Gappy is happy
Latest Chapter
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this infinite spin?
no, this is
>Gappy steals the rotation of the earth and achieves the super spin
I just realized jojo is the only series where best from worst goes:
8 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1
really makes you think...
How many gappys are there?
Cred Forums here. Stop pretending that someone else did it and stop messing with our stuff.
Kill you're life lol
This gappy thing is getting out of hand.
Happy birthday Mr. PRESIDENT!
only two more episodes 'till Highway Star, anybody hyped?
>not again!
It's the work of an enemy stand
I'm more hyped for RPS kid desu
The day this becomes an unironic post in this general is the day I will kill myself with no regret
>No Stallone lips
>Will drop the anime in an instant
It's not so much the animation, but how I really want to hear Daisuke deliver that scream.
the stone ocean anime is looking great!!!
Gappy makes me happy
Any interviews of Araki's editor(s)?
I cannot imagine trying to edit this man's work week after week.
I want Jotaro to give me his permission so I can marry Jolyne. I WANT TO KISS AND HUG THE BEAUTIFUL JOLYNE!!!!
He's a literal meme character so I'm not surprised
Please post your SAS's.
I imagine it'll sound like his victory screech after successfully beating down a blind man in the desert, but less proud.
what's the meme? Being autistic and a fusion of individuals? Sounds like parts 4, 5 and 6 villains.
Shh, Gyro is sleeping.
He needs his bear you retard
Is Araki move on to stands because he forgot rules of hamon? And because with stands he can do any shit he want?
psst hey Gyro.
I know your real name
Here's all my JoJo statues.
Shit taste.
Expanded on from the previous thread, regarding the extra scenes he proposed.
>David Pro adds extra scenes during the universal speedup of Made In Heaven
>One shows the Part 4 crew in the center of Morioh, with Josuke repeatedly punching everything and overexerting himself trying to keep everything from breaking away, but not only is everything coming back a little malformed since he can't concentrate on the specifics of what he's trying to fix, he also cannot keep up with the universe literally accelerating to its end. The scene ends with him yelling out for Jotaro to help him and his friends, not knowing Jotaro's already been killed by Pucci.
>The next scene shows Mista running into Giorno's room, freaking out over everything crumbling around them. We even see his gun break apart and fade into dust before we see Giorno rush to grab the arrow to stab Gold Experience again to make Gold Experience Requiem. As he finally gets his hands on the arrow, it too fades to dust in his own hands. Giorno looks down knowing there's nothing he can do, and while Mista continues to ask him what they should do, Polnareff looks off solemnly, knowing that this is the work of a Stand that Jotaro could not defeat, leading him to believe that Jotaro has been killed. His eyes darken as he realizes that not only is the world seemingly breaking apart, but also that either he and Joseph are the only remaining Crusaders or that he is the only Crusader still "alive." In the end, all of Polnareff's friends are dead while he remains as a spirit, watching the world end.
Sorry if the formatting is fucked up, I copypasted that from previously writing it.
I'd like to see a Diavolo and KC if anyone has them.
>giorno lost requiem and needs to stab it again
bad meme
Threads like these will be banned in a few hours. Enjoy them while you still can
>One shows the Part 4 crew in the center of Morioh
While they are still wearing their school uniforms
The arrow that was on GERs forehead falls to the ground after Giorno kills Diavolo
/jojo/ will never die
does he really make you happy though?
>ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ
what will you do, /jojo/?
lol show us your mod tag
Like this will actually happen
this is awesome
>not even sticky
where's arcadefag?
Anyone got a link to the Dawang manga of part 4?
they can say whatever they want, it's not like any of that will happen
If there's no tension involved with MEH seeing Giorno suffering its events then what's the point of including him in a scene that's roughly similar to the end of the world?
It's not like he has a character that can provide comedy like Rohan simply working hard
Shut the fuck up. LET IT DIE.
I don't know, that mod seems autistic enough to really try it
Was nice knowing you guys.
Anything from part 7.
Too bad they won't get there until 2020 at the earliest, though
Inu Ukraine throwing a bitch fit
>Ban Generals
>Don't make an /ag/ to compensate like /vg/
So are we just forgetting that Polanreff totally had Requiem before and lost it?
Requiems are a temporary power up
I want Kira to teach Narancia math under threat of detonation if he fails.
>that mod seems autistic enough to really try it
What mod? not a single mod have posted in any of those threads, they just delete dubs and porn as usual
>he thinks /vg/ was a good idea
Visit the starcraft general and say that again
%%part 7 never%%
What mod
I don't visit shit generals for shit games
well, the good thing is that the boring mess of 7 wont get a decent adaptation.
Aren't like 10 different "Official Rules" threads will all of them having different shit in them?
Jocke is on you, mods actually like JoJo
>that mod
These rules triggered me
>3. Underage Bait like lol, kys, cuck and so on will result in a ban.
>8. Frogposting is a permaban
>9. Saucefagging and spoonfeeding are a permaban. Use /r/ and /wsr/
if they ban generals then we will just have to have multiple random jojo threads spamming the catalog at all times
problem solved
Die peacefully in my sleep
>the mods seriously expect these rules to be enforced
it's hilarious that people actually think these will be enforced
no really, I haven't been here for a week
the fuck happened?
Those threads were clearly made by a mod or janitor. They even deleted trash inside but always left at least one thread up since days.
I support all of these except 9.
The project is over because NewArcadefag is a 13 year old Ukrainian who threw a hissy fit. That's all. Stop talking about it. Go to archives if you're so interested.
>liking Reddit terminology
>liking Pepe, the dead meme
The only ones that are a problem are 1, 2, and 10. Light Novels like Fate are trash and loliposting is just gonna make this place even worse.
god damn it
>can't say lol
Wow... That's bitter.
