Can it be scientifically explained how Kurisu is so cute?
Can it be scientifically explained how Kurisu is so cute?
さみしいことはないわ ma vie!
こだまだけでいいの c'est moi
ひとつきりの恋あげるよ Je pense a toi tres fort.
Her hair color.
pic related
Because she's a well written tsundere.
Genius girls are invariably adorable.
Genius boys are invariably creepy and unlovable.
I was doing calculus at 10. Now I'm 30 and still watching Chinese cartoons alone ;_;
You aren't a genius.
She's not a tsundere, she's in a position where she can't openly express herself, given Okabe is either acting like a retard or a PTSD-ridden veteran at random.
Probably. I don't really care, though.
Her small stature plays a part in it. She's like a tiny science fairy.
Best Girl
People are capable of expressing themselves very easily in a whole variety of situations. The fact that Kurisu feels she's in a position where she can't due to the presence and personality of another person is part of how she is tsundere.
I'd say that's more awkwardness than tsuntsun.
>tiny science fairy
Her modest, perky chest is cute as well. Very lewd too.
It looks good through her unassuming white shirts.
It certainly does.
Why is rukako best?
Wrong waifu
I have to listen to it everytime.
Femine penis
It's because she's all about contrast. Wise beyond her years but doesn't know the first thing about social interactions. One of the most brilliant minds ever and she shitposts on 2chan. Is as blushing virgin as it gets but dresses unintentionally lewdly. That sort of thing.
That she's characterised in bits and pieces that slowly pull back the curtain on who she really is as a person in ways that often subvert expectations doesn't hurt. Neither does the fact that her thing with Okabe feels sweet, remarkably innocent and entirely genuine as it develops rather than a tsundere tickbox.
Why does whitefox like adapting time travel animes with traps?
That's a neat, concise way of summing up her appeal. Contrast that seamlessly blends writing and design is incredibly engaging.
Also known as Ze Zombie
Frankly, all the characters in Steins;Gate are really well designed in my opinion. Maybe 0 will give some room for the side characters to shine a bit more, but even within S;G you can tell there's a definite level of quality and care placed in having the characters integrate well with distinct personalities that don't match archetypes.
I totally agree. Even the most hated characters of the cast aren't disliked because they're poorly executed. They're reviled because they're flawed and morally flexible.
Cute and believable design while still unique. Color palette is striking but not obnoxious rainbow while giving distinctive look and personality.
Also character has one of best VAs and lines are well written & fit the look of the character
What nationality is the name "Kurisu"?
I thought this was a fucking sound
Rounders deserve happy ends too.
They really did a great job in making her outfit unique and sexy while building it out of mundane articles of clothing.
Kurisu is Japanese, it's just that it's pronounced the same way as Chris.
No they don't. They know what they signed up for.
Being a miserable person who is saved by happenstance does not count as a real contract, SERN.
>have auburn hair in first game
>give her hair a redder shade in 0
Dammit huke, make up your mind.
>That dramatic art change
I don't like it.
If only this were a sounds thread.
It was originally chestnut, then it transitioned into the auburn you see today. Huke's been drawing her with red hair for years now anyway.
>Fanart is closer to the original art than Huke's current stuff
For shame.
I don't think there's really anything wrong with it. She's stunning as either a brunette or a redhead. Both colours work with her overall design too.
I don't mean the hair colour, I mean literally how he draws her.
I think he's gotten more refined and his art is cleaner and more consistent now. It's not like he's totally abandoned the aesthetic of the original VN.
The coloration is distinctly flatter, though. In using more vibrant colors, his shading has suffered and become very two-tone.
Someone at whitefox must've been a trapfag.
Wow, his art got visibly worse.
At the end of the day it's a matter of opinion whether the current art or the original art is more pleasing to the eye. I think all of it is gorgeous though.
I want a Kurisu.
>The lab coat isn't baggy and cute anymore
I think a lot of people would like a cute, smart hottie like Kurisu.
To be fair, in the original she's wearing a lab coat meant for Daru.
Don't forget oddly charming as she transitions from purely cold to tsundere.
Because 今井さんはかわいい.
I wouldn't say that she's cold at first. Before Okabe molests her she's very polite and before the first worldline shift she was genuinely concerned for him as a stranger.
>Kurisu is dead, only a shitty AI as a replacement
Why is anyone excited for Zero? Half the reason I loved the show was her back and forth with Okabe. I see absolutely no reason in particular to care about a series where Kurisu is dead from the very get-go.
