Bra soon, right guys?
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
post moar Daddy Vegeta and baby Bra.
Just to clarify
Fucking this
>have a magic bean that can heal any injury immediately
>don't spread it to the planet you're protecting, instead watch from your faggot lookout as doctors scramble to save dying patients and miserable families looking on helplessly
>let some worthless fatass piece of shit eat hundreds of them a day
time to rewatch this masterpiece while I wait for new stuff
Never you faggot.
Stop it.
I want to see Mai wear Pan's GT outfit.
Same size and all
this reminds me. isnt the timezone in super fucked up?
wasnt pan only to be born 6 years after the final battle in z?
I want to see....something else
No she's not, the Wolf Fang Fist is the first ki attack in the series. Yamcha gains a wolf aura around him.
What's this from? Are we going to see Uub earlier?
Gt>Z, also Dragon Ball isn't canon
new ending leaked pic
i dont think so. final battle was in 774, pan was born in 779. she's 4 by EoZ so we can assume Super is ~4 prior to EoZ right now
what is this
SSB should look really cool in that oufit
hmm... been a while since I read but pretty sure there was a timeskip there.
Wasnt gohan still studying at the time too?
The original gang was pretty cool
>Goku was a fucking monster with his Kamehameha wave
>Krillen wasn't as strong as Goku but was much smarter fighter
>Yamcha had his Wolf Fang Fist despite otherwise being comedic relief, eventually learned to turn ki into that energy ball
>Tien was hayai, could duplicate, and the Tri-Beam would decimate everything
What the fuck happened
looks like the Ending theme for Kai's buu arc.
That's from one of the DBZ Kai endings, ignore
Only GT is canon
Yes, it is.
seeing Majin Vegeta at the tournament just brought back a wave of feels.
Reminder that Buu saga kicks ass
Back when goku had an actual personality
No it wasn't you fucking retard.
Chi-chi had the first canon energy attack in the entire fucking series. Period.
at the beginning it's amazing. after vegeta sacrifices himself the saga goes downhill fast.
Now it's all "hehes" or "hurr i wanna fight"
I mean he always wants to fight but not in such an autistic, childish way
you know it doesn't work that well when you use a picture from a doujin where she's a complete Slut
Dragon Ball Mai a shit
foreshadowing goku becoming the final villain
DB Mai is pure, it's only in that shitty doujin that she's a slut.
I want him back.
What was it then? And why doesn't she use energy attacks anymore?
You're not referring to that magical laser helmet are you?
>see you all in three years
>comes back without Chiaotzu
What happened? Was Chiaotzu that far behind?
Considering how pregnant Bulma looks (i.e, Not at All), I think it's safe to say Toriyama forgot about Bra.
Super apologists still try to pretend Goku isn't any different in Super. It's sad.
>transform inyo a Super Saiyan
well we already saw her having hunger cravings, wanting cake and stuff.
GT had the best opening.
And ending.
Say what you will about GT, the Universal Spirit Bomb and the final episode were great moments.
I don't like GT enough to fondly remember almost anything in it, but at least it wasn't as bad as Super.
Hey did anyone remember what that thing was where it showed Goku himself going Rose?
Threadly reminder that Vegeta is literally worthless
shit goku should have punched that hole through vegeta
>cutting out all the parts where vegeta recovers and slaps his shit right after
Jesus, what a fanboy.
Stay mad Kakarot.
no, we're not doing this again
The Earthlings never progress far past their Saiyan saga abilities. Super Saiyans operate on a completely different scale, and once that stops being special...
Tien only showed up because of his ego. Completely outclassed apart from one move that kills him and just knocks cell about a bit.
Everyone's obsessed with food in this dumb show
The Kai opening and ending are very good.
I used to hate Gotenks but now I get the joke. He's an insane child and therefore completely useless. Power levels are meaningless.
Population control?
If everyone lives nobody lives comfortably.
Plus, even if they wanted to build more cities, every part of the Dragonball world you could build a city has been Blown to bits because they only fight in wastelands
it's nice to see vegeta eat a lot, he used to be too much of an edgelord to be eating too much
That or it will be another Vegeta look alike.
Where did the people on Kazenshuu get that Super Saiyan Gotenks is weaker than Fat Buu?
Everyone, even Piccolo was surprised with his power. It was only after Evil Buu absorbed Majin Buu that Piccolo lost his confidence.
He didn't even fight that form.
Huh. I don't remember Goku doing a x20 kaioken. It's a miracle he didn't blow his own head off
>Disemboweled, chopped up freiza still floating around with 3mil
And this is where powerlevels start to get really really dumb
>kaioshin almost as strong as dabura
Maybe you should update those madeup power levels you did in paint, pedro
0/10 poor bait
Literally who?
what's the right input for this move?
I'm so good at Budokai games.