This is pretty much a general in itself, I see recurring thread memes, tripfags, and first for X posts
seems hypocritical~
just use kek
If you checked the archives you'd also find out old Arcadefag came back. Fuck off.
Literally never understood what was so bad about generals, especially for things like JoJo that everyone else hates outright
They think that banning the generals will get rid of jojo memers
Polnareff didn't have a stand at all once SCR dissolved. He was dead.
One thing I wonder though is, if someone went inside Mr. President, would they see Polnareff there as if he were alive with a body?
That's the gayest thing anyone has ever said in the entirety of history, including you. Be more ashamed of yourself.
「Literally Never Understand」
「Bad Generals」
They do realize that the exact opposite is going to happen, right?
If they ban generals, the JoJo shitposting will be in every thread on level they have never seen.
what does he mean by this?
What is this
Exactly. I have a folder full of jojo memes and reaction images
I need to use them somewhere
We going to riot by shitposting? I'm down for it.
「Hissy Fit」
「Folder Full」
there will be shitposts the likes of which this board has never seen
>one of the 100+ generals in Cred Forums is shit
>so, every general must be shit
Is this really your argument senpai?
「Riot Down」
From there it goes to banning Jojo related stuff to banning anything people don't like til eventually it goes full circle and it's like nothing happened
Literally made in heaven shenanigans
If not being able to say "lol" means underage retards will be banned for saying "kys", then I'm fine with that.
No he isn't, you fucking mongoloid, because guess what? IT'S A FUCKING IMPOSTOR The original arcadefag is the one who is the owner of the original document with the movesets:
Until that guy says it's him, then it's not him, you gullible faggot. Go fuck yourself.
「Never Bored」
「Real Argument」
「Stuffed People」
「Able To Say」
「Gullible Owner」
Is Gappy Make Everyone happy?
We Are All Gappy And We Are All Happy
「Doc's Wonderland」
Everyone has already seen this, right?
If they ban generals, easy, we'll just make thread about Jojo to discuss whatever.
Instead of one Jojo thread, we'll have seven.
Banning generals is really stupid.
But is Joshuu seen it?
>We Are All Gappy And We Are All Happy
>Jojolions final chapter name
You are too new to understand, they banned Naruto Generals pre 2012 in a similar way.
Basically, NO threads will be allowed unless new content is made, not one, not seven, and anyone spamming them will be banned.
doc already posted it her yesterday
I like this one too
Define "new content", because OCs pop up in Jojo threads quite regularly, and actual discussion is had frequently too.
So when are we going to get another mosaic like Let's Eat Out an Italian?
Gappa maka ma happa
Congratulations, user, Gappy won a Lamborghini off of his adoptive brother, and has asked you to paint it for him!
What design will you give Gappy? Gappy deserves to be happy too
he means a manga chapter or an anime episode.
Well, many old anime and manga are discussed in Cred Forums from time to time, Jojo chapters come by every month and episodes every week.
Is this how lame Cred Forums has become? Where threads can't be made unless there's 'new' episodes/chapters?
This is not the Cred Forums I want to live in...
Impregnating girls and watching them bloat up from pregnancy pounds!
Wtf is Tonio going to fuck rule 63 Josuke there?
He's going to force her to read the manga
How old is "Gappy makes me happy" meme? What is oldest meme here?
He's giving her the manga to read reatard
I suggest we do Diesel.
Aside from GER, Tusk act 4, and D4C, are there any stands that can defeat King Crimson?
Over Heaven need not apply.
DIO memes are the oldest, but they aren't as popular as they used to be
That'd be funny
Tusk would lose to King Crimson.
za warudo and road roller da
Metallica if it wasnt cockblocked by
What about Gappy?
How would /jojo/ feel if Diavolo was killed by Metallica and Nero became the main villain?
Man in the Mirror, Made in Heaven
Young Jonathan Joestar and the Stand that beat Kars, 「HIS ASS」.
Jojo threads existed way before Gappy even was created
Who why and when started this?
Tusk can't really defeat KC. Diavolo isn't really hopping dimensions with KC, he's just erasing time, and thus eliminating gravity, which Tusk and Super Spin can't travel through.
D4C also wouldn't be able to - Diavolo can just delete the period where valentine tries to jump out and done. He can also predict that valentine will use the Menger sponge trick on him.
No, there's really nothing that can beat KC. He can predict and erase MiH's movements despite the latter's speed, and he can beat The World. I'm guessing stuff like the invincible stands like Green Baby, trap stands that Diavolo can't foresee like Death 13, or stands with a high area of effect like Grateful Dead or Green Day could beat him.
Who has best ass, Johnny or Jolyne?
If Nero killed Diavolo pretty sure VA would have ended right there
He doesn't have any qualms with Bruccelati
Doc started it. Thanks Doc.
Johnny's ass should be skinny and bony, since he doesn't use his legs.
Jolyne, obviously.
An user who was a jojo-fag long time ago
It'd suck because Diavolo's more interesting and KC is cooler. Not by much, though, risotto is pretty damn fine
Is it ever stated why diavolo didn't just come out and wreck metallica's shit? Why did he depend on doppio when he knew the guy could get him killed?
No contest
Someone show him Johnny ass, it's big and fabuouls.
He believed Doppio could handle it
besides he turns into Diavolo when Aeroshimt was soothing them both and KCs his way outta there so the bullets would hit Nero instead
Someone already did it with shit from Reimi episode? Where Bruno was licking it.
soft and wet could probably beat KC for the same reason Star Platinum beat The World.
Same power basically, although S&W can steal more than just 5 seconds of time
We have no idea.
show him yourself
/r/ing Tomoko lewds
Go to bed Okuyasu
How about Shinobu lewds instead?
