Gintama (Cover, Lead CP, New TV Anime Announcement) Boku no Hero Academia One Piece Saiki Kusuo no Sainan (CP) Black Clover Yakusoku no Neverland - first ranking Shokugeki no Souma Haikyuu!! Taketoritsuki Monogatari (CP, Golden Future Cup Entry #4) Red Sprite Toriko Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san (CP) Sesuji wo Pin! to World Trigger Love Rush! Kimetsu no Yaiba Samon-kun wa Summoner Hinomaru Zumou Takuan to Batsu no Nichijou Enma-chou Isobe Isobee Monogatari
Shounen Jump Issue 44 Preview Cover, Lead CP: Haikyuu!! CP: Shokugeki no Souma, Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, Nigai Bongai Barabarjura (Golden Future Cup Entry #5)
Wyatt Long
what replaces Kochikame?
Hudson Sullivan
Why the fuck are they making another Gintama anime so soon? They should've just continued the other one instead of ending it.
Lincoln Foster
> Gintama > New season > reach 400 eps anime Holy shit.
Christopher Reyes
>Yakusoku no Neverland - first ranking
Fucking nice.
Austin Peterson
"Pure" Ranking 1 My Hero 2 One Piece 3 Black Clover 4 Neverland 5 Souma 6 Haikyuu 7 Toriko 8 Sesuji 9 World Trigger 10 Kimetsu 11 Summoner 12 Hinomaru 13 Takuan
Landon Fisher
what a cluttered fucking cover
Jayden Long
Probably final season. They'll end it along with the mango
Brandon Turner
Hinomaru Zumou ranking that low is rare.
Easton Bennett
Gintama (1-201) Gintama' (202-252) Gintama Enchousen (253-265) Gintama° (266-316) Newest Gintama Season (317-???) *Will end before climax unless Gorilla ends the manga in the next few months So Gintama is probably going to need 6 seasons if Sunrise wants to just finish it. Fujoshi fanbase is kind of scary if it can keep reviving a series.
Hopefully Sugita doesn't go bald before he finishes it
Carter Gonzalez
>Yuragi getting all these color pages >Sesuji is gonna survive >Neverland is now the editor's new Samon
I'm okay with this.
Owen Hall
They can't do it in one go because they kept overlapping the manga.This ain't Naruto OP bullshit.
Easton Turner
>10 Kimetsu Please don't die.
Grayson Cruz
>Yakusoku no Neverland - first ranking Great beginning.
>Kimetsu no Yaiba >Samon-kun wa Summoner Please live.
Brayden Garcia
Avg ranks of the 20 series that were ranked in the last 10 weeks
02.10 One Piece 02.82 Boku no Hero 03.50 Black Clover 05.11 Haikyuu 06.15 Neverland 06.59 Yuuna 07.93 Souma 09.29 Hinomaru 09.39 World Trigger 10.83 Saiki 11.22 Kimetsu no Yaiba 11.57 Gintama 11.84 Kochikame (fin) 14.84 Sesuji wo Pin 15.25 Samon 15.56 Toriko 15.81 Nisekoi (fin) 17.80 Takuan 18.13 Bleach (fin) 20.00 Mononofu (fin)
Angel Stewart
Once again, the first seven placements seem to be arbitrary on the part of the editors. Neverland was constantly placed in the bottom half but its first rank was in the top 4. So any Love Rush or Red Sprite fans should relax until their eighth weeks.
Aiden Long
Being this retarded has to be a talent.
Nathan Allen
>Kimetsu no Yaiba
Which chapter was that?
Ethan Perry
>Gintama gets another anime
Jesus give it to someone else.
Leo Nelson
Neverland at 4th! Fuck YEAH!!!!!
Isaac Long
>Giving a shit about JUMP rankings
>Eiichiro Oda revealed in the latest volume of One Piece how Weekly Jump ranks its series:
>Jump does not order the manga based on popularity from the week before. It's true that popular series are in front, but the actual order is decided from week to week by the editor-in-chief.
>Basically, it may show the postcards do affect ranks, but it's mostly up to the editor himself.
Colton Nelson
Everyone here just pretends to care about the rankings. In reality this thread is about discussing WSJ manga.
