Is there a better pet in the history of anime?
Is there a better pet in the history of anime?
Class rep's cunny.
Wow, so I wasn't the only one who watched this dumpster fire
Hikari is definitely my favorite pet. Also best and most underrated Eva girl.
for what purpose
Why not?
what do you think of her portrayal in Anima?
>implying anyone here knows about that
Anima a shit.
you read it? it not completely translated right?
Just bits and pieces but everything I've read from it and of it is just Re-take tier dogshit.
But Old(er) Man Fuyutsuki looks good with a mustache shooped on.
Anima and Rebuilds do cross each other at times...
its not THAT bad...
Oh yes it is.
I don't know a thing about it. At least unlike fucking 3.33333333, it acknowledged that Hikari did indeed exist. Fuck Rebuild 3.3333333333333333333333333333.
It's not. Not great like NGE; true. But not as bad as retake. At least Anima is something different, Retake is just copied paste garbage. Crap that just does not get Evangelion...
Why does that Fuyutsuki look so japanese? Does he fight using a thousand-fold katana too?
We got it the first time ok
3.33 is not bad, however in all the rebuilds; they mention Hikari's name only once in 2.0.
I meet people that only watch the rebuilds and have no clue about her...
this is news to me
>doesn't turn into a spaceship
Haro from Victory Gundam. The most useful pet ever
No, he takes control of Nerv as director after Gendo-Ritsuko-and Lilith disappear after Unit0-2 and Jet-alone successfully fend off the Mass-Production-Units. (poor Jet-Alone, never had a chance)
>mustache shooped on.
Chuchu is the best pet. A mouse and a monkey at the same time, too.