>3 days until janken boy gets BTFO
i wish there was more art of the hand, it is such a cool stand
>3 days until how and when the fuck did Rohan managed to get the baby from Joseph
Oh shit
Give source pls, google/iqdb does nothing
Stand users are drawn to one another. Don't question it.
But Josuke and joseph where like 20 meters away from Rohan and RPS Kid
Rohan has fast noodle arms but he doesnt have 30 meter long noodle arms
DIO ("Za warudo!" "Muda muda!" "Toki wo tomare!" "Road roller da!" and 7up) has been a meme since before the site's inception.
And the first meme that we got when the anime began was "It was me, Dio!"
Dio memes fuel our existence.
If you merged your stand with the Green Baby, regardless of being Pucci, will you still get C-Moon and MIH?
DIO himself got TWOH, but then again, EoH isn't cannon
Wouldn't Made in Heaven stomp it just as easily as it did The World
So I just checked out Cred Forums and it turns out they're voting to get rid of us.
>Gappy goes 110% and steal the rotation of the entire galaxy and reach the BigBang spin
I want Narancia to fail and fucking die
go to sleep Joseph
I have no idea why, we never touched their shit.
So basically in order to make your stand more powerful you need to..
Stab yourself our your stand a second time with the stand arrow(preferably the one with the beatle).
Stop being a pussy and get your shit together.
Do some satanic sacrificial ritual shit to consume souls.
Get all of the parts of Jesus corpse and put them inside of you.
>a fanfic general is trying to ban generals
you can't be more retarded than that
>Good news guys, we can pay Cred Forums back for fucking with our threads.
>m-muh Cred Forums boogieman
Holy fucking shit, Cred Forums is the biggest bunch of faggots on the site. This is hilarious.
Why do they seem so angry with Cred Forums all of a sudden?
It's literally a board for cartoons. It has the largest influx of underage people by default.
Someone raided their docs, pastebins, boorus, ect, and they're calling it a group attack done by us.
>all of a sudden
Cred Forums has always hated Cred Forums, specifically JoJo because no one working on Cred Forumsco/'s bizarre adventure has actually read JoJo.
>Let's get back at Cred Forums by getting rid of the general they hate most
>murricans cartoons are so shit they have to re-write them in their fanfics imitating glorious japan
never change Cred Forums
We should turn Cred Forumsco/ into our own /JoJo/ general if they close our general here in Cred Forums.
They got raided by some group and we're the ones to blame apparently.
What the fuck even is Cred Forumsco/?
Maybe we should do this. It wouldn't even be considered offtopic as we are talking about JoJo.
Cred Forums's dumb JoJo fanfiction where they give Stands to cartoon characters
I always say this: this is why underage people should not be allowed on Cred Forums.
This is Tumblr-tier whining.
I'm glad someone finally got rid of Cred Forumsco/s shitty fanfic.
Hello from Cred Forums, the shitflinging is cripplechan trying to start shit. They're trying to ruse you, we just want to be faggots in peace. Sorry you got dragged into this.
And I thought our OCs were terrible
>I'm glad someone finally got rid of Cred Forumsco/s shitty fanfic.
They're already rebuilding everything, it'll probably be back shittier than ever within a week.
Nice damage control, Cred Forums.
>People actually browse and post on Cred Forums unironically
Please tell me this to not be true
Is this the end of the world?
Is Jojo going to be banned like Naruto ?
I don't fucking care, just leave us alone and fuck off.
Deal with it in your own thread first.
I'll only forgive if you read the goddamned manga.
I love how they refer to our general as Cred Forums
Cred Forums hates us
>They're practically Cred Forums at this point
literally how
and fuck off Cred Forums all I want to do is talk about JoJo with people equally as autistic as me, I don't give enough of a fuck about whatever you're doing over there to fuck with it, fuck you
>Fugo infects DIO
>the fight is over in 30 seconds
Getting giorno and trying to get pink jolyne soon.
What does Cred Forums even have to do with JoJo? Why is that allowed there?
Shouldn't it me moved to /trash/?
>someone finally got rid of Cred Forumsco/s shitty fanfic.
>They're already rebuilding everything
>literally universe reset
So they already got to the end of part 6
If you could rename any Stand to a different music reference, what would it be?
you do know this is /cow/ on 8cuck doing this right
inb4 it happens again
then 34 more times
This is probably how Jorge became a thing
>The World=Holy Diver
>implying Cred Forumsco/ isn't doing this to themselves to gather attention
Being constantly reminded your cancer exists by other Cred Forumstists through the day is unforgivable, just leave these threads and never come back.
I'm sick of hearing about this stupid bullshit.
First figurine I have ever bought. Its coming on fucking nov.6 kill me
that too probably
they are the tumblr of Cred Forums
I'd change them all to opera references.
The World would be [Ecco il mondo].
This is the correct answer.
>You've been down too long in the midnight sea
Holy fuck. Are these people actual babies? Look at this OC stand I found there. They just found a drawing of Vicky and drew an autistic mspaint edgy stand behind it. Oy vey
Holy fuck that's disgusting.
is that supposed to be Shinobu stand?
Death 13 would be Nessun Dorma.
Made in Heaven would be Götterdämmerung.
This is really embarrassing
So why does Cred Forums still exist when you have to be 18+ to use Cred Forums?
>Shinobu Stand
>Implying it wouldn't be Fat Bottomed Girl
Now my fusions are 99.9% better compared to this.
my fucking sides
what abot musicals? Killer Queen would be [CATS]
>Ronnie James DIO has been down too long in the midnight sea
>The World wears a diving suit
>DIO means god
>DIO's son kills Diavolo, the devil
>The son of god kills the devil
Black Sabbath would be [The Phantom of the Opera], just because of the looks.
