Why do japs love to smoke so much? Hasn't anyone told them it's bad for them?
Why do japs love to smoke so much? Hasn't anyone told them it's bad for them?
Smoking is on the decline in Japan
Japan is on the decline. Coincidence? I think not.
Only luxury many could afford in post war Japan. Casio started out making cig holders rings that allowed people to use up more of each cig lmao
Anyway that screencap is from a 70s show. Minors smoking on TV now is a nono. They censored Jotaro ffs.
They think it's cool.
Then again, they are all 5'6" tall shonen lovers.
Yes yes, smoking is (((bad))) for you
People with lung cancer were smoking at the time, in an era when smoking was common
Japan being the healthiest country in the world has nothing to do with it goy, you need to quit before you get a hole in your throat and black lungs.
iirc it's japan that did the study on smoking to begin with
Japs love to study
Your post gave me cancer
>Minors smoking on TV now is a nono
What about FLCL?
There's been many minors that have smoked in anime. He's just retarded.
You screenshot is from an old anime. I might as well pick an 80s action film and ask the same question about the american people, nowadays.
It doesn't make sense, you know?
Or just watch more anime.
Do you know what TV means?
Titty villain?
Toasted Vulva
Two Vibrators
>that purity
Ya gotta suck on it, Tomoko, to get it going.
I would need cigarettes for anything over a 30 hour work week desu.
FLCL was a fucking OVA, not a TV show
Secret nobody is aware of: smokers are aware it's not good for their health
Twilight Venom
They love to smoke and love to have sex with loli
Secret that smokers are not aware of : its bad for people around them
Secret nobody is aware of: your waifu is shit
Why must you turn this thread into a house of lies?
Secret that (You) aren't aware of I don't even have a waifu
>Let's drink all night
>(Of course it's not alcohol)
it could be worse.
Americans please, killing oneself is also a freedom. Be it actively or passively.
A lot of them are aware of it and couldn't give two fucks.
>Believing in the american "freedom" meme.
They literally have laws prohibiting them to go and stay where they want within their own country.
I fucking love Ashita no Joe.
>he fell for the smoking is bad meme
I don't think japs love to smoke that much. Most of the time they're crushing their fags in the ashtray while they haven't even smoked half of it. It's got more to do with cigs being a symbol of manliness and about blending in...
Getting nuked twice was also bad for them but that hasn't stopped them in the past.
What brand do anime characters smoke the most?
at least they're not China
I know, but I'm trying to speak to them in a language they'll understand.
America is pretty much the only country I know where smoking is frowned upon that much.
A loli did.
Nobody cares about your favourite underage 2D character with boobs, pillow hugger.
She is probably centuries old.
I don't know either. It seems to be cool for them. I've known minors in Japan carry cigarette packs. Sometimes, they even ask me for a stick sometimes.
Alas, american freedom is but a husk of it's former glory. You can thank their government bureaucrats for that.
but it looks cool
Red Apple
Because smoking is just that cool. Cowboy Bebop is the coolest anime anyone has ever seen, and everyone smokes in it. Coincidence?
So is engorging oneself in food until your heart bursts.
Everyone has some bad habit that might kill them later in life.
Canada is worse. You get more dirty looks for smoking a cigarette on the sidewalk than for smoking a joint
I would say this did stop them pretty good.
Twin Velociraptors?
Terminal Velocity
Is this supposed to be post-Cred Forums irony or something?