it's good" to "It's so bad... it's now garbage".
I do admit though, the screencaps and .gifs of Izzy practicing in her biker shorts were brilliant, and probably the only good thing to come out of this train wreck of an anime
more of the only good thing to come out of this anime. everything else is shit
Show was so shitty I actually liked how bad it was
>If anything they seemed intent on trying to cram in every possible genre into each and every episode.
Try actually watching it before making such a retarded statement
TT was pretty entertatining to me, it was much better than shit like Qualidea code, Outcast, Scared Riders, Orange, and so on.
What's up with this sudden hate for this show by the way? It was mostly action every episode, I don't understand why would it make someone so mad.
>29 posters
Someone really really hates this anime, it seems.
The first 4 episodes were okay, and then it went to shit with the one thank=one episode rule.
At least it made me buy the manga, who's more than decent and where the pacing and everything else are not fucked up like in the anime.
I pretty much sat through this show for Bloozy Floozy alone.
At least it wasn't Mahou Sensou or Wizard Barrister bad.
>What happened that people are criticising it so badly?
Morons who expected something good from the typical action manga schlock. At least it had sakuga, which is more than most trash manga adaptations can say.
>hating the show that was literally AOTY
It was very bad, but also very amusing. I don't get why people hate Arya, she was the best thing. Went all the way in taunting the MC. Went to a private beach in America just to taunt him with a sexy beach video. Who else does that? Tamaki had a dozen death flags and still make it, and Tom was trying to boost the signal to his drone using the same type of analog antenna we used to use in Romania in 1990 to get cable.
I liked her design
Action fans start disliking something, consider it a waste of their time, and thus come to Cred Forums to post about why they are angry at having watched an action show they started to dislike towards the end.
That looks horrible, the pose, the hair, the dress with 3 non-complementing parts, everything looks wrong.
So between Taboo Tattoo and Quality Code, which is the better anime?
From my occasional accidental watching of Taboo Tattoo on the livestreams for other shows, TT at least looks solid in its animation department.
I do agree that I didn't really pay too much attention to it, and I only watched the last two episodes.
I am still more interested in Qualidae Code simply because that one is an original anime.
>I do agree
Meant to write
>I do admit