I have 100% the HD collection and know how to do combos, stuns, cancels and juggles effectively.
Ask me anything.
who do you main?
>Super Buu Gotens stronger than mystic Gohan
>Vegeto was kicking his ass in his base form
>super saiyain form is only twice him
have you seen the xenoverse 2 cell vs turles video? will you be getting xenoverse 2?
when the open beta releases, theyre holding a world tournament.
Frieza and Raditz in Budokai. They have the same cancels as Goku.
Android #16 and Vegeta in Budokai 3.
If you don't know how to play properly and just button mash, I suggest you use a character that doesn't have alot of cancels like Krillin or Kid Gohan.
Why was Bra such a dirty slut at such a young age? What kinda example did Bulma and Vegeta show her for it to get that bad?
Buutenks is stronger than Gohan.
Base Vegito kicking ass is anime-only, and these power level charts are based on the manga where that doesn't happen.
SSJ2 Goku + SSJ2 Vegeta = Base Vegito.
who is the best?
As far as the Budokai 3 tiers go..
Omega Shenron, Super Buu and Kid Buu start off with alot of Ki bars.
Piccolo and Dabura have the best reach and zoning so they are also top tier.
Goku has the most transformations so he can easily break guard, also top tier.
Finally there is Cell, which has alot of combos and strings available. Alot of players main him.
anybody else a lil' sad that vegeta got the hottest girl only after she rode the cock carousel for however many years
Videl, Mai and blonde Launch are hotter than Bulma.
What do you think of Arale in the fighting games?
Yamcha destroyed Bulma's pussy when she was in her prime.
Vegeta got sloppy seconds
Joke character that only appears in the Tenkaichi games.
even that asexual faggot goku got some gropes when she was young and tight
Guess she gets it from her mother.
Purple hair Bulma is best.
perfect ass and thighs
IT'S OVER 8,000!!!!!
C-cut it out! This just isn't my day!
I love how these things always make Yakon ungodly powerful for no reason
so how goes the dokkan battle?
you guys got tur Ssj3 Vegeta yet?
With all due respect captain, this might be a good time to go and get Frieza!
why is Oolong there
>I have never watched Dragon Ball
I'm waiting for Bandai to restore my account.
I hope I get it back before it ends, I have the TEQ SS3 Vegeta.
Oolong joins later in the original Dragon Ball.
Goku already has Nimbus.
That is not the original Dragon Ball.
That is the Path to Power movie version which is completely incorrect by the way
Even though the lines are cringey, this was still a cool moment.
Looks like you haven't either.
Daily reminder Vegeta became an SSj2 BECAUSE of the Majin transformation.
He was not an SSj2 before that.
Goku on the other hand, not only did he find SSj2, he surpassed it with SSj3.
Goku was double ahead of Vegeta in the Buu saga.
Vegeta knew Goku had SSj2.
Vegeta took the Majin power up so he could obtain SSj2 and attempt to be equal with Goku.
Power levels were the best part of the Freeza saga
Prove it wrong
>Goku goes from 90,000 to 3,000,000 after healing in the medicinal machine
pretty sure we're all just hallucinating this thing called dragon ball
What the fuck.
How in the fuck are you going to tell me the kids were capable of completely eclipsing Frieza, even at Super saiyan. That's not possible.
>Kami's power level was 320
>Piccolo goes from 180,000,000 to 360,000,000 after fusing with Kami
None of these support Vegeta was an SSj2.
If anything all these support the idea that power levels don't matter, Vegeta is stronger than Gohan due to lack of training.
The Buu saga is satire. It's a parody of itself.
it's still canon that Bulma has perfect ass and thighs
According to Korin, only a few beans appear every year. Also, they can't cure diseases (like Goku's heart virus).
power levels only relevant during freezer
even then thet were already trying to make the whole act of measuring useless
PLs are not useless, they give you an idea of how strong someone is compared to someone else.
It adds depth. sure someone powers up or transforms, it looks cool and he's confident, but HOW much is he stronger? power levels show how strong moves are aswell.
>you will never get married
Millenials are a fucked up generation devoid of morals, ethics and values.
blame the radical left and atheism
goku and chichi isn't a good example to encourage people to marry
probably the reason people don't marry and have kids in the first place
Still does in the manga
>perfect cell's tail on his butt
what the fuck?
Too skinny, that's a guy in a costume.
Probably because Goku used SSJ2 against him, rather than killing him with SSJ1.
I fucking suck at the game. Feel like an idiot for screwing up the SS3 Goku event despite having a more or less proper team.
I thought he was just powering up within SS.
Don't have Vegeta and the free card kind of sucks so I might sit this one out.
Nail is the strongest part of Piccolo.
