What do you actually WANT to see happen in the next 5 years of Berserk?
In the next 10 years?
What do you actually WANT to see happen in the next 5 years of Berserk?
In the next 10 years?
Other urls found in this thread:
>5 years
Casca fighting again
Skull Knight
Moonboy explained
Plan to kill Griffith
Rickert and Erica's happy family
>10 years
Hundreds of doujins giving possible endings to the series because Miura died
Have they reached elf island yet? Is 10 years enough to do so?
An end.
SK to have an actual fight with someone so we can see how badass he is. No more of that random hit&run shit
They're on the island right now and are meeting with the elf king.
Miracle of miracles. It's finally happening.
something roughly along the lines of pic related. Also ya I want to see skull knight actually have a fight we get to actually watch.
Pure fantasy is Rickert creating his own kingdom by highhandedly instigating an industrial revolution and murdering the fuck out of every demon with ingenuity, blinding fire, and cold heartless steel
the next time we will see anything from berserk will be in 10 years
Miura gets shanked by some hardcore fan that couldn't take it anymore.
We spend the next 10 years speculating how it would've ended. At the 10th anniversary of his death, his family uncovers scripts of how the manga would end. They then formulate a plan to milk as much money out it and we restart the cycle yet again until Miura's whole family line is extinguished by disgruntled fans.
>5 years
15 chapters
>10 years
some progress
>5 years
The origins of Zodd, Locus, Irvine and Rakshas
Casca cured. She realizes Guts has dedicated his life to caring for her and is actually grateful.
Rickert kills his first apostle
>10 years
The origins of each individual God Hand member
Guts kills them all but realizes it doesn't solve anything as The Idea of Evil will eventually create a new God Hand
We get a glimpse of the afterlife through the Vortex of Souls.
Chapters actually coming out
Fucking christ
I want the god hand demolished with the two comic reliefs going first then miss big tits void and finallu griffith.
Oh and for nina to die.
What I want doesn't matter because the island is now the new boat.
Get used to it.
I need closure
5*5=25 chapters if being optimistic
I understand what you mean. But where would you want them, assuming they somehow get off the island in the next 8 years?
>5 years
We get back on the boat
>15 years
We get off the boat
death of isidro
old casca back
death of erica
full story of god hand members
>death of erica
I'm with you on everything but this.
Why kill Erica? She's probably the least annoying child character in the series.
I know, but there is too much lolis for me already in berserk. btw what's point of her existence? no important role after all. Old miura would kill her hard.
>10 years
Is Miura even gonna live that long?
>God Hand master plan
>Skull knight origin
>Fantasia time skip
>Guts forgiving Griffith
>Apostles vs Elfhelm
>Canon IOE appearance
In reverse order:
>Guts kills Griffith
>In order to draw Griffith out into single combat, Guts must destroy Falconia, ending Griffith's dream of being king of a peaceful and united world
>In order to even take on Griffith and destroy his kingdom, Guts must reach equal power to the Godhand
>In order to ascend to this level of power, Guts must leave everything behind. His friends, Casca, EVERYTHING.
>Guts abandons his friends and only lover he ever had
>Guts kills the only man capable of uniting the world in the name of peace
>Guts razes an entire kingdom to the ground
>Guts becomes the devil and is regarded as such for the rest of human history
Don't care, the manga hasn't been any good (besides the art, obviously) for a real long time. I hope the new series is canned and the '97 series gets the recognition it deserves.
Hey boys we're never getting off the island
>June 24 since he's 'returned'
>worked for only 3 months for 3-6 months of vacation
He's not even trying to hide it. Lazy fuck.
Kill off 90% of the jobbers
IN A absurdist apocalypse more harder than Gantz level.
>It's a Guts tips his fedora arc