And that's also an Iron Maiden song, so it could work in canon too.
Our threads aren't going to get banned like the Naruto threads, are they?
I don't even know what I'd do with my life if they are.
>DIO's son kills Diavolo, the devil
>The son of god kills the devil
Actually he doesn't killed DIavolo, he trapped him in an eternal Hell.
It's not nice to make fun of people with super autism user
What are we gonna do if they close our general? This general really helps me with my depression.
>Gold Experience Requiem works in mysterious ways
An eternal Hell of deaths. Resurrections, and then more deaths.
Giosus is hardcore.
>Giorno the son of God has the power to give life
>3 Jotaros
Ok user.
>The son of God trapped the Devil in Hell
Even better
Why is doppio so cute?
>I'm 100% sure that you guys have a Discord or a Skype channel setup and are coordinating attacks.
Are these people serious
it's like pottery
>I'm 100% sure that you guys have a Discord or a Skype channel setup and are coordinating attacks.
These people are less real than Cred Forums.
Become your own Aztec god of fitness and wear things at cons
>We have doc
>Lewd lewd deluxe user
>The fusiondude who don't make fusions anymore
>2 drawfags
>Lots of competent writers and fuckers
We're one of the best """"Generals""""" in Cred Forums all the other shitposters just... post shit, but no good shit, [S-H-I-T]
Remember that one time an user posted a discord link here that got like two people and then deleted it because reddit already had one anyways?
a-are they really saying that? user c-can they even delete generals on another board with just a shitty strawpoll?
He too good for this world
hey doc
I wonder if Doppio has caught any of Diavolo's death loop yet.
What the hell did Holly see in Sadao? This has to be the most forced plot device to get a Japanese protagonist, right?
Cause a white girl falling for an Asian guy who hardly even stays home to help raise a family sounds ridiculous and not even bizarre
We have
>Arcadefag, the underage Ukrainian rampant shitposter
>Attention whore user's Sister
>Doc spamming his shitty filter garbage
>No competent drawfags
>Plenty of shitposting
>No quality discussion
We are the worst general on Cred Forums.
Doppio... had a hard life
They killed doppio
It was In the manga
We do have a Discord group, I never considered the fact that they might be responsible for the attacks on Cred Forumsco/.
Doppio died so hes in heaven now
>He will never get a call from his Bossu
Life is unforgiving
Discussions's been better for the past few threads. But that happens ever so often then we go back to shit for a while.
We have a discord?
>Doc spamming his shitty filter garbage
That's not me.
Didn't the owner take it down or has a new one been made since then?
I remember being in it then next morning I was no longer in it, was told here it was taken down.
Infinite deaths, infinite circumstances. Shit can get pretty bizarre.
Hi Cred Forums
Iunno man I think we have some great conversations about characters and stands like when we talked about how Valentine was a satire on America, Pocoloco being a great foil to johnny and gyro, the deeper meanings behind diavolo and Dio and a lot of other cool stuff like discussing stands like Dragon Dream and the concept of Feng Shui
New intro this week? Or will it skip RPS kid since he's the first of the new batch of Stand users?
>There are Cred Forums autist in this very thread
That's because the subreddit already had a JoJo discord and it has a shit ton of people.
Probrably next week
He died before that in Bruno's body
I don't know if they can even fit the OP into RPS kid unless they don't add the ED at the end because it's a 6 chapter arc isn't it?
Arcadefag was [RETIRED], he'll never plague our threads again.
user's Sister was a one time thing.
Our shitposting has been contained over the last threads, we've been having some especially good discussion lately.
And finally, Doc.
He's part of the reason I've stayed here for so long, but you can't expect anyone to be perfect.
Don't be such a pessimist, things are actually starting to seem a lot brighter.
What happened to Narancia-fag?
There were two discords, one massively popular one and a second that crashed and burned.
The first one is still up. But they'll kill me if they know I'm talking about it.
Was happened to arcadefag?
And here is its "ability" from their docs: (warning: autism)
>『SID VICIOUS』 resembles an Araki-fied Jason Voorhees with Sid Vicious' hairstyle, with the hockey mask cut in half from the nose down, exposing its mouth which constantly bares large, sharp teeth and dripping with blood. Its body would be covered in barbed wire and multiple scars/wounds, as well as V-shaped motifs and spikes. Though not shown in the pic, it either wields a chainsaw, axe, or some other form of large, sharp weaponry, in homage to its serial killer inspirations as well as 「The Joykiller」stand from The 7th Stand User.
>Ability: Causes and multiplies collateral damage caused by attacks done by either Vicky or 『SID VICIOUS』, including focused weapons. For example, punching a single person in the face would cause him/her to have dozens of punch wounds all over their body with the same damage as the original punch, or even be spread to other people in the area, as if she is punching multiple people at once. Applicable to all forms of destructive actions. Vicky has free control over which area/direction the collateral damage will spread.
I guess whoever suggested it also drew the stand himself. At least he didn't drew Vicky/Shinobu too.
He died of a cold.
That thumbnail makes it look like Kira has Spice Girl
Last weeks episode was a 6 chapter ep and it had the ED
so maybe what you said is that's what going to happen
speaking of which, any ideas of how the OP will be?
He's still around. Posts a lot less than usual now.
THAT shot. That shot's so good. Why doesn't Killer Queen look like that all the time in the show?
Spice Girl kinda looks similar to KQ
you're right dude, I don't hate doc either. i'm just on edge from all the cancer we've cleaned lately but its for the best
>『SID VICIOUS』 resembles an Araki-fied Jason Voorhees
No it doesn't. Stopped reading there.
>Don't be such a pessimist, things are actually starting to seem a lot brighter.