He does when fighting Frieza but without announcing it. It was how he went toe to toe with Frieza in the first place; King Kai is the one who spectates this and narrates Goku's actions performing the Kaioken x20 while Tien and Yamcha I believe look on.
it's just goku and bulma now, sad
Andrew, is that you?
Frieza's powerlevel after mutilation doesn't seem ridiculous to me. He was literally surviving on Goku's ki.
> Why was Bra such a dirty slut at such a young age?
Seriously. She was fucking 8 years old in GT.
No wonder people think she's older than Pan.
Christ, I actually read this in Jeice's voice.
Future Mai should already be pregnant with her
>8 years old
>dresses up like that
Toei is fucking retarded
I have a friend who used to play, maybe still does and rhymed off the exact same facts about Budokai.
Well, they are known facts that any decent Budokai player knows. Shouldn't be surprised.
Trunks didn't fuck her yet, but he'll impregnate her as soon as they defeat Black.
> Say what you will about GT, the Universal Spirit Bomb and the final episode were great moments
Sorry but the Universal Spirit Bomb episode was bullshit
> Omega Shenron shoots beam at SS4 Goku. Hurts him
> Omega shoots similar beam to Kid Goku. DOESN'T HURT HIM
Just another example of GT fucking up power levels
Yamcha had the salad, Vegeta's got the main course
>trunksfags have arrived
Only Toriyama remained remotely consistent with them. Toei always fucks them up, for the better or for the worse (Usually the latter).
her sweater is basically pregnancy clothes
> Implying Yamcha didn't sloppy seconds
Bulma's a hoe
Hell, she offered a little kid to touch her butt
shame about geta though
> Daily reminder Vegeta became an SSj2 BECAUSE of the Majin transformation.
False. Vegeta saw Gohan go SS2 before Majin, and was unimpressed.
Because of how weak Gohan had gotten from not training. Not because Vegeta was an SSj2.
He was disappointed because he became weaker than he was when he fought Cell. His reaction kinda suggests what you're saying but it's not set in stone.
> His reaction kinda suggests what you're saying but it's not set in stone.
Neither is this set in stone.
But it's safe to assume that Vegeta trained enough in the 7 years in between Cell and Buu to become SS2.
He was already halfway there during Semi-Perfect Cell.
>Omega shoots similar beam to Kid Goku. DOESN'T HURT HIM
It's called enduring the pain for the last attack. Goku had already died at that point, he was just showing Omega how much he fucked up. Otherwise, that other user was right, the entire arc and final episode felt like a good way to end the series, but I have no problems with Super at all.
> Two Android 17s beats SS4 Goku
> Base Kid Goku beats him in one hit
GT's ridiculousness isn't only isolated to Omega Shenron's fight
>SSJ4 Gogeta vs Omega Shenron
>City is in ruins instead of a being a giant crater
> It's called enduring the pain for the last attack.
Bullshit. How can Base form Kid Goku endure the attack, but not SS fucking Four?
>Goku's fight with Frieza shakes the entire planet
>Goku going SSJ3 causes a world-wide earthquake
>SSJ4 Gogeta vs Omega Shenron doesn't do a thing
He didn't show it. Again, after the fight Goku 'died'. This is why he went with Shenron and left behind his clothes. And remember a Spirit Bomb is the end-all attack for Goku. He couldn't screw that one up, and Omega was weakened at that point.
So you're saying the only reason Base Kid Goku endured the attack, when SS4 Goku couldn't, is because Goku was already dead.
Sorry but that makes even less sense.
In that case Dead SS3 Goku (Buu Saga) should've been invulnerable.
Once again, did you not see the scene where he left his clothes behind? He already died, but got revived by Shenron JUST for that moment. Vegeta even knew. And if that won't cut it, Omega wasn't weakened by the Big Bang Kamehameha when he shot Goku with those blasts.
Yes, I know this sounds bogus, but watching that fight countless times has etched every detail in my memory permanently. Since Nouva, Goku was fighting without even resting once (The energy he borrowed barely got him through).
I'd imagine this would be like SSR Black destroying SSB Vegeta.
But then Base Form Vegeta kills SSR Black.
Considering the huge escalation in power levels, Buu saga characters should have been able to destroy the planet pretty much by accident. Goku accidentally killiing 1/10th of humanity doesn't cut it.
> He already died, but got revived by Shenron JUST for that moment.
I get that part...but doesn't change the fact that, after being temporarily revived, Base Kid Goku still endured an attack that SS4 Goku couldn't.
> Yes, I know this sounds bogus
It really does
chi chi is 130, almost at master roshi levels
she has a giant father, and trains, but she's also a small girl
Ive always felt this was the exact moment at which things began to wobble into absurdity
What went wrong with Satan? Why does he look like a twink in Super
Well he is older. Old enough to be a grandpa.
Also the 90's anime art-style was more obsessed with muscular bros
Now I now what kind of person would even post in Super threads.