Isaiah Ortiz
More like about shitposting and watching retarded Herofags fight with other fanbases.
Every thread.
Matthew Russell
4 new manga from Osamu Akimoto
Brody Lopez
>newfriend he said the it depends on the mood and he was talking about the magazine mood not the editor mood
for example Isobee is always in the last place so the magazine can end on a happy note
Charles Robinson
They seem to like Cloverfags a lot
Isaiah Hernandez
>Giving a shit about JUMP rankings
Well yeah, because the least popular ones get axed immediately.
Ian Hill
>Gintama (Cover, Lead CP, New TV Anime Announcement)
Please tell me Sunrise is returning and the old director is back at the helm.
Joseph Russell
>here comes the name dropping faggot running like a clock
Ryan Fisher
Liam Miller
I wasn't expecting more Gintama anime, I was really sick of that shitty serious arc by the end of last season but new comedy episodes are most welcome.
Nolan Brooks
told yah, I'll stop when attention whores stop
Jaxson White
>Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san (CP)
Nicholas Wilson
>posting sample
Ryder Sullivan
Because they sell like crap, regardless of rankings.
Josiah Gomez
He's literally the clovefag. All he ever seems to do is go on about how much Herofags argue with people while also trying to start conversations about BC and then blaming herofags when no one cares about bc
Colton Jones
Gintama has kept loosing interesting ever since the big stupid reveal that the sensei was the villain and that Kamui trash the story to oblivion with his edge.
Hudson Davis
At this point, they might as well finish adapting the entirety of it.
Nathan Morales
You now realize Gintama will get it's final arc animated and Bleach wont
Daniel Hernandez
For people wondering how Takuan is still still alive, as of this week Takuan will be at 19 chapters. Volume 1 had 7 chapters. It didn't end this week, so it will have 13 yet uncompiled chapters next week. It needs to get to at least 21 in order to fill up volumes 2 and 3, for it's already too late to fit them in just volume 2. But volume 3 wouldn't have enough to fill it up for a couple more weeks.
Luke Green
Bleach might in a couple of years. By the time it ended, Inuyasha's popularity had similarly cratered years before and peak Inuyasha was less popular than peak Bleach. It still got an anime a year after the end. The only problem is it's probably going to be a short adaptation like The Final Act was.
Kevin Brooks
Called the anime like every same person. And Rakuyo arc has plenty of humour too, so it's all good. Maybe they will even finish it in the same go.
Liam Diaz
they could always include old oneshots by the author to fill the rest of the volumes
Hunter Baker
Didn't think of that. Apparently there were two one-shot versions of Takuan before it became a series, that should be enough.
Joseph Myers
>Gintama (Cover, Lead CP, New TV Anime Announcement)
I'm ready for the weekly threads.
I hope you accompany me
Dominic Price
I thought it's Black Clover getting an anime and Gintama getting a live action? So this is a different one? What the fuck is happening.
Caleb Ross
I'm glad that neverland is doing well.
Wyatt Murphy
About Gintama
Seems like the live action adapts the Benizakura Arc
Luis Clark
Gintama is getting both a live-action movie and a new anime.
Black Clover is currently only getting a Jump Festa OVA. Those almost always lead to an anime, but the actual anime will be given a separate announcement from the OVA.
Oliver Harris
Based Hero Aca.
Ryder Ramirez
This manga is all right when it's just doing fanservice.
Aiden Ortiz
Were are the user that said neverland would do shit
Jack Watson
Eating crow
Josiah Bell
>Toriko comeback out of fucking nowhere Space arc confirmed.
Ayden Parker
I loved the series to death but after the Shinsengumi Kondo death penalty arc I just can't continue. I know the author is wrapping the series up, but I want comedy SOL hijinks with my favorite characters.
The last year or so has been all serious chapters one after another.
Matthew Anderson
Goddamnit, Benizakura is not that good of an arc to get like 3-4 adaptions
Daniel Wood
Neverland debuted at 4th place huh?
I doubt Red Sprite or Love Rush can do better but we will see
Jayden Martinez
Wait whoa, it's ended?