It'll be brighter if we didn't have looming death above these threads just as we're starting to clean up our act.
some of us have a discord, but it's just shitposting. We didn't attack Cred Forums or plot against them.
Wouldn't that be J. Geil
Whenever someone mentions Jonathan and the Jonathan fans come out to state their appreciation for an underrated character I feel like the thread gets super calm and /comfy/
Jonathan fans are super chill people (it honestly made me appreciate the character more)
I don't understand the reason behind purging Cred Forums of generals
I come here solely to discuss JoJo, not to talk about whatever moeblob garbage or "whats ur fave amine's x/y/z" others talk about on Cred Forums.
The fact that I have no idea what discussion goes on outside of JoJo generals on Cred Forums should be pretty telling.
>We actually take action and actually care to clean up your heads
>Stuff starts to look a lot better than before
>We get ban hammer
Fate sure works in mysterious ways
Even if our General gets purged, it's not the end of the world.
If you checked the poll circulating around Cred Forums and the Cred Forums thread, it specified that Generals will be disallowed only when there is no new content to discuss.
Having a 24/7 general is something I'm sure many of us have gotten used to, but once some of the more unnecessary threads are pruned it could be a beneficial thing overall since they'll be more centered around brand new discussion and quality, giving them much less room to be stagnated.
You'll still have the JoJo threads in the end, they're not going anywhere.
I promise.
I can agree with this. A majority of us don't hate him he just get outshined by his lineage. But we can mostly say we love the Barra gentleman
Reminder to grow the fuck up everyone
Stop paying attention to people from Cred Forums
If you do it long enough their ADHD kicks in
Besides, this isn't a general, it's just a high-traffic JoJo thread.
Thank you man, but it'd better not praise Jonathan fans all that much, because I've seen it a lot before when we were discussing Jonathan and as much as happy as it makes me I'm afraid it may go up to someone's brain and we get some kind of Jonathan elite.
I hope it starts with
I want to do 3 things
>That Whitesnake/Killer Q fusion
>/Jojo/ kart game
>SO end with Stand Proud: Sad af version
>Besides, this isn't a general, it's just a high-traffic JoJo thread.
Any thread up for 24/7 is automatically a general, especially when there's nothing new to discuss.
i think Jonathan is kind of the only character we can respectfully reach an agreement on at times.
There are either those who don't like/care about Jonathan, those who like the character but think he gets outshined by the lineage and those few who have him as their favorite JoJo or one of the favorites.
Like, we never have heated arguments about whether or not he's the best or the worst JoJo and his fans don't have the reputation Josephfags have. We just kind of reach an agreement because no one can truly hate Jonathan.
It's actually kind of fascinating.
I also want to work on that jojo kart game, but I'm already occupied with another jojo game.
I feel it's not gonna be something fast paced like CHASE U because we are going to be treated to a series of stand users of the week. So it might just be something that shows Josuke and his crew going about their time fighting certain users with Yoshihiro flying about and it'll cut to kira and his shenanigans with a reference to stray cat and hayato. Hopefully they'll hint at bites the dust just a little then at the last couple eps BUST OUT THE NEW NEW OP WITH BITES ZA DUSTODA. In any case, we will be treated to all the new characters maybe yuuya with the groupies possibly but they might keep him blacked out until he appears, same thing with Teru and others like how they did for Koichi and Echoes suddenly appearing. my dream is something close to end of the world where we just get the sillhouettes of the users or some very fast scenes where a keen eye could tell who they were but the animeonly would probably need to do a double take. Either way i can't wait.
>a poll on the most pathetic, autistic boards
>in the most pathetic autistic thread
>affecting anything at all on a one of the highest traffic boards
you guys need to think a little
>dissing part 7
S...sorry..It's hard to draw when I'm a triple amputee sempai
A poll determining Cred Forums's future would be circulated on Cred Forums, that's correct.
>same face run
They've been posting that poll on /qa/ and other Cred Forums threads too, go look for yourself.
>sexually harassing his biological mother
What will JJL's best character get up to next?
I don't understand why Cred Forums thinks that removing generals will mean it will the board will be uncluttered. Wouldn't it mean there would be more clutter? Threads for the anime, manga, music, characters, etc...
It would be like removing the K-Pop generals from Cred Forums, congrats, you have threads discussing each single artist all over the place.
>/jojo/ Kart game
Oh shit, that reminds me I actually managed to get all my notes down into one google doc.
I had movesets down for a total of 26 characters.
Want me to post that shit?
imagine a world in which, for one reason or another, Kira joined the stardust crusaders in part 3.
Hopefully he an heroes himself
why not? It sounds fun.
You are actually pretty fucking stupid if you can't comprehend how generals affect the board.
Send it to my e-mail senpai
>Implying the entire series isn't just riddled with same face
Can you explain? I really only enter to jojo threads, so I don't really know.
>using early part 4 to justify almost all of part 7
weak bait
>It would be like removing the K-Pop generals from Cred Forums, congrats, you have threads discussing each single artist all over the place.
Bad example, it would be more accurate to say, "Instead of a 24/7 King Crimson thread we're going to instead remove it so people can discuss other specific bands more relevant to discuss at the moment".
There is no reason a Jojo thread needs to exist when there isn't any new content to discuss.
Calm down Cred Forumsposter, and think.
This is a containment thread.
If you scroll through the catalog when this thread isn't up, there's usually a clusterfuck of about 4 different JoJo-themed threads:
>who could beat DIO brando?
>part X is best part
>why did araki start using twinks?
>quick Cred Forums what's your stand?
With this thread up, that number is reduced to 1 or 2 threads, and if people start a second thread they're usually diverted here and their thread dies.
You haven't been even capable of doing a fuck artwork of Killer Snake/White Queen, let alone a fucking kart game.