DB Fusions USA Release Date: December 13
Animu and mango suspension of disbelief. Character physique rarely correlates with their actual strength.
Everyone looks like a twink in Super. But Satan being a celebrity and growing old kinda justifies his case.
That design was by Toriyama.
Why can't the 3DS get a proper fighting game?
I hate the Supersonic Warriors-like battle system that Butoden uses, and this is an RPG.
Goku didn't even need to go Super Saiyan, he just did it to show that he could make light whenever he wanted to.
No, that was the 10x Kaioken. The 20x one was his last ditch effort before the genki dama.
Jeez guys this is the best manga ever, you should read it.
>Vegeta will never regrow a mustache
Just because Toriyama drew it doesn't mean he created the initial concept for them. Same happened with SS4
I thought he only drew Goku, Pan, Trunks, Giru, and the spaceship they use
> Flat-top Vegeta
> Slut Bra
> Ugly Chi-chi
What the fuck was he thinking
Indeed, would fuck.
the best daddy
Don't drag me into this.
Finally, a man with taste.
Holy shit Piccolo is way too short. Otherwise this picture is perfect.
Why did Vegeta cut off half of his hair anyway? What's the point if it's going to grow back in the same exact shape?
> Saiyans hair growing back
Doesn't work that way, unless it's facial hair I guess
Black is getting ZENO'D
Looks like you can use Kaioken as much twice as powerful than normally put up with
Saiyan saga Goku = Kaioken x2 (limit, Kaioken x4)
Namek saga Goku = Kaioken x10 (limit, Kaioken x20)
Do you think the show will explain how Zamasu was able to interact with Goku in a timeline where he is dead?
Regarding the new chapter...
Remember when the old kai gave his life to goku? If the old kai dies in the future it does not matter because you would need to kill goku now since he has the life of the kai. Black BTFO!
> Episode 62: "Enter Zen-chan! Erase Black!"
What the actual fuck?
Is this really going to work?
that sounds awful
What the source?
Well Goku does have that Zen-chan button that can summon him at anytime
What other purpose would it be used for?
so wait does Super treat GT as canon?
I've only skimmed eps for ass and thighs
No, the opposite in fact.
It's almost as if Toriyama/Toei/Toyataro are trying to erase GT out of existence
Actually just Toriyama
The BoG and RoF movies already erased GT
That's good. From what I've seen I assumed they were filling the space between them as a cash grab.
Leaving it open-ended for infinite cash grab is a better idea though.
GT was never canon anyway though, Tori said at the time of GT's release that it was only a side story.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes Binder Box Reveals the New Villain.
Maybe Black DID get Zeno'd?
Probably just the new Heroes villain after Demigra.
I don't see that anywhere in the thread.
what the fuck
Did the same people who made the GT Rap make that?
What is it with their obssession to make everything DB-related edgy?
That's just the new villain for the Heroes story itself, it's not related to Super. He already briefly appeared in an animated trailer too, and seems to be the supreme leader of the Demon World forces, even above Dabura and Towa.
No, that post is just wondering when the TV guide spoilers will appear and saying that if it's something like "Zen-Chan appeared! I'll erase Black!" he gives up on the show.
Thanks user
Dragon Ball:
Dragon Ball Z:
Dragon Ball Z Kai:
Dragon Ball GT:
Dragon Ball Super:
>Gloating about used goods
Cuckgeta pls
This was around the time of Z(Keyletter)'s surge in popularity. The Budokai trilogy got people hooked, the anime was still pulling in big numbers, Budokai 3 was really well-polished, and uncut versions of Z were being pushed out. I remember recording those same episodes on CN back in 2005.
Product of its time.
These are great, thanks user.
>that DB ED
I like how Bulma was always locked and loaded in DB.
Why are the first 3 Kai endings so great and the others just okay?
Attack of the Saiyans for the DS.
Advanced Adventure for the GBA.
Great games.
Why does he have a tail by the end?
Official power levels, stay mad.
Disgusting, you fucked it up.
I played both of them, they were really good.
What I mean is that the 3DS is stronger than the PSP, but we don't get anything like Shin Budokai or Tenkaichi Tag Team.
Because there is unfortunately no demand for them.
People play DBZ games casually or "just for fun", the majority don't care about a competitive DBZ fighter game with depth. If there was a demand, there would be a Burst Limit 2 out by now.
Like how a fucking laser, niddle and too much food KO Goku?
GT had a grear ending, I doubt Super can reach that level.
Here.Now get off my general.
DB and DBZ
>not canon
GT and Shituper
Hello again, user. How was your day?
>Trunks and Goten 500 millions unfused
Wtf? inb4 mixed race, they shouldnt be able to have that kind of power, specially when Future Trunks wasnt that powerful when Cell came to Earth, and he was training every day with Gohan
Fuck off subbaby, nobody cares about your mongolian version.
