What went right?
What went right?
Piano made up for the lack of Dance like you want to win in the last movie.
The music, shitting on nu-Eva kiddies who thought it was always a straight forward and easy to follow anime
is the last movie ever going to come out
Quatre Mains
Sakura Nagashi
It's really good if only for the animation
You know that Anno said that they are working hard on it right?
I can't wait for a camrip of half the screen and 500 Eva generals.
>500 Eva generals.
Eva threads continued back-to-back for a long time.
Ok...were you around Cred Forums during the other Rebuild theatrical releases? how was that like?
Not him, but it was an absolute shitstorm, especially for 3.33. We already (somewhat) knew how 1.11 and 2.22 would go, but 3.33 was obviously completely different. As for 3.0 + 1.0 or whatever the fuck it's called now, I'm guessing it's going to end up with everything beyond fucked, Shinji in an even worse state, and Gendo busy concocting keikakus.
The OST went right, especially for the second half.
For awhile there's only gonna be a terrible camrip, and everyone on Cred Forums is gonna be talking about it so there's no way you can come on Cred Forums and not be spoiled. So either watch the fuzzy camrip with half the screen not in the shot, or don't come to Cred Forums for weeks if not months, however long it takes.
The end scene, where the three kids are reunited. Well, kind of, since it's a different Rei. It was really well done.
>implying this Rei won't get the "original" Rei's memories or some shit when she goes near 01
I started browsing Cred Forums when 2.22 was released on there was only Asukafag threads and circle jerk. Well, it's like that nowadays but imagine at least 10 Asuka threads on the catalog, all the damn time.
3.33 had generals and it was just complaints, yaoi doujins and Reifags crying. They were terrible.
Did the speculation behind 3.33 added to the shit-storm?
>there's no way you can come on Cred Forums and not be spoiled
How many eva-related threads were on Cred Forums at that time?
Wow that would be generic as all hell. Not saying I wouldn't prefer that, but they are not going to do it. Especially considering how much Rei Q questions her own identity in the last third of the movie; it's currently the only thing that makes her her own character and it'd be really ironic if such a thing like you mention happened.
I told you, 500 consecutive threads, at least. I think it hit 700 at most.
It was spoilers being thrown left and right, along with your typical "what the fuck just happened". There were also a ton of people bitching about how Rei got wrecked and how Asuka/Misato were bitter bitches.
True, but how else will we kill Rei in Shinji's arms if she doesn't have a "I remember everything" moment? Unless we get something batshit crazy where Rei Q goes THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE and murders the original Rei once she somehow comes out of 01's core.
Sounds terrible... Cred Forums times ten then?
how long did that last?
When would you say that the eva-insanity began on Cred Forums? a month before the Jap-Theatrical release? or longer than that; like when they announced the movie?
You'll be seeing people go bonkers the moment we have a semi-concrete date for 3.0 + 1.0 (as in, something like "Fall 2017").
thanks for the info.
I don't think they will get as cruel as that. Doesn't mean everyone won't end depressed as hell though.
> once she somehow comes out of 01's core.
well remember in NGE and rebuilds Unit-1's core came from lilith along with her bottom half. So Rei is back to where she originally was from.
Just realized something.(if rebuilds are a continuation of nge)
Unit-1's core came from Lilith in nge. (people believe that eoe Unit-1 became lilith in rebuilds)
then the core moved again to Rebuild's Unit-1...
The last movie; will probably end the whole sequel/different reality speculation (or aggravate it)
we will see that during the Cred Forums-Eva-ShitStorm to come.
No, she won't. You should re-read the 2.22 interviews, the one in charge of Rebuild of Anno hates the original portrayal of Rei III because it was supposed to be a different person, and not a continuation and wanted to explore a better version of Rei III. He probably pushed for it to create this Rei.
>only seen NGE and EoE
>still fucking love the series and don't ever want to see any of the sequels
>2.22 interviews
care to give a source/elaborate on that please?
but user
sequels are better
I don't even mind, I'm really happy with what Eva is in my mind, I never bothered to visit any wikis/fansites either, as to try to keep all my speculation to myself, and try to work it out on my own.