Maybe (if you get someone else to do it for you since your incompetent af) you can manage to do the last one
Jonathan is the one man I'd cuddle with cause I'm sure he'd appreciate the company without freaking out somehow or try hitting on me
Bad example. They're both Joseph's descendants.
Alright, here ya go, they're very messy and I didn't proofread. So expect it to be kinda hard to read at times.
If you're that user from last night I sent it to you hours ago. Oh well it's posted now.
Think of a lake stream, generals are the "Stones" that block the flow of water since they're always there and unmoving, and JoJo isn't exactly a genre or an entire medium itself, it's just a popular series.
If Cred Forums had continuous circlejerks over a single bands that would be the same as a general thread on Cred Forums.
When a general is banned, that means everything related to it having a 24/7 thread is banned, just like Naruto was.
All the threads will be purged.
>Cred Forums bashes on Cred Forumsco/ because they think it's autistic
>they want to make their own kart game
Photoshop and Unity are totally different shit.
I was learning a lot of unity the last months
>Jonathan with an attitude
>bancho Jonathan
>pompadour Jonathan
This was a recurring theme until he decided to make the Jojos different halfway through DiU and into VA. Even with the modern Araki art his prettyboys are all different
>they want to make their own kart game
It's an interesting concept, I didn't say anything about creating it myself
This makes me diamonds.
Programming a simple Kart racer is far from the equivalent to the Fallout Equestria tier fanfiction cancer going on on Cred Forums.
Yeah Mario Kart's a pretty autistic game
Fuck off back to your containment board, underage
Ok, who are this guys?
Joseph and Shiza or Jonathan and Dio?
>Diavolo erases nail bullet hitting him
>it tracks and kills him right after erased time
You've got something against auto racing games, user?
Jonathan and Dio
Yeah, I'd rather have the 24/7 King Crimson thread over the thread discussing the new Twenty-One Pilots album.
>Dia Brando obsesses over Jonathan's dick
>Still uses his body after she becomes a head
>Ends up becoming DIO anyways
How would /jojo/ react?
Who the fuck is Shiza?
Joseph and Dio
Would work I guess, vampirism is pretty crazy
Caesar a.k.a. anime onlys favourite jobber
Even if he used the tracking of Act 2:
>the nail bullet would leave the hole and fire at KC
>KC skips time
>the Act 2 bullet is still destined to shoot at that time
>it fires, leaves the tracking hole and misses
Obviously Jonathan and Dio, not because their faces are different but because the blonde doesn't have markings over his eyes and Joseph's hair isn't spiky
Yeah it's mundane shit irrelevant to the face, but that's because majority of manga/anime use accessories like that to differentiate character designs
I only know it's JoJo and Dio because I know that's a Phantom Blood volume cover.
I'll start right now.
>Kart game with unity but the cars are /jojo/
That's all.
I'll start doing a simple map without assets and a car.
Who would be the first Demo car?
>DIO and the steamroller
>Dio Brando and the coffincar
You know.
DIO Steamroller would be pretty easy to make if you use the ASB assets
Depending on how it goes, I might help out too since I know a bit of Unity myself.
>nothing new to discuss
>JoJo is an ongoing monthly manga with an anime with new episodes coming out every week. We might even get yearly anime series now
What the actual fuck
The World and Star Platinum, maybe. They can actually act in their seconds of control over time bullshit.
You should just open up your own blog and enable comments and critique there, I'm kinda still pissed about how much of an attention whore Arcadefag was.
I can see Boku no Rhythm setting up explosive barriers around itself so that if King Crimson tries to karate chop it, it'll just blow up.
He means whenever the manga doesn't have a new chapter and after the new episode is done airing.
Hey Ya.
Epitaph can't even predict what it's gonna do, because Hey Ya! is forced to go with the luckiest path possible.
>We are probably not getting watermelon head Kosaku, rather zebra hair
I don't know if I should be thankful or bothered about it
Can you blame him? Even when he isn't here, there are still people who constantly won't shut the fuck up about him.
>tfw no Giorno born from Jon and Dia
>Or Dio and femJon
>Epitaph can't even predict what it's gonna do
Yes it can
It can see the future exactly as it will happen
Dia would be a crummy mother
Yeah, but Hey Ya! will bullshit through it.
Hey Ya! is literally Asspull: The Stand.
Im pretty sure Dia would still be a better mother than Giornos actual mother
Gappy could blind racers, steal their friction, and their items.
So why does GER have NONE for each stat? Is it just to make it seem more spooky or all-powerful?
inb4 .ar ARGENTINA IS WHITE meme
I want to [M A R R Y] Hato
I also thought to give him the map cause Yasuho's Paisley Park would help him.
No idea on how a Joshuu character would work as a full fledged character, maybe he could tag team with other Higashikata family members?
I still can't believe this will be the 100th episode of jojo
We've come so far..
What a perfect girl!
that's the feel I got when I read his stats page
Does someone have the Always sunny edit of RPS kid?
He can't just have Epitaph up all the time, if it was just infinite spamming he wouldn't have specified 10 second intervals. If Johnny shoots all 10 nail bullets, I feel like one or two would get past. Ballbreaker would probably beat him pretty easily actually. Grateful dead too for that matter.
>The 100th JoJo episode is a fucking Rohan episode
The Fujoshis got what they asked for
Gonna try killing myself and this was the first thread when I got on Cred Forums I saw so I just wanted to say it somewhere.
>The entire higashikata family ride a van
Rohan's the best though and you should buy my manga to support him.
ILY user
You think she at least got a bit of that Joestar Sex Drive?
I doubt Giorno can go his whole life without siring a kid at some point
She's for Mista.