Why does he have grey eyes instead of blue? Why does he have a more tanned skin? Why does Videl have no personality?
That's about as strong as Android #16 or max-power Imperfect Cell.
The only great thing about Super is this image.
>goku vs frieza
goosebumps everytime
Why do burgers like edgy DBZ so much? There's none of the comedy bits in that video.
I hope he is ready to be dissapointed. We power of friendship now.
>Final bu 30 000 m
>Goku ss3 30 000 m
>Gohan 90 000m
>Super buu gotenks 120 000m
>Super Buu Gohan 200 000m
>Vegetto 400 000m
Why such a big deal with Final Bu when even Gohan was 3 times as strong as him?
Here is comedy.
>toriyama is great at power levels they said
everyone in the series slides further and further ahead as time goes on and trunks+goten are a victim of this
> Like how a fucking laser
Blindsided a cocky Goku that lowered his defenses
> needle and too much food
> GT had a great ending
It was shit except for the DAN DAN KOKORO flashback reel
Theres a point in the manga where goku said that gotenks was strong enough to kill fat buu but they fucked up
Wrong, here's official ranking:
DB and DBZ
>Mid canon
Battle of Gods and Ressurection F
>Negative canon
GT and Super
I think the point where the series went to shit was Final Freeza which jumps from 2m to 100m
I'm pretty sure a Saiyan's hair can grow out and change, but not to the extent of humans. Like Vegeta and his bangs, kid Goku until he turned 15, and Nappa. It just goes to the same shape rather than getting longer and harder to control (think fur vs hair).
Because plot. Gohan trained 13 years and he gained little to no power. But when the plot demands it FTrunks went SSJ2 training with a shitty sword.
still wrong
Why doesn't Toriyama make vehicle porn anymore? All of his cars, aircrafts, and motorcycles looked so damn detailed.
Actually before that.
Goku goes from 90,000 to 3 million.
Or you can even go back further to the Saiyan saga:
>Yamcha, Tien and Krillin go from 200 to 1,400 after training on the Lookout
>As a comparison Kid Goku went from 200 to 400 after training with Popo
Trunks can only go to up USSJ, which is SSJ 1.5 buffed muscled version he used against Cell.
>zenkai vegeta can beat piccolo or 3 form friezy pop
Poor shitty excuses. When Toriyama wants everyone to job they job no matter what. And GT ending was great, it ended with closure. Everyone had to learn to stop relying on Goku and dragon balls and had to start fighting their own battles while Goku finally was able to chill in the otherworld fighting like there was no tomorrow. DBS will never have the guts to do that.
>yamcha 100,000
fuck off dude
DB manga
Non canon
Everything else
In the latest Super manga chapter it's revealed that he became SS2 through anger after Kibito was killed.
afraid of a little wolf fang fist user?
>3 years of training
>Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien can't even crack a million
Come the fuck on
>humans can't even defend their own planet
sad state of the world in dragon ball
For the same reason he doesn't draw much manga anymore, I guess. Burnout.
I think pretty much everyone wants a human version of the Super Saiyan so that humans can be relevant again.
Or at least slightly relevant. You could have an interesting Cell-level villain while Goku and Vegeta are away training on Beerus' planet and the King Kai and the phone stopped working.
Uh, no, Toriyama made the initial designs and the robots you see in GT, That's all he did in GT.
Zenkai boost is quite inconsistent.
Sometimes it multiplies the power like 10 times, sometimes literally nothing.
How many times Goku and Vegeta had their shit pushed up in Super? They should be stronger than Beerus from senzu beans alone
Speaking of edgy DBZ stuff for America
>What do the kids like these days? Hip hop? Metal? Techno? Let's combine it all and shout DRAGON BALL ZEEEEE!
What makes this the most unbelievable is that Hercule, Videl, Yamu, and Spopovitch were so weak.They're all strong enough to have competed in the 21st and 22nd Budokai, and there are still humans that are stronger running around, like Nam, King Chappa, and Ranphan. I don't believe for one second that any of them would be capable of defeating Spopovitch or Videl.
>a human version of the Super Saiyan
SSB Kaioken
" By contrast, attempting to use the technique with his normal Super Saiyan transformation would almost certainly kill him, which he cited as the reason why he never attempted to use it in the past as a normal Super Saiyan."
So this is said in the dragonball wiki about it but i watched the goku vs pikkon fight recently and i saw him use kaioken in SSJ.
Is this different or just something that got forgotten?
>Krillin last max power 150k
>Tien last max power 240k
I guess this settle its up.
Also 240k is not bad for humans considering roshi was 180 in DB.
They had the training as adults, Goku did it when he was 15.
It was not on Kai, so they skipped it.
But Toriyama didn't make any of that.
