ITT: Best girls who lost
She never wanted the dick.
She did but then realized so did her best friend so she an hero'd her own chances.
Disagreed with the end pairings but also understood that it fit the theme of the movie.
Tomoyo a shit.
Best girl who lost was was Ami-chan though. A sensei is fine too
Best girl is Taiga-chan though.
>Not being the officially endorsed mistress
Not only did she lose, she lost in spectacular fashion to one of the shittiest win-by-default competitors ever.
>Implying best girl didn't win in Toradora
>Memetic normalfag rant bitch
>Anything but worst girl
Nigga get out.
nobody will disagree on this
Seconding hard.
Lies and slander.
I agree with these
People with taste would. Mashiro was the best.
I'm still mad
Get the fuck out.
Your pic unrelated. Taiga is OTP and she won.
She wanted both dragon's dick and tiger's pussy.
Pick one
>Best girls who lost
If they were so great why'd they loose?
Go away, Hiromifag.
Wrong again boyo
I'm still upset.
Because they're loose
Truths and praise.
Jokes on you I hated her.
sometimes autism can be best
but that girl wasn't even functional
I came to make sure she was posted ;_;
But Exia chan was dumped for Quan(t) senpai.
Name one
She deserved so much better than the MC anyway.
Fuck off Koko no one likes you
Reminder that best girl won
>Implying you Lindafags aren't the hated minority
And lost both. Poor Minorin.
Out of all the girls in the show you pick piss-tan? She's not even top 5.
Several times in every episode
But best girl won user.
>Not Haqua or Diana
Pretty sure that's because she's loved.
No. Best girl who actually understands and have great interactions is going to win.
Allenby was robbed.
I rooted for Chitoge, but deep down inside, I knew who best girl really was.
I love you Koko
She only wanted him after she realized he moved on.
Completely her loss, but she unlike a lot of other best girls actually had a chance
Holy fuck how can Rinda compete.
You already posted her
You're fond of the losing girl because it makes you feel like you have a chance.
Your mom.
She had you.
Thats not ami
Yukino was nice. It is a shame she lost.
She did. Why do you think it hurt her so much to give up on him? Ami was the one who didn't like him.
I'd post her but even remembering she lost gives me autistic tiers of anger and internal hatred.
Not that anyone here watched the show
At least she went out peacefully.
delusional yuifags are amazing
Best girl
Both twins were awesome, and I watched it. I still love the villain costumes.
I like Yukino but I am sad she lost. I am not a delusional Yuifag or whatever. Yui won and I was able to deal with it, so can you.
I thought she won
She did. Unless user is implying Sensei wan't the target.
Hard to decide. Damn tho...
... And now i have a boner. Great -.-
If it's hard to decide then you havenĀ“t admired Kouko enough.
She's a huge waste of flesh and a horrible person and irritating character.
Which means by anime standards she's destined to win.
I dunno, I felt she lost in a fairly natural way by Japanese animu standards. Especially compared to what an asspull Herikawa went through in Onegai Teacher. At least here they spent the entire series building flags instead of declaring in Ep1 "We have to get married now!" "Okay.jpg"
Top tier taste.
And this is coming from someone who really likes Kanna. I have her Alter scale figure, even.
>he doesn't know
Yui won my main man.
Wait, really? I only watched the anime, she really won the VN? That is amazing.
I don't even care who wins, all that matters is Yukino losing.
Are you pretending ANOTHER is canon
pretty pathetic yuifag
My fellow man of taste
for a certain value of 'best'.
Yes, she won in the LNs released a few months back.
The only end we have. Yui8 is the winner.
THIS. Nanamin deserved every bit of Sorata, as both worked their asses were Mashitro always got everything easy peesy.
And also, Nana always watched and helped Tada, while Koko was arrogant and always had her sort of problems.
>cant get the man she wants
>cant get the job she wants
what a worthless human being. I wonder how long it took her to kill herself.
Linda is a slut, who pleases old man at partys in a maid costume.
Why was Minori so upset over pushing Ryuuji away? She is the one who rejected him.
was she even in the bowl?
>Implying best girl won't win here
Yuifag pls.
False. Mashiro is objectively superior.
Patrician taste.
Even with all these years, i'm still mad as fuck.
Fuck you wakaki.
Fucking Try.
There have been many anime in the past which were true absolute dogshit with no redeeming qualities.
But it is truly an impressive feat to do EVERYTHING wrong in the same way as GBFT - intentionally, earnestly, under the misguided impression that it's a good product.
You can't be a best girl and lost it's a contradiction on the terms. If the girl was truly the best she would have won.
>namefag has shitass taste
Why am I not surprised?
She won my heart. Also there's the manga