Jace Ward
I heard Hinomaru Zumou debuted at 1st, so that doesn't mean much. I think Neverland will stay popular though.
Lincoln Butler
>Ranking for the chapter from 7 weeks ago >It's this one They felt the power of Bara Wings.
Ethan Martinez
I think neverland and red sprite will survive But love rush probably won't
Jose Roberts
Ranking is what matters. By ranking well Hinomaru Zumou managed to go over 2 years.
Carson Clark
Owen White
Cover for this issue
Connor Gutierrez
I think it'll go like this too. hopefully
Noah Reed
this faggy tumblr art man it honestly makes me like deku
David Morgan
they look like a lesbians couple
Gavin Murphy
did we ever get a confirmation for Yuno's sex?
his sweater shading make him look like he have a breast & wearing a bra
Noah Long
Yuno's design a shit
Joshua Richardson
>Sesuji wo Pin! to >Samon-kun wa Summoner Please survive
Brandon Adams
>Sesuji wo Pin! to Stay alive, I know you can do it!
Jaxon Kelly
That BnHA boobs chapter right?
Luke Thomas
Ugly shit poor BC Yuno looks like a retard.
Jackson Evans
The power of boobs!
>fanservice is wrong confirmed for feminist propaganda.
Grayson Morris
I just got into kimetsu no yaiba recently. Nezuko a cute
Please survive
Easton Reed
You can pull through, Kimetsu!
Liam Cox
Hinonimaru Sumo sells like crap but survive purely because of high ToC ranking, just because editors influence it (which we already knew already) doesn't mean it's not important.
ToC is not meant to see which series is more popular, it meant to see which series is the healthiest. The top will receive things like more color pages/merchandises/anime etc, while the bottom get axed or ignored.
Connor Morris
An autistic cat is fine too.
Jack Cox
>Eidlive anime What
Xavier James
Nice for Neverland. I hope Kimetsu manages to stay alive.
Camden Baker
Sesuji, please don't die on me.
Ian Perez
I don't really know, the manga doesn't even pander to Alano's established audience.
Sebastian Lopez
>Yakusoku no Neverland - first ranking Great going
Lucas Ward
it's one of tv tokyo biggest grossing franchises
Connor Campbell
>Kimetsu no Yaiba We Dead Space now.
Nicholas Lopez
Neverland has no real competition so I bet it will survive for a while. Love Rush would do better if it was a romcom instead of going full fanservice harem with chapter 3.
Zachary Jackson
So Black Clover is getting lots of color pages in an attempt to make it more popular, not the other way around. Got it.
Tyler Mitchell
The first chapter of Neverland is really strong, but the others do not have the same impact. Let's hope.
Brandon Jones
It was announced quite a while ago.
To promote JUMP+
Austin Campbell
True. Hopefully, they'll get to build the story nicely and have the time to show more impactful chapters later.
Kevin Jenkins
It's not that one, it's the one where acacia eats center and neo and becomes a monkey. Nips like acacia I guess.
Mason Mitchell
Yaiba is the new Bleach
Dominic Watson
>New Gintama anime season Will it be garbage like the last anime arc? It sucks they skipped some comedy arcs, since those are preferable to action arcs, but if they're going to do the serious stuff at least do it well.
Landon Parker
Asta looks fine but Yuno looks like a the product of deer/human sex.
David Gutierrez
But it's the early one everyone knows so they gotta shove that into everything.
I know, user, I'm sick of Benizakura too.
Isaac Perry
Hopefully we'll get a better director this time. The last anime season was the only time I thought that the manga was overall a better experience.
Chase Myers
Well we're getting that love potion OVA... soon? So I think they plan on adapting everything, but I guess they just wanted to do all serious shit for some dumb reason.
Brandon Brooks
It's the first big 'serious arc', so it kind of make sense to start a movie series there. If it's successful then they can follow with the Kyubei or Shinsengumi betrayal arcs.
Andrew Wilson
Looking forward to that, of course. What else was skipped? The one with Kagura's "boyfriend" or something?
Ian Wright
I think so, and a couple other smaller arcs I believe. I saw a list on MAL at some point and didn't bother to save it.