Powerlevels stop being a thing after Namek. Anything past that is either from video games, some jump scans or completely made up.
Those power levels aren't canon in the slighest.The last canon power level was Frieza checking out Trunk's suppressed power.
Why do people keep falling for that autist and his lists?
The fight, just like how Yamcha took out Olibu, is non-canon.
The Super anime picks and chooses elements of the original anime that weren't in the manga that it acknowledges. That other world tournament wasn't even in Kai, so it got completely ignored.
>mfw Goku and Vegeta just decide to zenkai boost + senzu bean there way to being stronger than Beerus
>It was stated by Akira Toriyama in Dragon Ball Volume F in relation to Roshi defeating numerous Frieza Soldiers that Master Roshi is “only that strong if he feels like it”.
>Roshi max power mode (often called Super serious mode) in F is as strong as Krillin
Roshi is literally the Super human. He can go up from a shitty 300pl to 100k with this transformation without any speed nerf like Trunks and Vegeta had.
We also need more Roshi. He always was, and always will be, the best character besides Mr. Buu and Mr. Satan
power levels are always a thing, it's just that they stop being attached to numbers officially after namek
fuck you you fucking shipper faggots.
You still going with this, Gohanfag?
So, Trunks goes SSJ2 in a non-canon.
How is this any different from SSJ3 Vegeta or SSJ4 Gohan fan-fic garbage?
not fucking CANON
But Yamcha, Tien and Krillin are already Super Humans.
They can fly, fire nukes from their hands, move at extreme speeds and launch punches/kicks so fast it is invisible to the eye.
>Super Humans
Yamcha, Krillin, Tien
>Extraordinarily strong
Yajirobe, Chiaotzu, Roshi, Chi-Chi, Mercenary Tao, etc
>Realistically strong humans that don't use Ki
Hercule, Videl, Nam, DB participants, etc
ten is not 100% human.
its just me or pretty sure chichi 16yo chichi was stronger than 16yo videl
Krillin is 250k.
Tien is 240k.
Toriyama said Krillin is the strongest, however I refuse to believe so.
For most of the time, Tien is stronger than Krillin.
The only time when Krillin was stronger was during and shortly after the Namek saga, because Tien was stuck on a little planet with a grasshopper and monkey while Krillin was facing super-powered alien warriors.
Tien kept training in the Buu saga and Krillin retired, so the strongest human list goes like this:
0. Uub and Olibu (if you count them)
1. Tien
2. Krillin
3. Yamcha
*big gap*
4. Chiaotzu, Yajirobe, Roshi, etc
Roshi in F is closer to Police officer Krillin which should at least have a 100k pl remnant.
Chiaotzu and Yajirobe (both around 1k powerlevel) are on another fucking league than regular Roshi, Videl, Satan, Budokai human losers and Tao.
Shut up Zamasu
Go watch some Godtube
Chiaotzu is 13,000.
Can't wait to have my dick sucked
samefag cellfag
>Waaahh nobody took my bait!
>L-lets try astroturfing!
You missed me?
How long until Vegetable gets super buttmad that he'll never beat Goku and ends up turning evil again and killing people?
Goku actually had multiple Zenkais there. He beaten the shit out of himself & swallowed sensus when near death. It was very risky, he nearly died multiple times.
What the fuck makes you think I'm a Cellfag, user?
I want Cellfags
Toriyama didn't design SSJ4, someone else did.
Pre-Vegeta Piccolo occupying the "facing the other way for the group photo" slot there.
He designed SSJ3.
>It was a actually a different user
>Now you look stupid and angry
How embarrassing for you, Gohanfag.
Do you have that image what I'm looking for?
>Bardock standing/Goku kneeling looking in opposite directions
>red/blue and bardock past villains and goku current villains in the background
my childhood poster, thanks.
Cellfag getting salty, time to put him in his place
>white haired villain
>just like toriyama mentioned in his interview
>looks kinda like gowasu
SSJ3 with "short" hair looks so wrong.
The best part of that movie was Hitler.
Zamasu is the white haired villain you dumb fuck
>ten isn't 100% human
The Three Eye Clan is human, and Tenshinhan unlocked his third eye by meditation. Please go.
Oh, and 18 year old Chichi could indeed destroy Videl.
Where the fuck are you getting these power levels from? And they better not be from those images in this thread.
Toriyama is my neighbour and he told me so.
So, has Roshi been training the entire time, or has he always been able to match ultra powerful space aliens?
If so, why the fuck did he job against King Piccolo?
>Son Gokou
>Tenshin Han
All my favourites!
How the hell is Roshi anywhere near as strong as Krillin? I know about Toriyama's explanation but if that's the case then why didn't Roshi pop up more often?
Sorry, I'm still confused as to why Chiaotzu and Yamcha (really Yamcha) were left behind, when Roshi and possibly Jaco are weaker than them.