Giorno bangs Sheila E
>Viz media studios 2015 ...
- I can't believe we did it Mr. Araki, we are already in part 4
- I always knew we would, Director
- Well, now that we are here, you could do a revision on what you done, and have the animated version be what you always wanted your work to be!
-What... are you talking about?
-Oh... well... you know... I understand how is it for mangakas and the pressure to publish... in the end its all nothing but a first draft...
- I don't follow
- Ahh, you know... that alien guy for example: you never elaborated on it. You probably had a plan for it but the editors pressed you to move on. We could fix that now.
- What are you talking about?
- You know... like... it seems obvious Josuke was going to go back in time and save himself... but you never did anything with that...
- I dont understand. That was obviously just a guy that looked similar and had the same uniform. Thats why he copied the hair. He said it.
- What?... that means that....
- My work is perfect. Leave it exactly like it is.
- But why the hell did The World and Star Platinum have the same abilities if you weren't planing on DIO having all the...
- Its perfect I said
- He even had PURPLE HERMIT
- ok...
And here we are...
>trying his hardest to not watch the tiddy
GE can make all the pussy/cock he wanted. He burned himself out on sex when ge first manifested itself
>'Kills' the boss
>Takes his criminal empire
>Knocks up his daughter
>Makes a tough gangster gay
GioGio is truly the [Lord of the Game]
I want SO's third OP to feature Pucci being surrounded by the three sons. However, when we get to underground, Ungalo and Sky Guy get reaplaced by Whtesanke and Underground respectively. Come C-Moon arc, C-Moon replaces Underground. And then finally MiH replaces Shia Lebouf.
When are we getting Punished Diavolo and his Stand [The God of Hell Fire]?
So when do the Blu rays for Phantom Blood come out?
SO will not be animated
>Lord of the game feat. Hermes
Bad meme
Quality is a different story
When you first got word that they were animating part 1 and 2 how likely did you think we'd get a part 4 anime of all things?
Very sexy in color
And I'm hyped for "I AM APOLLO 11"
>10. Loli worship is encouraged
yeah no one's gonna take this seriously
>tfw years in advance you just know that Sky High is going to be QUALITY
I'm already upset. Sky High is such an underrated fight.
I want for the first SO OP a shot of Jotaro with the Crusaders in the backgorund
Kinda like this
I've personally always felt like the big "okay they may not continue after this point" fences would be after parts 3,5, and 6. So yeah I figured part 4 could have just barely not happened.
Atleast it wont be a censor fest like survivor/Plant Waves
Personally I'm hoping for something like leading up to the events of Jolyne with elements of Stardust Crusaders scattered about
Also if Made in Heaven doesn't speed up the final OP I want my money back
Real talk
For the SO anime, which color should Jolynes hair be?
any of pic related,green or something different
Part 7 will be divided up into 4 movies
I just hope they do changes to the OP for every final villain Stand.
>Part 4, the OP loops back as Bites the Dust appears
>Part 5, the OP starts skipping randomly until King Crimson appears in the end
>Part 6, OP speeds up to 3x the speed
Dont say Shit like that. It WILL BE HIGH BUDGET
Green Jolene pink Irene
I'll be fine with blonde or pink personally
Too long for an epic trilogy?
I want parallels of Jotaro's relationship with his own Joestar parent. Right down to the timed death sentence by the villain.
Thats not how rule of 3 works
Its always a movie trilogy
Green with it occasionally changing during color shift moments.
Will Anasui be pink, green, or blue?
Blond. I like hair better when it has real colors.
No make it a different combination of two colors every episode. Even recaps of previous episodes should be in current episode color.
What if you pierce yourself with TWO arrows at the same time??
>Brunette Jonathan and black-haired Joseph in the manga
>Bluenette Jonathan and brunette Joseph in the anime
It... Was an interesting choice
Two halves of a stand?
Why? Only bloody Stream looks better than Chase. The GG really isn't that great.
Green is dumb and pink makes him look like Diavalo. The real question is will he be a woman at first
It'll fuck with my autism
Is Johnny the most jerkass Jojo?
What if that actually happened to Kira?
It was a bad choice, user.
Neon green
>pink makes him look like Diavolo
Okau what if Diavolo's not pink?
Why wouldn't he be pink?
I dont think David will do such a major change
Anasui will probably be a guy
besides Friendzone Man is really funny
It'll trigger my autism
which one? Blue Jonathan?
No way, the CG openings are way better visually.
DiU not having them already did that for me
No I mean like in the manga
Maybe Sono Chi no Sadame and Bloody Stream
End of the World is only really good because of DIO. Stand Proud is mediocre as fug
Why would he be? David hasn't really based their colour choices on previous designs so far. Sheer Heart Attack is blue and Jonathan's hair was blue too.
>stand proud
They probrably fix it since its only one or two panels
The anime should be in black and white.
And with no audio.
Or motion.
And should be done im a panel format.
And all drawn by Araki.
Both the crusaders openings would have been better drawn. The Models really aren't that amazing.
Anybody but him. SDC Jotaro, he's a jerk. Giorno, he robbed a manlet and then went on a moral crusade against drug-peddling mafiosos, no big deal. Johnny's just an angry, crippled terrorist.
Valentine loving scum detected.
|Good Work|
Is Josuke the only nice JoJo?
nice try Mr. President
Joylne and Gappy seem to be fine people
There's Jonathan, but he's too pure for this world.
And have it be a quick one or two shots. I want people as confused as I was my first read
Well to be fair his pre-wheelchair self was such an utter massive prick. Could have been the result of daddy issues though.