There is some fucking amazing development for Ruka in 0
but the true ending is saving Kurisu. Why else would they call it True Ending?
I still regret never saving the original OP pic from those
The entire point of Zero is ending up in a world where Kurisu is alive. It is literally the only outcome that doesn't end terribly for all mankind.
When does the anime go out?
Oh user, if only you knew.
You'll understand when you play/watch it. So much about 0 is impossible to explain without ruining it.
Does 0 eventually lead to Okabe creating that video of him in the future which lead to Kurisu being saved?
I really love his involvement in 0, it feels more natural.
Not that user, but yeah. I'm actually surprised they made a "continuation" (it's not really one, but you know what I mean) of the old VN.
Why? Because a lot of people would just stop at the point where "the MC from the future/alternate world line" helps the MC from now, without going into detail about what the alternate MC went through.
Yes. That's what you're trying to do.
But those desperate people who say they'll do anything really will do anything. Once they agree and you put some measures in place to ensure compliance, they really did actually know what they were getting into.
That's what I was wondering about. Out of all the characters in S;G, it seems like Ruka was just a tad boxed out of the spotlight. Wasn't sure if Chiyomaru wanted to address that or not. Other than that, I'm glad he decided to do 0 because it will finally get all those people who don't understand episode 23 to shut up about Okabe getting a "free" happy ending.
By "means to ensure compliance", you mean coercion and dangling everything they love on a string?
Pretty sure they didn't sign up for that.
Do people actually say that?
I don't know if it's just an influx of faggots from Reddit over the past 8 months, shitposting, or just newfags, but I've had to explain numerous times how their idea that Steins;Gate just pulled a "MC gets a free happy ending cause time travel magically fixed everything" is fucking bullshit. Apparently when time travel is involved in conflict solving in any way, everything that happens is invalidated because the MC's actions didn't mean or cost anything.
Didn't time travel cause all his problems to begin with?
It was either that or they would die in whatever situation they were in before. Some of them probably wanted purpose too. I have a hard time forgiving Moeka even after knowing she was a victim of circumstance. Her character song is beautiful though.
I really like the way the Committee, or at least SERN runs its operations because not only is it morally gray when it comes to recruitment, but it's efficient too. Nothing better than competent antagonists.
And it's not like everything was solved by Punished Okabe. Our S;G Okabe still had to come up with a way to save Kurisu, destroy her paper on time travel and ensure that the worldline didn't correct itself and very nearly died doing it. All that Punished Okabe really did was give him the chance and the resolve to make it happen.
Except for Kurisu dying.
oh my
You mean Chris?
>It was either that or they would die in whatever situation they were in before
Does that give their 'saviors' ownership rights to their lives? Save someone once, and they are your slave forever?
New chapter when?
I don't think you can matter more than the woman that the fate of multiple attractor fields and humanity itself hinges on.
Mayuri can also claim that. Kind of. I think she's more a symptom of the worldlines than the determining factor between alpha and beta.
I opened this thread expecting a sounds thread. ;_;
And you got a Kurisu thread. You traded up.
Exactly. Who wouldn't want a thread full of a sexy 2D qt?
0 anime when? Fucking when? Shitty Chaos;Child is going to get a start in winter, but S;G0?
Who animates Chaos;child? We're getting Autistic;nine too by A-1 this fall
As a matter of fact it can, as can most anime characters.
She also has the added wish fulfillment of making viewers think there are girls out there who'd be willing to love a cringey autist like themselves.
Silver Link
Too lewd. We need to stop this perverted experiment-loving girl.
Only Okabe can sexualize her.
That sort of neotenic cuteness doesn't really apply to anime girls.Rather they have slim, effeminate figures, wide eyes, and long hair. Their cuteness is that of 'attraction', not 'adorableness'.
Neoteny is the generic answer though.
But almost none of those things apply to Kurisu other than maybe the notes about the eyes. That's not at all the kind of cute that Kurisu or any anime girls are, for that matter.
Legs, red hair, lab coats, legs and Dr. Pepper.
Even that's pushing it.
That is not right. Stop it right this instant.
You know, Kurisu is the only 'teen genius' sort of character where I've actually bought that she's as brilliant as they tell us they are.
The earliest would be next year's fall.
Can't stop won't stop.
That's because acts like an intelligent yet fallible person instead of a dumbass who inexplicably knows things.
Cause she's a nerd who spams dank memes on the internet just like you.