For a mere earthling he was still able to hold down Cell
>Tien is big as fuck even though he's about an inch taller than Yamcha normally
What's the deal?
He probably kept training in secret.
Piccolo was able to destroy the moon more easily than Roshi, who had to use a full-power Kamehameha, so he must have been weaker than him at that time.
Roshi got his "plot" strength from power of the Immortal Phoenix.
The one that got sick from stomach poisoning
Once a gag character, always a gag character
Why hasn't anyone called Freeza a lizard?
Where's Vegeta?
I hope DB Super will get a decent ending.
DBGT had a satisfying ending.
Krillin looks like he's about to knock the shit out of Mr. Satan
I'll be back, Bla bul, bluh blo bol...faggot
Goku abandoning his family and friends forever isn't a satisfying ending to me.
>tfw Goten says he is sure he'll come back
Burning in hell
I hope it doesn't end at EoZ, it should go beyond.
you are probably not in the thread anymore, but less population = better condition is a common illusion created by the unemployment and marginalization on current capitalist societies, social issues happen due to how the system works and how people live their lives, despite looking like some people are just remaining excess, that is not the case and you will still have the same problems with more or less people.
Taking the picture.
back when being a super saiyan meant something
I also like how DBGT tried to give those Dragonballs more spotlight.
You confused DBZ with DBGT ending.
GT had great ideas, it just doesn't excuse their horrible execution in any way.
Why is Vegeta mad at Piccolo?
From his ass.
They forgot Piccolo.
my uncle works for dragon ball z he told me
What power level is the candy form of Vegetto? Was Vegetto so strong that he entered the realm of cartoon reality bending?
400 billion compressed into a candy.
tfw this episode gave me this strange fetish
if dbgt was 90% trunks, pan, and goku adventuring across the galaxy and ended with the shadow dragon saga it would be the best thing in dragon ball. the black star dragon ball saga is just too good.
Stronger than Ultimate Gohan.
If only Vegeta killed Cell but nope he had to let him go perfect.
>that DB ED
>that second DBZ ED with grown gohan
the feels hits hard
Krillin is also to blame for destroying the remote.
>that extremely low resolution version where you can't even read the text
>having this shit even on your hard drive
Absolutely haram.
>Trunks, Goten, and Goku
Fixed your typo, buddy :^)
I'm glad my childhood never gets to see what they did with future trunks.
I liked the english ending for DB. It was pretty comfy. Wonder why Funimation doesn't do stuff like this anymore like they did with Dragonball and Yu Yu Hakusho.
You don't like Future Trunks in Super? Why the fuck not?
This image will never fail to make me lose my sides
>m-muh childhood
Fucking nostalgiafags
They dubbed Kai's opening and endings
He is now a faggot like GT Trunks and that he even appeared in that piece of shit that is Super devalues him as a character.
>look how I'm adult now and watch the same cartoons like back then only far worse unironically
>le super is bad meme
oh fuck off
I didn't say it was bad. I said it was a piece of shit.
>cutting out the cutest member
but then it would be too much of a power level circlejerk, and would be missing the damsel in distress. though I'd still watch that.
>damsel in distress
From the how current Pan is coming along, I doubt she will be anything like her GT version.
Nice Dunning Kruger syndrom you got there.
>hurr im a faggot that lets muh slut childhood get raped by anything
also, super is pandering hard to trunksfags, they're doing exactly the opposite of devaluing.
All Pan would be good for is using her body to feed deer, as they lick her all over.
But I want to watch adult Gotenks' hijinks
super saiyan by age 2 I hope
tfw there probably will never be another dragon ball skip where the kids are grown up
Seeing him in cancerous animation isn't devalueing?
Seeing him in the middle of that piece of shit story isn't devalueing?
I want to molest pan
Superfags are delusional.
>Seeing him in cancerous animation isn't devalueing?
If you wanna be a sperg about it. Him getting the spotlight and being relevant more than makes up for it.
>Seeing him in the middle of that piece of shit story isn't devalueing?
You can't be saying the old DBZ "everyone acts like retards and lets the main baddy reach final form" was any better.
>You can't be saying the old DBZ "everyone acts like retards and lets the main baddy reach final form" was any better.
Cell arc was by far the best arc of all of Dragonball and Trunks in it was the most reasonable character in all of Dragonball too.
You're both retards
t. retard
Fuck off
post more getto mems
>DBS Future Trunks is a faggot like GT Trunks
Cell's saga is by far my least favorite one. I find the first half really boring and almost all of the important events happen because of other characters' stupidity.
I really liked Vegeta's sneak attack distracting Cell, though.
These memes make me hate the words "when" and "that."
Dude you wish you were as funny as ifunny. Where are your memes you piece of shit?
