>I hate new anime because the main character is always a wimpy kid with no personality surrounded by a harem of girls pushing him around
>old anime was so much better
I hate new anime because the main character is always a wimpy kid with no personality surrounded by a harem of girls...
But Eva was shit?
>literally every girl who is romantically interested in him eventually loses interest
>the only person who makes a move on him is a guy who is just using him
>anyone being attracted to shinji
Who's romantically interested in him? The closest is Asuka, but she's fucked in the head so it doesn't really count.
>the girls in his class who say scream his name during gym
>Rei after he frees her from the escape pod
>Asuka kissing him
The only girl who could be argued to be in love with Shinji is Asuka. And even then, she's so mentally fucked up sheds reject his advances and kick him in the balls instead.
It's nothing like a typical harem.
>the girls in his class who say scream his name during gym
'cause he's an Eva pilot, that's decently reasonable.
>Rei after he frees her from the escape pod
Not romantically.
>Asuka kissing him
She's 14, and getting her first periods :^)
actually i dont like new animes cause the main characters are beta fags that dont strive to get the girl they like and are fucking mary sues.
Shinji Ikari was different in that regard because he was similar to many boys around his age and was actually interested on the hot girl. Which is unlike the herbivore shit that we see these days.
Nah, I just hate the millions of LN adaptation we get every season
>heds reject his advances and kick
when did he advance on her?
The only times he did was when she couldnt say no.
Or in his fucking mind.
That's why monogatari is awesome and the new wave of anime.
That's totally unlike old anime where a hero type is surrounded by a harem of girls pushing him around
>'cause he's an Eva pilot, that's decently reasonable
still counts
>Not romantically.
>She's 14, and getting her first periods :^)
still counts
I am
>not the superior husbando
If he were to put on a wig or grow his hair long with that outfit on, maybe a touch of makeup, then I can't be held responsible for what I'd do to his boypussy.
>not being attracted to Shinji
What, are you gay or something?
Why do so many harem MCs have Shinji Syndrome?
>the girls in his class who say scream his name during gym
There was probably a genderswapped Kensuke one class over selling photos of him.
thats Maya.
Shinji was emotionally damaged for good reason and I can't begin to call the bitches in his life a "harem". Most of the more touching moments in Eva was between shinji and his friends (male). That's nothing compared to beta-by-trade MCs who fall ass backwards into T&A
Nice b8 thread I guess
Evangelion is an example of a shit new anime
>using him
Kaworu is incapable of scheme as a Fruit of Life organism. He's completely serious and very upfront about what he is. Shinji is just dumb as fuck for not asking what the fuck was a lilin and why was he psychoanalyzing him in the bath.
But 90% of 80/90s anime was about manly men fucking shit up.
Evangelion coming out on top doesn't change that fact.
Rei and Kaworu are both in love with him (Rei's poem and Kaworu has word of god thrice in interviews, he's the love interest).
Asuka's feelings are closer to lust than love. That was the point of their interaction. She's in love in Rebuild, though.
>That's nothing compared to beta-by-trade MCs who fall ass backwards into T&A
That's literally Shinji though lmao.
pretentious piece of shit with meaningless religious symbolism
NGE is the one of the main culprits of the trend.
He's not capable of analysis, either. Shinji did that to himself, Kaworu was speaking literally and had so little empathy he was confounded by people doing things they didn't like as a concept.
Ok ok we get it, you can't understand eva, don't need to make such a scene
It was supposed to be a one off deconstruction of the infallible MC, and then everyone started parroting the loser MC
It's like ironic shitposting that spawned actual shitposting.
And the MC is always ALWAYS worse written than Shinji. Look at Subaru for instance.
I ran into an old highschool buddy visiting my mom last week. We circlejerked about when things were still drawn by hand.
Ideon is the entry for "Overrated Garbage" in my dictionary.
>people struggling to survive are bad mkay
In the newer anime the male audience is supposed to be "if I were the MC I would do this, that etc.".
This is also reached better by making MCs as beta and unrelatable as possible.
Do youngsters these days really call Eva an old anime?
>In the newer anime the male audience is supposed to be "if I were the MC I would do this, that etc.".
I think it's the opposite, people who approach it that way usually hate them. The male audience in most of those harems is just supposed to see the MC as a device to get female characters' to show tits and be cute.
kaworu fagg detected. Typical gay fagg in eva thrads coming around marking their territory like the fucking animals that they are.
Only in the interview of the guy who did the manga was that hit mentioned.
The only one tht shinji canonically wanted to bang was Asuka. Asuka also liked shinji but the whole gimmick of the show was how they where incapable of communicatiing.
>cares about QUALITY
Haha, kys
When did the "VLC is bad" meme start?
mpv is slightly better, but I prefer VLC in some aspects.
There are literally 2 LN adaptations this season, retard.
>but I prefer VLC in some aspects.
You mean like how you can watch anime at 2x speed without it pitching up right?
Quality isn't only about muh high definition bitrate codec bullshit. I study engineering and after enough courses on 3D projection in a 2D lane this sort of shit triggers the shit out of me. How difficult could it have been for them to draw things from the proper angel?
You can do that with mpv as well you know.
>When did the "VLC is bad" meme start?
Like a decade+ ago.
And this is what we mean by "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing"
Not impressed
Good point. I think I can find a third archetype in the mix - people who want to see the MC to break societies norms, taboos and generally cause mischief and find it entertaining. Some of the stuff may pander to people's fetishes (such as stealing underwear).
1. BETA MC is so incompetent (and lacks any interest for the opposing sex) that the watcher can fantasize switching places with the MC (e.g. Dagashi Kashi)
2. BETA MC is just a device (irrelevant) and an excuse to see fanservice (probably most harems and echi shows)
3. "ALPHA" MC seen as an entertaining figure and helps "realize" peoples fantasies directly (Konosuba? Monogatari for certain scenes?)
If only Kircheis was still here.
>complains about weak pussy MC that doesn't care about the harem of girls literally handed to him
>complains about sword art MCs who fuck a different girl every week and kill gods without trying
Japs are to fucking retarded to make anything else. you get what you get niggers. If you don't like these types of main characters then you have to settle for yuri slice of life shit.
>The only one tht shinji canonically wanted to bang was Asuka.
Sex isn't love.
reminder that the 'fanfiction' that was E7 did everything this series did and much more, much better
So did Ideon and NGE is 'fanfiction' of that
What is love?