Post some Suzuha ass
Kurisu is a respectable scientist and not for lewd. Stop tarnishing her image.
Lewd ALL the S;G girls!
Kurisu is an accomplished and respectable scientist as well as an incredibly lewd girl.
this thread
But she's a namefag
How is Kurisu looking sexy at all comfy?
I'd want to lick that belly 24/7.
I'm triggered
Maybe he finds lazy fapping comfy.
Yes. Her small frame, large eyes, and undefined muscular features imply she is weak and vulnerable.
Because of this, men find her to be protectable, which is the root of cuteness. It has been theorized that cuteness is an evolutionary tactic to help people care more about their offspring, which is why we find younger or weaker features to be cute.
>tfw I fantasise about doing precisely that
Pretty much. She's strong willed and bold but you still kind of want to hold her close and keep her safe anyway.
A terrible wrestling accident with Okabe. Naked wrestling.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Because cute is justice.
Because girly guys are cutelewd.
Because they needed another male character to balance out the cast but already had a cute girl design lined up. The problem solved itself.
Well, given what Okabe ends up giving to protect her it seems that it's just as true in universe as it is to the audience.
Post suzuha spats
Would this be what you're looking for?
God damnit I need that Suzuha+bike figure.
Looks like they were right when they said you'd be better off learning Japanese than waiting for the anime. It's still not too late anons!
Hnnnnggg best spats
An alt of
>that face
muh dick
It's only wrong for men to be short.
I'm normally a tomboy man but Kurisu is my favorite labmem. Why is this?
There is literally nothing wrong with tiny scientists.
And I don't anything about the series, I'm just here for the smelly tiny scientist girl and spats + butt combo
IIRC 5'3 and 100lbs actually
Post more Mahos
was it anorexia?
I wish someone would translate Epigraph's drama CD, there's some fun stuff with Maho there.
Tsundere is a way of inaccurately summing up a facet of her personality. It gets a very basic idea across but it's not really representative of her.
Probably because she's a well-written tsundere.
Poorly written tsunderes have only tsundere.
I want there to be a timeline where they send encouraging messages to Moeka in her highschool life so she doesn't try to kill herself and get contacted in the first place.
>Probably because she's a well-written tsundere.
She is well-written, but not because she is a tsundere.
I'm not saying it's because she's tsundere, I'm saying that she's a tsundere who is well written.
You're inferring a causality I never implied.
>It's wrong for someone who had no control over the fact they were born with a penis to be *insert uncontrollable characteristic here*
And this, kids, is why schools get shot up from time to time.
Going straight to school shootings. I'm gonna take a guess and say you're 5'4".
Whatever helps you sleep at night. 5'7 btw Just don't act surprised when someone flips because of unfair expectations forced on them over something they had no control over.
How much is that in real metric unites?
Confirmed for manlet with a chip on his shoulder
I wonder if anyone has done a comparison of the height of mass shooters. It would be interesting to see if there is a correlation.
Moeka's character song made me like her.
The lyrics are powerful.
Great writing.
Is it time to start avoiding these threads because of spoilers?
Not quite yet. Zero hasn't been released in English. Unless you're playing through the original of course.
The specifics of Zero are very hard to spoil without a very detailed explanation. You already know the ending but the way that they end up there is vastly more complicated than you might expect.
Shortly after release there was enough stuff running around that I had to avoid threads for a while and imported it to play. A lot more stuff is around these days, but generally you're OK, just be careful of anything that's actually spoilered.
Not enough Faris in this thread
Chat-noir vs Alpacaman when?
That cosplay patch is neat.
>Steam version
How does it feel to have an objectively inferior version?
There is such thing as too much thigh gap. That's more of a thigh chasm.
Did they censor the loli's scene?
She's anorexic.
They didn't censor anything, but the UI is terrible compared to the JAST version, it doesn't have proper text wrapping and they accidentally left in some engrishy elements "Got a new tips".
why do these people even exist?
>not embracing the cocktease otaku-bait
Because they read Babel/listened to the Alpha Drama CD
>that picture
>it's not a sound thread
>well written
Goes from full tsundere to madly in love in like 1 episode.
I miss sound threads
Any word on Zero's English release date or the anime's release date?
Why he looks so devastated?
She's the prime example of a perfect Tsundere. 9/10, would waifu. Unfortunately, my husbando is superior.
Fuck, now I wanna re-read S;G again.
Don't fucking do this to me, I got assignments to do dammit.
As if there wasn't enough suffering.