Cell saga was good until Cell absorbs 17 and 18. Then it gets boring as fuck.
Why isn't Chichi included on the shot? I know she's on Goku's other arm.
I especially like how these replicate the DBZ experience in that most of them are just shitty filler
Tienfags are spoiled.
The USB was ok; not great. It felt great because everything else was shit. And the final episode was great only because of the nostalgia trip. I couldn't care less about what happened in GT, but when you see Goku's past, all those flashbacks and that song (Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku, as faggy as it is, was the best thing GT had) and you say farewell to him... man, that was hard, even if GT sucked. Back then we thought that was it.
The thing I hate the most about GT is Buu having Uub absorbing him, just for Super Uub to be a jobber.
That one got me. Poor Yamcha.
Are you dumb?
Yamcha fucked Bulma first.
Vegeta is a cuck who got used goods.
That's not what cuck means you moron. If Vegeta fucked Bulma while she was still dating Yamcha, then Yamcha is the cuck.
when you about to drop the firest mixtape
They stopped dating a long time before Vegeta even appeared.
They broke up around in the middle of DB, but Bulma still had feelings for Yamcha (hence she crying when he gets killed in the Saiyan saga).
Tien is a triclops.
Krillin is a dwarf.
Yamcha is a werewolf.
Chiaotzu is a vampire.
Yajirobe is the strongest human.
t. fat fuck
He has kinda a point since Yajirobe is confirmed to be the human with the biggest potential.
t. cat with stick
Nah, he's not the strongest.
But there's more to life than strength.
Based Yajirobe.
Fuck you Toriyama. Why do you only randomly remember the best medicine in the world?
All this old school art from Dragon Ball Z was amazing. It's a pity that they don't re-scan the originals and release it in higher quality. You can't even make yourself a wallpaper for a 1920x1080 screen, at least not a decent looking one.
>In an alternate universe, Krillin gets caught off guard and killed by a Saibaman
>Yamcha goes with Gohan to Namek
>How Asians scream
>How real men scream
Daily reminder that Dub > Sub
That is true but that doesn't go for the american dub.
So to summarize power levels:
In Dragon Ball people had hundreds.
In Saiyan saga people had thousands.
In Namek saga people had hundreds of thousands up to a couple million.
In Android saga people have millions up to a couple billion.
In Buu saga people had billions and billions.
Vegito could have gone well above a trillion if he went SSJ2 or SSJ3.
Now the question is, what is Gogeta and Broly's power levels?
And the strongest humans are stuck in the hundreds of thousands level. About twice as strong as the Ginyu Force.
Piccolo, the eternal babysitter.
Gogeta is somewhat weaker than Vegito, but still stronger than Buuhan.
Broly's power is maximum.
SSJ4 Gogeta is leagues stronger than Vegito.
Broly's power is minimum.
Gogeta = Weaker than Vegetto. Still stronger than Buu
Broly = Weaker than Super Perfect Cell
better that than the eternal punching bag. do you think piccolo likes taking care of children because he won't have any for himself? poor guy.
>mfw listening to this while watching these 80's/90's DBZ artwork
Also thanks user, you encouraged me to hit the gym again.
He can just spit out an egg if he wants a kid.
Oolong and Puar can shapeshift into anything. They never use it in Z to help.
Piccolo can grow into a giant, never uses it in Z.
Tien can turn into Machamp, never uses it in Z.
There are some complications that could stop them from trying those sorts of things during Z.
Vegeta's kill count:
1. Casually killed Saibamen as a kid.
2. Genocides and massacres on entire planets.
3. killed Nappa
4. killed Cui
5. killed Dodoria
6. killed Zarbon
7. wiped out Namekian villages
8. killed Frieza's soldiers
9. beheaded Guldo
10. broke Burter's neck
11. blasted Recoome's ass
12. killed Jeice
13. squished Ginyu
14. blew Android #19 away and saved Goku's life
15. killed several civilians chasing Android #18
16. killed half a stadium full of people
17. killed Pui Pui
Goku only killed Yakon and Kid Buu, that's it. Vegeta's son cucked Goku by killing Frieza.
Vegeta, the eternal badass.
Don't forget after Frieza saga that Vegeta went into space looking for Goku and in the meantime he was killing Frieza's armies and outposts.
Garlic Jr. filler, but still.
Piccolo not turning into a giant is because his power doesn't really increase with that. It didn't help against Goku.
Tenshinhan... it's just because he's generally heavily outmatched in Z, so fighting in melee altogether becomes pointless. They could have used it in RoF though - and I guess he could have used it against Nappa after losing one arm, in order to charge the Kikoho with two hands, rather than only one.
They dated again between DB and Z, but also broke up once more (Bulma is complaining about him when she appears in the beginning of Z).
Most of Goku's kills are from DB.
And yeah, Vegeta is the winner.