>Josuke the only nice JoJo
>Not remembering his great grandfather
The Joestar line was pure up until Erina muddled it with her delinquent genes
>Jolyne, towards the end, okay maybe this one's questionable
Josuke is a fucking arsonist
>There is an universe where Valentine is actually a Cred Forums shit-poster
This moment was cool af
Gappy literally starts questioning the people who gave him shelter, food and money, then almost fucks the cripple he's asked to watch.
What the fuck are you talking about they're great.
I'm still impressed with just how close(r) they're to the manga.
I honestly didn't pay much attention to that sense
The only thing that struck me was Anasui suddenly having long hair and the outfit showing his tiddies
>Gappy was almost raped by Daiya
He's 2pure4datfamily
literally a Nazy suporter
Go to bed Rohan
I mean you cant count Jonathan cuz that cheating
Hes too good for this or any world
Shut up Dio
Shut up rohan
Jolyne had some serious delinquentness in her, remember her flashback where her gut reaction to getting accused of stealing a wallet is car jacking?
That was also daddy issues though I guess, and hanging with wrong crowd as a reault of that.
Didn't Norisuke literally give Daiya the okay in making Gappy her slave? Come on user.
Gappy doesn't make me happy
>Nazi literally helped defeat an evil God
>American President is main villain
Then again, Araki is Japanese.
I mean she became a mother figure for Emporio and a dear friend for F.F. and Hermes, and she would go to lengths to regain her father consciousness
I don't know what to say user. When Dio popped up in the 4th OP I was in a thread saying his model looked bad.
I also feel the drawn portion of Bloody Stream look better than the CG bits.
There's no "Under Pressure" stand, right?
Destructive Power: E - A
Speed: E - A
Range: E - C
Durability: E - A
Precision: E - B
Developmental Potential: A - E
A Stand whose strength is inversely proportionate to its users current health. While its user is in perfect condition, it is too weak to even fully manifest, appearing only as a hazy, humanoid shade near its user.
As the user takes more and more damage, it becomes increasingly more and powerful. If the user becomes too damaged to move around properly, or if they lose consciousness, the Stand will become and automatic Stand dedicated entirely to protecting its user from any harm.
Damaging this stand does not damage its user.
I tried.
I like it.
>not just making it some kind of pressurized gravity stand
Was this foreshadow to part4 anime?
Where to get Part 4 BD comparisons now that is down?
That was my first idea, but it seemed too obvious.
Also, Echoes Act 3.
Can you get the already released part 4 BD with subs anywhere yet?
Wouldn't DIO regenerate? It's only poison.
>you know realize one of Diavolo's infinite deaths is losing memory of what happend to him before GER and him imaging himself living a peaceful life with trish and her mom
>and then the memories start coming back to him of what really happened as he has to watch both of them die while his neck is sliced wide-open
Comparison user is looking for another host so keep an eye out in case he comes back again
It makes a lot of sense.
Araki, the hack, the commie, the chink traitor
Diavolo did nothing wrong.
Drugs are bad tho
then why did he have best JoJo hate Japan?
I like it, will steal
What happen if every Josuke, Giorno and Jolyne make a kid ?
>Diavolo keep dying
>Valentine hop dimensions during Act4
>He touches diavolo for accident and one of this deaths is because Act4 Infinite Spin
Drugs are nice. Diavolo sounds like a bro desu
>tfw the SBR Universe ends up being just a wierd dream Jotaro had
Don't talk shit about
Yeah, fuck all those guys.
this, Diavolo was literally the best boss you will ever want.
>Jotaro dreamed of first lady Valentine trying to get it on with a 14 year old girl. Then afterwords the same 14 year old girl being raped by the president.
>Jotaro dreamed of Jousuke with 4 balls.
He got some issues.
>tfw the Original Universe ends up being just a wierd dream Gappy had
>and then he wakes up Lolyne to tell her to get ready for school
WTF I hate Araki now
He's go tissues.
Someone say Jojo kart game?
>tfw SBR Universe is just a Christmas special where Jotaro wished he was never born
Then he punches Pucci so hard that a disc flies out of him and beats him with the awesome power of same type of stando
And Valentine takes the America Bowl once more
>lol listen to this baseball. I had a dream where there was an alternate universe. I was sone hot maid and Kira was my brother!
>you mean kind of like the alternate universe we're in right now? Also my name is Emporio.
>Yare Yare why did my daughter adopt this mental case? I swear she only said he's adopted to hide my son in law's retard genes.
Good riddance.
That board has been fucking dead.
There's zero discussion about actual comics, even though, surprise, there are literally thousands of comics being released every week.
Bro, have you seen western comics lately? I can't really say I blame them for that much.
>He is so adamant on putting wonky nipples and spinning dicks on everything
>We have to constantly remind him his manga isn't R18
Why was Anne made into a brown loli for the anime? Comparing her to the manga is night and day
Brown loli>>>>>>>Regular bland white loli
Holy shit
I now want this
also, Annasui's stand "diver down"... what the fuck
she was supposed to be an indian little girl
Isnt she from the middle east?
>Arcadefag, the underage Ukrainian rampant shitposter
This asshole is gone.
>Attention whore user's Sister
What ???
>Doc spamming his shitty filter garbage
I agree.
>No competent drawfags
Yeah it would be cool if we have some drawfags here.
>Plenty of shitposting
Go tell this to the "Gappy make me happy" posters.
>No quality discussion
I often saw interesting discussions.
/JoJo/ isn't the worst. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's shitty.
>"VERY happy gappy running at incredible hihg speed"
We really need a compilation of ALL gappy memes
we can't lose this
I still wish she succeeded
Hang on you little niglett, in a week or too my final project wil lbe complete.
>"manga"fags want everything in black and white
>cumming four nuts worth of cum on daya's huge tits and cocksucking lips
that girl is not pure at all
i love 2 go fast hol up and wait 4 me plz